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Table of Specification

Objectives/ Total # Perce

Knowledg Comprehen Applicatio
Content of items ntage
e -sion n
Area/Topics (%)
Acclimatizes newly- 1 1 2 6.82%
arrived stocks
Gives routine 1 1 2 6.82%
medications to
Selects suitable 2 2 6.82%
Selects breeder 2 2 6.82%
Monitors signs of 2 2 7.6%
Performs heat- 2 2 7.6%
Breeds sows/gilts 1 1 2 7.6%
using breeding
Trains boar to 1 1 2 4.5%
mount a female or a
dummy sow
Observes optimum 1 1 2 4.5%
boar to sow ratio
Monitors signs of 1 1 4.5%
Performs pregnancy 1 1 4.5%
Performs periodic 2 2 4 13.64
activities %
Feeds animal stocks 2 1 1 4 13.64
based on %
growths and
production cycle
Records production 2 2 4.6%
performance of
TOTAL 19 8 3 30 100%

I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Read the questions carefully and select the letter that corresponds
the correct answer. Write your answers on the answer sheet provided.
1. Why acclimatization is important in newly arrived pig stocks?
a. To prevent disease entry
b. Part of the herd management
c. Farm manager orders it
d. It is the practice of other farm
2. How long do we need to acclimatization newly acquired stocks?
a. 2 months
b. 1 week
c. 2 weeks
d. 12 months
3. What are the routine medications given to newly acquired stocks?
a. Water
b. Food
c. Multivitamins
d. Anti-inflammatory
4. What is the reason in giving medications to newly arrived stocks?
a. It is the practice of other farm
b. To prevent stress and illness
c. Part of the herd management
d. Veterinarian orders it
5. The following are basis in selecting suitable breeds, EXCEPT
a. Good quality breeding stocks
b. Prolific
c. Efficient feed converter
d. Vicious temperament
6. This breed of swine is referred to as ‘’mother breed’’.
a. Duroc
b. Yorkshire
c. Hampshire
d. Chester White
7. The following are selection criteria for boars.
a. Boars must have equally well-developed testicles
b. Easy to handle
c. Well-developed body conformation
d. All of the above
8. The following are selection criteria for sow, EXCEPT
A. Performance record
B. Good body conformation
C. Presence of inverted and rudimentary teats
D. Select from a good litter size of 12 and above
9. What are the signs of heat?
a. Loss of appetite
b. Swelling and reddening of the vulva
c. Appearance of mucous discharge
d. All of the above
10. Heat period usually last for how many days?
a. 3 days
b. 21 days
c. 14 days
d. 20 days
11. Heat-detection techniques which uses semen on the snout of the sow?
a. Haunch Pressure Test
b. Riding the Back test
c. Semen-on-Snout Test
d. Teaser Method
12. Heat-detection techniques which applies riding at the back of the sow?
a. Haunch Pressure Test
b. Riding the Back test
c. Semen-on-Snout Test
d. Teaser Method
13. The following are disadvantages of Inbreeding, EXCEPT
a. Occurrence of abnormalities
b. Slow growth rate
c. Delayed sexual maturity
d. Increase number of piglets born
14. This is the mating of swine from different breeds of choice.
a. Inbreeding
b. Pure breeding
c. Crossbreeding
d. Upgrading
15. What likely will happen to the boar if he is unable to penetrate correctly?
a. Excited
b. Exhausted
c. Upset
d. All of the above
16. The recommended boar to sow ratio is
a. 1:25-30
b. 1:50
c. 1:100
d. 1:150
17. The number of boars needed in the farm is dependent on the following
a. Productive sows/gilts
b. Age of boar
c. Frequency of mating
d. All of the above
18. To improve the reproductive performance of breeder animals it is
advisable to give this _______.
a. Vitamins
b. Antibiotic
c. Dewormer
d. Anti-inflammatory
19. What are the signs of pregnancy?
a. Absence of heat
b. Increase in weight
c. Enlargement of abdomen
d. All of the above
20. How to perform pregnancy diagnosis among backyard raisers?
a. By using scanner
b. By using ultrasound
c. By looking at the physical signs of pregnancy
d. None of the above
21. It is the time interval from weaning to service wherein the sow is
a. Dry sow
b. Pregnant sow
c. In heat sow
d. Sow is about to farrow
22. A good sow should come into heat and be ready for service within ___
days after weaning.
a. 3 to 7 days
b. 2 weeks
c. 3 weeks
d. 1 month
23. What are the reasons why sows have to be removed from the herd?
a. Poor performance
b. Abortions
c. Lameness
d. All of the above
24. What are you going to do if the boar has leg defect and can no longer
carry his weight?
a. Carry on breeding activity
b. Give antibiotic
c. Apply heat compress
d. Perform culling
25. What is the ideal deworming program for pregnant sow about to farrow?
a. 1 month before farrowing
b. 2 weeks before farrowing
c. 1 week before farrowing
d. 3 days before farrowing
26. What are the common causes of swine diseases?
a. Bacteria
b. Virus
c. Parasites
d. All of the above
27. The reason of giving green feed like kangkong and camote vine 2-3 days
before farrowing is _____.
a. Prevent constipation
b. Prevent dystocia
c. Prevent fever
d. Prevent seizure
28. What is the Crude Protein (CP) requirement of pregnant sow/gilt?
a. 16%
b. 14%
c. 19%
d. 21%
29. The performance of the sow from breeding to farrowing can be seen from
this record.
a. Boar performance record
c. Livestock inventory record
c. Sow breeding performance record
d. Mortality record
30. This record shows the performance of the sow and its litter from birth to
a. Boar performance record
c. Livestock inventory record
c. Sow breeding performance record
d. Sow and litter performance record

1. a
2. c
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. b
7. d
8. c
9. d
10. a
11. c
12. b
13. d
14. c
15. d
16. a
17. d
18. a
19. d
20. c
21. a
22. a
23. d
24. d
25. b
26. d
27. a
28. b
29. c
30. d

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