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I. Put the verbs into the correct form (present simple tense).
1. Mr. Nam often (teach) ………………….. the dogs new tricks.
2. We always (throw) ………………….. our litter in the bin.
3. The referee usually (stop) ………………….. the game after 90 minutes.
4. The children (hurry) ………………….. to open their gifts.
5. He (speak) ………………….. English well.
II. Make questions for the underlined part of the sentence.
1. Daisy goes to school from Monday to Saturday.
2. My father has a cage in the garden.
3. The children like dogs because they are nice.
4. Kelly is never late.
5. Mike’s new mountain bike costs £100.
III. Complete the sentence with the correct form of the verbs in the box.
wake(s) up - open(s) - speak(s) - take(s) - do(es) - cause(s) - live(s) - play(s) - close(s) -
live(s) - drink(s)
1. Nick ………………………………. baseball very well.
2. I never ………………………………. coffee.
3. The swimming pool ………………………………. at 8.00 in the morning.
4. It ………………………………. at 9.00 in the evening.
5. Bad driving ………………………………. many accidents.
6. My parents ………………………………. in a very small house.
7. The Olympic Games ………………………………. place every four years.
8. They are good students. They always ………………………………. their homework.
9. My students ………………………………. a little French.
10. I always ………………………………. early in the morning.
IV. Fill in the blank with only ONE suitable word.
Mr. John gets up very early (1) .................... day. He washes his face and takes a quick shower
(2) .................... the mornings. His best friend, Bobby, also wakes up very early. Mr. John
(3) .................... the breakfast for both. They both (4) .................... like drinking milk but they
love eating meat. Then, Mr. John (5) .................... Bobby out to the park. Mr. John
(6) .................... a graphic designer. He (7) .................... an office worker. He (8) ....................
from home. He designs beautiful images for an advertising company. He (9) .................... lunch
(10) .................... half past twelve. Then he (11) .................... start work immediately. He
(12) .................... with Bobby instead. After Bobby’s favorite time, he starts work again and
(13) .................... in the evening. They both (14) .................... meat for dinner and rest in the
front of the TV. He always (15) .................... his favorite TV show after dinner. He never misses
it. They both go to bed late (16) .................... night.
V. Choose the best answer.
1. He …… trying to pass his driving test but fails every time.
A. keeps B. kept C. is keeping D. had kept
2. He wonders why I never …… abroad by plane.
A. has travelled B. have been travelling
C. travel D. will have travelled
3. Kate …… her dog for a walk. Her brother …… it.
A. never takes/ always does B. never doesn’t take/ always does
C. never take/ does always D. never don’t take/ always do
4. (have) …… the car keys? - No.
A. You do have B. Are you having C. Have you D. Do you have
5. I suppose as we live in a very rural area, we are lucky that a train service actually …… here.
A. takes B. works C. functions D. operates

VI. Put the verbs in the present continuous tense.

1. He (read) …………………… a book about American history at the moment.
2. Why ……………… you (laugh) ………………? What’s so funny?
3. I can’t help you now. I (work) ……………………
4. Oh no! It (rain) …………………… again.
5. ……….. you (watch) …………………… the TV or can I turn it off?
6. Bill (learn) ………………… to drive at the moment. His father (teach) …………… him.
7. Listen! The neighbors (have) …………………… an argument again.
8. Sally (wear) …………………… her new T-shirt today.
9. Robert! What ………… you (do) …………………… here?
10. I (not sleep) …………………… very well at the moment.
VII. Choose the correct answer in the bracket.
1. Marie isn’t a Canadian. I (believe/ am believing) she comes from France.
2. Look! Bin (jumps /is jumping) into the water.
3. I (think/ am thinking) you’re crazy!
4. Don’t give Jenny any cheese. She (hates/ is hating) it!
5. I (go/ am going) to New York next Thursday. Do you want to come?
6. Once a week, I (go/ am going) to an English class at the college.
7. I (have/ am having) lunch in the cafeteria every day.
8. David is rich – he (drives/ is driving) a Mercedes.
9. You won’t find Tom at home right now. He (studies/ is studying) in the library.
10. It (snows/ is snowing) quite hard - perhaps we shouldn’t go out tonight.
VIII. Put the verbs in the present simple tense or present continuous tense.
1. Emily lives and works in Paris but she (have) …………………. a holiday in England at the
2. I wonder why the neighbor’s dog (bark) …………………. again. Maybe there is a burglar!
3. Ann (get) …………………. up at seven o’clock every morning.
4. Then she (go) …………………. to have a shower before breakfast.
5. Then she (drive) …………………. to the beach and stays all day.
6. She (not/ work) …………………. because she won the lottery last year.
7. Why (you/ learn) …………………. English this year?
8. I (live) …………………. with my sister for two months because she is pregnant and I can
help her.
9. What (you/wear) …………………. now? In that way, I will recognize you at the airport.
10. Kate is in the kitchen and very stressed! She (cook) …………………. dinner for 30
IX. Put the verbs in the present simple tense or present continuous tense.
1. Where’s Tim? He (listen) …………………. to a new CD in his room.
2. Don’t forget to take your umbrella with you to London. You know it always (rain)
…………………. there.
3. Emily (work) …………………. hard all day but she (not work) …………………. at the
4. Look! That boy (run) …………………. after the bus. He (want) …………………. to catch it.
5. He (speak) …………………. French so well because he (come) …………………. from
6. Look! The boss (come) ………………….. We (meet) …………………. him in an hour and
nothing is ready!
7. ………. you usually (go) …………………. away for Christmas or …………. you (stay)
…………………. at home?
8. She (hold) …………………. some roses. They (smell) …………………. lovely.
9. Look! It (snow) …………………. again. It always (snow) …………………. in this country.
10. Sally (swim) …………………. very well, but she (not run) …………………. very fast.
X. Fill in the blank with only ONE suitable word.
Lisa and her friends (1) …………………. studying for their final exams. They are very excited
for this exam as it’ll be the last exam of the term. They are studying Maths right (2)
…………………. Mary (3) …………………. helping the others. She is the top student in the
class. She is really good at Maths. Emily is also good at Maths. She (4) ………………….
studying Maths. She is (5) …………………. a book. They (6) …………………. talking loudly,
because they are at the library at the (7) …………………. Sally is (8) …………………. the net
for extra exercises. They are (9) …………………. to solve her exercises. They are all (10)
…………………. each other to pass the class with high marks.
XI. Choose the correct answer in the bracket.
1. I have to change my shoes. These (are killing/ kill) me. I’m sure I have a blister.
2. I feel lost. I’ve just finished a really good novel and now I (do not read/ am not reading)
3. Coming to London for Christmas was a great idea. I (love/ am loving) it here.
4. The company (is moving/ moves) its offices to a bigger building next month.
5. John (gives/ is giving) a lecture on social media at university every Wednesday. You should
6. Sally (always interrupts/ is always interrupting) me when I speak. It’s so irritating.
7. Can you help me with this exercise or (are you being busy/ are you busy)?
8. I (hate/ am hating) people who never really listen to what you saỵ.
XII. Put the verbs in the correct form (present simple/ present continuous tense).
1. I’m in New York because I (study) …………………. English at a language school.
2. At the moment Linda (lie) …………………. on the floor.
3. I usually (work) …………………. as a teacher.
4. I hate living in Hue City because it always (rain) …………………. there.
5. I am sorry I can’t hear what you (say) …………………. because everyone (talk)
…………………. so loudly.
6. Jimmy (currently write) …………………. about his adventures.
7. (you want) …………………. to come over for dinner tonight?
8. A famous company in this country (make) …………………. the delicious chocolate.
9. Look, I (have) …………………. two tickets for the film.
10. Look, I (hold) …………………. two tickets for the film.
11. Compaq (make) …………………. computers but it (not make) …………………. cars.
12. At present, the yen (fall) …………………. against the dollar.
13. Computers (become) …………………. more and more popular these days.
14. Everyone (need) …………………. money. It is very necessary.
15. This milk (not taste) …………………. fresh.
16. This afternoon I (see) …………………. my doctor about my health.
17. How is your cold today? It (sound) …………………. slightly better than yesterday.
18. He normally (read) …………………. all the Harry Potter books, but right now I (think)
…………………. he (read) …………………. something else.
19. It is strange that people (take) …………………. some movies so seriously.
20. What (your brother, do) …………………. for a living? - Well he is a market consultant.
XIII. Complete the sentence using the verbs in the box in the correct form.
enjoy prefer play work seem know interview wait talk finish
1. I always …………………. badminton on Saturdays.
2. She …………………. her report now. She will bring it into the office when it is complete.
3. My parents phoned me this morning. They …………………. themselves in Hawaii.
4. We …………………. to entertain our guests in a local restaurant rather than the canteen.
Although it is expensive, we can talk freely there.
5. I …………………. the answer to your problem. Get a new computer.
6. “Where is Tim?” – “He …………………. for an important telephone call in his office.”
7. I can’t make the meeting tomorrow. I …………………. the applicants for the sales manager’s
8. My brother …………………. for a company which makes bathroom fittings.
9. Who …………………. to John? Is it the new secretary?
10. The new contract …………………. fine to me. However, could you just check it through
once more?
XIV. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present continuous).
Next week, my friends and I (1. go) …………………. camping in the woods. I (2. organize)
…………………. the food, because I (3. like) …………………. cooking. Tom (4. have)
…………………. a big car with a trailer, so he (5. plan) …………………. the transportation.
Sam (6. bring) …………………. the tent. He (7. go) …………………. camping every year, so
he (8. have) …………………. a great tent and lots of other equipment. My wife (9. think)
…………………. we’re crazy. She likes holidays in comfortable hotels, so she (10. take)
…………………. a trip to Paris instead.

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