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Younger Life ---

Right, listen up. If you have ale, then you have a friend in Grok.
A behemoth of towering height and size, this orc barbarian has
an appetite for the two great loves in his life: combat, women,
and ale. Wait... Easily the brains of the group, Grok is often
consulted for his vast knowledge of shapes, colors, and shiny
things. Also, ale…

But in his journey back to the north he discovered his heard had
been scattered to the wind by their ancient foe, the giants. The
knight’s strength proved to be false in the savage north. All their
fancy teachings, armor, and gods amounted to nothing in the
face of a couple giants with wooden clubs.

Grok the Wise:

 Real Name: Unrevealed.
 Other Aliases: 
 Known Relatives: None.
 Base Of Operations: 

 Group Affiliation: None.
 Height:  Weight: 
 Eyes: 

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