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Two Histories of the Daleks
An alternative look at Dalek history before the TimeLord's intervention
Sean Dobson

The "Original" History of the Daleks

The trouble with constant intervention across time and space is that the historical progress, or
‘timeline’, of those species that exist across many solar systems and many millennia can be
compromised to the point where it becomes very difficult to identify a stable succession of
events.  Within ‘Doctor Who’, the Daleks featured in stories from the program’s inception in
1963 to its penultimate season in 1988. The good Doctor’s repeated interventions caused many
alterations to the course of Dalek history. These ‘shifts in the sands of time’ have led to key

 Why was there no reference to Davros prior to Genesis of the Daleks?

 How did the Daleks survive their apparent annihilation in Evil of the Daleks?
 What was the relationship between the Dal and Kaled peoples?
 In Destiny of the Daleks, where was the Dalek City and why had Davros been abandoned
for millennia?

These questions can never be conclusively answered. However, it is possible to draw upon
evidence from Doctor Who and make informed & reasoned speculation about the course of
Dalek history.  This article makes two core assertions about Dalek history:

1. The Daleks experienced two separate histories as a result of the intervention of the Time
2. Both Dalek histories were dominated by the activities of the Daleks’ creator – Davros.

Throughout its history, Doctor Who was concerned with the impact of interventions in the
course of events across space and time. The 1969 story, The War Games, ended with the Doctor
being tried by his own people, the Time Lords, for breaching their laws on non-intervention in
the affairs of other civilisations. After that seismic event in the development of Doctor Who, the
Time Lords opted to use the Doctor to carry out selective interventions where they felt they were

The 1975 story, Genesis of the Daleks, was a case in point.  Possibly out of fear for the future of
Gallifrey, or perhaps out of genuine concern for other civilisations, the Time Lords
commissioned the fourth Doctor to intervene at the very outset of Dalek history.  This was an
intervention with the potential to alter the course of galactic history for millennia.  But what was
the impact of the Doctor's intervention?  There are two main points in the story where the
Doctor's intervention may have had a serious impact:

1. By alerting senior Kaled politicians to the way in which Davros was developing the
Daleks, and triggering their intervention, the Doctor's actions led Davros to betray the
Kaleds and facilitate the Thals' successful nuclear attack on the Kaled domed city. This
further compelled Davros to launch the prototype Daleks into an attack on the Thals. At
this point, the prototype Daleks were, in Nyder's (Davros' senior security officer) words,
'unstable'. The psychological effect of engaging in mass extermination of the Thals may
have been that the new Daleks decided to take control of their destiny and reject the
authority of Davros.
2. The Doctor was interrogated by Davros. The Doctor was compelled to give an elaborate
testimony about future Dalek history. Davros may have been able to make changes to the
Daleks to prevent future defeats.

Would either have a significant impact on the course of Dalek history?  This is a subjective
debate. However, there is sufficient evidence to suggest that the events of Genesis of the
Daleks do change the development of the Daleks.  The Daleks did not re-appear until the 1979
story Destiny of the Daleks. But their reappearance revealed a Dalek empire that was a shadow
of its former self. These Daleks were unable to outwit a race of androids, the Movellans, and
appeared to be nomadic 'robber barons' without a capital city on Skaro. Something had happened
to the original 'timeline'. Prior to Genesis of the Daleks, the Daleks had time-travel facilities and
a devious mindset that led them to alter Earth's history (Day of the Daleks). Now the Daleks
lacked the wit to defeat an army of robots; if they had time-travel capabilities, they would surely
have used them to defeat the Movellans.  The way in which Davros' remains had been dumped
in the ruins of the Kaled bunker were also indicative that some very fundamental shift had
affected the Dalek 'sands of time'. It would be almost inconceivable that a Dalek empire that had
risen to the heights witnessed in stories such as the Dalek Master Plan and Planet of the Daleks
would have simply abandoned the mortal remains of its creator.  

What was Davros' role in Dalek history?  In an attempt to reason with Davros, the Doctor asked
him if he would be willing to unleash a virus capable of extinguishing all life. Davros' response
was instructive: 'Such power would place me amongst the gods; and through the Daleks, I shall
have such power.'  Davros' outburst was hardly indicative of someone with limited career
horizons. His subsequent conduct indicates a desire for supreme power over time and space.
Remembrance of the Daleks (1988) witnessed a Dalek bid for supreme power on a scale not seen
since their high-point in the 1960s.  Davros had managed to supplant the Supreme Dalek and
install himself as Emperor Dalek. Why had Davros chosen this title? There are two

1. Davros sought political legitimacy by drawing on the collective Dalek memory of the
original Emperor (destroyed in The Evil of the Daleks).
2. Alternatively, there were two separate Dalek timelines. In both cases, Davros declared
himself to be Emperor.

What evidence is there to support the assertion that Davros was Emperor Dalek in both Dalek
timelines? There is a good deal of conjecture in this theory. However, it is not unreasonable to
accept it as a working hypothesis.  One point about alternative timelines is they tend to share a
good deal of common ground. In both Evil of the Daleks and Remembrance of the Daleks, the
Doctor is confronted with an audacious plot to seize supreme power over time and space.  In
both stories, the Doctor manages to trick the Emperor Dalek into its downfall. It is important to
consider the almost 'non-Dalek' nature of the Emperor Dalek in The Evil of the Daleks. It spoke
very differently from its subordinates and was able to engage in a quality of dialogue that other
Daleks could not even begin to match.

The very title of 'emperor' denotes a different sort of personality. Hierarchy was central to Dalek
political culture with the Supreme Dalek at its apex. But a title such as 'emperor' carries
connotations of personal grandeur that are perhaps difficult to equate with the Daleks.  It is
therefore, reasonable to suggest that the two Emperors were, in truth, Davros. Each existed
within one of the two Dalek 'timelines'. The parlous state of Dalek power witnessed in Destiny
of the Daleks was testimony to what would happen to the Daleks without their creator.


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The planet Skaro was a populous planet. Its development, over several thousand
years, had led to a division between two power blocs. One, the Dal–Kaled Alliance was
peaceful, democratic and committed to the expansion of learning. The other, the Thal
State, was fascistic and concerned with furthering its national interest. The Dal-Kaled
Alliance was anxious to resolve the conflict with the Thal State. Confrontation seemed
irrational and a waste of resources. The escalating requirement for armaments meant
that scientific efforts were increasingly directed towards creating weapons of mass
destruction. Economic prosperity was hampered by the greatly increased taxes needed
to fund a growing military establishment.

The Thal State was obsessed with the notion that the Dal-Kaled Alliance was
determined to ‘encircle’ it and force its 'liberal' values upon the Thals. To the Dals and
Kaleds this seemed a wholly unreasonable attitude. It was not their fault that their
respective republics were geographically situated on either side of the Thals.
Convinced of the superiority of democracy, liberalism and knowledge, the Dals and
Kaleds failed to appreciate the Thals’ fears.

Tensions increased as the Dal government attempted to open its border to Thal
citizens. The Thal government instigated a program of internal repression against any
of its citizens who dared to express a desire for Dal freedom. Very quickly, public
opinion in both Dal and Kaled territories was moving in favour of ‘regime change’ in
order to liberate the Thal people from their ‘backward’ leaders. Convinced that war was
inevitable, the Thal State launched a preemptive strike, intended to secure a quick,
‘lightning’ victory, against both the Dals and the Kaleds. The Thal leaders privately
accepted that their enemies could probably defeat them in a lengthy conflict. Although
less militarised, the Dal-Kaled Alliance could draw on superior combined numbers and
more advanced scientific knowledge. The Dal and Kaled armed forces were able to
resist the Thal attempt at a rapid victory. Calculating that a singular use of nuclear
weaponry would force the Thals to the negotiating table, the Dal government authorised
an attack on a provincial Thal city. 

The destruction was absolute. The Dal president reasoned that, although a dreadful
act, it would be justified if it saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and
civilians who would otherwise perish in a prolonged conventional conflict. The Dal
dedication to reason, even twisted reason, was mirrored by the Thal response. The
Thal military wanted to avoid their political masters suing for peace. Acting without
political authority, tactical nuclear weapons were deployed against the Dal-Kaled
Alliance’s principal airforce bases and front-line armoured divisions. When challenged,
the Thal chief of staff told the Thal government that the war would end quickly as the
Dal-Kaled conventional forces were crippled. He assumed that the ‘weak-willed’ Dals
would sue for peace rather than escalate the war into a full-scale nuclear holocaust.

It was an irony of history that the aggressive Thal military was working on an
assumption of restraint by the pacific Dal and Kaled leaders. Within the Dal-Kaled
command bunker, debate raged about how to respond to the Thal strikes. Under
severe pressure, Dal notions of civilised conduct were rapidly losing currency. The
fateful decision was taken to launch a full retaliatory response against the Thals. Both
Dal and Kaled generals advised their political masters that an overwhelming attack
gave the best prospect of eliminating the Thals’ nuclear arsenal. Acting on this advice,
the Dal government authorised a massive nuclear strike on Thal territory. Within hours,
there had been an exchange that destroyed every city and large town on Skaro. The
years of ‘cold war’ had, however, led both sides to be prepared for nuclear war. The
surviving populations were herded into survival bunkers beneath the irradiated
wastelands. From there, both sides determined to continue the war.

The Dal-Kaled Alliance was now more theoretical than practical. All communications
satellites had been destroyed in the early stages of the war. The survivors of the two
allies were, in real terms, fighting their own separate wars against the Thals. War had
fundamentally shifted Dal attitudes. Their civilisation was largely destroyed. The great
networks of commerce and science that had made the Dals great were all gone.
Fighting the Thals was the only thing that could keep their society united. Likewise, the
Kaleds were determined to keep on fighting. Numerically the weakest of Skaro’s three
nations, they feared being rounded up and exterminated by the remnants of the Thal
military. War was the only option. War was no longer the technological affair that both
sides had been prepared for. Instead, it had become a brutal and primitive slaughter
between platoons of infantry supported by field artillery. Neither side could hope to win
a quick victory. As years and decades passed, the true cost of the conflict became
increasingly obvious.  

Maternity units in all three nations’ bunker cities held a terrible secret. The radioactive
‘fallout’ from the nuclear exchange at the start of the war was causing physical mutation
of an increasing proportion of the population. Derided as ‘mutos’, the victims of the
radioactive environment, were expelled from the bunker cities. The senior Dal scientist,
Yarvelling, had developed an automated armoured fighting machine. This had been
intended as a purely robotic device for the post-nuclear battlefield. However, as a
farsighted thinker, Yarvelling adapted his design so it could function as a travel
machine for future generations. Calling it a ‘Dalek’, Yarvelling’s creation was a
response to what he feared was inevitable. With backing from the Dal government the
new ‘Dalek’ machines were put in mass production in preparation for a time when they
would be needed.

A Kaled scientist, Davros, held a different opinion. He believed that the mutation of the
population was inevitable and that the Dals and Kaleds should drive the process to its
‘logical’ conclusion in order to outlast the Thals.

Davros had been a leading Kaled scientist before the war. He had been an angry
young man, convinced that scientists such as himself should dominate society and give
it political leadership. He held the opinion that life was a competition between races.
For Davros, the war was an opportunity to rise to the status of leadership that he felt he
had been denied in peacetime. Davros had been attached to the Dal airforce’s
headquarters at the outset of the war. He had been lucky to survive the Thal nuclear
attack albeit severely crippled.  In recognition of his abilities, Davros was transferred to
Yarvelling’s research establishment. A travel machine was developed for his use. In a
similar way to the new ‘Dalek’ machines, Davros’ vehicle was designed to act as an
integrated life-support system. Davros was brilliant but unable to cooperate with
Yarvelling’s scientists. He despaired of the way in which the ‘Dalek’ project was
regarded as a response to the possible instead of an opportunity to turn the inevitable
mutation of the Dals and Kaleds into a new ‘successor’ species that would dominate
Skaro. Unable to work with his Dal counterparts, Davros demanded to be returned to
Kaled territory. Transportation between the two allies was virtually non-existent, but an
appeal to the Kaled military representative succeeded in securing a journey home by

The Kaled government recognised the harsh reality that their alliance with the Dals was
of little practical value. They recognised that they would have to ensure their survival by
their own efforts and forget any hope of help from the diminished Dal military. So they
established a special scientific unit dedicated to devising a means of securing victory
over the Thals. This in itself was a limited war aim: the Kaleds were not so much at war
with the entire Thal nation but rather with that portion of it that occupied the bunker city
across the borde r. Davros took the ‘Dalek’ concept and re-forged it. Instead of a travel
machine for a future mutated generation, his ‘Dalek’ would be a genetically engineered
creature wholly integrated within its machine element. The new ‘Dalek’ would be
conditioned to believe it was the supreme species and be totally ruthless in its drive to
exterminate or subjugate all other species.

Yarvelling continued to work within the Dal capital. He had sections converted for his
‘Dalek’ machines with static electricity providing their power source. As years passed,
the first Dals to be so heavily mutated they could not function without the ‘Dalek’
machine were born. Within a hidden section of the Dal capital, the Dal future was being
created. But Yarvelling took no pleasure in his work. Instead, he saw it as the only
possible response. Dal attitudes had evolved to the point where the Thals had come to
be seen as sub-human and worthy of extermination and nothing else. Yarvelling died a
saddened old man. He feared what his people were becoming; but he had no
conception of what Davros was attempting in the Kaled bunker, thousands of miles
away. Years went by, war and its consequences further diminished the Dal population.
Seeing the inevitable future, the Dal government ordered mass production of the
‘Dalek’ machines and instructed the most heavily disabled in their use. With no
communication links open, the fate of the Kaleds was a near mystery.

Inside the bunker, Davros had succeeded in creating his first Daleks. Some Kaled
scientists were opposed to Davros’ aims. However, they felt powerless to resist Davros
and his security advisor, Nyder. Davros continued to enjoy some political favour. He
had, after all, developed a chemical formula for a new bomb–proof dome for the Kaled
city. There were sporadic battles between what passed as the Thal and Kaled armies
but the war was grinding to a halt. Kaled generals entertained the idea that a ‘big push’
would end the war. This fantasy was a source of sardonic humour for Kaled troops
struggling to stay alive on the battlefield.  At the same time, the Thal leaders ordered
the construction of a nuclear missile that would destroy the Kaled city. Davros
recognised that his ‘project’ was under some degree of threat. His past disagreements
with Yarvelling were known in government circles and he was, therefore, derided as an
‘extremist’ by some. The extremely precarious state of the Kaleds had compelled their
leaders to give Davros whatever resources and political backing he demanded.
However, Davros feared the day when he lost his patronage and found himself under
direct orders from hostile Kaled politicians. Davros’ security chief, Nyder, had built a
secret network of contacts within all three governments on Skaro. As a result, Davros
had access to better intelligence reports than any other person on the planet did.
Through reading Nyder’s reports, Davros concluded that he might be able to secure a
‘deal’ with the Thal government that would eliminate his enemies within the Kaled

Davros hated all Thals but he recognised that his most dangerous enemies were a
group of Kaled politicians led by Mogran.  Davros felt immeasurable contempt for those
he regarded as too weak to do what he saw as essential to perpetuate the Kaled race.
Davros was aware that Thal scientists were developing a ‘miracle’ drug that reversed
the effects of radiation and ensured that healthy children were born. He was also aware
of a putative ‘peace party’ within the Thal government. Davros was horrified by the idea
that peace might come to Skaro with a ‘miracle drug’ that would make his work
redundant and possibly the subject of a criminal investigation. For Davros, the only
option was to help the dominant ‘war party’ within the Thal government. He could
provide a chemical formula that would weaken the Kaled dome and make it vulnerable
to the Thals’ ‘super-missile’. But such an act of treason would be fraught with
difficulties. Questions would be asked, by his own scientific and security elite, about
how the Thals had succeeded in penetrating the Kaled dome. Davros’ disagreements
with Mogran’s faction and his general disdain for politicians might make him the ‘prime
suspect’ in the search for the traitor. Davros knew that he would be obliged to launch
his prototype Daleks on a retaliatory incursion into the Thal city. The new Daleks were
not ready for battle. Specifically, Davros was concerned that the psychological impact
of battle might trigger some development within the Daleks whereby they might reject
his authority and exterminate all non-Daleks in the bunker. Davros needed time to alter
the Daleks’ conditioning so that they would accept him as their supreme leader. Nyder
arranged for a secret message to be passed to the ‘war party’ within the Thal
government. If they would delay launching their missile for one month, he would
provide the chemical formula that would guarantee its success. The deal was accepted.
The Thal ‘war party’ saw that time was running out and that within a few months, the
rival ‘peace party’ might use the new ‘miracle drug’ to justify an end to the war. They
were also aware that the Kaled politician, Mogran, was gathering support for peace.
Davros used his time carefully; the Daleks were re-conditioned to accept him as their
supreme leader and the first of their species. Having achieved this essential change,
Davros released the promised formula to the Thal government. Within days, an
intensive artillery bombardment of the Kaled dome was launched. Kaled scientists
advised their political masters that the dome might be vulnerable to a sufficiently
powerful warhead. These fears were justified, when the Thal ‘super missile’ was
launched. Destruction of the Kaled ‘bunker city’ beneath the dome was absolute.
Within the Thal government, there was recognition that Skaro needed to be re-built.
With their own population depleted, the Thal leaders hoped that a peace with the Dals
could be agreed. Of course, such a peace would be on Thal terms. What the Thals
failed to appreciate was that the Dals were about to be supplanted by their bio-
mechanical derivatives, the Daleks.

The huge incidence of mutation combined with the effects of radiation on the able-
bodied meant that a large minority of the Dal population was now ‘Dalek’ in nature.
Encased in their travel machines, they decided to seize control of the Dal capital and
take whatever action necessary to rid Skaro of the Thals. The surviving ‘human’ Dals
fled the capital and sought the protection of the Dal army. Meanwhile, on the other side
of Skaro’s principal landmass, Davros launched his Daleks on the Thal city. Thousands
of Thals were exterminated in a matter of hours. Elements of the Thal military re-
grouped and prepared for an attack on Davros’ bunker. In hidden hilltop bunkers, they
watched as Davros’ Dalek army returned to the bunker.

The Thal government had been virtually destroyed by the Dalek attack. Ironically, it had
re-located to the Thal city furthest from Dal territory thinking this would provide greater
security. In the event, this had proven their undoing. Thal troops detonated high
explosives in order to seal Davros’ bunker and turn it into a tomb for both him and his
Daleks. Davros was relatively unconcerned by this. He believed that decades, possibly
centuries, would be needed before his Daleks were ready to reclaim Skaro.

Davros had lost none of the political ambition of his youth. The Daleks were the Kaled
nation reformed in his image. Mass-production of Daleks was instigated. Davros was
determined to remain supreme leader of his creatures for millennia. He designed a new
travel-machine for his own use, altered his genetic structure to expand his life span
exponentially and decided on his new title. Davros declared himself to be the Dalek

Inside the Dal capital, the Daleks decided to eradicate the Thals, and remaining Dals,
by detonating a neutron-intensive nuclear weapon in Skaro’s atmosphere. The Dalek
plan was simple and brutal. The atmosphere would be poisoned to the extent that
human life could not be supported. Thals across their territory realised they would have
to migrate thousands of miles to lands that had traditionally been seen as infertile. If
there were any place where food might be grown, it would be found there.

The Thals were now pacifists. Utterly disgusted by the war they had initiated, they
changed their political and social culture utterly. This, of course, was historically ironic
given that the Thals had gone to war in order to preserve their militaristic political
culture. In their respective bases, the two Dalek races spent centuries developing.
Inside the Dal capital, the Daleks experimented upon themselves and with space travel.

After five centuries, Dalek political culture had developed to the stage where the
‘republican’ inheritance from Dal culture was no longer viable. Their numbers had
increased greatly and it was realised that further progress would require hierarchy. The
Daleks engineered a supreme leader entitled the Black Dalek. The Black Dalek was
determined to achieve a permanent hegemony over Skaro. It recognised that Skaro’s
mineral resources were finite and therefore identified the conquest of a suitable planet
as the strategic priority. It was unclear whether any Thals still lived on Skaro. However,
the Black Dalek judged that any that did could be dealt with another neutron bomb. A
prototype spacecraft was completed and the Black Dalek judged that the time had
come to embark on deep space exploration to identify a suitable target planet.

Preparations for war commenced. The Black Dalek ordered that a detachment of 500
Daleks would remain in the Dal capital. All other Daleks were to be involved in the
conquest of a new planet. In order to operate outside the capital, these Daleks were
fitted with an energy reception device. Power would be transmitted from the Dalek
spacecraft and would keep the Daleks ‘alive’. Once a small fleet had been assembled,
the Black Dalek ordered a mass embarkation. The fleet took off in search of conquest.

Thousands of miles away, Davros continued with the development of his Daleks. New
weapons systems were devised and theoretical research into time-travel occupied
much of Davros’ intellectual energies. The notion of building an empire was an
increasing ambition for Davros. To this end, Davros decided that a Dalek elite was
needed. Somehow, he had to be able to create a small group of Daleks that had the
intellectual capacity for strategic decision making but also an absolute subservience to
his authority as Dalek Prime. Davros integrated elements of his genetic code with that
of the Daleks. A new Dalek was created with the intention that it would serve as a
strategic thinker and operational commander. It came to be known as the Golden
A second ‘special’ Dalek was engineered to act as ‘deputy’ to Davros. This Dalek was
entitled the Supreme Dalek. Davros was extremely cautious about potential challenges
to his leadership of the Daleks. He believed that by creating an intermediary level
between himself and the mass of the Daleks, he could prevent any future debate that
focussed on his position. Davros believed that supreme leadership would require an
aura of mystery and distance. His two ‘deputies’ could provide visible leadership and
control. Davros had the sense to realise that the Daleks, as sentient beings with a
capacity for thought, would need to be controlled very carefully. Regardless of the way
in which they were conditioned, he feared that, somehow or other, some Daleks might
‘develop’ in an unexpected manner.
Meanwhile, as the Black Dalek’s fleet departed, the few surviving Thals faced the
prospect of final extinction through famine. For five hundred years, the Thals had
attempted to survive as an agrarian people. Violence had been strictly prohibited and
they had become a people that bore no resemblance to their warlike ancestors. The
one thing the Thals had retained was the ‘miracle drug’. It had been taken, five
centuries before, in large quantities in whatever transport could be mustered. The Thals
were desperate to survive. They started the long trek to the Dal capital. Somehow or
other, they hoped that the Dals lived and could help them. Regardless of past hatred,
the Thals had a drug that the Dals would surely want in return for some food. After
many months, the Thals were approaching the old Dal capital. An external intervention
was about to occur that would alter their history forever.

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In his first incarnation, the Doctor came to Skaro for the first time within his existence.
Curious about this new world, he took himself and his companions into the seemingly
deserted city. There the city-bound Daleks captured them. In return for anti-radiation
drugs, one of the Doctor’s companions was sent to meet the Thals with an apparent
peace offer. They were tricked into entering the Dalek city where the Daleks attacked
them. The Doctor, along with his companions, escaped with the surviving Thals.
Despite the Daleks’ behaviour, the Thals remained committed to pacifism. Only by
manipulation of one of their leaders’ emotions, were the Thals persuaded that they had
to fight to survive.
The Daleks were clear in their determination to finally eradicate the Thals from Skaro.
To achieve this, they decided to explode an extremely lethal neutron bomb in Skaro’s
atmosphere, with the intention of poisoning the Thals to death. The Doctor and the
Thals defeated the Daleks. The city-bound Daleks were utterly reliant on the city’s
power generators. Once the Thals disabled the system, the Daleks died almost
instantaneously. With the Daleks apparently eradicated, the Doctor left Skaro and the
Thals were able to use the Dalek city and technology to develop their own civilisation.
Over centuries, the Thals developed space flight technologies and became a thriving
civilisation. Travelling through deep space, the Black Dalek was disturbed at the
sudden failure of all communications with the Skaro garrison. However, it reasoned that
the greater priority had to be the conquest of a new planet. If the Thals had taken the
Dal capital, they could be quickly exterminated upon its return. After almost two
centuries of travel, the Black Dalek discovered a small blue planet that was the fourth of
nine planets in a remote solar system.

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Given the enormous distance between Skaro and Earth, the Dalek invasion took place
in the planet Earth’s mid 22nd Century. Recognising the relatively advanced nature of
the human civilisation, the Black Dalek opted for a strategy of attrition prior to the
invasion. Earth was bombarded, over several years, with a series of viruses carried in
what the human authorities thought were small meteorites. The cumulative impact of
the viruses rendered the planet unable to defend itself. In the late summer of 2160, the
Daleks landed at several strategic places across Earth’s five continents. Led by the
Black Dalek, they rapidly took control of the planet. Their operations centred in
Bedfordshire, a district of the British Isles.
In the autumn of 2164, the Doctor arrived in London to discover the Dalek invasion. He
was captured by the Daleks; but managed to escape with the help of human resistance
fighters. From that point the Doctor was able to confront, and ultimately defeat, the
Dalek invasion. Dalek power had evident limitations. They had been unable to
eradicate all resistance and they lacked numbers. There was evidence of pragmatism
within the Black Dalek’s decision making. Captured humans of intelligence were being
implanted with control chips to become Robomen troops. The Robomen were utterly
obedient to the Daleks; and provided a major boost to Dalek fighting power. The Daleks
were not only interested in Earth’s mineral resources. They were ambitious to use the
whole planet as a kind of super space station. The plan was to extract the planet’s
magnetic core and replace it with a device for piloting the planet throughout the galaxy.
To this end, the Daleks had constructed a nuclear weapon and were drilling, from
Bedfordshire, to the proximity of the Earth’s magnetic core. The Doctor was able to
frustrate this plan by diverting the weapon’s route. However, the Earth’s magnetic core
proved fatal to the Daleks. Their saucers were brought down and the Daleks were
physically crushed by the magnetism.
With the death of the Black Dalek and the total destruction of the Dalek fleet, there
were no Daleks at liberty to challenge the new Thal dominance of Skaro. On Earth, the
Daleks’ nemesis was a source of celebration as the human race set about repairing the
damage caused by the Daleks. Over the next four hundred years, Earth’s power
expanded throughout and beyond its solar system. On Skaro, the Thals were able to
build a new civilisation. In many ways the Thals were the new Dals; they were peaceful,
democratic and committed to scientific exploration. Their intellectual leaders hailed this
apparent synthesis of two national identities as finally lying to rest the conflict of the
past thousand years. But everything was about to change. Thousands of miles from the
old Dal capital, Davros decided the time had come to reclaim Skaro. He had little idea
whether the Thals still lived, let alone dominated the planet. But he would take no
chances. What had been the bunker had been steadily expanded into a vast
underground base for the Daleks. Scientific units, under the direction of the Golden
Dalek, undertook research into new weapons systems and time travel. Nuclear power
generators powered the time travel experiments. In a sense, the long dead Kaled
scientists were still involved in Davros’ work. As they had died of old age, their genetic
codes had been scanned and recorded. Davros integrated the codes with those of
selected Daleks that had been chosen to be the new scientific elite.
Units of the Thal military were on their annual maneuvers in the region of the old Kaled
city. The actual rationale for a Thal military had been debated for years. No one could
properly explain its purpose without reference to the Daleks; there was a dormant fear
that somehow or other the Daleks that had been entombed had somehow survived. If a
war with the Daleks was to break out, this was where it would begin. Thal culture was
immersed in the legends of the past. There was a permanent ‘Dalek mus eum’ within
the old Dal capital. Children were told that bad behaviour would lead to the Daleks
‘getting’ them. Thal television featured documentaries and dramas about the Daleks.
But no one truly believed that any Daleks had survived.
As a squadron of Thal tanks raced over the terrain where their crews’ ancestors had
fallen, there was a sudden rumbling that grew in intensity until it reached a crescendo.
The surface seemed to rupture with tons of rock and soil being hurled into the air.
Suddenly a phalanx of Daleks emerged. The terrifying chant of ‘exterminate’ filled the
air as war broke out on Skaro. The Daleks were fearsomely equipped. They had new
laser canon artillery and hypersonic aircraft. The first battle ended with the virtual
annihilation of the Thal forces that had set out on a training exercise a few days earlier.
The Thal government went into emergency session with the senior generals. Only one
option seemed to have any prospect of stopping the Daleks; the nuclear option. But this
was totally unacceptable to the politicians and was scarcely more palatable for the
Evacuation of Skaro was the only viable course of action. But how could an escape be
possible? The generals made it clear that the only option was for the bulk of the Thal
military to advance to the Dalek bunker area and ‘buy time’ sacrificing itself while as
much of the population as possible was evacuated. With a heavy heart, the Thal
president gave the order to evacuate and said goodbye to the general who was leaving
to die in battle. Within days, the Dalek army had reached the old Dal capital that had
been the Thals’ chief city for a few centuries. Tens of thousands of Thals had escaped;
but thousands more were trapped. In a virtual replay of events of a thousand years
earlier, thousands of Thals were exterminated.
The Thal fleet set course for a new home planet. Thal space explorers had identified an
uninhabited world only a few years earlier. It was from there that the Thals would
continue the struggle against the Daleks. In an act of defiance, the Thal president
declared that the new home planet would be called ‘Skaro’. Meanwhile, Davros arrived
at the Dal capital to establish his new headquarters. For the Kaled scientist, the return
was a vindication of all he had argued for centuries earlier. Conflict between races was
inevitable; Skaro could never be shared with the Thals. His Daleks were inestimably
superior to those created by the Dal scientist, Yarvelling. Davros spent time studying
both Dal and Thal records stored in the former Thal Public Archive. He was fascinated
by both the Thal and Dalek developments of space travel and by the possibilities for
interplanetary conquest that they offered. Eager to make them reality, Davros ordered
the construction of deep space cruisers with ‘time-corridor’ facilities. He engineered a
new casing for himself and, in a fit of pure ego, declared that henceforth he was the
Emperor Dalek. One matter that puzzled Davros was a reference to ‘the Doctor’ in
several Thal texts. Somewhere in the universe of time, there was an alien who had
come to Skaro and intervened in a manner that had inflicted a serious defeat on the
Daleks. Dalek records of the expeditionary fleet that had left Skaro but had never
returned heightened Davros’ suspicions. Was it possible that this ‘Doctor’ had caused
another Dalek defeat?
Davros ordered the Golden Dalek to instigate research into creating ‘scanning’
equipment that could locate the ‘Doctor’. Dalek security video files had been retained
and archived by the Thals. These gave a clear picture of the appearance of the
‘Doctor’. Once located, he would be hunted down and exterminated.

T C he  hase

The Golden Dalek located the Doctor and started a pursuit that spread over both time
and space. The pursuit spread to the Empire State Building in New York City and the
legendary Marie Celeste. Beyond Earth, the Daleks followed the Doctor to the desert
planet of Aridius and the jungle planet of Mechanus. On Mechanus, the Daleks
encountered the Mechanoid robots. Programmed to repel any hostile arrival, the
Mechanoids fought the Daleks until both sides were utterly annihilated. The Doctor was
able to escape. Davros remained determined to exploit their new time travel
technology. A fleet of deep space cruisers was constructed to carry a Dalek army
through time and space. The question was when and where offered the optimum
opportunity. An analysis of galactic history indicated that a ‘window of opportunity’
existed in the Earth year 4000. Research indicated the existence of a corrupt politician,
Mavic Chen, who might be persuaded to betray the human race.

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aster  lan

Earth, in the year 4000, was a dominant power in the galaxy. Davros realised that Earth
would have to be defeated if there were to be any prospect of victory across the galaxy.
Mavic Chen, Guardian of the Solar System, was persuaded to betray Earth with the
promise of sharing power with the Daleks. The Supreme Dalek assembled the Dalek
invasion force on the obscure jungle planet called Kembel. The Dalek army
represented one of the greatest concentrations of Dalek power ever; a decision had
been made to commit the bulk of the Daleks’ offensive, war-fighting capacity to one
final push for a total victory. The Supreme Dalek deemed the risk that some unforeseen
circumstance might lead to a cataclysmic defeat minimal. This fateful assumption was
to prove the Daleks’ undoing.
The Daleks had devised a new weapon, the Time Destructor. This ‘super weapon’
relied on a precious mineral called Taranium that had been mined on Venus. The
Doctor infiltrated the Daleks’ operational headquarters on Kembel and stole the
Tarranium. The Supreme Dalek ordered that the Doctor was to be pursued across time
& space until the Tarranium was recovered. The Tarannium was regained but the
Doctor was able to outwit the Supreme Dalek. He triggered the Time Destructor into
action on Kembel, destroying the entire Dalek army, along with the Supreme Dalek
The Daleks’ greatest difficulty lay in the simple truth that their superpower status had
been severely diminished by the loss of the army on Kembel. Any conventional
offensive would now stand a very great chance of failure. But a simple defensive
posture would be neither militarily feasible nor ideologically tolerable. Every Dalek, from
Davros down to the warrior Daleks, had an unshakeable belief in their ultimate
supremacy. Even if consolidation was an acceptable short-term strategy, there was the
very real danger that the Earth Federation would launch its own assault, intended to
extirpate the Dalek menace. If there were a viable strategy for the Daleks, it would have
to be centred on something far subtler than the type of war that was planned to have
been launched from Kembel. Davros decided that the very nature of the human race,
throughout its history, had to be fundamentally altered in order that Earth become a
willing ally of the Daleks.

vil of the  aleks

Utilising scanning technology, the Davros became aware that the Doctor was present at
Heathrow Airport at a point in 1966. Wanting to trap the Doctor, Davros realised he
needed human agents. Time corridor technology was utilised to travel to a country
mansion in the Kent of 1866. An advanced scientist, Edward Waterfield, was
experimenting in an attempt to discover the secret of time travel. Davros sent a squad
via a time corridor to capture both Waterfield and his daughter, Victoria.
Waterfield was compelled to co-operate with the Daleks’ demands. Desperate to save
his daughter’s life, he agreed to travel forward in time to the London of 1966 and
capture the Doctor and his companion, Jamie McCrimmon. The Doctor was lured into a
trap and taken, along with the TARDIS, back to 1866. The Daleks ordered the Doctor to
subject his companion to a series of experiments to identify those traits of humanity that
could collectively be described as the ‘human factor’; and then treat three Dalek
specimens with this factor. The experiment proceeded with the result that the three
specimen Daleks underwent a fundamental character change, hailing the Doctor as a
‘friend’ and questioning orders.
The Dalek squad was ordered to return to Skaro. The Doctor pursued them and
infiltrated the Dalek city. However he was captured and taken before Davros. For both
parties, this was a monumental encounter. The Doctor finally saw the being he had
thwarted on Kembel; Davros felt a moment of triumph as its nemesis stood as a
prisoner. The Doctor challenged Davros , telling him of the effect of the ‘human factor’
on the three specimens. The Doctor predicted the fall of the Dalek Empire as the spirit
of dissent was spread by the ‘humanised’ specimens. The Doctor was alarmed as
Davros proceeded to reveal his true intentions. Instead of having an interest in the
‘Human Factor’, he wanted to spread the ‘Dalek Factor’ into the human race, making it
obedient to the Daleks and sharing their commitment to ruthless conquest and
subjugation. First the Daleks treated the Doctor with the ‘Dalek Factor’; failing to fully
understand Time Lord physiology, Davros was convinced that the Doctor was
committed to furthering the Dalek cause.
The Doctor was able to exploit this failure of understanding and managed to infect a
considerable number of Daleks with the ‘Human Factor’. The consequence of this was
utter disaster for the Dalek Empire. The newly ‘humanised’ Daleks questioned the
authority of their ‘Emperor’ and triggered a civil war on Skaro. Davros was destroyed in
the fighting. The Doctor witnessed the apparent destruction of the Dalek race. The civil
war continued until the entire Dal capital was in flames. The complex was destroyed in
a series of cataclysmic explosions. No Daleks survived. The Golden Dalek had
survived because it was based in the old bunker thousands of miles from the Dal
capital. With its cohort of scientist Daleks, the Golden Dalek considered how to restore
Dalek power and expand its frontiers.
Deep below the surface the process of re-building Dalek power got under way. Along
with its scientific elite, the Golden Dalek set about formulating the strategy for Dalek
recovery and ultimate victory. The bunker had remained the centre of Dalek scientific
research and the creation / production of new Daleks. The loss of the Dal capital was
more a blow to Dalek self-esteem than a serious challenge to their prospects of galactic
pre-eminence. The Golden Dalek made the established of a new Dalek governing class
a priority. The old tripartite structure that included an Emperor and a Supreme Dalek
had been destroyed on Kembel and then Skaro. The Golden Dalek wanted to establish
a new supreme council. The Daleks of the scientific elite were accorded the new status
of Supreme Council Daleks and were installed in new casings that signified their rank
and authority.
The planet Earth remained a strategic objective. The defeat of the previous invasion in
2164 had allowed the human race to develop to the point where, by the late 26th
Century, a politically unified Earth was able to lead a galactic coalition to fend off hostile
actions by the Daleks, Cybermen or Sontarans. It occurred to the supreme council that
utilisation of time distortion technology could enable the Daleks to manipulate the
course of history. An analysis of Earth’s history indicated a period in its later Twentieth
Century when a combination of international rivalry and nuclear weapons technology
threatened to trigger a devastating conflict on the planet. The supreme council resolved
to trigger such a conflict.

D ay of the  D aleks

As it happened, there had been a period of extreme tension in the Earth year 1972 that
had nearly triggered a nuclear war. Conflict had only been prevented by the
intervention of British diplomat, Sir Reginald Styles. The Daleks mounted an ingenious
intervention whereby war did break out after a mysterious explosion destroyed
Auderley House in southern England. The explosion killed Sir Reginald Styles and the
foreign ministers of the principal powers of the planet Earth. Subsequently a series of
wars led to a final nuclear conflagration.
The Dalek distortion of time was achieved in two successive stages. First, a quantity of
Dalekanium explosive was sent through the space / time vortex to Auderly House at the
exact time in 1972 when the peace conference had commenced. The destruction of
Auderly House along with the violent deaths of many of the planet Earth’s political
leaders would trigger a world  war. However, the Supreme Council felt uneasy about
the stability of this intervention in Earth’s timeline. The Daleks were now aware of the
planet Gallifrey and its inhabitants, the Time Lords. A renegade Time Lord, known as
the Master, had arrived on Skaro offering his assistance. Intrigued, the Dalek leaders
interrogated the Master about the extent of Time Lord power.
The Master explained that the Time Lords had enormous power over the fabric of time
and space. They could, for example, remove the Daleks’ explosive device from the
time/space vortex and restore Earth’s timeline. The Daleks were concerned that such
an intervention would, virtually instantaneously, unravel the new Dalek Empire that was
to supplant the Earth Federation of the 26th Century. The finer points of Time Lord
morality were explained to the Daleks. They would seriously consider intervention to
reverse a Dalek distortion of Earth’s timeline. But they would not intervene if the Daleks
were merely exploiting a situation in which Earth was devastated by a war caused by
human action alone.
The Master suggested that the human race should be further manipulated into securing
its fate as permanent slaves of the Daleks. He suggested the creation of a temporal
paradox whereby a small number of humans might be ‘allowed’ to operate as a
resistance force in 22nd Century Earth. They would believe in the assumed guilt of Sir
Reginald Styles and think that his assassination would change human history and
prevent a nuclear world war. To this end, the human resistance should be enabled to
‘capture’ basic time-travel technology and Dalekanium explosive. The date of the
Auderly House explosion was a documented fact in human records. The human
resistance would then travel back to 1972 and try to kill Sir Reginald Styles. If they
succeeded, the murder of a senior British diplomat would, at such a point of global
tension, trigger war. Alternatively, the guerrillas might destroy Auderly House with
Dalekanium explosive. But if they failed once, they would try until they had succeeded.
One way or another, this would create the circumstances for an invasion of Earth
without any apparent external distortion of Earth's timeline.
The Master’s plan was put into effect. In the instant that the human resistance
completed the ‘loop’ of the temporal paradox by destroying Auderly House, the Daleks
would withdraw their own explosive device from the time/space vortex. War broke out
and escalated to the point where human civilisation was devastated by nuclear
weapons. In the aftermath, the Daleks invaded Earth. Lacking numbers, they relied on
an imported species of semi-humanoid beings known as Ogrons. The Daleks also
realised that a select few humans could be employed to administer the planet for them.
Known as the Controllers, they were responsible for basic security and the continued
extraction of mineral deposits. According to the set plan, the human resistance was
allowed to exist. It was enabled to ‘capture’ simple time travel technology and Dalek
explosives. Their initial attempt on the life of Styles failed but it did trigger t he active
interest of the Doctor, now in his third reincarnation, and the special military-scientific
organisation, UNIT. The Doctor believed that a second attempt would be made by
whoever it was that sought to kill Sir Reginald Styles. He advised Styles to continue
with his scheduled diplomatic trip to China and chose to wait in Auderley House in his
There was a second attempt by the guerrillas. The Doctor persuaded them that he was
not Styles but was taken prisoner instead. The guerrillas decided that the Doctor was
no threat and tried to leave him in the England of 1972. However the Doctor was
determined to resolve the mystery of why people in late 22nd Century Earth were so
determined to kill a career diplomat. Travelling forward with the guerrillas, the Doctor
quickly discovered that the Daleks were the masters of Earth in an altered late  22nd
Century. The Daleks were alerted to the presence of the Doctor and subjected him to a
mind probing interrogation that revealed his two previous incarnations of which they
held records.
The Doctor was saved by the intervention of the human Controller. He urged the
Golden Dalek to consider that the Doctor might have vital information concerning the
guerrillas’ activities. The guerrillas proceeded to launch an assault on the control centre
and rescued the Doctor. Returning to their hideout, they asked the Doctor to return to
the England of 1972 and assassinate Sir Reginald Styles. The Doctor refused and
demanded to know why they were obsessed with the idea that this career diplomat was
somehow responsible for the war. The guerrillas admitted that they did not know
exactly how Auderley House had been destroyed. They realised that the explosion was
not the work of Sir Reginald Styles but that of one of their own number who had been
left behind in 1972. The Doctor explained that they were not changing history, rather
they were trapped within a temporal paradox.
The Doctor returned to 1972 in an attempt to prevent the Auderley House explosion
and the consequent world war. The Daleks realised the implications of the Doctor’s
intervention and resolved to pursue him to 1972. As a Time Lord, the Doctor might be
able to break the Dalek-engineered temporal paradox. Upon returning to 1972, the
Doctor urged the UNIT commander, Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart, to evacuate
Auderley House. With foreign ministers of principal world powers present, the potential
for disaster was clear. The Brigadier agreed and hurriedly evacuated the delegates. At
the same time the Dalek force, with Ogron support, arrived in 1972 led by the Golden
Dalek. It was a clear testimony to the significance of the Auderley House explosion that
the Golden Dalek itself elected to lead the assault. Failure to trigger war in 1972 would
unravel the Daleks’ entire distortion of time and allow the future 26th Century Earth to
confront the Daleks. The Doctor attempted to persuade the lone guerrilla that there was
no need to detonate his bomb. However Shura was determined to press ahead. The
Daleks entered Auderley House to find it abandoned by the Styles conference. The
bomb was detonated. The Dalek distortion of history had been undermined. Their
leader, the Golden Dalek, had been destroyed in the explosion. Yet again the Doctor
had defeated their attempts at conquest.
On Skaro, the Supreme Council reflected on yet another defeat at the hands of the
Doctor. Unless the Earth Federation of the 26th Century was destroyed, their plans for
galactic dominance could not come to fruition. The Master was enraged at the way in
which his rival, the Doctor, had confounded him once more. He suggested that the
Daleks should allow him to trigger war between Earth and Draconia in the late 26th
The Supreme Council agreed in principle, but demanded to know what the Master felt
he could do. The Master revealed a new technology that could fundamentally alter the
visual perception of its victims. They would see whatever they feared most. On the
frontiers between the empires of Draconia and Earth, space crew had lingerin g fears of
attack from one side or the other. Only a few decades earlier, there had been a limited
but costly war between Earth and Draconia. The consequent tensions and resentments
meant that both civilisations regarded each other as potential enemies.
The Supreme Council devised a new strategy. First they would engineer a new army of
a size not seen since Kembel; then they would commission the Master to create the
circumstances in which their army could sweep to victory. The Daleks knew they had
one great advantage that stemmed from the Doctor’s reversal of their distortion of
Earth’s history. By launching a second invasion of 22nd Century Earth, they had
removed their original invasion of 2160 from Earth’s history. Consequently the leaders
of the Earth Federation had no idea that the Daleks existed. Somewhere in a vault in
London there was a UNIT file on the Auderley House incident of 1972. But that was
rather obscure at the time and had been forgotten by the 26th Century. The accepted
view was that a terrorist group had destroyed Auderley House and that a fortuitous
intervention by UNIT had saved the world peace conference. The Dalek aspect was
unheard of because it had been ‘covered up’ at the time. The price for the 20th Century
British Government’s obsession with official secrecy was to be the unseen Dalek threat
to the 26th Century Earth Federation. The Daleks were free to colonise planets and
engineer new armies. However, the Supreme Council was careful to restrict Dalek
operations to regions of the galaxy sufficiently far from the borders of both the Earth
Federation and the Draconian Empire.
F rontier in  S P
pace -  lanet of the  D aleks

The galaxy was threatened with the prospect of a devastating interstellar conflict
between the two great powers of the 26th Century. Both powers were convinced that
the other was attacking its spacecraft. Earth crewmen thought they saw Draconians
attacking them. Draconians were convinced that the Earth Federation was attacking
them. Attacked crews sent final reports to their respective fleet commands with the
result that Earth and Draconia were on course for war with each other. Such a war
would devastate the galactic powers capable of defeating the Daleks; at that stage they
would achieve their goal of galactic domination.
The Dalek Supreme Council ordered that the new army of 10,000 Daleks be placed in
cold storage under the surface of the jungle planet called Spiridon. The native
inhabitants had the secret of invisibility. The Daleks sent to garrison Spiridon included
scientist Daleks ordered to discover the secret of invisibility. Once the war between
Earth and Draconia had devastated both sides, the Dalek army would be loaded onto
deep space cruisers and commence the conquest of the galaxy. The Doctor, initially
unaware of the Daleks’ involvement, was determined to prevent a devastating war
between Earth and Draconia. Upon discovering the involvement of the Master, the
Doctor realised that something very wrong was afoot. Eventually he pursued the Master
to the Ogron planet where he discovered the Daleks. The war had been prevented with
the Doctor revealing the reality that it was Ogrons who were attacking space vessels.
More significantly, both Earth and Draconia were now aware of the Daleks and the
threat they posed. But the Doctor realised that the Daleks were unlikely to abandon
their plans lightly.
Travelling to Spiridon he encountered a squad of Thals sent to combat the Dalek
presence on Spiridon. Together they penetrated the Daleks’ underground base and
located the vast chamber holding 10,000 Daleks in suspended animation. Spiridon was
a unique planet with its core of molten ice. A Thal bomb was used to disrupt a fissure
within the chamber. The explosion caused thousands of tons of ice to fill the chamber.
The 10,000 Daleks were permanently trapped. Yet again the intervention of the Doctor
had frustrated the ambitions of the Dalek leadership.
On Gallifrey, the High Council of the Time Lords were growing increasingly worried
about the potential of the Daleks. This was one species that could grow to exterminate
or subjugate all other life forms. But there was no easy solution to the ‘Dalek problem’.
The doctrine of non-interference remained central to the Time Lords’ view of political
morality and justice. But the Daleks had proven themselves capable of overcoming
circumstances that would crush other species. The Time Lords could not afford to allow
events to take their course; that would run the risk of the entire galaxy, even Gallifrey,
being overrun by the Daleks.
Eventually a compromise was reached. Established history witnessed the relatively
short timeline of the original Daleks created by Yarvelling. They had attempted an
invasion of Earth but had been defeated by the Doctor. His interventions on both Earth
and Skaro had ensured the early extinction of the original Daleks. The existence of
these Daleks could remain unaltered. However, the Daleks created by Davros were a
different matter. In spite of the eventual death of Davros, again as a result of the
Doctor’s intervention, the Daleks had continued to threaten the galaxy. This timeline
had to be disrupted. The decision was taken to enlist the Doctor into making an
intervention. Either Davros’ Daleks would never come to exist or their history could be
altered in some way. If, for example, Davros could be prevented from securing his
leadership of the Daleks, they might very well destroy their creator. In those
circumstances, the course of Dalek history could run down a different timeline with the
Daleks lacking the type of scientific knowledge and strategic foresight that had enabled
them to become a threat to Gallifrey itself. The intervention was launched. Although
unsure of the final outcome, the Time Lords believed that the ‘original’ history of the
Daleks could be excised from the galaxy’s timeline.

The "Second" History of the Daleks

Genesis of the Daleks
The Doctor, along with his companions, was transported to Skaro at the point where
Davros' Daleks were about to be created. Concerned that the Doctor might regard their
strategy as cynical in the extreme, the Time Lords decided that the Doctor should not
be told that Yarvelling's Daleks were to be allowed to emerge unimpeded. The Doctor
was instructed to attempt to prevent the emergence of the Daleks; or at least manage
to alter their time line and lessen their malign impact on future worlds. The Doctor was
captured by the Kaled military and taken to the secret bunker facility some miles from
the domed Kaled city. There he witnessed the first trials of the prototype Daleks.

Davros did not enjoy the full support of all the scientific elite based in the bunker. A
number of them were repelled by the program that was being pursued and were
resolved to frustrate the ambitions of Davros to create the new Dalek species. With
their assistance, the Doctor was able to escape and reached the main Kaled city.
Granted an audience with senior members of the Kaled government, the Doctor was
able to persuade them to mount a full investigation into the activities of Davros.

With contacts within the Kaled government, Davros was alerted to the emergent threat
to the Daleks. Davros was determined that the Daleks would continue and supplant the
Kaled race he regarded as genetically doomed to mutation.

The Thals were desperate to win the war. They, in similar fashion to the Kaleds, had
constructed a domed city, impervious to all orthodox weaponry. But they believed that a
missile with a sufficiently powerful warhead would be sufficient to pierce the Kaled
dome and destroy the city beneath it. The Thal plan was no secret. The Kaled leaders
were confident that it would fail for the simple reason that their dome was constructed
from a formula devised by Davros himself.
It never occurred to them that Davros would betray them in order to safeguard the
Dalek project.

Virtually unaccountable to any higher authority, Davros travelled to the Thal city where
he offered the Thal government a new chemical formula that would critically weaken
the Kaled dome. His only request was that he be allowed to assist with the post-war
reconstruction of Skaro.

The Thal leaders accepted the offer. After an intensive artillery bombardment, utilising
the formula provided by Davros, the missile strike devastated the Kaled city.

From his bunker, Davros unleashed the small army of Daleks already produced onto
the Thal city. Celebrating their apparent victory, the Thals had allowed their guard to
drop. The prototype Dalek army entered the Thal city and engaged in a systematic
extermination of those Thals they encountered

The Doctor returned to the bunker, using a ventilator shaft. By simple misfortune, he
was captured by Davros and a squad of elite security troops. Davros interrogated the
Doctor. Davros was fascinated by the Doctor’s claims to be a Time Lord capable of
travel through time, as well as space. More importantly, Davros was concerned to learn
of the future history of the Daleks.

The interrogation yielded substantial volumes of information about future Dalek history.
The sheer irony horrified the Doctor. He had been sent to lessen the impact of the
Daleks; his forced testimony could enable them to avoid future defeats and indeed
achieve the utter predominance predicted by the Time Lords.

Even at this stage, it seemed as if Davros might be prevented from launching his
Daleks into history. A coalition of concerned scientists and security troops were
determined to remove him from power. Confronting Davros after a brief insurrection it
seemed as if the deformed scientist would give in to their demands. The Doctor had
been released as a result and was able to destroy the tape recording of his

Using stolen explosives, the Doctor was able to destroy the incubation chamber where
the Kaled / Dalek mutations were being created. At the same time, surviving Thal
troops had regrouped and were determined to destroy the Daleks by blowing up all
entrances to the bunker and sealing them underground.

Davros had recalled the Daleks from the Thal city. Once the rebel scientists had made
their positions clear, he brought the Daleks into the control room. There they
exterminated the disloyal scientists. It was not readily apparent, but the Daleks were on
the brink of developing autonomous decision making powers.

Davros became aware that a production line had restarted without his express order.
Furiously, he demanded to know which of the ‘loyal’ scientists had given the order.
After a few moments, a Dalek explained that it had given the order. This moment was
critical in Dalek history. They were evidently capable of independent thought processes
and had reached the conclusion that as Davros was not a Dalek, he was not to be
Davros attempted to reassert his lost authority but was exterminated by the Daleks.
Their emergent ‘leader’ addressed the Dalek cohort, stating that they would eventually
emerge and embark on a program of universal conquest.

The Doctor left Skaro knowing that his mission had failed but was confident that the
Daleks had been delayed for perhaps a millennium.

In the aftermath, the Thals migrated to previously unsettled parts of Skaro. Disgusted at
their role in the near destruction of Skaro’s environment, they resolved to be pacifists
and farmers.

On Gallifrey, the High Council observed as the Daleks' timeline adjusted. Davros would
not mastermind the Dalek rise to galactic 'superpower' status. Without his genius, the
Daleks would not be able to master the laws of space-time and threaten Gallifrey.
Instead, the Daleks would develop into little more than a technologically advanced
'robber baron' species.

Of course, there were minor disadvantages to the alteration of Dalek history.

Yarvelling's Daleks would still conquer 22nd Century Earth. Davros' Daleks would no
longer create a temporal paradox to supplant that conquest; but this meant that the
original invasion would happen. However, the first Doctor's intervention would defeat
that invasion.

Studying the Matrix, the Time Lord hierarchy observed the eventual emergence of
Davros' Daleks from the Bunker. But in the altered Dalek timeline, they did not stop to
build a capital city on Skaro. Instead, under the leadership of the Supreme Dalek, they
took abandoned Thal space-flight technology, altered it and launched themselves into

There were wars over the following centuries. Wars were fought with the Thals, the
Draconians and the Earth Federation. The Daleks did win a few battles; but they lost
every war with any of the major space powers. Without Davros' strategic foresight or
supreme genius, the Daleks were no threat to 26th Century Earth let alone Gallifrey.

The Daleks opted for a strategy of invading previously unknown regions of space.  By
the early 27th Century they encountered the Movellans.

There was a mystery surrounding the origins of the Movellans. They were humanoid
robots with ruthless fighting capabilities. Their space fleet was the equal of that of the
Daleks in every sense. For decades, the two fleets confronted each other in deep
space. Both sides were reliant on advanced battle computers. Both computers dictated
that no shots should be fired until a clear tactical advantage had been secured.

The Supreme Dalek was the sole survivor of the original prototype Daleks developed
by Davros in the Kaled bunker. It realised that the only prospect of victory lay with
resurrecting Davros and seeking his help in devising a strategy for victory over the
D estiny of the D aleks

The nature of the impasse with the Movellans was that neither side could afford to
withdraw any significant forces from the respective space fleets. To do so would risk
giving a tactical advantage to the other side.

The Supreme Dalek decided to send one scout ship to Skaro with twelve Daleks on
board. They had engineering equipment and were sent captured humans as slave
labourers. They started to excavate the remains of the Kaled bunker.

The Doctor arrived on Skaro shortly before a Movellan scout ship landed. Discovering
Davros, he attempted to prevent the Daleks from finding him. Realising that the
Movellans were equally ruthless and aggressive, the Doctor assisted by some escape
slaves, managed to outmanoeuvre both the Daleks and the Movellans.

The slaves captured the Movellan ship and Davros was put on board. Before cryogenic
freezing, Davros was informed he would stand trial on Earth for his crimes. Some
ninety years later, in the late 27th Century, the Movellans inflicted a decisive defeat
upon the Daleks. Having devised a virus that could penetrate Dalek spacecraft and
casings, the Movellans launched their attack and wiped out virtually the entire Dalek
fleet. There were isolated Dalek colonies across corners of the galaxy but, as a
challenger for galactic power, the Daleks were finished.

In something akin to desperation, the Supreme Dalek ordered an operation that was
aimed to restore Dalek power.

R esurrection of the  D aleks

Davros had, for almost a century, been held in a prison ship in deep space. Its location
was no secret but the Supreme Dalek had chosen not to launch any rescue attempt.

The squad leader on Skaro had informed it that Davros disputed the very notion of a
supreme leader, other than himself, of the Dalek race. Consequently, for as long as the
war with the Movellans remained a stalemate, the Supreme Dalek considered that it
was better that Davros be a prisoner of Earth.

Defeat at the hands of the Movellans changed these considerations. The Supreme
Dalek realised that being usurped by Davros was a possibility that would have to be
countered if it ever arose. But it was essential that Davros be released if the Daleks
were to have any prospect of recovering their former power.

The assault on the prison ship was an easy victory. Davros was recovered. What
became apparent was that Davros remained determined to supplant the Supreme
Dalek. Davros was enraged that the Movellans had defeated the Daleks. The Dalek
cruiser maintained a time-corridor to Earth in February 1984. The Daleks were once
more hoping to conquer Earth. However the Doctor, in his fifth incarnation, was able to
intervene and defeat the Daleks’ ambition.

At the same time, Davros had decided that it was time to build a new Dalek race
guaranteed to acknowledge him as undisputed supreme leader. He released some of
the Movellan virus with the intention of eliminating the Supreme Dalek. Before the virus
could take its effect, however, a human prisoner from the prison ship was able to
explode a bomb on board the Dalek ship. Davros escaped in a life pod. However the
Supreme Dalek was destroyed.

The Daleks had virtually disappeared from the galaxy. It was rumoured that some
survived. But without leadership, they posed no threat to Earth or Draconia at the start
of the 28th Century. Davros had managed to pilot his life pod until rescued by a morgue
ship bound for the planet Necros. Necros had the galaxy’s leading undertakers known
as the Tranquil Repose. Davros succeeded in persuading its staff that he should be
allowed to assist. From there, Davros was able to start the creation of a new breed of

R evelation of the  D aleks

The Doctor, now in his sixth incarnation, arrived on Necros where he found Davros at
work. Known as the ‘Great Healer’, Davros was able to avoid any scrutiny because he
was supplying many hungry planets with genetically engineered food. However, Davros
was using the sick and dying brought to necros as the genetic ingredients for a new
Dalek race. Devoid of the original Kaled DNA structures, these new Daleks were the
first to have no ancestral link with Skaro.

However, a number of surviving Daleks had returned to Skaro where they were
attempting to create a Dalek Empire. A new Supreme Dalek had been engineered. This
new leader became aware of Davros’ activities on Necros. A squad was sent to Necros
to arrest Davros and prevent his creation of a new Dalek race.

Davros was arrested. He attempted to have the Doctor arrested but the Dalek squad
informed him that the humanoid he referred to did not correspond with their records.
Davros was taken to Skaro for trial.

On Skaro, Davros was able to manipulate the situation to his advantage. The Supreme
Dalek could not dispute his claim to be able to engineer a Dalek army at a greater rate
than the Daleks could. Davros was pardoned and set to work.

Davros engineered a new breed of Dalek utterly loyal to him. In a sudden coup he
seized control of the new Dalek city. The Supreme Dalek and its followers used time
corridor technology to escape to another world. Now Davros felt able to realise his
ultimate ambitions. His new Daleks possessed qualities absent in previous types of
Dalek. They could, for example, float up a staircase utilising anti-gravitational
Davros had learnt from previous experience. Determined to avoid his previous fate, he
engineered a new casing for himself that concealed his humanoid form entirely. He
assumed the title of Emperor Dalek and set about planning galactic conquest.

R ememberance of the  D aleks

Davros had developed scanning technology that enabled him to observe events
throughout both space and time. It came to his attention that the Doctor, in his first
incarnation, had left a supremely powerful item of Time Lord technology, the Hand of
Omega, in London in November 1963.

Realising the potential of the Hand of Omega, Davros was determined to acquire it. He
ordered that all new Daleks, now called Imperial Daleks, should return to Skaro in
preparation for the final conquest of the galaxy.

Davros took a deep space cruiser to a position above London in November 1963. A
detachment of Imperial Daleks was sent to London where they operated from within the
Coal Hill secondary school.

Davros was unaware of the precise location of the Hand of Omega. Surveillance
systems would locate it as soon as it was disturbed. The Supreme Dalek was aware of
Davros’ plan and led a squad of Daleks through a time / space corridor to the London of
November 1963.

By this stage the British Ministry of Defence was concerned at a number of unexplained
phenomena in the Coal Hill district. A special unit of the RAF Regiment was sent along
with a scientific adviser from Cambridge University.

The Doctor, in his seventh incarnation, arrived with the apparent intention of removing
the Hand of Omega to a safe resting-place. He arrived at the undertakers where, in his
first incarnation, he had left the Hand of Omega within a coffin. A burial was arranged
for the coffin.

The Supreme Dalek identified the location of the Hand of Omega. A former follower of
Sir Oswald Mosley, the 1930’s fascist, was working for the Supreme Dalek. He sent a
group of his employees to dig up the grave where the Hand of Omega was buried. The
disruption involved alerted Davros on board his cruiser. A detachment of Imperial
Daleks was immediately sent to recover it.

The Doctor persuaded Group Captain Gilmore, the RAF officer in charge, that his
forces would stand no chance in a confrontation with the Daleks. Instead the competing
Dalek factions were left to battle for possession of the Hand of Omega. The Imperial
Daleks had superior firepower and rapidly defeated the Supreme Dalek’s faction. The
Hand of Omega was taken back to Davros.

The Doctor contacted the Dalek cruiser to demand that the Hand of Omega be
returned. The Emperor Dalek revealed itself to be Davros. The Doctor taunted Davros
in a calculated attempt to provoke him. Davros went into a rage and announced that he
would immediately deploy the Hand of Omega to destroy the planet Earth.

The Doctor pretended to be frightened and begged Davros not to use the Hand of
Omega. Davros, believing himself to be triumphant, launched the Hand of Omega. The
Doctor had foreseen that the Daleks would get the Hand of Omega. He had
programmed it to travel to Skaro’s sun and turn it super-nova annihilating the Daleks.

Davros was horrified as this unfolded and realised that the Hand of Omega was about
to return to destroy his cruiser. He boarded his escape pod and left seconds before the
Hand of Omega destroyed the Dalek cruiser.

The Supreme Dalek was now isolated in the London of 1963. All its subordinates had
been destroyed in the battle with the Imperial Daleks. Cornered by the Doctor and the
RAF unit, the Supreme Dalek was informed that Skaro had been destroyed. The
Supreme Dalek had lost its time corridor equipment and had no means of return to the
rest of its cohort elsewhere in the galaxy. Its only response was to self-destruct.

The Daleks had finally been defeated. Davros was alone in an escape pod. The
surviving Dalek colonies now lacked leadership. Never again would the Daleks be able
to threaten the peace & stability of the galaxy. The great irony was that it was their
creator, Davros, whose genius had made the Daleks' bid for supremacy possible, who
had made the spectacular miscalculation about the Hand of Omega that proved the
Daleks’ nemesis.

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