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dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 1 Anti-Bullying Time

1 Hour
Theme People and Culture
Core Value Love
PAK-21 i-THINK Maps
2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
Suggested Units to
Chapter 1 : Let’s Chat
be incorporated

Knowledge : List the physical and mental effects of bullying
Objectives Socioemotional : Accept friendship without prejudice
Action : Practise saying ‘NO’ to acts of bullying.
1. Teacher asks students to collect a few articles on bullying.
2. Talk about similarities or differences in each case.
3. Discuss about mental bullying and physical bullying:
• How does it happen? How does one do it?
• Who does the bullying? Who are the victims?
• What can you do to prevent bullying?
4. List the effects of both types of bullying and list them into a double bubble map.

Unstable attempt Physical
emotions injuries


Prefers own Mental Low self Physical

Often sick/
company Bullying esteem Bullying
Being alone

Avoiding scared/
school Emotional
damage frighten

Teacher’s Notes

dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 2 Compassion towards human beings Time

and animals
1 Hour

Theme Nature
Core Value Love
PAK-21 Gallery Walk
2.1.1 Explain simple content on familiar topics from what they read and hear
Suggested Units to
Chapter 7 : Mother Nature

be incorporated
Knowledge : Explain ways to show compassion towards human beings and
Socioemotional : Love animals
Action : Be kind to animals

1. The teacher divides students into small groups of 3 or 4 or 5.

2. Ask a representative of each group to choose a card. The

teacher needs to prepare the cards, each written with the
name of an animal usually chosen as a pet: cat/fish/bird/

3. Based on the animal each group has, discuss on what they

have to do in order to take care of the animal as a pet. Students
Activities can make use of a mind map.

4. Write the necessary steps that they have to do to be a responsible

pet owner on a manila card. Put up the results of each group
around the class/at stations.

5. Teachers can assign ways how each group can ‘visit’ the other
groups and find out about their imaginary pets. Can make use of
sentence structure “to-infinitive and infinitive without to” and
“ing form/gerund (page 99).

Teacher’s Notes

dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 3 Global Sustainability Time

1 Hour
Theme Health and Environment
Core Value Responsibility
PAK-21 Drawing Posters/Mind Maps
2.1.5 Express and respond to feelings such as amusement, anger and regret
Suggested Units to
Chapter 7 : Mother Nature
be incorporated

Knowledge : Explain the importance of environmental sustainability for the
well-being of life
Socioemotional : Appreciate and love the environment
Action : Involved in protecting the environment
1. Discuss activities that bring 2. List activities that can provide for
negative effects to the environment. environmental sustainability.

Pollution of trees

Logging Littering pollution
Activities promoting
which bring
sustainability Reduce
effect Clean
Open Excessive environment
burning land use

3. Suggest a ‘beach cleaning’ activity and get students to draw posters to promote
the event to other students.

Teacher’s Notes

dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 4 Financial Management Time

1 Hour
Theme Consumerism and Financial Awareness
Core Value Responsibility
PAK-21 Pair Work
2.2.1 Use formal and informal registery appropriately in familiar contexts
Suggested Units to
Chapter 3 : Buy It!
be incorporated

Knowledge : Explain the importance of being responsible towards personal

financial decisions.
Socioemotional : Express gratitude in managing finance wisely
Action : Wise application of financial management
1. The teacher can show an example of a budget and guide students to prepare their
own weekly budget.
JANUARY (Weekly Budget from 3rd January to 7th January)
Income Budget Actual Amount
Income RM 50.00 RM 50.00
Other sources – –

Total Income RM 50.00 RM 50.00

Income Budget Actual Amount

Saving RM 5.00 RM 10.00
Activities Food RM 15.00 RM 15.00
Transport RM 10.00 RM 10.00
Phone RM 10.00 RM 10.00
Other expenses RM 10.00 RM 5.00

Total Income RM 50.00 RM 50.00

2. In pairs, students give comments about their partners’ budgets; either positive or
Examples: You spend very little on recreational activities which I think is good.
I suggest that you can reduce your expenses on food that is bad for your health.
3. Students work with their partners to list ways to manage their money wisely so
they can save more.
Teacher’s Notes

dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 5 Preserving Malaysian Heritage Time

1 Hour
Theme People and Culture
Core Value Mutual Respect
PAK-21 Three Stay, One Stray
2.1.2 Ask about and explain causes and consequences of actions, events, simple processes
Suggested Units to
Chapter 5 : Globetrotting
be incorporated

Knowledge : State the diverse cultural heritage among races and ethnicities
Objectives Socioemotional : Express pride in unique and rich Malaysian cultural heritage
Action : Practise one’s cultural heritage
1. Students are divided into groups of four. The teacher assigns each group to ‘travel’
around Malaysia and find out information on the unique cultural heritage of a
2. Each group writes about the cultural heritage that they have to discover. Having
pictures will be a great advantage for them to provide explanations to others.
3. One member from each group is selected to be a ‘reporter’. He/She visits other
groups and finds out about other heritage. The other members stay to provide
explanation to visiting ‘reporters’.
• If you visit Sarawak, you can buy these unique pottery handicrafts as souvenirs.
• ‘Songket’ fabrics are usually worn for special occasions.
• Do you know any other cultural heritage in the state?
Activities • How is heritage preserved for future generations?

• Kelantan/ • Sarawak: Pottery • Melaka: Baba and • Perak: labu

Terengganu: Batik Nyonya Culture sayong pottery

• Pahang: Gold/Silver Thread Weaving/Songket

• Sabah: Sumazau Dance
Teacher’s Notes

dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 6 Peaceful World Time

1 Hour
Theme People and Culture
Core Value Mutual Respect
PAK-21 Round Table/Presentation
2.1.4 Explain and justify own point of view
Suggested Units to
Chapter 4 : Being A Teen
be incorporated

Knowledge : State factors that contribute to a peaceful world

Objectives Socioemotional : Express gratitude for living in a peaceful world
Action : Abide by rules and regulations to ensure universal peace
1. Using the Round Table activity, teacher gives a topic to each group.
(i) Do you like living in Malaysia? Give your reasons.
(ii) State factors that contribute to a peaceful world.
(iii) How should you be grateful for living in a peaceful country/world?
(iv) List some rules and regulations for people to follow in order to have peace
around the world.
Examples: (iii) Being grateful:
(i) Like living in Malaysia: • Practise tolerance among
• It is peaceful. people of different ethnics and
• People are friendly. religious beliefs.
• The country is a heaven for all • Maintain unity by respecting
kinds of food. other people
Activities • There are not many natural • Avoid issues that can provoke
disasters personal sentiments
• Become good citizens by
following all national principles
(ii) Factors that contribute to a peaceful (iv) Rules and regulations:
country: • Respect others
• Attitude of a person/leader • Have great patience
• The way a country is governed • Promote cooperation among
• High levels of tolerance among communities
people • Say ‘NO’ to violence
• Education

2. Select a representative from each group to present their topics to the class.
3. Teacher can also ask students to write a speech based on the topics that they have.
Teacher’s Notes

dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 7 Healthy Interactions Time

1 Hour
Theme People and Culture
Core Value Happiness
PAK-21 Role Play
2.1.2 Ask about and explain causes and consequences of actions, events, simple processes
Suggested Units to
Chapter 1 : Let’s Chat
be incorporated

Knowledge : Explain the importance of courteous communication
Objectives Socioemotional : Express happiness when able to communicate courteously
Action : Communicate courteously
1. Have you ever listened to rude conversations? What is your opinion about the
tone and language being used?
2. Talk about other situations in which people can become rude.
• on the road – after a minor accident/during traffic jam
• when queueing to buy food/when commenting on a social media page
3. Discuss how to use polite/courteous communication in similar situations. Act out
various situations to practise courteous communication.
When queueing to buy food for quite some time:
Andrian : I wonder why the line does not seem to be moving at all.
Rob : Me too. We only have fifteen minutes for our break.
Andrian : One should decide what to eat. So he can buy the food straight away
when it is his turn.
Rob : I agree with you and right now, I feel like shouting about it to the
Activities person in front!
Andrian : Oh Rob, please be more patient. It will spoil your good image if
other students remember you as a person who is hungry and angry!
When refusing an invitation
Mei Mei : I’m going to have a small party for my birthday this Saturday. Will
you be able to come to the party?
June : Thank you for the invitation but I’m sorry that I cannot attend the
party. This Saturday will be my elder sister’s convocation day. I’ll be
going to KL with my parents for her convocation.
Mei Mei : It’s alright, then. It is surely going to be a memorable day for your
family. Do congratulate your sister on my behalf.
June : I’ll convey it to her. Wish you many happy returns of the day and I
hope that it will be a great birthday celebrations.
Teacher’s Notes

dalam Bahasa Inggeris

Topic 8 Proud of the Malaysian Identity Time

1 Hour
Theme People and Culture
Core Value Happiness
PAK-21 Presenting Patriotic Poems/Songs
2.1.5 Express and respond to feelings such as amusement, anger and regret
Suggested Units to
Chapter 8 : Image
be incorporated

Knowledge : Explain the Malaysian identity such as the National Principles,

Malaysian flag, National Anthem, National Emblem, and National
Objectives Flower
Socioemotional : Express pride of the Malaysian identity
Action : Practise the National Principles
1. Listen to a song that refers to the country such as “Malaysia Truly Asia” or “Visit
Malaysia 2020.”
2. Talk about common Malaysian identities that students should know.

The Malaysian flag is called ‘Jalur Gemilang’. The flag has

four colours. There are fourteen alternating horizontal
red and white stripes with a yellow crescent and 14-point
star on top of a blue rectangle at the top-left corner.
The five Malaysian principles were formulated on 31st August 1970. We, as
Malaysian must know all of them and put in effort to remember them.
Activities Belief in God.
Loyalty to the King and Country.
Supremacy of the Constitution.
Rules of Law.
Courtesy and Morality.
Our Malaysian flower is the red hibiscus. It is called ‘ Bunga
Raya’ in Bahasa Melayu which literally means, the
“celebratory flower”. The beautiful flower is to reflect the
celebration of unity in a multicultural nation whereas the bright red colour
symbolises courage and vitality of the people.
3. Each group gets creative and writes out a poem or lyrics of a song referring to the
country. Present the poem/song.
Teacher’s Notes


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