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Presentation class ---16

50.Topic - Weekends
1. How do you usually spend your weekends? [Why?]
Ans. I usually spend my weekends by mostly doing the outdoors like enjoying
swimming (on summer days), fishing and gardening. I enjoy these outdoor activities
mainly because I spend too much of a time indoor at my work. Oh, by the way. I also
se like to go to my favorite restaurant with my friends in order to enjoy some "relaxing
and fun" time.
2.Which is your favorite part of the weekend? [Why?]
Ans. My favorite part of the weekend is certainly the "morning" when I don't have to
Worry about waking up early and getting ready quickly to get to work. Then, of course,
I also like the part when I don't really have to worry about going to bed "early" or
staying up late at night.
3.Do you think your weekends are long enough? [Why/Why not?]
Ans. Yes, I do think that my weekends are long enough because it helps me to
rejuvenate for the challenges of the next week by allowing me to do the things that I
really enjoy. Of course, an extra weekend day would certainly be welcome by many
people like me, but I don't see it happening in the near future.
4.How important do you think it is to have free time on the weekends? [Why?)
Ans. There is no doubt that work is important, but so is the recreation, families and
friends. But, without enough free time, be it on the weekends or some other times, we
just won't be able to "recharge" ourselves, nor will we be able to interact with our
families and friends enough in order to show them that they really matter in our lives.

51.Topic - Dancing
1.Do you enjoy dancing? [Why/Why not?]
Ans. I don't exactly dance primarily because I am not really good at it. But, I don't have
anything against "dancing", and I do like to watch "dancing" but it is just that
I never feel the "desire" myself or the passion to "shake" my body at the beat or sound of
any music. I guess that it is just not in my "gene".
2.Has anyone ever taught you to dance? Why/Why not?]

Ans. Nobody has ever taught me how to dance because I was never really interested in
learning it and nobody in my family was a dancer.
3. Tell me about any traditional dancing in your country.
Ans. Our country has a rich culture, because of its multi-cultural and multi-racial
heritage, with its fair share of traditional dance and music. Bangladesh, sometimes
referred to as 'truly Asia", has at least 15 different kinds of dances.
4.Tell me about some popular dancing in your country?
Ans. In Bangladesh, Classical Dance is very popular which is performed during the
Bangle New Year festival. Folk Dance, another popular dance type, is typically
performed to usher in the Bangle New Year.
5.Do you think that traditional dancing will be popular in the future? [Why/Why
Ans. Bangladesh is a very diverse country with many traditions and heritage which
have survived for centuries. Many traditional dances have also survived for centuries
just as they exist today because we, Bangladeshi, always try to promote and practice
them in every kind of celebration and social gatherings one way or another.

52.Topic - Job
1.Are you working or studying?
Ans. Well, I am currently working as a Manager at one of the leading chocolate
manufacturing companies in my country.
2.How long have you been working for this company?
Ans. I have been working for this company for almost 3 years in the same position.
However, I have 6 years of professional experience in total.
3.What are your job responsibilities?
Ans. I have varieties of responsibilities like developing a strong working relationship
with internal & external partners, implementing and influencing the best practices
within the 'Supply Chain' department facilitating the internal approval process for
importing/exporting products raw materials.
4.What do you like about work you do?
Ans. I like a number of things about my job, but it is the "challenge” that I really like
about my job the most. In fact, I never have a "dull” moment at my job since I have been
given the authority to "try" new things to improve the supply chain process of my

5. What do you want to change or improve in it?

Ans. There are plenty of areas in my department which beg for improvements one way
or another. But one thing that I would certainly like to improve is the overall
knowledge of our "supply chain Executives" in order to keep them up to date with the
relevant rules and regulations of storage.

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