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Part One: The Early Years

1. The Daleks:

        The City of the Daleks, when the Doctor, Susan, Barbara, and Ian first saw it, was very
impressive and modern looking for such a dead world as Skaro.  Of course, once inside they
would realize the horror that is nuclear war and gain the knowledge that the city was not empty. 
The City was built and used by the Daleks.  A race of engineers and skilled scientists, forced to
live in the lower levels of the city to escape the fall out of nuclear war.  It seems that during their
war or wars against the Thals, one side or the other used neutron bombs.  The Daleks of course
blame the Thals, hating them.  The hate has added racism and paranoia to their otherwise logical
minds.  Yet the city gives us hints of a more complex side to the Daleks.
        When the Doctor and his friends escape the lower levels of the city by way of a lift that
takes them to the highest point of a
tower, they find what looks like artwork.  Abstract looking art at that.  They are too busy tossing
it down the elevator shaft to block or destroy the ascending elevator with the passenger Dalek to
notice.  But it brings to mind a question; did the Daleks have a need for an artistic outlet?   Even
the tower brings us some interesting information and questions.  First off, the tower has a
huge window, which allowed the Doctor and friends to see the Thals enter the city.  Yet glass,
while letting in light also lets in radiation. It is not a material to be used if you are worrying
about fall out.  So the tower may have been built before nuclear weapons were used in the war
or wars.  Also, why have it at all?  Sensors and cameras allow the Daleks to scan the
surrounding landscape and inform them of events within the city.  Why an observation tower? 
The simplest answer would be so the Daleks, in the early years of the city, could look down on it
and enjoy the view. Maybe surrounded by Dalek art?  Engineers at heart, they might felt pride
at the sight of such a wonderful city that they had created.
        Now think of how it must have hurt and angered them when they had to burrow deep into
the city's roots to escape the results of the war.  Maybe even a tad guilty of dropping the bombs
themselves.  Yet they learned to live underground.  They grew food from artificial sunlight and
created power grids within the very floors of the city so they could power their shells with
static electricity.  Water was pumped in from the nearby swamp and they built underground
power systems, chemical plants and everything needed for life.  Every piece of space would be
needed, every bit of waste recycled and every watt of energy carefully used.  Were they
vegetarians who missed the meat they could no longer have?  But that is a detour and let me get
back on track. Even so deep underground, they had to develop model suits to protect them, with
grippers to work controls and weapons to protect themselves.  A Dalek, in this point of their
history, can't live outside the suit.  They even had a Dalek Council, who debated and decided on
the best actions to take.  The Daleks believed in science and that any problem could be solved
given enough time. They believed, that even without the Doctor, they could open the TARDIS
and learn how to operate it.  Science had saved them. How could it fail? The Doctor, with
friends and the Thals came into the city.  In the attack they smashed the city's power
system. The grid was dead and so the Daleks died with it.  REALLY?  A paranoid race of
engineers with no back up systems? Surly the power plants and the Daleks who operated in
them would not just shut down?  How about the important Dalek-version of chemical plants and
hospitals?   I myself picture the Daleks who worked with the atomic reactors trying to swiftly
reconnect the important parts of the city to the reactors.  The Thals, who would have to stick to
the upper levels now that lights and lifts were out of order, would not notice anything wrong
while they looted the equipment and food needed to jump start their new civilization.  It might
be years before the Daleks started to explore the upper levels again.  They might also create
ways to explore by beaming the energy from the power plant directly to the Dalek scouts so that
parts of the city could stay dead and not alert the Thals who might be assigned to watch the dead

2. The Dalek Invasion of Earth:

        It is the 22nd Century, Earth.  The Doctor finds it has been taken over by the Daleks.  From
what one can gather, the Daleks hit the planet with meteorites.  They cause some damage, but
nobody was really alarmed till the plagues started to break out all over the world.  Reason tells
us that the Daleks in fact planted germ bombs onto meteorites or made germs bombs that looked
like meteorites.  After a large part of the humans were dead, the Daleks invaded the Earth. Why
all the fuss?  Because the Earth was very advanced before the invasion.  The humans still talk of
moving sidewalks and moon stations.  Ian, while in London, sees what looks like a nuclear
reactor next to an old, damaged power station.  Earth may be only ONE of the planets the Dalek
have found worth taking.  They swiftly found humans useful as slaves, but also as Robomen.
        Robomen were humans with helmets attached to their head.  It is really a kind of tiny radio
receiver that allowed the Daleks to give the Robomen commands from a distance.  The Daleks
were mining the Earth for its core, which is iron and therefore useful to them NO MATTER
what the main goal of the operations are (though there is lots of iron available in space).  The
Daleks plan to replace it with a large motor, so they can drive the Earth about like a huge
spaceship.  The Doctor during this visit to Earth states that the Daleks are earlier Daleks than the
ones at the city yet that does not seem to fit the facts below.
        First off, the Daleks look very advanced since we last saw them.  Disks on the back allow
each Dalek to get power and a
slightly higher base makes it easier to move about. Also, the Daleks have developed a new
material called Dalekenium, which they now use in their casing.  It is impervious to normal
weapons.  One Dalek is seen coming out of the river, showing that the Daleks can move
underwater as easy as out of it.  The same one is shown lifting his eyestalk, as if using it like a
radio antenna. This is a logical idea, as in the open they would need to have built-in radios to
talk to other Daleks.  Later Daleks down the years will use built-in radios without lifting the
eyestalk.  Maybe their shell is now the antenna?  They have also developed spacecraft in the
form of flying saucers.  The Dalek City had no spaceport or any suggestion that the Daleks had
developed space flight.  The saucers are used to patrol the Earth and transport slaves to the
mine.  In fact, men are turned into Robomen in the ship after being selected.  The selection
process is simple; the cabin, which holds prisoners, is built in such a way that people with
higher intelligence can escape.  Men with high intelligence make good Robomen because they
last longer.  The helmet drives men mad in the end and they end up killing themselves.  I believe
the development of the Dalek shells and the development of space travel was the direct result of
the Doctor's FIRST attack on them!
        First, they wanted to make sure that an enemy could never shut them down like that again. 
They also took it one step farther.  They did not want to keep their eggs in one basket.  It was
safer, for the Dalek race, to spread itself out into space and
colonize other planets.  Stay in the city and all it takes is a Thal with a bomb to end it, and
maybe this time for keeps.  WHY they use humans only? Why not repair some of the
earthmovers that seem to lay about the area of the huge mine?  It could be they are close to
finishing the job or that local human labor is cheaper than importing new equipment?  It could
be that the Earth's core damages electrical equipment, but than how did the bomb's timer work? 
In fact, we see and hear drills and jackhammers being used.  The humans seem to be used
mostly for removal of the rocks and dirt.  The impression given by the episodes is that
the Daleks have been about for a long time.  London seems in ruins, animals live in the sewers
and the Daleks have even put up signs for their own kind about the city.  Some humans even
trade with the Daleks.  In exchange for food and freedom two women Barbara met make
uniforms for the slaves in the mine as while as turn in other humans to the Daleks.  The labor
camp at the mine has been around long enough to set up a system for smuggling in more food in
exchange for watches and rings and such.  In fact, while a rebel said that there are not enough
Daleks to completely control the Earth (which is why they developed Robomen), the streets of
London are crawling with Daleks.  Poor things even get run over by Barbara at one of the
crosswalks (joke).  Not only did the Daleks bring a pet from home, a Slyther, but also they
brought a chain of command.  There are Saucer Commanders, with black domes and alternating
black side panels and than there is the Supreme Dalek were is mostly black and is either in
command of operation on Earth or in command of the whole Dalek race.
        Why make a huge planet-ship? Well, they could move it right to any area of the galaxy
they wish, to supply local battle units with resources from mines, food from farms and finished
goods from factories.  Manned with enslaved humans acting as workers!  The Daleks are
defeated because of a flaw; the power they get has to be broadcasted and Susan and David sever
transmitter cables.  Only the Daleks on the saucers have power at that point and the very bomb
they set off destroys them!

3. The Space Museum:

        A Dalek shell is in the Morok Museum on Xeros.  Did the Moroks capture it in battle, or
was it a scout exploring the end of Dalek-Known space and got kidnapped?  It suggests that the
Daleks are spreading out into the universe, Doctor or no Doctor.

4. The Chase:

        The Daleks have a time travel machine and have been ordered by the Supreme Dalek to
hunt down and destroy the Doctor. The time machine is bigger on the inside than the outside just
like the Doctor's.  And it works better too.  The fact that they have such a machine suggests that
these Daleks are much more advanced than any before (and some who come later).  They could
be from a later part of Dalek history, in which the Daleks have had enough of the Time Lord and
have decided to do something about it once and for all.   The Dalek's shells have a totally new
power source in the form of solar panels around the middle section. No doubt batteries within
the casing store any extra energy the Dalek does not use.  Also a Dalek is shown with one of his
limbs having been replaced with a tracking device.  It seems to be able to detect mass and allows
the Dalek to even find the TARDIS after a sand storm has buried it!  In fact, a Dalek is seen
pushing up out of the sand after the same sand storm and it seems to be making lots of sounds,
as if the whole thing takes effort.  Antigravity powered by a hand crank or telekinesis powered
by a strong mind?  All this change shows an almost continuous effort by the Daleks to improve
on the Dalek's design.
        The Daleks have also developed the technology to build robots that look like people.  They
made one who looks like the Doctor (most of the time) but the Doctor in hand-to-hand combat
defeats the robot.  The idea of built-in weapons for the robot must have not come up in the
design meetings. The Daleks are finally destroyed by Mechonoids who like to use flame-
throwers at close range, which is somewhat shocking.  The shells who should stop normal
bullets and can handle having bombs tossed at it can't handle a little fire.  To be honest, at close
range, the flames might have gotten into the Daleks via the wire mesh that is between the solar
panels.  Some kind of filtering system for air exchange?  I mean think about it, who else but a
robot would charge right up to a Dalek and use a flame-thrower?  The alien races they meet are
each treated differently.  Some they kill, some they threaten and some they just ask for
information.  In some cases they are in such a hurry to chase the Doctor's TARDIS they forget to
carry out threats.

5. Mission to the Unknown:

        This is a pretty short plot-line, but it gives us a lot of information.  The Daleks are shown
plotting with other alien races to invade and conquer the Galaxy.  They are willing to join forces
to get things done.  Also, it shows that the Dalek scientists have created Varga plants.  Kind of
moving plants that were released onto the planet where the meeting was taking place to act
like watch dogs.

6. The Daleks' Masterplan:

        There is few records (tapes) left of what happen.  It is the year 4000 A.D. From what I have
seen of the surviving episode,
the Supreme Dalek seems to be in direct control of the Master Plan and the Daleks are still using
a time machine very much like the one in 'The Chase,' which shows that the Daleks did not
make the first machine by accident.  This places the events either after the events in 'The Chase'
or even before the events in 'The Chase.'  Maybe it is because the Doctor foiled their plans
that pissed off the Supreme Dalek enough to order the 'Chase' to begin with.  Note: I am not
even sure if the Supreme Dalek lives to tell the tale.  His successor might of given the order or
might of decided to give up going after the Doctor all together.  With all the time traveling going
on who can really tell?

7. The Power of the Daleks:

        There is not much left of the episodes.  There is a Dalek capsule found by human
colonists.  It turns out to have a full Dalek
assembly line inside.  The Doctor and friends (and viewers) see their first Dalek embryos.  This
is very important because it hints
that the Daleks use cloning or genetic engineering to make the organic part of the Daleks. 
Otherwise, how could they keep up with the demand, as the rest of the factory pours out the
casings?  Full-grown adults are needed and the three Daleks who were
found in the capsule are not going to produce the hundreds needed by normal methods like sex.
        Was the capsule an escape pod from a Dalek ship or just one of many capsules spread
about the galaxy to colonize other systems?  Also, it is my understanding that the Doctor says
the year is the year 2000. Which calendar is he using?  Also, while having never seen the
episodes in question, I have heard that the capsule is bigger on the inside than on the outside! 
This must place is right BEFORE time travel is discovered by the Dalek scientists but sometime
after space travel, if true.  Maybe this is one of the earlier time machines?

8. The Evil of the Daleks:

        The Daleks, or at least the Emperor Dalek, seem to believe they can rule men by making
them more like Daleks.  They try to trick the Doctor into helping them by saying they want to be
more HUMAN!  By allowing him to study and try to come up with a way for Daleks to be more
human, the Daleks can take the information and turn it about.  By finding out what the
differences are between Humans and Daleks, the Daleks could take that OUT of the humans.
        The Daleks seem to have developed a 'Time Tunnel,' which requires time equipment at
both ends to work.  The over-all impression seems to be less advanced than the Daleks with the
Dalek-version TARDIS.  It might be that the Time Tunnel equipment is cheaper, uses less
power or can be created using local material.  Even the Daleks have to make every penny
count. The Emperor Dalek is housed in a huge, nonmoving casing.  Cables go from the Emperor
to the walls of his throne room, suggesting both power and communication lines.  No doubt his
shell is full of the latest in Dalek computer and life support technology.  The City of Skaro is his
headquarters.  The plot backfires as the Doctor tricks THEM into making some of the
Daleks more human and a civil war between normal Daleks and humanized Dalek seems to
wipe out the Emperor and the race. OR at least the city is shown been destroyed.  The fate of the
Thals is unknown at this point.

9. The War Games:

        The Doctor uses Daleks as an example of the dangers and evils he has combated.  Having
wiped them out, I am not sure if
they are the best example.

10. Day of the Daleks:

        It's the 22nd Century (again) and Earth has been invaded by the Daleks (again) after World
War III.  The Daleks, whose leader seems to be a Gold Dalek, seem to know that they have
invaded the Earth for a second time.  This knowledge MIGHT be explained by the fact that the
Daleks came from the future using time machines.    It seems the Daleks have developed a
very compact time machine with a limited range of about 200 years.  One device seems able to
carry a few Daleks/Ogrons/Humans at a time.  Even the crude rebel versions of the same time
machine are small enough to be hand held. The Daleks no doubt have the machine housed in
their shell.  The Daleks also have a time scoop, designed to catch people as they travel thru time
using the devices.  The scoop is limited to searching one preprogrammed frequency at a time. 
Daleks, from the 23rd-24th century could have leapt back into Earth history, could have invaded
it again with even more advanced technology than before.
        23rd-24th century weapons used in the 21st-22nd century against humans with old 20th
century guns.  The 'Day of the Daleks' is set in a time loop.  World War III allows the Daleks to
invade.  The invasion produces human rebels, who go back in time to stop the war and end up
starting it.  The war allows the Daleks to invade, so it goes.  Once again the Daleks are
using labor instead of cheap machines. Also, they are using Ogrons as camp guards and police. 
Why?  The Daleks can be produced as swiftly as General Motors can produce cars. If the empire
is expanding swiftly, which was pointed out by one of the future humans, maybe the military
units on the frontier need all the Daleks they can get.  So, Earth, being just another boring
mining planet, gets Ogrons instead of Dalek soldiers.
        The Gold Dalek MUST be a Planetary Commander.  Why would the Supreme/Emperor
Dalek run a mining planet, allowing the rest of his mighty empire to govern itself?  The Gold
Dalek is a low-level government bureaucrat. The Daleks, on hearing the Doctor has come to the
22nd Century, are not reacting in fear or hate when they chant about "The Doc-tor is an enemy
of the Da-leks!”  No, the reason they are so hyper is the idea that his capture will get them
promotions and hopefully off the mud ball of a planet!  Not all humans are slaves.  The
Controller and technicians have it a tad better than most.  The Controller even brags
about coming from a long line of Controllers.  That is why the above dates are so vague.  While
the date the Doctor arrives is sometime in the 22nd century, everything points to the Daleks
having invaded generations before, near the middle or end of the 21st century. They would have
arrived at a point when the humans were still trying to recover from the world war.

11. Frontier in Space:

    It is the 26th century. The Doctor finds out the Master is working for the Daleks to start a war
between the Humans and the Draconians.  He asks for help from the Time Lords who send his
TARDIS after the Daleks. Ogrons also seem to help the Master in the plot, but I am not sure if
they do it out of loyalty to the Daleks or for munchies.  Why don't the Daleks take the
Master's Time Machine?  Because these Daleks should HAVE time machines!

12. Planet of the Daleks:

The Doctor and Jo Grant find themselves on Spiridon, which is nasty planet that is cold at night
and hot during the day.  The plants and animals there are hard to tell apart because both move
and try to eat you.  The Daleks have set up a base there for many reasons.  First, the planet has
ice volcanoes, which allows them to store thousands of waiting Dalek soldiers in cold storage.
They have even added heat pumps and vents to remove even more of the heat.  Second, the
scientists found the natives are invisible, so they are working on how to make Daleks invisible. 
Many Daleks die from light ray sickness, but in they end they do seem to develop a way to keep
a Dalek invisible for two work cycles.  Also, the Daleks are trying to develop a plague.  I
don't know WHY, because you would think they had germ bombs already.
        We learn the Daleks are STILL improving on their equipment. The Doctor alerts the Thals
to the fact that Daleks have an automatic distress signal which is triggered by the occupant's
death or when the shell is opened.  They also are shown using an anti-Gravitational Disk when
chasing the escaping Thals and the doctor up a mile long heat vent.  Also, we see patrols of
Daleks roaming the jungle having no problems with the local animal or plant life that seems to
attack everybody else.  Either they are not recognized as being food by the creatures of the
planet or have developed silent 'fences', subsonic sound devices to keep animals and moving
plants away.  A Supreme Dalek (a large gold and black Dalek), one of The Supreme Council,
shows up near the end of the events on the planet.  He kills the Planetary Commander (or the
Dalek who seems to be in charge) for failing to capture the Doctor and the Thals.
        Oh, yes, lets talk about the Thals.  The Thals have control of Skaro yet don't seem very
advanced.  Their laser guns run off a huge energy cells attached to their belts and their ships
look like bricks and fly just as well.  One of the Thals point out that they have just developed
space travel.  Both Thal ships in fact crash while landing.  This fact puts the events BEFORE the
Evil of the Daleks when the Thals are no longer on Skaro.  The Supreme Dalek is seen using a
very smooth, very advanced looking saucer that uses rocket motors (to land and take off). Space
Saucer one?
        This is somewhat weird, as the more backwards looking saucers of the Daleks DON'T seem
to use rockets, but antigravity or some other form of engine to take off or land.  And where are
the time machines?  Were they all used in the second invasion of Earth?  Could if be that the
failure of the time devices have made the Daleks turn to more traditional methods; germ bombs,
big armies and some kind of super weapon.  In the end the Daleks in the storage area are trapped
by an ice flow, the labs where the plague is being made can never be opened because one of the
rebel natives tipped over the container releasing the germs before the rest of the base could be
immunized and the Thals steal the Supreme Dalek's saucer stranding him and the rest of the
Daleks on the planet till a ship can be sent to pick them up.  Hey, but they still have the
knowledge of turning invisible!  Or maybe they don't.  Could it be that the Supreme Dalek and
the others are all shot for failing and the information is never passed on?  Or maybe the records
holding the data are lost when the ice flow destroys the base?  Either way, we never see another
invisible Dalek after the events seen above.
        One last remark.  One of the Dalek scientists, when trapped in the germ lab starts to panic
seconds after being trapped. He really freaks out, yet still holds it together long enough to warn
the other Dalek NOT to open the door.  They know they are doomed and yet still do their duty.

13. Death to the Daleks:

        The planet is Exxilon.  The reason both humans and Daleks come to it is the mineral called
parrinium that is needed to cure a space plague that threatens all life on their planets.  One of the
problems is the ancient Exxilon's living city, which is absorbing all the energy from their ships. 
'Death to the Daleks' is a very interesting series of events showing the Daleks with flaws and
merits. First off, the Daleks seem to still function even when their power is being drained.  It
could be that the equipment within their shells might be protected slightly.  For example the
energy weapons don't work.  It may be that the energy beam is being absorbed the second it
leaves the barrel.  The fact they move at all is credited by the Doctor as a form of telekinesis.
Yet, when the Daleks are shown trying to pass the first in a series intelligence tests at the city
they are seen to scan the information for their computers.  IF their computers are working, than
not all the power is being drained. Just to point out, this is the first time that an onboard
computer is used.
        The Doctor said the Daleks could still move because they were using telekinesis. Yet, Ian
in 'The Daleks' and a female Thal in 'The Planet of the Daleks' both get into and drive a Dalek
shell about.  Also, at the end of 'The Daleks' when the power goes so does the ability of the
Dalek to move. The Daleks are shown dealing with both humans and aliens, helping with their
engineering knowledge in mining for the parrinium.  They are also shown replacing their
worthless guns with pellet guns.  Slow rate of fire, but damn good guns.  They test the guns at
the saucer by shooting at a tiny blue TARDIS!  They have to have a sense of humor; there is
nothing else to explain why they use it.  The model even has a tiny red light on top. The Daleks
don't want to cure anybody with the parrinium; they wish to use it for making very powerful
bombs!  Of course, the Daleks can't have everything go their way. Before developing the new
pellet guns one Dalek is shown being killed by natives using spears, clubs, bows and arrows.  In
fact he explodes and burns. Also, a few Daleks have run-ins with the roots of the city.  As for
the Dalek spaceship, it looks like a hand-me-down saucer, very much like the saucers used in the
first invasion of the Earth.
        A few last remarks. A Dalek kills himself for allowing somebody to escape.  He just
explodes.  Have they placed bombs within their housing?  I would think that would cause a great
deal of problems during combat.  Just a near miss with an energy weapon and boom!  Also, one
of the humans talk about his father being killed in the last war between the humans and the
Daleks, suggesting that there has been a whole series of them.  The fact that both sides are still
around and kicking suggests that neither side won nor, at least neither side totally lost. Also that
suggests that Earth is equal to the Daleks in the area of space travel and weapons.  It could be
that the Daleks have developed self-destruct mechanisms during these wars to keep from being
captured when spaceships were crippled by human weapons.  COULD that be why the Dalek,
when attacked by the natives explodes?  Did a blow by a club that triggered the mechanism or
the Dalek trying to take a few natives with him in death cause it? The lack of a time machine
makes it hard to pin down the period, but I would have to say after 'Planet of the Daleks', the
Daleks may have had to fight a series of wars with the humans and other alien races just to
defend themselves.  After all, the Humans and the Draconians MUST have joined up and
attacked Dalek space.    One last note of interest. When the Daleks first find out their guns don't
work, they seem to be both scared and a little embarrassed.  Are they embarrassed about the
guns not working or the fact none of them are willing to give their life to kill the Doctor by
exploding next to him?

Part Two: The Davros Years

14. Genesis of the Daleks:

         The Time Lord once again founds himself on Skaro against his will.   The Time Lords has
sent him thousands of years back to either stop the Daleks from being created, change them in
some way or find a weakness that can be used on them.  This suggests that the Time Lords
DAMN well that the Daleks are a product designed by somebody in the past.  We find out that
the Daleks have been created by Davros, using machines to design their DNA and even making
the shells and weapons they would ride in and use.  He made the Daleks, which he believed to
be the final product of Kaled mutation, as a weapon to be used against the Thals.  The creatures
inside would be without emotion, run totally by logic.  Solar panels and batteries run the first
suits.  They work amazingly well for the planet that seems to be dark most of the time.  The
planet itself is scarred and dead.  The landscape is covered with wire, trenches and mines.
Mutants, the scarred remains of people, live in the no-mans land between the cities.   The Kaled
City is destroyed by the great Thal rocket, which gives Davros the excuse he needs to send the
Daleks across the mountain range to destroy the Thal City. In the end the Daleks return and kill
all the Kaleds scientists, including Davros himself after refusing to obey him.  They CAN'T
obey him, because they are following the very instincts he has coded into  their DNA! In the
end, the Daleks are trapped by the remaining Thals in the Kaled bunker.
        How can this fit the older version of the creation of the Daleks?  Well, it fits very well. 
After the events above the Daleks dig themselves out.  The Thals, few in number, continue to
fight the Daleks as best they can.  The Daleks start to build a city out of the remains of their
bunker, hunting down the few remaining Thals and mutants.  In the end the Daleks drop nuclear
bombs, like a human trying to kill the bugs in his house by using bug bombs.  This forces the
Thals to flee the area and forces the Daleks to go underground. Time passes and the land heals. 
Swamps form between the growing Dalek City and the mountains.  By now the Thals have
forgotten the Kaleds, but still remember the Daleks (or Dales as they call them).  The Daleks
have not forgotten the Thals either and continue to hate them.
        Have the Daleks from 'The Daleks' forgotten about Davros?  No. But they refuse to accept
the fact that he created them. We know they develop artistic ideals and emotions, such as hate
and pride.  Dalek history is no doubt revised to fit their claim of being the supreme race and
only the leaders would have kept the true information within their archives.

15. Destiny of the Daleks:

        The Daleks, stuck in a deadlock with the Movellans, a race of logical robots, try to dig
Davros out to help them.  The planet Skaro even worse than before.  Nothing but ruins and sand
dunes.  The Daleks are still using living beings as slaves maybe because of the high background
radiation, which would, do damage to advanced equipment.  The Daleks show no mercy; even
killing some of their own labor force to force the Doctor to release Davros. An interesting
statement is made by one of the Daleks.  It that the data and information presented to Davros
was prepared by the Supreme Dalek.  This suggests one Dalek is in control of the race.  Were all
the others killed for being failures?  For some reason the Daleks don't have a spaceship waiting
on the planet or in orbit.  Are all of their spacecraft tied up in operations against Movellan
ships?  One ship could have defended the planet from the Movellan ship which showed up or
could have gotten Davros out of there within minutes.
    The Daleks are shown using infrared to scan for heat, tracking the Doctor and friends as they
move among the ruins.  The ruins, by the way, don't look like the remains of Dalek architecture. 
Could they be the ruins of a Thal City over the ruins of a Dalek City over the ruins of the Kaled
ruins?  WHERE are the Thals? We know they developed space flight, so they could have fled
the planet years ago, before the return of the Daleks.  A few remarks.  The Daleks willingly
attach bombs to themselves and go on a suicide run.  Do they hate or fear the Movellans so
much? What happened to the built-in bombs? Also, the Doctor calls the Daleks robots,
suggesting that he is so old his memory is going. Poor guy. The over-all impressions I have is
that the Daleks seem less flexible, maybe because of their lack of success in fighting the

16. The Five Doctors:

        A Dalek appears in the first episode.  One of the Doctors points out that Cybermen and
Daleks were never before allowed into the 'Game' for they were too good at it.

17. Resurrection of the Daleks:

        The Movellans have won the war against the Daleks by creating a virus that kills Daleks or
at least kills the organic body within the shell. The Daleks try to get Davros away from a human
prison ship to help them, but this time the Supreme Dalek is not so trusting.  Near the end of
'Resurrection of the Daleks' he even orders some Daleks to kill Davros.  Science might be their
God, but Davros is NOT. The Daleks have developed interesting methods of travel.  The Dalek
battle cruiser looks much more powerful and advanced compared to the old saucers.  The war
with the Movellans may have forced them to develop such warships. The time tunnel used in
these episodes only needs the equipment on one side of the tunnel, in this case the Dalek
spaceship.  Whoever enters the spot on the other end is picked up after a few seconds and sent to
the Dalek ship.
        A few remarks.  The Daleks are using cloned humans and hired mercenaries as soldiers. 
What happen to the Ogrons?  No doubt the Daleks use them because the virus will not work on
them. Some of the humans are even used as technicians.  For some reason, the samples of the
virus the Daleks have captured have been placed on Earth for safekeeping.  When the Doctor
releases the virus, it not only kills the Daleks on Earth, but also makes it impossible for them to
invade Earth (for a short period anyway). Davros himself is exposed to the virus (and its his own
fault) and starts to die right than and there.  Turns out the virus can't tell him from a Dalek.  In
the end even the prison ship is destroyed by one of the Daleks' own cloned humans!  Yet surely
the cloned humans, most of them that the Daleks trusted, could still be used to take over the
Earth?  Also, one scene shows a Dalek, out of its mobile suit, being able not only live but also
ATTACK a human soldier.  Have Dalek scientists been working on the race's DNA to make
them more able to adapt to strange environment or are the Daleks just naturally changing,
becoming stronger?

18. Revelation of the Daleks:

        The Head of Davros has set up a factory where human bodies are turned to food for money
and the left over brains used to make a new race of White Daleks loyal only to him. Later we
find out the head is nothing but cheese, bait for assassins who come to kill him.  Davros is in
fact well and still mostly in one piece, watching everything from a safe, unknown area.  The
Gray Daleks, who are loyal to the Supreme Daleks, are told of his operation by unhappy
employees and come running in a spaceship. The resulting firefight between the Gray Daleks
and the White Daleks (with some support with human guards) seems a bit one sided.  The White
Daleks get the stuffing beat out of them.  The factory on the planet is destroyed, so it looks like
the Supreme Dalek won't get his grippers on the new Daleks after all. But in fact, a White Dalek
is captured.  When the Grays pour into Davros' command center the last White Dalek fails to
fire, maybe fearing Davros will be hit in the crossfire.  In fact the White is seen exiting stage
left, a prisoner! Along with Davros, the White must have been taken back to Skaro, maybe to be
studied?  Or maybe in the end the White Dalek helps Davros to the Supreme Daleks and takes
command of the mainstream Daleks?
        A few remarks.  Davros seems to have a built-in hover device and can now shoot lightning
bolts out of his hands and one eye.  I would guess that he needed parts of his body totally
replaced from the damage the virus caused.

19. Remembrance of the Daleks:

        Davros is back with the title Emperor Dalek and a huge ego.  He proves it by being tricked
into blowing up Skaro's sun, the planet Skaro and any other planets in the system.  The Imperial
Daleks, no doubt named so by Davros himself (but also called that by the Doctor) have a clean,
crisp look, with white and coloring.  Their gripper is also slightly changed to allow them to
handle the Dalek controls with more ease.  In fact they have new design, a Weapon Dalek,
which is a Dalek with a big gun.  They need it too, because they get their butts kicked again in
the first exchange of fire with the 'renegade' Daleks.  The big Weapon Dalek, who looks well
used and has seen lots of action, swiftly evens the odds. The Imperial Daleks can even hover,
moving up stairs without a problem. No doubt this is copied from the Davros’ own chair.  One,
even after the suit was damaged, almost chokes the Doctor with a huge crab-like pincer.  The
English scientist noticed that the White Daleks were attached to the equipment directly.  Davros
has been improving on them in more ways than one. The 'Imperial' cruiser is also white and very
advanced looking.  A tad too clean, the battle cruiser from 'Resurrection' looked more
dangerous.  I assume, on the other hand, that the WHOLE ship can travel in time.  Too bad it
blew up also, along with the shuttle, which is white on the outside but kind of gym-locker on the
inside.  The Black Dalek in charge of the 'renegade' group is one of the most advanced looking
of the Black Daleks I have ever seen.  I can only guess it is the last of the 'Supreme Daleks' but
nobody calls it that. The 'renegade' Daleks not only have a time device, but also have found out
how to brainwash kids and link them with a war computer to direct their Dalek in combat.  The
girl who they use on Earth can also shot lightning bolts.
        One last remark. The Doctor, while exploring the Dalek shuttle, finds a map showing that
the Imperial Daleks have returned to Skaro.  This must have happened in the future, as both
Dalek groups are time traveling from the future to Earth's past to get the 'Hand of Omega,' a
remote stellar manipulator. The map shows more than one planet and suggests that the Skaro
system had vast amounts of material waiting for the first space going Daleks. The Doctor also
lectures Ace about how she almost screwed up Earth history by leaving behind her radio and
that not even the Daleks would do something as dangerous as that.  HELLO?  They reinvaded
Earth in the 21st-22nd century and totally changed its history over a hundred year period before
the Doctor put it back to right with the first version of the invasion.  Are we talking about the
SAME Daleks who tried to take over Earth with clones in the 20th century?  The same Daleks
who have visited New York and at one time had a battle with warriors of ancient Egypt?  The
Doctor better stay away from squirrels because they might mistake him for a NUT!

The best I can come to a Dalek timeline is:

                     The First Age: Pre-Space Travel

                          The Genesis of the Daleks
                          The Daleks

                      The Second Age: Space Travel

                      22nd Century:
                          The Dalek Invasion of Earth
                          Day of the Daleks
                          The Space Museum
                          The Power of the Daleks

                     The Third Age: Time Travel

                         The Evil of the Daleks
                      23rd-24th Century:
                          Day of the Daleks
                      26th Century:
                          Frontier in Space
                          Planet of the Daleks
                          Death to the Daleks
                      4000 AD:
                          Mission to the Unknown
                          The Dalek Master Plan
                      40th-41st Century:
                          The Chase
                          Destiny of the Daleks
                          Resurrection of the Daleks
                          Revelation of the Daleks
                          Remembrance of the Daleks

The End?

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