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Disaster preparedness refers to measures taken to prepare for and reduce the effects of
disasters. That is, to predict and, where possible, prevent disasters, mitigate their impact on
vulnerable populations, and respond to and effectively cope with their consequences.

Disaster preparedness provides a platform to design effective, realistic and coordinated

planning, reduces duplication of efforts and increase the overall effectiveness of National
Societies, household and community members disaster preparedness and response efforts.
Disaster preparedness activities embedded with risk reduction measures can prevent disaster
situations and also result in saving maximum lives and livelihoods during any disaster situation,
enabling the affected population to get back to normalcy within a short time period.

Disaster preparedness is a continuous and integrated process resulting from a wide

range of risk reduction activities and resources rather than from a distinct sectoral activity by
itself. It requires the contributions of many different areas—ranging from training and logistics, to
health care, recovery, livelihood to institutional development.

LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Know the definition and nature of disaster preparedness.

2. Understand the meaning, nature and importance of disaster preparedness.
3. Know the different hazards in the surroundings that might affect one’s mental health.


Disaster Preparedness

Based on the World Risk Index 2012, the Philippines is the third among 173 countries
most vulnerable to disaster risk and natural hazards; we experience an average of 20 tropical
cyclones each year and other climatic and extreme weather aberrations such as the El Niño
phenomenon. These disasters strain government funds, with an average of P15 billion in annual
direct damages. More adversely, this hampers the government’s poverty reduction efforts.

To mitigate the effects of climate change and to ensure the effective implementation of
disaster risk reduction, the government has put in place interventions to reverse environmental
degradation and to improve the resiliency of local communities. At the core of these
interventions is the National Climate Change Action Plan and the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Plan, which were established to systematically integrate the

Disaster and Mental Health/ Compiled by: Minera Laiza C. Acosta 1

various disaster risk management and climate change adaptation activities, coordination, and
financing mechanisms of the government.

Disaster Risk Reduction and Response

Since its launch in July 2012, the Nationwide Operational Assessment of Hazards
(NOAH) project has been in the process of installing over 500 pieces of weather equipment
composed of automated weather stations (AWS), automated rain gauges (ARG), and
combinations of AWS-ARGs along the 18 major river basins in the country by end of July 2013.
The equipment complements units—such as Doppler radars, surveillance cameras, tsunami
detectors, and alerting siren—continuously being installed in various locations, to ensure
effective location-specific forecasts seven days ahead (as opposed to the three-days-ahead
forecast in the past) throughout the Philippines. Moreover, with Project NOAH’s website
providing real-time reports, the government has improved at actively tapping into social network
platforms to respond swiftly and effectively to its citizens, especially during times of emergency.

The government has likewise crafted the Master Plan for Flood Management in Metro
Manila and Surrounding Areas, which will provide a long-term flood management strategy to be
implemented up to 2035, covering not only Metro Manila but also the surrounding provinces
(i.e., Rizal, Laguna, and parts of Bulacan). Recognizing the urgent need to ease flooding in
these areas, the government has approved an initial P5-billion funding for high-impact flood
control projects, which will provide immediate effects within 15 to 18 months of their
implementation. These projects are now in various stages of implementation.

In addition to the high-impact flood control projects, the Department of Public Works and
Highways is implementing 416 projects worth P6.2 billion in Metro Manila, involving the
improvement of drainage, esteros, waterways, riverways, and others (e.g., construction of
pumping stations) to improve their carrying capacity. The government has likewise allocated
funding to the Metro Manila Development Authority to rehabilitate and upgrade 12 priority
pumping stations, which will benefit a total of 804,662 people or roughly 161,000 families living
in 361 barangays in three cities.

Relief and Rehabilitation Assistance

From 2010 to 2012, the Philippines faced 46 typhoons and 1,019 non-typhoon-related
disasters that affected more than 5.6 million families and caused around P93.13 billion in
damages. In the same period, total government emergency relief assistance—which includes
financial assistance, food, and medicine—provided to over 2.64 million families affected by
calamities reached P12.54 billion.

The combined amount of assistance from the government and non-government

organizations for emergency relief assistance and rehabilitation—which includes financial
assistance, food, medicine, housing, and livelihood—reached P15.21 billion, benefiting more
than three million family-victims who were in most need of support. Moreover, to help the victims
of natural calamities, the government, through Pag-IBIG, continues to provide slashed interest

Disaster and Mental Health/ Compiled by: Minera Laiza C. Acosta 2

rates from 10.75 percent to 5.95 percent under its Calamity Loan Program. From 2010 to March
2013, a total of P20.1 billion in loans were extended to 1,056,752 Pag-IBIG members.

The government is likewise making sure that relief and rehabilitation remain sustainable.
Those affected by Typhoons Sendong and Pablo continue to be assisted by the government
through the repair of vital infrastructure like health facilities, classrooms and schools, roads and
bridges; livelihood assistance (especially for those in the agriculture and fisheries sectors); and
permanent housing programs. We continue to strengthen and expand our social safety nets,
especially for victims of natural disasters, so every Filipino can live safe and productive lives.


Disaster Preparedness. (n.d.). Official Gazette of the republic of the Philippines.

Disaster Preparedness. (n.d.). IFRC.



What are the elements of disaster preparedness? How can we promote disaster

Disaster and Mental Health/ Compiled by: Minera Laiza C. Acosta 3

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