Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan On Verbs Prepared by FBLisao

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Title of the lesson: Verbs

Date of Lesson: July 7, 2021
Time of lesson: 11:00 A.M- 11:45 A.M.
Prepared by: Flordelis B. Lisao

At the end of the lesson, the pupils should be able to:
a. Define what is a verb; and
b. identify the verbs in sentences.


Topic: Verbs
Skill: Grammar Enrichment
References: Workbook on English for Grade 2 -2008, pp. 65-72
Instructional materials:
PowerPoint Presentation Printed Pictures Whiteboard
pen/marker Printed Words

Value Focus: Virtues of hardwork, Alertness and Cooperation

A. Routine Activities
B. Motivation
(The teacher will introduce the game “Simon Says” to the pupils and explain the mechanics of
the game to them.)
C. Presentation of the Lesson
(The teacher will introduce the new lesson to the pupils.)
D. Discussion
(The teacher will discuss together with the pupils the definition of a verb, its usage and
What is a verb?
A verb is a word or phrase that expresses an action or a state of being. It tells what
something or someone does. A sentence cannot be complete without a verb.

Examples of Verbs are:

walk run jump stop cook catch hold throw bounce
go to bed sleep wake up wear work sweep carry recycle

Example of Sentences with Verbs

1. Sheena sits on the chair.
2. The dancer shakes her arms.
3. She saw the poster.
4. I can write a story.
5. The dog barks at the stranger.
6. We will swim in the pool.
7. The bird sings a cheery song every morning.
8. The teacher reads a book to her students.
9. Jones bought a newspaper yesterday.
10. The winner took home the price.

E. Application
(The teacher will introduce the “Pick and Answer” activity and explain the mechanics of the
activity to the pupils. Then, the pupils are task to answer the activity through an oral recitation.)
F. Generalization
(The teacher will ask some questions to assess how much have the pupils learned about the new
The questions are the following:
1. What is a verb?
2. Can you give 2 examples of verb?
3. Is the word “beautiful” a verb?
4. In the sentence, “John walks at the park.” What is the verb?
5. Can you make a sentence with a verb?

(The teacher will give the individual activity of the pupils.)
Directions: Read the following sentences and write on your notebook the verbs you that can find in every
1. Marry will walk her dog to the park on Saturday.
2. My cousin built a snowman that looked just like Olaf from Frozen.
3. I played a board game today called Scrabble.
4. My grandmother gave me a beautiful red scarf.
5. Today at school I learned about autobiography.

(The teacher will explain to the pupils the assigned task to do at home.)
Directions: Read the story below. Look for the verbs and write the verbs that you can find on your

One summer's day, a merry Grasshopper was dancing, singing and playing his violin with all his
heart. He saw an Ant passing by, bearing along with great toil a wheatear to store for the winter.
“Come and sing with me instead of working so hard”, said the Grasshopper “Let’s have fun
“I must store food for the winter”, said the Ant, “and I advise you to do the same.”
“Don’t worry about winter, it’s still very far away”, said the Grasshopper, laughing at him.
But the Ant wouldn’t listen and continued his toil. When the winter came, the starving
Grasshopper went to the Ant’s house and humbly begged for something to eat.
“If you had listened to my advice in the summer, you would not now be in need,” said the Ant.
“I’m afraid you will have to go supperless to bed,” and he closed the door.

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