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1. Pair Work: students ask each other all 16 questions. Whether their partner answers “yes”
or “no”, they circle the answer on their own worksheet.

Once students finish their interviews and play bingo.

2. Bingo: the goal for this game is NOT to get bingos. This game starts out by the ALT
asking the JTE the 16 questions on the worksheet. The object of this game is for students
to match the answers they received during Pair Work to the JTE's answers. For example,
if ALT asks, “Are you as powerful as Anpanman?” and JTE answers, “Yes, I am” then
students who have “yes” circled from the interview will put an X or a mark on that picture.
3. At the end, ask students to count how many bingos and points they have. Students with
NO bingos win the game.


  Interview at Random: instead of working in pairs, allow students to walk around in the classroom
and ask different people separate questions. Based on the answers they receive, they mark their
worksheet accordingly.


 Students might not know the question form of using as-as, so it would be a good idea to teach the
question form before the activity.
 Students may interview in pairs or at random for this activity. Decide before the lesson which
method is better for your class.
 JTE and ALT give students 10-15 minutes to complete the task, before playing bingo as a class.



Walk around to make sure students don’t erase the answers once you start to play bingo.

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