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In his early years, armed with his two-handed great axe, Pimtran often
enjoyed proving his might amongst the ranks of his family's wandering herd.
Historically, the Herd of Storms wandered throughout Tal'Dorei as hunter-
gatherers and raiders, preying upon weaker individuals and communities. The
Herd's culture emphasizing a "might makes right" approach to justice. Codes
of personal and collective honor tended to prevent political and social
anarchy, although personal challenges, fairly declared, were suitable means
for social mobility and political revolution. When appearing weak or violating
the bounds of honor, swift and overwhelming punishment was dealt upon the
offender despite family or other bonds of loyalty.

Pimtran’s forefather's battled giants, fought the elements, and carved out a
hard living in the north. His tribe learned that in the savage wasteland of the
north, the strong always rule the weak and that is the natural way of things.

So, when the warriors of the tribe were defeated by the holy men in shining
armor, Pimtran’s people accepted their fate. Their goddess, Leira proved
stronger and the strong rule the weak. To ensure his tribe obeyed the new
laws of the holy men, he was taken as a child from his tribe to be educated in
their ways. There, Grok was taught the sword, the shield, how to shine the
armor until it gleamed, and how to function as a team in battle. He was shown
their religious teachings, introduced to foreign concepts like mercy and
money, and became as civilized as it was possible to make a member of
"such a savage race" eventually becoming a fully armored palaidin of
incredible strength.

Pimtran the Ineffable: Once his “training” was complete, became a fully armored Paladin of Leira
Goddess of Illusion, and was sent back to his herd to teach them how to be
strong like the knights. But in his journey back to the north he discovered his
heard had been scattered to the wind by their ancient foe, the giants. The
knight’s strength proved to be false in the savage north. All their fancy
 Real Name: Unrevealed. teachings, armor, and gods amounted to nothing in the face of a couple giants
 Other Aliases: Pimtran Stonecrest with wooden clubs. Now you have returned to the homeland of your
 Known Relatives: Uncle & Cousin forefathers. A creature of both the savage north and civilized worlds. At long
 Base Of Operations: Northern last the time has come to test your strength against both. One day, after
Wildlands coming upon an unsuspecting elderly gnome in the woods, Pimtran objected
 Group Affiliation: Knights of Leira to the killing of such an innocent life. A creature of impulse, he felt only pity for
this terrified little thing. His disobedience cost him dearly. Beaten bloody and
 Height: 9’4” Weight: 540lbs.
banished by the herd leader, his uncle Kevdak, Pimtran was abandoned and
Hair:  left to die.
 Eyes: 

Pimtran the Ineffable was raised in Exiled from his herd, it was then that the most of unlikely beings, saved him. It
was the kindness of a wood elf druid named Amtrak of Syngorn that healed
the Herd of Storms, a band of nomadic Pimtran, bringing him back from death's edge. And they have remained close
raiders consisting mainly of goliaths. friends ever since.

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