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© Kylon Tobias 2021

Unroll The Scroll of Poems

All rights reserved.

Printed in Trinidad and Tobago

1. The publications of Kylon Tobias are simply his personal notes, recorded
during his devotional time.

2. The writer does not assume the position of a gospel minister, pastor, Bible
teacher, nor Bible worker.

3. The views of the writer represents his interpretation of what the scriptures said
to him in his unique personal experience and it cannot represent the experience
of any other individual of his family, nor any related institution of religion.

4. It is the duty and responsibility of the reader to open his/her Bible to verify if what
is being presented is true or false. If it is true, praise God and not the writer.

5. If there are errors found, which cannot be verified nor proven to be true by
the Holy Scriptures, feel free to send an email of query or complaint to the
writer at ​​.

6. The writer is well aware that the lifestyle example of his past can prove to be a
stumbling block to many who may have been negatively influenced and horrified by
his past terrible ways. For this, the writer apologizes. The writer is also thankful for
God’s forgiveness.

7. The purpose of these publications is to simply start godly conversations, with the
intention that all who reads would happily participate. The writer does not aim to be
a leader of the blind. The writer himself may be blind in many ways.

8. It is the prayer of the writer that all truth seekers would search for truth in the
scriptures with greater intensity than if they were to search for a billion dollar
cheque which was lost.

9. The writer also prays that the reader would have a greater desire for the
Fountain of Living Water, Jesus Christ who satisfies the needs of the soul.

The Signs of the Times

Greetings to you in the Name of Jesus, may the "Signs

of the times" not freeze us. Rather let the love of Jesus
increase us.

Unroll the Scroll as the Signs of the times are unfolded

and told. As we observe the signs may we avoid
conforming to the world's mould. May we boil hot for
Jesus and avoid being cold.

As the world turns, the current of evil grows stronger.

The love of many becomes colder. The saints are asking
God, “How much longer shall we see the lightning and
hear the rumbling of the thunder?” The signs of the
times have left many to wonder if recently started
enterprises were a huge blunder.

Around the world, there is a general ignorance of the

true God. Many seem not to care. Many enjoy the sun,
the moon, the stars, and the rainfall. But almost no one
looks up and asks themselves, "who made these things
after all?"

Many become so caught up in scientific studies and

academic pursuits, that they seem to have cut God out
of their busy schedules as thoughtless youths.

Failing to recognize God, in Whom we breathe and
move and have our being. Covetous, proud, unthankful,
pleasure-loving, self-loving. Yet not God-fearing.

Gruesome murders have blood flowing like a river.

Crime is vast, becoming almost as common, as a daily
trade to earn a dollar. The preachers of the true gospel
are becoming fewer.

The false prophets are increasing. Promoting their false

teachings, to the multitudes who love to satisfy their
ear's itching. News channels are seeking to come up
with more creative ways in keeping the attention of
modern viewers whose short span of attention is daily

The self-made smartphone journalists are able to

capture live natural disasters as they happen, keeping
us informed. Streaming hurricanes, earthquakes,
volcano eruptions and hail storms.

Hundreds and thousands of videos were immediately

uploaded unto YouTube, Facebook, twitter and many
social media platforms.

Videos of rising smoke, charred cars,broken windows,

mangled bodies being carried by bloody faced youth.
Death and suffering caused by satan respects no one,
no matter how respectable in a suit or how cute.

The howls of agony can be heard as you can imagine
walking with the phone holder, through those dusty
streets, searching for the injured and the struggling
ones, young and older.

In recent days, we have seen a rise in the coronavirus.

Daily it is increasing with a plus sign, O how I wish it was
a minus. The infected are asking, "CoronaVirus, How
did you find us?"

Signs of the times are happening everywhere. While

those who choose to ignore it, will not see it, it is clear to
the sincere.

Many say, "These things have been happening for

decades..." mocking and scoffing at the messenger of
hope, who came to bring the good news of deliverance,
from the bondage of sin, unloosing it's tight rope.

As the world turns, Bible prophecy is being confirmed.

Have you been watching the signs? God allows for
these attention grabbers that He may reach our minds.

Educational institutions have relocated from

geographical sites to world wide websites. The ancients
among us are becoming less old fashioned and
developing technological insights.

Transportation services who are accustomed to enjoying
the time of rush hour, are becoming more desperate and
working longer hours to make up for the lack of
revenues from less student passengers.

Police presence is increasing, a few standing almost at

each corner, biding the time until their last shift hour.

When the church doors were closed, it left buildings of

room, replaced by platforms like zoom. Some were filled
with gloom,thinking that it had meant doom, for their
hopes to get married as the bride and the groom.

Countries reopened their businesses as they realized

that if they remained closed any longer, it may have
resulted in severe thirst and hunger.

Protest actions increase, as pent up tensions release, in

a flurry of expletives, rock throwing and chanting, "no

Even atheists are wondering about what is happening,

doing some rethinking as to whether Bible believers
were right teaching and preaching Jesus' soon coming.

Race tensions increase and more shouts of "no peace"

by the victims of scorn, who sometimes wish they
weren't born with their skin being less fair and nothaving
straight hair, hoping to seem as less queer, in a cold

world who don't dare to share, the love that's so rare in
Jesus' care.

Media houses have been afraid to arise, against the

directive to broadcast worldwide lies. May God open our

Every news channel around the

world have been covering the same topics applicable.
No matter which medium, even the internet has become
unitedly predictable.

It's almost as if all the common high mortality diseases

have been paused,and every death, with the exception
of fatal accidents and murder, by the pandemic have
been caused.

No one is concerned that cigarette smoke kills as much

as before. Even more deadly now are cigarette killings
because of ignored exercise, our priorities are flawed.

Such are the signs of the times, when cigarette smokers

can smoke in the open, puffing out those deadly poisons
in the air, it's legal without a charge. Why? To me it’s not

If caught not wearing a mask, handcuffs may be placed

on your hand, possibly costing the offender over a

For not wearing a mask, the homeless are charged,
while the wealthy offenders are still running at large.

Some call it pandemic, others call it plandemic for “in it”

are many questions and no answers, causing many to
reach their tolerance limit.

Such are the times we are living in, when alcoholic

beverages, which serves no other purpose other than
making one intoxicated, which also kills millions
worldwide on a daily basis, is still completely legal.

Should we war against an invisible enemy in the

coronavirus? While we ignore the visible enemies in
cigarettes and intoxicating drinks? Does this world
system seem pure? Or does it stink? What do you think?

Many are dying who were already sick with illnesses

which were more specific,yet the cause of their death
are being blamed on this pandemic.

One may stand outside with his hands clasped but no

man can buy nor sell except he has on a mask.

Consider it to be a training session for the coming mark

of the beast, conditioning the masses to see the
governments as if they are priests.

Soon to be implemented in our society, is the mandatory
enrollment of the Electronic ID, no matter how poor and
needy, without it we may not be able to move around

The implementation of mandatory vaccinations may

cause mental and physical deterioration. This
vaccination may receive commendation from those who
appear to be esteemed for their worldly education, but
for others they may see it as a continuation of the plans
which lead to the sinful abomination which causes
destruction and desolation.

Military services are increasing their recruiting, bringing

in new training based on the new world order mandate
for new living.

"The Great Reset," "building back better" for the

"Common Good", uniting the whole world together, are
all technical phrases to describe the "New World Order."

The United States of America will pass a National

Sunday Law, a huge move which all other nations would
not ignore. All nations would follow suit in fear of feeling
the wrath of Rome's iron claw. Have no fear! God, the
Righteous Judge is keeping score. Need I say more?

Presently our cases are pending in the heavenly court of
Law, let us repent and live holy lives, Jesus' power to
obey is sure.

The Law of God is the standard of the Judgment,

besides this fact, it is located in the heavenly Ark of the

At the hearing of this truth, many develop resentment,

they prefer that the preacher would present false content
or forever be silent.

Let us repent, and make a solemn commitment to obey

God's truth with free and willing consent.

When the mercy period in the judgment hour is forever

over, there'd be a famine, not for food or for water, but
from hearing the Word of Jehovah.

Coming is a crucial test that will test us unlike any other.

The mark of the beast will sift each soul, there's no
secret rapture prior.

The whole world would be divided into two opposing

classes. Each class would select their leader out of two
spiritual bosses. In the narrow way are found a faithful
few, in the broadway are found the masses.

On the left side, the mark is a Sunday rest rebellion,
headed by Satan the scapegoat and the following
minions of his evil dominion.

On the Right side is Jesus, the Good Shepherd of old as

told, leading His fold, into eternal bliss never to look old.

On the cold scaffold of persecution, they could not be

bought or sold, for the Seventh-Day Sabbath, Jesus' fold
stands bold in Jesus' sealing hold.

Upon the wicked would be poured out the plagues of

God, for sin and sinners to enter heaven Jesus cannot

Upon satan the scapegoat, sin will finally be placed,

because through the vatican he tried to have God's Holy
Law erased.

On the minds of Jesus' faithful few, the following words

would be inscribed, in Revelation chapter fourteen and
verse twelve this little class is described:

"Here is the patience of the saints! (are these us?) Here

are they that keep the commandments of God and the
faith of Jesus.

The media has labelled coronavirus as the worst

pandemic. The few who call attention to the facts are

judged as too fanatic, while they preach that things
would become even more cataclysmic. Horrific scenes
would have onlookers scrambling and frantic.

This is no figment of the imagination. Let us ask God for

His supplied motivation and determination to enter His
heavenly Kingdom.

In this situation, our only Solution is to make a complete

resolution to give allof ourselves to Jesus Christ, the
“Desire of all nations”.

Heart and mind transformation by repentance, works for

the purification of our souls, when for our sins we make
great lamentation.

For us to understand these times, this generation needs

an assimilation of the information in the prophetic books
of Daniel and the Revelation.

Few would take heed to this proclamation which leads to

character reformation. Reconciliation with our Father in
heaven gives us consolation and an opportunity to work
with God in close cooperation, until we can live with
Christ in His eternal habitation.

Sadly, during this solemn time, bar owners are rallying

for others to spend their last dime, to fete and lime which
in God’s eyes is a great crime.

The wealthy are eager to wine and dine while the
covetous are more determined to increase their grind,
with eyes of dollar signs.

Yet to search God’s Word, few seem to find the time,

remaining ignorant of the last day time bell chimes. God
is about to draw the line. The cherished sin which seems
so sweet, would soon be more sour than lime. Now is
the time to make up our minds, nevermind the rhymes.

Then the sign of the Messiah coming in the clouds

would cause the wicked to run for cover, knowing that
they’ve acted proud and their secrets will be open for all
to discover.

The righteous dead will be resurrected at the sounding

of the trumpet, because on this earth, holy living was for
them a habit.

The righteous living will rise in the air to meet Messiah,

risen saints and the heavenly host. Heaven is the
destination, for 1000 years feasting around the largest
table, lifting our glasses to toast.

Until that time, let us live up to all the known light, ignore
all that we know is wrong and let us do all that is right in
God's sight.

God loves you and me. For our sins, He sent His Son,
Jesus Christ to suffer in Gethsemane, die in Calvary,
and go back to heaven to intercede, so that we can live
sin free.

(September 7th, 2020 by Kylon Tobias © All Rights


The Four "R's" on how to deal with Rumours

Reject the wind of rumours, it can be either true or false.
Receive the Word of God, so that you'll know what is

Refuse to spread rumours, it hurts others and causes

Readily spread God's Word so that many see God's

(August 13th, 2020 by Kylon Tobias © All Rights


Poetic Prayer

Father God I need your power,

Give me mercy every hour.

I really need your help show me Thy grace,

I am really in trouble, I am seeking Thy Face.

How did I become so poetic,
Maybe I am just a lunatic.
Help me to be more productive in life,
Not becoming a rhyme addict.

(5:05am, August 13th, 2020 by Kylon Tobias © All

Rights Reserved)

How Many Ways are there to be Saved?

Greetings to you in the Name of Jesus, the following is a

poetic message, may the inspiration please us.

The motive of this message is not to amaze or receive

praise. Let satan's lies be erased and praises to God be

Unroll the Scroll as this Poetic Sanctuary Message

unfolds. The truths here presented, our minds must take
fast hold, less our hearts become cold. It must not be left

Say a prayer before reading this crucial poem. Us

understanding it will give us a faith which Jesus won't

It is crucial that we keep our minds focused and
constant, because this information is timely, relevant
and extremely important.

This knowledge is certainly different, to the falsehoods

promoted by the violent, who decidedly mask their
terrible temperament and intent.

In order to gain spiritual strength, our thoughts upon this

must be frequent without relent. We cannot afford to
lament because of it's length. Satan the belligerent, is
coming with intent to kill, by diseases, natural disasters
and by accident. Is this a time to be dilinquent? Or is it a
time to Repent?

There are many exit points out of a forest and a city,

how many ways are there to depart from iniquity?

To vacation in Toronto, there are many travel options by

which we can go. The same idea applies for the
destination of Crown Point, Tobago. What is the point? If
we continue reading, shall we not know?

How many options are there to get to heaven? Some

assume it's two, three, four, five, six, or as much as

How many ways are there to get out of the tight hold of
satan? How many options have we to escape his
devious plan?

What says the scripture as it relates to our salvation?

How did Adam and Eve escape their early

Satan developed a huge movement, To hide the truth of

his Opponent, Jesus Christ the Benevolent.

Satan's lies were taught in the name of christianity under

disguise, not withstanding the cries for light and truth to

The roman church has taught that salvation can be paid

for, they say to go and sin repeatedly so that you can
pay even more.

What is the cost of salvation? Free? Affordable? Or do

we need a large financial contribution? Do we need to
pay God for sin by financial compensation? Shall we not
use sound discretion in solemn consideration?

What is the currency of God's Holy Nation? Silver and

Gold? Dollars and Cents? Or Jesus' precious blood for
our redemption and liberation of a guilty conscience?

Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life!
His blood was the infinite price. No one can have access
to the Father but by faith in His Sacrifice.

Did it end with belief in His blood stained cross? Is there

anything else? Or shall His crucifixion for us alone
endorse without us suffering loss?

The key is found in Jesus' Words to those called Jews

and Hebrews. He implied that just reading His Word
without Him in view can confuse. The symbols of Him,
we must have clear views, for the purpose of us sharing
His life saving news.

This is found in John chapter five and the thirty-ninth

verse, many hearers rejected his counsel, making their
blindness even worse.

Today, we christians make the same appalling error,

thinking that a mere profession of christianity is enough
to prevent terror, or secure heaven's favour. What a

There's only one way to understand the road to heaven,

we must read the symbolic gospel in the first five books
of Moses without men's deceptive leaven.

Men's leaven have caused some to reject the old
testament, thinking that it only implies judgment and
swift punishment.

In the forty-sixth verse of John chapter five, reveals that

the gospel make Moses' sanctuary symbols come alive.

In the following verse He made a solemn statement, that

without the Old, we won't believe Him in the New

Who do we believe? Jesus? Or the church Pastor? Who

we obey would reveal who we choose as our master.

All scriptures are given by the inspiration of God, it's

undeniable that the old and new are in one accord.

The Old Testament made Timothy wise unto salvation, it

also reveals the wicked things which causes God's

From Genesis to Deuteronomy, points us to Jesus in the

Sanctuary. It's the foundation of understanding Christ's
ministry, and protects us from satan's lying sophistry.

The sanctuary message was never meant to confuse in

a particular epistle sent to the scattered Jews. The
comparison between the old and the new covenant
views are linked with a study of the sanctuary and how it

relates to the good news, presented in a discourse of
Paul, the new testament book of the Hebrews.

Many things in life cause us to question our existence,

like when we see the wicked living in vast extravagance.
It leads us to pray for a world where our problem is not
expence and demonic violence.

In the book of Psalms, Asaph saw the righteous afflicted

and suffering, while the wicked grew in wealth and
increasingly prospering.

Asaph was troubled and he couldn't take the sight, his

keen sense of justice almost made him want to fight or
take flight.

But he remembered a truth, a great realization,

something which reminded Him of the one way of

The seventeenth verse of Psalm seventy-three, gives us

our only hope as salvation's key.

This is the key to understand the language of the

ancient prophets, this knowledge brings transformation
of our stubborn sinful habits.

It reveals the need for confession before it's too late,
offloading sinful guilt and receiving Righteousness by

The sacrificial lamb pointed to Jesus being on the Cross,

failure to accept this truth results in eternal loss.

The priest then had to go wash his feet in a water filled

basin, revealing the truth that by water and the Spirit we
must receive baptism from base sin.

Washed from our sins we know that this plan was

heaven sent, How else could we have been released
from a condemning judgment?

The next step is to ask God for His daily bread, just as
we grow from physical food, the spiritual man must be
daily fed.

A golden table with twelve cakes of shewbread, the

smell of sweet incense, representing the Word of God,
the Bread of God's Presence and sin's absence.

The pure gold seven lamp candle stand, filled with olive
oil and more to refill on demand. The Word is a lamp to
our feet lighting the path to the promise land.

The candle stand was there for the purpose of giving
light, it represent good works by the Holy Spirit and not
by human might.

There was an altar of incense, the priest was to wave it,

representing our prayers being sweetened by Jesus'
saving merit.

We are invited to come boldly before God's throne of

grace, Jesus is our Advocate in the most Holy Place.
Only by our sins being blotted out can we eventually see
God's Face.

As we confess our sins, Jesus points to His nail pierced

hands, blotting out our sins that we may enter the
promised land.

We'd surely lose faith while our fears and doubts

increase, if we fail to cooperate with Jesus our Great
High Priest.

This is the truth that should make the weary become

merry, that God's Way is found in the Sanctuary. Our
eyes in joy may become teary as our heavy burdens,
Jesus promises to carry.

Each furniture in the sanctuary points to the Messiah,

from the Lamb, to the Laver, and even the candlelight

There is something more to understand when studying
the sanctuary symbolism, there were hebrew feasts
throughout the year, a form of hebrew evangelism.

The sanctuary feasts of Leviticus twenty-three, give us

clues of gospel's present, future and history. The gospel
reveals old testament symbols hidden in mystery.

It can be summed up into the importance of

understanding time, a subject which Jesus always kept
in mind, as a sign.

What does time have to do with our salvation?

Because of unbelief in Daniel chapter nine, the Jews fell

into condemnation and Jesus said that they knew not
the time of their visitation because they didn't rightly
study Daniel's prophecy with keen observation. Less we
also fall into temptation, how important is the sanctuary
time study of Daniel and Revelation?

There was the Passover, symbolizing Jesus' death of

suffering, unleavened bread representing Jesus' body
preserved from decaying.

The feast of first fruits, was to be waved before God in

heaven, pointed to Jesus ascending untainted by sinful

The feast of weeks pointed to the day of pentecost,
fulfilled when Jesus ascended to heaven, the world
thinking He was lost.

The first day of the seventh month was greeted with a

blast of trumpets, preparing Israel for the judgment day
feast in case any forgets. It pointed to those who
preached the three angel's message. Found in
Revelation fourteen, of this subject we need more

The day of Atonement was the judgment day feast, to

fast and search the heart, while the High priest walked
through the Most Holy Place to do his solemn part.

All who did not fast, pray and confess their sins, were
cut off for their lack of participating in the guilt
cleansings. God's mind, who can change or convince?

Presently our cases are pending in the heavenly court of

Law, let us repent and live holy lives, Jesus' power to
obey is sure.

The Law of God is the standard of the Judgment,

besides this fact, it is located in the heavenly Ark of the

At the hearing of this truth, many develop resentment,
they prefer that the preacher would present false content
or forever be silent.

Let us repent, and make a solemn commitment to obey

God's truth with free and willing consent.

When the mercy period in the judgment hour is forever

over, there'd be a famine, not for food or for water, but
from hearing the Word of Jehovah.

Coming is a crucial test that will test us unlike any other.

The mark of the beast will sift each soul, there's no
secret rapture prior.

The whole world would be divided into two opposing

classes. Each class would select their leader out of two
spiritual bosses. In the narrow way are found a faithful
few, in the broadway are found the masses.

On the left side, the mark is a Sunday rest rebellion,

headed by Satan the scapegoat and the following
minions of his evil dominion.

On the Right side is Jesus, the Good Shepherd of old as

told, leading His fold, into eternal bliss never to look old.

On the cold scaffold of persecution, they could not be
bought or sold, for the Seventh-Day Sabbath, Jesus' fold
stands bold in Jesus' sealing hold.

Upon the wicked would be poured out the plagues of

God, for sin and sinners to enter heaven Jesus cannot

Upon satan the scapegoat, sin will finally be placed,

because through the vatican he tried to have God's Holy
Law erased.

On the minds of Jesus' faithful few, the following words

would be inscribed, in Revelation chapter fourteen and
verse twelve this little class is described:

"Here is the patience of the saints! (are these us?) Here

are they that keep the commandments of God and the
faith of Jesus.

The final feast was called the "feast of Tabernacles." It

pointed to the greatest of miracles, former sinners
migrated to heaven, the highest of success pinnacles.

As we study the Word of God, read it in this context,

then we'd find that the truth becomes a whole lot less

This truth can give us certainty of our soon heavenly
destination, rejoice in the Lord and encourage others to
join this eventual mass migration.

So my friends praise the Lord for this truthful

information, sing a hymn in celebration for His one way
of Salvation.

All praises to God Who inspires, the hungry who

perspires, for the bread of life to nourish all who eagerly

Praise God for His Word of wisdom, leading us to His

heavenly Kingdom.

We hope in this reading that we saw God's Son, the

Messias, it was scribbled down with love by Kylon

(December 10th, 2020 by Kylon Tobias © All Rights


The Plan of Redemption

What was the difference between Messiah, Garvey,

Confucius, Mohammed and Ghandi?

Are all still in the grave? Was any raised eternally?

All of them professed to have the answer for humanity.
Only One offered the true solution, taking away guilt,
giving power to live sin free.

Only one died for you and me, and took our sins and
guilt upon Himself willingly. Only one rose out of the
grave in eternal Power and Glory.

With this knowledge that only One out of all the thought
leaders, actually lives forever as our personal Saviour,
how can we believe in any other who lacks eternal

As many as believed in Him, He gave power to become

the children of God. Belief in any other unfortunately
creates children of fraud.
Thank the Lord, that even this can be forgiven, only
children of Truth can enter the gates of heaven.

Every teaching requires faith, whether false or true, all it

takes is a decision that can forever change our point of

What do we believe in? Critically consider if it lines up

with the rules of God's Dominion. Is it really safe to trust
in our own opinion?

Let us ask ourselves, "how did we first accept what we
believe?" It took a decision to trust that idea which was
once strange to conceive.

Today that simple decision stands as a part of our core

values. If it's faulty, naturally the truth would appear as
strange views.

Every belief starts with an idea introduced and an ear to

listen. Then a choice is made, a strong decision.

God does not force or compel, it's against His gentle

Character. However, it does not change the fact that
what we sow, we would reap thereafter. Grief? Or

It's up to us, we all have freedom of choice. Would we

keep a closed mind or listen to the preacher's voice?

The truth will never be clear if we have already decided

to not give an ear. Giving time to learn new things is only
fair, that the truth in it's beauty may, to us, appear.

Is it always safe to trust our own feelings?

Praise God that we are still reading, it means that for our
attention, the Spirit is pleading.

What is the message? God said that His people are
destroyed for a lack of knowledge. Therefore to know
the truth is certainly a life giving privilege.

Look around, it is clear that where sin abounds, God's

grace and mercy much more abounds. It is God's
purpose that we would live righteously in this world then
in heaven wear a crown.

God in His foreknowledge of sin, had an eternal plan to

win. By the power of love, He planned to draw us in.

Before the world began, salvation for sin was already

the plan.

The Father and Messiah His Son, counselled together in

agreement, that the blood of the Messiah would confirm
the new testament.

When Eve was deceived to sin by Satan through the

serpent, Messiah was already the Lamb slain from the
foundation of the world in a Father and Son agreement.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they knew that they were
naked and became ashamed. Running from the
presence of God, on each other, they casted blame.

Seeing their nakedness they sewed fig leaves as their

clothing. Messiah slew an innocent lamb for a sin

offering, as a symbol of Himself and gave them the lamb
skin as a covering.

Thus the temporary law of sacrifices were brought in,

that by faith they would see the truth that without the
shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of sin.

On the cross of Calvary this was the law which came to

an end, the law of sacrifices were temporary, but time,
the ten Commandments transcend.

The Law of God is so eternal that for us breaking it,

Messiah died. If it was changeable, the Messiah didn't
have to be crucified.

The Lamb represented the Messiah Who was to be the

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world.
Thus the plan of salvation, to earth's inhabitants, was
beginning to unfold.

To Abraham, the plan of salvation was made manifest.

God asked him to sacrifice his beloved son, to all of us
come this test.

Who or what do we love more than God, revealing our

sole interest? Whatever it is, if we are unwilling to obey
God at all cost, we can never enjoy His promised rest.

Abraham was about to slay his son, obeying God by
faith. Not even judging that God was about to make him
increase the murder rate.

Abraham heard God's voice so clearly, that Satan's

tempting voice he rejected repeatedly.

The Messiah once said, my sheep, hear my voice and

they don't acknowledge the voice of strangers. Are we
listening to the wisdom of the world? Or are we listening
to God's voice through the Scriptures?

Abraham laid his son upon the altar and took the knife in
hand, Isaac obeyed willingly revealing Abraham's godly
household command.

Abraham was about to slay his son, when the angel

stopped his faithful action; pointing him to a ram caught
in a thicket by its horns as a symbol of God's plan of

By faith, Abraham saw that God would offer His Son as

a Lamb for a sin offering, He looked forward by faith in
the Messiah who for his own sins, would suffer pain and

He saw that by faith, his sins were forgiven and that his
righteousness is found in the Savior. He also learnt that

in Messiah is power to obey God's holy Law with
increased vigor.

Many say that "because we are saved by grace, in

God's Law there are flaws."
Genesis 26:5 says that Abraham, "obeyed God's voice,
and kept His charge, His commandments, His statutes,
and His laws."

The "plan of redemption" is to bring man back to a

sinless high and holy state. But men have perverted the
gospel by preaching a "plan of law rejection" in the
name of faith.

The problem today is that many take Messiah's Name,

not willing to bare the cross nor the shame. They take
His Holy Name as a charm to bring them wealth and
worldly fame.

They take His Name and deny the power, running the
risk of sin's guilt in this judgment hour.

False apostles preach that God's Kingdom is at hand,

yet ignore the eternal Law which governs His Kingdom's

John the apostle of Messiah, said, in the first epistle of

John chapter two and verses three and four, that the
sign of true Christianity is if we keep God's holy Law.

He went on to use strong words saying that anyone who
does not obey God's law is a liar and that the truth is not
in them. It's like a Christian's emblem. Without it, one
may be condemned. Isn't that solemn? This is a serious

The plan of redemption is to save us from the sins of

disobedience by our belief in the merits of Messiah's
blood. It involves bringing us back to obedience, without
which, was what first caused the earth to be destroyed
by the flood.

To be redeemed, means to be repurchased, but this

redemption is more valuable than it appears on the
surface. Not redeemed with corruptible things like silver
or gold, but with the incorruptible blood of Messiah,
capable of saving the whole world.

Involved in this transaction is an eternal inheritance, the

most valuable real estate, we can have an abundant

The earth which was lost to satan by man's fall, will be

possessed by the saints which participate in salvation's

Treasures greater than our wildest imagination, our only

hope for such habitation is total life reformation.

So, are we willing to accept the plan of redemption in
our lives today? If we reject this message, we would
have no excuse on judgment day. Let us pray for power
to trust God and obey.

Let us pray:
Father in Heaven, in the Name of Your Son, Immanuel,
save us by His blood, and give us power to obey and
not rebell. Write our names in the book of life with Your
golden pen. Thank God for hearing and answering in
Messiah's Name, Amen.

Kylon Tobias
Sabbath September 19th, 2020

State of the Dead is as Unleavened Bread!

Greetings to you in the Name of Jesus, as we read this

poetic message may the inspiration please us!

Unroll the Scroll as the State of the Dead will unfold. To

ignore this message is to cover our eyes with a satanic

This is a crucial truth for us to know and follow. This

truth may cause surprising joy or disappointing sorrow.

There is no doubt on this subject according to what the
scriptures teach, that our mind would grab hold of this
truth is within our reach. Reach forth your hand, receive
the holy scriptures, because today we are about to go
on some scriptural adventures.

In John chapter fourteen and verse six, it reveals that

Jesus is the truth, with lies there is no mix. We are about
to lay the foundational bricks for this study, let us focus
and keep our minds fixed.

In the book of Revelation chapter twelve and verse nine,

we can see the source of all lies in the bottomless mines
of the satanic mind.

He is called the dragon, the serpent, the devil, and

Satan. To deceive the whole world is his main purpose
and plan.

So deceptive was he, that he deceived one angel out of

every three, persuading them that if they followed him,
they'd be completely free. They were in glee as they
believed his lie, rejecting Jesus' desperate plea, as
heaven earnestly cried, that they should depart from
iniquity because they were in danger of eternally sealing
their destiny.

This verse says that the great dragon was cast out of
heaven, for better context have a look at verse seven.

It reveals that satan and his angels are active in this
earth, trying to assert their false teachings with an aim to
do men eternal hurt, especially while men enjoy
revelling, alcohol drinking and partying mirth, their
minds, satan sins to divert.

What we need in order to understand God's truth, is to

experience Jesus' new birth, becoming a new convert,
and by faith trusting in Jesus, being prayerfully alert.

Our present christian church situation, is similar to an

earlier church dispensation, seen in Deuteronomy
thirty-two, where the Israelites forsook the Rock of our
Salvation and committed abominations.

It showed that they used to drink the pure juice of the

grape vine, and forsook it to embrace the vine of sodom,
venomous drink of snakes and poisonous intoxicating
dragon wine. It's a symbol of accepting the false
doctrines of satan while rejecting the truths of the Divine

In the garden of Eden, Adam and Eve back then, were

warned by angels to not accept any satanic illusion.

All would have been well and safe as long as they both
would walk in humble obedience with patience. Satan

observing this couple devised a way to gain their

He waited for his opportunity to find Eve all alone, that

he may intrigue her with a flashy appearance and a
persuasive vocal tone.

As seen in the first verse of Genesis chapter three, more

than any other creature, the serpent had crafty and
tricky ability.

What happens to human beings when they die? Do they

stay there in the grave? Or do they up to heaven fly?

Some think that their soul essence is natural immortality,

on the contrary, God's Word teaches that in death, there
is no soul mobility unless they die in Jesus, then they'd
rest in unnoticed tranquility. This truth should be an
anchor to our souls, it's our responsibility to believe it. Is
there room for neutrality?

The living know that they shall die, but the dead knows
not anything. Is this the Truth or a lie? The answer is
found in Ecclesiastes chapter nine and verse five. It
teaches us that the dead is not conscious, to understand
this we should strive. The understanding of this truth,
unfortunately, many are deprived. There is a need that
this topic stay alive, that the foundations of true doctrine

may continually thrive, and primitive godliness be

Immortality comes with the condition of true Christianity.

We're saved by grace and given power to depart from
iniquity with continuity.

Concerning the tree of the knowledge of good and evil,

Satan suggested that what God instructed was not true,
as if God had lied to the sinless couple.

In the fourth verse of Genesis chapter three, the serpent

said something which has influenced all spheres of

The serpent said to Eve, "You shall not surely die." It

caused Eve to disbelieve God's Word and to trust in a
deadly lie.

Satan disguised himself as a talking serpent in order to

tempt Eve into being his willing instrument. She believed
his lie and became so confident, that she felt no need to
repent. Eve became Satan's instrument that she might
present the forbidden fruit to her husband as if it was
God's requirement. Adam became very silent, he started
to lament the fact that his wife had disregarded God's
simple commandment. Adam wondered, "How would
they now be counted as obedient?"

It all started with the Father of lies, satan, who loves to
hear suffering human cries.

He came to steal to kill and to destroy, many think that

they can play with him as if he is a toy. Please don't fall
for his ploys, he knows that when the truth is received
and obeyed, the experience of the believer is true inner
peace and joy. To prevent this joy in the truth, he
employs false teachers in a convoy of lies as trappy
decoys to annoy.

One of the greatest lies that he has ever told, is the lie
that there is natural immortality in the human soul.

It is the same lie which Satan told a third of God's,

angels and Eve. This same lie is taught today with which
many preachers use to deceive and hearers gladly
receive. The bereaved are eager to believe this lie
thinking that it may relieve their grief. Knowing the truth
about this would lead us to cleave to God when we
conceive that this lie causes the Spirit of Truth to grieve.
Let us accept God's truth before the Holy Spirit finally
leaves. The Spirit leaving is what Satan wants to

Today, many churches have promoted this false

doctrine, that when a person dies, they go directly to

Satan also teaches that if a people licked wickedly
they'd burn in hell forever. These lies when believed,
distorts the mind of the believer. The mind connected to
God in the truth, satan desires to sever.

To burn in hell forever would imply that the person can

never die, it's the opposite side of the doctrine, yet the
same satanic lie.

There is a story which takes away the room from any

chance to assume. It's the story of Lazarus' death,
stinking for four days in the tomb. His sisters sought
Jesus earnestly to come and heal him in his sick room,
but instead death loomed, leaving his sisters in a state
of confused gloom.

When Jesus finally arrived on the scene according to

His Father's perfect timing, He called forth Lazarus from
the tomb that all would not be faithless but believing.

Was Lazarus called back from Heaven? Or was Lazarus

called back from hell? Can any one dear to tell? If He
was in heaven, it would have been well, but why would
Jesus compel Him to come back to this earthly prison
cell? It's obvious that Lazarus was sleeping in a stone
shell, a tomb, where he was unable to think, touch, see,
taste, hear or smell.

Suddenly, with a Loud Voice, Jesus shouted, "Lazarus
Come Forth!" Lazarus heard with his ears the same
beautiful voice which so earnestly taught and exhorted.
At this demonstration of power, the priests and rulers
were wroth, therefore to kill Jesus they sort, to have Him
tried in court.

Another lesson that needs to be driven is the

understanding that for bread dough to rise, it needs a bit
of leaven.

In order for the baker's bread to be risen, he took a bit of

dough and mixed in leaven. Therefore, if the bread had
no leaven, it was not risen.

After Jesus' crucifixion there were sounds of sobbing

and cries, because for three days, the Jesus the Living
Bread, did not rise, until the first day of the week just
before sunrise.

When the Jews suspected that Jesus would be

resurrected, they had the tomb seal protected so that no
one could have effected a resurrection pretended.

Jesus laid in the tomb of death's detention, until the

appointed time for His glorious ascension.

Surely if the righteous who died, went immediately to
heaven, Jesus would have been like the rising bread
which contained leaven.

The tomb could not hold Jesus down, He rose again

causing many of the grieved to cease their frowns.
Jesus was renowned for not being held down, He rose
so that all who believes in Him will eventually wear a
golden crown.

Before He ascended to heaven, to present Himself as

the perfect sin offering and Lord, He met Mary, to whom
He said, I have not yet ascended to our Father, our God,
therefore to touch me, you cannot afford.

If the dead went straight to heaven, this truth would

have been grievous and caused much fuss. Jesus is
Righteous, more righteous than us and surely at His
death, an immediate transfer to heaven would have
been a must.

He gave us His Word which we can trust, for three days,

He did not yet ascend to His Father to present the sin
offering for us. Thus, to demonstrate this in His
crucifixion was definitely a plus.

The benefits of this message is the protection from

strong delusion, which results from a blatant rejection of

God's solemn truth distribution and making an unbiblical
opinionated conclusion.

Coming to this world is a masterful deception, protection

from this illusion is received in Bible truth reception.

Satan will appear as if he is Jesus Christ, giving new

commands to the deceived and even persecuting those
who ignore his advice.

He would appear as a counterfeit great physician, to

heal all who he made sick while yielding to his

He would walk on this earth pretending to be Jesus

working miracles, leading many to pray. He'd then
deceive even the most intelligent, telling them that he
changed the Seventh-Day Sabbath to Sunday.

Deceiving demons pretending to be dead loved ones,

looking and sounding exactly as old relatives and
friends, to deceive humanity is the goal to which Satan

Those who had fortified their minds with the Word of

God, would preach that we should ignore the antichrist,
the world's biggest fraud, putting our trust fully in Jesus
Christ the Son of God, our Lord.

Even the very elect have to be careful, because this is
an upcoming high level deception which is overpowering
and masterful.

Blatantly rebellious popular icons appear, pretending to

have come from heaven they declare, that Jesus has
changed the Law of God and that in heaven lives gay,
lesbians and queer, in order to deceive the simple
minded, who hated to search the Bible truths in prayer.
At that time, to the righteous it becomes clear, that
Jesus' coming is even more so nearer than the previous

In the near future, at the sound of Michael's vocal

trumpet, the dead in Christ shall hear His voice and rise,
the wicked would hide their eyes in surprise, when they
see those who saw God's Word as the greatest prize.

Be advised, the simple truths are not always easily

realized. It would be understood by those who see
Jesus as the embodiment of what it means to be Wise.

There is so much more Biblical evidence, that if we were

to quote all we'd have overwhelmed senses. Most
important is to make sure that our soul temple the Spirit

Before we end this poem, let us consider a few things

that we don't end up condemned.

Is it possible to be so ensnared in Satan's lying plot?
Scriptural evidence of the truth is presented and yet we
believe it not?

Let us exercise faith before it is eternally too late, as we

consider what Jesus said in the forty-third to forty-fifth
verses of John chapter eight.

Some may find this topic to be different to what their

pastors preach, so Jesus asks us again, "Why do you
not understand His speech?"

The second verse teaches that Satan is the father of lies

and depending on how we receive this message,
determines if we would rise to meet Jesus in the skies.

Let us pause on the rhymes.

What was the purpose of this long poem?

The purpose of this entire poem was to reveal the truth

that when a person dies, they cannot come back up until
the first resurrection for the righteous to rise in the skies
or second resurrection for the wicked to be chastised.
The dead cannot speak with family members in person
or in dreams, to fool the masses, satan sets up his
teams it seems. The devil uses the lie that a person
doesn't really die, but that they have an eternal soul

whether they lived in the truth or lived a lie. If this lie is
received, it prepares the way for demons to impersonate
dead loved ones, speaking like them, smelling like them,
looking and talking like them, yet they are only demons.

Even worse than this would be satan impersonating

Jesus Christ, counterfeiting His second coming, fooling
the Jews, and most of the world to accept his lying

He would appear in a bright shining, glowing

appearance and would do miracles, and he would
counterfeit the first resurrection, where he would have
his demons impersonate deceased popular
internationally known icons, who lived in open rebellion.

Many who were openly and blatantly sinning against

God, demons would take on their appearance and
would pretend to come out of heaven to say that the
Sabbath was changed and that even the worst sinners
while still sinning can make it into Heaven, even those
who are guilty of fraud. Why? To deceive people into
being as eternally lost as Satan and his fallen angels.
This is crucial to know so that we can study the Bible
more thoroughly, and base our faith and existence upon
the Word of God.

If this truth is rejected, then Jesus' words in John

chapter five and verse forty-three would be fulfilled. It

says: "if another shall come in his own name, him shall
you receive."

In Matthew chapter twenty-four, Jesus revealed that

there would be false christs and false prophets, even
working miracles. He said that we must not even go out
in their presence because when the true Jesus Christ
comes, every eye will see Him in the air. Jesus implied
that even those whose names are written in the Lamb's
book of life, would be almost deceived if they didn't
know the Word of God. While Satan works his miracles,
he gains the confidence of the people and as he
discerns the gained confidence, he would start saying
that the fourth commandment of God's Law has been
changed from the seventh day to the first day of the
week, exalting a pagan sun worship Sunday. By this
also, many would receive the mark of the beast through
this deception. If we believe that the dead are naturally
immortal, we are not safe from this deception.

Matthew chapter twenty seven and verses fifty-two and

fifty-three would be counterfeited in that many of the
dead people would appear to come out of their graves
and walk into the city, appearing and showing
themselves to many people, the deceived would be
blinded because of wilful iniquity. Satan has no power to
give life, only to take it, causing human strife.

Second Thessalonians chapter two and verses nine to
twelve would be fulfilled, that strong delusion. Many who
hated the truth would believe that Satan is actually
Jesus. Isn't this confusion?

As men on earth seek to kill those who obey God rather

than men and satan, Jesus would rise up to save His
people as seen in Daniel chapter twelve verses one to
three. The wicked would be destroyed by the brightness
of His coming. They would run to the hills and rocks
begging that it fall on them, that they may be hidden
from Jesus' face, as seen in Revelation chapter six and
verses fourteen to seventeen.

In first Thessalonians chapter four and verses thirteen to

eighteen, reveals that the dead in Jesus Christ would
rise first to meet Jesus in the air, then those who are
found alive, written in the book of life, would rise to meet
them. Revelation twenty reveals that they would stay in
heaven for one thousand years before they return, that
the earth would be made new and that the wicked would
receive their just reward from judgment. Satan, his
angels, and all the unbelieving, the wicked, the enemies
of God would be cast into the lake of fire and brimstone.
Death will be no more. The righteous would rejoice for
evermore. No chance of lies, nor sin, nor death entering
into the new purified earth.

All of these truths are connected. It is important that we
believe God's Word as it is and accept His truth. God
doesn't compel us. He is giving us the choice to choose
life or death.

Thank you for listening and reading, the Spirit is

pleading for us to put away all sins, and upon the Bread
of Life be constantly feeding.

According to how God inspires, this was presented for

all who inquires, scribbled down with love by Kylon
Tobias. Let us seek God now so that we don't end up in
the burning fires.

(January 7th, 2021 by Kylon Tobias © All Rights


A Solemn Poem

Fearful is the warning, solemn is God’s call;

Eternal life to gain or lose, the majority would fall.

A test with no repeating; Catching many sleeping;

The wicked doing wickedly, the wise have

One God, One Lord, and the Saints in one accord.

The world seeks Rome's antichrist, not knowing of it's

Deadly lies are found in the papal institution,
Forsaking God's Law, many yield to strong delusion.

The dead knows not anything, many hate to admit,

demons appearing as dead loved ones, is proven in holy

Some say that when man dies his spirit goes to heaven
or hell,
but that is one of the biggest lies which satan's trying to

The Bible says, "when Jesus returns, dead saints are

first to rise,
Reading God's Word properly, is a shield from Satan's

Jesus said, "Every eye shall see Him", it dispels the lie
of a saint's secret rapture,
Compare scripture with scripture, that our minds satan
won't capture.

Deny ungodliness, worldly lusts, let's live righteous in

this world,
A form of godliness and denying its power strengthen
sin's stronghold.

Working to gain salvation leads to a religion error prone,

Salvation isn't gained by our works but by our faith in
Jesus alone!

Jesus then works in our hearts helping us to hate

Leading us to new life in Christ, and works of

This message angers satan, inciting him to make war,

he sends his false teachers to say that "we cannot keep
God's Law."

Speaking in tongues, some think is true Christianity,

The Bible says to interpret tongues, give the meaning
with clarity.

"Fear God and give glory to Him," is the message for

this time,
God promised to give us a clean heart, and a renewal of
our mind.

The hour of God's judgment, is more serious than a

court case,
Watch your words, thoughts, and actions, keep seeking
God's Face.

Worship God who created heaven, the seas, the springs

and the earth,

He is the one who formed us in the womb and gave us a
safe birth.

God says Babylon is fallen, come out of her my people,

God's leading you from confusion, up to His higher level.

Ignore all false teachings that cannot be proven in the

Drink from the fountain of living water, drink more than
two litres.

The Commandments of God and the Faith of Jesus,

Is our message of focus, while God's angels protect us.

Many expect a microchip with the number six six six,

Little choices leads to habits, then to characters being

A worldwide false revival, lead multitudes to pray,

Not knowing that the mark of the beast is all about

Bible students observe America, as they're the beast's

Church and State united, the Sunday Law will test every

No one can buy or sell, unless you have the Mark of the

Even through fierce persecution, God's Kingdom shall
be increased!

(Common Objection)
"The 7th day Sabbath is all you preach about", "we just
want to pray,"
"We worship every day you know, and not just on one

(Preacher's Response)
"Show us one scripture in the Bible where there is a
Sunday rest"
"God said "Remember His Sabbath", we've found His
way the best"

(Preach it!)
Whether people hear or forebear, preach it with a loud
Free from the blood of men, we all have freedom of

Mockers suffer the wrath of God, and no rest day and

New believers receive the peace of God, and Jesus as
their Light.

This world of sin, we must first lose with eternal bliss to


Faith, hope, love, courage develop through much
suffering and pain.

Heavenly mansions Jesus has prepared for you, and

your family,
In order to be counted worthy, we must through Christ,
live sin free.

The Kingdom of heaven is at hand, repent and believe

the gospel,
Time is truly running out, we must dare to be temperate
like Daniel.

Avoid tobacco, caffeine and every alcoholic beverage,

By doing this, we'd be happier and live to see a full age.

Purpose not to defile your body with unhealthy food and

Fresh air, sunlight, temperance, rest, keeps you from
death's brink.

Exercise, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds, and greens the

body needs,
Drink lots of clean water and trust God's help in doing
good deeds.

Forgive others always, it brings health, peace and life,

Rejoice in the Lord always, it prevents from going under
the knife.

Trust in God's love, care, and power, and you will have
grace for every hour,
Forsaking to do all of the above will drop the standard
even lower.

Put on the whole armour of God, if we really want to

Forsake spreading rumours, do good and you'd eat the
good of the land.

For our sins, sigh, cry, and weep between the porch and
the altar,
Knowing that more trouble is coming than we have
known so far.

Jesus is our advocate before the Father, pleading His

precious blood,
Don't despair, when instead of comfort, we feel His
chastening rod.

He's interceding on our behalf that our sins be blotted

Isn't our Jesus loving? Let praise be continually in our

(August 13th 2020 by Kylon Tobias © All Rights


FREE Audio Book Downloads:
KJV Bible - OLD Testament
(Best Book out of all-It is a lamp unto our feet and a light to our path)
KJV Bible - NEW Testament
(The best out of all- It is spirit and life)

Steps to Christ
(The Basics of how we can have a closer relationship with Christ)

Thoughts From The Mount of Blessings
(A commentary on the Matthew 5-7, the Greatest Sermon
ever preached by the Greatest Teacher that has ever teached
in the History of the world)

The "Great Controversy" between Christ and Satan
(This is a must listen. It is crucial that you not miss a word. What is the
mark of the beast? Who does ​the Bible recognize as the Antichrist?
This volume contains the past, present and the future)

Kylon Tobias was born to loving parents from Mason
Hall, Tobago but spent most of his life in D’Abadie,

In 2016, Kylon Tobias had found a Special Friend in

Jesus. In 2017, he died to his old self, symbolized by
being buried in the watery grave of baptism. He arose to
new life in Christ, seeking the Lord for sound advice. In
2017 to 2018, Kylon occasionally preached openly in
Port of Spain and Arima. From 2018 to 2020, most of his
gospel labours would have been in the field of literature
evangelism, going from house to house mostly on the
East-West Corridor.

In 2018, Kylon completed a course in Health

Evangelism. In 2019, he started to discover a new found
love for writing PDF documents and sharing it with his
whatsapp and email contacts. In 2020, Kylon printed two
books: The “Mark of the Beast” and the “Signs of the
Times.” He was never a poet therefore this volume is a
testimony of the Power of God. May God use you, the
reader, in which ever way He chooses. Jesus must
increase, we must decrease. Let us be hidden in Jesus.


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