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'- ' :r-rI :irr ,'REGD' NO D'L'-330o4/9q ' l "r, ll; r : ; \ril

of &wffia,
'tt -


. 3TqTuT((r


l J l

| r;1i1U.a* -iAnf"n-Seclion 3--rt-rw (i) 3-Srb'sectior (i)

. =:i-.

= = :-'-


no. zzsl


r: : - - : 'dq?dtr ', r ' r -

s' MAY 26,|?g4IJYAISTHA re76 NEw'b'Eitrii,THURSDAy'

q-ffi'{ir. t,qrq1 a{t( fHi i rrql( + ffit qr (Fs''.tt't c<'ti r< Q .ffifi, L-i +1r*q r( zn (fr r'z t'J4l[q1 rr,{ qq dn fq- *:-ffq r<r,r<, rF<r<. 6,r.<rr''t s-( i r-'F rrrn * <rqq?r rr<r *fq-( n'i.; e*at I fT{rrr'i qr LJ ffi{qrerq kFffq ffii, <rfr+tq 6Thri' +;rftqrdR Tr(rnr rrcnT( {,T?rqJ,
trqn, * r6rurar crq +-r.trq, rrrcdfq cffiffiI tsrFfffr rrtq i fific rrrcdrq rqu f=ffirr dTqra, 3rt( G dt-nqi rrqraj qi i;-'ftqsz'r, r, <r"rrqrfr(.. qFFG qI fs-( fqg<fEarffi q'rql?r rrctq i pr , ' tc t Filqqr crcd d, c< il'i qAr7.n ct( { ?r c';iu fqrm fqqr r,i a15r fofi qrfrryf'5 u-; Trdcr,fi qT r.r'ie,fi rr l sisrrrfo+

._-f='a s* ce lf tr/;ir: < ql6 lrrr/crio 5' llel T6qfar<,r{ zo'

I l J
l l

Er<t zs + Frq c'ff "+r* trffi trm, rot' art (*) * q'il'te rrEdmai {s (i) ott( lis qfr.r<r fnur g-n err<rr+gerr nur..+cn'rf<<-< qcsrFrt rr'Hi, fr Erd ; q+tr + d tg ilqT fr'rt<qr r'<i 6l firaic 3ff( ** trifi

Fr-rFrfuakfurq r{rfi a --

r. rGrq tnc art( cr6{ : ( r ) q{ ftfr,r{i rT f{rcn sfts-< (lir-n f{ {rcfr'{ ffif,ifi qrrfi 3in qr,iafi nraid ('dT arr<rrfire rtlrri I d risr *i'* mtEfi firair) fffi1s, lesls'ATqrq qn 2. sqTlfr zrqca fr r+rvr;T cii fr{ir i i 61t r z a-grtt : i. f{f;r{c z-f,rf;rqff, *frm' qrqT'r[; qtK {rfi-or4, rr-1 .ry,iq-f,t, fft+i'

r. qftrilqrq: q{ ffirr{r i q-q,Tr xifira q et,

fr qc ar fd tr<r

(r') "*lufmt" r;r ati rFrq rrn-frq6ffi6 fsr xr .{ ftc{ fT{ q, 1 987 ( r s s z 'n {E"n sz) ;



1I ,

q f;fi+ i <c (r) frrcn tt)s't ry q1|<T Tj (r) "fr:rra' nfiri" <-'rrti { A f-i i +i *"#i ;'';*;;;q kq eq T6 {qu trq{r< * T*i" "nnsrtrn ri"r'i.x,,ffi ffi r ctqn fr f{'dtifr !f"T *r1es flt'-' ii';r "'E t'l ql (cfifi e. ctlelr.-t"l tii fiigqfzi=fii't4' (q) "srrr q.d" 4-;r,N a '+-. 1116 'r1' aqFwrrlcd q'T * q< tq li.f, fr:nen :n'T?,i 1+1ai' ,, arcr srfq-d <E r'l rircR
clrt'1 G'{Fr A'm I
" jlnl

fr (u) "a{r+srFrd +lkq" rl q,i t t.ti q-{rl {<t n?.+(.Irtrr cTK ffiflai fvP.rr 'rrrfu a6ffi ilqr {lkd '3rt( tcfr ' dgn.rnfir.Ttr : r'"'11".' n. zrrqgrflq'f,t,Ttq 61tqrs{r * frTq

q'tfalar+r+crFrfi{'I,'tqicfac'otac?qfrciltlT t irqt qr qir+lr * hrn ;fct +'?'rn 7' !iG6'-('r) -'qr<+rFrn{'r?rd + ftq ftisr

F 3TrqT 1I-* ."; f+q crit r

K3 {fqfil T,ftlFo

riq-ft cr ertkqldtffiti -srrl' Fqe *1*','' 'h;'' rrq'fr fi rq srfr qTg,qr-srFr+rrcc fi tqrq-+ra1 e-lrFe rfr fr crq'frr
qf,rr'<or qfiri{Tq' 1860 (z) dmnAc qf*rFrrq' 1882 ( r eio' rt {redr 2r\' aqm qtl; t t:1 (tssl i , ,., +'r *Err z), -qfafaac' rqrci {'r-fi { +i FEqr 2s) qr rr7{ n- ffi qmfr "O trrq fi '-qrrfi qTrrflq?T + ffi ;""tfi* s<r;r r,tfr t q'r*' l99s (l) qft r,d arr+crfqq c-'rrd 3 t q-.{Fq tTf fttr'jr gq F{Fffq t rf cr'sfic-da

fr til 5t'PeFra-Cl1rs q.-I ;,

ffi fr

A, -n,,"\"i *i'*t, # 'fr FlTfd T.*.,*3*T frqt(q t

t'tqr ; fir" gffit + fe qrr tg T*^ rrfaaqt'if t toq o,+u,n-"q t E'ct qiiqrfi {frfd rqrfr rffi n frqfqfi{d rqg{ ?rrr:-

( u) qftcra aqTamnffi T'T?rc qT ancgrfq-f,

q-i' 3i{qfil cl (t;q (a) cw ri fqffi6rfi qrq,-tlt {T.rI1 arrr q'rfqa ft-'qr fsr':rTforrrr z)1 (m) ri'iF,-a rtor + il#iit -q?< | frt fnrq * q'fss 'Ten(r) dnrm fqa r;t g-ttifq +^*lo crq" qr cftm sna r ai qtirnFfT ql fdqa rr{ra f5-o. "rrcn'ir e1.g1 qr Flhr* q' (f) uifur ncs * uSit rf<< fi zr;q rq q< a re{ E1,'6,rq<fr* qnfi I {T{T1 {tt arfqa fh:TT



c-f,rf-{ sMt

1 il-'<r ffi

ga fd"rqi .* e oi dq<, +ft fr fr'Tid A' r{ ft.-tr1'dt { Tu-{ lqrfq-t r'r'?n dI ffir'<rr tr'n trd{t{q ra at * ffi:l| T{ {;ri" ri frn qrcs i ffif t E4lqqrfrta ( l) rfta<. fi ayfe + Fi-{T+''tdt qt I fr +tt rql +r# t rfc'd {tf f{'qr arqtn qrr-rrT,q +'nia n5 fun fir$t 1 m

|"t rp-;i {rcira ci fdFl q an sti il6 T-r'{Tr'rf't r{rcflt ( l) tfrfc r+rq-crfirnrltq ^i,]^Qfi ooo {'trit'f?'t i fvIFI *q-l #e + hr{ *. q{fit f; t qer (< q; a1r zrar Erer]i F'iq drn

(r) qe (q),(a)',k (:) ti qtl

ci.q r
O tlftt lt-nrrt; tr(i')l')l
;1rmafii r 9 t . r.t qnoT.yy''i:



gw* i fi{llErflr r ",,:,.)

'fT'sfqf( st{d t Qt'*ds,ftrc,'ldil<ret rr< +sr

wra I

qd .+r:ir< Kiu',ilr(: ft'{ F{Etficd Fnqi'rn'fc'<

mi (s) f+rfr anqilflq-r st'rq' * YffiA+ -drnqTf{+' Frtq} +'<i t qrrfm,q{ t crtm q{ T) fsq s1tr {tt,'r5w fratf<a fs'q'trrqil FFfr ?qr.rrrfrlfi lnr cr"il FFq.ffi <tt fnurglr ch rr,q ge+i i frskq t sfqfa qc fEfr{q'i +' -ffifz'a qzJ c;i s{rl il <drft r sfqftr rrcr{$' t t {fi toit t ,'iti'ft q'ri rra't ?-rfrr *i-fool

nr irrc'tt tait at< iqirc gm iiuftor +t'ii r

qgfli qrq trrqfi'si't 1en) rr fqtnl Grni rrq nqi+q 're ei qd t +Tilc'i znq-df * +qrqffi#"ds st iql wrrrq'lfrl qqJ rt zrntq+mqr




_ ,:


( e) sfqla ara ft:rrcd {r s'{ed *t( + ferq g4uif<e g"r r''4qa41,'dtt rn aqrdsriffi+;rqcora t f+fi q-.{ ffir< +it3l<rr{frrr <rftr, fffir rff rrq t il{d iErwnI . ' r' ' , '. ,: i' I qt n FFq!ilq {IiT ( z) zqntrfq-{)rlaq ftrarr rilri'ir tr{fuil wr cr-6q'tqt rm frq onr {rT qftrq eq k iira {!-Fi +i S*ir aeic cTtilrrit 61 frcr wqn +trn r flt {ffii +15 Ed t f:<rr*-a C't rrre: rr fs< rrfla.q iti'i t{try{ fi tfHi rd {* qr tFnr< + fc< A {ffi wa fuq crqi r f, qirdtffifd rrqr filffTd qdq frfi h q-dtrr{ :qr<fifrF {oF rrTq Nq t .qFrsrfm #s c-fi t zn y5 cc ir rin * fqq qTifi ra qO qriFrd ttrn r 56q rrfiffiTfr 6r<r qt fiir{ ti-gqtrq .il.rdt'*'rilr'fg rr*a ra qr{filc ftq qrqt I xivr * f{q rriEr'c-d * sr* cerq nfb-{trfr rr(r ifTd FFq!nqi, fifit' q'fi RilT ElTnfitffit qrt{tr ftifrs-{r A'n f{ *6fa:rger Eq fi qrrfi !i-T( .n xirr ilEilr t fi ct{t ft 9".* rft qa f,ia eqr<rrftr+rr.tqi * frq 6r'rrI (z) ecrq rnfhrrfr qr *rR qrfr st'n fus{ si{r eq g+, tn+qe s,,t at'n r skn t cr6.q't.ft -fqErqr r,r g.t attn .{k s$r.s ctEI fi ffg{r, tr'tffii *' il'g, vr* etR, qear adrdgrfrdrr'rq rrc rrcil q-'{ ftq qri nil 5+, af;liFr q'rtq-msrfr 3{'11 f sqrr rrnlTrfr sRe rffi t dt{i"jf r<-qer, qfi1ftrq, rszz (le72 fr (qr (l) n@ zo) :r f,Ed rrfoil Erq.Fqr ct<e-( qfiq-.r rnftq r+Yr r{Err, FR r{( dfirqlq r<r'.n tftg r{T aqrq+' r +<Tr-I

'.,;-(l) arr+srfu{ nrts rr Effisrfiffi rr.lgt tt qqmif * r+qr qftqf{ e,6 *sr f'tf{Tfr Tt ciq rfteil ef{d rin rttxr q-< srsrfte 6d rr 'rrr<Frfzr+,.rr*q fi qr{Tfiffi rr.Ha *' rr{Q .arct tr( sTTfitil tTTHrisR t, rr (s) c arrmrfqr rrtq, cr6-cT'q rnilq qiit6 6f wffi t +i c-{rt rfctre qqt "fq:vrct qfre" nfre frq qg s;r-* frF+rq t eq-f:{Fraq(t) * lmsq Ffirtficegriq t qrqn r< 5 qrqt r iTq q-crffsfil{rl qqi "qcrir cG" 6i.ft. *< va qd|<' cr<Tt It qrqfl r d trrfi s'fqft ar<r F.nrifiK rier. ?i *. fttg frTr< e | (g-tr -r,tt 1 ord ,+'r sfl 4t-dET ilq r<gR TvFrIrqrur( T( lsrr qi\qT i{nk' fr:vre+'qrrA q-< fwn qrqn I cr{tn{ +} EtEr( (o) ffiaq 1101 ri a-'qzn qr ffir q?q rfir( ;Fr fa t a.1 s.ri r&ra +ter qr e'f h:g1' srrr1-i ql.5 q'ril-* lrq tt'n t (z) scHffiq (s) r rr+tnfr r rPn xw Erdi t ir g+ rr-r< yl'r'q q<t d"rn rt wrq;1, ss[d ffi v{ <tc{r { q-{r r,r't rirr qflqrr qiiTr{ q' Ei f t, fcren rgss ( r+fi + |tq {tqr qfi (qrt ricr c-fren c{r qrgrfrt (u) rram qFi<s tf,Kzr.qrri ft:qer q'r-41 at< tige+ qlral + fcq w,m rfr, +-{q qil( qA' t f+ qm q.rfi t firg sqtr( {er i{r E'mr I rirird sT rsuq r n] ft:{er qrr6l {r 64liruTfd'fi -qraintrr<iE n$il ffid t *in + fflq rri q.4 : .n- rrd qM +r cra {r,rr 1 (s) anr rrfErr0 rq F{f;rrq'l * 43r<fr:{Ffi qrr{r ett q5 iFI-{l t <tfi fkq 6(Ed rrr+fi ca rrrdfilil +<t, rfren sqrc'{, qf< c.t{ il,rlqrtc fqnrq cr{r+qi nir iisrcT {* firi, cftonq :FfrttFT, i sra] t {Fffi sqfi qr fsrqd fq-fiq 6q6 r'tn qk Efr fffi$r t' ra-sn s'rf {,ttn I ( r o) rin * ferq rTri<< ra rrrcfar n'<ir rrq sefi rrfirf,rfr anr w.rO * tn*-{ +1 rifrq fafq tifrird +1 wq'fr ct{ TFdqFdq + rrq n}t sTi'-T raf f6-{r crgln I qra rT ,rriar. F} qri t rr< qmfrrtr ftfbild q'r f'r<a arai +t fcfitrdi r'l q<a 'Fei-IT * fcq rficn g* il '4tr<qr lkqr qrr'.Tr t id(ft r frfir m u Rfcirci "T<r c'rfiffirfi errr frftq^e fHl src'Tcdrr+'t sgh s6q rrf:ffirt aq-fi e=Er1rr< 'fs'dtcl fr rtn6 c +,ail f,q at( gst Trsrt{ + qTtrrTqI fhfr1 arrq-{riTfir,rks q qtq t 6}'rn I qd' Ttt qr wl{i r zn'iar q"'rrifaq fiTfc wrq d qrfi {, wfefaqq 1 I * a-6clffi' il ffrrfq-d i6'l fi qiirn t vcfrc*n'i c c?irn c-{r ili fdffi

qn'r* t @r-(t) Q,wrfr.-.*

. :.


..: --




lc I


l XtTT*}i'ki;;**iH.H

rr :*,(rr) ffinf :TL1 ffi"'-:ffiffi #"#t*; 41E 1..'1('l'r.'; J.$'kil#'WigT**,# F." dT{ -d *h roai <( ss ritqn
qT(q I "6io ralr f6q f' tr u"r 6414' dcrr i rffiT (< ( r zf ftfr<e cqeTrdt



l ,-o ' S t

3(i)l [P'rr't II-sEc'i _J:T:'^-:-;

\ F

g rf, l*. garrt5r #-T* H1i*"H

, n * u . t * + e . f f i * r y i f K q d fi t "']n'r *tl*


r" fn'.n t'r xfii c cfildz ' '" ' ' ri +, crq-rrq fiqr.-q f i',t t

*Tr r.urr're i:,:LGT{qr+v.w', r4I GTru ftren.'rl ilCfr il|[||


:En.of* 11 i,r,oiur crr6 at<'ol* ;5i1 A-t*rt,".tol *tfzo-Ij -drgrir. #I"';-'# "iE*{ "o:*r,t 1 "T i-<r

' rt 'Ei'rrqi 5 'si<u-r I l' EJ 'I ftT x-r,<+ ttt o f{{Ror n "f(q-{' ,i se l"l"i' crn' ili rl rfis ri'it I -i or***


i rFr ,nfm dfl i

*##m**nTl*;JH#t l

s-<'t o E"'

ari r?rrrt'T rz qi.oT',i*:q< *i st 'J.T

*ru+,fi cfr'q''- 1<1o:ff ^+r qc ,o*"'



Um;-; <r T ag 6r 4d'c (rr) {<-.<{ ftran "'rr dr scrq"kfqsr{ qr{ q ofto-. :y T :rF(, qr6q=rq'i^qr *.?ct t a6q-fq6 **toi qT6{rrq.{ 6r{i''c i f.1q t arq ** <. 6ffi

kq<f'rrrq 'irr\r' o*i a'r< r$t-:rrai fI i) qat : rfa +r< arrqs'i'It 13' 'r$K{ I. ** t i#o.,ii + agul t T::-*ri *tT.ttI *mi. aqRsrfqr *-: aK #.o ***,-T,


ffia*jtffi-H*****; (( c
sfr crsK
}f q-* m{fta s' {'.dq'


n a rrqqqddl

ruui r,"n,,t+ot wrlii rqq oi. 6Ted,i *r-;i <-rtn t

-*q* $-<rq

=;;*'nloia< [(. w' r-r/huTl*;*'#i:tf5j:]

o*a *rito qftq-< a6ir+r fvrerr



f.l,"njg d h faq {q(I


frq qr<+r?r +'rcr frfi aqr<srfqr; 6rq-src. ':rn-ql'a datfr

oi a-'u leri i faqirq 3:"''t-* rr< |
i n<sr t c?a t, un .o"Yt +?, g-1*'sR{.?I' oo cq}T{r*rq, +,1e sYtI.'T'qiq"rrffd mk t rqfi 3{t( {t{u.*{i rr dt-ara'

(i)] ireq [aqqr ffiqq z

^m qrir q-<ci,, torfrc s' cT}rKc1 q'lQ \\ 'r. b' ' {rdF6
rifqrd rirqta :

) , , 10. c-i{u.o,F , q.i t q?qde{r ifEffi (r) 1994.9- fvnn efh.{rd '*" t, g- cier dco{r.; -ffi+r grqrq
qfE smc Hclr crqi *i"#'1=t_tri

qa{-xa sfqfrre ,i"<r-qT( r. ir<, fc-{c cErn? stq' +-lli$rilrq

H r*o*t* J ;;:H S '*'q" (( (cfi 4{rd o^F't!-,."".o'*.1'-"; "HT-: tfa* rf=flT-{ r frs
fr f{q sffi{qr< *q q-(


dtt'r rcrciq +i q'rlr+| g fafirfin

q1q * l*"-=*, *" 4"rr " rit +;sr ""

rr TT .rrqr,.fqsri 1 czrrtltrrdral s cfsrerq { 'r*wi dqtT.-51,

qFtaic-( q'Ra-t{rrqr

oFre Trn s alun

Tnc'{"'ia *; cq,m,T7-r t aererzr+dEi{rrJrirqn ssd.laani rrt c$i'r r ar;,fir;r r.aqe (,:) scfar{qq-(r) :.flT

s rrftn

1 ;l ;ft];f

zir '\-"'\rr '\ qtIAI rT '{ {rt4 cEer

t';1s'a'i ri ftq m 1r4 *o, qG$r c'q'rd{ { h q\ aI'|r I 'iF' {r;r''i 6"'mr"c an rrqi(4 ^irsc'{r{';r +t I zn+'frw a'ra,fqai

*;*H?5:i#I; !"'Lt'H
:I': i-.S* +^t qql trrt n ra"rJ' cts qK '.'q sfq'fila'r

o*T ( c) ca{r-rri K(r i1 Tr. I ylo' groi fcft(c r ao


j /-qrg lt: :-(rr :r ( i ) lr' '
I - ,


( ,{t:,.

qTiF( <q-lcr{..fd 'cql.:t . . . , ..


for scc\

1s frr slT ff{ql . t1.i qrfs fl t. *r<"f ck s{rr-ti, fffi l" qt( fffir'qrdl I ofrtqrfi, .wgfrrir'<* 1* '. .,t TECI{NICAL '..-t-, ^LL INDIA,,co.\ ro4 -t,orjuCertgl.l,; i
. . . t :

^\ s'3o.''"'.''.' , p.$t:fl ry-gii:Effiqti,^*r oi,.iauiit,nrtrr

palurcot ' (d) ,'fccs" idr relatioo lo'frcc ::*^::d fccs ancr sc46, means';'tp*"" iostitutional i n c l u d : st u t t l o ! ' . 1 c 9 ' , vtrich thc scats--on (c) "frec scaLs''ntcalt.sthc picscribcd for tlc 'ls fecs Payiroru;-;;tt thc coocrncd

Govcrnt'ot iitiiiltrc;-


State; ^i-1o; tht -tt-* on wbich (i), 'lpuymetrt'seats" higbcr iiltu'6t'i"usuntiallv

thct." p"yiil"

r':' '' !t


,,'o:f. l-"t:*$[it'g;'3Eg h:fl.ltP't iget-152 ''; thc or.tra?)'

f:j#"'$ fr',l#r#nt, maxttiitl'roiri*i& hcrcby.
norms ' and gtuccunt"t f;;;"htrgrig
, , . : ' : i r 1 i ' , ; ! . t : " : t ' " t ' "

L' li;ii'it"


cotr' 'Powcrs-

of tii;; r*J.Prole'slo sff!l*x;{ni_ssie E s:*H[ :-to' 5ludsnts

frxing ry4ltions and fec tlition

' don -a lotrutjt"l'ptii''"tt unaided cal institution' of a-profesliou{ 4, Conditionfor cstdbliihmcnt or in{i"iaul, rnn' c-omt)an7 N9f . ."i;g;;jiit q319 t"lL-l' orherboclyo, ,o*"'it'u"1''ilG'wharci'er of t-bcsc rcshall, on and t'oor t-ttc-"orruucn-3emeut a profcsional b" gulacions, pcrn',,ttil:to--'-fra[riiu

I rc ;ffiiffilb;"iXi;,,,ljil[f. ilq,_irlll tcchni-

than for fec scats;

tr-<'ri-of prolissio".tl 9lI i nistra er*F nrcnt or f$ilili"ii'#lli3"ru;; ;o'6ri"ionarco'eges)adnr,.g,tt"-tl--*dc5a ih: SocictiesfUt'q: (2 Rcgisrratton bv a socicty 1882 or" ftusts ffitsftrl,,,nt'Jt$l:"o"1t"^{liii-f of Acr. 1860 (2t of eo-,-ibji-tte. t;f-At' or undct t?iol' 1882),the wakf.

collcgc. Short 1.. il* ;-"'i$u.i'ff" irT'uio'1"'-.ffi1,? (2) Thc Council.s{rll grant 19-l::^t3,fot qs13$[ishrccs sror


li'"o-d into lorca on the datc (2) TheYshaU tlcir p-titri-bgfgf thf o$piut $azcttc' ilt




ap!'licrl'artsand crafe aD9

taw,-if any,in forcein a State' a correslrcncling lb" r''Fitttttionof' t3) Tbe Councilshall canccl the.aforovatgranor as thc casc nray ii, iiir'ai"* 'bcforethe '."lqautiltugi ted to, a professiontfUu-;-g" -of -=iEgula.tion that colcgc I s'^if I'il. uilirir fi i ^i itipulatcd under *f,oitiqol docs not conJorm;l;9 day of lr'lrtre'' itt'itt;idatii"-Jn oi Gfo'rc thc 31st 1995. or shallbc.establishcd cottege (.1) No professional

lndian ;;i;;"i-ih" ;i q9':'cl'u?'imior' I'T'3}f,*irlg""":H;*.i l1.o-'1n ' i\ of Mana5. Admission:-(l) f.Juii[i;sl,

of Institutcd: J*tihrbs


c sta gl-amm rtcd coits r,!?,iiil"ii J aJuiitioo. c

of upproval ihc,Council'

r ilt'li+ri*m+;:i5q;tTi';3ffisb$:



for The - nuob:r of scats shrll bc colleqc available'iri admission cillcgc shaU "^fiorcstiooal 0,redby thc councii';"d';;-;;;6siio*t cxccptby lf'"l;-t"tt ca.pacity bc pcrmittea,o "nung" by the approvalgrantcd thc councll' ;;;s tb" ttst'nql..bc' thc -tJ.w gradgatc adtit. part'timc Dost 'any (2\ Thecompclen-tau.thorirysballnot makc ntissionand *ititilothertbal, disciplinc to a c'untc p'lfioffiei'in cours., ot riliiitnt,'it"^ irte i'tuotoiic .v9art!el+' startedor ciffii"i'ii'"n. r'"s -bccn maxageorcnt or a profcssioqat regulatlresc in uiolation'ofthc Act and cstablished 3.Definitions.-fnthcscrcggtations,unlcssthc tions' rcqulrcs' costestothcrwisc shall or-programnrc bc to (3) Adnrission a course *tt'ich-arccitherfixcd limited to thc nuttti or i-ttt of scatsthat cxistcd . bv the Counciloi'irtt ;;!;; shall no aclmission : te8?); biforc th" .nacrmc"i"r iui ett irnd cnhanccd' with' thc tJii! *diti-nivc -bcco a Govcrnmcnt bc madcfor ' adthority'-oleans of aPProval the Council' (b) "connpetent ;;ft; as aut'honty o' i'tuii"ifiity o1.anyothcr sballbc madehY thc compctcrtt (4) No aclmbsion l prof iona tt"i'iib"ta gt !n'ccogn^r:c'd css io 'e.^authoritics

(a) otJllin,9""lllt:i 1^1i",*i.tull?,.,t1'




lrk I . 'i'$".y[':ff[1""'ff] j:J;:lHffi' of-rtriitJrr=oj ir c', r to 1 vouse cxanuDe stuocntradmittcd;to unaBy3'"ffm[,;]*- -f.{'i;:cascmay be, insrancs, or as ^thc *i*i rgualr* i.,irr"-i.'1" thc oumbcr an :t.u u,l.qar1d:;ffi.Ii,r:.s:= or prorcsioo.r'.-J'[rg;. lrgniscd unappro".a fccs for oory I a-pro-r:sfffi*!i;ll'S"i.-.,.H*tiltlit ftIT 1.^,F::,,-(rl ,q,i,i ror Tu,jl*_*q
or aly dc.o1c-lcar-fgq ybic.lradq,issions;*rall madc.r,hc bc

to''Exbmibation _ :-l-'I.o Uqycts.ity,''Board--


lpr1r u-Ssc.,3(i).

I t

shallbc detcifrinc<I a srare'i.cvcl i tal .collcgc 6y nmittcc.

I ..: . ir Q) Thc C,ouncilsbaUconititutc a standing C-onr-


ii:.,E:t,ru i to t[c Ceiririi fir;


Th: standin! comm.ittcc'shau"cdgsist 6i ttiJi"ui'*;i!

coUigc or classof professional collcges, thc cascmay bi. a.9

i ::.,j.-o',_.::l,lqtt fix cciling 1hr .to by d .f*_.n.''r individual.cou$es i profcssionat

'191.,::P-11Tli ti .individuauy. :Au-ffiiiciiionsro; adruisionsto all the t."ts

.raitgUtcli'iuctr ..lf.g.; shall.bc. callcd for Uy lhg gr!-Jt.i'it Gulnotity.,tfl," application forms

' tionsI 8. Procedurcfor allotrne-nt scats.-{l) of No proroq applicationsfor admis-fcsional "ort-"t.-rtroll-."ri ; *

standing commiucc. ;:-r-

i - - l
t ----

mbcrs :namerv

.-. ..e

. . t o b c n o m i n a t c d b y , t b c S t a t , e . G o v e r r r m c niliiii,!!:iiifr'!fi1f,:'t'jd1,*'*i,*;il;l; tithrec.proies'i.oo1i..-ou.s.:., 'Tecfrnical (ii) Secrctaries, Dcpartmcntof Ectucation and^Departmert Financ.'of rhc of - --- -' ';rcspcctivc stati, cxomcio;

(i) vicc-chi'rccrror a iua starc, .or university

thc't :""r'.fff"j"iTlflg?,IoTr1Jffl. *ikl;ii?',ili I ;;rr

. t -


i"r.a bydrc i

l rLg u,' i e


i '

(iit 1y_o ccol?n'l'J1.9,'i'rp.,t,accouuj,i gg,q tarcv with bac*ground

ancmg,to b: nominatedby the Council;

' frlli, ' (2) Ihc cJmpqentaurhoriry'shall issuda b,rocburc cgtila-ining -;hrJl applicatiou tti-ii.-r* form for admissioo. i jtcs i rne urociurc " lcontainfull :particblars rbc I of
!\ ,aul -'hc r
n.ll! t

of lnstitutiona! fin-

'i i

(iv) Mcrubcr-Sccrctary not belo' tSe ra'k of Joint sccrctary 6r Director of thc ttii.t-

ffiiu,y ditioni and such otler'parucurarsas may bc dccruccl neccssaryby the compctcnt authority. '
uudcr -ot ,*$il lrc-co*ilr T-i;r ,ulje-*titccls Acl tgTz (zo of.1972), irriu r".^Ji";" l';*rcnensrvc cnrancc i'crucrtesr (J) Archirccrure courir.urc4

cu.nptoi."i"ionai?1t.i;-,0;'Ti;i.;; "lil:i*f .&qt#i"T:ffF::tl?r,lh;,:T; .on_



' _llf ,,

tivc S{atc Goverameng bc nourirt.l"fuy to thc statcGovernmeni'

threeyearsor. at such,longcrintcrvals,.,i if,. i"rn:

(4) committce uneppjllt_rt lll'il1;:'ii:'?#"1'"f?.0"I$,.,1":I;;ii:tTi;il;jtrr rhc to -l!* gj", orprorcsfienar . corf'r"*:t*{*'#ll ,r,"-g,o,p :"rft"'ilfl{:1";?t%":"J,hfr',i:''-'il?,":Ti,3; od othcr fccs.'Thefecs shall bc"ft;d onccin cvcrv
ttee think mav appropriatc' .oJiJ",Xt,fi'tri.:ffi::rf,'#T#ffJTi
I f

(3) Ttrc nrcmbcrs^referred iu clquses(i), to (iii) l (iv) 'shall hold oftce for a perioo or irriiiiyi'.ri m the date of thcir nominati6n.-

lng aplrtudc tcst on an .all India basis. ,, (a) Th: a,Jnr,:sroas rnir.Drge'entcourscs to slall be on-thc basis oi test includins aptirudr "otrance


::;'*e!;!i *l ::! H i,ir;*:r'* j,,'," #; gu"[-bc 6l',rduy trqsccanoioalis?fr-o'r* "nt "xi ::91#,'ili.TJffi'l! by srandin! prrthc ,'ll'ii',ui*l:l':li ccmoitiec
rctioning' com'orittce titc iie.ircp:g:^The shall

,,Ji)o*l,lai"::':T11'i01o,,, i.'l,s]i; ^,rii;#"5*# ;'r i ;;';,; ir ;'';t:: B'i::iiflil".oll.g:: qlli*'5il#-,Tr".:**rH'#;l: ti


refcrencc thc invc'stmcnt to t-id" LJ'uettrminc il'rc :s accordingly' while calcutatins rtts, irt::ii tl'tt rrpenditurc thc collegc of ;;d ;dilta i : ncxt threeyears.

jt".iT'[.,',iilf,J],:i#*f&iilLi!;;i:l*li ,.'$"ii i::liTlf;;'*;"'.'iHi.iTl,* *'?**l'

:srobc charecd p.rli,r.",i.r ",tj: fiF,"r;;,:?fi"?*.-o b,,.i ;:*{i;Tj: #i"1:"fft,"fi,*oi?"ralt'L:i,n'.i*l:,;t1l ,o,L',.',


lS,',, as orhcrwii" r,iiii,;ruiro) f-"ia=J

(7,).A commoo mcrit rist, in accbrdancc rvirh provisions subrcgulation shall preparedrhc of (5) bc front
a co,omoo cntrancc cxanrioatibn

(6) Tbcre shalrbc no.Fanagemenr quoraor any otnlr quota wnaaocveieither. seats'orpayment fiec.

basis t-h, orrrcc as-ii sears. ",..

cr rvhnlgl'gr nanrc may. Aii;J; t,; ;;;;;; ir^bd qed by the Comniittce ib;-;'free scar or ::.'t1l.:j,"(jpaymenl Seat.

^^ivcfront the 'studcnt any ittrti p;yntt;l;.

(6) proressioual be.,',11.9.1:,.:No collcge. slralr ,xffi15"H.1,['."ff#1ii;h1#tTffii:: -hcrd, rnrount,

ini sbart bc iljo .ro, ,ornissi6_ro_-bc snde from rhc acadcnric ycar1995. lcil

tfl, rrrre euti"'ioui'c ror'the ",?:.,!ql[1f'il,i*#"il"J]:Llil:,?:i1'1:i,1lJ:,i',*#3f3,1*'j;:[o',,ffJ. comrucnci"i'i'ii'i',ii'i$. ::lll;Xii Ji,#fi'l $il'r**i,,:T;;ii:,"i#


'(rl/7lr'[::llti r i r T t _ . i , . l ' , i ' . , . ,: ' ri ' : . . , ] , i , f i qRa sT <rqqtr : gETerf.{r




,zb.uthority.lo_offe.g any- profcssionalcollegc or seat to lhc candida(eother. t!* hl options an? as per his mcrit. Oncc thc last datc--ofallo'tment of Jeat i., ;";;; the vacancicsstill rairaining rnay bc filled bv thj -includcd. nurnagemcnr out of tle candidatcs in th; fst under sub-regulation [7). _(ltt In case of rcchnical institutioiii wuch lie affiliatcd to an out-of-Statc affiliatinC tody, td,*; in such institutionsshall bc iricluded-in Oc icats avaitablo in rhc Statc in which the instiurtiG E-;bt"tIG located,_andadmissims sha[ bc maa" Uv th";;;;. tcnt authority of t['at Statc in accordauct win [n. proccdure spccialized undii fhii regplation. (12) Each-profcss-ronal collcge sball iet isidc oiic . r-rcc.6:a! and one payglcn! scat over and .abovc thc ru(eq_rnraxccapaclty for each coursc or Drogramme and shall fill up such-scatswith tho nominees-ofrhc -alioti.A bcncficiary Stqres_ w-Fofr |he seati miy be to b,y,!hc Ccntral Governmcnt. The bcneficiarv Statcs -t . shall nominate studcnts,strictly on mcrit bdib ;'; \c mcrit list preoar:d by 6cri for this purpose. (l3l.Evcry year in thc Month of Dccember, the ^ Council shall conmunicatc to the compctcnt auihoritv for each State the name of approved rirofcjsionai foi'_ legcs, the naurei of the couisis or piogrammes and numbcr of seatsfor each co,urseor'prdgammc f,red !f 1t. Coung! for making-idm-issionif6r cvcry acad.cq.ic year. -Thcre tpfn Jhc com$tcnt auifiority shall proceed rvith innidnE oI rrpplilations foruu.l professional collcgcsand nunider of seats for thc c.ourscs proEammesonly and for making admisor. thercto srons - 9. Rescrvations.-(l) It shall bc opcn to a prolessional collegcto providc for rcservationof ,.ntr'io, :andidatcsbclongingto weaker sectio'nof socictv in 'the rccoidance with thc rules of Cihtral Goicrnment rr tbe State Govcrnmentas thc casc maji De-. - (2) Adnission to rescrvcdscats shall bc made on hc basis of merit. r 10.

shallbc fix- (10) n last datc for allotmenrof scars cd by-thc compctcntauthority,while-in"iting apriUc"'madc u-ons admission, for and no dlotmcnt shall-be attcr thc last datc rc fxed. After making the allot. gents of scah thc waiting list shall bc followed fo.r -radoi Ti"g.up for any casualr.Ecancies dr+o,ut o.csalsilg aflg-r allotmcntsarc firialisdf Ihc vacan_ thc cicsstall be fillcduntil sucLdatcas "lay bJfred by the ^t_o1p.lgnt_aurb_oriry. be opcat6 It shaq

selccred :Y.l^br !I.a..rp by candidarcs.thc by rhccomaurtronry the basisof on coinhonmcrit ,ry5q1. usr. -ltre candldatcssclccled ehall,, bc distributcd ,.,cqually frec scats *cU as in prym.niil;; in -as ., thc-ordcr mcrit.The remiinintffty'pcrccnr of enati' * q|l$ yp py themanagcmcnt suc6minoritv oi rcch-. nrcal tnsutution froE the candidatcs bcloosins'to rsv rv tne minority comnruniry rrrJTast-ir-"ilc?16 on : (2) Fifty pcrcentof scats pcrniitted bc fillcdby to 'iniiiiu-ti-onr thc minoriiy' and tcctnicai undersub. (t; bclween 1_csulation staU uJ:-iquarrl-iiir-;iurea rree ano
payment[eals. (3) Aftcr completio-n admissions, each minoritv -of technicatinstiruddnslsnaU- ;;i;;i; -prrrid;il;i 6' th;-;#;."r.r,,


Os oorndtcni

students admited under this regutition comoc_ tcnt.authoriryshall verify rte cJnecrnes,of O, i.tat-nrcnts.and if- any irrcguiariry is noticed it shalt catt upon rhc such institution to rectify the same. (1) Tle compctinL autlroiity shall colduct the vcrincauon keeDrns v!e.w. the objectivcthat the in of miir.o rity technicil instfturronsare cqually committcd to prornotc cxccllenceof{ rhe instituiionj as a vehiclc of generalsecularcducation. I.J.. Exemptions and Relaxations._TheCouncil , snau .navc thc-power to issuc clarificationto rcmovc any doubt which arise in iegard to implernentation of theseregulations. 12. .Furnishing o-f .inforrnation.-Thc compercnr authority sha[ firbish inf;rmarjoir--'o, irru*, in rhc mattersof admissionand lcvying of fccs to the Couucil bcfore rie 3lst Dccembef of"evcry 1rcar. . 13. Withdrarvalof approval._If a profcssional col. legc conrravcnes any of'thc. p.uiii*I-oi *,.ri i.g,. lations, the Council may-witfiai.; iFalproval afier.

authoriry rhe.sLatemcnts coniaiuini 'Thc frU


' l

of bcing hcard.

malin_g such. enquiryal it ma-y .oasiaJi'"lpr6piaii and. aftcrgiving lrofesiionat'cottile opporiuniry the an

, l

INo. F. t-3iBVr;ccFlpple4lB.H.-1041
Y. N. CHATURVEDI, Menrbcr.Secrerary, All fndia Councjlfor Tccbnicalp/ucatioo, Ncw Dehi [SceRegularion Z(5)J ANNEXURE ITEN{STO BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT FOR DETERMINING T}IE TUITTON TEE ANID OTHER FEES TO BE CHARGED BY A PROFESSIONAL COLLEGE. l. Salarics including dcarncss allorvance oiher and allorvances bencfitrofmcmbers staftof tcachios. and of

. .


including cost 0f officc 4. Contingentexpenditure I posf{gc;- tclcgrams, tclepltoqes, advertiscstationc.ry; :and mcnts. ciectricitvand witcr, .healtti care,.sports ' cultural activitiei, expendirurc on vchicles, .j"ily




journals.., '

of books, for acquisition 6, !,ibiary expcnditure to audio vidcoandprint matc'rialind subscriPtion


of and-adcfitign ios' modernisaiion ?' Rcplacenent, tic. cars and buses, t*m.ntJand-eqtripments,









r .

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