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How to record the experiment

After the verification of complete experiment in the Physics Laboratory Class

Notebook, every student has to record the experiment in the Physics Laboratory
Final Notebook. The following format is recommended and should be adhered
to closely unless your instructor instructs otherwise. A fare record work and
regularity in completing the record will definitely contribute to enhance your

1. Each notebook should be clearly identified with a title ‘Physics

Laboratory Final Notebook’, the name of the student (whom it
belongs to) & his/her enrolment number, name of the branch, semester
and the academic year (e.g. 2014-15) etc.

2. The first page of the Physics Practical Final Notebook should contain an
index having five columns for serial no., name of the experiment, date of
performing the experiment, date of submission and grades and remarks.

3. Every experiment should start from a fresh page. In the top-right of the
first page of each experiment, the date of performing the experiment
should be indicated. For writing the experiment details, only use the
ruled pages. Blank pages should be used only for drawing the figures.

4. The experiment should be recorded in the following sequence:

(i) Objective of the experiment

The objective should give the concise definition of the aim of the

(ii) Apparatus
Name all the instruments used in performing the experiments.
Do not use the code numbers specified by the manufacturers of the

(iii) Theory and Formulae

Write the basic theory of experiment.
Give only the relevant formulae which will be used for obtaining the
desired results from the observations.
All the symbols used in the formulae should be explained properly and
also mention the units in the unit system which you are going to use
throughout the experiment.

How to record the experiment

If the calculation is to be done through the graph, then mention the

details about the graph to be drawn and also represent the formulae in
terms of the slope of the curve.
(iv) Observations:
It is the most important part of your experiment. First of all
calculate the least counts (with proper units) for all the
instruments used for observations.
Prepare the detailed observation table as explained in the Physics
Laboratory Manual.
Do not use pencil for recording the observations.
There should be no overwriting.
Every observation should be followed by a proper unit.

(v) Calculation
Perform the calculation as explained in the Physics Laboratory

(vi) Result and discussion

Mention the results (with proper unit) produced in the calculation
Compare your result with the standard values (if available) and
also calculate the percentage error in your results.
If the results are produced in graphical form then discuss the
variation of physical quantity plotted in the graph.

(vii) Precautions
Mention the most appropriate precautions which should be taken
care while performing the experiment.

(viii) Finally write the answers to the questions given in the ‘Find the
answers’ section of the Physics Laboratory Manual.

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