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4/27/22, 8:12 PM Business Research Methods (BRM) Date: 27/4/2022

1. Information acquired by experience or experimentation is called as * 2/2




Scientific evidences

2. Which of the following statements is not true about exploratory 2/2

research? *

It is flexible.

It is a pre-planned and structured design.

It is versatile.

It is often the front end of total research design.

3. An advantage of open-ended questions is that: 2/2

Coding is a challenge.

Potential is high for interviewer bias.

They can also be used in topic guides.

Respondents can express themselves freely.… 2/5
4/27/22, 8:12 PM Business Research Methods (BRM) Date: 27/4/2022

4. Which of these is not a method of data collection? * 2/2





5. Which from the following is not a probability sampling technique ? 2/2

Systematic sampling

Stratified sampling

Cluster sampling

Quota Sampling

6.The data which are collected through internet is called 2/2

Internal Secondary data

External Secondary data

Documentary source

none of the above… 3/5
4/27/22, 8:12 PM Business Research Methods (BRM) Date: 27/4/2022

7. Which of these should include ‘Concise statement of the 2/2

methodology’? *

Title page

Table of contents

Executive summary


8. Adira has to make entire report in one word document. She wants to 0/2
use roman number formatting in initial pages followed by normal
numbering in rest sections of report. Which options out of this should be
used by her?

Layout and Margin

Navigation Pane

Style Format

Page Break and Section Break

Correct answer

Page Break and Section Break… 4/5
4/27/22, 8:12 PM Business Research Methods (BRM) Date: 27/4/2022

9.  A ________________ can be defined as a gap or uncertainty in the 2/2

decision makers’ existing body of knowledge which inhibits efficient
decision making.

Research hypothesis

Research problem

Both a and b

None of a and b

10. Checking the data collection forms for omissions, legibility, and 0/2
consistency in classification is referred to as



Accuracy analysis


Correct answer


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