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Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP)

1) Ministry of Defence Production (MoDP) is responsible for all defence production and
procurement. It is headed by Federal Minister, Secretary (Retired Lt General – you
had meeting during your visit to Pakistan) and additional secretary (Retired Maj
2) MoDP has number of defence production industries like (I will send you brochures
of these industries to understand Pakistan capibailities)
a) Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF)
b) Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC Kamra)
c) Heavy Industries Taxila (HIT)
d) National Radio & Telecommunication Corporation (NRTC)
e) Karachi Shipyard & Engineering Works (KS&EW)
f) Research & Development Establishment (RDE)
3) Number of defence production organizations are working under MoDP
a) Directorate General Defence Purchase (DGDP)
b) Directorate General Munition Production (DGMP)
c) Defence Export Promotion Organization (DEPO) (I served in DEPO for more
than four years)
4) Directorate General Defence Purchase (DGDP) DGDP is a central procurement
organization who Welcome all interested firms in to do business with Defence
Forces. Registration with DGDP implies formal approval accorded after the
successful completion of all the pre- requisites by the concerned firm(s) and other
agencies to undertake the supplies of Defence Stores ordered by Procurement
Agencies and disposal of surplus defence stores. The firms registered with DGDP
include Local/Foreign Manufacturers, Govt./Semi Govt. (Production units), Stockists,
Agents, Liaison office and Auctioneers.
5) Registration is onerous and lengthy process but completion of pre-requisites is
essential to ensure successful completion of the awarded contract with stipulated
6) For this purpose, firm(s) registered with DGDP must be reliable/well reputed,
financially sound, technically capable and security-wise cleared.
Un-sound/incapable/unreliable firms if registered may not be able to execute orders
for purchase of defence stores placed on them by procurement agencies. For
Unregistered Vendor.
12 Dec 2021
7) DGDP is a central procurement organization of MoDP deals with procurements of
three force i.e Army, Navy and Air Force and procurement of Pakistan defence
Industries i.e PoF, HIT, PAC, NRTC, KS&EW and RDE.
8) DGDP has further departments to deal with procurement as DGP (Army), DG (Air)
and DP (Navy) deals with procurements of Army, Air force and navy respectively.
9) Web reference >
10)Functions of DGDP are as under:
a) Economic and speedy procurement of defence stores based on priorities
assigned by Service Headquarters.
b) Overall procurement policy for defence stores.
c) Policy directive on following:-
i) Transportation of stores.
ii) Import licenses.
iii) Insurance.
iv) Registration of firms.
v) Disposal of redundant stores.
d) Purchase procedures.
e) Contractual forms and agreements.
f) Functional and administrative cover to three Directorates of Procurement.
g) Loan and credit deals with Foreign Government (in respect of Defence Stores) in
consultation with Services Headquarters.
11)Registration forms of different categories and its procedures are given on DGDP
web site . Moreover a downloaded form has also
been attached with this email in case you are unable to open the site.
12)Other than DGDP, there are huge size workshops which carryout maintenance and
repairs of existing products in use of Pakistan Armed Forces. These central
workshops differ as per their nature of job like 501 & 502 Central Workshop deals
with different weapons, 503 Base Workshop deal with Aviation, 505 Base Workshop
deal with Electronics and 506 is a UAV Base Workshop. These workshops generate
their requirements directly. There are few other regional workshops as well.
13)There are few government / semi government organization which deal directly with
their demand like Special Communication Organization (SCO)
14)There are number of organizations which have exemption from public tenders rather
due to their nature of work and requirements, they have short listed suppliers of their
confidence who work directly and earn handsome amount as it is without much
competition and audit.
15)Registration. It is required for any organizations mentioned above. Registration with
DGDP is main registration which takes time and simultaneously registration in other
departments is also possible. Registered firm get automatic tenders of their interest
and are approached directly once tenders are not be public depending upon their
links and specialty.
16)DGDP is procurement organization having proficiency in tenders procedures
whereas requirements of equipment are generated by Forces HQs. Information
about requirements before tendering can provide extra time for management and
contract with OEM. Proposals of latest equipment for induction are also dealt with
Forces HQ and after complete satisfaction, tenders are generated as per
specifications of the equipment.

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