Your Amazing Body

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Your Amazing Body Dra cd aOR aT a) Cree ecto sible. For examp Motmatce one ae Doman tnt talk, sneeze, and look around Rota ronenN e Sma concn no look like a bow! of jello! And your heart beats around eee oe Remo sede n ze Poneto acne ene an fronts hich form you. prea ce oe ron Mates A) three different systems in your body, Let’s find out more Elana bow! jello beat 70 | unit 3 EDOM OMEN ‘Your skull protects your brain, Did you know that it ( is made up of twenty-nine P4 different bones? Most of them are connected together and don’t move. Only your Jawbone moves. ‘Your spine is made up of'twenty-six small - 3 bones called vertebrae You have twenty-seven small | that are connected bones in each hand, This together. It looks a bit makes your hands flexible, so (ME | ike a long insect! you can do things like hold a , pencil and play the guitar! ‘bone in your body? It is named the fernur, and is one of the bones in spine contract bleed unit 3 | 71 Muscles Muscles are responsible for every movement your body makes. And # muscles help us even when we are not moving. As you read this, the muscles in your back, neck, and legs are helping you to sit up. And, of course, you are using your eye muscles to read! ; You have more than 650 muscles in your body. You use 200 muscles 2 every time you take a step. You even use fifteen muscles each time you smile! You might be surprised to learn that the strongest muscle in your body is not your biceps, but your jaw muscles! These | ~ muscles help you bite, chew, and talk Remember this the next time that you a eating luncht Muscles work in pairs. This is because they” can only pull in one direction. In your arm, the biceps and the triceps work together. The biceps contract when you want to bend your arm, and the triceps contract when you want to straighten your arm. biceps ‘triceps The Circulatory System Blood is one of the most important parts of your body. It takes oxygen and nutrients around your body. It also helps remove carbon dioxide and things that your body does not need. Your heart, which isin fact a muscle, pumps blood around the body. Adults have about 100,000 kilometers of blood vessels in their bodies. That's enough to go around the world two anda half times. Blood contains three different types of celis: red, white, and platelet ces, Red cells carry oxygen and carbon dioxide, White cells attack diseases and infections. And platelet cells block any holes in the blood vessels and stop us from bleeding too much when | ‘we cut ourselves. } ‘The human body is truly an extraordinary machine. Doctors and scientists have studied it for thousands of years, and yet they still haven't discovered all of its secrets. So, next time you see a colorful pairiting or lift your backpack. think of all the processes in your body that made these simple actions possible! 1 Match the facts with the correct system. The Circulatory System Muscles 74 | unit 3 a a © © There are twenty-six vertebrae in your spine. ‘The heart is a muscle that pumps. blood around your body. Muscles work in pairs. Biceps and triceps, for example, help you bend and straighten your arm. ‘You have twenty-seven bones in each of your hands. This is why your hands are so flexible! The heart beats around 100,000 times a day, Your femur or thigh bone is the longest bone in your body, Itis more than a quarter of your height You use as many as fifteen muscles to smile, ‘The strongest muscles in your body are your jaw muscles. Blood takes oxygen and nutrients to all the cells around your body.

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