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☞ Globalization means that something is worldwide in scope or in application.
☞ CPS is a product of Globalization.
☞ CPS studies the degree of likeness and unlikeness of two policing models.

United States of America

☞ Law Enforcement in the United States is one of the three major components of
the criminal justice system of America, along with Courts and Corrections.
☞ Policing in the United States is conducted by numerous types of agencies at

Federal Level
☞ FEDERAL POLICE possess full federal authority as given to them under the
United States Code.
☞ FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS are authorized to enforce various
laws at the federal level.

Federal Police
 The Department of Justice (DOJ) is responsible for most law enforcement duties
at the federal level.
 It includes the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Drug Enforcement
Administration (DEA), the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
(ATF), the United States Marshals Service, and the Federal Bureau of Prisons
 The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is another branch with numerous
federal law enforcement agencies reporting to it. U.S. Immigration and Customs
Enforcement (ICE), United States Secret Service (USSS), United States Coast
Guard (USCG), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), and the Transportation
Security Administration (TSA) are some of the agencies that report to DHS.

State Police
 Most states operate statewide government agencies that provide law
enforcement duties, including investigations and state patrols.
 They may be called State Police or State Patrol and are normally part of the state
Department of Public Safety.

County Police
 Also known as Parishes and Boroughs, county law enforcement is provided by

Municipal Police

 MUNICIPAL POLICE range from one-officer agencies to thousand men and are
sometimes still called the “TOWN MARSHAL”.
 Most municipal agencies take the form (Municipality Name) Police Department.

Metropolitan Police
 Have jurisdiction covering multiple communities and municipalities, often over a
wide area typically COTERMINOUS with one or more cities or counties.

Specialist Police
 These agencies can be Transit Police, Campus Police, Airport Police, Park
Police or police departments responsible for protecting government property,
such as the Los Angeles General Services Police.

☞ Undertakes the planning of police policies and systems; control of police
operations on national safety issues; and co-ordination of police administration,
while actual police duties are executed by Prefectural Police organizations.

National Public Safety Commission

 An administrative board that exercises administrative supervision over the NPA.
 Composed of a Chairman and five (5) members appointed by the Prime Minister
to a five-year term.
 The Commission appoints the Commissioner General of the NPA and Senior
Officials of prefectural police organizations.

National Police Agency

 The NPA is headed by the Commissioner General, who is appointed by the
National Public Safety Commission with the approval of the Prime Minister.
 The Commissioner General administers the Agency’s operations and supervises
and controls prefectural police organizations.
 NPA duties include planning and research on police systems; the national police
budget; police communications; training; equipment; forensics; and criminal

Imperial Guards
 The IMPERIAL GUARD HEADQUARTERS provides escorts for the Imperial
Family and is responsible for the security of the Imperial Palace.

National Institute for Forensic Science

☞ The National Research Institute of Police Science conducts a broad range of
analysis, identification and research work that requires specialized knowledge
and skills in biology, medicine and other disciplines.

National Police Academy

☞ The National Police Academy holds training courses for senior police officers.

Internal Bureaus
 Central Office – includes the Secretariat, with divisions for general operations,
planning, information, finance, management, and procurement and distribution of
police equipment, and the five bureaus.
 Administration Bureau – concerned with police personnel, education, welfare,
training, and unit inspections.
 Criminal Investigation Bureau – in charge of research statistics and the
investigation of nationally important and international cases.
 Traffic Bureau – licenses drivers, enforces traffic safety laws, and regulates
 Security Bureau – responsible for security intelligence on foreigners and radical
political groups, including investigation of violations of the Alien Registration Law.
 Communications Bureau – supervises police communications systems.

Local Police Organizations

POLICE HEADQUARTERS constitute the local police organization.
☞ Each of the 47 prefectures of Japan has one Prefectural Public Safety
Commission and one Prefectural Police Headquarters.

☞ The Prefectural Police Headquarters for Tokyo is called the Metropolitan Police
Department and is the largest such prefectural headquarters in Japan.
 Koban or Police Box
 Chuzaisho or Residential Police Box

Comparison of Different Police Forces

Country Name of Agency Highest Rank Lowest Rank

Philippines Philippine National Police General Patrolman
Police (as amended by RA (as amended by RA
11200) 11200)
China People’s Armed Commissioner of nd
Police Constable 2
Police Police
Japan National Police Commissioner Police
Agency General Officer
Hong Kong Hong Kong Police Commissioner of Constable
Force Police
Singapore Singapore Police Commissioner of Police
Force Police Constable
Indonesia Indonesian National Jenderal Polisi Bhayangkara Dua
Police (Police General) (Patrolman)
Taiwan National Police Police Supervisor Police
Agency General Rank Four

Thailand Royal Thai Police Police General Police
Malaysia Royal Malaysian Inspector General Constable
South Korea Korean National Commissioner Police
Police Agency General Officer
India Indian Police Service Commissioner of Police
Police Constable
Brunei Royal Brunei Police Inspector General Corporal
Iraq Iraqi Police Service Chief of Police Patrolman
Macau Macau Police Superintendent Constable
Myanmar Myanmar Police Police Major General Police Lance
Force Corporal

United Nations
☞ The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization to promote
international co-operation.
☞ The headquarters of the United Nations is in Manhattan, New York City with 193
member states.

United Nations Structure

☞ The United Nations' system is based on five principal organs: the General
Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the
Secretariat, and the International Court of Justice.

Languages Used
The six official languages of the United Nations, used in intergovernmental meetings
and documents, they are:
1. Chinese
2. Arabic
3. Russian
4. Spanish
5. French
6. English

Secretary General
 The UN's most prominent officer is the Secretary-General, also acts as the

1. General Assembly
 Decides on the admission of new members, following proposal by the UNSC;
 Adopts the budget;

 Elects the non-permanent members of the UNSC; all members of ECOSOC; the
UN Secretary General (following his/her proposal by the UNSC); and the fifteen
judges of the International Court of Justice (ICJ). Each country has one vote.

2. Secretariat
 Supports the other UN bodies administratively (for example, in the organization
of conferences, the writing of reports and studies and the preparation of the
 Its chairperson – the UN Secretary General – is elected by the General Assembly
for a five-year mandate and is the UN's foremost representative.

3. International Court of Justice

 Decides disputes between states that recognize its jurisdiction;
 Issues legal opinions;
 Renders judgment by relative majority.
 Its fifteen (15) judges are elected by the UN General Assembly for nine-year

4.Security Council
 Responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security;
 May adopt compulsory resolutions;
 Fifteen members: FIVE (5) PERMANENT members with veto power and ten
elected members.

5. Economic and Social Council

 Responsible for co-operation between states as regards economic and social
 Co-ordinates co-operation between the UN's numerous specialized agencies;
 Has 54 members, elected by the General Assembly to serve staggered three-
year mandates.


☞ The world’s largest international police organization, with 194 member countries.

Languages Used
The six official languages of the United Nations, used in intergovernmental meetings
and documents, they are:
1. Spanish,
2. Arabic,
3. French, and
4. English.

Structure of Governance
☞ The General Assembly and Executive Committee form the Organization's

General Assembly
 INTERPOL’s supreme governing body and composed of delegates appointed by
each member country.
 It meets annually to take all important decisions related to policy, resources,
working methods, finances, activities and programs.

Executive Committee
 Elected by the General Assembly, it is headed by the President of the
 It provides guidance and direction to the Organization and oversees the
implementation of decisions made at the annual General Assembly.

General Secretariat
 Located in Lyon, France, it operates 24 hours a day, 365 days a year and is run
by the Secretary General.
 The Secretariat has seven regional offices across the world along with Special
Representatives at the United Nations in New York and at the European Union in

National Central Bureaus OR NCB’S

 Each member country maintains a National Central Bureau linking national
police with its global network.
 Staffed by highly trained national law enforcement officers, NCBs are the
lifeblood of INTERPOL, contributing to its criminal databases and cooperating
together on cross-border investigations, operations and arrests.

1. Red Notice
☞ To seek the location and arrest of wanted persons with a view to extradition or
similar lawful action.
2. Yellow Notice
☞ To help locate missing persons, often minors, or to help identify persons who are
unable to identify themselves.
3. Blue Notice
☞ To collect additional information about a person’s identity, location or activities in
relation to a crime.
4. Black Notice
☞ To seek information on unidentified bodies.
5. Green Notice
☞ To provide warnings and intelligence about persons who have committed criminal
offenses and are likely to repeat these crimes in other countries.

6. Orange Notice
☞ To warn of an event, a person, an object or a process representing a serious and
imminent threat to public safety.
7. Purple Notice

☞ To seek or provide information on modus operandi, objects, devices and
concealment methods used by criminals.
8. Special Notice
☞ Issued for groups and individuals who are the targets (Wanted) of UN Security
Council Sanctions.


Member countries
1. Malaysia
2. Myanmar
3. Philippines
4. Indonesia
5. Thailand
6. Singapore
7. Laos
8. Vietnam
9. Brunei
10. Cambodia

 Enhance police professionalism.
 Forge stronger regional cooperation in policing.
 Promote lasting friendship amongst police officers of member countries.

ASEANAPOL Conference
 The Conference shall be held annually on a rotational basis amongst member
countries. The Conference will be attended by the Chiefs of Police.

The Secretariat
 Ensure the effective implementation of all resolutions adopted at the
ASEANAPOL Conferences;
 Serve as a coordination and communication mechanism to allow members to
establish and to maintain all channels of interaction amongst members;

Executive Director
 The Executive Director of the Secretariat shall be appointed by the ASEANAPOL
Conference upon nomination on a rotational basis in alphabetical order for a term
of two (2) years.
 The Executive Director of the Secretariat shall be a Senior Police Officer of the
rank of Colonel and above or its equivalent.
 The Executive Director will be assisted by a Director for Police Services and
Director for Plans and Programs shall be a Senior Police Officer of the rank of
Major and above or its equivalent.

Executive Committee
 Comprised of Deputy Heads of delegation attending the annual Conference,
meeting annually, immediately before the Conference.
 The Executive Director of the ASEANAPOL Secretariat shall present a report of
its activities, including amongst others, issues on financial performance,
procurement of works, supplies and services and control and management of
contracts, to the Executive Committee.
 The Executive Committee shall provide a summary report of the activities of the
Secretariat to the Heads of Delegation at the Conference and at the Closing
Plenary Session of the Conference.

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