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Deep woods are practically a playground for cat

folk and their natural inclination to climb and jump.
They are especially fond of tropical rain forests, where
they make their homes in the boughs of trees, Though
they prefer to keep to themselves, in some parts of the
world there are stories of entire nations of cat folk
concealed deep within the jungle, living in cities raised
high above the ground.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score
CAT FOLK TRAITS increases by 1.
Your cat folk character has certain characteristics in Feline Agility. Climbing in trees has helped hone
common with all other cat folk. your superior balance and agility. You have proficiency
Ability Score Increase, Your Wisdom score in the Acrobatics skill,
increases by 2. Graceful Fall. Falling from trees has taught you
Age. Cat folk mature at the Same rate as humans, how to land on your feet. When you take falling damage,
but rarely live longer than 75 years. you may attempt a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw to
Alignment. Because of their upbringing, cat folk reduce the damage by half,

are strongly disposed toward good, Many are Jawful,

but such individuals typically follow their own DESERT FOLK
personal code, rather than those laid out by society. Life on the sands is a constant struggle for survival,
Most tend toward neutrality. Very few are chaotic. but many cat folk find themselves well suited to it.
Size, Cat folk are taller than dwarves, but not quite While a fur coat provides welcome protection from
as tall as humans, They are lithe but well muscled. the sun, their constant need to travel makes them
Your $ize is Medium. ideal caravan drivers in a climate where few others
Speed. Cat folk are agile and fleet of ſoot. Your willingly go. This provides them with ample
base walking speed is 35 feet opportinitics to visit new places, as well as solitude
Darkvision. Accustomed to hunting and traveling to pursue private interests.
by night, cat folk have superior vision in dark and dim Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score
conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of increases by 1.
you as if it were bright light. and in darkness as if it Desert Weapon Training. Life in the desert is
were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, harsh, and you have learned how to defend yourself
only shades of gray. from a variety of threats. You have proficiency with
Natural Camouflage. Your padded feet, soft step, Javelins, Spears, Slings, Scimitars, Whips, and Nets.
and fur coat make it difficult to hear and see you. You Cantrip. You know one cantrip of your choice from
have proficiency in the Stealth skill. the druid spell list. Wisdom is your spellcasting ability
Claws. Your soft hands conceal retractable claws. for it.
Your unarmed strikes deal 1d4 slashing damage- Extra Language. You can speak, read, and write
Languages. You can speak, read, and write one extra language of your choice,

Common and Feline. Feline is the language spoken by
cat folk.

Subrace. Cat folk travel far and wide in search of
new experiences and perspectives, and rarely do they
stay in the same place for very long. For this reason
they may possess a variety of skills based on who they
have séen and what they have done, Choose either the
Desert or the Forest as your background.

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