IPM Introduction

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Definition; Logic and Necessity of IPM; IPM components.
Basic principles and evolutionary trends of IPM. Ecological
basis of IPM. Legislative Methods.
IPM for important agricultural crops (Rice, Sugarcane, Cotton).

Dr. S.I. Ahmed





Composed of separate An organism that Skilled handling
parts united together to reduces the
form a more complete & availability, quality, or
compatible unit value of some natural
can also be defined as:

Host Plant Resistance

Regulatory/ Legislative Methods

Utilization of a chain of pest control tactics

simultaneously in a well organized and
harmonious way in order to achieve long-term
pest control over injurious insect pests
Logic and
Necessity of IPM?
Logic and Necessity of IPM?
Logic and necessity of IPM include the
Strategies + Tactics
A phenomenon by which pest population could be regularised
under tolerance

(Prophylactic and Remedial, Physical Restrictions, Implementation of Policy
(Cultural, biological, physical, genetic, chemical, and regulatory procedures)
Different IPM tactics

Light trap ?
Mechanical trap
Phytochemical Cultural

Pheromone trap

Resistant tree

“Utilization of all suitable pest
management tactics………….. IPM”
• Pesticides
• Cultural
• Mechanical
• Sanitary or hygienic NOTE: Some of these tactics fall
• Natural Into several categories.

• Biological
• Host Plant Resistance
• Legislative
Necessity and Benefits of IPM ?

Environmental &
Knowledge benefits
Economic Benefits and Necessity
Branded products
IPM exhibits
• Potential for savings pesticide

1. Applying only when it is

2. Lower application rates

• Potential for increased

marketability due to labeling as

• 1. Consumers are more
willing to buy IPM
2. Consumers may be willing
to pay more for IPM
branded products
IPM may reduce or cut the rate of
pesticide application by:
• Controlling pest only when

• Using the lowest effective dose

(-) • Allowing for control by natural

enemies of insect pests

• Reducing the chances of

developing resistance in injurious
insect pests
Environmental Necessity and Benefits
Reduces chances
of environmental
contamination by:
Potentially reducing the
use of pesticides

Making full use of

acceptable and sound
control measures
Knowledge Benefits and Necessity

Necessity and Benefits

• Allows the plant growers to
determine the seriousness of
the problem and take action
when it deems necessary

• Allows the growers to modify

their pest management
programmes to meet their
specific needs

• Development of a greater
understanding of insect
pests and their control
Components of
Components of IPM
1. Initial Information Gathering
2. Identification Economic injury level
3. Monitoring
4. Establishing Injury Levels
5. Record-keeping
Economic threshold
6. Selection of least-toxic treatment strategies
Least-disruptive of natural controls
Least-hazardous to human health
Least-toxic to non-target organisms
Least-damaging to the general environment
Most likely to produce a permanent reduction in the environment’s
ability to support that pest
Most cost-effective in the short and long term
7. Pest Management tactics
Cultural practices
Mechanical practices
Genetic Practices
Regulatory practices
Biological practices
Chemical practices
8. Evaluation
1.Gathering initial records & 2. Correct Pest
Identification – Why is it necessary ?
• To know actual menace
• Scientific name of an organism, literature on the biology of the pest, Interview concerned
farmers on the history of pest , background of the problem,

• To determine if the pest is a key pest

A key pest can be an insect, mite, disease, nematode or weed that frequently results in
unacceptable / intolerable damage

• To determine what pest control tactic should be

Actual methods used to implement the strategies to achieve pest control

• Because incorrect identification can result in

ineffective pest control measures
Time and dose,
Not always all the Insects are pests, but the one
which can cause the most significant damage
An insect, mite, disease, nematode, or weed that
frequently results in unacceptable or intolerable
damage and thus typically requires a control action.



Why it is important to know the life
cycle of the pest ?
• To determine when the
pest is most vulnerable
to apply control

• To determine if a pest is
approaching at a stage
to pose a potential
damage to a plant
3. Monitoring
& its Importance / necessity in IPM?

• To assess the pest situation and determine

what sort of pest activity is occurring

• For decision making

• To predict pest problems before they occur

The decision to use a pesticide should be
based on:

• Information obtained from monitoring

• Knowledge of thresholds
• An awareness of potential benefits and risks
associated with a treatment
Monitoring methods

Types of monitoring methods

Visual Counts Pheromone traps Sweep Nets Field Histroy

4. Establishing Injury Levels are based on
Damage levels

Equilibrium Position (EP)

The average population level of an insect species

Economic Threshold (ET)

The population level at which management action should be taken to prevent

the pest from reaching the economic injury level
Economic Injury Level (EIL)

The lowest number of insects that will cause economic damage

Economic Damage (ED)

The amount of pest-caused damage that justifies the cost of applying pest
control measures
The average population level of an insect species (EP).

Some Insects are never economic pests - the Equilibrium

position (EP) is below the economic threshold (ET) or
Economic Injury level (EIL)

Example: Neem weevil, Myllocerus tenuicornis

Economic threshold (Action threshold)
The pest density or level of damage at which a control measure is
needed to prevent economic loss.
Economic loss
Occurs when the cost of insect damage in terms of yield or quality
exceeds the cost of control.
Some insects are occasional pests and must
be controlled at ET or they will reach EIL.

Example: Achaea janata, Polyphagous

Some insects are regular and serious pests – the
Equilibrium position (EP) is above EIL all the time unless
steps are taken to keep them low.
Example: Sal heartwood borer, Hoplocerambyx spinicornis
Aesthetic thresholds

The level at which

a pest causes an
undesirable change
in the appearance
of plant parts
5.Record keeping
Accurate records
related to the insect
pest species and
nature of damage
are amongst the
informations for
making a decision
for IPM
6. Criteria for selecting a suitable treatment
strategy Least-toxic treatment approaches

An appropriate IPM Tactic should be:

• most likely to exhibit a economic reduction of the pest
• least disruptive of natural controls.
• least hazardous to human health.
• least toxic to non-target organisms
• least damaging to the general environment.
• easiest to carry out effectively.
• most cost effective over both the short and long
7. Pest Management tactics

Cultural practices

Biological practices

Mechanical practices

Genetic Practices

Chemical practices

Competitors & Natural products

Regulatory practices
Cultural Controls
Important Cultural Controls practices
1. Preparation of nurseries or main fields free from pest infestation
2. Testing of soil for nutrients deficiencies
3. Selection of clean and certified seeds
4. Selection of seeds of relatively pest resistant/tolerant varieties
5. Adjustment of time of sowing and harvesting
6. Rotation of crops with non-host crops
7. Proper plant spacing
8. Optimum use of fertilizer
9. Proper water management
10. Proper weed management
11. Setting up of sticky traps
12. Synchronization of sowing
13. Growing trap crops on the borders or peripheries of fields
14. Root dip or seedling treatment
15. Harvesting as close as to ground level
16. Large pruning wounds should be treated
17. For excellent fruit set, pollinizer cultivars should be planted in required
Cultural Controls
Soil working and Nutrition
• Plants with adequate
nutrition can grow
more vigorously,
allowing them to
better tolerate pest
damage or to
compete better with
• Soil cultivation can kill
insect pests by
exposing them to
sunlight, predators
and injuring them
Cultural Controls
• Removal of rubbish, infested or
decaying matter as well as crop
residues from around and in fields
can often eliminate breeding sites
for insect pests

• Using seeds and planting materials

which are free of weed seeds and
Cultural Control
Multiple Cropping / Mixed Cropping

 Growing a variety of crops

together in the
same location:
 Increases the habitat for
pest predators
 Limits the number of food
plants for specific insect
 Discouraging
Mechanical Control
Important Mechanical Control
1. Use of various types of mulches (bark chips, geotextiles, etc.) can
suppress weeds and also protect of plants from frost.
2. Pinching off diseased parts can suppress certain plant diseases
3. Hand destruction or removal of insects and egg masses ensures
quick and positive control.
4. Mechanical traps and attractants can be used to trap injurious
insects to lower crop damage
5. A forceful stream of water may dislodge insects such as aphids
and spider mites from foliage and plant stems.
6. Several insecticidal soaps can regularise certain pest populations
7. Installation of bamboo cage cum bird perches in the field and
Important Mechanical Control Practices

Pheromone insect monitoring Light Trap Weed Management

trap in an orchard

A forceful water spray Yellow sticky traps in

Mechanical weed control greenhouse
Genetic control
Plant Resistance control practices
The use of species or varieties of plants that can grow and produce
despite the presence of its key insect pests
Regulatory Control
Regulatory Control Practices

“The prevention & Eradication or suppression of

the pests establishment in a limited area by
application of compulsory enactment”.
Regulatory Tactics
• Quarantine: limits movement of a pest
• Eradication: must be applied to
relatively small geographic areas
• Suppression: limits pest levels over large
geographic areas
Regulatory Control Practices

Successful plant pest control depends on the successful

blending of many skills, legislative pest control and
other management strategies which may include:

Identification of risk
Prevention of entry
Survey and detection
Retardation of spread
Mitigation of losses
Biological control
Biological control

The use predators, parasites, parasitoids, pathogens,

and competitors to control pests. Natural enemies of
pests cause mortality; Can maintain pest population at
below-threshold levels
Examples of some Important BC Agents

• Predators
Spiders Predatory Bugs
Predatory Mites Lacewings
Lady Beetles Syrphids & Other Flies

• Parasites/Parasitoids
Wasps Flies

• Pathogens
Beauveria Bacillus thuringiensis
Paenibacillus popilliae Entomopathogenic Nematodes
Entomophaga Nuclearpolyhedrosis virus
Biological control
Long-term solutions

Increase of predatory

(After Van der Bosch et al. 1982)

• Scientific basis

– Each pest has natural predators, parasites and competitors

– Bring equilibrium predator-prey below the economic
threshold of pest by applying IPM
Types of BC:
• Classical BC : Import natural enemies & establish in

• Augmentative releases: Inundative (begin with of a

large number of natural enemies) or Inoculative
(begins with a small number of natural enemies)
releases each season

• Conservation BC: depend upon local natural enemies.

• All these approaches require conservation of natural
enemies to be effective.
Conserving natural enemies
Reduce insecticide use;
Use softer chemicals;
Manipulate habitats, e.g.

An organism which lives in or on another organism (its

host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the other's

A parasite that lives inside of the host body is called an


Endoparasites include organism such as tapworms,

hookworms and trypanosomes etc.
An organism that, during its development, lives in or on the body of
Ichneumonid wasps
a single host individual, eventually killing that individual.

Major characteristics:

They are specialized in their choice of host , smaller than host,

Braconid wasps
Only the female searches for host. Immatures remain on or in
host; adults are free-living, mobile, and may be predaceous.
Immatures almost always kill host.

Four of the most important groups are: Chalcid wasps:

Ichneumonid wasps
Braconid wasps
Chalcid wasps:
Tachenid flies:
Tachenid fiY
Predators are mainly free-living species that
directly consume a large number
of prey during their whole lifetime.
Examples: beetles, true bugs, lacewings,
flies, midges, spiders, wasps, and predatory

Major characteristics of arthropod predators:

Adults and immatures are often generalists rather than

specialists. they generally are larger than their prey. They kill
or consume many prey.. They may attack immature as well as
adult prey.
Birds play an
important role in
controlling white grub,
cut worm, mole cricket
and field cricket

Common insectivorous
birds are black drongo,
house sparrow, cattle
egrets, House crow,
jungle crow, common
myna, bank myna ,
Indian robin and parrot

Bird perches may play an important role to facilitate

predation on harmful insects
Entomopathogenic viruses
Bacterial pathogens
Fungal pathogens
Types of Entomopathogens
Entomopathogenic viruses:
Viral diseases have been found in 13 insect orders and
most likely occur in all orders.

 DNA Viruses: Baculoviruses (Nuclear polyhedrosis

viruses- NPV and Granuloviruses-GV), Asco-viruses, Irido-
viruses, Parvo-viruses and Pox-viruses.

 RNA Viruses: Reo-viruses (Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis

viruses), Nodaviruses and Tetra-viruses.
Types of Entomopathogens
Entomopathogenic Bacteria:
They can be divided into two broad categories,
non-spore-forming bacteria and spore-forming

Although, most of the species isolated from

diseased insects are spore-forming bacteria in the
genus Bacillus. They are the most important
biological control tool
Types of Entomopathogens
Entomopathogenic Fungi:
 Entomopathogenic fungi are able to invade their
insect hosts by penetrating directly through the
The fungal spore first adheres to the cuticle.
 After the body of the dead insect is filled with
mycelia, fruiting structures emerge from the
cadaver and produce infectious spores.

Beauveria spp., Lecanicillium spp., Metarhizium spp., Paecilomyces spetc., are some of
the entomopathogenic fungi spp. and are used as biological insecticides

Beauveria bassiana Metarhizium anisoplae.

Types of Entomopathogens
 The only microsporidian ever registered as a
microbial pesticide is Nosema locustae, a
pathogen of grasshoppers.
 Two other microsporidian species that are
known to control populations of pest insects:
Nosema fumiferanae and Nosema pyrausta.
Types of Entomopathogens
 Protozoa are the most taxonomically diverse group
of insect pathogens.
 Entry into the host is typically by ingestion, but
some can invade through the cuticle.
 Some species may be trans-ovarially transmitted
from infected females to their offspring.
Types of Entomopathogens
Entomopathogenic nematodes enter the host
via natural body openings or through the cuticle.

Effects of nematode parasitism on the hosts

can reduce fecundity, mobility and life span,
behaviour and morphological changes, and
ultimately death of pest.
Entomopathogens use in biocontrol
Nematodes, 9% Bacteria, 36%
sporidia, 2%

Fungi, 37%
viruses, 16%

Source: Copping, (2004), The Manual of Biocontrol Agents

Natural Products
Specially Microorganisms & Plant Derived
Natural Products In Bio-control

“The Manual of Biocontrol Agents” (Copping, 2004)

Entomopathogens in biocontrol
Nematodes, 9% Bacteria, 36%
sporidia, 2%

Fungi, 37%
viruses, 16%

Source: Copping, (2004), The Manual of Biocontrol Agents

Types of bio-pesticides
Naturally occurring substances
Sulphur , Lime sulphur, Calcium, Copper
Botanicals (Plant Derived Compounds)
1. Azadirachtin (Azadirachta indica),
2. Rotenone (Tephrosia spp. and Lonchocarpus spp. ),
3. Pyrethrins (Chrysanthemum), Nicotiana tabacum extract,
4. Croton (Croton tiglium),
5. Tropane alkaloids (Datura metel) ,
6. Saponins, tannins (Balanites aegyptiaca),
7. Diterpene ester (Euphorbia peplus).
 Source: Neem tree, Azadirachta indica ;
 Family: Meliacae;
Natural Habitat : South Asia, in particular India ;
 Extracted from neem seeds Kernels
Azadirachtin: Active Ingredients

Principal active ingredients:

(C35H44O16) with its 7 isomers

Mechanism of action:
Repellent, growth regulator, anti-oviposition, reduces
adults fecundity and eggs vitality (state of being active)
Mode of action:
Contact, ingestion with a systemic activity
Plants : Derris elliptica and Tephrosia
purpurea, etc
Family: Leguminosae.
Extracted from : roots
Root of Derris sp

Seed/pod of Tephrosia purpurea

Derris elliptica
Tephrosia purpurea

Principal active ingredients:

Rotenone or Nicouline (Isoflavonoid, Alkaloid) ;
Mechanism of action:
Interference with respiration and
with perpherical nervous system; Rotenone
Mode of action:
Mainly by contact and sometimes via ingestion;
Tanacetum (Chrysanthemum)
Extracted from flowers;
Main active ingredient: Pyrethrin ;
Mode of action: Contact and ingestion.
Mechanism of action:
Acts on peripherical and central nervous
System, causing an immediate insects

Semiochemicals are small organic compounds that

transmit chemical messages. They are used by insects
for intra- and interspecies communication
Use of semiochemicals in
pherom one, 1/
pherom one, 1/

Sex pherom one, Reppelent, 1/ 2%
39/ 2%

“The Manual of Biocontrol Agents” (Copping, 2004)

Chemical Control
Chemical Control Practices
The use of toxic substances or pesticides to kill or
reduce insect pest populations
Advantages of insecticides:

• Can be effective if used correctly

• Can provide an immediate solution
• New formulations are safer
• Target-specific modes of action are being
• Effective chemicals should be conserved as a
component of sustainable pest management
Reasons for the End of the Chemical
Pest Control Era

Pest control failures due to pesticide

Pest outbreaks due to resurgence
Pest outbreaks due to secondary pests
Environmental contamination with residues
Basic Principles
Evolutionary trends
of IPM
Basic Principles of IPM
Principle-1: Prevention and Suppression
Principle-2: Monitoring through Professionally qualified advisors
Principle-3: Decision-Making
Principle-4: Non-Toxic Chemical Methods
Principle-5: Pesticide Selection & Reduced Pesticide Use
Principle-6: Anti-Resistance Strategies
Principle-7: Evaluation Monitoring of Harmful Organisms
Principle-8: Intervention
Principle-9: Consideration of Ecosystem
Principle-10: Pest Surveillance
Basic Principles of IPM
The main 10 important Principles of IPM are :
Principle 1
Prevention and Suppression

1. Crop rotation and use of adequate cultivation

2. Use of resistant/tolerant cultivars,
3. Use of balanced fertilization and liming irrigation,
preventing harmful organisms
4. Enhancement of important beneficial organisms,
5. Selection of appropriate for the location
6. Careful harvesting and
7. Good Hygiene
Basic Principles of IPM
Principle 2
Monitoring through Professionally qualified advisors

1. Harmful organisms must be monitored periodically

by observations in the field through scientifically
sound warning and forecasting systems and

2. Seeking proper advice from professionally qualified

advisors as and when required.
Basic Principles of IPM
Principle 3

Based on the report of the monitoring team one has to

decide whether and when to apply plant protection
Principle 4
Non-Toxic Chemical Methods

Sustainable biological, and non-toxic chemical methods

must be preferred, over chemical methods, if they
provide satisfactory pest control.
Basic Principles of IPM
Principle 5
Pesticide Selection & Reduced Pesticide Use

1. The pesticides applied shall be as specific as possible

for the target pest species and

2. It should have the least side effects on human

health, non-target organisms and the environment.
Basic Principles of IPM
Principle 6
Anti-Resistance Strategies

1. Anti-resistance strategies should be applied to maintain the

effectiveness of the pesticidal products.

2. Once the risk of resistance against a plant protection measure

is known, an alternative chemical should be used

3. This may include the use of multiple pesticides with different

modes of action.
Basic Principles of IPM
Principle 7
Evaluation Monitoring of Harmful Organisms

This involves determining when and what action is to be taken,

based on all the available information. For example:

•Periodical Crop monitoring for pest and damage thresholds

•Sound record keeping and analysis of past information to

help predict future outcomes;

•Advice and support from experts.

Basic Principles of IPM
Principle 8
This aims to reduce the effects of economically damaging pest
populations, weeds and disease to acceptable levels.

•This may be by making use of mechanical, biological and

chemical measures.

•It will increase crop profitability especially where presently pest

control is poorly used or ineffective.

•It will help in reducing the severity of pest infestations and

ensure agricultural production is more sustainable
Basic Principles of IPM
Principle 9
Consideration of Ecosystem
Control of insect pest population is a function of the ecosystem
itself by means of natural enemies and other factors.

The study of individuals is of prime importance for their biology

behaviour response to other members of the same species and
other organisms in the environment.

The study of individuals offers a potent method for this analysis

of population change.
Basic Principles of IPM
Principle 10
Pest Surveillance

Pest Surveillance and forecasting is a vital part in the IPM.

It means constant observation of an insect pest and its damage
after application of control strategy and comprises of three basic

1. Determination of the reduction in level of incidence of the

pest species after application of control strategy.
2. Determination of reduction of loss the incidence after
application of control strategy.
3. Determination of increase in economic benefits after
application of control strategy.
trends of IPM
History of IPM- Summary
8000 BC - Beginning of agriculture
2500 BC - First records of insecticides (sulfur compounds)
300 AD - First use of biological controls (predatory ants)
1732 - Farmers grow crops in rows to facilitate weed removal
1890 - Introduction of lead arsenate for pest control
1896 - First selective herbicide (iron sulfate for broad-leaf weeds)
1901 - First biological control of a weed
1899 - Breeding program developed for cotton
1929 - First area-wide eradication of an insect pest
1942 - First successful plant breeding program for insect resistance
1950 - First application of systems analysis to control pests
1972- Quality (CEQ, 1972) gave the term “Integrated Pest Management”
1986 - IPM official policy through Plant Protection Act 1972
1990 to date: with increasing knowledge of pests, crops, and improving
technologies, field-specific management is possible
•2500 BC: Ancient Sumerians used sulfur compounds to kill insects
- earliest record of insect pest control

•300 B.C: Chinese use natural enemies to control pests- ants on

citrus to reduce pest infestations

•1101 A.D.: The Chinese discover soap as a pesticide

•1500 AD: some plants found to generate insecticidal—and more

recently—herbicidal compounds
Pyrethrum (pyrethrin - insecticidal);
The Neem tree (NEEM – insecticidal)

•1600 A.D.: Tobacco infusions (nicotine), herbs and arsenic become

the major materials used for insect pest control
•1700 A.D.: plant resistance to insects discovered

•1800 A.D.: imperial expansion --- introduced pests

San Jose scale ;Colorado potato beetle

•Late 1800 A.D.: inorganic compounds used for insect and fungal
organism control, including:

Paris green (copper acetoarsenate)

 Bordeaux mix (copper sulfate and hydrated lime)
 Lead arsenate
 Creosote (coal tar derivative)
 Sodium hypochlorite solutions (bleach)
Late 1800's - Early 1900's: Boom in development of insecticide
application equipment 1920-30's

1930's: trend toward synthesizing new compounds; -moth-

proofing agents

1939: (dawn of the modern insecticide era): DDT recognized as

an effective insect control

1940s (post WW-II): the advent of “chemical” pesticides

1948: Warfarin registered as a rodenticide (and later -in the

early 1950s- as an anticoagulant in human medicine)
•1950's early 60's: "The Green Revolution“; - synthetic pesticides
and fertilizers the answer to world hunger

• 1952: Michelbacher and Bacon (1952) coined the term

“integrated control” for the first time. - Stern et al. (1959)
defined integrated control

•1962: Silent Spring: Rachel Carson publishes the book "Silent

Spring“. Brings the issue of pesticide safety to the attention of the

Adverse effects on wildlife, water quality, human health

DDT found in milk and foods (bio-magnification)
Resistance of pests to pesticides
History of Insect pest Control (Cont) Critical paper:
Shifted to IPM Smith, Hagen and
In 1960s, Van den
pesticides Bosch,1959
dominated “The Integrated
pest Control Concept”
management Critical Project:
IPM was control of the
invented as spotted alfalfa
pest control aphid
Van den Bosch,1959
•1970: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was

•Quality (CEQ, 1972) coined the term IPM “Integrated Pest


1972: Council on Environmental Quality : Increase in IPM research-

Beginning of genetic engineering applications in agriculture

1990's: New genetically engineered Bt crops (corn, potatoes) come

into use

2000 and beyond: Pest management is always changing and we cannot predict
the future. In fact, even in the same time period, people have several different
ideas about how pest management could be more advanced.
Ecological Basis
of IPM
Ecological Basis of IPM
The Ecological Basis of IPM (EB-IPM) is the
Natural Methods of Controlling Insect Pests
in an agro or forest ecosystem

This is because increase diversity of natural

enemies decrease the density of the pest

As diversity of natural enemy species decreases

Pest population increases
Ecological Basis of Pest Management
is an approach to increase and the strengths the natural systems to

reinforce the natural processes of pest regulation

and improve agricultural or forestry production

EBPM in Forestry or Agriculture Crops can be achieved

by applying some


Key components of an EBPM
approach are
1. Selection of pest-resistant, local, native adapted varieties
2. Use of legume-based crop rotations to increase soil nitrate
availability thereby improving soil fertility
3. Use of cover crops, such as green manure to reduce weed
infestation, disease and pest attacks
4. Integration of intercropping and agro-forestry systems
5. Use of crop spacing, intercropping and pruning to create
conditions unfavourable to the pests.
6. Maintaining of soil nutrition and pH levels
7. Applying organic manures to help maintain balanced pH and
nutrient levels.
8. Adding earthworm castings,
9. Using beneficial organisms that behave as parasitoids , predators
and entomo-pathogens
Legislative Methods
of Pest
Each of countries in the world and territories has their
own legislation for managing injurious insect pests
Legislative Methods of Pest
“The prevention of the entry and establishment
of foreign plants and animal pests in a country or
Eradication or suppression of the pests
established in a limited area through compulsory
legislation or enactment”.
Regulatory Tactics
• Quarantine: limits movement of a pest
• Eradication: must be applied to
relatively small geographic areas
• Suppression: limits pest levels over large
geographic areas
Concerns about Legislative strategies
Agronomic risks related to inappropriate use of pesticides
Food safety and other public health risks
(pesticide exposure; pesticide residues)
Environmental risks
(water contamination, biodiversity)
Market access - Pesticide residue requirements are
increasingly important in trade
(Legal requirements and sub- standard qualities)
Pesticide quality - Illegal trade in pesticides (fake products)
The goal of Legislative Method of
Insect Pest Control
to prevent the introduction, colonization, and establishment of any
new pests that may cause significant agricultural, environmental
and societal harm in a new area of entry

1. Identify pest harm.

2. Assess pest risk.
3. Manage pest risk.
Legislative Tactics/Methods

Successful plant pest control depends on the successful

blending of many skills, legislative pest control and
other management strategies which may include:

Identification of risk
Prevention of entry
Survey and detection
Retardation of spread
Mitigation of losses

Before prevention strategies are initiated, pest control

agencies must deal it as per the legislative control
tactics to see as to whether:

Is it really a pest ?
Would It be causing significant harm in future ?
Is it likely to be moved artificially into a new area
or already exists in the endangered area
Would It be survived in a new and endangered area
The primary strategy to exclude pest entry is through the
use of quarantine procedures.

Quarantine inspection programs at various ports of entry

are designed to prevent the introduction and establishment
of insect pests in India

Certain agricultural products are restricted from entry

unless accompanied by documentation to verification or
enter without observing disinfestation techniques

Quarantines are generally not 100% effective for exotic

pests. However, it may reduce the chances of introduction
Is a process of isolation in order to prevent the spreading of
infection, caused by any insect pest or disease.

Insect and Plant Quarantine

is a Legal restriction of movement of plant materials between
countries and between states within the country

Different classes of quarantine

Foreign Quarantine
Domestic quarantine
Legislative quarantine
Different classes of quarantine
Foreign Quarantine
is a concern with the legislation to prevent the introduction of new pests,
diseases and weeds from foreign countries.

Domestic quarantine
is a concern with the legislation to prevent the movement of plant and animals
from one state to an other in the country
Examples: Banana from Palani hills to prevent Banana Bunchy top Virus (BBTV) spread

Legislative quarantine
is a concern with the legislation to prevent the adulteration and misbranding of
insecticides and to determine the permissible residues in food stuff.
To regulate the activities of men engaged in pest control
Examples: Integrated Pest Management, Locust Control and Research, Implementation of Insecticides Act
Examples of legislative quarantine

1. IPM related activities are being implemented through 31

Central Integrated Pest Management Centres (CIPMCs)
established in 28 States and one Union Territory

2. LWO has been implementing locust surveillance system for

monitoring of population of locusts, since its inception in
1939 and controlling desert locust in Scheduled Desert Area

3. Pesticides are regulated under comprehensive legislation,

namely, Insecticides Act, 1968 (the Act) and Insecticides
Rules, 1971 (the Rules).
The local public may not express concern until the pest is
widespread and is causing visible problems.

Survey and detection is also important when the insect pests

penetrate the pest exclusion barrier and get established in a new

Where previously unknown pests are found, the information must

be reported to the appropriate regulatory agency.

Once an exotic pest is found, additional visual surveys and/or

trapping programs are performed to determine

Several types of surveys and detection trapping programmes can

be conducted to combat with this situation
If prevention is not successful and an re- introduction of the
pest is noticed then the immediate steps are to be taken
eradicate the pest.

Eradication generally means using all available viable options,

which includes:

Application of pesticides.
Elimination of the pest’s food source
Changing the pest’s habitat
Mass trapping
Use of mating disruption techniques

It is important to monitor for the presence of the pest after

the goal of eradication is achieved to assure that the pest has
actually been eliminated
If the pest becomes firmly established and eradication is not feasible,
the next practice is to slow or prevent the spread and to mitigate

Quarantines can be effective at slowing the spread of pests.

Inspections and pest control treatments may help to reduce the

Treatments to slow the spread of the pest spread and to mitigate

losses in the infested area include:

The use of pesticides

The release of parasites or predators
The release of sterile mates
The removal of the host
The use of varieties that are resistant to the pest
(Regulatory requirements in india)

 To safeguard health and safety, Government of India

constituted regulatory requirements for manufacture and
sale of goods and services, including those to be imported

 Regulations are stipulated through Various Acts/ Rules &

Regulations by different Ministries under Government of

 Enactment of Acts, Rules & Regulations is done taking

cognizance of the relevant WTO Agreements
Pest Legislations Acts in India
Following legislative acts have been implemented in
India in different years:

1905 - Federal Insect Pest Act (FIPA) - First Quarantine

act against Sanjose scale
1912 - US Plant Quarantine Act (USPQA)
1914 - Destructive Insects and Pests Act’ of India (DIPA)
1919 - Madras Agricultural Pests and Diseases
1975 - Implementation of Insecticides Act , 1968
2003 - Plant Quarantine (Regulation of Import into
ACT, 1968
An act to regulate the import, manufacture, sale,
transport, distribution and use of insecticides with a
view to prevent risk to Plants/Human beings and for
matters connected therewith.
Salient features of the Insecticides Act-1968
1. Compulsory registration with CIB (“Central Insecticides Board”)

2. License for manufacture, formulation and sale at state level

3. Inter departmental/Ministerial/Organizational co-ordination

achieved by high level Advisory Board “Central Insecticides
Board”with 28 members form various fields

4. RC to look after registration aspects of insecticides

5. Enforcement by Insecticide inspectors at state/central level

6. Power to prohibit the import, manufacture and sale of

insecticides and also confiscate stocks. Guilty are punishable
Advantages & Disadvantages Biological Control

Advantages Disadvantages
• Low cost • Not always applicable
• Has the potential to be
• Level of control may not be
• Not harmful to non-target
• Research costs are high and
sometime may not produce
• No toxicity or residue problems results
• The pest is unable (or very slow) • It requires expert supervision.
to develop a resistance.
• It is difficult and expensive to
• Selectivity, it does not intensify develop and supply
or create new pest problems.
How to combat the large scale tree
mortality caused by severe infestation
of a root boring insect
A Success Story
of Management of Khejri root borer,
Acanthophorus serraticornis
in Rajasthan
Management of Khejri mortality in Rajasthan
Dr. N.S.K. Harsh opinon on a new Examining the infected tree
species of root rot fungus

discussion in farmer's field Study of root system of infected Khejri

Field surveys to record % mortality
Traditional lopping practices
Symptoms of Ailment
Scientific session at AFRI Discussion

Plenary session at AFRI Dr. Satish lodha addressing the house

Process of khejri drying
3rd September 2009 20th November 2009
Biotic & Abiotic factors , responsible for tree mortality
(20.93 %)


Eggs,larvae & adult root borer,

ABIOTIC FACTORS Ganoderma lucidum
Tractorization Exploitation of water Depletion in water Indiscriminate lopping

Survey of affected area: Jodhpur, Nagour, Sikar, Churu & Jhunjhunu

The percentage khejri mortality recorded: 20.93 %
Biotic Causal factors: Ganoderma lucidum (root rot fungus) & Acanthophorus serraticornis (root borer.)
Bioecology of insect: Life-cycle : more than 2 years
pathogenicity test: Koche’s-postulate confirmed , using Ganoderma lucidum
Management trials: Conducted at six experimental sites in five districts viz; Surani (Jodhpur),
Raghunathpura (Nagaur), Jhareli (Nagaur), Goshala (Sikar), Churu (Churu), Sultana (Jhunjhnu).
plant pathological problems
Initially, a heavily lopped branch on
the top of the tree starts drying and
the disease rapidly progressed from
tip to downward and provides a
favorable medium to the boring
larva of shoot borer.

The affected portions clearly

showed the discoloration and
decaying of tissues. The disease
infection gradually spread over to
the main stem of the tree.
Remedial measures for preventing Khejri
Root treatment + Shoot Treatment + 2/3rd
lopping is proved to be the best remedy for
prevention of Khejri Mortality.
Removal of infected trees from the vicinity
immediately after their exploitation.
A gap of one year in Khejri lopping

Treated Khejri tree in

Farmers field at Jhareli
Root treatment: Bavistine (0.1%)+
Chloropyriphos (0.1%)+ leader or
Agromin ( 2ml/lit) @ 15 lt., aqueous
suspension per tree
Shoot treatment: Copper Carbonate +
Red Lead + linseed 1:1:2 and add
insecticide (Monocrotophos) ( @ 3
ml/Kg) just after lopping during
Shoot treatment of the tree November-December
Root treatment of a infected khejri tree of
water suspension ( 20 lit /tree)
Methodology adopted for Management trials

CAZRI treatment
Marking of trees Preparation of “thawanla”

Preparation of root suspension AFRI & ARS Root treatment

Progression after treatment
Other abiotic contributory factors of tree

Continuous depletion of water tables in western Rajasthan.

Increasing number of tube wells or over exploitation of ground


Effect of low rainfall.

Change in soil properties and agricultural practices are some of

the suspected causes that may play an important role in large-
scale drying of Khejri in western zone of Rajasthan.
Stem galls Eurytoma settitibia

Stem galls are

globose solid hard
and rough swellings
on twigs and

A mature gall
contains an average
204-223 larval

Size and wt. of

mature gall varies
from 20 to 78 mm.
dia., and 28 to 150
mg in wt.
Rachis galls Contarinia prosopidis
Fusiform, solid and
hard galls on the
rachis. Measures as
larger as three
times (6.7mm) of
the dia. of a normal
rachis ( 2.3).

On maturity a
minute circular exit
hole is formed on
the upper surface
to allow the escape
of adult insect.
Leaf galls Eriophyes prosopidis

These galls are

se, solitary,
uniocular with
greenish yellow
colour bodies on
the abaxial and
adaxial surfaces
of leaves.

Area of leaf galls

varies from 0.038
to 0.064 cm2 .
and wt. from 0.48
to 0.75 mg. They
become hard on
Inflorescence galls Eriophyes prosopidis

These galls are oval,

pyriform, lobed and
branched structures
which represent
with enormous
masses of either
single flower or on
entire inflorescence.

Size and wt., vary

from 4 to 20 mm.,
and 43.1 to 56.7
mg., respectively.
The gall bears
irregular cavities.
Parasites of gall formers
Eupelmus species and Tetrasticus spirabilis Waterest are the
chief larval endoparasites of rachis and stem gall inducers of

Both of these parasites have marked characteristics of their

potentiality as being successful natural enemies due to their :

High fecundity
Good synchronization with the host and

A high degree of host specificity.

Therefore, they are considered to be highly promising

biological controlling agents. Biology of these parasites have
been studied.

Parasite- predator- pathogen complex of

insect pests of Khejri
Nineteen species of parasites and thirteen species of predators were found
associated with the potential insect pests of P. cineraria, and P. juliflora.

Three species of entompathogenic fungi

namely, Beauveria bassiana,
Metarhyzium sp., Aspergillus parasiticus, NPV- Killed larva of babul
and one species of insect pathogenic defoliator.
virus, the nuclear polyhedrosis virus
(NPV) were recorded to infect three
species of insect pests of P. cineraria in
arid and semi arid areas.

Adults of a dipterous larval endoparasite, Carcelia

buitenzorgiensis was found to be the most effective
dispersal agents of virus-disease in localized areas
because they feed and developed on virus-diseased larvae
and remain in the larval body from the time when larvae
enter the third instar until the emergence of adult moth.
Silvicultural control of gall mite
In lopped trees (once in three years ) of
Khejri, the % of gall formation per
inflorescence was observed minimum (5.6
%) and and pod production was recorded
as high as 13.3%) whereas in unlopped
trees, the % of gall formation was
maximum (49.5%) and resultant pod
production was as minimum as 3.37 %.

The higher production of pods and

lesser formation of galls in lopped trees
was because of the minimum infestation
of gall mite , E. prosopidis.
• An IPM program must be well researched prior to
• The researcher must have extensive knowledge of the pest as
well as the plants being protected
• Successful IPM programs saves billions of rupees each year in
forestry crops
• Side effects such as environmental and health risks along with
economic costs must be prime considerations when developing
an IPM
• In one way or another, IPM programme are always better than
adopting a single way of insect pest population management.
Non-pesticides control
“The Manual of Biocontrol Agents”
Semio-chemicals 5%

Macro-organisms Natural products

34% 16%

(Copping, 2004)

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