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9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2


Total points 48/50



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BSN 3-A1

MULTIPLE CHOICE: QUESTIONS 1 - 50 48 of 50 points… 1/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

Which of the following is NOT a criterion in evaluating an outcome of 1/1

deworming program? *

Training methods used were varied and appropriate to the participants’ level of

Reports of parasitic infection are accurate

Incidence of ascariasis infection

Incidence of anemia related to hookworm infection

What is the primary purpose of program evaluation * 1/1

To determine its effectiveness

To assess its outcome

To improve future program

To distribute report to the relevant groups

Geographic identifiers include which of the following? * 1/1

Historical background

Spot map

Organizational chart… 2/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

All of the above

A business executive develops symptoms of the flu 1 day after returning 1/1
by air from a cross-Atlantic business trip that ran for 2 consecutive
stressful 10-hour days. This individual's development of flu symptoms
illustrates the relationship between: *

host and agent

host, environment, and agent

risk and causality

morbidity and disease

Which of the following is the main aim of conducting an immersion 1/1

program to a remote area is: *

For the students to learn

For the students to apply their basic skills

Bring the health programs to people who cannot access it

To give to the people what they need

The PHN wants to determine the appropriateness and adequacy of the 1/1
Infection Training Module. The PHN evaluates which of the following? *

Manpower… 3/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2




Most of the Filipino families are extended type. This best explains by 1/1
what culture: *

Family oriented

Joy and humor



A nurse in community health who teaches a client with asthma to 0/1

recognize and avoid exposure to asthma triggers and assists the family
in implementing specific protection strategies such as removing carpets
and avoiding pets is intervening at the level of: *


primary prevention.

secondary prevention.

tertiary prevention.

One of the basic concepts in epidemiology is the concept of risk. Risk 1/1
refers to the: *

prevalence of an event occurring.… 4/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

probability that an event will occur within a specified time period.

population most likely to develop a disease.

rate of development of new cases.

It is the patterned series of interrelationships existing between 1/1

individuals, groups, and institutions and forming a coherent whole. *




Social system

A state public health region reported 39 cases of meningitis in children 15 1/1

years of age and younger to date this year. Seven of those children died.
The total population of the region is 780,000, of whom 84,000 are
children age 15 years old and younger. What is the prevalence proportion
of meningitis in this region thus far in the current year? *





One of the best way to show that you are listening is: * 1/1

Talking to the person next to you… 5/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

Appropriate amount of eye contact

Frowning at the person

Asking to repeat what they said

A school nurse notes that 60 children have missed days of high school 1/1
because of pertussis this past year and this rate has been relatively
constant for the past 5 years. The nurse plans to work with the
community to increase awareness of the seriousness of this disease for
children younger than 6 months of age and to raise and maintain the
immunization rates, because in this community the pertussis is: *





A nurse teaches an asthmatic client to recognize and avoid exposure to 0/1

asthma triggers and assists the client's family in implementing specific
protection strategies in the home, such as removing carpets and
avoiding pets. This nurse's activities can best be described as: *

Comprehensive assessment.

Primary prevention.

Secondary prevention.

Treatment intervention.… 6/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

A patient experienced a myocardial infarction four weeks ago and is 1/1

currently participating in the daily cardiac rehabilitation sessions at the
local fitness center. In what level of prevention is the patient
participating? *

Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Tertiary Prevention

Quaternary Prevention

Nurses in community health often use epidemiology because in the 1/1

community it is often difficult to control the environment. Which of the
following statements demonstrates an epidemiologic strategy for
monitoring disease trends? *

A nurse in community health conducts an education class for clients newly

diagnosed with diabetes.

A nurse in community health investigates a breakout of whooping cough in a

local middle school.

A nurse in community health organizes a health fair at the community health center.

A nurse in community health participates on a county school board that addresses

student health issues.… 7/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

It is a type of community that has high density of people and has both 1/1
agriculture and manufacturing industry: *





Which of the following describes a rural community? * 1/1

Highly dense in population

People are well- knit and having high degree of group feeling

Complex interpersonal relationship

Non-agricultural occupation

Who are included in determining the literacy rate of a community: * 1/1

8 years old and above

8 years old and below

14 years old and below… 8/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

None of the above

The student nurse noticed that house is too small for 12 persons. The 1/1
mother mentioned they sleep together inside. The family do not have
sanitary toilet. When asked how they dispose their feces, the mother
pointed to the pile of plastic. The student nurse will record that the: *

Family has good ventilation.

Family is very poor.

Toilet facility is unsanitary.

None of these

The health status of the community is a product of the various 1/1

interacting elements such as: *


Physical and topographical characteristics

Socio-economic and cultural factors

Power structure within the community

All of the above… 9/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

Analytic epidemiology differs from descriptive epidemiology because it 1/1

searches for: *

"when" of disease patterns.

where" of disease patterns.

"why" of disease patterns.

"who" of disease patterns.

Which of the following states the importance of COPAR ? * 1/1

Offer alternative solutions to health problems that may not require medical

Prepare people to take over management of programs in the future

Community resources are mobilized for community services

All of the above

An example of secondary prevention of infectious disease is: * 1/1

Malaria chemoprophylaxis.

Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia chemoprophylaxis for people with AIDS.

Quarantine.… 10/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

Restaurant inspections.

To answer the question,” Where are we now? “, the nurse should: * 1/1

Define the program goals

Design CHN programs

Gather health data

Specify criteria and standards

Refers to the systematic study of events such as births, illnesses, 1/1

marriages, divorce, separation and deaths. It estimates the extent or
magnitude of health needs and problems in the community. *

Vital signs

Crowding index

Vital statistics

Population density

Which is the primary goal of community health nursing? * 1/1

To support and supplement the efforts of the medical profession in the promotion of
health and prevention of

To enhance the capacity of individuals, families and communities to cope with

their health needs… 11/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

To increase the productivity of the people by providing them with services that will
increase their level of health

To contribute to national development through promotion of family welfare, focusing

particularly on mothers and children

What is an examples of a positive Filipino values? * 1/1


Family oriented


All of the above

Which of the following is a characteristic of a healthy community? * 1/1

Existing structures that allow subgroups within the community to participate in

decision making in community matters.

A general feeling of empowerment and control over matters that affect the
community as a whole.

Equitable and efficient

All of the above

In order to promote optimum use of resources, the PHN must promote: * 1/1

Best practices that are products of studies.

Best practices are the applied by the community.

Health practices based from community survey… 12/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

Community health practice that is acceptable.

The health profile of the community is reflected by: * 1/1

Food storage

Infant feeding practices

Community Facilities and Resources

All of the above

As part of the Pre-entry phase of COPAR, which of the following implies 1/1
that the potential host family is not good to live-in? *

House is strategically located in the community

Neighbors are hesitant to enter the house

No member of the host family should be moving out in the community

Should not belong to elite/rich segment

None of these

It is part of the social system and considered of central importance 1/1

because of its role in health promotion and maintenance and risk
reduction: *

Family… 13/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2




An indicator of success in community organizing is when people are able 1/1

to: *

Participate in community activities for the solution of a community problem

Implement activities for the solution of the community problem

Plan activities for the solution of the community problem

Identify the health problem as a common concern

Community Immersion program aims student nurses to develop which of 1/1

the following? *

Competency in basic nursing skills

Interpersonal skills

Understanding regarding their social accountability

Leadership skills

All of the above

Referred to the total living population. It must be presumed that the total 1/1
population was exposed to the risk of the occurrence of the event.

Attack rate… 14/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

Crude rate

Prevalence rate

Mortality rate

These are tools necessary to determine the needs of the community as a 1/1
whole: *

Vital signs

Vital statistics

Vital organ

None of the above

The nurse is participating at a health fair at the local mall giving COVID 1/1
vaccinations to senior citizens. What level of prevention is the nurse
practicing? *

Primary Prevention

Secondary Prevention

Tertiary Prevention

Quaternary Prevention

What is the role of health in the community? * 1/1

Social development

Economic development… 15/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

Projects progress and regress

All of the above

Identifying the problem of the community involves which of the 1/1

following? *

Situational analysis

Nurse identifies and explains the problem

Nurse projects what situation needs to be changed developed or maintained.

All of the above

Which among the following best describes community immersion 1/1

program (CIP)? *

CIP refers to hands-on experience in a community nearby.

It is a related learning experience program which requires student nurses to live

and work in the community.

Student nurses implement public health programs.

Student nurses assume the role of a public health nurse to a selected population.

A sub-system component that affects health due lack of understanding 1/1

is: *

Economic… 16/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2




Measures the proportion of the population which exhibits a particular 1/1

disease at a particular time. This can only be determined following a
survey of the population concerned, deals with total (new and old)
number of cases. *

Prevalence rate

Incidence rate

Fatality rate

Attack rate

Which of the following is included in program evaluation? * 1/1

Deciding on what to evaluate in terms of relevance, progress, effectivity, impact and


Specifying the evaluation indicators

Making decisions

All of the above

Measures frequency of occurrence of the phenomenon during a given 1/1

period of time *

Incidence rate… 17/19
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Mortality rate

Crude rate

Fatality rate

People in the community shows cooperation when they : * 1/1

actively join community activities

regard community's programs essential in their growth

take part in the community's goal

work towards the community's vision

Who is the best resource person when the caregiver of the family is not 1/1
around? *

Grandmother who knows the family.

A neighbor who is a friend of the family.

A sane adult living with the family.

Anyone who is present.

Which among the following describes culture? * 1/1

Culture is shared beliefs, values and life ways.

It predicts social patterns among group of people.

Culture directs behavior and moral-ethical decisions.… 18/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P1 EXAMINATION PART 2

All of the above

Filipino Nurses are known for their resilience. Resiliency is shown by: * 1/1

Their caring attitude to the client

Hardworking even underpaid

Staying with client

Doing what is right even no one sees you

A community health nurse provides wound care to a client with type 2 1/1
diabetes mellitus. What type of nursing interventions does this nurse

Primary intervention

Secondary intervention

Tertiary intervention

Primary and tertiary interventions

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 Forms… 19/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1


Total points 35/50



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BSN 3-A1

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1 - 50 35 of 50 points… 1/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

Which of the following refers to any method used to discard unwanted 0/1
substances or materials? *

Climate change



Waste disposal

To prevent transmission of diseases, the best way is to: * 1/1

Remove any elements to prevent the onset of a communicable disease

Enhance the immune system of the susceptible host

Immunize all people

Eradicate the causative agent

Staying apart from other people when you have been exposed to the 0/1
coronavirus is called: *


Physical distancing

Isolation… 2/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1


The student nurse knows that a host is susceptible to diseases because 1/1
of: (select all that apply) *


Old age

Not alcoholic

Present existing disease (co-morbidity)

In order to raise people's awareness on cancer prevention, the following 1/1

danger signs of Cancer need to be disseminated, Except: *

Unexplained anemia and weight loss

Indigestion and nagging cough

Change in normal level habits and unusual bleeding or discharge

None of the above

Which of the following comprehensive strategies is used to detect and 1/1

cure tuberculosis? *

Strengthened National TB Control Program

Direct Observed Treatment Short Course… 3/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

Category and Treatment Regimen

Case finding and Maintenance

Which one of the following diseases is not through skin and mucous 0/1
membrane entry? *





It addresses all the physical, chemical and biological factors external to a 1/1
person and all related factors impacting behaviors: *

Community health

Environmental health

Health promotion

Population health

This act mandates that communicable diseases must be reported: * 1/1

RA 3573

RA 4073

RA 1136… 4/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1
RA 1136

RA 9173

Which among the following is an indirect transmission of agents? (select 1/1

all that apply) *

Droplet spread

Airborne transmission

Vehicleborne transmission


In which of the following communicable diseases not through the Upper 1/1
Respiratory System? *

Chicken pox

Covid 19



Elena is a newly diagnosed leprosy patient who will be treated under the 0/1
Multidrug therapy (MDT). MDT consist of the following: *

Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide and Rifampicin

Lamprene, Pyrazinamide and Rifampicin… 5/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

Chloroquine, Primaquine and Lamprene

Dapsone, Clofazimine and Rifampicin

Hospital waste management program is a requirement before 0/1

construction of a new facility. The hospital personnel are required to train
in waste management to prevent which of the following: *

Communicable disease

Nosocomial infection

Transmission infection

Cross infection

Which among the following can be a host of Mycobacterium? Select all 1/1
that applies. *





In order for an agent to cause infection, it must be: (select all that apply) 1/1

present all that time

capable of infecting the host… 6/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1
capable of infecting the host

a virus

a bacteria

Disinfections of water supply is required in a newly constructed well, 0/1

repaired water pipes, contaminated container and what else: *

Developed spring

River dam

Surface water

Improved dug well

Which among the following statements made by the student denotes 0/1
understood the concept of direct transmission? *

“I will not eat street foods.”

“I should be wearing gloves when taking care of a patient with diarrhea.”

“Protected sexual intercourse may result to sexual transmitted disease.”

“I will advise mothers not to let their children walk barefooted. “

Nurse Ana is facilitating the construction of approved type of water 1/1

facility in the community in accordance with the Comprehensive
Sanitation Code of the Philippines. This is known as: *

RA 8749

Ra 6969… 7/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1
Ra 6969

PD 586

PD 856

Contaminated water supply is source of Communicable Disease. Which 1/1

condition is caused by old worn pipes? *

Droplet infection

Nausea and vomiting

Intestinal pain

Diarrheal infection

Needleless syringes used with cytotoxic drugs, must be placed in a * 0/1

Black bin

Green bin

Yellow with biohazard symbol bin

Yellow with black band symbol bin

Orange bin

Chicken pox is transmitted primarily through the: * 0/1

Anal route

Oral route… 8/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

Skin to skin transmission

Respiratory route

What is the safest way to celebrate your birthday during the Covid 19 1/1
pandemic? *

Getting at a friend's house with people you know well.

Having a virtual party using an online conferencing app.

Sharing a meal with relatives only.

Hitting your favorite bar when it's less crowded.

One of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality nowadays is 0/1

pulmonary infections due to SARS nCov 2 virus. Which of the following
should be given priority in the health teachings given by the nurse when
she conducts seminar in a community? *

Stay away from people who have cold, cough and sneeze.

Be active by doing exercises everyday

Stay outdoors sometimes to grasp some fresh air.

Regular handwashing of hands.

The following statements are the benefits of doing Recycling, Except: * 1/1

conserves natural resources… 9/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

Saves energy

Increases economic security

increases waste sent to landfills

Which of the following is or are the responsibility(ies) of the Public Health 0/1
Nurse as far as the nutrition program of the Department of Health is
concerned: *

consolidates data on nutrition situation of the municipality.

household listing

spot mapping

detect nutritional disorders as referred by the Rural Health Midwife's.

Which of the following is not a way to manage environmental issues in 1/1

our community? *

Increase the use of plastics

Reduce food waste

Car pooling


Which of the following host factors are related to or contributed to the 0/1
occurrence of an epidemic? *

changes in the immunity or susceptibility

changes in the number of living organisms in the immediate environment… 10/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1
changes in the number of living organisms in the immediate environment.

virulence of the organism.

temporal fluctuations in the social and economic conditions of the population.

A comprehensive air quality management policy and program which 1/1

aims to achieve and maintain healthy air for all Filipinos: *

R.A. No. 7164

R.A. 8749

R.A. No. 9275

R.A. No. 7160

What is the term which means the entry and development or 0/1
multiplication of an infectious agent into the body of man or animal? *





Health education in the prevention and control of communicable disease 0/1

is a vital component to: *

Reduce risk of exposure.

Modify risk behavior.… 11/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

Help individual cope with the illness.

Diminish psychosocial stress

You know that tetanus microorganisms best thrive in: * 1/1

Pasture areas

Dry decaying leaves

Moist wet garbage

Filthy organic garbage

In order to solicit cooperation/assistance of the community in the 1/1

environmental sanitation program, which of the following needs to be
done first: *

Solicit the help of the municipal/Barangay officials.

Form working groups or committees.

Create public awareness on the environmental sanitation problems.

Involve community members in the sanitation program.

Nurse Brent is to dispose used intravenous lines, he will place this in a: * 1/1

Black bin

Green bin… 12/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

Yellow with biohazard symbol bin

Yellow with black band symbol bin

Orange bin

Maria, a school nurse , has informed their barangay chairman about the 1/1
stores that are selling cigarettes near her school. She understands that
according to Tobacco Regulations Act in 2003, there should be no selling
of cigarettes within how many meters in school? *

25 meters

35 meters

50 meters

100 meters

As a nurse, which of the following topics is considered in your health 1/1

teaching in cases of communicable diseases: *

Mortality rate among adults and infants

Annual risk of infection

Prevalence of the diseases in the community

Mode of spread and control measures.… 13/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

An advocacy and action strategy to fight cancer and cardiovascular 1/1

diseases affected by smoking is reflected in one of the following
campaigns: *

Smoking is dangerous to your health

This is a smoke free building

Smoke moderately

Tobacco and smoke-free environment

What is your instruction to families whose toilets are pit latrines? * 0/1

Cover latrines against flies.

Use newspaper to wipe.

Burn the newspaper after.

Proper handwashing.

The following disease is transferred through the digestive system: * 1/1



Hepatitis A… 14/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1
Hepatitis A


Tetanus is caused by microorganisms, which is: * 1/1





In the municipality where you are assigned, the people have poor 1/1
hygiene practices, poor environmental sanitation and poor nutrition.
These are contributing factors to which of the following disease
conditions: *


Hepatitis B


Measles… 15/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

The magnitude of the Tuberculosis program is one of the health 1/1

problems in the 4th class municipality of Pilar where you are assigned as
Public Health Nurse. Tuberculosis can be measured through the following
diagnostic method, Except: *

Chest X-ray examination

Bacteriological examination

Tuberculin test

Complete Blood Count

In the provision of preventive care to workers, the nurse must be aware 1/1
of biological hazards which is or are harmful to workers and their families
such as: *


Toxic metals, poisonous gas, fumes and dust

Bacteria, fungi and insects

Noise… 16/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

On the other hand, Cora described their toilet as pit latrine with a 1/1
screened air vent installed directly over the pit. This is a: *

Aqua privy

Overhung latrine

VIP latrine

Chemical privy

Prevention and control of Schistosomiasis is carried out through which of 1/1

these activities: *

Case finding and treatment of cases.

Environmental sanitation through construction of sanitary toilets and provision of

safe source of water supply.

Health education through community meetings or demonstrations.

All of these activities

Which of the following statements on breaking the chain of infection is 1/1

true? *

A virulent agent can resist disinfection.

The mode of direct contact is often direct entry.… 17/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

Every link in the chain of infection can be interrupted.

An inappropriate portal of entry will not support infection.

Which among the following statement is true to communicable disease? 1/1

(select all that apply) *

An infectious disease can be contagious because the latter can be transmitted


Communicable diseases could either be contagious or infectious.

An infectious disease is transmitted through indirect physical contact.

Contagious diseases are sometimes called as infectious diseases

Nurse must be aware of government policies regarding water supply. 1/1

What is point source water supply? *

Water treatment

Waterworks system

Bottle water

Water processing

Upon interview, Aling Neneth mentioned that their toilet is known as 1/1
Antipolo toilet. Antipolo toilet is best describe as: *

fecal matter is collected in a can or bucket, which is periodically removed for

emptying and cleaning… 18/19
9/5/2021 NUR 153 P2 EXAMINATION PART 1

fecal matter is eliminated into a hole in the ground that leads to a dug pit

As made up of an elevated pit privy that has a covered latrine.

Fecal matter is collected into a built septic tank that is not connected to a sewerage

The people must be informed that in order to prevent contamination of 1/1

drinking water. The source must be how many meters away from
washing and bathing areas: *

32 meters

25 meters

20 meters

30 meters

The provision of plastic toilet bowls for toilet construction to families in 1/1
the rural areas by the Department of Health is in relation to: *

Filariasis Control Program

Oplan Alis Disease Program

Environmental Sanitation Program

Schistosomiasis Control Program

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9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1


Total points 43/50



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Questions 1 to 50 43 of 50 points… 1/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

PHN Karen is designing the program evaluation. She included the five 1/1
dimensions. To address the dimensions, Karen must ask the following
questions EXCEPT: *

What should be evaluated?

What indicators should be used?

What are the responses of the people in the community to the program?

What are the program objectives?

These are example of grave offense: * 1/1

E. Both A & D

D. frequent unauthorized absences or tardiness

B. physical and mental incapacity or disability due to sickness

C. engaging directly and indirectly in partisan political activities

A. falsification of official documents… 2/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

The health status of the community is a product of the various 1/1

interacting elements such as: *

Socio-economic and cultural factors

Power structure within the community

Physical and topographical characteristics

All of the above


What is the role of health in the community? * 1/1

All of the above

Social development

Projects progress and regress

Economic development

It is a type of community that has high density of people and has both 0/1
agriculture and manufacturing industry: *


Uptown… 3/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1



Which of the following is the most prominent feature of public health 1/1
nursing? *

Services are provided free of charge to people within the catchment area

The public health nurse functions as part of a team providing a public health nursing

It involves providing home care to sick people who are not confined in the hospital

Public health nursing focuses on preventive, not curative services

This shows the size, composition and geographical distribution of the 1/1
population: *

Demographic variables

Socio-economic and cultural variable

Health and illness patterns

Political or leadership patterns

The community health nurse is developing a plan of primary prevention 0/1

activities. Which of the following might the nurse include? *

Encouraging older adults to install safety devices in the bathroom

All of the above… 4/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Teaching about safe-sex practices to high school students

Providing regular immunization programs for communicable diseases

Function includes forecasting or estimating the future; defining 1/1

organizational philosophy and objectives establishing policies, standards
and procedures; developing strategies, programs and projects; and,
preparing the budget. *






Which of the following statements about health promotion and disease 0/1
prevention is the most accurate? *

Health promotion and disease prevention include all efforts that seek to move
people closer to optimal well-being or higher levels of wellness.

The goal of disease prevention is to raise levels of wellness for individuals,

families, populations, and communities.

Health promotion can be described in terms of primary, secondary, and tertiary


Disease prevention differs from health promotion in that disease prevention is

targeted toward a specific disease or diseases.… 5/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Which among the statements below describes span of control as an 1/1

organizing principle? *

This principle means “the number of subordinates reporting directly to a


This principle means that an employee should be responsible to, and receive orders
from, only one superior

It refers to conscious activity of assembling and synchronizing differentiated work

efforts so that they function harmoniously in the attainment of organization

This is called specialization which delineates work according to specific programs or

to client groups.

The health status of the community is a product of the various 1/1

interacting elements such as: *

Socio-economic and cultural factors

Physical and topographical characteristics

Power structure within the community


All of the above… 6/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

A group of community health nursing students design a health education 1/1

program for a group of pregnant teens that includes teaching nutrition
during pregnancy, demonstrating helpful exercises, and discussing their
concerns. This is an example of which of the following? *


Treatment of disorders


Health promotion


The student nurses are engaging in health promotion activities. Health promotion
incorporates all efforts that seek to move people closer to optimal well-being or to higher
levels of wellness. Tr

Which among the following objective is properly constructed? * 1/1

After two sessions, Mr. S will be able to check his blood sugar accurately.

Eighty-five percent (85%) of leprosy patients will complete the multi-drug therapy

Mr. S will wash his hands before pricking his finger for blood extraction,

Mr. S’s family will accompany him to diabetes clinic.… 7/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Which among the following are reasons why nurse managers should 1/1
evaluate their staff? *

enhance staff development

determine training and developmental needs of nurses

determine job competence

All of the above

It is the last step in the management process, involves the setting of 1/1
standards, comparing actual performance with these standards,
reporting the results of assessments or evaluation, and taking corrective
actions. *





Organizing… 8/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Which among the statements below describes span of control as an 1/1

organizing principle? *

This principle means that an employee should be responsible to, and receive orders
from, only one superior

This principle means “the number of subordinates reporting directly to a


This is called specialization which delineates work according to specific programs or

to client groups.

It refers to conscious activity of assembling and synchronizing differentiated work

efforts so that they function harmoniously in the attainment of organization

Which are characteristics of an effective community health nurse? * 1/1

All of the above

Optimal use of resources is a primary concern

Sees primary prevention as the priority in selecting community health activities

Is particularly concerned with healthy environments… 9/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Function includes forecasting or estimating the future; defining 1/1

organizational philosophy and objectives establishing policies, standards
and procedures; developing strategies, programs and projects; and,
preparing the budget. *






The following are indicative of the social status of the community: * 1/1

Communication network

Housing conditions

Educational level

All of the above… 10/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Which is the primary goal of community health nursing? * 1/1

To increase the productivity of the people by providing them with services that will
increase their level of health

To contribute to national development through promotion of family welfare, focusing

particularly on mothers and children

To enhance the capacity of individuals, families and communities to cope with

their health needs

To support and supplement the efforts of the medical profession in the promotion of
health and prevention of

It is part of the social system and considered of central importance 1/1

because of its role in health promotion and maintenance and risk
reduction: *




Health… 11/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Which among the following objective is properly constructed? * 1/1

After two sessions, Mr. S will be able to check his blood sugar accurately.

Eighty-five percent (85%) of leprosy patients will complete the multi-drug therapy

Mr. S’s family will accompany him to diabetes clinic.

Mr. S will wash his hands before pricking his finger for blood extraction,

The evaluation of the performance of government employees is 1/1

mandated by the: *

Nursing Service Office

City Health Office

Civil Service Commission

Department of Health

A sub-system component that affects health due lack of understanding 1/1

is: *


Economic… 12/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1



The program evaluated was found to be effective. What should be the 1/1
recommendations? *

The program can be applied to another group with same characteristics.

The program must be modified.

The program must be terminated.

The lesson learned will serve as a guide in modifying the program.

It is the last step in the management process, involves the setting of 1/1
standards, comparing actual performance with these standards,
reporting the results of assessments or evaluation, and taking corrective
actions. *





Staffing… 13/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Which of the following is the mission of the Department of Health? * 0/1

Improve the general health status of the population

Health for all Filipinos

Health in the hands of the Filipino people by the year 2020

Ensure the accessibility and quality of health

The nurse is providing education on the importance of medication 0/1

compliance to individuals newly diagnosed with tuberculosis. This is an
example of: *

surveillance and assessment.

core public health functions.

tertiary prevention.

primary prevention.

The health status of the community is a product of the various 1/1

interacting elements such as: *

Socio-economic and cultural factors

Power structure within the community… 14/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Physical and topographical characteristics


All of the above

Which of the following describes a rural community? * 1/1

People are well- knit and having high degree of group feeling

Complex interpersonal relationship

Non-agricultural occupation

Highly dense in population

The following are indicative of the social status of the community: * 1/1

Communication network

Educational level

Housing conditions

All of the above

Filipino Nurses are known for their resilience. Resiliency is shown by: * 1/1

Hardworking even underpaid

Doing what is right even no one sees you

Their caring attitude to the client

Staying with client… 15/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1
y g

PHN Grace is designing the program evaluation. She included the five 1/1
dimensions. To address the dimensions, Grace must ask the following
questions EXCEPT: *

What are the program objectives?

What indicators should be used?

What should be evaluated?

What are the responses of the people in the community to the program?

These are example of grave offense: * 1/1

A. falsification of official documents

C. engaging directly and indirectly in partisan political activities

D. frequent unauthorized absences or tardiness

B. physical and mental incapacity or disability due to sickness

E. Both A & D… 16/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

A community health nurse is preparing a presentation for a group of 0/1

nursing students about community health nursing. Which of the
following descriptions about community health nursing would the nurse
most likely include in the presentation? *

Working with the client as an equal partner

Engaging in tertiary prevention as the priority

Focusing on addressing continuous needs

Encouraging clients to reach out to the nurse

The nurse is about to prepare a data presentation. Knowing there are 1/1
only three categories and she wanted to show the breakdown, she will
likely use what type of graph? *

Pie chart

Scattered diagram


Bar graph… 17/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Population- focused nursing practice requires which of the following 1/1

processes *

Epidemiologic process

Nursing, process

Community diagnosis

Community organizing .

Which among the following describes culture? * 1/1

It predicts social patterns among group of people.

All of the above

Culture is shared beliefs, values and life ways.

Culture directs behavior and moral-ethical decisions.

The following are example of less grave offense, EXCEPT: * 1/1

simple misconduct

habitual drunkenness

simple neglect of duty… 18/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

gross neglect duty

Which among the following are reasons why nurse managers should 1/1
evaluate their staff? *

enhance staff development

determine job competence

determine training and developmental needs of nurses

All of the above

CHN is a community-based practice. Which best explains this 1/1

statement? *

The nurse has to conduct community diagnosis to determine nursing needs and

Priority setting is based on the magnitude of the health problems identified

The service are based on the available resources within the community

The service is provided in the natural environment of people

This shows the size, composition and geographical distribution of the 1/1
population: *

Political or leadership patterns

Socio-economic and cultural variable… 19/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Health and illness patterns

Demographic variables

The nurse in charge identifies a patient's responses to actual or potential 1/1

health problems during which step of the nursing process? *





Which level of health facility is the usual point of entry of a client into the 1/1
health care delivery system? *





What is the first step in conducting a community diagnosis? * 0/1

actual data gathering

determining the study population

determining the objectives… 20/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1
determining the objectives

collecting data

Which of the following is a characteristic of a healthy community? * 1/1

A general feeling of empowerment and control over matters that affect the
community as a whole.

Existing structures that allow subgroups within the community to participate in

decision making in community matters.

All of the above

Equitable and efficient

Which one of the following statements made by a student would the 1/1
nurse educator recognize as evidence that a student understands the
health continuum? *

Illness refers to a state of being relatively unhealthy.

The term health is limited to reflect an individual's state.

The distinction between health and illness is well demarcated.

Treatment of acute conditions reflects the current focus of health care.


Although society typically depicts an absolute line of difference between being either well
or ill, health is considered a relative term. Thus, illness is viewed as a state of being
relatively unhealthy.… 21/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

These variables help determine the delivery of health services: * 1/1

B. Manpower population ratio

Both B & C

A. Communication network

C. Categories of health services available

D. Power structures in the community

After teaching a group of nursing students about the similarities and 1/1
differences between public health and community health, which of the
following statements by a nursing student would indicate knowledge of
the similarities and differences between public health and community
health? *

"Community health nursing is defined as nursing care that is provided in a

community setting, rather than an institutional setting."

"Public health nursing is defined as nursing care that is provided in an institutional


"Community health nursing can shape the quality of community health services
and improve the health of the general public."

"Public health nursing is focused on the health of individuals."

Feedback… 22/23
9/5/2021 NUR 153: P1 EXAMINATION PART 1

Operating within an environment of rapid change and increasingly complex challenges,

this nursing specialty holds the potential to shape the quality of community health
services and improve the health of the general public.

This form was created inside of Phinma Education.

 Forms… 23/23
Total points 45/50










Email *

0 of 0 points






BSN 3-A1

MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1 - 50 45 of 50 points

R.A 7164 declares that it is the priority of the state to guarantee the 1/1
delivery of basic health services. In relation to quality nursing education ,
the Board of Nursing ensures that the nursing schools: *

Meet standard of nursing practice

Comply with school requirements

Graduate only competent students.

Should be accredited

Vitamin A is given to prevent blindness and: (select all that apply) * 1/1

Increase child’s survival

Bitot’s spot

Boost immunization

Prevent malnutrition

This law promotes, requires and ensures the production of an adequate 1/1
supply, distribution, use and acceptance of drugs and medicines
identified by their generic name. *

R.A. 7875

R A 7432
R.A. 7432

R.A. 6675

R.A. 7876

The PHN understands that PAR is conducted and not a conventional 1/1
research when: (select all that apply) *

The research is conducted from planning until the evaluation of the program

The central aim of the study is to determine the effectiveness of the Herbal Plant
Use Education of the community through inquiry from other party.

The research team members are experts of research.

It is a combination of a quantitative and qualitative data mining.

A 20 year-old College student, Judy is highly overweight. During the first 1/1
nurse-client interaction, she says, "I am certain that my eating binge is
not normal. However, there is nothing I can do about it. The nurse
responds therapeutically by saying: *

"You must stop doing this, or else it will affect your health very much."

"Why do you think are you doing this?"

"Do you feel helpless changing your behavior?"

"When do you usually exper1ence the insatiable craving for food episode?"

The main aim of conducting PAR is: * 1/1

Educate people about the importance of participating in community programs

To evaluate the community’s program

Disseminate change in the community

Use research findings to influence social change

Field Health Services Information Services intends to provide: (Select all 1/1
that applies) *

Data that can be used for program monitoring and evaluation purposes.

Useful and accurate data that can be disseminated in a timely and easy to use

A standardized, facility level data base that can be accessed for more in-depth

More time for patient care and primitive activities.

These are the accomplishments of the Health and Wellness Program for 1/1
senior citizens. (Select all that applies? *

Wellness Camp for senior citizens

Flu vaccination

Pneumococcal immunization

HPV immunization

A health care worker is entitled of hazard allowance if: (select all that 1/1
apply) *

The place is declared in a state of calamity

He/she works in a remote area

He/she works in a prisons camp

There is epidemic

In order to pass the examination, an examinee must obtain: (select all 1/1
that apply) *

A rating of not below seventy-five percent (75%) in any subject

General average of at least seventy-five percent (75%)

General average of at least sixty percent (60%)

A rating of not below sixty percent (60%) in any subject

Magna Carta of Public Health workers aims to: (Select all that applies) * 1/1

promote social and economic well-being of health workers.

encourages those with improper qualifications to remain in government service.

develop skills and capabilities of health workers to deliver health


accept relatives to be employed within the same organization through


Under the local government code, health service must be devolved to 1/1
the local governments. This means the local health agencies such as
health centers/rural health units must be under the: *

district health office

municipal government office

municipal government office

barangay health councils

provincial health office

Which among the following is included in the program components of 1/1

Mental Health? (select all that apply) *

Rehabilitation Services

Life Experience

Wellness of Daily Living

Neurologic Disorders

Magna Carta for PWD’s: * 1/1

R.A. 3573

R.A. 7277

R.A. 8976

R. A. 7719

It is the policy of the state to promote high standards of ethics in public 1/1
office. *

R.A. 6713

R.A. 8423

R.A. 7432
R.A. 7875

Who chooses the research question? * 1/1

Community leaders

People who have the lived experience

Research experts


An act scaling up the national and local health and nutrition programs 1/1
through a strengthened integrated strategy for maternal, neonatal, child
health and nutrition in the first one thousand (1,000) days of life,
appropriating funds therefore and for other purposes *

R.A. 8980

R.A. 11148

R.A. 8976

R.A. 7600

Safe nursing practice requires: * 1/1

Membership in the Philippine Nurses Association

Registration as a nurse
Completion of Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Professional competence

Which among the following describes the “Pinggang Pinoy”? (select all 1/1
that apply) *

It is the similar to the DNG Pyramid for Filipinos that is based on the latest
science about how our food, drink, and activity choices affect our health.

It builds from the base, showing that should eat more foods from the bottom part of
the pyramid like vegetables, whole grains and less from the top such as red meat,
sugar, fats and oils.

It is a quick and easy guide on how much to eat per mealtime.

It serves as visual tool to help Filipinos adopt healthy eating habits at meal times
by delivering effective dietary and healthy lifestyle messages.

This will be produced at the Provincial Health Office (or alternate date 1/1
processing site in the province) from the data reported in the Rural
Health Unit/Municipal Health Center and up through the Dept, Of Health
System to the Regional Health Office: *

Output Reports or Table

Geographic coding

Target/client list

Reporting forms
One of the interventions/strategies employed by the DOH is advocacy 1/1
and health education. As a Public Health Nurse, this intervention requires
her to: *

Strengthening treatment capabilities of existing personnel.

Reviews the program as conducted.

Collaboration to other sectors to ensure health promotion.

Builds coalition and networks for the delivery of appropriate eye health care services
to ensure best service.

The National Code of Marketing of Breast Milk substitute , breastmilk 0/1

supplements and other related products is the: *

R.A. 6425

Presidential Decree no. 995

Letter of Instruction No.14

Executive Order No. 51

Belinda passed the Nurse’s Licensure Examination and a caregiver in 1/1

Israel for fifteen (15) years and wishes to go back to nursing practice. She
should be advised to: (select all that apply) *

Retake the board exam

Undergo three (3) months practicum

Undergo one (1) month training

Undergo refresher course

Under the Philippine Nursing Act of 1991, the power of the Board of 0/1
Nursing to enforce standards of education and practice has been: *





In terms of CHN practice, the nurse in the community is trained as: * 1/1

Specialists in CHN

Certified in Public Health Nurse

Generalist in Nursing

4 year BSN graduate

John works at 10pm to 6am as a nurse in a Public Lying –in Clinic. He shall 1/1
be paid additional of: *

Twenty-five percent (25%)

Ten percent (10%)

Five percent (5%)

p ( )

Fifty percent (50%)

The health workers who work in the hospital are clamoring to the 1/1
Department of Health for the hazard fee that they would receive
because of their exposure to Covid 19 virus. Based on the Magna Carta
of Public Health Workers Law, the health workers with a salary grade 19
can received: *

25 percent of their basic monthly salary

10 percent of their basic monthly salary.

5 percent of their basic monthly salary

20 percent of the basic monthly salary

Which among the following requires reporting as it happens? * 1/1

Maternal death

Notifiable diseases like dengue

Dental health

Natality health

The Barangay Health Station can be a reporting area if: * 1/1

It delivers health services to one or more barangays.

The midwife renders service occasionally to the area.

It is a service area of an Rural Health Unit .

It is a satellite Barangay Health Station

It shall be the duty of the nurse to: (select all that apply) * 1/1

Administer prescribed treatment

Supervise student nurses

Suture perineal lacerations

Perform internal examination during antenatal bleeding

The community members as researchers are experts in their role. They 1/1
are experts because: *

They have the knowledge and expertise in doing the research.

They participate in making collaborative decisions.

They have unique perspective as influenced by their lived experience.

They are being guided by the research team.

The Magna Carta of Public Health Workers applies to: (select all that 1/1
apply) *

Barangay Health Nurse

Barangay Tanod

Barangay Health Workers

Liaison officer of an RHU

Health and wellness program for senior citizen is a support to the 1/1
following laws: *

DOH Administrative Order No. 2016-0039

RA 9257

Republic Act No. 11036

Presidential Proclamation No. 470

Which among the following is true to errors of refraction? * 1/1

Errors of refraction are cured only through surgery.

Errors of refraction are found mostly in the older age groups.

This eyesight problem can be addressed by optometrists.

Errors of refraction are corrected only through spectacle glasses.

Doctors, dentists, nurses, and midwives who accept assignments as such 1/1
in remote areas or isolated stations shall be entitled of an incentive
bonus in the form of remote assignment allowance equivalent to_of the
monthly basic salary: *

Fifty percent (50%)

Ten percent (10%)

Ten percent (10%)

Five percent (5%)

Twenty-five percent (25%)

Being a registered nurse, with proper documentation to support 1/1

authenticity of registration can practice professional nursing in the
Philippines because: *

nursing practice is a privileged

nursing practice is a right

nursing practice is a reciprocity

nursing practice is universal

The knowledge of the nurse in the community is not limited to nursing 0/1
but a required and updated knowledge in biological and social science,
ecology and utilization of this: *

Community health organizations

Health programs from the region

Recruited family members

Community health resources

Requires reporting of all cases of communicable diseases and 1/1

administration of prophylaxis: *

R.A. 3573
R.A. 8980

R.A. 8976

R.A. 7600

Who will appoint the Chairperson and six (6) members of the BON? * 1/1

Professional regulation Commission Chairman

Professional Regulatory Board of Nursing

Accredited professional organization of nurses

President of the Republic of the Philippines

National Health Insurance Act: * 1/1

R.A. 7277

R. A. 7876

R.A. 3573

R.A. 10028

A longevity pay is given to: * 1/1

Harry who worked hard during the Pandemic

Dennis who is on his 6th year in Public Health

Mark who is on his third year in Public Health

Ramir who just came back to Public Health


Standardizes the salary of government employees including the nursing 1/1

personnel: *

R.A. 8172

RA 4073

R.A 6758

R. A. 7719

The visual acuity of less than 6/18, but equal to or better than 3/60, or a 1/1
corresponding visual field loss to less than 20 degrees in the better eye
with best possible correction: *


Low vision


Error in refraction

Who among the following are NOT liable to the law? Select all that apply * 0/1

Mark a BSN graduate practicing in the community.

Matthew who renews his license using the online PRC renewal.

L k h hi PRC ID f i ll i th d i th C ViD 19
Luke who uses his PRC ID for special lane in the grocery during the CoViD-19

Philip who append his name the letters BSN who is a graduate of General Nursing

Home Treatment for Leprosy * 1/1

R.A. 10028

R.A 4073

R.A. 8172

R. A. 7876

The life of a license of a nurse is: * 0/1

5 years

2 years

4 years

3 years

All senior citizens are mandatorily covered by the Philippine Health 1/1
Insurance Corporation by virtue of: *

Republic Act No. 11036

RA 9257

RA 7432
RA 10642

Food Fortification Law: * 1/1


R.A. 8976

R.A. 8423

R. A. 7719

It is the building block of Field Health Services Information System 1/1

(FHSIS): *

Family Treatment Record

Target/Client List

Reporting Forms

Output Reports

The milk code aims to make sure that: * 1/1

Health workers should not give samples of infant formula to pregnant women or
mothers of infants.

All ot the above

Health workers should not accept any incentives from milk companies
None of the above

This form was created inside of Phinma Education.


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