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Linguistic Society of America

The Parts of the Body in the Modern South Arabic Languages

Author(s): Wolf Leslau
Source: Language, Vol. 21, No. 4 (Oct. - Dec., 1945), pp. 230-249
Published by: Linguistic Society of America
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Accessed: 17/03/2011 06:28

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The parts of the body in Semitic' were dealt with in two important studies:
F. Dietrich, Ueber die Gliedernamen im Semitischen, in his Abhandlungen fNir
semitische Sprachforschung 101-258 (Leipzig, 1844); and H. Holma, Die Namen
der K6rperteile im Assyrisch-Babylonischen (Leipzig, 1911). Dietrich has a
large collection of the names of the parts of the body in the Semitic languages
known at the time; but his etymological explanations can be disregarded in view
of the tendency, characteristic for that epoch, to explain the meaning of the
words by two radicals of the root. Holma's book is a valuable collection, with
sound etymological explanation. It would be desirable for Akkadian scholars
to complete this collection systematically from the Akkadian texts discovered
since 1911.
I The abbreviations of the titles of the books are as follows:
Bittner, Mh. St. = Studien zur Laut- und Formenlehre der Mehri-Sprache, 1909-14.
-, Sb. St. = Studien zur Sbauri-Sprache in den Bergen von ]2ofar am Persischen Meer-
busen, 1916-17.
-, Charakteristik = Charakteristik der Sprache der Insel Soqotra, 1918.
Brockelmann, Grundriss = Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der semitischen
Sprachen, Vol. I, 1908.
-, Lex. Syr. = Lexicon Syriacum, 2nd edition, 1928.
Dietrich, Abhandlungen = Abhandlungen fiir semitische Sprachforschung, 1844.
Dillmann, Lex. = Lexicon linguae Aethiopicae, 1865.
Fraenkel, Beitrage = Beitrdge zur ErklArungder mehrlautigen Bildungen im Arabischen,
Goitein, Jemenica = Jemenica, Sprichw6rter und Redensarten aus Zentral-Jemen, 1934.
Holma, K6rperteile = Die Namen der K6rperteile im Assyrisch-Babylonischen, 1911.
Jahn, Mehri-Sprache -= Die Mehri-Sprache in Siidarabien, Siidarabische Expedition, Vol.
III, 1902.
Landberg, Glos. Dat. = Glossaire Datinois, 1920-23.
I. IAadramout,
--, Ijadramout = Etudes sur les dialectes de l'Arabie m6ridionale, Vol.
Leslau, Lex. Soq. = Lexique Soqotri (Sudarabique moderne), 1938.
Nbldeke, NBsS = Neue Beitrage zur semitischen Sprachwissenschaft, 1910.
Reinhardt, Oman = Der arabische Dialekt gesprochen in Oman und Zanzibar, 1894.
Stace, Vocabulary = An English-Arabic vocabulary, 1893.
Thomas, Four tongues = Four strange tongues from South Arabia. The Hadara group,
The names of the languages are abbreviated as follows:
Akk. = Akkadian, Amh. = Amharic, Ar. = Arabic, Aram. = Aramaic, Bot. = Botahari,
Dat. = Datina, G. = Geez, Hars. = Harsusi, Hebr. = Hebrew, = Mh. =
HIIadr. Iladramout,
Mehri, NHebr. = No-Hebrew, Om. = Omani, Sb. - SBauri, Soq. = Soqotri, South-Ar. =
Epigraphic South Arabic, Syr. = Syriac, Te. = Tigr6, Tfia. = Tigrifia, Ugar. = Ugaritic,
Yem. = Yemenite.
I wish to express my thanks to Leo A. Oppenheimfor his help in the interpretation of the
Akkadian words.

The biliteral nouns of the parts of the body in the Semitic languages (Akka-
dian excluded) were discussed by Th. Naldeke, Zweiradicalige Substantiva, in
his Neue Beitraige zur semitischen Sprachwissenschaft 109-78 (Strassburg,
The metamorphic use of the names of the parts of the body in Hebrew and
Akkadian is the subject of a series of articles by P. Dhorme, L'emploi m6ta-
morphique des noms des parties du corps en h6breu et accadien, in Revue Bib-
lique for 1920-23.
For the use of parts of the body as prepositions, see Brockelmann, Grundriss
II. 421-4.
The study presented here is meant to be a contribution to a comparative study
of the Semitic vocabulary. It shows that the modern South Arabic languages
have many words for parts of the body which are not found in any other Semitic
language, and that these languages occupy an independent position in the
Semitic languages.
The following languages belong to the modern South Arabic group: (a) Mehri,
and its dialects: Botahari and Harsusi; (b) Siauri, and its dialect of Curia Muria;
(c) Soqotri. The sources of the modern South Arabic words are the following:
For MEHRI:A. Jahn, Die Mehri-Sprache in Sildarabien, Wien, 1902; M. Bitt-
ner, Studien zur Laut- und Formenlehre der Mehri-Sprache in SUidarabien,
Wien, 1909-14; B. Thomas, Four strange tongues from South Arabia: the
Hadara group, in Proceedings of the British Academy 23.239-331 (1937).
For BOTAHARI, HARSUSI: B. Thomas, Four strange tongues.
For SHAURI: M. Bittner, Studien zur Shiauri-Sprache in den Bergen von
I)ofar, Wien, 1916; B. Thomas, Four strange tongues.
For CURIAMURIA: J. G. Hulton, Notice of the Curia Muria island, Transac-
tions of the Bombay Geographical Society 8.183-97 (1840).
For SOQOTRI: W. Leslau, Lexique soqotri (Sudarabique moderne), Paris, 1938.
In order to clarify the comparison between the modern South Arabic languages
and the other Semitic languages, we give a table of phonetic correspondences
between modern South Arabic, Arabic, Hebrew, and Aramaic:

b b b b b b b b
d d d d d d
d d d d d z
f f f f f f f f

9'4(?) j
2According to Thomas's documents, hbauri has also g and g.



hs h h h h h h h
h4 h h h
.h h . h

k k k k k kI k
1 1 1 1 1 1 I 1
m m m m m m m m
n n n n n n n n
q q q q q q q q
r r r r r r r r

a A A A A s A A

t t t t t t
t t t
t.t t
.t t t t
t- I 3 t
w w w w w w W W
y y y y y y Y Y
z z z z z z z z

The modern South Arabic words are arranged as follows:
1. Words common to all the Semitic languages
2. Words found in South Arabic and in South Semitic (Arabic, Ethiopic)
2.1. South Arabic - Arabic
2.2. South Arabic - Ethiopic
3. Words common to South Arabic and North Semitic
4. Words found in South Arabic, Akkadian, and Ethiopic
5. Words found in South Arabic only
5.1. Words that have a Semitic etymology
5.2. Words without Semitic etymology
3 For h of some of the modern South Arabic languages corresponding to I (s) of the other
Semitic languages, see W. Leslau, Le rapport entre 9 et h en s6mitique, in Annuaire de 1'In-
stitut d'histoire et de philologie orientale et slave, 7.265-73(1944).
and Harsusi,
4For the initial h in some primitive nouns, especially in Mehri, Botahari,
see A. Ember, Mehri parallels to Egyptian stems with prefixed h, Zeitschrift fiir fgyptische
Sprache 51.138 (1914); W. Vycichl, Mber ein ha-Prefix im Arabischen, WZKM 43.10 (1936);
W. Leslau, 'ber das ha-Prefix im Arabischen, ib. 44.219-20 (1937); W. Vycichl, Wieder
fiber das ha-Prefix im Arabischen, ib. 46.141-2 (1939).
6 For in the modern South Arabic languages, see W. Leslau, Der 5-Laut in den modernen
siidarabischen Sprachen, WZKM 44.211-18 (1937).

The alphabetic order adopted is the following:

'bddd g hh, klmnqrs ~ t tt wyz

1. Words Common to All the Semitic Languages

In this section appear words which are found either in all the Semitic languages
or in one or more languages of the South Semitic as well as of the North Ethiopic
group. Dialectal expressions are rarely mentioned.
'b: Sl. 'ub 'heart'; see lbb.
'd: Sb. 'ed ('id) 'hand', Curia yed, Soq. 'ed, Mh. heyd, Hars. hait; Semitic. See
for this root N6ldeke, NBsS 113 ff.
'dn: Soq. 'idihen 'ear'; see 'dn.
'dn: Sb., Curia 'iden 'ear', Mh. hayden, Hars. hayidi, Soq. 'idehen; Ar. 'udn,
Hebr. 'ozen, Aram. 'udnd, G. 'azn, South- Ar. 'dn, Akk. uznu, Ugar. udn.
'd44:Mh. 'adayd 'bone, fin (of a fish)', Hars. 'adaid; see 'dd.
'r('): Sb. 'eri, 'irot 'lung', Hars. 'arit; see r'.
'rk: Sb. 'erk 'hip', 'erket 'pudenda'; see wrk.
'rq: Mh. 'arq 'vein'; Ar. 'iraq 'vein', Syr. 'eraqtd'band, stripe'.
'rqb ('rqb): Hars. 'arqaib 'ankle'; Ar. 'urqfib 'tendon, sinew'; for the Arabic
dialects in South Arabia, see Landberg, Glos. Dat. 1342; NHebr. 'arqiib
'hough', Syr. 'arqiba is considered by Fraenkel, Beitriige 18, as a loan-word
from Arabic; the r is probably a lengthening radical from 'qb 'heel' (see
Fraenkel op.cit. 17-8 followed by Brockelmann Lex. Syr. 551).
'1m.Mh. 'atamit 'back': Ar. 'udm 'bone of the tail of the horse or of the camel',
related with Ar. 'acm 'bone' (as opposed to Bittner, Mh.St. 1.61), Hebr.
'egem,Syr. 'almd, G. 'aqm,Akk. efmu, esemtu, Ugar. 'zm.
'yn: Mh. 'ayn 'eye', Hars. 'aine, Bot. 'ain; see 'yn.
'dd: Sib. 'adud 'bones', Mh. 'adayd, Hars. 'adaid; Ar. 'ata 'bone of the leg', Hebr.
'dVe(h)'vertebra of the tail', related with Ar. 'at'af 'bone of the tail'. This
root might be connected with the Sem. 'Im ('?m) 'bone', the m of which can
be compared with the m of Ar. fam 'mouth' from fu (N5ldeke, NBsS 174,
Brockelmann, Grundriss, 472) and of Hebr. 'olam 'world' if we accept the
comparison with Akk. ulla-ni proposed by Jensen ZA 7.13 n.3.
'rb: Soq. 'arib 'neck'; Ar. garib 'neck', related with the root 'rf: Ar. 'urf 'mane',
Hebr. 'orep 'mane, back', Jud.-Aram. 'arpd, Akk. armib/pu.
'yn. Sh. 'ayn, 'eye', Curia, Soq. 'ayn, Mh. Bot. 'ayn, Hars. 'aine; Ar. 'ayn,
Hebr. 'ayin, Syr. 'aynd, Akk. enu, Inu, Ugar. 'n(m)-.
brk: Mh. bark 'knee', Soq. berk, Hars. barik, but Sb. (e)rkebet;Akk. birku, Ugar.
brkc,Hebr. berelc,G. bark,but Ar. rukba, Aram. 'arkzba (see Landberg, Glos.
Dat. 1383-4, and M. Cohen, Genou, famille, force dans le domaine chamito-
s6mitique, in M6morial Henri Basset 204).
dm': Sib.dim'et 'tear', Soq. 'edmi'a, Mh. dem6t; Ar. dam'a, Hebr. dim'&, Syr.
dem'ata, Akk. d~mtu, Ugar. dm't. For this root and the Egyptian rmy,
see Holma ZA 32.39 (1918-19), and M. Cohen, Itudes d'6thiopien m6ri-
dional 383.

dnb: Soq. dinob 'tail'; see dnb.

dqn: Soq. diqehon 'beard'; Ar. daqan, Hebr. zdqdn, Aram. diqnd, Akk. ziqnu,
Ugar. dqn; for epigraphic South Arabic, see Rhodokanakis, Studien zur
altsildarabischen Epigraphik 1.69.
dnb: Mh. den6b 'tail', Sb. denub, Soq. dinob; Ar. danab, Hebr. zdnab, Syr. dilneba,
Akk. zimbatu, zibbatu, G. zanab.
dr': Bh.dira' 'fore-arm'; Ar. dird', Hebr. zero'a,Syr. dera'd,G. mazrd't,Kanaanite
gloss in the Amarna letters zu-ru-u6.
dl': Mh. dala' 'rib'; see the following word.
dl': St. dela' 'rib', Mh. 4dala',Soq. dal (the final became voiceless in Soqotri,
see Leslau, Lex. Soq. 19); Ar. dil' (dali'a 'curvatus est'), Hebr. feld', Aram.
'eld, Syr. 'el'd, Akk. felu.
d4h:Soq. dalh 'rib'; see the preceding word.
dnh: Soq. danah 'lap', also zanh; represents a metathesis of Semitic: Ar. hidn,
Hebr. hofen, Syr. han(n)d, G.
f': Soq. fio 'forehead'; Hebr. p'ad(h) 'edge, rim', Aram. Syr. pa'ta 'face', Ugar.
p't, Akk. p4ftu'forehead, temple', Amh. fit 'face'; for Ar. fi'a, see N61deke,
NBsS 152. For the relation between 'face' and 'forehead', see Dietrich,
Abhandlungen 137.
fhtl: Mh. Hars. Sb. Soq. fahl 'penis'; Ar. fahl 'male', Akk. pagallu 'testicles',
Ugar. phl 'stallion', Syr. pahalta 'testicles', G. fahala 'lascivum, petulantem
f d: Mh. fabed 'thigh', Soq. fahid, Sb. fubud, fakaid (Thomas), Hars. (i)fkad;
Ar. fa4id, Hebr. pahad, Syr. puhda.
fkd: See the preceding root.
fny: Soq. fdne 'face', Mh. fenne (Thomas), Sb. fenne; Hebr. pdnim, Akk. pdnu,
pdndti, Ugar. pn-m, Syr. pgnita 'direction', Ar. find' 'yard in front of the
fqrr: Soq. fJiqeriroh'neck, nape of the neck'; Ar. fuqra 'vertebra', Syr. pdraqetd
'neck', Fellihi paqarta (Brockelmann, Grundriss 1.277), Hebr. mapreqet,
Aram. periqdtj.
gd: Sh. god 'skin', Curia gud, Soq. gad; see 'ld.
gh: Soq. gehe 'chest' (also kho), Sh. (e)gehe; Ar. #aww 'interior', Hebr. gewiya
'corpse', Aram. gewiya 'intestine', Syr. gawwa, South-Ar. gw; in Ugar. g
means 'voice'; for ge in Amharic and other Ethiopic languages, see M.
Cohen in Comptes rendus du Groupe linguistique d'6tudes chamito-s6-
mitiques 1.33(1933). For the relation between these meanings and 'to
enter, valley', see N61ldekeZA 12.3, 30.167, and Haupt AJSL 26.1.
gmgm: Soq. gemgemoh 'head', Sb. gimguiit; Ar. #um#uma, #ala#a and #alfala
'skull' (Rifiika, Konsonantische Dissimilation in den semitischen Sprachen
40), Hebr. gulgolet, Aram. gogalta, Akk. gulgullu.
gnz: Mh. gindzit 'corpse', Hars. ginizat, Soq. genazeh 'funeral'; see #nz.
grmin:b. gurmo 'nape of the neck', Mh. gurma; probably to be connected with
Ar. firm 'body', Syr. garmi 'bone', Hebr. gerem, South-Ar. grb 'person'.
g~: Hars. (i)geog 'forehead'; see
gtf: Sb. gutuf 'feather', Mh. gutafif; see ktf.
gz~: Mh. guzat 'forehead' (Thomas), to be read guzat, see

#ld: Mh. deld 'skin' (also got), Soq. gad, Sb. god, Curia gud (for the weakening of
1, see Leslau, Lex. Soq. 38); Ai. ild, Hebr. geled, Syr. geldd, Akk. gildu,
giladu; Dillmann, Lex. 1491 compares also G. galada 'obducere'.
#nz: Sb. 4in6zit 'corpse', Mh. #in6zet 'corpse, body' (also gin6zit), Hars. ginizat,
Soq. genazeh 'funeral'; Ar. gandza 'corpse' is considered by N6ldeke, NBsS
58, as a loan-word from Ethiopic gnz 'to hide'; Aram. genaz 'to hide'.
hbn: Mh. hdbin 'thumb'; represents a metathesis of Semitic: Ar. 'ibhdm, Arabic
of Spain ibhen (Brockelmann, Grundriss 1.233), Hebr. bohen, Akk. ubdnu.
hdn: Mh. hayden 'ear', Hars. hayidi; see 'dn.
hUb('):Mh. haseba 'finger' (Thomas), Hars. halaba; see fb'.
hkw: Mh. hakou 'waist'; Ar. haqw, G. haqwe 'loins', Tigr6 haqo 'after' (derived
from the meaning 'the hind part of the body'). For the relation between
this root and the Hebr. hq 'lap', see Barth, Etymologische Studien 61,
Vollers ZA 17.308, Landberg, Glos. Dat. 465.
hlbb: Hars. halbib 'heart'; see lbb.
hr: Mh. herg 'head', Hars. hUir;see r' .
Mh. howbib'heart' (Thomas), from halbib (al > ow); see lbb.
hyd, 4yt: Mh. heyd 'hand', Hars. hait; see 'd.
6r: Hars. horit 'nape of the neck'; see qr.
kff: Mh. keff 'back of the hand'; Ar. kaff, Hebr. kap, Syr. kappa, Akk. kappu,
Ugar. kp 'palm of the hand', from the Sem. root kff 'to bend'.
khI:Soq. kho 'chest'; see gh.
kl'/y: Mh. kelit 'kidneys', Sb. kulyet, kili 'lungs' (Thomas), Soq. keloih
tine', Hars. kilaiyitin 'lungs'; Ar. kulya 'kidneys', Hebr. kilya, Syr. 'intes-.
G. kwIlit,Akk. kalhtuand kalf (?).
kr: Mh. kar-t 'throat', Sh. (i)kayart; see qr.
krAn:Mh. kursn 'thigh', karzeyn 'kneecap', Sh. kir.enot 'leg'; Akk. qursinnu
'leg, anklebone' (Bittner Mh.St. IV.54), Hebr. qarsol, Aram. qarsil&,
qaryzild,Syr. qursela, Punic qfrt (Praetorius, ZDMG 60.165); the root is
compared by Brockelmann Grundriss 1.395 with Ar. kursi'; see also
Holma, K6rperteile 148 n.1.
krzn: Mh. karzeyn 'kneecap'; see the preceding root.
ktf: Mh. kataf 'wing', Hars. kitif 'shoulder', Sb. gutuf, qetuf 'feather', Mh. also
quttuf, gutafif (Thomas); Ar. katif 'shoulder', Hebr. ktep, Syr. katpa, Ugar.
ktp, Akk. katappdtu 'shoulder', G. matkaft. For the relation between the
meanings 'shoulder, back, wing', cp. Tigr6 donabar'wing', Ar. dubr 'back',
Soq. kozi 'wing, shoulder'.
lbb:Soq. 'ilbib 'heart' with prothetic ', Sh. 'ub (for the weakening of 1, see Bittner,
Sh.St. 1.16), Mh. halbib, howbib (al > ow), Hars. halbib; Ar. lubb, Hebr.
leb, Syr. libbd, Akk. libbu, Ugar. ib, G. lab, South-Ar. lbb.
lhy: Mh. leheyft 'chin, beard', Si. (e)lhyet, Soq. lahyet 'beard'; Ar. luha" 'cheek',
lihya 'beard', Hebr. lh;i 'jaw', Ugar. lh-m; for Akk. la 4, l'u, ltu, see
Brockelmann, Grundriss 1.128, and Holma, Karperteile 31.--Soq. ma-lahi
'cheek', Mh. ma-lhau 'molar teeth', literally 'relating to the cheek'.
l/n: Soq. lenin 'tongue', Mh. liiin, Sl. lisan, Hars. labin, Bot. lilin; Ar. lisan,
Hebr. l/lon, Aram. liFana, G. ldsan, Akk. liidnu; for the etymology, see
Haupt BA 1.324, and Bittner WZKM 23.144.

m'y: Mh. ma'win 'bowel', Soq. mi'ho 'intestine'; Ar. mi'a", Hebr. me'tm, Syr.
me'dyd, G. 'amd'ut, Akk. amitu 'liver'; for the etymology of Akk. amitu,
see Albright RA 16.176.
mrr: Soq. merr 'belly'; Ar. mirra 'gall', Hebr. mergrd,Syr. meretd,Akk. martu;
for the relation of the meanings, cp. Akk. kabittu 'liver, belly'.
mtn: Soq. moten 'hip'; Ar. matn 'partie du dos de chaque c6t6 de l'6pine dorsale'
(Kazimirski), Hebr. motnayim 'loins', Syr. matnatd, G. matn; for Akk.
matn, see Holma, Koirperteile 6, n. 3.
nhrr: Soq. nahrir 'nose'; see njrr.
Soq. monhee 'hip'; Ar. hagr, Hebr. heley, Syr. hac(f)d, Aram. hard, Akk.
nh.: hinrd. For the different roots, see Brockelmann, Grundriss I 126, 177, 246.
njjrr: Mh. na rtr 'nose', Sb. nahrir, Curia nuhurir, Soq. nahrir, Hars. (i)nharir,
Bot. nu arir; Omani nohra 'nose', Yemenite nuhra, Ar. minhar 'nostril,
nose', Hebr. nehirayim 'nostril', Syr. nehird, Akk. naytru.
qb(t): Mh. qabit 'stomach'; Ar. qiba and qibba, Hebr. qebd(h),Te. qdbat'stomach,
midst'; for this root in the Semitic languages, see N6ldeke, NBsS 155. The
root is related with Ar. qabqab 'stomach', Nhebr. qurqebidn;for Akk.q2-
qubdnu, see Holma, Kdrperteile 146.
qn (qrn): Soq. qan 'horn', Mh. q6n, Hars. qon, Se. qun; Ar. qarn, Hebr. qeren,
Syr. qarnd, G. qarn, Akk. qarnu and qannu, Ugar. qrn(m).
qr: Soq. Mh. qar 'neck', Mh. also kart 'throat', Hars. (a)qarit and borit 'nape of
the neck', lSb. (i)kayart; Ar. #irdn, Heb. gdron, G. gwar'e,Ainh. gwararo,
Akk. girru, ganguritu, from the root gr (see also Holma, K6rperteile 42,
Brockelmann ZDMG 67.107).
q?: Mh. qe~dt 'forehead', Mh. also guzat (Thomas) to be read guzat, Sb. qeqet,
Hars. (i)geo?and (to be read guWut);Ar. quWga 'front, foretop', Hebr.
'tuft', Syr. qauetd.
qtf: Mh. quttuf 'feather', tSh.qetuf; see ktf.
r': Sh. (e)ri, (i)rot 'lung', Hars. (a)rit; Ar. ri'a, Nhebr. r&'d,Syr. ra'ta, Ugar. irt
'breast'. For this root in Semitic, see N*ldeke, NBsS 151; for Akk. ru'tu,
irtu, see Holma, Kdrperteile 43 n.1, 44.
r': Soq. re, rey 'head'; see the next root.
Sb. ret, Curia (e)re?, Soq. re, rey, Mh. herg, Hars. hirt, Bot. (e)rt 'head';
r'": Ar. ra's, Hebr. ro'%,Syr.
ro'da,G. ra's, Akk. r&Su,Ugar. ril.
rkb: Sb. (e)rkebet'knee'; see brk.
rwh: Soq. rihoh 'hand', Mh. rihot 'palm of the hand'; Ar. rdha 'palm of the hand'
G. 'arbh, Akk. rittu, Ugar. rht-m, Hebr. rahat 'shovel'; for Syr. lah'td, see
Brockelmann, Grundriss 1.230.
?b': Sh. ?ba', (i)?ba' 'finger', Soq. (i)?bah, ?obeh, Mh. hadeba,Hars. hadaba;Ar.
'i4ba', Hebr. 'e&ba',Syr. geb'&,Ugar. ugb't,G. 'awba't. For the non-existence
of this root in Akkadian, see Holma, Kdrperteile 126 n.5.
Abd:Mh. gebedit'liver', Soq. .ibdeh, Hars. Jebdit;Ar. kabid, Hebr. kabed,
Sh. gibdit,
Syr. kabdJ, G. kabd, Akk. kabittu, Ugar. kbd; the k is prepalatalized into
g in the modern South Arabic languages.
Inn: Ar. sinn, Hebr. gn, Syr. Jenna, G. san, Akk. ?innu.
Sh. gun(n) 'tooth';
sr': Mh. gira' 'navel', Soq. girah, girah; Ar. surr, Hebr. Sor, Syr. ger(r)a; from the
root Srr 'to be strong'.

gr'-n: Soq. ?er'ehan 'foot', Mh. Arayn;probably to be compared with Ar. kura'
'the thin part of the leg, leg', Yemenite kir'an (see Leslau, MSL 23.408,
WZKM 44.212), Hebr. kerd'ayim, Syr. kera'd, G. kwarnd''arm', Akk. kuritu.
The Semitic k is prepalatalized into S in the modern South Arabic languages.
?rh (grh): Soq. irah 'navel', represents the root r', r' with devoicing of the
final '; see sr'.
?rs: Soq. Jeres 'stomach'; Ar. karl, Hebr. kered, Aram. karsa, G. karl, Akk.
karvu;the Sem. k is prepalatalized into ? in Soqotri (Leslau, Lex. Soq. 24).
?(t): Mh. Oit 'penis', Sh. Xit 'posterior'; Yem. 'ist 'pudenda', Ar. 'ist 'posterior',
Hebr. Syr. ?et (with Bittner, Sb.St. 1.18 n., as opposed to Landberg,
.et, 454). For Akk. ildu 'leg (with the posterior)', see Holma, Kdr-
Glos. Dat.
perteile 128; for the biliteral root in the Semitic languages, see N6ldeke,
NBsS 143. See also Gesenius-Buhl, Hebraisches und aram~iischesHand-
worterbuch 866.
F'r:Soq. Sa'ihor 'hair'; Ar. Ja'r, Hebr. A'&r,Syr. sa'rd, G. Ja'artand gagwar(Brock-
elmann, Grundriss 1.169), Akk. ?drtu.
Ab:Soq. 'ebeh 'lip', Hars. 'aibit; Ar. ?afa, Hebr. a~'p(h), Syr. septa, Akk. gaptu,
Ugar. ?pt; for this root in Sem., see Nl1deke, NBsS 127; see also Afr.
bry-n: Mh. Arayn'leg'; see sr'-n.
td: Soq. todi 'breast'; see td.
0d: Sih. tidi 'breast', Mh. t6di, Soq. todi; Ar. tad, tady, Hebr. ?ad, Aram. tadya,
Ugar. Adand td; for this root, see Ndldeke, NBsS 121.
tlhm: Mh. talhaym 'milt'; see tlhm.
(fr: Mh. tayftr 'nail, claw', Soq. tifer; see kfr.
tlhm: Sb. talhim 'milt', Mh. tahaym; A. Aram. Syr. tehdld,Nhebr. tehol;
for the suffix -m in the Semitic languages,
tih.l, see Brockelmann, Grundriss
1.396, Frinkel, Beitrige 39-47.
Jfr: SI. ?efer 'nail', Soq. tifer, Mh. tayf~r; Ar. Jufr, Syr. (eprd, Hebr. gipporen, G.
Akk. ?upru.,
Mh. wirkit 'hip', Sb. 'erk 'hip', 'erket 'pudenda', Curia 'airkot 'foot'; Ar.
warik 'hip, posterior', Hebr. yare~k 'hip', Aram. yarka, Akk. arkatu, Ugar.
yrkt(?) 'sides, extremities'.
znh: Soq. zanh 'lap'; see dnh.
yd: Curia yed 'hand'; see 'd.

2. Words Common to South Arabic and South Semitic

(Arabic and Ethiopic)
'dn: SB. 'eden 'body'; see bdn.
'tb: Sh. 'etob, 'eitebeta 'dug', Soq. 'atab; see w(b.
bdn: Mh. bed~n'body', Si. 'eden (for the weakening of the b, see Bittner, Sb.St.
I.11); Ar. badan, G. badn 'corpse'.
drh: Mh. mdarah 'tooth'; Bittner, Mh.St. I ?21 n.1 compares it with Ar. dirs
'tooth', G. dirs.
hlqm: Si. halqoitt 'throat'; Ar. halqum and halq, Yem. halg, Dat. halqum, G.
halq; the root might be hlq or lqm with an agglutinated h (see under hngr);
for this root, see also Landberg, Glos. Dat. 457-7.

wtb: Mh. w6tob, y6tob 'breast', Soq. 'atab, Sb. 'entebeta;Ar. wafb and tiby, G.
(ab, Amh. tut; see also N61deke, NBsS 146.
ytb: Mh. y6tob 'breast'; see w(b.

2.1. Words in South Arabic and Arabic

''dd:Mh. 'adadit 'arm'; see 'dd.
'gh: Sh. 'egh 'face'; see wsh.
'1rz: Mh. 'afrtz 'testicles'; see 'grz.
'dd: Si. 'adedit 'arm', Mh. 'acdadit;Ar. 'adcd,'adid; for the relation between this
root and Ar. 'idcdd'door-post', see Holma, K6rperteile 116 n.2.
tgrz: Sb. 'agriz 'testicles', Mh. 'afrxz; to be compared perhaps with Ar. 'a#z,
'u4z 'posterior'. For the quadriliteral root lengthened by r, see Fraenkel,
Beitrage 16 ff, Staude, "tber den Ursprung der mehrlautigen Thatw6rter
der Ge'ez-Sprache 21 ff.
'ngr: Soq. 'angher and 'angher 'posterior', Sb. 'eiqerert; Yem. (Stace, An
16 under 'backside'). naqa,
English-Arabic vocabulary
brk: Soq. berak 'chest'; Ar. bark 'chest (of a man and of an animal)', probably
from brk 'to kneel down', and means 'the part of the body which touches
the earth when the animal kneels down'; Mh. birek 'in' is to be derived from
bark 'chest' rather than to be considered as a metathesis of Akk. qirbu 'in-
terior' as in Bittner, Mh. St. IV. 10.
dr: Soq. dur 'blood'; see dr.
d'': Mh. di'4et 'body'; ])of. #i??(y)a, to be compared with Soq. gitteh 'corpse',
Sh. giUt 'rib', Ar. gutta 'body'. The Mh. dibbetrepresents the dissimila-
tion # > dg (see Brockelmann, Grundriss 1.235).
dr: St. dor 'blood', Curia dor, Mh. dore, Hars. dora, dureh, Soq. dur; Ar. darra 'to
flow', dirra 'blood', perhaps also Akk. dardru 'laufen, sich verlaufen (vom
Wasser),' see B. Meissner, Beitrige zum assyrischen WOrterbuch1.42. It
is to be noted that the modern South Arabic languages have d instead of the
Arabic d.
far: Mh. fubrait 'nostril'; see fnhr.
fn r: Sb. finbarot 'nose', Hars. fan irut 'nostril', Mh. fanartit, fuzarait and tunai-
hur; ?Dof.fenhor coming from man or, m > f before n (Brockelmann, Grund-
riss 1.661 as opposed to Brockelmann op.cit. 481). A metathesis of this
root is found in Algiers hanfar 'nostril'; for Dat taoanfara 'to be proud',
see Landberg, Glos. Dat. 656. See also n rr.
fqm: faqam 'mouth'; Ar. fuqum.
frgh: Soq. fargahan 'posterior'; the word is lengthened by r: Om. foqha 'posterior'
(Reinhardt, Oman 34 n.1).
gnh: Sb. ginah 'wing'; Ar. #indh.
gtt: Soq. gitteh 'body'; see dBi.
gbh: Hars. ~ibha 'forehead'; Ar. Jubha, to be compared with Hebr. gabah 'to
be high', Akk. gab4 'high(?)'; Dietrich, Abhandlungen 137, compares Hebr.
gabbahat 'baldness of the front'.
hauleten 'incisors', literally 'the first pearls' (Juwbher =
•whr: Mh. Juwdher
Ar. 'pearl', hauleten = Ar. 'awwaliyy 'first').

gbt: Mh. Oabt'arm-pit'; Ar. 'ib, 1Hadr.'ub(, 'ubt and gubt (Landberg, I;Iadra-
mout 519), Om. bat; Te. habdtis borrowed from Arabic.
0lf: Mh. Ogallaft'prepuce'; Ar. #ulfa, related with qlf: Ar. qulfa 'prepuce', Nhebr.
qelep 'peel', Syr. qelaptd, Akk. qilpu (Holma, Kbrperteile 146). For the
relation between glf and qlf, see also Landberg, H.adramout485-6.
hngr: Mh. hungarit 'throat', Sb. hungar6t; Ar. hangara 'larynx', Om. hungra;
might be explained by h (h) agglutinated to the root ngr (ngr) 'to speak'
(Akkadian, Ethiopic). For the agglutinated h see above under hlqm, ?2.
hn~r: Sh. hungar6t 'throat'; see hngr.
4dq: Mh. hadaq6t da ayn 'pupil'; Ar. hiadaqa'pupil', also hadlaqa and hadqal;
for d in Arabic, d in Mehri, see above under dr.
4hf: Mh. ha.fet 'glans of the penis'; Ar. hadfa.
,ff: Sh. haff 'sole of the foot', Mh. 4uf, Sb. buf is also translated by 'foot' in
Thomas, Hars. buf; Ar. huff 'sole of the foot'.
kfr: Mh. me-kafir6t 'penis'; Ar. 'al-kafirdni 'les aines aux environs des parties
naturelles' (Kazimirski).
kmb'/': Mh. kmba' 'heel', Hars. kimbai, Slh. kimbe';Ar. ka'b 'heel' (Jahn, Mehri-
Sprache 201). The words of the Souh Arabic languages are lengthened
by the labial m in a root containing b.
kr'l: Soq. k1r'el 'testicle'; Yem. ku'aldh (Goitein, Jemenica 54, Stace, Vocabulary
171), ka'al, Dat. ka'al (Landberg, Glos. Dat. 1447), Ar. ka'la 'tail'
Suppl6ment aux dictionnaires arabes 474).
nb:s: Mh. nab~g4'tip of the nose'; Ar. na6bal 'nostril' (Dozy, op. cit. 11.649.)
nqr: Si. 'efiqerert(from menqerer?)'posterior'; see 'ngr.
qdm: Mh. qademdt'leg'; Ar. qadam 'foot', Yem. Om. qadam, from the Sem. root
qdm 'to advance'.
qgb:Mh. qalb 'heart', Si. qalab; Ar. qalb; Holma, Korperteile 61 compares it
with Akk. qablu 'midst'.
rb': Soq. mrebe'oh'molar tooth'; Ar. raba'iyya 'front tooth', from the root rb'
rqb: Mh. raqab&t'neck'; Om. raqbe,Yem. ragabah,Ar. raqab.
4l': Mh. falayt 'skull'; Bittner, Mh.St. 1.61 compares it with Ar. ful'a 'the bald
part of the head'.
Af: Soq. 4feh 'hair', Mh. 9fit, Sh. Afet, (e).fet, Curia buf, Hars. Aif, Bot. Aafait;
Ar. a'f 'hair'.
4fr: Mh. A6fer da ayn 'lash', Sb. (e)4ferir; Ar. .afr, perhaps also Amh. afal;
N6ldeke, NBsS 129, considers it as related to Ab(op) 'lip'; Ar. also ganfara
'one who has big lips'.
Afrr:Sb. (e)Aferir'lash'; see 4fr.
Agrr: Mh. ?agayrer 'little finger'; Ar. sudayyir (Jahn, Mehri-Sprache 240),

.hd: .Hadr. 'a..dgir.

Mh. Adhod 'fore-finger'; Ar. ahhid(see Goldzieher, Abhandlungen zur ara-
bischen Philologie I. 56 n.1).
.hm: bh.hamet 'lobe of the ear'; Ar. 9ahmatu-l-'udni 'lobe of the ear', from
'piece of grease'; for Akk. Emu 'grease', see Albright RA 16.192.
serget 'temple', Mh. girzayt, Ar. Jire.

?rz: Mh. .irzayt 'temple'; see Arf.

tny: Soq. mitnioh 'tooth', Hars. (i)mtainen; amihaina of Thomas, Four tongues,
97 is probably a misprint for amithaina = amitaina; Om. tene 'to get teeth',
Ar. taniyya 'front teeth', from tny 'two'.
ntnbr:Mh. tunai ur 'nostril', represents funailur (see fn r) with interchange-
ability of t and f; for this phenomenon in South Arabic and in the other
Semitic languages, see Landberg, 1fadlramout 538, Glos. Dat. 244, Brockel-
mann, Grundriss 1.232.
Ar. taiina, from the Sem. root hin 'to grind,
fhn: SB. me-thant 'molar tooth';
wgh: Hars. wugih, (a)wegga 'face'; see w#h.
w#h: Mh. wageh 'face', Sb. 'egh, Hars. wugih, (a)wegga; Ar. wagh. For a possible
relation between wfh and ngh (Hebr. G. Soq.), see N6ldeke NBsS 196.
znd: Mh. zend 'forearm'; Ar. zand.

2.2. Words in South Arabic and Ethiopic

'mb: Soq. "amb'lung'; G. sanbu', Te. Tfia. samba',Amh. sdmbafrom nb' 'to blow'
(Dillmann, Lex. 370); for this root in the Cushitic languages, see Reinisch,
WOrterbuch der Bilin-Sprache, 306.
brbr:Soq. berberoh'thigh' (see also 'erbeboh);Guragu6 ba*rra'thigh', Om. barbur
'penis' (Reinhardt, Oman, 55), Dat. H.tadr. barbur. It is difficult to know in
what genetic relation the words of the South Arabic dialects of South Arabia
are to the word of Soqotri. For the relation between 'knee' and 'penis',
and M. Cohen, Genou, famille, force
cp. Akk. birku (Holma, Kobrperteile95,
dans le domaine chamito-stmitique, in M6morial Henri Basset 204).
gyO:Sb. 'eigfet 'calf (of the leg)', perhaps for 'en'gfet('en- represents the prefix
me-), and to be compared with G. 'tibia'. Holma, K?rperteile 137
compares G. qway?with Akk. qimgu 'tibia, leg', but Leslau, JAOS 64.57
(1944) derives qim.vufrom the verb qam4du,kamd4u 'to bend the knee' and
compares it with Ethiopic qmt 'to sit down'.
6rff: Mh. Sb. barfif 'face'; see krff.
krff: Mh. kanfif 'lip', 9B. kurf6f and qifrir 'face', Mh. Sb. also 4arfif 'face'; prob-
ably to be compared with G. Iknfar 'lip' (also Jahn, Mehri-Sprache 201.)
qfrr: Sb. qifrir 'lip'; see krff.
qntr: Soq. qanther 'vulva'; Tfia. qantdr, Te. qdntirdt, Amh. qintar, Har. kintir,
Guragu4 qgntar;is also Cushitic, see M. Cohen, in M6langes E. Boisacq

3. Words Common to South Arabic and North Semitic

f'm: Bot. fa'am 'leg'; see f'm.
f'm: 8b., Curia fa'am 'leg', Bot. fa'am, Hars. Mh. fdm; Hebr. pa'am 'pace, foot',
Punic p'm, Ugar. p'n; for Akk. pdmu, see Albright in RA 16.188.
Sb. gi~iit 'rib'; giAu 'hip, side', Aram. gissa; for the last two languages,
gh": see Albright in RA 16.180; see also here under dbband gtt.
gyd: Sl. fiyod 'nerve', Soq. kid; Hebr. gid, Syr. geyada, Akk. gtdu.

hff: Soq. 4afen 'lap' from hff with the ending -en; Akk. ipu 'lap', from hff 'to
surround' (Ar. haffa, Hebr. h pap) rather than from Ar. 'afa 'to forgive'
proposed by Holma, Karperteile 105, for Akk. ipu. Albright, RA 16.176
identifies Akk. ipu with ippu 'fulness, abundance' and compares it with Ar.
wfy 'to be complete, abundant'.
n': Mh. nJ'It 'dug', Soq. ni'ih; see n'.
n': Sb. (e)n'et 'dug', Mh. na'Ut,Soq. ni'ih; Aram ni'd 'breast', Syr. nd'a.
?bh:Soq. sibah 'foot'; represents the lengthening by h of 'ab (see Sb).
SB. 'en-ot 'arm-pit';see 0h.
Ab: Soq. 'ab 'foot', see also gibah; Akk. Mpu 'leg' (Hal6vy, Rev. Sem. 1905,
p. 285); Streck, Babyloniaca 1.218 n., derives Akk. 99pufrom 9dpu 'to stamp'.
For the root in the Cushitic languages, see Leslau, Lex. Soq. 424.
Ah:Soq. Bho'armpit', Sb. 'eM?ot;Akk. ?a 4tu, Nhebr. Syr. Pehata;for Hebr.
Khut 'excavation' from Mhy'to throw down', see?.hi, Brockelmann, Lex. Syr.
Ar(y):Soq. Airhi'skin'; Hebr. 'flesh', Akk. Tru,Ugar. gir.
ziyd:Soq. zid 'nerve'; see #yd. '.er

4. Words Found in South Arabic, Akkadian, and Ethiopic

h.n:Soq. hant 'belly'; Akk. &dnu'part of a sacrificed animal', Te. hanot 'embryo';
also Cushitic: Bil. hanot, Chamir huenot.
knbst: Sb. kinubset 'shoulder' (Thomas) from kinset, kinsed with intercalated b
as in Sb. tib'alot 'worm', root tl', mnebzil 'place' from mnzl; see knsd.
knsd: Sb. kensid 'shoulder' and kinubset, Mh. kensit; G. kasad, Te. sagad, Akk.
knst: Mh. kensit 'shoulder' for kensid, see knsd.
rth: Soq. ritheh 'muscle'; Akk. retz 'to erect, fortify, strengthen', G. 'arta'a 'to
erect', Tfia. rat'a 'to win a cause'. The final of Soq. represents a devoiced
(Leslau, Lex. Soq. 19). .h

5. Words Found in South Arabic Only

In this section appear words (5.1) that have no correspondence in the other
Semitic languages, but can be explained etymologically by some Semitic root,
as well as words (5.2.) that have no Semitic etymology. Some words of the lat-
ter category have a modern South Arabic etymology.

5.1. Words That Have a Semitic Etymology

'fl: Soq. 'efel-oti 'stomach' (-oti is the feminine ending of the dual in Soqotri);
probably to be compared with Ar. 'afal 'the fat on the thigh of the animal'.
'md: Soq. 'eymed 'head', literally '(that) what is leaned upon', from 'rmd'to lean
upon' (Leslau, Lex. Soq. 313); Ar. 'amada, Hebr. 'ammicd'pillar', G. 'amada
'to support with a pillar', South Ar. 'md 'pillar', Akk. em~du 'to support'.
'ns: Soq. 'ans 'elbow'; Bittner, Charakteristik 14, compares it with Ar. 'anasa
'to bend'.

'sgl ('zgl): Soq. 'asgel, 'azgehel 'penis'; is perhaps in relation with guzla
'genital parts' mentioned in Landberg, 486.
drm: Soq. medrem'heel', Mh. umdaraim, imduraim H.adlramout
'heel, ankle', Hars. undaraim,
Sib. efdrim, aidarum, aindarum; Ar. darima 'to be rounded (heel)'.
drz: Soq. duraz 'stomach', derz 'intestine'; to be compared probably with Ar.
dir? 'foetus (of a cat, rat)'.
dir: Mh. divor 'chest'; see #r.
fhr: Sb. fahar 'foot' (Thomas); to be compared perhaps with Ar. fahara 'to limp'.
frfr: Sb. ferfir 'feather', Hars. firfayir, Soq. nferer 'wing'; Ipof ferfur, from frr,
frfr 'to fly, flee': Mh. farr, Sh. ferr 'to fly, jump', Ar. farra 'to flee', Syr.
farr, Amh. bdrrdrd'to fly', Har. barrdr, Tna. farard, Om. farfar, Ar. farfara
'to swing', Nhebr. pirper, Syr. parpar.
frr: Soq. nferer 'wing'; a noun of instrument from frr (see frfr) with n instead of
m by dissimilation before the labial f (see Leslau, Lex. Soq. 40 n. 1).
fzh: Sb. fizh.ait 'forehead'; is perhaps to be compared with Hebr. megah 'fore-
gbb: Sb. gibb 'pudenda'; the comparison by Bittner, Sb.St. 1.13 with Ar. #ubb
'cistern' is very doubtful. The %b. gibb might perhaps be compared with
Hadr. a'ba 'buttock'.
gzr: Soq. gozir 'posterior'; perhaps from gzr 'to cut', gozir would mean 'extrem-
l': Mh. #ilot 'clitoris'; perhaps to be compared with Hadtr. #ala'a 'to pull down
the prepuce'; Jahn, Mehri-Sprache 180, compares it with Ar. #ali'a 'to be
&r: Mh. gidor 'chest', also diA6r (for g' dissimilated into ds, see under ds);
is perhaps to be compared with Ar. #adam 'belly' and 'chest', #aylan 'chest'.
odr: BSh.'efgdert 'hip, loin'; perhaps to be connected with the Sem. root 'tr 'to
hfl: Mh. h6fel 'belly'; see ?fl.
hrqf: Sh. herqefot'hip'; perhaps for harqefotfrom hqf (with a lengthening r) 'to
embrace, surround' (Ethiopic). For a similar development of meaning,
see Dillmann, Lex. 98, for haqwe.
h('): Soq. he 'mouth'; see '.
hdq:Soq. hadaqa 'beard'; is perhaps to be compared with Akk. idqu 'Schaffell(?)',
Syr. 'edqd 'Locken' for which see Holma, K6rperteile 141. These words
might be in connection with Ar. hadaqa 'to surround'.
hgl: Soq. hagal 'eyebrow', Sb. hagel, Mh. hWdel;from the Semitic root hgl
surround': Syr. hegal, G. hagl 'tie', Ar. hii'l, Soq. hgl (see Leslau, Lex. Soq.
4#l: Mh. hd#el 'eye-brow'; see hgl.
1.Xf:Soq. helefeh 'eye', literally 'that which pierces', from the Sem. root hlf 'to
be sharp, acute': Ar. halif 'sharp', NHebr. halipot 'knife'.
Mk: Soq. holk 'vulva'; Dat. ha~iakca 'to break in', Ar. haliaka l-wa'i'a 'remplir
une botte en pressant fortement les choses qu'on y met' (Dozy).
b': Mh. zo 'mouth', Bb. to 'mouth, entrance', Soq. he; Ar. iawa' 'empty

space' (Bittner, Si. St. 1.28); Brockelmann, art. Mehri in Enc. Islam III
506, col. b, compares it with Ar. 6jauyha'hollow'.
Mh. kamhug 'occiput'; is perhaps to be compared with Ar. qamhaduwa
kmh": 'occiput'.
krkz: Sl. kirkiz 'occiput'; might be compared with Hebr. qodqod'skull' (Bittner,
SB. St. 1.30), Akk. qaqqadu,Ugar. qdqd.
krm':"S. kurmo'a 'heel'; see qrmh.
m#r: Mh. mui~r 'rectum'; perhaps to be compared with Ar. majr 'foetus'.
n-frr: Soq. nferer 'wing'; see frr.
nsb: Soq. minsub 'genital parts', Mh. men.ab6t; might be connected with Ar.
nisba 'genealogy'.
Sb. naq'aq'cheek'; perhaps to be connected with Ar. naza'a 'temple' with
repetition of a radical (see also Bittner, Sb. St. 1.29).
nob: Mh. mernab6t 'genital parts'; see nsb.
nLf:Mh. njayf6t 'bone from the knee up to the ankle'; Ar. nafij 'vigorous, robust'
for which see Dozy, Supplement 11.688; for the relation of the meanings,
cp. Sem. 'akm'bone' from the root '4m 'to be strong'.
qhrr: Soq. qehaireher'clavicle'; perhaps to be connected with Ar. qahira 'breast'.
qlz: Soq. miqliz 'penis'; perhaps to be compared with Ar. kasala 'glans of the
qrdif:Sb. qardef 'pavilion of the ear'; Bittner, %b.St. 1.30 compares it with Ar.
gudruf 'cartilage'.
qrf': Soq. qarfe'ah 'ankle, heel'; is to be compared with Mh. 'shoe',
Ijadr. garafhe, Som. qarafi; cp. perhaps also ?l1. qurmah, kurmo'a,
qrmh: Sh. qurmah,qurosh'heel', also kurmo'a; see qrf'.
qyd: Mh. (am)qayydd 'ring finger'; seems to be formed from the root qyd 'to bind,
rdb: Mh. (a)rdlb 'nape of the neck', Sb. (a)rdeb; Jahn, Mehri-Sprache 219 col. b,
compares it with Ar. dubr 'back', but it is rather to be compared with the
root rdf 'to be behind': Ar. radafa, Hebr. 'to be behind, to run behind',
Syr. redap.
rkd: Mh. me-rked&t'sole of the foot'; from the root rkd, rkd 'to stamp': Soq. Sb.
rekod, Dat. rked 'to run, stamp', Ar. rakada, Syr. reqad, Hebr. rdqad,
related with rqz, rqd.
rkn: Soq. rekin 'bone', Mh. rrekenda fdm 'anklebone'; is perhaps to be com-
pared with Ar. rakuna 'to be firm, strong'. For the relation of the meanings,
see above under ntf.
sql: Soq. suqal 'foot'; perhaps to be compared with Ar. suql 'flanc'.
srfr: Hars. sarafar 'penis'; is perhaps to be compared with Ar. surm 'anus', Akk.
?fl:S j. .ofel 'belly', Mh. h6fel; from the Sem. root flf(sfi) 'to be low', in Soq.
Jfl 'to despise': Hebr. sapel, Ar. safila, Syr. ?*pal,South-Ar. sepl, Akk. Japalu,
Ugar. Ifl. For Akk. ~apulu and Ar. safila 'lowerparts of the body', see Holma,
Kbrperteile 161.
Bin': Mh. mi~ma 'pavilion of the ear'; from the Sem. root sin' (m') 'to hear'.

?rs: 9b. Jeris 'hoof', Soq. gers, gerz; Bittner, Swb.St. 1.45, explains it by Ar. garaf
'incision of the upper part of the nose'.
grz: Soq. gerz 'hoof'; see grs.
t'b:Soq. 8i'ub 'sinew', see also Aeb'artery'; probably to be connected with Ar.
ga'aba 'to disjoin, split'.
'l: Soq. Ba'al 'tooth'; to be explained by the root shl (G. Amh.) 'to sharpen',
Akk. ?6lu. Cantineau in Revue Africaine 1939, p. 144, is rightly opposed to
the comparison with the Sem. ?nn (snn) given by Leslau, Lex. Soq. 431.
?b: Soq. 8eb 'artery'; see A'b.
srq: Soq. Aorq'hair', literally 'that what is combed', from Soq. Sb. rq 'to comb',
Aram. Syr. seraq, Mh. misrbq 'comb', Hebr. masreq, Ar. saraqa 'to split'.
Mh. S6ter'posterior'; probably to be compared (with Jahn, Mehri-Sprache
.tr: 242) with Ar. gatr 'half'.
(dh: Soq. tadah 'back'; might be from the root thdh ((6db) or dhdh, and to be com-
pared perhaps with Akk. (ubdu 'abundance, fat, grease'.
with Ar.
zlfh: Mh. zalfeh6t 'bone below the clavicle'; probably to be connected

5.2. Words Found in South Arabic Only, Without Semitic Etymology

'rbb:Soq. 'erbeboh'reins, lap, thigh, knee'; the ' is prothetic, see under rbb.
"fn: Soq. ma'fjnoh 'lap'; derived from the South Arabic root 'fn (Soq.), gfn
(Mh.) 'to cover'. For the relation of the meanings, see under hf.
'rnk/q: Soq. 'aronik, 'aroniq 'calf (of the leg)'.
dg: Sb. dage 'hand' (Thomas); see dgs.
d't: Soq. da'et 'fist', from Soq. do'et 'to seize' (Leslau, Lex. Soq. 363); might be
related with Ar. 'adgata 'pressit, compressit trudendo' for which see Dozy,
Suppl6ment aux dictionnaires arabes II.10.
dgs: Sb. dags 'hand', also dage (Thomas); the root of these words seems to be
dgs (dgs) with omission of the final s > h, and can hardly be compared with
Soq. da'et 'fist' or with Ar. diot 'Handvoll Gras' as in Bittner, ?b. St. 1.22.
dtm: Soq. qatem 'arm', also datem.
glms: Soq. gelmes 'tooth', from the root gms: Soq. gimses 'one who has twisted
gndb: Soq. ginddbeh'abdomen'.
g4f: Soq. ge.f 'rib', Sb. gedf 'body, rib'; might be explained by a crossing of the
roots 'body' (Ar. 4utta, Mh. di6bet, Soq. gitteh) and #wf 'body' (Hebr.
gd: Mh. g6ddi'neck'; see gt.
of Thomas used for
gdb: Mh. Sb. god.ub'corpse' (Thomas). The transcription
this word could also be interpreted as being for Oobub.
Mh. 'fist'; Bittner, Mh.St. 1.82, derives it from Mh.
Adf: mhagadqafiit
'falten > ballen'. -ad.6f
gtk: Mh. 'atkayt'popliteal depression behind the knee joint'.
b. 'got'neck', Mh. got~iand Oodi, Hars. goti.
_t: Mh. hall 'canine tooth', Soq. haulhel.
knd: Sb. mkindot 'thumb'.

kr: Soq. kereh 'bone of the arm (of the animal)'.

krn: Mh. kardn 'vagina'.
kz: Soq. kozi 'wing, shoulder'; perhaps to be compared with Bilin kozi' shoulder',
but see Leslau, Lex. Soq. 216. For the meanings 'wing, shoulder', see
under ktf.
nqr: Soq. navar 'cheek'.
qhl: Sb. qahlot 'pupil'; perhaps for kahlot and to be compared with the root
khl 'to be blue, dark'.
qlhm: Soq. qalhemoh 'bone of the skull'.
qmbr:Sb. qimbeher'hoof'.
qms: Soq. qme?oh'anus'(?).
qrf: Soq. miqrifoh 'scapula'; is perhaps to be compared with Somali garab'shoul-
der, back', Te. gurbat, Amh. #rba. The form of the Soqotri word can be a
passive participle of the root qrf.
qrmm: Soq. qarmehem'finger'.
qirb: Soq. qalereboh 'head(?)'.
qtl: Soq. qotl 'breast'.
r't: Soq. ra't 'hair'.
rbb: Soq. reboboh'knee', 'erbeboh'reins, thigh, lap'; is perhaps in relation with
berberoh,see brbr.
rkb: Soq. di-rikob 'bowel', also di-riqob.
rqb: Soq. di-riqob 'bowel', also di-rikob.
rqd: Soq. riqadeh 'rate'.
rq$: Soq. 'irqi4 'dug'.
rsk: Soq. mirsek 'anklebone'.
rt4: Mh. morteAdt'middle-finger'.
sbll: Soq. sgbeldlohdi mi'ho 'crow'.
fftf: Soq. di-?afJtat 'reins'.
ghl: Soq. ?ehloh 'bone'; Cantineau, Revue Africaine 1939, p. 144, rightly ex-
presses some doubts about my etymological explanation in Lex. Soq. 347.
flf: Soq. ?alfiye 'neck'.
r': Sb. go 'back', Soq. Miho.
fbrr: Soq. siberher 'vertebra (of fish)'.
Iglf: as'alf6t da hayden 'lobe of the ear'.
gh: Soq. ?iho 'back', Sb. go.
9qdd: Soq. ?iqdid 'reins'.
& m: Mh. .afimit 'cheek'.
Akf: Soq. di-.kef 'stomach'.
t'th: Soq. te'tah or te'tah 'bone'.
tlf: Soq. motlif 'flesh of the entrails'.
tOf:Mh. tOaft'elbow'; the'consonantic structure is strange.
whr: Mh. wehrit 'umbilical cord.


Concerning the consonantal structure of the names of the parts of the body,
it is to be noted that there are biliteral, triliteral, and quadriliteral roots.

The quadriliteral roots may consist of:

(a) four different radicals ( Mh. kamh4 'occiput', Soq. qanther'vulva'
(root qntr).
(b) a repeated biliteral root ( Soq. berberoh'thigh'; Sb.ferfer 'feather';
Soq. gemgemoh, Sb. gimguit 'head'.
(c) a triliteral root with repetition of the last radical ( Soq. fiqeriroh
'neck'; Mh. Si. ljarfif, karfif 'lip'; Mh. SE. na rir, Soq. nahrir 'nose'; Soq. qehair-
her 'clavicle'; Soq. qarmehem'finger' (for the h in the last two examples, see Les-
lau, Lex. Soq. 22); Sh. (e).ferir 'lash'; Soq. giqdid 'reins'; Mh. Aagayrer'little
(d) a triliteral root with repetition of the 2d radical ( ~B. nawta
'cheek'; Hars. sarfur 'penis'.
(e) a triliteral root lengthened by the liquid r, rarely 1: Hars. 'arqaib 'heel';
Sh. 'agriz, Mh. 'a rez 'testicles'; Soq. fargahan 'posterior'; Sh. harqefot 'hip';
Soq. kere'el 'testicles'; Soq. gelmes 'tooth'; Mh. zalfehdt 'bone below the clavicle.'
(f) a triliteral root lengthened by the initial ' or h before a liquid or nasal:
Soq. 'erbeboh'reins, lap, thigh'; Soq. 'angher ('angher) 'posterior'; Soq. 'ilbib
'heart', Mh. halbib, howbib. Some of the biliteral and triliteral roots are also
lengthened by h, especially in Mehri, Botahari and Harsusi: heyd 'hand', here
'head', and many more.
(g) a triliteral root lengthened by m: Sh. talhim 'milt'; Sb. halqoit (hlqm)
(h) a triliteral noun formed with the prefix m- of the noun of instrument:
Soq. medrem 'heel', Mh. 'umdaraim; Mh. merkedet'sole of the foot'; Mh. migma
'pavilion of the ear'; Soq. mitnioh 'tooth'; Soq. nferer 'wing'; Sb. malhau 'molar
tooth', etc.


(Words with the prefix me-, eA- are to be found under the root.)
abdomen, Soq. gindebeh
ankle, Mh. 'umdaraim, Sh. 'aidirizm, 'aindarum, 'eidrim, Hars. 'arqaib, 'unda-
raim; see also 'heel'
anklebone, Soq. mirsek, qarfe'ah, Mh. reken da fdm
anus, Soq. qme.boh
arm, Mh. 'adadit, Sh. 'adedit, Soq. datem
fore-, Mh. zend, Sb. dira'
bone of the -, Soq. kereh
armpit Soq. 0ho, Sh. 'enr?ot, Mh. Oabt
artery, Soq. 'eb
back, Sh. go, Soq. giho, tadah, alfiye, Mh. 'alamit
beard, Soq. hadaqa, diqehon, lahyet, Mh. leheyUt
belly, Mh. h6fel, SB. Jofel, Soq. hant, mer; see 'stomach'
blood, Soq. dur, Mh. dore, Sb., Curia dor, Hars. dora, dureh
body, Soq. gitteh, Mh. bed~n,dibbet,Sh. 'eden, ge&f;see 'corpse'
bone, Soq. rekin, te'tah, ?ehloh,Mh. 'adayd, Sb. 'adud, Hars. 'adaid
- of the arm (of an animal), Soq. kereh

- of the skull, Soq. qalhemot

- below the clavicle, Mh. zalfeh6t
- from the knee to the ankle, Mh. nfayf6t
bowel, Soq. di-rikob, di-riqob, Mh. ma'win; see 'intestine'
breast, Soq. qotl, todi, 'atab, Mh. t6di, w6tob, y6tob, 9b. tedi, 'etab; see
calf (of the leg), Soq. 'aronik, 'aroniq, Sb. 'ei~gfet (see gyf)
cheek, Mh. sa imit, Sb. na.'a?, Soq. nacar, malahi
chest, Soq. berak,gehe, kho, Sb. (e)gehe,Mh. #iA6r
chin, Mh. leheyit, Sb. (e)lhyet
clavicle, Soq. qehairher
bone below the -, Mh. zalfehdt
claw, see 'nail'
clitoris, Mh. gil6t (see #l')
corpse, Soq. gitteh, Sb. ginozit, godub, Mh. ginozit, #odub, Har. ginizat
crow (part of the intestine), Soq. sebelelohdi mi'ho
dug, Soq. 'irqif, 'atab,ni'ih, Mh. na'"t,Sb. 'etob,(e)n'et; see 'breast'
ear, Soq. 'idihen, Mh. haydin, Sb., Curia 'iden, Hars. hayidi,
pavilion of the -, Mh. migma, Sb. qardef
lobe of the -, see 'lobe'
elbow, Soq. "ans, Mh. tafi, Sb. kimbe'
entrails, flesh of the -, Soq. motlif
eye, Soq. 4elefeh, 'ayn, Mh. 'ayn, Sb., Curia 'ayn, Hars. 'aine, Bot. 'ain
-brow, Soq. hagal, Mh. hd#el, Sb. 4agel
-lash, Mh. A6ferda ayn, Sb. (e).ferir
face, Soq. fane, Sb. 'egh, fenne, kurfof, barfif, Mh. waYeh,fenne, barfif, Hars.
(a)wegga, wugih; see also 'lip'
feather, 9b. qetuf, gutuf, ferfir, Mh. quttuf, gutafif, Hars. firfayir, kafit
fin (of a fish), Mh. 'adayd
finger, Soq. fobeh, 'eqbah,qarmehem,Mh. haleba, Sb. 'ifba', ba', Hars. hadaba
little - Mh. bagayrer
middle -, Mh. morted4t
fore-, Mh. A6hod,(am)qayydd
fist, Mh. mhagadcafit, Soq. da'et
flesh of the entrails, Soq. motlif
foot, Soq. Aab,8ibah, suqal, ger'ehan, Mh. qademdt,fdm (see f'm), buf, Sb. fa'am,
fahar, "buf,Curia airkot, Hars. Iuf; see also 'leg' and 'sole of the foot'
forearm, Mh. zend, Si. dira'
forehead, Soq. fio, Mh. qefg6t,guzat, Sb. qegSet,fizhait, Hars. gufsut, 'igfof, fibha
genital parts, Soq. minsub, Mh. mengab6t
hair, Soq. ra't, borq,.a'ihor, ifeh, 1Mh.
f\t, Sb. 4fet, Curia Auf,Hars. Aif,Bot. .afait
hand, Soq. 'ed, rihoh, Mh. heyd, Sb, 'ed, dags, dage, Curia yed, Hars. hait
palm of the -, Mh. rih6t
back of the --, Mh. keff
head, Soq. re, rey, gemgdmoh,'eymed, qgaereboh,E1. re?, Curia erel, Mh. here,
Hars. hiiri, Bot. ert (see r'I); see 'skull'

heart, Soq. 'ilbib (see lbb),Mh. qalb,halbib,howbib,9b. 'ub, qaleb,Hars. halbib

heel, Soq medrem,qarfe'ah,Sb. 'efidrim,kimbe',kurmo'a,qurma4,qurh4,Mh.
kmba',Hars. kimbai;see also 'ankle'
hip, Soq. moten,monheQ, Mh. wirktt,Sb. 'erk,harqefot;see also 'loin, reins'
hoof, Soq. Aers,Aerz,9b. Aeris,qimbeher
horn, Soq. qan, Mh. q6n,Sb. qun, Hars. qon
intestine, Soq. mi'ho,kelo'ih;see 'bowel'
kidney, Mh. keltt,9b. kulyet
knee, Soq. reb6boh,'erbdboh, berk,Mh. bark,9b. ('e)rkebet,Hars. barik
---cap, Mh. karzeyn
lap, Soq. 'erb6boh, qanah,zan4, 4afen (see 4ff),ma'finoh
lash, see 'eye'
leg, Mh. brayn,9b. kirgenot,Curiafa'am, Hars. fam (see f'm), Bot. fa'am; see
lip, Soq. Aebeh, Mh. karfif,Sb. qifrir,Hars. 6aibit;see 'face'
liver, Soq. Aibdeh,Sb. Aibdit,Mh. Aebedtt, Hars. Aebdit
lobe of the ear, Mh.-agalf6t da hayden,Sb. Ahamet
loin, g1b.'eMgdert (see gdr); see also 'hip, reins'
lung, Soq. 'amb, Bb. 'eri, kili, Hars. 'arit, kilayitin
milt, Soq. riqadeh,Mh. talhaym,Sb. tal4im
mouth, Soq. faqam, he, Mh. 6o, Sb. bo
muscle, Soq. rit4eh
nail, Soq. tifer, Mh. tayf&r,b. fefer
nape of the neck, Soq. fiqeriroh,Mh. ('a)rdtb,gutma, ~b. ('a)rdeb,gumo, Hars.
Porit; see 'neck'
navel, Soq. Airah,&irah,Mh. gira'
neck, Soq. fiqeriroh,qar, 'drib, Mh. raqabUt, qar, g6di, Hars. goti, •b. aot; see
'nape of the neck' and 'throat'
nerve, Soq. Aid, b. iyod
nose, Soq. nahrir,Mh. nabrtr,9b. nal4rir,fin4arot,Curianuurir, lHars.(i)nlarir,
Bot. nujarir; see 'nostril'
tip of the -, Mh. na4&gt
nostril, Mh. fan artt, tunailur, fu arait, Hars.fan4irut;see 'nose'
nymphae, Mh. menmab6t, Soq. minsub
occiput, Mh. kamh4C,~b. kirkiz
'asgel,'azgehel,Mh. fah4,Ot, mekafirdt,•1b.faal, Hars.
penis, Soq. fahal, miqgliz,
fahal, sarafar
glans of the -, Mh. hadfet
poplitealdepressionbehindthe knee joint, Mh vatkayt
Sb. git, e~fqerert
posterior,Soq. gozir,fargahan,'angher,'angher,Mh. sOter,
prepuce, Mh. &allaft
pudenda, Sb. gibb, 'erket
pupil, Mh. hadaqdt da 'ayn, Sb qahlot
rectum, Mh. miitr
reins, Soq. Aiqdid,'erbeboh,di-Qafitat;see 'hip, loin'

rib, Soq. geAf,dalh, Mh. dala', Sb. dela', gissit

scapula, Soq. miqrifoh
shoulder, Soq. kozi, Mh. kensit, Sb. kensid, kinsait, k5inubset,Hars. kitif
sinew, Soq. gi'ub
skin, Mh.Eeld, dot, Sb. god, Curia gud, Soq. gad, ?irhi
skull, Sb. gimguVt, Mh.E alayt; see 'head'
bone of the -, Soq. qalhemot
sole of the foot, Mh. merked&t,Sh. haff; see 'foot'
stomach, Soq. geres, duraz, mer, hant, 'efel6ti, di-gkef, Mh. h6fel, qabit, Sb. 9ofel;
see 'belly'
tail, Mh. den6b, Sb. denub, Soq. dinob
tear, Mh. dem6t, Sb. dim'et, Soq. 'edmi'a
temple, Mh. E irzayt, Sb. Aerset
testicle, Soq. kere'el, Mh. 'afrgz, Sb. 'agriz
thigh, Mh. kurin, fabed, Sb. fakaid, fubud, Soq. berberoh,erbeboh,fahid, Hars.
throat, Mh. kart, raqab&t,Oodi, hungarfit, Sb. Oot, halqofit,hungarot, (i)kayart,
Hars. aqarit, aqart; see 'neck'
thumb, Mh. hab n, Sb. mkindot
tongue, Soq. legin, Mh. li4fn, Sb. ligan, Hars. laWin,Bot. ligin
tooth, Soq. Wa'al,gelmes, mitnioh, Mh. mdarah, Sb. gunn, Hars. (i)mtainen
canine -, Soq. haulhel, Mh. ball
incisor - Mh. fuwdher hauleten
molar -, Soq. mrebe'oh,Mh. ma-lhau, Sb.
umbilical cord, Mh. wehrit mehiant
vagina, Mh. kardn
vein, Mh. 'arq, Soq. zid
vertebra (of fish), Soq. Eiberher
vulva, Soq. qanther, holk
waist, Mh. hakou
wing, Soq. kozi, nferer, Mh. kataf, Sb. ginah

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