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1. Reason for networking

2. Sneakernet 3. Disadvantages of sneakernet 4. Objectives of networking 5. Media used for networking 6. Types of networks 7. LAN Technologies 8. WAN Technologies 9. LAN Topologies 10. Transmission modes 11. Brief about Thicknet 12. Brief about Thinnet 13. Brief about Twisted Pair Cables 14. Colour combinations of different cabling systems and its theory 15. Open Standard Interconnection model 16. Brief about the 7 layers of OSI model 17. Networking devices and its functions

18. Brief study about IP addressing, classification of IPs and examples to workout
19. TCP/IP protocol 20. Brief study about the four layers 21. Networking technologies 22. User datagram Protocol 23. Routing logic 24. Types of Routing protocol 25. Types of routing 26. Example to add routes to a routing table 27. Variable length subnet mask 28. Fixed length subnet mask

29. How to assign the ip address for a system 30. Port numbers 31. DNS server 32. HTTP server 33. WAN Protocols 34. Frame Relay 35. Access List 36. HUB and SPOKE Technology 37. Boot sequence of Router 38. Network address Translation 39. Types of NATs 40. Virtual Private Network 41. Integrated Service Digital Network 42. Switching concepts 43. VTP Protocols 44. Ipv6 45. WAN types 46. Standardisation of LAN, MAN, WAN,WLAN 47. IEEE 802.11a 48. IEEE 802.11g 49. WLAN operating models

50. Configuring a new router

51. Networking tools and troubleshooting tools 52. Troubleshooting in networking.


1. Identifying the front pannel switches
2. Identifying the components of a PC (inside the system unit) 3. Identifying and state the using of different types of keyboard and mouse 4. Identifying the purpose of various Addon cards and onboard facilities 5. Identifying the purpose of using different types conectors, ports and cables 6. Identifying availability and capacity of various memory slots and types of memories 7. Using SMPS find out the colour coding detials and various functions of PC power supply

8. Motherboards-finding the purpose of various components on mother boards

9. Types of monitors and its functioning

10. Types of printers and its principle of operation

11. Troubleshooting.


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