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Statement of the Problem

The main purpose of this study is to identify the day to day lives of a working

student in this time of pandemic. Moreover, this study sought to answer the following


1. What are the pros and cons of studying while working?

2. What are the hindrances that the working student experienced during this


3. Why students are working while studying?

4. What are suggestions and recommendations for working students?

Theoretical Framework

Students working part-time or full-time while studying is becoming more common

throughout the world (Stacy Rapacon, 2015). Job training will eventually prepare pupils

for their future careers. While everyday experiences will provide the majority of the data

in this study, this data will be examined and justified using certain theories. This study

makes use of the Moral Responsibility Theory of P.F. Strawson and Bioecological

System Theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner.

Moral Responsibility Theory of P.F. Strawson displays the repercussions of each

activity as a pros and cons result. In philosophy, it is described as the state of morally

worthy praise, reward, blame, or punishment for an act performed or disregarded by

one's moral obligations, accompanied by three key elements: accountability, freedom,

and effects that might be either praiseworthy or blameworthy.

This Theory defines the advantages and disadvantages of working students' life

experiences. According to Watts and Pickering (2000), working part-time and studying

full-time offers a variety of good benefits and respondents typically considered part-time

job as a necessary to thrive in the contemporary higher education sphere. However, the

student may feel under strain due to academic responsibilities such as finishing tasks in

the allotted time and financial insecurity. Work and studies cause these hardworking

students to be sleep deprived, and sleep loss increases the risk factors for insomnia

and brain function deterioration. Working students who are subjected to heavy

workloads despite receiving a good wage will suffer long-term health and well-being


The second theory that this study will use is Bioecological System Theory of Urie

Bronfenbrenner. Brofenbrenner (1917) described the process of human development.

Bronfenbrenner's theory identifies numerous "layers" of environment, each of which has

an impact on the development of a child (Dede Paquette – John Ryan). According to

him there are five layers of environment that affects a child’s development he named

these layers microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and the

chronosystem. The microsystem is the initial level of Bronfenbrenner's theory, and it

includes everything in the child's immediate environment that has direct contact with

them, such as parents, siblings, teachers, and school peers. The mesosystem includes

interactions between the child's microsystems, such as those between the child's

parents and teachers or between school peers and siblings. The exosystem is a

component of Urie Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory, which he created in the

1970s. It includes various formal and informal social structures that do not include the
child but have an indirect influence on them because they affect one of the

microsystems. The macrosystem is a component of Bronfenbrenner's ecological

systems theory that focuses on how cultural elements such as socioeconomic status,

wealth, poverty, and ethnicity influence a child's development. The chronosystem is the

fifth and final stage of Bronfenbrenner's ecological systems theory. This system includes

all environmental changes that occur throughout a person's life and influence

development, such as important life transitions and historical events. These can include

conventional life transitions like starting school, but they can also be non-normative life

transitions like parents divorcing or needing to move to a new residence.

This theory explains why students are working while studying. The child’s

environment may dictate his/her future. For example, if a child is raised in an

environment were his/her parents does not have the power to provide them with what

they need (like education), the child may choose to give up or strive and make herself

work while studying.

K. (2021, May 4). 5 Reasons Being a Working Student is Seriously Great. College Life [NL].

Stacy Rapacon. (2015, October 29). More college students are working while studying. CNBC.


Agustin, R. C. O. N. D. E. S. (2018, August 27). THE LIVED EXPERIENCES OF WORKING


STUDENTS. Rannie C O N D E S Agustin - Academia.Edu.



Agustin, R. C. O. N. D. E. S. (2018, August 27). THE LIVED EXPERIENCES OF WORKING


STUDENTS. Rannie C O N D E S Agustin - Academia.Edu.



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