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Cruzada, Jeff Ryan M.; Daroca, Mira Kleir, A.; Sales, Jhon Rey A.; Serrano, Jonathan C. Jr; and Tulda,
John Patrick B.


Cells are considered as the basic unit for all biological life. It is a membrane-bound unit that
contains the fundamental molecules needed to sustain life in all organisms in which they are composed of
(Laskey et al., 2019) Therefore, cells contain all the necessary information about an organism’s
morphological, physiological, and genetical characteristics.

A cell can be an organism by itself called prokaryotes which are the earliest and most primitive
forms of life on earth. It includes the bacteria and the archaeans (Bailey, 2019). Cells can also be
multicellular coined as eukaryotes. These are cells that contain a nucleus and organelles, and are enclosed
by a plasma membrane. Organisms that have eukaryotic cells include protozoa, fungi, plants and animals.
These organisms are grouped into the biological domain Eukaryota (Larry Li, 2019). Within the domain
Eukaryota is the Kingdom Plantae. Plants are the basic unit of life in organisms in this kingdom and they
are photoautotrophs, a special characteristic in plants for being able to produce their own food via
photosynthesis at the organelle called chloroplast. They are also sedentary and that they have a cell wall
compose mainly of cellulose and other molecules differentiating it from other organisms.

Plant cells have organelles in order to sustain and regulate its needs in order to survive. Some of its
organelles can be seen in other types of cells like those of the structure of an animal cell but there are some
special organelles that is exclusive on the plant cell. These organelles have their own special functions that
together helps the cell maintain its shape, rigidity, turgidity, making of food, respiration, and other
important characteristics and functions (Larry Li, 2019). Moreover, there are also different types of cells
according to their functions. These types of plant cells are the parenchyma, collenchyma and sclerenchyma.
All of these structures has specific function and structure in order for a plant to perform its natural processes.

In scientific application, studying the morphological structures of a plant cell helps humans to
understand how to maximize the use of plants. Researchers and world scientist study plants to increase the
knowledge about life in general and help them to work with plants so humans and plants can benefit on
each other.

BSBIO1-1 GRP#4 LA#2 1

To further study on plant morphology, this laboratory activity generally aims to give students
knowledge on the morphological structure of a cell particularly on a plant cell and to know the different
types of plant cell. Specifically, this laboratory activity aims to review on the cell structure of a
eukaryotic cell, to distinguish the parts of a plant cell and to recognize the different cell types in plants.

This laboratory activity will be able to give the students the knowledge about eukaryotic cells, their
structure, and their functions. They will also attain the skills to determine the parts of a plant cell and to
distinguished the different types of plant cells.


In this activity, specific slides and specimen were observed in order to determine the different plant
cell structures and types.

First, for the observation of cell wall and cell membrane, the inner epidermis of an Allium cepa
bulb scale was obtained and was mounted on a slide with an I2KI solution. The mentioned prepared slide
was supposed to be mounted with a 0.1% aqueous neutral red but due to lack of supply, I2KI was used as
an alternative. It was observed under Low-Power Objective (LPO).

Consequently, to observe the protoplast parts respectively, a fresh Hydrilla was mounted in water
and first observed under Low-Power Objective (LPO). Next, the Hydrilla was exposed to sunlight for 5-10
minutes and observed again under the same objective, then shifted to High-Power Objective (HPO).
Afterwards, a strip of Allium cepa bulb was mounted in a drop of I2KI and placed on a slide. After 1 minute,
cover slip was applied then examined under High-Power Objective (HPO). Lastly, a prepared whole mount
of Hydrilla leaf was observed under Low-Power Objective (LPO) and High-Power Objective (HPO). Also,
to observe the non-protoplasmic parts respectively, a prepared wet mount of an epidermis of the lower
surface of Tradescantia spathacea was observed under the microscope. Subsequently, a free hand section
of small piece of tuber of Solanum tuberosum was mounted on a diluted I2KI solution and observed under
the microscope. At the same time, a prepared slide of the cross section of Colocasia and Eichhornia petiole
bases were observed under the microscope.

On the other hand, to determine the types of parenchyma and its function, the green stems of
Coleus and sections of Daucus carota root was cut transverse and wet mounted. It was observed under the
microscope. Thereafter, to determine the collenchyma and its function, a prepared cross section of Ixora
leaf midrib was observed under microscope. Finally, to determine the sclerenchyma and its form and
function, the leaf fibers of Ananas comosus was cut into small portions and air-dried in a dry, well ventilated

BSBIO1-1 GRP#4 LA#2 2

room. The mentioned specimen was prepared days before microscopic observation. It was observed under
Low-Power Objective (LPO) and High-Power Objective (HPO).


In this section, all of the given plants cell types, structures and functions that have been observed
are discussed along with its photographic images under the microscope.

Figure 1. cell walls of Figure 2. cell walls of Allium Figure 3. the middle
stained Allium cepa bulb cepa bulb cells represented lamella represented by
cells under HPO by red stained (ml) on an Arabidopsis
represented by an arrow. boundary.Source: UK thaliana cells. Source:
photos,Save-onioncells Researchgate

The Plant cell wall and cell membrane can be seen through the red stained boundary formed when
an epidermis of an Allium cepa bulb was mounted with an aqueous neutral red. In figure 1, it is not clearly
visible because the used solution to stain the specimen was I2KI but in figure 2 it is illustrated as the red
stained boundary. Cell wall are only present in plant cells. Based on the figure, cell wall is a tough layer
found on the outside of the plant cell. It gives strength and also maintains high turgidity. They are mainly
composed of cellulose along with other molecules such as pectin and lignin(Larry Li, 2019). Observing at
the region of union of cells in figure 3., there is the middle lamella. According to the “Cell
organelles”(2013),The middle lamella is a layer which lines the cell walls of two adjoining plant cells

From the figures 5 and 6, a plant cell is consisted of the protoplast parts which are observed as tiny
little fragments. In definition, these protoplasmic parts are the chloroplasts which are the most observable
part moving around the protoplasm(Figure 6). The expected result was not achieved due to the microscope
limitation of magnification. Therefore, the movement of the chloroplasts was not able to be seen. Cyclosis
or cytoplasmic streaming is caused by motor proteins which are the actin and myosin. It uses ATP as a fuel

BSBIO1-1 GRP#4 LA#2 3

and undergoes predetermined processes such as pre-cell division which causes change in ATP synthesis
thus the movement of the protoplasm (Rojsatien, S. et al., 2012).

Figure 4. Nucleus of an Allium Figure 5. Chloroplasts(yellow Figure 6. Chloroplasts can be

cepa bulb cell under HPO, green in color)lines to the seen travelling around the
indicated by an arrow near-cell wall region resulting central vacuole of a cell in
in cyclosis. Rhizomnium punctatum.
Source:Wikipedia,Peters 2007

The dense center on the plant cell as observed in figure 4 is the nucleus. It is the control center of
the cell for it controls the major processes inside the cell. The cell nucleus protects the majority of the DNA
within each cell. Moreover, the nucleus is composed of 3 main parts: the nuclear envelope, nucleoplasm
and the nucleolus. Each part has specific function to maintain the productivity of the nucleus(Lodish, 2007).

Considering the fact that in cytoplasmic streaming the chloroplasts are moving as a result from
change in ATP synthesis. These chloroplasts are type of plastids that are found in a Hydrilla leaf cell(Figure
5). These organelles are green pigmented and responsible for carrying out the processes of photosynthesis
thus the production of its own food which turns water, carbon dioxide, and light energy into nutrients. They
contain many flattened disks called thylakoids, and these have a high concentration of chlorophyll and
carotenoids, which capture light energy. They are found only in plant and algae cells (Larry Li, 2019).

Following the protoplasmic parts are the non-protoplasmic parts. These are the vacuole and the
ergastic substances.

A vacuole is found on a wet mount of an epidermis of the Tradescantia spacthacea but in the
activity the mentioned procedure were not achieved. Plant cells have a large vacuole. It serves as a storage
for certain fluids specifically water which occupies 80-90% of the whole vacuole. It maintains its turgor
pressure and supplies the cell materials and substances needed for its specific functions(Larry Li, 2019)..

In ergatic substances, plastids can be found in tissues having starch grains, protein and oil droplets.
In the experiment, plastids are found in tuber of Solanum tuberosum on a diluted I2KI solution. In this
activity, plastids are not visible due to the magnification barriers of the microscope but in figure it is clearly

BSBIO1-1 GRP#4 LA#2 4

shown. The type of plastids found on the mentioned tuber is an amyloplastic which can also be found in
vegetative plant tissues. Amyloplast is responsible for producing and storing of starch in plant cells(Regina,

Figure 7. The anthocyanin-storing Figure 8. Starch grains or Amyloplasts

vacuoles of Rhoeo spathacea cells, from Solanum tuberosum, indicated by an
Source:Wikipedia arrow.Source:Photomicrography, Solanum

Figure 9. Colocasia esculente petiole showing Figure 10. Eichhornia petiole bases
raphides, indicated by an arrow. Source: showing a styloid under HPO, indicated
Researchgate by an arrow.

Moreover, raphides are found in the cross section Colocosia petiole as illustrated in fig. 9. On the
other hand, in fig. 10. Styloids can be found in petiole bases of Eichhornia. Other than styloids and rhapides
there are other types of crystals found in specific plants. These are druses, prism and crystal sand. These
crystals are formed when too much oxalate bind with calcium. These are called calcium oxalate cystals. It
functions in calcium regulation, protection and defensive mechanism. Specific types of these crystals has
different functions according to its morphological structure(Gwaltney-Brant,2013). Calcium crystals are
normally formed in many plant species. These crystals are components of a plant leave's structure. Calcium
oxalate is the most prominently deposited calcium salt. Moreover, the crystals are formed within cells of

BSBIO1-1 GRP#4 LA#2 5

different plant family. It is usually found on inclusions found within vacuole. It can also be seen in different
shapes such as prismatic. On the other hand, calcium carbonate crystals are found only in few families of
plants. It can be observed in cystolith which is a cell that contains calcium carbonate in the epidermis. It's
shape is usually observed as hair-like.

For the most common type of crystals, raphides is a dual pointed needle-shaped calcium oxalate
crystal in tissues of many plants, it plays as a defensive irritant mechanism against herbivores.

Other than the morphological structures of the plant, is the plant cell type. In this activity, plant cell
types are determined by observing the succeeding prepared specimen. Table 1 shows the different types of
cells that build up a plant.

Table 1. Different plant cell types and functions.

Plant cell types Distinguishing features Plant where it is found Function

Parenchyma It is mainly consists of thin For repair and
walled cells which have storage for starch,
intercellular spaces a. protein and oils.
between them. the cell It also plays in
wall is made up of photosynthesis and
cellulose or calcium manufacturing
pectate. Each cell has a b. food.
prominent nucleus and a Aids in secretion.
vacuolated cytoplasm.

Cross sectional(a) and longitudinal

section(b) of Coleus blumei

Can also be found in cross

sectional and longitudinal section
of Daucus carota
Collenchyma Elongated cells with It is a mechanical
irregularly thickened On the leaf midrib of Ixora under tissue, providing
walls. They are HPO mechanical support
characterized by the for those organ in
thickness of their cell which it is

BSBIO1-1 GRP#4 LA#2 6

walls and the amount of found, since it is
intercellular space around living, so it can
them. grow and stretch
without imposing
limitations on the
growth of other
chloroplast, so can
manufacture sugar
and starch.
For food storage.
Sclerenchyma Cell wall is evenly Its sole function is
thickened and is elongated Xylary fibers and extra-xylary to provide
with interlocking tapering fibers are found on Ananas mechanical support
ends. They are incapable comosus fibers and strength for the
of elongation when the plant.
cells are mature, so they
are inelastic.

In table 1, there is the visible green stems of Coleus and the cross-sectional and longitudinal section
of Daucus Carota. Based on the observation, these cell types are known as parenchyma. Majority of cells
in a plant are parenchyma(Larry Li, 2019).

The types of parenchyma are as follows: chlorenchyma is the parenchyma in which the cells contain
large number of chloroplasts. It takes part in photosynthesis. It occurs in the leaves and other green parts of
the plant body. A prosenchyma is a type of parenchyma where cells are elongated with tapering ends. Then,
an aerenchyma is the parenchyma in which the cells enclose large intercellular spaces that are filled with
air. Also it helps in buoyancy and respiration. It is characteristically found in aquatic floating plants.
Another type is vascular parenchyma, which is found associated with the vascular tissues xylem and
phloem. Accordingly, it is distinguished into xylem parenchyma and phloem parenchyma. Medullary
parenchyma is the parenchyma, which is found radially arranged in between the vascular bundles in the
stem. It is meant for storage of reserve food. Then there is conjunctive parenchyma is the parenchyma,
which occurs in the root system. It is specially meant for storage of water. Lastly, an armed parenchyma is

BSBIO1-1 GRP#4 LA#2 7

found in the epidermis of leaves in some gymnosperms. The cells have many spiny projections used for
defensive mechanism(Kantharaj, 2016).

Also in table 1, collenchyma type of cell was found on leaf midrib of Ixora. Collenchyma has four
main types. They are the angular collenchyma which is the thickened at intercellular contact points, the
tangential collenchyma in which cells arranged into ordered rows and thickened at the tangential face of
the cell wall, annular collenchyma which is uniformly thickened cell walls and lacunar collenchyma which
is consisted of intercellular spaces(Wong, 2001).

Lastly, as illustrated in table 1, It is evident that a type of cell which is sclerenchyma was found on
the fibers of Ananas comosus. Sclereids and fibres are two main types of sclerenchyma. By definition,
Fibres are very long, narrow, thick-walled and lignified cells with interlocking tapering ends (fibre like in
appearance). They often have simple pits on their walls. They are dead cells and serve solely for support.
Sclereids or stone cells are very thick-walled and strongly lignified and are mostly spherical or irregular in
shape or slightly elongated(Wong, 2001).

On the abovementioned results, some of the plant structures were not seen under the microscope
because of mechanical barriers and limitation on magnification of the microscope. Some results are
presented in tabular form and in word description. Also, additional images from various sources are


Based on the findings from the activity, we conclude that studying all structures that build up a
plant cell is essential for maximizing the use of plants. The diverse plant structures have specific functions
according to its morphological structure. In the activity, it is evident that the cell walls protect the cell and
membranes lines the outermost parts of the organelles. Moreover, there is the protoplasmic parts which
components function in the chemical and natural processes inside the cell. On the other hand, there is the
non-protoplasmic parts which are responsible for the maintenance and defensive mechanism of the plant

Other than the abovementioned conclusions, the variety of plant cells also depends on its cell types
which are the parenchyma cells, collenchyma cells, and sclerenchyma. These cell types are different from
each other but its variation contributes to the plant’s synchronized functions. As a main conclusion,
functions and processes of an organisms specifically a plant are determined from the morphological
structures it has. Also the diversity of the plant structure is what makes up a plant diverse and functional

BSBIO1-1 GRP#4 LA#2 8




Cell organelle (2013). A-level revision guide. S-cool. Retrieved from Cell organelle:

Rojsatien, S. et al., (2012). The Study of Hydrilla verticillata’s Cyclosis in Microgravity.

Kaiser, C. A., Krieger, M., Lodish, H., & Berk, A. (2007). Molecular cell biology. WH Freeman.

Regina, A. (2016) M.K. Morell, in Reference Module in Food Science.

Leroux, O. (2012). Collenchyma: a versatile mechanical tissue with dynamic cell walls. Annals of botany, 110(6), 1083-

Hather, J. G. (2016). Archaeological parenchyma. Routledge.

BSBIO1-1 GRP#4 LA#2 9

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