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Prepared by: Prof. Lizamae C. Ong, RPh, FSCO

Abbreviation Latin Term Meaning
ac ante cibum Before meals
bid Bis in die Twice a day/ 2x a day
cap capsule
Gt/gtt gutta drop
hs Hora somni At bedtime
od Oculus dexter Right eye
os Oculus sinister Left eye
po Per os By mouth
o.u. Oculaus uterque Both eyes
pc Post cibum After meals
prn Pro re nata As needed
qd Quaque die Everyday
qh Queque hora Every hour
qid Quarter in die 4x a day
tid Ter in die 3 x a day
Ad lib Ad libitum Freely; use as much as one
aa ana Of each
ad Up to
adm ov admove apply
agit agita Stir/ shake
am p ampule
am t amount
aq aqua water
a.l; a.s Aurio laeva; aurio sinister Left ear
A.T.C Around the clock
a.u. Auris utrae Both ears
bis bis twice
B.M . Bowel movement
Bol. bolus As a large single dose
B.S.A. Body Surface Area
cap capsula capsule
c cum With (usually written with a
bar on top of the “c”)
cf With food
com p compound
Cr.; crm cream
D5W Dextrose 5% solution
D5NS Dextrose 5% in Normal
Saline (0.9%)
dc; D/C, disc Discontinue
dieb. alt. Diebus alternis Every other day
dil Dilute
d.t.d. Denture tales doses Give of such doses
D.W . Distilled water
elix elixir
Em uls. emulsum emulsion
et et and
Ex aq Ex aqua In water
Fl.; fld. fluid
g gram
gr grain
ID Intradermal
IM Intramuscular
inj Injection
IP Intraperitoneal
IV Intravenous
IVP Intravenous Push
IVPB Intravenous Piggy Back
m cg microgram
m Eq milliequivalent
mg milligram
mL millimeter
N.M .T Not more than
Non rep Non repetatur No repeats
NS Normal Saline (0.9%)
½ NS Half normal saline (0.45%)
p.o. Per os By mouth or orally
p.r. By rectum
Pulv. pulvis powder
q.s. Quantum sufficiat A sufficient quantity
SC Subcutaneous
SL Sublingual
stat statim Immediately
supp suppositorium Suppository
susp suspension
tsp teaspoon
tbsp Table spoon
tiw 3x a week
top Topical
TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
ung unguentum Ointment
vag vaginally
x times
ss half
c or o with

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