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International Journal of English Language, Education and

Literature Studies (IJEEL)

ISSN: 2583-3812
Vol-1, Issue-1, Mar-Apr 2022
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Boomerang Effect: Understanding Cyber Crime and the

Economy of South- South Nigeria
Isaac Ehigiator Izekor, Victor Chukwugekwu Ebonine

Department of Political Science, University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria.

Article Detail: Abstract
Keywords— Cyber crime, A largely overlooked area in the discourse of cyber crime is its impacts on the
economy, tenancy, goods societal economy. Using exploratory design and qualitative research tools (in-
and services, lodging depth interview), we collected data from 20 purposively selected youths, yahoo
boys, landlords, traders and hotel managers from the two purposively selected
local government areas (Oredo and Egor LGAs) to examine the causes and effects
of cyber crime on the cost of tenancy, hotel lodging and prices of goods and
services in Edo State, Nigeria. Findings showed that cyber crime is caused by
poverty, unemployment and loss of societal values while these causative factors
influenced the cost of tenancy, lodging and prices of goods and services in the
markets to the detriment of an average resident. The study, therefore
recommends, among other things, government’s intervention through job
creation and stabilization of prices and costs of things so as to better the lots of
common man in the state.

1. Introduction hijacked the internet to enrich their pockets. This

The advent of information and technology system form of internet-based crime is called cyber crime.
seems to have enhanced human living in these past Cyber crime is any computer related crime. OECD
years. In fact, prior to this time, millions had to toil to (2006) conceptualized cyber crime as any illegal,
communicate with loved ones and access basic unethical or unauthorized behaviour relating to the
available information that would enhance living and automatic processing and the transmission of data. It
ensure survival. Today, people transact businesses went further to state that cyber crime can have three
online with others far away from their shores, people core properties of information system: confidentiality
read and gain scholarship with online tutorials, of data stored, integrity of the data stored as being
teachings and certifications, uncover common reliable and availability of the system without any
problems they are faced with and possible solutions form of obstruction (OECD, 2006). Cyber crime is
to them, book tickets and travel round the world not just a Nigerian problem. It is a global problem. To
without having to endlessly queue in airports to buy this extent, it becomes an existential global threat
tickets, shop online and many other things which that governments around the world, social
were not imagined to be possible in the past. All these institutions, private business centres such as banks
are the attendant valuable resources the internet and even private individuals have been seeking ways
offers to mankind (Jack and Ene, 2016). to address. However, it appears that the more
However, as veritable as the internet is to mankind in solutions to this new form of crime are discovered,
the contemporary world, it is fast becoming a tool for the more these cyber criminals device alternatives to
making illicit gains to some persons, especially the continue with their acts. In fact, cyber crime has
youth and torment to those who fall victims to their continued to birth different names and forms such as
antics (Ebenezer, 2014). In fact, some persons have hacking of mails, piracy, pornography, identity theft,
begun to argue whether an alternative to the internet cyber harassment, cloning and automated teller
is possible so as to save victims who are daily machine spoofing (Erhabor, 2008).
becoming preys to those who criminally have

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Mar-Apr 2022

In Nigeria, it appears that cyber crime is becoming a the conference noted that by 2025, cyber economic
new normal among the youth (Olaide and Adewole, losses could well exceed 10.5 trillion dollars, making
2004). The youthful energy is daily expended in it the third largest economy after the U.S and China
devising means of continually ensuring that cyber (Adepetun, 2021).
security is eroded while also living luxuriously from Still in the conference, the president of ABC and CEO
the means accruing from its perpetuation. Today, of IBM West Africa, Dipo Faulkner explained that an
names such as ‘yahoo boys’, ‘street guys’, ‘maga’, increase in cyber crime could be traced to an increase
‘mugu’ and other variant nomenclatures have become in internet users all over the globe. He further argued
household names for those who indulge in cyber that the Covid-19 pandemic which made internet
crime as well as those who fall victims to it. It is fast usage inevitable increased cyber risks in which in
becoming a new lease of life for teeming youths of Nigeria alone, internet users increased from 68.5
whom many fall within the bracket of the million people in 2019 to 85.26 million in 2020
unemployed, deprived and alienated in the country. (Adepetun, 2021). He further noted that as a result of
Glaringly is the manner in which these yahoo boys this, Nigeria ranked 16 out of 20 most affected
(name they are commonly called in Nigeria) countries by cyber crime based on reports released in
recklessly spend these illicit money on hotels, 2020 (Adepetun, 2021).
unwarranted clubbing, parties, burial activities and
This paper sets out to examine the menace of cyber
donations in religious and worship centres (Igba,
Igba, Aja,Nnamani, Egbe and Ogodo, 2018). crime, specifically concentrating on the causes and
effects of it in the economy of Edo State. This is
No doubt, cyber crime is a global phenomenon. because the popular narrative of the causative factors
However, the intensity of it in Nigeria leaves the of youth indulgence in cyber crime in Nigeria have
world bewildered. This seems to affect the way the been identified as poverty, unemployment,
world perceive Nigeria and image associated with it. corruption, erosion of societal values, peer pressures
Today, Nigerian government is still grappling with and excruciating economy (Ribadu, 2007; Smith,
the allegation of FBI against Hushpuppi and possible 2007; NBS, 2018; Tade and Aliyu, 2011). A close
collusion with high profile names in the Nigerian investigation of cyber crime in Edo State, Nigeria,
Intelligence Response Team of the Nigerian Police therefore, would either affirm or reject the
such as Abba Kyari (BBC, 2021; Bakare, and Odita, aforementioned popular causative factors. On the
2021). Of course, to say the least, the world is waiting other hand, there is a paucity of literature on the
to see the action that the government of Nigeria effect of cyber crime on the state economy,
would take on that regard. However, whether proven particularly as it impacts the people generally. As the
or otherwise, the allegation raises a fundamental cyber criminals, popularly known as yahoo boys
issue of the degree of fraudulence that pervades spend lavishly their ill-gotten wealth, the effects such
Nigerian state and the way the world perceives it. has on the societal micro-economy.
The rising nature of cyber crime in Nigeria as well as Edo State, a state synonymous with crimes (Sahara
the globe has been decried by the Minister of Reporters, 2020), has continuously appeared in the
Communications and Digital Economy, Dr. Isa reportage of national dailies in Nigeria on cyber
Pantami as well as the American Business Council crimes. Among many confessions from arrested cyber
(ABC) in a virtual conference organized by ABC in criminals in Benin by the police as reported by
conjunction with the Ministry of Communications Sahara Reporters was the one that took place in July
and Digital Economy and United States trade and 13, 2020 in which three suspects were arrested and
Development (USTDA). According to Pantami, the they made useful revelations about their criminal
Covid-19 pandemic has added to the spate of cyber escapades. According to the police, one of the
risks as more malware are daily sent out to the public suspects, a member of Turkish-based cyber criminal
to swindle them, posing a great problem to Chief group had a building valued at 20 million naira, a
Security Officers across the globe (Adepetun, 2021). Toyota RAV-4 valued at 6.5 million naira and a
At the conference, it was presented that the spate of Toyota matrix 2002 model worth 2 million naira. The
cyber crime could lead to an approximate loss of 5.2 second suspect had syndicates based in Italy and had
trillion dollars by 2023, a figure that is estimated to also made over 120 million naira from the illicit
exceed China’s GDP by over 35 percent, Germany by trade. The third suspect was implicated as a specialist
over 137 percent and that of the entire Africa by 173 in stealing identity, indulging in cyber crime, and
percent (Adepetun, 2021). Further, the speakers at impersonation (Sahara Reporters, 2020).

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Mar-Apr 2022

A year before, in one of the numerous arrests made There has to be a fertile ground as well for the crime
by the Economic and Financial Commission (EFCC), to thrive. Besides, the theory may fail to explain why
113 suspected internet fraudsters were arrested in people become vulnerable and motivated offenders
Benin City. The EFCC recovered valuables such as become more motivated.
exotic cars, laptops, modems and cash. The force also The Differential Association Theory (DAT) was
noted that it secured about 53 convictions of internet developed by Edwin Sutherland in 1939. He coined
fraudsters between January and August of 2019 alone the phrase “differential association” to properly
(Premium Times, 2019). explain how people learn deviance. According to
Regoli and Hewitt (1997:181), “no single idea in
2. Theoretical Underpinnings modern criminology has had impact on how people
reflect on crime as differential association‟. The
Crime is a complex phenomenon that cannot be
theory pictures deviance from the perspective of
explained from one theoretical prism. This is because
people’s interactions and relationships. As the theory
the reinforcing factors to indulging in criminal
explains, environment is sine quo non to people’s
activities vary from individual to individual and place
learning the forms of behavior to deviate from.
to place. Against this backdrop, the triangulation of
Furthermore, associations and groups also influence
cyber crime theories in order to attempt an
forms of behavior to conform to and those to violate.
elucidation of cyber crime and its associated
Thus, the influence of peers, teachers, parents,
dimensions in Nigeria, and indeed Edo State becomes
siblings, friends, media and social networks on choice
of modes of behavior cannot be over-emphasized.
Routine Activities Theory (RAT) situates crimes
The principle of differential association posits that a
within the broader context of proximity. It explains
person becomes delinquent because of an “excess” of
the conditions or prerequisites for criminal activity to
definitions favorable to violation of law over
occur (Schaefer, 2005). According to the proponents
definitions unfavorable to violation of law. In other
of this theory like Cohen and Felson (1979), for a
words, criminal behavior emerges when one is
criminal act to happen, there must a perpetrator, a
exposed to more social messages favouring conduct
victim and an object both in space and time.
than pro-social messages. Therefore, environments
According to Felson (2002), the availability of both
with poor economic conditions may encourage
criminals and suitable targets produce a crime event.
passive attitude towards law and agents of law.
For instance, there can be no examination
Sutherland and Cressey (1978) add that high crime
malpractice without examination; the same way in
rate is due to differential social organization. In areas
which there can be no yahoo boy without the internet
where delinquency rates are high, interactions with
and vulnerable victims.
others may likely lead a good boy to learn and acquire
The term ‘routine’ points to the fact that reinforcing anti-social skills from delinquents within the
elements of deviant behaviours come together in the neighborhood.
context of normal acceptable routine actions. Thus,
The significance of the theory is based on the premise
when individuals change in their routine activities,
that it explains the influence of environment in
criminal behaviours can either increase or decrease.
explaining the reason behind indulging into criminal
Some scholars such as Sherman, Gartin and Blueger
activities. This theory can be used to explain the
(1989) and Cromwell, Olson, and Avary (1995) have
prevalence of cyber crime in Nigeria and how the
carried out scholarly works using routine activity
crime is learned. According to a research conducted
theory and they discovered that as individuals
by Imhof (2010), there is prevalence of hacking in
become more vulnerable, the tendency for increased
Nigerian higher institutions and some of these
criminal behaviour heightens. In the context of cyber
persons spend time with their friends who share
crime, the theory explains that cyber criminals cannot
similar views and interests with them. With these
perpetrate cyber crime without the existence of both
groups, they learn different techniques required to
the internet and vulnerable people. Moreover, as
engage in these criminal behaviours. Besides, as the
more people become vulnerable to their antics, the
last postulation argues, the more time they spend
more they indulge in the act. However, in spite of the
with their friends, the more frequency they indulge in
seemingly relevance of this theory in this study, it
such criminal behavior. Beyond the school, peer
must be noted that the availability of both the
group and the nature of prebendal society can also
motivated offenders and vulnerable group alone may
influence youths indulging in cyber crime.
not sufficiently account for the reason crime occur.

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Mar-Apr 2022

However, one of the major criticisms of the theory is This theory is without some shortcomings. It can
that the theory focuses on how individuals learn how hardly explain the reason behind the existence of
to become criminals but does not concern itself with non-utilitarian crimes. Moreover, it fails to account
why they become criminals. This means that there for why some wealthy men in the society who have
are other push factors such as economic, socio- attained some level of success still indulge in crime
political and cognitive factors that push an individual and why some people who lack access to the material
to commit cyber-crime. For example, an individual ends still decide not to indulge in criminal activities
may be a good person who through, perhaps no (Dow, 1980; Robertson 1989; Clinnard and Miller,
choice of theirs, is put into a poor socio-economic 1998).
climate with an atmosphere of deviance. Such The Concept of Cyber Crime
individual will be willing to learn the crime by
The term ‘cybercrime’ is ridden with different
associating himself with cyber-criminals. Here, the
conceptualizations. In fact, it is better conceived as a
cyber-criminal becomes self motivated and a rational
collection of activities relating to computer than a
lone activity. The term cybercrime was invented by
The Structural Strain and Anomie Theory have their Peter Cassidy, Secretary General of the Anti-Phishing
foundations on the structural formation of the society Working Group, to differentiate computer
which pressures people to venture into criminal programmes that are designed specifically to animate
activities. In other words, the structures of the financial crime from other kinds of malevolent
society, particularly economic, social and political packages (Shehu, 2014). Ever since then, various
realities of the society greatly reinforce commission of scholars and bodies have conceptualized cyber crime
crime among the people (Robertson, 1987). Anomie in different ways.
theorists contend that the very purpose of people’s
Cyber crime is generally refers to the use of computer
indulgence into criminal activities is on the basis of
in carrying out illegal activity (Jewkesy, 2003). It is a
social and economic disparities (Durkheim, 1951).
computer related crime and considered as any illegal,
Emile Durkheim sees anomie as “…a state of
unethical or unauthorized behaviour relating to the
normlessness in which the individual has no
automatic processing and the transmission of data.
acceptable community or institutional model about
Meanwhile, the Council of Europe captures
how to behave…” (Durkheim, 1951:247) while
computer- related crime as simply offences
Schaefer, (2005:182) sees anomie as a “the loss of
direction felt in a society”. enumerated and defined in the proposed guidelines
or recommendations for national legislators” (Ani,
Society consists of norms and values which establish n.d: 198).
some goals in which individuals in the society pursue
The Council of Europe Convention on Cyber-crime
and see as achievements when attained. These goals
(2001) defines cybercrime in the Articles 2-10 on
could be wealth, power, riches, respect, dignity,
substantive criminal law in four different categories
authority, and so on. The accepted means to achieve
these goals could also be through education, good
business, skills, capital, etc. In spite of these, the Offences against the confidentiality, integrity
institutionalized means of attaining these goals are and availability of computer data and
not commonly available to individuals at the same systems; computer- related offences;
time. This asymmetry therefore creates a situation in content-related offences; and offences related
which individuals respond in some ways to achieve to infringements of copyright and related
these goals and one readily available way could be rights. This is a minimum consensus list not
anomie. In this case, some individuals may respond excluding extensions in domestic law (Ani,
in ways different from approved normative means nd:199)
and resort to unlawful, unapproved and In some countries, what constitutes a cyber crime is
unconventional means to achieve scarce means to usually selected. For instance, content-related crimes
success. This partly explains the reason the youth such as copyright infringements, racism, xenophobia,
indulge in cyber crime as a means of attaining success and child pornography may well not be regarded as
which is not readily available to everyone in the cyber crimes. Copyright infringements are mostly
context of approved means of its attainment in the regarded as civil offences and do not attract penalties
society. which crimes attract (Kamini, 2011). Likewise, child
pornography has not been criminalized in most

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Mar-Apr 2022

countries, just as it has not even appeared in the 2021). This glaringly shows that cyber crime is
contemplation of law-makers in most countries. becoming ubiquitous to the concern of states and
However, most notably is the fact that cybercrime has governments around the world in which the FBI said
gone across national boundaries to threaten nations’ victims of such scams globally lost $4.2 billion in
security, including technologically-advanced 2020, compared to $3.5 billion lost in 2019 (Asadu,
countries like the United States. Terrorists now 2021).
utilize sophisticated method of encryption to commit Different forms of cyber crime have been identified
cyber crimes, making it difficult for the countries by scholars in recent years even though it is difficult
affected to decrypt. to comprehensively and exhaustively pigeon hole all.
It is based on this existential threat to humanity that This is because cyber crime is an elastic crime that
Hart in his work “The concept of Law” opined that evolves every day (Aghatise, 2006). Credit card fraud
“human beings are vulnerable so rule of law is is a type of crime poses one of the greatest challenges
required to protect them” (Cited in: Nicola, 2007). to establishments. It is a situation in which a person
When applied in this case, it means that computers uses another’s credit card illegally without
are entirely in danger and rule of law is required to authorization and without the victim’s knowledge
make them safe for human consumption. Cyber crime that his card is being used for dubious purposes
is a criminal activity involving the information (Schmalleger and Pittaro, 2009). It is perpetuated
technology infrastructure, including illegal access, through criminal deception, unauthorized use of
illegal interception, data interferences, systems another’s account for personal gains and criminal
interferences, forgery (ID theft) and electronic fraud misrepresentation of account information to obtain
(Kamini, 2011). Indeed, there is remarkable goods or service. According to the Eurobarometer
difference between the modern-day cyber crime and survey conducted in 2013 which covered more than
conventional crime. However, a deep examination 27000 people in all member States revealed that 76%
may reveal a sharp difference between the two types agreed the risk of becoming credit card/banking
of crime. This ostensibly lies in the medium through online fraud victim has increased over the years. This
which the crime is perpetuated. In the case of cyber destructive effect of cyber crime affects economy and
crime, it is purely through computers or internet practically dissuades the people from tapping the full
which makes it different from other forms of crime. advantage which computer offers in this modern
Furthermore, the dangers of cyber crime in this world.
contemporary world cannot be entirely captured. Advanced fee fraud is the most notorious crime
Business, economic and white collar crimes have committed globally. It arises when the scammer
assumed nuanced transformation as computers sends a message to the victim about a business
speedily aid their perpetuation. In fact, it has been opportunity with profit of millions if the victim would
reported that cyber crime is the mother of all crimes, agree to pay a given sum to kick-start the business
breeding other forms of crime around the world such (Ampratwum, 2009). This type is really prevalent in
as terrorism, banditry, privacy violation, inducement, Nigeria where it has been reported that 122 out of 138
theft, robbery, deception, capital flight, kidnapping, countries at an Interpol meeting bitterly complained
rape, ritual killing and kidnapping for ransom about Nigerians deep involvement in money-related
(Pickett and Pickett, 2002). Cyber crime is fast fraud (Gottschalk, 2010). Advanced fee fraud is
rendering physical commission of crime obsolete. commonly known as ‘419’ in Nigeria, a term coined
The recent report of the global susceptibility to cyber from section 419 of the Nigerian Criminal Code. It
crime is alarming. The US Federal Bureau of covers varieties of offences that border on obtaining
Investigation (FBI) reported that the top five by false pretences and cheating.
countries with the highest incidence of cyber crime Cyber Pornography and Obscenity is the most
excluding the United States are the UK, Canada, common among the youth, even the teenagers due to
India, Greece, and Australia. Further, it was reported the easy access to the internet. The offence
that South Africa is the only African country among contradicts with the laws of decency and obscenity.
the top 20, ranking sixth with 1,754 complaints. Over Phishing and pharming are crimes that aimed at
all, FBI through its internet crime complaint centre luring potential victims into believing that they are in
(IC3) reported that it received about 791,790 a trusted site, when in fact they have been trapped
complaints relating to internet crime: an increase of into revealing their identities and other sources of
more than 300,000 complaints from 2019 (Asadu,

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Mar-Apr 2022

information to the scammers with the intention of other high level charms in order to hypnotize their
sapping their finance (Adeniran, 2008). potential victims.
Cyber-Terrorism involves a situation in which Ribadu (2007) equally attributed the rising nature of
hackers break into a computer system with the cyber crime among youths to many economic
intention of causing grievous harm either to the challenges such as poverty, corruption,
image of the victim or for personal gain Olayemi unemployment, etc. which further prompt them to
(2014). In fact, cyber-terrorism is more ideological in engage in such criminal activities. Most of these
recent times than for economic or political gains. yahoo boys take advantage of the rising level of
Botnets consists of “network of interconnected, unemployment in Nigeria to dupe unsuspecting
remote-controlled computers, generally infected with victims by telling them that they have a particular
malicious software” (UNODC, 2013:32). Most times, business interest or they are into a loan scheme. Most
the legitimate owner of such system may not be of them also pretend to be searching for spouses
aware of the infection. As soon as the computers are online waiting for their targets to fall victims. Once
infected, it becomes very difficult to control those sets their target fall victim, they dispossess him or her of
of computers from different command servers his or her money and disappear.
allowing the criminals to control the computers from Similarly, the menace of cyber crime appears to be
single command server system in order to effect their increasing in this period of corona virus. The US
criminal motives. Federal Bureau of Investigation on the basis of the
Identity theft is one of the commonest cyber crimes cyber crime rate reported that Nigeria ranked the
in the world. It involves taking one’s sensitive sixteenth in the world in 2020 as countries with the
personal information such as one’s date of birth, highest incidence of cyber crime as against its
name, office or residential address and social security ranking in 2015 (3rd) and 2016 (19th) (Asadu, 2021). It
number without the prior consent of the owner in went further to report that in the same year, Nigeria
order to perpetuate crime meant for illicit financial received 443 complaints relating to the crime. It
gain (Schmalleger & Pittaro, 2009). Mostly, those argued that the global strategies utilized by these
involved in identity theft are computer inclined which criminals were almost the same across countries:
enables them to have deep access into one’s personal business compromise scams, fraudulent romance and
details. confidence schemes and investment fraud with
Business e-mail compromise (BEC) schemes
An Overview of Cyber Crime in Nigeria
becoming the costliest as 19,369 complaints with an
There is no doubting the fact that a good number of estimated loss of approximately $1.8 billion bothered
cyber criminals in Nigeria are youth (Olaide and on them (Asadu, 2021).
Adewole, 2004). Sesan (2010) pointed out that many Breaking down the complaints received, it asserted
young Nigerians, like youths everywhere, are that the cyber criminals took advantage of the Covid-
unfortunately on the wrong side of the economic 19 pandemic to target businesses and individuals to
divide. He stated that many of them either lack any the tune of 28,500 complaints. As vaccinations
serious engagement or are greedy to imitate the became a common narrative in Nigeria, scammers
flashy people they see on television which they have took the advantage to invade peoples’ e-mails, phone
now adopted as mentors and these age bracket who calls and other communication media to ask victims
are the main perpetrators are usually found in
to advertize fake vaccines that never existed and
tertiary institutions in Nigeria. Ribadu (2007), stated
asking them to pay through their pockets to avoid
that in “most Nigerian tertiary institutions, various death (Asadu, 2021). They also impersonated as
forms of crimes are being witnessed daily ranging government officials willing to render assistance to
from examination malpractices, falsification of innocent people who were already gripped with fear
admission, rape, robbery and stealing, sexual abuse, by the daily rise in the number of covid-19 related
assault, cultism amongst others”. But in recent times, deaths.
cybercrime now exists in and out of tertiary
institutions. Students of tertiary institution now The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission
engage in cloning of websites, false representations, (EFCC) in its report through Oyeleke (2021) stated
internet purchase and other e-commerce kinds of that though cyber crime is prevalent in the whole
fraud such as credit card fraud. In fact, there is an states of the country, it is more evident in Lekki,
upgrade of cyber crime known as yahoo+. It has been Lagos State, particularly in Ajah, Badore, Victoria
rumoured that yahoo+ requires human lives and Garden City, Sangotedo and Oniru areas of Lekki.

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Mar-Apr 2022

It highlighted that in just three months (April and the respondents who were mainly students across
June); about 402 persons were arrested in cyber cafes in Esan West Local Government Area of
connection with the crime and 13 convictions have Edo State agreed that if an opportunity to indulge in
been secured. It further reported that common cyber cyber crime presents itself, they would gladly accept
crimes were dating scam, online dating scam and it. In like manner, the EFCC reported that the menace
romance scam. The data showed that 64 per cent of cyber crime is increasingly rising in Edo State. This
of individuals arrested are involved in romance it said on their interception of three cyber criminals
scam, followed closely by “Middle Man Scam” and along Uromi. Edo State. The security outfit further
“Picking” which accounted for eight per cent and revealed that on the interrogation of the three
seven per cent respectively of those arrested. The suspects, it was revealed that they were
64% involved in the dating scam benefitted to the impersonating persons in Italy and other European
tune of N 8, 310,000; $349,290 USD; £900; €10 countries while at the same time supplying both
and Cryptocurrency 0.17513. It was also reported foreign and local accounts to receive illicit money
that gifts cards which stood at 39% was the from their victims (Sahara Reporters, 2020). They
commonest method utilized by the scammers to further asserted that through their strategic regig
get illicit money from their victims. It is followed codenamed ‘Operation Re-wire’ which collaborates
by bank transfers at 27% and Cryptocurrency at with FBI has been yielding considerable results. The
21%. A total of $12, 512.49USD was recovered commission also stated that in a spate of eight
from the e-wallet accounts of four suspects within months in 2019, it had made no fewer than 113
the period. Beyond the above mentioned cyber arrests in relation to cyber crime and secured about
crimes, other s identified included forgery, 53 convictions (Premium Times, 2019). In October
possession of fraudulent documents, spamming, 2021, Sahara Reporters further reported that the
credit card fraud, impersonation, rental scam, loan EFCC arraigned two internet fraudsters who were
fraud, Business Email Compromise, Hacking, impersonating the British-Nigerian Boxer, Anthony
stealing, cheque scam, phishing, and money Joshua to dupe vulnerable women (Sahara Reporters,
laundering (Oyeleke, 2021). 2021).
In the report of Institute for Security Studies (ISS) as
reported by Ogbonnaya (2020), commercial banks in 3. Methodology of the Study
Nigeria lost a cumulative N15 billion (US$39 million)
This study was conducted in Edo State, Nigeria. It is
to electronic fraud and cybercrime in 2018, a 537%
located in the South-South geopolitical zone of
increase on the N2.37 billion loss recorded in 2017.
Nigeria. It was created in 1991 from the former
Over 17,600 bank customers and depositors lost N1.9
Bendel State and borders Kogi State to the northeast,
billion to cyber fraud in 2018, with fraud rising by
Anambra State to the east, Delta State to the
55% from the previous year. It has also been
southeast, and Ondo State to the west. The state’s
projected by Nigeria’s Consumer Awareness and
capital and city has been Benin City which is the
Financial Enlightenment Initiative that cyber crime
fourth largest city in Nigeria and the centre of the
will gulp about US$6 trillion by 2030 within and
country’s rubber industry. By the 2006 census
outside Nigeria. Deloitte Nigeria on its part reported
figures, the population of the state was 3,233, 366,
that the increase in phishing attacks, malicious spams
making it the 24th most populated state in Nigeria
and ransomware attacks was as a result of rise in
(National Population Commission 2006). The state
Covid-19 pandemic which cybercriminals utilized as
also comprises eighteen (18) local government areas
bait to impersonate brands, thereby misleading
namely: Akoko-Edo, Egor, Esan Central, Esan North-
customers and employees. Google claims
East, Esan South-East, Esan West, Etsako Central,
to block more than 100 million phishing emails daily
Etsako East, Etsako West, Igueben, Ikpoba-Okha,
across the globe, about 18 million of which are related
Oredo, Orhionmwon, Ovia North-East, Ovia South
to COVID-19 just as the Economic and Financial
West, Owan East, Owan West and Uhunmwonde.
Crimes Commission (EFCC) reported that a gang of
seven hackers stole N900 million (US$24 000) from From the 18 local government areas of the state, two
a single bank via malware in Lagos on 10 March 2018 local government areas (Oredo and Egor) were
(Ogbonnaya, 2020). purposively selected based on the following reasons.
First, they are two most urban cities in Edo State.
In Edo State, Nigeria, the studies conducted by Olusi,
Therefore, the two local government areas were
Aguele , Ihumuaibvi and Edobor (2009) revealed that
considered by the researchers as they harbour

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considerable number of literate persons who could It was thought that a proper investigation that was
understand and respond to questions as contained in closer to these domains would in no small measure
the interview schedule. Second, both of them are at provide rich information as regards the phenomenon
the heart of the capital city and harbour people from under study.
diverse ethnic and religious groups, particularly the The researchers specifically interviewed a total of 20
youths who are majorly the perpetrators of cyber persons which varied across the wards. A total of
crime in the state. To that extent, the responses given three (3) yahoo boys and three (3) hotel managers
by these youths enriched the quality of the study. were able to grant interviews against an initial
Last, both of them are the most local government proposed five (5) persons each of yahoo boys and
areas in the state with the highest incidence of cyber hotel managers across the four wards. They cited lack
crime due to their strategic location in the state. They of trust in the researchers, the sensitivity of the
are equally close to the only federal university in the research and fear of victimization by security agents
state, the University of Benin, which admits large despite repeated assurance of maintaining anonymity
pool of youths. Thus, by the very nature of their and strict adherence to ethical principles by the
proximity to the university, youths, including yahoo researchers. However, youths, traders and landlords
boys, choose to live in the hostels and voluntarily granted interviews amid repeated
accommodations around the two local government assurance of anonymity by the researchers.
areas even as there are large concentration of known
The researchers thematically analysed the responses
markets, residential buildings and hotels in the two
areas. from the interviewees. The researchers jointly
familiarized themselves with the data, assigned codes
The study was exploratory and utilized a qualitative and developed themes from the patterns identified
technique (in-depth interview) to elicit responses from the data. In doing this, we coded phrases, words
from the selected interviewees based on the four sets or expressions such as ‘the country is too rough’ as
of objectives which were: to examine the causes of part of the theme ‘poverty.’ We coded words or
cyber crime in both Oredo and Egor Local expressions such as ‘there is no job in the country’ or
Government Areas of Edo State; to examine the ‘everybody is hustling for survival’ as part of the
effects of cyber crime on the cost of tenancy in both theme ‘unemployment.’ Words or expressions such as
Oredo and Egor Local Government Areas of Edo ‘parents do not ask their children the source of their
State; to investigate the effects of cyber crime on the wealth’, ‘the way politicians spend public funds
cost of hotel lodging in both Oredo and Egor Local shamelessly’, ‘religious leaders preach and love
Government Areas of Edo State; and to examine the money than virtues’ or ‘nobody cares about how one
effects of cyber crime on the cost goods in both Oredo makes his/her money these days’ as part of the theme
and Egor Local Government Areas of Edo State. “loss of societal values’. These coded themes
For ease of interview, the researchers purposively explained the causes of cyber crime in Edo State. As
selected a total of four wards (two wards each) of the for the effects of cyber crime on the cost of tenancy,
twenty-three wards the two local government areas hotel lodging and prices of goods, each of the effects
are delimited. In Oredo, the two purposively selected formed a separate theme under which the data
wards were GRA/Etete and Oredo Wards out of collected on each effect was subsumed and analysed.
GRA/Etete, Ibiwe/Iwegie/Ugbague, New Benin I,
New Benin II, Oredo, Ikpema/Eguadase,
4. Findings of the Study
Unueru/Ogboka, Ogbe, Urubi/evbiemwen/Iwehen,
Ihogbe/Isekhere/Oreoghene/Ice Road, In this section, we present the findings of the study
Ogbelaka/Nekpenekpen and Uzebu wards that made on the causes and effects of cyber crime on the
up the local government (Manpower Nigeria, 2019). economy of the state based on the two local
In Egor, the two selected wards were USelu (I&II) government areas studied. We present findings on
and Ugbowo Wards out of Egor, Oliha, Evbareke, the causes of cyber crime as poverty, unemployment
Otubu, Uwelu, Ogida/Use, Ugbowo, Okhoro, Uselu I, and loss of societal values while we present the effects
Uselu II, and Uwelu wards that made up the local of cyber crime on the economy of the state as cost of
government (Manpower Nigeria, 2019). The wards tenancy, lodging and prices of goods in both local
were selected on the basis of their high concentration government areas studied.
of yahoo boys, known markets such as Ring Road Causes of Cyber Crime in Edo State
and Uselu Markets, hotel centres and modern houses.

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Poverty has become a perennial problem facing the years, a 400-level student of the
people in Nigeria. It is equally true and worse in rural University of Benin, Ugbowo Ward,
communities that have little to fend themselves with. Egor Local Government)
As a result, the youth indulge into ‘hustling’ to eke Unemployment
out a living for themselves and their helpless families.
Lack of job has been also identified as one of the
One of the interviewees when asked the reason
major push factors to cyber crime in Nigeria. The
behind youth indulgence in cyber crime in the area
said: unemployment pool is majorly concentrated on the
youths who are daily graduating in millions from
Youths engage in cybercrime to support various higher institutions of learning across the
themselves due to lack of job opportunities country. One of the interviewees simply answered
and poverty (male, 21 years, a 200-level when a question was directed to him on the possible
student of the University of Benin, causes of youth indulgence into cyber crime in Benin
Oredo ward in Oredo Local City “Lack of Job opportunity for graduates, poverty
Government Area). and lack of empowerment and Government
Equally, another interviewee simply answered, unfavorable taxes on SMEs.” (Male, 54 years,
Poverty: everybody has needs to be attended landlord, Ugbowo ward in Egor Local
to (male, 24 years, a 300-level student Government Area)
of the University of Benin, Oredo ward Another landlord interviewed who owned a bungalow
in Oredo Local Government Area). occupied by some suspected yahoo boys said:
The flashy lifestyles lived by these yahoo guys appear In a country where youths are not provided
to be in stark contrast to the averred poverty which what to do, what do you expect them to do?
induce them into the crime. This is attributed to the There are so many graduates but no work. I
long suffering which makes them conclude that it is have two children who graduated from
better to make the money and enjoy it while the time Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma in 2016
lasts. One of the yahoo boys interviewed averred that and another who graduated from Auchi
he took to cyber crime due to excruciating poverty Polytechnic in 2018, none of them has
level of his family. In his exact words: something doing till today. So if they choose
Yahoo is not what I intended for my life but to indulge in yahoo, would you blame them?
as my parents could not cater for a family of (Male, 62 years, Landlord, Ugbowo
seven in terms of feeding and school fees, I Ward in Egor Local Government)
resolved to take this business (cyber crime) Another interviewee who is a hotel manager in one of
to assist them with family responsibilities. the known hotels said that unemployment rate is a
Without poverty, I do not think I would have major factor inducing the youth into cyber crime. In
ever contemplated running the business” his words:
(male, 21 years, a 300-levl student of I often hear them (yahoo boys) speak of the
the University of Benin, GRA/Etete hardship and joblessness in the country.
ward in Oredo Local Government Some of them are even planning travelling
Area). outside the country. It is really worrisome.
Similarly, another yahoo boy interviewed gave a The government appears not to care so much
similar account but concluded that if the government about these roaming youths and they decide
can provide the basic needs of the youths, so many of to fend for themselves. I can’t really blame
them would stop the business (cyber crime). In his them at all (male, 55 years, Hotel
exact words: manager, GRA/Etete Ward in Oredo
I am a student of the University of Benin and Local Government Area)
I train myself in the school. Imagine what It was equally learnt that some of the yahoo boys
could become of me if I did not meet up with have used the ill-gotten money to establish some
funds for textbooks and school fees. Nobody businesses which have not matured enough to start
in this country wants to hear your story. yielding the desired income.
Everybody seems to be bothered by the Loss of Societal Values
problem he/she is passing through. Poverty
is just too much in the land.” (male, 23

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Every society has set norms and values that guide its I joined the business when my friends who
citizens. The citizens become patriotic following some had earlier joined bought some flashy cars
forms of rigid socialization processes which start and everybody including our lecturers was
from one’s place of birth to formal settings such as hailing them. It would amaze you that since I
schools, religious centres, political institutions, started the business, people have begun to
pressure groups and interest groups. However, with respect me and that makes me happy. That’s
the proliferation of crimes in Nigeria, concerned Nigeria for you (Male, 24 years, a
patriots have begun to question the place of values in graduate, GRA/Etete Ward in Oredo
Nigeria. One hotel manager interviewed on the Local Government Area)
possible causes of cyber crime in Benin City answered The Effects of Cyber Crime on the Cost of
in a pitiable tone: Tenancy Edo State
The reasons are unemployment and fall of Much of the discussion of cyber crime in Nigeria is
family values. The society has changed. centred on the flamboyant lifestyle of the yahoo boys.
During our own time, our parents as well as This lifestyle impacts every strata of the society
family members joined hands in training a including skyrocketing hikes in rents. Most of the
child. They joined hands in chastising us youths interviewed agreed that yahoo boys are
when we erred. The case appears to be directly and indirectly responsible for the hikes in
different now. Parents even send their rents in Edo State. One of the youths interviewed
children out to learn this yahoo thing. It is when asked how a yahoo boy could be identified and
pitiable that Nigeria has degenerated into how they influence rent hike said:
this level (male, 57 years, Hotel
They don’t price. All they know is to make
Manager, Uselu ward I in Egor Local
Government Area) transfer for payment in anything they are
interested in. Some yahoo boys compete
In the same vein, a yahoo boy interviewed among themselves in spending money
acknowledged that his parents are aware of what he is (Male, a-100 level student of the
doing. In his words: University of Benin, Oredo Ward,
What do you expect? No job, no work, no Oredo Local Government)
money and you want them to shout at me? If Another youth interviewed said:
you don’t have money in this country, you are
For instance in BDPA the rent you get there
doomed (male, 23years, a-400 level
are like N250K for self-contain. Unlike before
student Ugbowo Ward in Egor Egor
when you got a self-contain for N150k. Now
Local Government Area)
you get a self-contain for N400K, N500K.
A landlord interviewed revealed that: This is as a result of the yahoo boys in
Most of these yahoo boys are registered by Ugbowo. They can pay for anything because
their parents to be taught this yahoo they have the money (female, 24 years, a-
business. They even provide them (the 400 level student, Ugbowo in Egor
children) with temporary money for their Local Government Area)
subscription pending when they will start to Yet, another youth interviewed said:
hammer (getting returns) (Male, 65 years,
Yahoo boys are ready to pay any amount to
Landlord, GRA/Etete Ward in Oredo
Local Government Area) landlord because they did not work for it. As
a result, the other landlord in the same area
Apart from the parents, the role of the society in would also increase the cost of rent and
exalting riches above hard work is another factor. accommodation (male, 22 years, a-200
Nigeria appears to be a country where ill-gotten level student, Uselu Ward II in Egor
wealth by corrupt politicians is shamelessly displayed Local Government Area)
in the public without recourse to the laws prohibiting
Another account by a youth read:
such actions. Some of them starch this wealth in
foreign banks as well as buying expensive cars and Yahoo boys influence rent increment because
houses for their unborn children in foreign lands. A they have the money. They don’t price for any
yahoo boy interviewed had this to say: amount they are willingly to pay. Some see
spending as competition when they see their

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mate living in a N1 million apartment, they Another landlord from Uselu ward gave breakdown
equally look for a NI million or more as follows:
apartment. So they are ready to spend any N200, 000 for two-bedroom flat, N 250,000
amount for whatever they like (male, a - for three-bedroom flat and N1.2 million for
400 level student, Ugbowo Ward, Egor duplex. But now, everything has changed
Local Government Area) (male, 55 years, Uselu Ward I, Egor
Equally, the views expressed by yahoo boys Local Government Area)
interviewed were not significantly different from the A landlord from Ugbowo further said on whether
views expressed by youths above. One of them said: yahoo boys are directly or indirectly responsible for
People say yahoo boys influence hike in rent. rent hikes:
Yes, may be, but I don’t think I am part of it. Yes of course, they are indirectly responsible
Though I know some of them if they see a for the hike. Yahoo boys pay for apartment
place where they like and they are given a without negotiating price just because they
price they just make payment without have the money. So, every landlord would
negotiating lower price. That will make the prefer giving out its apartment to yahoo boys
landlord make a general decision by who will pay higher (male, 56 years,
increasing the rent of the entire apartment Landlord, Ugbowo Ward, Egor Local
just because a yahoo boy just paid such high Government Area)
amount (male, 21 years, a – 300 level
Another from GRA/Etete ward equally said:
student, GRA/Etete in Oredo Local
Government Area) Yahoo boys are indirectly responsible for the
high cost of house rent as a result of tier
Another from the same area said:
failure to negotiate rent with landlords
I can say that yahoo boys are indirectly because they have plenty money ((male, 65
responsible for rent hike because the years, landlord, GRA/Etete Ward,
inflation in the country can be another factor. Oredo Local Government Area)
We have the money, we don’t care about the
On the other hand, few landlords, particularly from
price we just ask for account number and
Uselu I and II said the rent hike was not because of
make payment. Because of this landlord now
yahoo boys. Instead, “the prices of building materials
increase their house rents because of yahoo
are quite expensive.”
boys (male, 24 years, GRA/Etete in
Oredo Local Government Area) Questions were also asked on the average number of
yahoo boys’ occupants and their maintenance culture.
Landlords interviewed gave their different accounts
The average responses from the landlords suggested
on the yahoo induced rent hikes in their various
that most of the yahoo boys live alone in the
domains. When asked the average rents paid by
apartments. On whether they maintain the
occupants before the yahoo business came on, one
landlord in Ugbowo said that: apartments, the average responses from the landlords
showed that they lack maintenance culture;
Before the advent of yahoo boys, three- preferring to pay for everything in cash and not be
bedroom flat was N200, 000. But now, it has disturbed.
increased to N 450,000 or more depending
The Effects of Cyber Crime on the cost of
how you are able to bargain with them
Hotel Lodging in Edo State
(male, 56 years, Landlord, Ugbowo
Ward, Egor Local Government Area) The activities of the yahoo boys have equally
impacted the cost of lodging in various hotels in Edo
Another landlord in GRA/Etete ward opined:
State. Hotel in Edo State is usually a busy resort for
Before yahoo boys came, rent was N350, 000 all forms of recreational activities particularly
for three-bedroom flat. But now, it has weekends. Outsiders who usually come for businesses
increased to N 500,000 or more depending as well as workers in some companies in Edo State
on how you are able to bargain with them lodge in most of these hotels for relaxation.
(male, 65 years, landlord, GRA/Etete Moreover, the hotels usually witness high patronage
Ward, Oredo Local Government Area) given the strategic location the state as it is at the
centre of the West, East, South South and North of

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Nigeria. The activities of the yahoo boys appeared to spend lavishly on drinks, meat and pool area
have increased the cost of lodging in most of these rental.
hotels, especially in the areas where the interviews The Effects of Cyber Crime on the Prices of
were conducted. This was equally agreed by all the Goods in Edo State
hotel managers interviewed.
It was equally discovered by the researchers that the
One of the hotel managers in GRA/Etete wards was yahoo boys also impacted rise in the prices of goods
asked how he could a recognize yahoo boy and in the state. On the general impacts of Yahoo boys on
whether they are responsible for high cost of lodging. the costs of goods in the markets, most traders
He replied in affirmation: interviewed agreed that the presence of yahoo boys
I know yahoo boys by the way they present have increased the cost of things in Edo State
themselves to the public, by braiding their including goods and services.
heirs, sag their clothes, wear rings on their A trader when interviewed said:
ears and nose, and the way they talk. The
Before the yahoo boys came, the prices of
mature ones do not show these appearances in
things were affordable for all and cheap
public. The patronage is good. All of our suites
compare to now. In some areas yahoo boys
are always booked by these boys. Before yahoo
are indirectly responsible (high prices).
boys came we experienced low patronage
Whenever we see them we increase our prices
especially during week days (male, 55 years,
because we know they have plenty money
Hotel manager, GRA/Etete Ward in
(woman, 44 years, Trader at Uselu
Oredo Local Government Area).
Market, Uselu Ward I in Egor Local
The manager equally detailed the various lodging Government Area).
suites available at the hotel which yahoo boys usually
She concluded that as it is a normal thing with
love to lodge in with their prices as:
Nigeria, whenever prices go up, they do not come
Gold premium (N30,000), Gold Standard (N down. The poor masses are the final bearers of the
36,000), Gold CHIC (N 40,000), Gold cream daily rise in the cost of things in Nigeria.
(N 45,000), Gold Grande (N 50,000 ), The
Another middle-aged man trading at Ring Road
view (N 100,000), Mini Suite (N 100,000),
Market said
Posh Suite (N 120,000), Deluxe Suite (N
150,000), and Pool Area Rental (N Yes, they are indirectly responsible for high
1,650,000) prices because they hardly negotiate prices
with me and other sellers in the market
Another hotel manager interviewed opined when
(male, 53 years, trader at Ringroad
asked how he could recognize a yahoo boy and the
extent of patronage from yahoo boys: Market, Oredo Local Government
The way they dress and the kind of cars they
He concluded that before the advent of yahoo boys,
drive which are GLK, LEXUS, VENZA and
the “prices were considerate and affordable by the
other expensive cars. Patronage has
rich and the poor”.
improved greatly. All rooms full booked every
day. Before now, we used to experience low Discussion of Findings
patronage especially on week days ((male, The study on the causes of cyber crime in Edo State
57 years, Hotel Manager, Uselu ward I revealed three factors: poverty, unemployment and
in Egor Local Government Area) loss of societal values. These findings were consistent
with the ones earlier made by some scholars. On
poverty and unemployment, Ribadu (2007), for
He equally detailed the various lodging suites
instance, attributed the rising level of cyber crime in
available at the hotel which yahoo boys usually love
to lodge in with their prices as: Nigeria to corruption, poverty and unemployment.
Akwara, .Akwara, Enwuchola, Adekunle, and Udaw
Super Classic (21,000), Standard Deluxe (2021) in their study discovered that there was a
(23,000), Exquisite Deluxe (28,000), significant relationship between cyber crime and
Business Suite (35,000), and Diplomatic poverty, unemployment and insecurity in Nigeria. On
Suite (50,000). Apart from lodging, they also the loss of societal values, Ibrahim on his part found
out that lack of good parental upbringing cost

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Nigerian youths. Part of his words reads, Thus, it is evident that the activities of the cyber
“theoretically, if parents have a high moral standard, crimes on the micro-economy have not gone
there is every tendency that the children will not have unnoticed. The lumpen who are already suffering the
foreign characters [bad characters], because such triple effect of poor leadership, the Cocid-19
parents will always question their children whenever pandemic and inflation are made to suffer more from
they notice foreign character in them” (Ibrahim, the activities of these cyber criminals. Unfortunately,
2016). Likewise, Ndubueze (2011) and Okeshola and it appears that nobody cares about any remedy so
Adeta (2013) averred that value crisis is highly long the illicit wealth is circulated in the shores of the
responsible for cyber crime among youth in Nigeria, country and people concerned share from the
particularly as they see the flamboyant lifestyles of proceeds of such crime.
corrupt individuals in Nigeria.
The study on the effect of cyber crime on cost of 5. Conclusion and Recommendations
tenancy, cot of hotel lodging and prices of goods
The study set out to investigate the cyber crime and
revealed that the there is a nexus between cyber
economy of Edo State, Nigeria while specifically
crime and the emergence or occurrence of these
paying attention to the causes and effects of cyber
societal factors. The penchant for lavish spending
crime on cost of tenancy, hotel lodging and prices of
gruesomely perpetrated often leads to a concomitant
goods in the two selected local government areas of
response from traders, hotel managers, landlords and
the state. the findings revealed poverty,
business men and women in the form of unjustifiable
unemployment and loss of value system as causes of
price increments. This finding is consistent with the
cyber crime in the state. These indices have become
position of Olawoyin (2021) when he studied how
the sobriquet of Nigeria as fast majority of its citizens
much inflationary pressures yahoo boys heap on
wallow in abject poverty and excruciating pains of
Nigerians. In the impact of yahoo boys on the general
price level, he asserts: unemployment among its youth pool. As clearly
shown by the theories (Routine Activities Theory,
At the micro-level, Yahoo boys disrupt the Differential Association Theory and The Structural
neighbourhood markets and influence upward Strain and Anomie Theory) utilized in the study,
movement of prices with their trademark there cannot be commission of crime without crime
reckless spending; ultimately making a mess and the availability of the victim. Moreover,
of the average person’s earning association with criminals breeds crime socialization
power/disposable income. In a nation where and these criminals have been said to rise through
workers’ wages do not move with inflationary structural strains such as government neglect,
pressures, where governments at the sub- unemployment, poverty, hunger and starvation,
national level are still debating the possibility corruption and general disaffection. To that extent,
of paying N18,000, only those at the lower youths indulge in cyber crime with attendant impacts
rung of the ladder bear the brunt. on the cost of tenancy, prices of goods and services as
On the effect of cyber crime on the cost of tenancy, he well as hotel lodgings as they lavish the ill-gotten
further says: money with impunity to the detriment of the lumpen
In contemporary times, there are places the in the society.
average salary earner can’t afford to rent a In view of these, the study recommends the
modest apartment, especially in Western following:
Nigeria. And that’s not because the First, government should intervene in the affairs of
infrastructural facilities are superb, nor the youth by providing them with job opportunities.
because the houses are really spectacular; it’s Moreover, the level of economic hardship is
largely because of the “crowding out” effect of excruciating, forcing youths to fend for themselves
“Yahoo-yahoo”. In those places, you’d have to and their families. Government needs to bridge the
outspend young yahoo boys living large with poverty gap and provide incentives capable of
no legitimate source of income, ever ready stimulating growth and development to the benefit of
and willing to pay huge amounts on all. In the same vein, since not every youth would be
properties, and, thus, shooting up the market employed by the government or formal sector, skill
prices beyond the reach of the everyday acquisition courses should be made compulsory from
Lasisi, Chinaza or Aliyu (examples of primary to tertiary schools with good skills packages
common people). capable of feeding a person who acquired it. This

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Mar-Apr 2022

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