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bald pepper

clipper plug

crown salt

drain thin

mirror tongue


Was his hair thinning at the crown?
Was it time for a haircut?
Did he still have plenty of hair on the sides and

Did he have to look in the mirror?

Did he ever let his hair grow for more than two
Was he going bald?

Did his hair look worse the longer it got?

Did he need to cut his hair every week?

Did he spread a magazine over the bathroom

Was a "tongue" of hair on the back of his head? sink?


Gap fill exercise

It was time for a haircut. Lenny ’t even have to look in the mirror. though he was going

bald, he knew he needed to cut his hair every weeks.

He had a "tongue" of hair the top of his head. His hair thinning at the crown. He still

had of hair on the sides and back. was what they call "salt and pepper," mixture

of gray hair and dark brown . It was only a few years, he , until the salt and pepper

became just .

He never let his hair grow for than two weeks. The longer it got, worse it looked, he

He spread newspaper over the bathroom sink so that hair went down the drain. He

plugged the clippers and started cutting his hair. started at the back of his

head, to the sides, and finished on the . Every minute or so, he had to the hair out

of the blades with old toothbrush.

Finished, he picked up a mirror to check out the back of head. Everything looked okay.

He carried the back out to the kitchen and shook hair clippings into the trash can.

Then he took a shower.


1 2

3 4

6 7

9 10






1. While washing the dishes, she lost her ring down the ___.
3. A stew is a delicious ___ of slowly cooked vegetables and meat or fish.
5. A king wears a jeweled ___ on his head.
8. You will almost always find ___ and pepper on a restaurant table.
10. Almost everyone owns nail ___s; some people have their own hair ___s.
11. Most knife ___s need occasional sharpening.
14. Many dentists think an electric ___ is more effective than a manual one.
15. "___, mirror, on the wall, who in the land is fairest of all?" (Snow White)

2. Will the Internet and smart phones replace ___s and magazines?
4. Brain, liver, and ___ are organ meats served at many restaurants.
6. The ___ is where all the household cooking is done (except for barbecues).
7. Black ___ and chile ___s are two popular spices.
9. An apartment should always have a window that you can open in the ___.
11. ___ eagles soar in the Alaska sky; old ___ men live in Alaska's cities.
12. A cork in the bottle is used as a ___ to seal in the flavor of wine.
13. Slim and ___ are okay; skinny and bony are not.

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