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5 E Model eNGLISH Lesson

Objective: Use four kinds of sentences in conducting an interview

The student will ask their partner questions and take notes on their answers.

scraps of paper (numbered for students to pick out of teacher’s hand)

Have the students pick the numbers and get paired up according to their numbers
Each student needs to prepare and practice on their own the questions they will ask their partner


Have the students take notes on their classmates responses

The students will then interview one another


Once the students are finished asking each other a few questions they will be able to communicate the
information gained to the class and to the teacher
If no one participates to, then the teacher will have to go around and call on each group individually


The rest of the class will now have a chance to ask their classmates more questions for clarification

The teacher will go around the class and ask each student what they have learned from this activity

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