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Job Hazard Analysis REV.00 2019.11.

01 Construction Officer Construction Team Leader Site manager

Non Regular Risk Assessment


Company/ SAMHO Construction and Engineering

Type of work
Prepared by Construction Engineer: DA KAM JEONG Supply Partner: KYOUNG BEOM KIM / / /
India PVT. Ltd (Facilities)
Activity Support Installation work Participators Workers’ Representative.: RAMOO HSE Manager: CHUL OH

Risk level : High ★★★ Medium ★★ Low ★

Review items: ①machine. Instrument, equipment, manual check ②MSDS check ③Risk of electricity and heat④Risk of Excavation, unloading, handling, transportation, handling of heavy materials
⑤Risk factors in the workplace such as falling, collapse, material falling

Hazards & Risks Risk Level Safety management Actioned by Inspected by HOLD POINT

Check equipment before using T/Lrental Make a Check list of T/L Rental, Check the driver's license
★★ Setting up rubber cone compartments in the work area, controlling the perimeter of induction source deployment, and prohibiting
Risk of workers colliding in the work area when moving t/l proximity work between other partners (consultation)
Welding/fusion Operation

1.Measures to prevent bulky scattering and check the

Risk of falling objects due to unfixed support when t/L rental rises ★★ Setting rubber cone compartments in the work area, control of the periphery of the induction source placement
presence of fire extinguishers
Work with 2 t/l rental - (one welding work, one support fixed use) 2.Check isolation of flammable and combustible
3.Check the placement of firearm monitors if
KIM JEONG necessary.
Fire hazard due to fluoric acid during support welding work Set fire extinguisher, fire protection cannon use firetti to prevent scattering
Risk of burns due to non-wearing of protective equipment when welding ★★★ Welders must wear welding gloves and welding mask. '[Work at MEWP]
Place fire monitors, fire extinguishers, fire water, removal of flammable materials in welding work areas 1. Check friction of safety pole to prevent over lifting
2. Check operation of alarm during MEWP going up
<Cleanup> and dawn

Risk of conduction when the material is not cleaned up Store remaining materials in designated locations

Fire hazard due to residual fire after welding work Check the site after welding work and remove residual fire

Workplace sketch or related drawing & Derive risk factors, including detailed work methods or work procedures & Analyze interferences


1. After fixing Support Subsidiary(CHANNEL 75*40 2.2M 1EA = 15KG) on
ARC Welding
Four-sided fire-flakes support
T/L Rental with rope and rasit it.
Four-sided fire-flakes support 2. T/L Rental welding work section fire prevention and four-sided repair
3. After the T/Lental descent, set the SUPPORT Subsidiary vertically and
Intermediate scaffolding
raise to the weld point section (Vertical status check)
4.Install intermediate tread plate inside T/L, secure working height (+500)
and conduct welding operation (Section point: Intermediate tread
support misshe, fix both side 5.Arc welding work is carried out after 4-sided fire-flakes support when
welding work with 2 rentals Ambient control after the placement of
firearms in the lower part of the work area
6.T/L Rental Internal Intermediate scaffolding to secure work height
7.Prohibition of work at the same time and the prohibition of close-up
work with other suppliers
8. Check and remove flammable substances at the lower section of the
work section
9.At the end of the welding work, check the residual fire-flakes
10.Clean up

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