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TIME: 3 Hours PASS MARKS: 75 MAX. MARKS: 150
1. Attempt any 6 questions out of 7.
2. All questions carry equal marks i.e. 25 marks each.
3. Where applicable sketches should be drawn to support the answer.

Q.1) a) Describe in detail, how effective training to the crew can be imparted with
respect to LSA and FFA equipment?
b) What is the methodology, you as a chief officer, will adopt to make a various drills
more realistic?

Q.2) With respect to ISPS code:

a) What are the obligations of the ships, terminals and the shipping companies?
Obligations/ responsibility of companies:
Company should ensure that master has information regarding:
• who has appointed the crew,
• commercial operator of vessel
• charterer and sub charterer (if any)
The company should establish in the ship security plan that the master has the
overriding authority and responsibility to make decisions with respect to the security of
the ship and to request the assistance of the Company or of any contracting
government as may be necessary.
Company should designate:
• a company security officer for the company, which may be for a ship or a group of
ships; and
• a ship security officer for each of its ships.
b) What are the different security levels and duties and responsibilities of the ship’s
crew during each of these levels?

Security level 1: normal, the level at which the ship or port facility normally operates.
Security level 1 means the level for which minimum appropriate protective security
measures shall be maintained at all times.

Security level 2: heightened, the level applying for as long as there is a heightened risk
of a security incident.
Security level 2 means the level for which appropriate additional protective security
measures shall be maintained for a period of time as a result of heightened risk of a
security incident.

Security level 3: exceptional, the level applying for the period of time when there is the
probable or imminent risk of a security incident.
Security level 3 means the level for which further specific protective security measures
shall be maintained for a limited period of time when a security incident is probable or
imminent, although it may not be possible to identify the specific target.

Q.3) a) How the ISM code addresses the prevention of breakdown, reduction in
performance and safety of various equipment on board ships?
The company should establish procedures to ensure that the ship is maintained in
conformity with the provisions of the relevant rules and regulations and with any
additional requirements which may be established by the company.

In meeting these requirements the company should ensure that:

.1 inspections are held at appropriate intervals;
.2 any non-conformity is reported, with its possible cause, if known;
.3 appropriate corrective action is taken; and
.4 records of these activities are maintained.

The company should establish procedures in its safety management system to identify
equipment and technical systems the sudden operational failure of which may result in
hazardous situations. The safety management system should provide for specific
measures aimed at promoting the reliability of such equipment or systems. These
measures should include the regular testing of stand-by arrangements and equipment
or technical systems that are not in continuous use.
b) Describe the maintenance work to be carried out in a dry dock for anchor and cables,
sea chests, storm valves and under water portion of ship’s hull?

To clean the hull of marine growth to reduce ship resistance, thereby increase speed
and minimize fuel consumption. Anodes and reference electrodes are to be covered.
Docking survey of Hull and machinery as per the requirement of classification society to
maintain 'class'.
Hull Inspection- All underwater parts of the hull are inspected for damage and
corrosion. Distorts dent are observed and inspection of the inside of the ship is carried
out to determine internal damage if any. Serious dents are to be repaired and thinned
plate sections are to be strengthened by doubler plate or stiffeners. Distorted bilge keels
to be faired and their attachment to the hull checked. All dent positions and repairs are
to be logged.
Corrosion - All cathodic protection systems should be checked for the security of
attachment. A worn sacrificial anode should be renewed if necessary. Particular
attention is to be paid at the forefoot, at the aft end in way of the stern frame and on
twin-screw ships around propeller 'A' brackets for corrosion and cracks. Edges of weld to
check for corrosion attack.
Underwater Valves, Sea chests- All underwater valves (injections and discharges), Valve
grids, and ship's boxes should be examined from the dock bottom to ensure the grids
are clear and secure. The valve body, valve lid, valve seal and spindle to examine and to
overhaul and replace damaged parts.
Anchors and Cables- Lowered on the dock floor for a special survey. Corrosion and
wastage if greater than 11%, then defective length to replace as also in the case of
cracks in any link Joining shackles are parted and checked. When reassembling, the pins
require to be re-sealed with a lead pellet.

Q.4) Prepare the list of immediate action plan in the event of:
a) Man Overboard
Helm hard over on the side which the man has fallen.
Release lifebuoy with smoke signal.
Press GPS MOB button.
Sound emergency alarm.
Main engines for immediate manoeuvring.
Inform master.
Post lookouts.
Sound emergency signal “O” on fog signal. Broadcast by VHF to all vessels in the vicinity.
Hoist ICS flag “O”.
Turn out rescue boat- muster crew and standby.
Continuous monitoring of vessels position on chart.
Rescue the man overboard and put the person in Thermal protective Aid (TPA) to avoid
extra body heat loss.
Start the first aid as required.
Update weather reports.
Log book entries.
b) Grounding
Stop engine.
Sound emergency alarm.
Display aground lights and switch on deck lights.
Inform all departments.
Broadcast warning message to all vessels in the vicinity and continuous VHF watch
Position on chart investigated and safe port options investigated.

Extent and position of damage.

Head count- casualties.
Check watertight integrity of hull- internal and external soundings. After soundings
have been made air pipes and sounding pipes to be well secured. This will prevent oil
pollution and water pressure causing the oil to rise upwards.
Condition of machinery wet or dry.
Shut all watertight doors and fire doors.
Obtain damage reports from all departments.
Refer to vessels damage stability information.
Damage control party mustered and reduce the ingress of water.
Consider the possibility of fire or oil pollution hazards.
Determine nature of bottom. Determine time of next high water.
Lifeboat ready and swung out. LSA / FFA equipment standby.
Appropriate entries made in logbook.

Q.5) a) With a neatly labelled sketch explain the fixed deck foam firefighting system
fitted for cargo deck protection of a chemical tanker.
b) Describe the maintenance required for the above system to ensure continuous
There are many components of the fixed foam system such as

Foam line
Foam monitor
Foam isolation valves
Fire pumps
foam concentrate (foam solution)
Foam pump
Foam proportioner

Testing of foam line, foam monitor and foam isolation valves

If the foam line is leaking, or the foam monitors cannot be turn around to aim the foam
at the fire, we wont be able to use the foam system.Fire,foam lines should be pressure
tested every year. All valves should be capable of opening and closing freely.

ii) Foam pump

The foam pump is run on recirculation as part of routine maintenance. We must make
sure that the part of the foam line involved during re-circulation is effectively drained
and empty after testing.

iv) Foam concentrate

The main element from which the foam is generated is Foam concentrate stored in the
foam tank.The Quantity of the foam concentrate
Quality of the foam concentrate has to be checked.
The required quantity is usually marked on the foam tank gauge. We must ensure that
this quantity is never below the mark.
SOLAS requires the foam sample to be tested after 3 years from the date it was placed
onboard and there after every year.

v) Foam proportioner
Proportioner injects right quantity of the foam into the fire water to form foam solution.
If the the proportioner is not set correctly, it either will inject more foam or less foam. In
both cases, the system will be less effective.
SOLAS requires that foam proportioner must be tested by external agency once every
five years.

Q.6) a) How as a chief officer on a chemical tanker with hectic work schedule, will you
prevent fatigue to the crew members?

b) What are the various signs will you notice as a sign of fatigue?

Frequent yawning and sleepiness, forcing the person to doze off.

• Loss of concentration
• Lack of interest in work
• Drowsy and heavy reddish eyes.
• Lack of synchronization between body and mind.
• Diminishing Cognitive ability.
• Unable to grasp, act and respond

Q.7 a) What are the essential elements you will allocate while setting the priorities?
b) What are the factors will you, as a chief officer, consider while delegating various
tasks to your subordinates?

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