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Descended from curious gnomes who devised an ingenious
pathway to the Shadowfell long ago, nether gnomes are
counted among the most mysterious lines of humanoids.
They often reside in structures built of condensed shadow,
making their homes easy to mistake for unremarkable
patches of darkness oft overlooked by planar travelers.
Nether gnomes typically possess stoic features and soft
voices, and they are far less outwardly expressive than
their forest and rock cousins, leading many to view them
as distant or even standoffish.
The reality is quite the opposite. Nether gnomes are
among the kindest creatures native to the Shadowfell,
adopting their quiet mannerisms and reticent way of life
as a means of avoiding the detection of predators and
other dark forces that wander their somber plane.
They love deeply, finding beauty in the darkest situations,
and they greatly enjoy using their gifts to manipulate sha-
dow into trinkets for friends or even small shields for those
in need of protection, making them excellent adventurers.


You inherit certain racial traits as a result of your
people's ties to the Shadowfell.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score in-
creases by 1.
Shadow Shape. While in dim light or darkness, you
can pull wisps of shadow material from the Shadowfell | SPECTRE CREATIONS RUNE Book!
over the course of 1 minute to create a nonmagical object This subrace will be featured in the upcoming 5e book:
in your hands. The object created must be no larger than a Caliya’s Chronicle of Runes. Check out some art previews
1-foot cube, and it can only be made of cloth, paper, rope, at and sign-up to get
or wood. The object exhibits only shades of black, gray, or | notified when the Kickstarter goes LIVE!
white, and it withers away after 8 hours or when you use SBS “CR
this trait again. come charmed, sense your emotions, or read your thoughts,
Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a radius of you can choose to reroll the die, and you must use the new
120 feet. roll. You can use this trait a number of times equal to your
Umbral Stoicism. When you fail a saving throw against proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when
a divination spell or any effect that would cause you to be- you finish a long rest. }


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