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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 13 (2015) 291–300

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International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

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GIS based mapping of vulnerability to earthquake and fire hazard in

Dhaka city, Bangladesh
Naima Rahman a,n, Mehedi A. Ansary b,1, Ishrat Islam c,2
Department of Civil Engineering, University of Texas, 701S Nedderman drive, Arlington, TX 76019, USA
Department of CE, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Department of URP, BUET, Dhaka, Bangladesh

art ic l e i nf o a b s t r a c t

Article history: As Dhaka city is at risk of earthquake and fire hazard, ward 29, an old part of Dhaka city has been selected
Received 12 August 2014 for vulnerability assessment of both hazards in this study and social vulnerability has been included in
Received in revised form the assessment as it has become an important issue in the recent years. The methodology of three dif-
5 July 2015
ferent vulnerability assessments and the way of combining the results of the assessments to develop
Accepted 5 July 2015
composite vulnerability score of the study area has been described. A sample of 350 buildings has been
Available online 10 July 2015
analyzed by a visual screening method FEMA-RVS for earthquake, a methodology developed by ADPC [1]
Keywords: for fire hazard and a methodology developed by World Bank [24] for social vulnerability. The composite
Earthquake vulnerability score has been developed by incorporating earthquake and fire hazard as well as social
Fire hazard
vulnerability condition of the study area and represented in form of map produced using ArcGIS 10
Social vulnerability
showing buildings of different vulnerable categories. The study area is relatively more vulnerable to fire
Vulnerable structure
GIS mapping hazard than earthquake. As it is one of the most densely populated wards in Dhaka city, social factors
Hotspot have compounded the overall vulnerability to higher scale. Most of the buildings are vulnerable to both
earthquake and fire hazard considering social impacts. Thus ideal mitigation planning to reduce risk is
almost impossible here without involvement of community people. By warning them of their own risk
and making them resilient through awareness programs and training, disaster risk in the study area can
be reduced effectively.
Crown Copyright & 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction physical characteristic of the region made the community more

vulnerable to earthquake. Some buildings in older part of Dhaka
Bangladesh is the fifth most natural disaster prone country in city collapsed even without any earthquake [13], so it is beyond
the world [16] that is affected almost every year by some form of imagination what will happen during an earthquake. In June
natural disaster. The historical trend of seismicity and some recent 2004 a five storied building collapsed in Sakhari bazaar which
tremors occurred in Bangladesh and adjoining areas indicate that killed 19 people and injured several others among its 30 in-
the country is at high risk of earthquake [9] and major earthquakes habitants. Due to poor construction quality of buildings, in April
might take place in Bangladesh [7]. Dhaka city is at the highest 2005 a nine-storied factory building collapsed in Savar that killed
relative earthquake disaster risk [18] under Madhupur Fault as 70 people and injuring around 200 others among its 300 workers
expressed by local experts, as the phenomenal urbanization, high and in February 2006, a five storied under construction building
density of population and fast growing high-rise structures [21]. collapsed in Tejgaon that killed 18 and injured 40 workers. On 24
Although no moderate to large earthquake has struck Dhaka city April 2013, a nine-storey building ‘Rana Plaza’ collapsed in Savar is
in historical past, it experiences minor tremors almost all the year considered one of the worst man made hazard killing 1127 people
round which indicates the region to be seismically active [15]. The and more than 100 are still missing [3]. If a 6-magnitude earth-
quake shakes Dhaka originating from its beneath some 78,323
buildings will be destroyed completely with an economic loss of
Corresponding author. US $1075 million [9]. The risk in urban center is complex due to
E-mail addresses: (N. Rahman),
unplanned urbanization and development in high risk zones. (M.A. Ansary), (I. Islam).
Fax: þ880 28620586. Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh is the center of economy, com-
Fax: þ880 286130462. merce, politics, etc. and accommodates vast population of
2212-4209/Crown Copyright & 2015 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
292 N. Rahman et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 13 (2015) 291–300

17,151,925 in the wider metropolitan area while the population of the oldest areas in the city with 58,233 populations [5] in 0.457
Dhaka city Corporation has approximately 9,254,473 in 2011 [5]. square kilometer area [20]. According to the Map 3.1, the study
Particularly the older part of the city is relatively more vulnerable area is located in zone 2 with earthquake intensity of IX [18].
due to high density of population. According to Bangladesh Po- About 27–30% building will be destroyed completely if a 7.5-
pulation Census 2011 the population density of Chawkbazar Thana magnitude earthquake hits in the study area [24]. So a small scale
at Old Dhaka is 8229 per square kilometer [5]. Besides, the densely earthquake may cause disaster in this ward. This ward is mainly
constructed old and unreinforced masonry buildings along with comprised of manufacturing and processing industries of plastic,
narrow local streets make the locality more earthquake disaster warehouses of chemical and unprocessed leather. As a result, fire
prone. Along with earthquake, fire hazard has become a major incident is very common phenomenon in this area [17].
issue of concern as Dhaka city has experienced a number of no-
table fires like Nimtoli Fire, Bashundhara City Complex Fire, Ban- 2.2. Sampling and data collection
gladesh Steel and Engineering Corporation (BSEC) Bhaban Fire and
Tazreen Garments Fire etc. in the recent years [4]. A report of The total number of buildings of Ward 65 is 3057. To conduct
Bangladesh Fire Service and Civil Defense [6] shows a rising trend both physical and socio-economic survey, a sample of 350 build-
in the number of fire incidents in the Dhaka city. Dhaka the capital ings have been selected by stratified sampling procedure keeping
of Bangladesh often faces fire hazards due to its dense building the confidence level at 95% and confidence interval is 4.93 for
concentrations, narrow roads, flammable building materials, aging primary data collection. Stratification of sample has been chosen
water supply and electrical wire, chemical factory in residential according to the percentage of construction type, number of storey
areas as well as the lack of preparedness and response skills and structure use of buildings. Physical survey of buildings has
among local people and the fire authority. The annual monetary been conducted through checklist to find out the existing condi-
loss due to fire accidents is very high in Dhaka city compared with tion of buildings for earthquake and fire hazard vulnerability as-
the other urban centers in Bangladesh as the city is involved in the sessment. Socioeconomic survey of the same buildings has been
highest concentration of economic activities [12]. Fire is con- conducted to assess social vulnerability. The time frame of the
sidered as the most common secondary hazard of earthquake [11]. primary data collection survey was from September 2013 to De-
The Great Hansin Earthquake at Kobe, Japan was followed by the cember 2013. The secondary data have been collected in form of
ignition of over 300 fires within minutes of the earthquake [23]. hard copies and shapefiles from different sources like Dhaka South
It is important to assess the integrated vulnerability of earth- City Corporation (DSCC), Rajdhani Unnayan Kartripakkha (RAJUK)
quake and fire because of their close association. A number of and World Bank etc.
researches have been carried out on earthquake and fire in Old
Dhaka City Corporation (DCC). About 53% buildings of Ward 68 2.3. Data analysis
(Old DCC) are vulnerable to earthquake [14]. In a study, Old DCC is
categorized into different fire hazard zones according to the fre- Physical and socio-economic data of sample buildings in
quency of fire incidence [2]. A study showed that most of the quantitative forms have been inputted in SPSS 21, joined with
buildings in Ward 72 in Old Dhaka are moderately vulnerable to existing GIS shapefile and analyzed by statistical tools such as
fire [19]. But none of the studies focused the integrated vulner- frequency distributions, descriptive statistics, cross tabulation and
ability of earthquake and fire hazard. In this research, an in- custom table etc. to be classified, tabulated and presented in the
tegrated vulnerability assessment will be conducted incorporating form of maps, tables and graphs by using MS-Excel 2007, SPSS 21
both of earthquake and fire hazard. The analysis of vulnerability and ArcGIS 10. The earthquake vulnerability assessment of build-
situation of Dhaka city due to earthquake and fire hazard is the ings has been conducted by Rapid Visual Screening method
prime concern of this research. Social vulnerability contributes a (FEMA-RVS). Fire hazard vulnerability assessment has been done
lot to the overall vulnerable condition. So the objectives of this by a methodology developed by Asian Disaster Preparedness
paper are: (i) To assess earthquake and fire hazard vulnerability of Center (ADPC) in making fire hazard maps in Vientiane [1]. Weight
a selected ward of Dhaka city, and (ii) To incorporate social vul- of factors of vulnerability to fire hazard has been determined by
nerability with physical vulnerability for measuring overall Analytical Hierarchal Process (AHP) through expert opinion by the
vulnerability. researcher. Panels of 10 experts have been consulted to determine
In this article, the methodology of three different vulnerability the combined vulnerability score (physical score) of fire and
assessments and the way of combining the results of the assess- earthquake through workshop. Social vulnerability score was
ments to develop composite vulnerability score of the study area combined with the physical vulnerability score by using the for-
has been described. Then the results have been analyzed and re- mula developed by Cardona [8] to calculate the composite vul-
presented in form of maps. Three different map layers using Arc- nerability score.
GIS 10 using the results of earthquake vulnerability assessment,
fire hazard vulnerability assessment and social vulnerability as- 2.3.1. Earthquake vulnerability assessment by FEMA-Rapid Visual
sessment have been produced. Then the first two layers have been Screening (RVS) method
combined to create physical vulnerability map which has been Earthquake vulnerability score has been calculated by FEMA-
combined later with the social vulnerability layer to develop Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) method for moderate seismicity
composite vulnerability map. The final map layer shows different developed by Federal emergency Management Agency (FEMA) of
categories of vulnerable buildings in the study area and its United State of America which is applicable for Bangladesh. An-
hotspots. other widely used method RVS (Turkish) is not valid for this re-
search as it is applicable only for reinforced concrete building
(RCC) up to 7-storey. So about 38.1% structures which are katcha,
2. Methodology unreinforced masonry building (URM) and above 7-storey cannot
be analyzed using Turkish method. The parameters of scoring of
2.1. Selection of the study area FEMA-RVS include space for documenting building identification
information such as its use and size, floor area, etc., a photograph
Ward No. 29 of DSCC is selected for the vulnerability assess- of the building, sketches building plan and elevation and doc-
ment of fire and earthquake in this research. This ward is one of umentation of pertinent data related to seismic performance,
N. Rahman et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 13 (2015) 291–300 293

Table 1 Table 3
Expected damage level based on RVS score. Social vulnerability indicators and weights.
Source: FEMA-154, 2002 Source: [24]

RVS score Damage potential Indicator Formula Weight

S o 0.3 High probability of Grade 5 damage; very high probability of Population density ¼ Total population in building/Total floor area of 0.30
Grade 4 damage. building in square feet
0.3 oS o 0.7 High probability of Grade 4 damage; very high probability of Gender ¼ Number of female/number of male 0.05
Grade 3 damage. Age below 5 ¼ Number of children/Total population in 0.17
0.7 oS o 2.0 High probability of Grade 3 damage; very high probability of building
Grade 2 damage. Age 65 and over ¼ Number of elderly/Total population in building 0.11
2.0 oS o 3.0 High probability of Grade 2 damage; very high probability of Disability ¼ Number of disable/Total population in 0.34
Grade 1 damage. building
S 43.0 Probability of Grade 1 damage. Illiterate ¼ Number of illiterate/Total population in 0.03
Total 1.00
including the development of a numerical seismic hazard and
vulnerability score. The scores are based on the expected ground
shaking levels in the region as well as the seismic design and Cardona et al. (2005). The methodology was modified for this re-
construction practices for the city or region. Basic Structural Ha- search for building level calculation. The demographic data of
zard Scores based on Lateral Force Resisting System for various building of Ward 29 was collected by field survey (2013). The
building types are provided on the form, and the screener circles weighted value of each factor was derived through an expert
the appropriate one. The screener modifies the Basic Structural survey according to the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) by
Hazard Score by identifying and circling Score Modifiers related to World Bank [24]. The social vulnerability score (SVS) of each
observed performance attributes, by adding (or subtracting) them building is the weighted sum of these indicators (Table 3).
a final Structural Score, ‘S’ is obtained. The likely damage of
building can be categorized in different grades depending on their 2.3.4. Development of composite vulnerability score
impact on the seismic strength of the building according to Eur- The composite score of vulnerability is the combination of
opean Macro Seismic Scale (EMS-98) which define building da- earthquake vulnerability score, fire vulnerability score and socio-
mage to be from Grade 1 to Grade 5 presented in Table 1 [10]. economic vulnerability score. Though these three scores are in
different scale, these have been converted into a common scale
2.3.2. Fire hazard vulnerability assessment (Table 4) for calculation of composite score. RVS (FEMA) scores
Fire hazard vulnerability analysis has been carried out in few vary from 0.7 to 4.4 where higher value means low vulnerability
stages. First, the factors of fire hazard vulnerability have been fixed and lower value means high vulnerability. According to the clas-
based on literature reviews and opinion of local fire experts in the sification of FEMA [10], sample buildings were classified into four
context of Dhaka city. The factors are construction type, number of vulnerability categories of earthquake and given new scale from
storey, floor area, fire source in building, fire source around 0.25 to 1; where 0.25 means the low vulnerability and 1 indicate
building and accessibility which have been collected from field high vulnerability. Fire scores vary from 0.393 to 1.72 where lower
survey in 2013. Based on opinion of expert, six attributes of fire value means low vulnerability and higher value means high vul-
hazard were given numeric values for vulnerability calculation nerability. According to fire scores, sample buildings were classi-
with weighted impact from 0 to 1 derived from AHP [22]. Fire fied into four vulnerability categories of fire score and given new
hazard vulnerability score (FS) of each sample building is the scale from 0.25 to 1 where 0.25 means the low vulnerability and
weighted some of these indicators (Table 2). 1 indicates high vulnerability. Physical vulnerability score (PVS) of
each building was calculated using an equation based on expert
2.3.3. Social vulnerability assessment
opinion: PVS ¼0.6*Earthquake score þ0.4* Fire score. Social vul-
Social vulnerability assessment was conducted by the metho-
nerability scores (SVS) vary from 0.065 to 0.2638 where lower
dology derived from a study conducted by World Bank [24] and
value means low vulnerability and higher value means high vul-
nerability. The composite vulnerability score (CVS) of a building is
Table 2
Fire hazard vulnerability indicators and weights. the combination of physical vulnerability score (PVS) and social
Source: [24] vulnerability score (SVS). Hazards only become disasters when
people are affected and livelihoods are swept away. The theoretical
Factors Value Weight
and analytical methodological framework for the CVS is based on
Construction Pucca – 1 Semipucca – 2 Kutcha – 3 0.140 the work of Cardona et al. (2005). According to this procedure, the
type CVS is obtained by multiplying the physical vulnerability score
Number of Up to 1-storey 2–5 storey 6 and above 0.113 (PVS) by the social vulnerability score (SVC), based on variables
storey storey
associated with the socio-economic conditions of each building,
Low – 1 Moderate – 2 High – 3
Floor Area Up to 1000 sqft 1001 sqft – 2001 sqft and 0.070 according to the relationship: CVS ¼ PVS (1 þ SVS).
2000 sqft above
Low – 1 Moderate – 2 High – 3 Table 4
Fire source in No – 0 Residential Hazardous 0.327 Common vulnerability category.
building sourcesa – 1 sourcesb – 2
Fire source No – 0 Yes – 1 0.091 Vulnerability New RVS score Fire score Social vulnerability
around category Scale score
Accessibility Code-0 Code – 1 0.259 Low 0.25 3.01–4.4 0.393–0.7 0.0000–0.0650
Road 4 ¼ 10 ft Road o 10 ft Moderately low 0.5 2.01–3 0.71–1.00 0.0651–0.1000
Moderate 0.75 0.71–2.0 1.01–1.30 0.1001–0.1500
Residential source: gas stove. High 1 0.3–0.7 1.31–1.72 0.1501–0.2638
Hazardous source: chemical, plastic, paper, electric generator.
294 N. Rahman et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 13 (2015) 291–300

3. Analysis and findings 3.1.3. Vertical Irregularity and plan Irregularity

Buildings with irregular pattern both in their elevation and
Data analysis contains three vulnerability assessments: earth- plan are more vulnerable to earthquake than buildings with reg-
quake, fire and social. Details of each part are presented below: ular form. From the field survey it has been found that 16.3%
buildings in the study area are vertically irregular and 83.7%
3.1. Earthquake vulnerability analysis buildings are vertically regular in their elevation shape. About 60%
buildings of the study area have regular shape and 40% buildings
Among 350 surveyed buildings, 338 buildings have been ana- have irregularity in their plan. Regular shape means rectangular or
lyzed using RVS (FEMA) method and rest structures which are square plan and irregular shape may be an L-shaped or T-shaped
katcha cannot be analyzed for earthquake hazard. From the field building.
survey, information about four factors of earthquake hazard, i.e.,
type of building, number of storey, vertical irregularity and plan 3.1.4. Rapid visual screening (FEMA)
irregularity have been collected and then analyzed to develop Based on scoring the earthquake vulnerability map (Fig. 1) is
score of each building. The factors of earthquake vulnerability are prepared which shows the building according to the different
described as follow: earthquake vulnerability category based on Table 4. About 50.9%
buildings scored 3.01–3.4 values which mean most of the build-
3.1.1. Building type ings are structurally low vulnerable according to RVS (FEMA).
Among 350 surveyed buildings 256 buildings are pucca (73.1%), Among 50.9% of safe buildings, the highest 33.4% are pucca C3
82 are semipucca (23.4%) and 12 are katcha (3.4%). Among pucca type, 5.1% are pucca URM, 2.6% area semipucca C3 type and 9.4%
only 1 building (0.29%) are C2 (concrete shear wall) type building. are semipucca URM. Only one building in the study area is C2 type
C3 (moment resisting frame with unreinforced masonry infill or building which also falls in low vulnerable category. 3.4% structure
URM inf) type building dominates with 64.3% occupancy in total fall in highly vulnerable category. Among these buildings, 3.1% are
buildings. URM (unreinforced masonry) buildings which are C3 type pucca and 0.3% is URM. No semipucca building falls in this
mostly semipucca buildings are 32% in the study area. About category (Table 5).
60.57% buildings are C3 type and pucca; and 3.71% are C3 type Among high vulnerable category, 0.9% buildings are 2-storey,
semipucca buildings. 12.29% area URM and pucca; and 19.71% are 1.1% are 3-storey and 1.4% are 4-storey in total sample buildings. In
URM and semipucca. this category, only residential, commercial and mixed use activity
has been seen with 0.9%, 0.3% and 2.3% share. Among moderate
3.1.2. Number of storey vulnerable category, height of buildings varies from 1-storey to
The area mainly comprises of one to six storey buildings where 9-storey. This category is seen in almost all type of use of building
one storey buildings are the highest with 22.3% occupancy. except recreational activity. Mixed use and residential dominate in
Buildings above six storeys are very limited (3.5%). The tallest this category with 5.4% and 4.9% share. Moderately low vulnerable
building in the study area is a 9-storey building. Among the others, buildings vary from 1-storey to 6-storey where 2-storey are the
2-storey buildings are 20.9%; 3-storey, 4-storey, 5-storey and highest (7.1%). In this category, mixed use again dominates with
6-storey buildings are 12.6%, 12.6%, 14.6% and 13.7% respectively. 14.9% share (Fig. 2).

Fig. 1. : Earthquake vulnerability map of Ward 29. Prepared by author, source: field survey, 2013.
N. Rahman et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 13 (2015) 291–300 295

Table 5 3.2.4. Existence of fire source in building

Type of buildings according to RVS (FEMA). As a traditional old part of Dhaka city, Ward 29 contains dif-
Source: Field survey, 2013
ferent types of economic activities such as plastic manufacturing
RVS score Construction type Total industries, warehouse of flammable material like chemicals and
plastic etc that can trigger a fire hazard. Fire sources in buildings
Katcha Pucca Semipucca
are categorized into five classes where first four are hazardous
0 C2 C3 URM C3 URM sources (chemical, plastic, leather, and generator) and the last one
is residential. In case of scoring of fire, first four types of sources
0 3.4 0 0 0 0 0 3.4
are given more preference than gas stove. Buildings where fire
0.31–0.7 0 0 3.1 0.3 0 0 3.4
0.71–2 0 0 8.6 1.4 0.9 2 12.9 sources and flammable materials are available in the study area
2.01–3 0 0 15.4 5.4 0.3 8.3 29.4 were located during the field survey. Around 20% buildings are
3.01–4.4 0 0.3 33.4 5.1 2.6 9.4 50.9 found with no fire sources. 21% buildings have plastic, 4% have
Total 3.4 0.3 60.6 12.3 3.7 19.7 100
chemicals, 2% have leather and 1% have generator. Rest 52%
buildings which are mainly residential have gas stove as a source
3.2. Fire hazard vulnerability analysis of fire. Building with no fire source is given 0, where building with
residential fire source (gas stove) and hazardous fire source (class
Fire hazard vulnerability in context of Dhaka city depends on 1 to 4) is given 1 and 2 respectively.
six factors including construction material type of building, num-
ber of storey, floor area, fire source in building, fire source around 3.2.5. Existence of fire source outside building
building and accessibility of road which are described below. Safe distance of building from outside fire source like electric
pole and transformer should be minimum 3 m or 20 ft according
3.2.1. Construction material type to international standard ( In
Fire hazard depends on construction material of buildings such the study area, about 27% buildings have been found to have
as earthen floors, wooden floor, mud walls, straw roofs, tin-shed electric pole and 2% have transformer at their close proximity.
roof, etc. Katcha structures tend to be more vulnerable to fire than These buildings are highly vulnerable to fire hazard. Besides, most
pucca buildings. So katcha building is given a score of 3 where of the buildings have electric wire so closely with their outer wall.
semipucca and pucca are given score of 2 and 1 respectively. In the If there is a spark in transformer, these electric cables can easily
study area 73.1% buildings are pucca, 23.4% are semipucca and spread fire to the buildings. About 71% buildings have no electric
3.4% are katcha. pole or transformer to their close proximity. Building with no
transformer or electric pole is given 0, where building having
3.2.2. Number of storey transformer or electric pole at its close proximity is given 1.
Number of storey of buildings is an important factor of fire
hazard. According to the view of local expert, vulnerability of 3.2.6. Accessibility
building increases with the increase of number of floor, i.e., first Accessibility is one of the important factors of fire vulnerability.
floor of a building is safer than any of the upper floors. In the study Fire affected building needs to be served by fire truck coming from
area, most of the buildings are one storey to six storeys. High rise fire stations which carry water, ladder and various firefighting
buildings are very limited in the study area. From the opinion of equipment to extinguish fire. If the adjacent road of affected
expert, buildings with up to one storey scores 1, 2–5 storey scores building is not accessible for fire vehicle, the buildings become
2 and high rise building (above 6 storey) score 3. vulnerable as it cannot be served effectively by fire fighters. In this
study, a minimum width of 10 feet of adjacent road is considered
3.2.3. Floor area as accessible according to firefighting expert. From the field sur-
Larger area tends to be more vulnerable than smaller area. In the vey, it was found that the percentage of the buildings that get
study area, floor space of building varies from 169 square feet to access of fire vehicle is 46%. Rest of the buildings (around 54%) is
11,100 square feet. To calculate fire score, area of building is cate- not accessible to fire engines. According to opinion of expert,
gorized in three classes where up to 1000 square feet scores 1, 1001– building with road accessibility scores 0 where building with no
2000 square feet scores 2 and above 2000 square feet scores 3. road accessibility scores 1.

Fig. 2. : Earthquake score according to number of storey and use of structure. source: field survey, 2013.
296 N. Rahman et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 13 (2015) 291–300

Fig. 3. : Fire hazard vulnerability map of Ward 29. Prepared by author, source: field survey, 2013.

Fig. 4. : Physical vulnerability map of Ward 29. Prepared by author, source: field survey, 2013.

3.2.7. Fire vulnerability score are 26.6%. Buildings fall in most vulnerable category of fire are 14.9%.
The vulnerability score of buildings of the study area range from
0.393 to 1.72 which is presented in Fig. 3. Lower value indicates less
3.3. Physical vulnerability score
vulnerability whereas higher value indicates high vulnerability. Most
of the buildings (58.6%) have fire score more than 1 which indicates Fig. 4 shows the physical vulnerability scenario of the study
most of the buildings in the study area are vulnerable to fire. Buildings area by combining earthquake and fire score using the equation
having fire score less than 0.7 are only 14.9% and having score 0.71–1.0 mentioned in Section 2.3.4. About half of the total buildings in the
N. Rahman et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 13 (2015) 291–300 297

Fig. 5. : Social vulnerability map of Ward 29. Prepared by author, source: field survey, 2013.

study area fall in moderately low vulnerability category of both population greater than female population. The rest (19.43%) are
earthquake and fire with 50.9% share. Moderate vulnerable socially vulnerable as they have more female population than
buildings are 36.6% and high vulnerable buildings are 4.3%. male.
Buildings with low vulnerability are 8.3% of sample building.
3.4.3. Age below 5 years and 65 plus
3.4. Social vulnerability analysis Age group is another criterion for analyzing social vulnerability.
Both young and old people may be unable to respond to disasters
A building is socially vulnerable to any hazard when people live on their own. Number of children in a building in the study area
there. So it is important to analyze the social features of building varies from 0 to 23. About 39.1% buildings have no children hence
such as total population, gender distribution, age category, etc. these buildings are safer than other. About 48.3% buildings have no
which are also known as impact factors of hazard. Social vulner- elderly people with 65 years and above which are safer than other.
ability of area or building depends on some factors including de- 51.7% have at least one elderly that lead to social vulnerability.
mographic features, age group, income and education level etc.
World Bank identified six factors for Dhaka city that lead to social 3.4.4. People with disability
vulnerability. These factors are population density per square Only 18.6% buildings have at least one disable people which are
kilometer, female to male ratio, children below 5 years, elderly more vulnerable than other buildings in the study area as disable
with 65 years and above, people with disability and illiterate people cannot move effectively in case of any hazard.
people. In this research social vulnerability of each building level
has to be analyzed, so density is converted to person per square 3.4.5. People with Illiteracy
feet. Illiterate people are less aware of any hazard so they are more
vulnerable than literate people. In the study area, a large number
3.4.1. Density of population of people are illiterate who are mainly the workers of the plastic
Density of population in the study area is one of the highest in manufacturing and processing industries. Buildings having no il-
Dhaka city [5] which is about 127,425 people per square kilometer. literate people are 31.7% in the study area. Buildings having 1–10
From the field survey it is also found that the density of population illiterate people are more than half of the total sample buildings
living in a building is very high. Most of the buildings (26.6%) have (51.4%).
about 31 to 50 people living in a building. Analyzing person per
1000 square feet in a building, it has found that most of the 3.4.6. Social vulnerability score
buildings (44.3%) have up to 10 people per 1000 square feet. About Social vulnerability score of each building is the weighted sum
37.7% buildings have 11 to 20 people. Buildings having more than of the above mentioned factors mentioned in Table 3. In the study
50 people per 1000 square feet are 6% of total sample buildings. area, about half of the sample buildings (49.4%) fall in low vul-
nerability group. 35.4% fall in moderately low vulnerability group;
3.4.2. Female to male ratio 11.4% are moderately vulnerability and 3.7% are highly vulnerable.
Woman is more vulnerable than man in case of any hazard. In The scores of social vulnerability are represented on Fig. 5 to show
the study area, most of the buildings (80.57%) have male overall scenario of the study area.
298 N. Rahman et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 13 (2015) 291–300

Fig. 6. : Composite vulnerability map of Ward 29. Prepared by author, source: field survey, 2013.

3.5. Composite vulnerability analysis vulnerable. Percentage of 2-storey buildings is slightly greater than
other storey (Fig. 7). From the vulnerability analysis of earthquake
The composite vulnerability scores of the buildings which is the and fire hazard incorporating social vulnerability, it has been ob-
combination of physical vulnerability score (PVS) and social vul- served that pucca buildings are more vulnerable than semipucca.
nerability score (SVS) are presented in Fig. 6. From the analysis, it Mixed uses of buildings followed by residential uses tend to be
has found been that most of the buildings fall in moderate vul- more vulnerable than any other uses. Educational institutions and
nerability category with 42% share. 26.3% buildings are highly community services are comparatively low vulnerable so these can
vulnerable and 11.7% are very highly vulnerable. be used as evacuation center.

3.5.1. Detailed inventory of vulnerable buildings

After developing the composite vulnerability map of Ward 29 4. Major findings and recommendation
for earthquake and fire, it is necessary to give attention to the most
vulnerable building in the study area. About 38% buildings (133 4.1. Major findings
sample buildings out of 350) fall in these categories. Among them,
101 are pucca structures and 32 are semipucca. Mixed uses of This part concludes the research by proposing some re-
building dominate (84 out of 133) in these categories followed by commendations on the basis of the major findings of the vulner-
residential use (34 out of 133). Among the existing land use of the ability assessment of earthquake and fire hazard incorporating
study area, educational institutions and community services like social vulnerability. Major findings of the research are described as
mosque, community center, social gathering club does not fall in follow.
high vulnerable categories except one mosque. So these buildings
can be used as evacuation center is case of any hazard. Among the 4.1.1. Exiting scenario
vulnerable category, about 24.1% structures are semipucca and The surveyed buildings cover 11.45% of existing structures in
75.9% are pucca. There is no remarkable variation in case of the study area. In spite of being one of the oldest parts of Dhaka
building height. 1-storey to 9-stoery all buildings are more or less city, the study area comprises both old and new building

Fig. 7. : Vulnerable buildings according to type, number of storey and use of structure. Prepared by author, source: field survey, 2013.
N. Rahman et al. / International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 13 (2015) 291–300 299

constructed up to 10 years before which is about 49%. Pucca and social vulnerability.
buildings dominate with about 73.1% occupancy among which  Developing social resilience through raising awareness among
about 60.57% are C3 (moment resisting frame) type building. Un- local people about their vulnerability to earthquake and fire
reinforced masonry buildings which are mostly semipucca are 32% hazard may be a suitable solution to mitigate vulnerability to
in the study area. One storey buildings are the highest with 22.3% earthquake and fire hazard in the community.
occupancy whereas buildings above 6 storeys are very limited  Composite vulnerability map can be a great tool to find out
(3.5%). The tallest building in the study area is a 9 storey building. potential hotspot of hazard which will help the disaster man-
Most of the buildings (38%) have 1001–2000 square feet floor area. agement authority for taking risk mitigation measures. In the
About 50.9% buildings are used as mixed use activity such as shops study area, some structures are found to be vulnerable only to
and industry at ground floor and residence at upper floor. earthquake; some are only to fire. But about 38% structures are
highly vulnerable to both hazards which are identified as hot-
4.1.2. Vulnerability assessment spot from the composite vulnerability map. Special measures
According to RVS (FEMA) most of the buildings (50.9%) are should be taken for those buildings.
structurally safe and 3.4% buildings are highly vulnerable to
earthquake. This scenario is quite surprising as about 16.3%
buildings are vertically irregular and 40% buildings have irregu-
larity in their plan. One of the main reason behind low earthquake 5. Conclusion
vulnerability is about 49% buildings are newly constructed. In
contrast, most of the buildings (58.6%) in the study area are vul- Vulnerability assessment is a tool of decision-making of specific
nerable to fire among which 14.9% are highly vulnerable. Around stakeholders about options for responding and adapting to the
80% buildings are found with fire sources stored in building effects of hazard. In this research, vulnerability assessment of
whereas 29% have fire source around. Adjacent roads of most of earthquake and fire hazard in a selected area in Dhaka city has
the buildings (54%) are not accessible for fire truck. As many been carried out incorporating social issues. Analyzing different
buildings are used for mixed activities, these are highly vulnerable map layers produced from the findings of the vulnerability as-
to fire hazard. The study area may withstand a single hazard. But sessment, one can understand the earthquake vulnerability sce-
considering multi-hazard of earthquake and fire, there is greater nario, fire hazard vulnerability scenario and the integrated sce-
chance of disaster. About 50.86% buildings in the study area are nario when both hazards strike. The main reason behind the
moderately low vulnerable to both earthquake and fire hazard compilation of earthquake, fire hazard and social vulnerability is to
where 4.29% buildings are highly vulnerable. More population observe the complete picture of exiting vulnerability of an area.
living in hazardous area leads to greater risk of disaster. About half The integrated map can be a tool for disaster management au-
of the buildings (49.4%) are low vulnerable according to social thorities to determine the mitigation measures and to find vul-
score where 3.7% are highly vulnerable. According to the compo- nerable buildings needed further investigation and also to relocate
site vulnerability score incorporating earthquake, fire hazard and the people living in those vulnerable buildings. Though the study
social vulnerability, most of the buildings (38%) are highly to very has been carried out to a small portion of Dhaka city, the metho-
highly vulnerable because of high population density and high risk dology is applicable to the whole ward as well as other wards of
of fire hazard. Pucca and mixed use buildings tend to be more the city and it will help the policy makers to prioritize special
vulnerable than any other buildings. consideration area or hotspot for disaster management. The in-
tegrated vulnerability assessment of earthquake and fire hazard
4.2. Recommendation can be described as well balanced in regard to the social compo-
nents of vulnerability. Assessing both earthquake and fire hazard is
The study area was found to be more vulnerable to fire and less able to create a common understanding about the relevance of
vulnerable to earthquake. But due to the social impact, narrow existing risks in a region or municipality. This common under-
road, lack of critical facilities and lack of preparedness among local standing is an essential basis for reaching a consensus on neces-
people, a great disaster may happen even if a small scale earth- sary measures for mitigating vulnerability which is an integral part
quake or fire occurs. Fire may be happened both as primary hazard of spatial planning.
or secondary hazard of earthquake. So taking measures to reduce
fire hazard vulnerability and to enhance social resilience may
improve the condition as a whole. Some recommendations which Acknowledgement
have been derived by analyzing findings of vulnerability assess-
ment are described as follow: This article is a part of research work of master's thesis con-
ducted by the first author under co-supervision of second and third
 One of the major reasons of vulnerability of the study area is authors. Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
poor road network which is practically impossible to improve (BUET) funded the research as a part of author's Master's Degree.
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