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Venture A Retrospective Piece:

By Helen Woodham

Intern Program
My story
I applied for the Venture Intern Program 45 minutes before the applications were due. I did not think I would be accepted,
and even if I was, I was not sure if I wanted to be a part of the program. In spite of my doubts I applied anyway because I knew I
would regret passing up this opportunity. Looking back on that impulsive decision, I am so glad I applied for this program because
through it I have learned so much about myself and what I want in a future career.

Through this program I was paired with Leisurlist, a company located in Bentonville that focuses on what residents and
visitors can Eat, See, and Do in NWA. During this partnership I learned valuable skills and worked on a variety of projects that gave
me insight about my future career. I am thankful for my partnership with Leisurlist and the Venture Intern Program for teaching
me about my passions and ambitions.

MY experience M y 5 To p Ta k e a w a y s

2 3
I am a very project- I enjoy working around people. I felt valued by the people I

oriented worker. I Through my internship I worked with these last few
realized that I enjoyed worked with employees in months. If I ever had questions
being able to solve management, sales, and or I made a mistake they showed
problems and work content creation and marketing me with kindness how I could
in an environment and I realized I enjoy learning improve. They also allowed me
where I was not from individuals in different to explore multiple facets of the
micromanaged. areas of work. company, which allowed me to
learn about my passions.
I loved being able to This internship allowed
me to learn how to operate

4 5
work in a company
a variety of systems and

where every day came
with a new set of programs. I did not have
tasks to be conquered. exposure to many of these
I realized that I do not programs before I started
like consistency—I loved this internship and I am
thankful for the opportunity
the unexpectedness of I worked a total of 165
hours over the course
start-ups. to learn new skills. of 11 weeks.

What I Did and Learned 22.4
My official title was
Leisurlist Business
Analytics Intern.

I spent 22.4 hours

commuting to and
• Established and wrote articles for the series “From from work.
One College Student to Another”

• Used Adobe design products to create content for

company social media accounts
• Worked with Google Analytics and Google Data
Studio to analysis site traffic
• Used Hubspot: CRM Software to pull and create
Getting $2475
analytic reports for clients

back to
In total I made
$2475 through my
• Through Matchstick CMS and Contentful CMS internship.
created event posts on the Leisurlist website
• Took over company social media accounts to

the basics
post content and host “A Day in the Life of Helen
Woodham” event
• Interacted with my coworkers via Slack to
The Stats
streamline communication

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