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A study on influential marketing on customer buying behavior with reference to MRF tyres

Chapter -1


1.1 Marketing

Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individual and group obtain what they
need and want through creating, offering, and exchanging products and services of value with

The above definition catches the real spirit of the marketing process. It has consumer orientation.
Marketing research all of us every day meeting is a key factor of business success due to lots of
competition in market. The rewards will go to those who can read customer wants and deliver the
greater value to their target consumers.

Meaning of marketing research

Marketing research is the process of determining the viability of a new service or product through
research conducted directly with potential customers. Market research allows a company to
discover the target market and get opinions and other feedback from customers about their
interest in product or service.

Main objectives of marketing research

 To estimate the competition

 To know about customers acceptance of products.
 To understand why the customers buy certain products and estimate potential buying.
 To measure to organization improvement and satisfaction of its customer with other it's
products and services.

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A study on influential marketing on customer buying behavior with reference to MRF tyres

1.2 Significance of marketing research

 It is very useful tool for formulating product, price, promotion, and distribution strategy.
 It helps the manufacturers to explore identify and locate consumer markets.
 It's explains the changes in the buying and consumption pattern of the customers.
 It enables the producers to assess the complexity of the market.
 It enables the organization to know about the cause and effect of large scale operations.

Advantages of marketing research

 It helps to stimulate the efforts which are being made in order to increase it's effectiveness of
service. It gives confidence that all that could be done is being done.
 It helps to ensure that product or service offered in suited to demand and is priced in
accordance with the demand and also that it is offered to the right market.
 Finally it helps to eliminate waste and high cost and improve the quality of the products.

Limitations of marketing research

 The objective of research mainly depends on the skill of the researcher so care should be
taken while selecting the researchers for the study.
 Marketing resources is expensive as it involves heavy cost for conducting research.
 It's the time consuming sometimes it takes a very large time between the preparation of report
and implementation. In such cases the purpose of the report is harmed.

1.3 Introduction towards influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is the most important new approach to marketing in a decade for those
professionals at the leading edge of purchasing decision-making. The word “influence” can be
broadly defined as the power to affect a person, thing or course of events . Influencers are
individuals who have the power to affect purchase decisions of others because of their authority,
knowledge, position, or relationship”. Social influencers are everyday people who influence
consumers as making a purchasing decision. Anyone can be a social influencer, influencing
someone else’s brand affinity and purchasing decision.

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Influential marketing is not a new concept but one that has received more attention with the
growth of social media. It is the use of influential consumers or advocates to help small
companies create buzz for their products or services.

Influencer marketing involves a brand collaborating with an online influencer to market one of its
products or services. Some influencer marketing collaborations are less tangible than that –
brands simply work with influencers to improve brand recognition.


Brown and hayes define an influencer as “a third party who significantly shapes the customer’s
purchasing decision, but may ever be accountable for it.”

Carter define influencer marketing as “ a rapidly growing industry that attempts to promote
products or increase brand awareness through content spread by social media users who are
considered to be influential”.

Importance of influencer marketing

1. Enhances brand awareness

Influencers have the ability to increase brand recognition and awareness due to their extensive
network. In addition, when an influencer promotes or recommends your brand, their audience
appears to be interested and engaged. Furthermore, advice from a well-known influencer is
frequently regarded as more reliable.

2. Accurate targeting

The first and foremost step for any marketing strategy is to identify and target a certain audience
with a specific niche. In addition, you have to research and learn about your target market and its
operations. Every marketing strategy must lead to the identification and targeting of a certain
target market. Then only you can know what will be your certain actions to become successful
when it comes to influential marketing.

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3. Attract and boost audience engagement

Without interaction, you cannot attract an audience. Therefore, you have to build a strong profile
that interacts and connects with the online audience. And, in this case influential marketing can
work magically for you in this situation. Working with influencers enhances the efficiency of the
service and makes it more user-friendly. Also, this form of content is more generally compatible
with your target audience.

4. Promotes a relationship of trust and credibility

It goes without saying that gaining the trust of your customers is critical. Influencers also have a
large fan base since they have tremendous faith in them. Finally, this item can be used to acquire
the attention and confidence of customers.

5. Strengthen conversion rates

Influencers wield significant power because their followers place a great deal of faith and trust in
them. This trust could aid in the development of a dedicated fan following.

Furthermore, when an influencer provides you their personal assessment of your products or
services. Then, it's considered an authentic testimonial. It boosts your credibility and strengthens
the reputation of your brand.

Benefits of influencer marketing

 Brand awareness growth

40% of marketers use influencer marketing to boost brand awareness, and this strategy works
great. Opinion leaders share your brand’s story, mission, and values with their follower base. It
automatically expands your outreach and positioning online.

 Content strategy enrichment

Influencer marketing is a golden opportunity to liven up your social media posts. You can repost
the influencer’s content or encourage their followers to create user-generated content, as 24% of

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brands do. You can also use blogger’s images for other marketing channels, such as targeted
advertising. To avoid problems with copyright, include it in the contract.

 Quality lead generation

36% of brands use influencer marketing to generate leads. 72% of them believe that this channel
brings higher quality leads compared to other channels. People generally feel positive about the
brands their favorite blogger advertises. Better yet, some types of content, such as reviews, attract
warmer leads in the middle stages of the sales funnel.

 Cost-effectiveness

Other marketing channels require regular influxes of cash from your budget. For instance, to
promote your brand through search engine marketing, you have to top-up your account on the
advertising platform. Otherwise, your ad disappears from the search engine results page.

A well-thought-out influencer marketing strategy can drive better results for lower fees or even
allow you to barter in the future. Influencer marketing can contribute to your business by helping
you grow brand awareness and online presence.

Types of influencer marketing

 Social media takeover

This type of influencer marketing works great for growing your follower base on social networks.
However, it takes a lot of courage as the brand delegates running its account to an influencer for
an agreed period of time. most often, a brand lets an influencer manage their profile for a day.

 Affiliate marketing

If you don’t have a big budget, an affiliate marketing campaign might help you out. It is a great
way to work with multiple influencers at once at a low matter how much money you have
you can do it with as many influencers as possible. The influencer earns a commission on all
sales generated from their affiliate marketer will promote a product onsite or redirect a
customer to your website.

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 Sponsored content

This type of influencer marketing often appears on instagram. Brands pay for publishing a
promotional post on the influencer’s account. The opinion leader takes care of content creation
and puts out a post made according to the client's guidelines.

 Unboxing’s

Brands often send gifts to influencers hoping that the social media star will open and review
them. It costs next to nothing compared with the fees influencers charge for advertising.
However, this strategy is quite risky.

First of all, the opinion leader may not review your product at all. Another point is the
influencer’s negative feedback often becomes dangerous for brands. Finally, sometimes
businesses lay themselves out to please bloggers but cut corners packing orders for customers,
which drives backlash. So, work around these possibilities before employing this tactic.

 Brand ambassador programs

Some people love specific brands so much that they are ready to promote them even for free.
Influencers are no exception, so companies offer them brand ambassador programs. This tactic
works because opinion leaders recommend their favorite brands heartily.

 Guest blogging

Through collaborating with influencers who also write blogs and accept blogs, guest blogging
campaign might help you promote your brand uniquely and effectively.

Guest blogging is an authentic and simple way to improve your brand awareness. You might gain
more traffic via blog posts on both influencers and your sites. The authority and reputation of
your company will also increase, which attracts more potential new fans and consumers.

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 Pre-release and discount codes

The pre-release campaigns are not strange to brands nowadays. As there are millions of new
products coming out every year, brands need to create excitement for the customers while they
wait for the release. Pre-release campaigns are perfect for an influencer marketing campaign.

1.5 How you can implement influencer marketing

1. Selecting the right social media platform

You must first identify the appropriate social media platforms for your brand before going on the
lookout for the right social media influencers to represent it.

So, the question arises how to select the right social media platform. Here we have discussed
social platforms and types of audiences that utilize them.


This channel is clearly excellent for video content. Moreover, YouTube offers you the platform
where you can upload your content irrespective of length and other further provides
access to certain options without any limitations. While YouTube is most popular among those
aged 18 to 24, it also has a 51 percent penetration rate among those aged 75 and above.

Tik tok

One of the most widely used social media platforms. Furthermore, influencers on this incredible
platform have the ability to convey themselves in a unique addition, it's especially useful
for businesses looking to reach out to a different generation of audience. The majority of tiktok
users are between the ages of 10 and 29.


This is great for delivering bite-sized photos or video material that catches the eye. Furthermore,
audiences around the world are highly attracted to this social media platform. Instagram is almost
certainly one site you'll want to be on if you're selling a product rather than a service. The
majority of instagram users are between the ages of 18 and 34.

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This allows users to post text, photos, and videos. Furthermore, marketers also like it because of
the renowned facebook live feature, which allows you to live-stream from anywhere at any time.
In addition, facebook's demography is slightly older, with the majority of users being between the
ages of 25 and 34.

2. Generating brand guidelines

While influencers should be given a creative license to represent your company, it's a smart
option to provide some general brand guidelines for them to comply with. You're effectively
producing a style guide for your company.essentially, you want to make sure that influencers are
supporting your brand's values and speaking in a consistent manner.

3. Find the right influencers

It's important to start looking for influencers after you've chosen on platforms and created brand
rules. You could be asking how to find influencers on social media platforms like facebook and
instagram, or how to attract influencers in general.

The term ‘influencer’ is an extensive term that can be divided into a number of categories.
Influencers are divided into five categories:


Those who have millions of followers come under this category. Further, they have huge
engagement on every post.


They have a slightly smaller audience than the macro. Further, they have between 500k and 1
million people. Interestingly, macro-influencers are in high demand, despite their limited reach
compared to mega-influencers.

Mid-tier influencer:

These influencers have the following list between 50k to 500k.

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These influencers have the following list between 10k to 50k.


They lie at the bottom of this pyramid and have followers between 1k to 10k. However, some
have even more than that number.

4. Contacting influencers

This is another straight forward procedure. Direct messages are regularly used to contact

Take a peek at their bio area before you send them a message. Further, they might have a
separate email address for marketing inquiries. Moreover, make an outreach framework to
increase your efficiency, but don't forget to add some personality before hitting send.

1.6 Influencer marketing strategy

1. Define your target audience

Pinpointing your target audience is the core of every kind of promotional campaign. There are a
lot of ways to find this group of potential customers. You may go for people who resemble your
best clients. Survey your clientele and define what social media channels and influencers they
prefer, the values they share, how they make purchase decisions, and so on.

If your goal is to win new audiences, you need to explore them from scratch. Start by answering
the following questions about your audience.

Who are they?

what is their stage in the marketing funnel?

What are their interests?

What are their behaviors?

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2. Find the right channel

Marketers believe that specific social media platforms can be more or less valuable for influencer
marketing. According to mediakix, instagram is paramount for a whopping 89% of brands. As a
result, over two-thirds of marketers spend their budget on promotions through this platform.

3. Determine your campaign budget

This step is essential, as total campaign outreach depends on the budget you allocate. Influencers
set prices according to the size of their follower base, market rates, advertiser interests, and so on.
Thus, a post on account with 1 million followers may cost you thousands of dollars.

4. Pick the right influencers

All of the work done in the previous steps flops if you choose the wrong influencer. For a perfect
match, pick an opinion leader who shares your brand’s values. Do not promote a sustainable
fashion brand through shopaholic bloggers. Opt for influencers who advocate minimalism, zero
waste, awareness, and so on.

 Look over the number of bots or fake subscribers that are subscribed to the influencer.
 Make sure followers catch up with the influencer's updates. You can request account statistics
on the engagement rate from the profile owner.
 Beware of account duplicates – check the name and contacts several times.

6. Set up the campaign

On average, content creation is the influencer’s job. However, you should communicate your
campaign expectations and goals clearly if you want to achieve your goals. The best option is to
craft a campaign brief, which includes the following points.

 Define the platform and profile. Many influencers own several accounts on various channels.
 Explain the campaign goals. Provide the opinion leader with clear-cut ctas.
 List messaging points. Create a roster of fewer than four things the influencer should say
about your product.

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1.7 Customer behavior

The term customer behavior is refers to the behaviors that customers display in searching or
purchasing, using, evaluating and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy
their needs. The study of customer behavior is the study of how individuals make decisions to
spend their available resources (time, money, effort) on consumption related items. It includes
the study of what they buy it, when they buy it, where they buy it, how often they buy it and how
often they use it.

The study of customer behavior is concerned with all aspects of purchasing behavior from pre-
purchase activities through to post-purchase consumption evaluating and disposal activities.
including brand influencers and opinion leaders. Research shown the customer behavior is
difficult to predict even for experts in the field.

Definition: (louden and brita)

Customer behavior is the decision process and physical activity which includes engage in when
evaluating, acquiring, using or disposing of goods and services.

Nature of customer behavior

A) Influencing various factors

• marketing factors such as product design, price, promotion, packaging, positioning and

• personal factors such as age, gender, education and income level.

• situational factors such as physical surroundings at the time of purchase, social surroundings
and time factors.

• psychological factors such as buying motives, perception of the product and attitudes towards
the product.

 social factors such as social status, reference groups and family.

• cultural factors such as religion, social class.

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B) Undergoes constant change

Customer behavior is not a static it undergoes a change over a period of time depending on the
nature of products. For ex: kids prefer colorful and fancy footwear, but they grow up as
techniques and young adults they prefer trendy footwear and as middle aged and senior citizens
they prefer more sober footwear. The change in buying behavior may take place due to several
other factors such as increase income level and marketing factors.

C) Various from customer to customer

All customers do not behave in the same manner. Different customers behave differently. The
differences in customer behavior are due to individual factors such as nature of customers
lifestyle and culture. For ex: some customers are technologies they go on a shopping and spend
money. They borrow money from the friends and relatives, banks and times even adopt unethical
means to spend on shopping of advance technologies. But there are other customers who despite
having surplus money don't go even for the regular purchases and avoid use and purchase of
advance technologies.

D) Varies from region to region and country to country

The customer behavior varies across states, regions, and countries. For ex: the behavior of the
urban customers is different from that of the rural customers. A good number of rural customers
are conservative in their buying behaviors. the rich rural customers may think twice to spend on
luxuries despite having sufficient funds,whereas the urban customers may even take bank loans
to buy luxury items such as cars and household appliances. The customer behavior may also vary
across the states, regions, and countries. It may differ depending on the upbringing lifestyles and
level of development.

E) Information on customers behaviors important to the marketers

Marketers need to have a good knowledge of the customer behavior they need to study the
various factors that influence the customer behavior of their target customers. Knowledge of
customer behavior enables them to take appropriate marketing decisions in respect of the
following factors: product design, price of the product, promotion of the product, packaging,
positioning, place of distribution.

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F) Leads to purchase decisions

A positive customer behavior leads to purchase decisions of buying a product on the basis of
different buying motives. The purchase decisions leads to higher demand and the sales of the
marketers increase. Therefore, marketers need to influence customer behavior to increase their
G) Various from product to product
Customer behavior is different for product to product. There are some customers who may buy
more quantity of certain products and very low or no quantity of other products.
For ex: teenagers may spend heavily on products such as cell phones and branded wears for snob
appeal but may not spend on general and academic reading.

H) Improves standard of living

The buying behavior of the customer may lead to higher standard of living. The a person buys the
goods and services the higher the standard of living.

1.8 Need for the study of customer behavior

• To satisfy needs of customers
Customer respond favorably while evaluating the products that best satisfy their needs. A
marketer studies how customers spend their available resources on the consumption of related
products. It includes the study of what they buy, when they buy, where they buy, & how often
they use it. A knowledge of customer behavior will be immense to help the marketer which help
to satisfy their needs.

• Helps to understand customer psychology

The stud y of customer behavior enables the marketer to understand the psychology of customers.
Customer psychology is based on his knowledge, attitude, intention and motive. the psychology
of customers develops on the basis of knowledge. Sales promotion plays an important role to
provide the knowledge of the product to customer.

• Helps to understand the customer motives

A study of customer behavior is essential to understand his or her buying motives. A motive is an
urge for which an individual seeks satisfaction. In other words: R S daver: “customers have the

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several motives. All these motives many not have the same intensity of purchase only a few
motives prompt the customer to buy a product or service. The study of customer behavior
involves both motives and purchases.

• Helps to understand the customer choices

It is important for marketer to understand how customers make their choices. Human beings are
usually very rational. They make systematic use of information available to them before they
buy. A marketer studies the behavior of the customer & accordingly alter his presentation
enticing the customer to go for the product.
• Helps to understand customer preferences

A business firm which is ignorant of customer preferences can't succeed in the market place.
According to peter f. Ducker " it is the customer who determines what a business is.

1.9 Role and importance of study of customer behavior

 Modern philosophy
It concerns with modern marketing philosophy identify customer needs and satisfy them
more effectively than competitors. It makes marketing customer oriented it is the key to
 Achievement of goals
The key to company's survival profitability and growth in highly competitive marketing
environment is its ability to identify and satisfy unfulfilled customer needs better and sooner
than the competitors. Thus, customer behavior helps in achieving marketing goals.
 Useful for dealers and salesman
The study of customer behavior is not useful for the company alone, knowledge of customer
behavior is equally useful for middleman to perform their tasks effectively in meeting
customer needs and wants successfully. Customer behavior thus improves performance of the
entire distribution system.
 Adjusting marketing programmed overtime
Customer behavior studies the customer response pattern on a continuous basis. A marketer
can easily come to know the changes taking place in the market based on the current market

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trend the marketer can make necessary changes in marketing programmed to adjust with the
 Predict market trend
Customer behavior can also aid in projecting the future market trends, marketer finds enough
time to prepare for exploiting the emerging opportunities and facing challenges and threats.
 Creation and retention of customers
Marketers who base their offerings on recognition of customer needs find a ready market for
their products. Company finds it easy to sell its products in the same way to the company due
to continuous study of customer behavior and attempts to meet changing expectations of the
buyers can retain it's customers for a long period.
 Competition
Customer behavior study the assist in facing competition based on customers’ expectations,
more competitive advantages can be offered. It is useful in improving competitive strength of
the company.
 Developing new products
New products are developed in respect of needs and wants of the target market in order to
develop the best fit product. A marketer must know adequate about the market. The study
customer behavior is the base for developing a new product successfully.

1.10 Factors influencing customer behavior

Customer behavior is the study of how an individual’s decide to purchase a particular product
over the other and what the underlying factors that mold such behavior are. Factors are as
1. Psychological factors

The human psychology plays a crucial role in designing the customer’s preference and like or
dislikes for a particular product and services. Some of the psychological factors are
motivation ,perception, learning attitude and beliefs.

• Motivation
The level of motivation influences the buying behavior of the customer. It is very well explained
by the maslow through his need hierarchy theory comprising of basic needs, security needs,

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social needs, esteem needs, self-actualization needs. Usually basic needs and security needs more
pressing needs than the other and hence. These needs become a motive that direct the customer
behavior to seek satisfaction.

• Perception
Customer perception towards the particular product and the brand also influences his buying
decisions. Perception is the process through which the individual select, organize and interpret
the information to draw the meaningful conclusion. Such has apple phone is perceived as a
premium brand and customers are motivated to buy it to get associated with the elite class of the
• Learning
The individual learning depends on the skills, knowledge, and intention. The skills are developed
through practice while the knowledge and intention are acquire with the experience. There could
be a conditional learning or a cognitive learning. In the conditional learning the customers
derives learning from being conditioned to particular stimuli. When he is exposed to the similar
situation again and again he develops particular response towards it. While it's cognitive learning
the individual applies all his knowledge, skill, attitude, values and beliefs to find the solution of a
problem and derive satisfaction out of it.

• Attitude and beliefs

The individuals have certain attitudes and beliefs towards products on which their purchase
decisions rests. These attitudes & beliefs are the tendency to respond to a given product in a
particular way, and these make up the brand image that influences the customer buying behavior.
Thus the marketers try to understand the attitudes and beliefs of the individual and modify these
several marketing campaigns. Thus these are some of the psychological factors thus the marketer
must take into the consideration before understanding the strategic marketing decision.

2. Social factors
The human beings live in a complex social environment where in they are surrounded by several
people who have different buying behaviors since the man is a social animal who likes to be
acceptable by all tries to imitate the behaviors that are socially acceptable. Social factors: family,
reference group, roles and status.

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• family

The family members to play a crucial role in designing once preference and behavior. It offers an
environment where in the individual evolves develop personality and acquire values. A child
develops his buying behavior and preferences by watching his parents and tends to buy the same
product or services even when he grows old. The family can influence the buying behavior an
individual in either of two ways.
✓ influence the personality, attitude, beliefs, and characteristics of individual.

✓ decision making of an individual with respect to the purchase of certain goods & services. It is
believe that an individual’s passes through two families. Family of orientation and family of pro
creation. In the former type it's the family where in an individual has taken the birth, and the
parents have a strong influence on his
✓ behavior while in family pro creation created by individual with his spouse and children such
the preference tends to change with the influence of the spouse.
• Reference group

A reference group is a group with which an individual’s like to get associated, i.e. What to be
called as a member of that group. It's observed that all the members of the reference group share
common buying behavior and has a strong influence over each other. The marketers should try to
identify the roles within the reference group that influences the buying behavior of others. Such
as initiator: who initiate the buying decisions. Influencer: whose opinion influences the buying
decisions? Decision maker: who has the authority to take the purchase decisions? Buyer: who
ultimate the buy the product.

3. Cultural factors
It's believed that an individual learns the set of values, perceptions, behaviors and preferences at
very early stage of his childhood from the people especially the family and the other key
institutions which were around during his developmental stage. The behavioral patterns are
developed from the culture where he or she is brought up. Cultural factors are: culture,

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subculture, social class.

• Culture

The culture refers to the beliefs customs rituals & practice that a particular group of people
follows. As a child grows, he inculcates the buying & decision making patterns through his
family & key institutions. The culture varies from region to region & even from country to

• Sub-culture

Culture is further divided into sub culture wherein the people are classified more specifically on
the basis of their shared customs and beliefs, including religion, geographic regions, nationalities
etc... The different subculture forms several market segments whose needs can be carefully
studied by the marketer and the strategic marketing decisions can be taken accordingly such the
needs of the people living in metro cities & ones living in b-grade cities must be identified before
the launch of marketing campaign.

The culture is further sub divided into sub culture where in the people are classified more
specially on the basis of their shared customs & beliefs, including religion, geographic regions,
nationalities etc..

• Social class
Social class which an individual belongs influences the buying decisions. Generally the people
belongs to same class are said to be sharing similar interests, value and behavior. Our society is
classified into three social class’s upper class, middle class, lower class. The consumers
belonging to these classes possess different buying behaviors. Such as an individual belonging to
the upper class buy those products or services that advocate his status while the lower class
people buy those products which satisfy their basic needs.
4. Personal factors
There are several factors personal to the individuals that influence their buying decisions some of
them are: age, income, occupation, lifestyles.

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• Age

The customer buying behavior is greatly influenced by his age. Lifecycle stage in which falls.
The people buy the different products in different stages of the lifecycle. Such as the purchase of
confectionaries. Chocolates are more individual is a child & as he grows his referencing for the
products also changes.

• Income
The income of the person influences the buying patterns. Income decides the purchasing power
of individuals. The more personal income, the more will be expenditure on other items & vice
• Occupation
Occupations of the individual influence his buying behaviour. People tend to buy those products
& services that advocate their progression & role in society.

5. Economic factors
Economic factors like personal income, family income, income expectations, consumer credit,
savings, and liquid assets of the customer. These are the some underlying factors that influence
the customer behavior and the marketer must keep these in mind, so that appropriate strategic
marketing decision is made.
• Personal income

Personal income of individuals influences his buying behavior as it determines the level to which
the amount is spent on the purchase of goods and services. Consumers have two types of personal
income: disposable income and discretionary income.

the disposable personal income is the income left in your hand after the all the taxes another
necessary payments have been made. The more disposable personal income in hand in the more
is the expenditure on various items and vice versa.

Discretionary personal income is the income left after meeting after the all the basic necessities
of life and is used for the purchase of shopping goods luxuries, durable goods, etc.

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• Family income
Family income refers to the aggregate income of the all the family members. The total family
income also influences the buying behavior of its family members, income remaining after
meeting all the basic necessities of life can be used for the purchase of shopping goods, luxury
and durable goods.

• Savings
The amount is the savings out of the personal income also influences the customer buying
behavior, such as if the customer decides to save more for a particular period then his expenditure
on the other items will be less & in case the savings are less the expenditure on other items
increases. Apart from these factors other economic conditions such as inflation, recession
business cycle also influences the customers buying behavior.

1.11 Stages of buying process

• Needs and requirements

It's first stage of the buying process where the customer recognizes a problem or a requirement
that needs to be fulfilled. The requirements can be generated either by internal stimuli or external
stimuli in this stage the marketer should study and understand the customers to find out what
kinds of needs arise what bought them about and how they led the customer towards a particular
• Information search
In this stage the customer seeks more information. The customer may have been attention or may
go into active information search. The customer can obtain information from the several sources
like family, friends, advertising, sales people and dealers, mass media, consumer rating the
relative influence of these information sources various with the product and the buyer.

• Evaluating alternatives
In this stage the customer uses information to evaluate alternative brands from different
alternatives. How customers go about evaluating purchasing alternatives depends on the
individual customer and the specific buying situation in some cases customers’ use logical
thinking. Whereas in other cases customers do little or no evaluating instead they buy on

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A study on influential marketing on customer buying behavior with reference to MRF tyres

aspiration and rely on intuition sometimes customers make buying decisions on their own.
Sometimes they depend on friends, relatives, customer guides and sales person.

• Purchase decision

In this stage the customers actually buys the product generally a customer with buy the most
favorite brand, but there can be two factors: first factor is the attitude of others and the second is
the unforeseen situational factors. The customer may from a purchase intention based on factors
such as usual income, price, and product benefits.
• Post purchase behavior

In this stage the customers take further steps after purchase based on their satisfaction and
dissatisfaction. The satisfaction and dissatisfaction depend on the relationship between
customer’s expectations and the product performance. If product is short of expectations the
customer is disappointed on the other hand if it's meets their expectations the customer is
satisfied. And it's exceeds their expectations the customer is delighted.

Introduction of Indian tyre industry: (MRF)

In 1920 the dunlop rubber limited became the first company in India to startup a tyre company in
kolkata. The MRF madras rubber factory limited followed by its footsteps and move in the tyres
manufacturing market in the year 1946 although it' ventured into manufacturing tread rubber in
the year 1952 and the Indian tyre industries employees as many as one million people containing
dealers and retailers growers of natural rubber.

Headquarters in new delhi - india. Automotive tyre manufacturers associations (atma) is among
the most activities and well known national industry bodies in the country and being a
representative body of 11 big tyre companies in india accounting for over the 90% of tyre
manufacturers and atma has been the accorded the coveted prestige of true voice of indian tyres.
India primarily by performing as.

Conduct stock between the government and the industry the association attempts to be an
actively participant in policy making practices and hold the regular meeting with the government
departments to debate the challenge being facing by the industries in the ever changing of

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economic environment and indian tyre industry is an essential part of auto sectors it contributing
to 3 percent of the manufacturing gdp of india and 0.5 of the total gdp directly association
performing as the industry interface and using the medias, opinion leaders, ngos and other
industry association all over the place as to present the view points of indian tyre industry on
dissimilar subjects.


A tire or tyres a ring-shaped component that surrounds a wheels rim to transfer a vehicle's load
from the axle through the wheel to the ground and to provide traction on the surface travelled
over. Tires provide a footprint that is designed to match the weight of the vehicle with the
bearing strength of the surface that it rolls over by providing a bearing pressure that will not
deform the surface excessively.
The materials of modern pneumatic tires are synthetic rubber, natural rubber, fabric and wire,
along with carbon black and other chemical compounds. They consist of attraction and a body.
The tread provides traction. While the body provides containment for a quantity of compressed
air.. Before rubber was developed, the first versions of tires were simply bands of metal fitted
around wooden wheels to prevent wear and tear. Early rubber tires were solid. Pneumatic tires
are used on many vehicles, including cars, bicycles, motorcycles, buses, trucks, heavy equipment,
and aircraft.

Types of tyres:

tires may be classified according to the type of vehicle they serve

 Light–medium duty
Light-duty tires for passenger vehicles carry loads in the range of 250 to 500 kg on the drive
wheel. Light-to-medium duty trucks and vans carry loads in the range of 500 to 1,500 kg on
the drive wheel.
 Run-flat tyres
Run-flat tires obviate the need for a spare tire, because they can be travelled on at a reduced
speed in the event of a puncture, using a stiff sidewall to prevent damage to the tire rim.

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 Race-car tyres
Race car tires come in three main categories, slick, and rain. Race car tires are designed to
maximize cornering and acceleration friction at the expense of longevity. Racing slicks have
no tread to maximize contact with the pavement and rain tires have channels to eject water to
avoid hydroplaning.
 Heavy duty
Heavy duty tires for large trucks and buses come in a variety of profiles and carry loads in the
range of 1,800 to 2,500 kg on the drive wheel. These are typically be mounted in tandem on
the drive axle.
 Truck tyres
Truck tires come in a variety of profiles that include "low profile" with a section height that is
70 to 45% of the tread width, "wide-base" for heavy vehicles, and a "super-single" tire that
has the same total contact pressure as a dual-mounted tire combination.

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