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Philosophy of Education

Jonathan Ryan

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 202

Dr. Vartouhi Asherian

March 13, 2022



There are 5 philosophy of education styles: essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, social

reconstruction, and existentialism. In this paper I state that progressivism is the desired approach

for me as a teacher. The questions of why I chose this as my profession, how do I view the

current educational system, what strategies will I implement, and what does my future intel in

regard to improving my situation as a teacher will be addressed.


Ben and Sara knew right when they stepped foot into the room of the teachers meeting it

was going to be a struggle for clarification. The excessive arguing of which method of education

that should be taught at Medise High School was going nowhere. The teacher centric approach

won in the end as it usually occurs in most schools across the U.S. Progressivism should be used

in more schools because it engages and develops crucial skills needed for future education

success/careers. Teachers will help guide students’ internal inspiration and a yearning to research

to create meaningful discussions and projects.

Essentialism is the most popular choice among schools in the United States, it focuses on

strict standardized tests and core subjects. William Bagley who stirred up essentialism in the

1930s argued that we didn’t need to eradicate our system just maintain it. He “urged schools and

educators to create what we know today to be vigilant in sticking to the core curriculum” (Lynch,

2022, para. 4). Essentialism relies on the teacher being a focal point of the classroom instruction

through lectures and value the success of the students from test scores. An activity for

essentialism approach in the classroom could be a history teacher lecturing students the whole

period on the civil war and the next class having a quiz on that material.

The other teacher concentrated approach is called perennialism. The purpose of this

philosophy is to have students gain abundance of knowledge through popular literature such as

Shakespeare, Darwin, and Dick. Robert M. Hutchins created the Great Books program that

focused on such works in the classroom. Proponents of perennialism believe that the topics that

should be taught are constant and forever important in people’s lives. The downside of this

method is the lack of multiculturalism in the curriculum. Reading a famous literature (Dante’s

Inferno) and writing a essay on it would be an example of a lesson plan for perennialism.

Progressivism is one of three student centered philosophies. It incorporates real life

problems and role playing to engage the students. The students are encouraged to think critically

for themselves while the teacher acts as a mentor. John Dewey who started progressivism in

education created a Laboratory School in 1896 to teach this new method. He didn’t give specific

curriculum for the teachers or how to teach his school but just advice.

” Therefore, the children were supposed to stop, analyze the problem, search for an

alternative, develop a strategy of action, and try to overcome the hindrance by applying

the plan that had emerged. Coping with problematic situations by thinking and doing,

Dewey asserted, children would learn, retain, and retrieve significant information

definitely better than using the traditional method of memorizing and reciting” (Knoll,

2016, p. 1).

An activity for progressive philosophy of teaching would be a mock trial of Abbott vs Burke

(NJ, 1985-2001). Having the students research extensively on their own about the case and

develop public speaking skills is at the core of what progressivism is all about.

Social reconstruction philosophy involves issues with social concerns and tries to

improve them. Schools are viewed more accessible to poor people and the approach aims to live

in a society better than the current one. Students venture outside the classroom to study and

teachers use discussions to invoke action. Theodore Burghard Hurt Brameld was one of the

originators of social reconstruction. “Brameld believed that the school should help the individual,

not only to develop socially, but to learn how to participate in social planning as well” (Haindel,

n.d., para. 2). He proposed for a secondary school for young adults ages 17-21 which is like high

school today. An activity for this method would be to show the class a video on bullying in

schools and have the students get in groups to discuss ways to improve on this issue. Also have

the students set up a community meeting to address bullying.

The final philosophy of education is existentialism. It believes that student must figure

his own educational path and is free to pursue their own subject material. It highlights kids’

creativity and less importance on math and science. Student work on material on their own pace

and self-expression through arts, drama, and philosophy are used. Teachers are less judgmental

on actual progress with the students. Maxine Greene a philosopher, believed in the teacher and

student finding their own conscious. Existentialism became popular after World War II. A

project for this philosophy could be giving the students multiple options on their art project.

Have them explain why they chose this specific project and after completion hang up their art

around the school.

The approach that resonates with me is progressivism. I believe the current position on

education is backwards. Less focus on standardized test and more centered around individualism

and critically thinking through process of scientific method. People want and need to evolve to

be successful. My upbringing from my mother who taught me to be kind, mindful and a

willingness to listen dictates my thoughts on education. Using hands on activities will challenge

students to think critically.

I am deciding to be a teacher to help kids improve all aspects of their lives and relish in

their achievements. My math teacher who also had a progressive style of teaching, worked with

me individually after school when I was struggling with concepts. Developing a personal rapport

with the student is vital. The data of minority students not getting the same opportunity in

education is alarming. Historical events such as Title IX which prohibits gender bias in education

and athletics are steps in the right direction, but it took 6 years for the United States women’s

soccer team to gain financial pay (22 million to the players) like the men’s teams (Hensley-

Clancy, 2022, para. 2).

My instruction methods will try to cater to each individual student individual based on

their preferred learning style. I believe in inclusion for all students and to help incorpate special

educational students in my classroom activities. I would implement a drop box where student can

write in suggestion on how to improve the classroom or topic ideas. Assessment is a difficult

issue to address; I would prefer to implement some existentialism style of grading, but I

understand that there is standards that must be meant from the district. Hopefully my school will

allow more projects to gauge their understanding of the material and less tests.

In the future I need to gain experience in the classroom with student teaching and more

observations of other teachers. Public speaking will aid in my shy personality to gain confidence.

Volunteering in different diverse neighborhoods to experience unique cultures and coaching

sports will help me in educational journey.

What are the personal philosophies of the most successful teachers? The qualities,

strategies, and experience all shaped their success. The progressivism approach can lend to a

more diverse and exciting curriculum for all students to excel.



Haindel, B. D. (n.d.). Theodore Burghard Hurt Brameld The Prophet Father of the Coming


Hensley-Clancy, M. (2022, February 23). U.S. Soccer, women’s team members settle equal pay

lawsuit for $24 million. Washington Post.

Janet Goodwin. (2019, January 24). social reconstruction [Video]. YouTube.

Knoll, Michael. (2016). John Dewey's Laboratory School in Chicago: Theory vs. Practice.




Pang, V. O. (2017). Diversity and Equity in the Classroom (1st ed.). Cengage Learning.

What is Perennialism? (2018, June 13). Edupedia.

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