Abortion Needs of Women in India A Case Study of Rural Maharashtra

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Reproductive Health Matters

An international journal on sexual and reproductive health and rights

ISSN: 0968-8080 (Print) 1460-9576 (Online) Journal homepage: https://www.tandfonline.com/loi/zrhm20

Abortion needs of women in India: A case study of

rural Maharashtra

Manisha Gupte, Sunita Bandewar & Hemlata Pisal

To cite this article: Manisha Gupte, Sunita Bandewar & Hemlata Pisal (1997) Abortion needs of
women in India: A case study of rural Maharashtra, Reproductive Health Matters, 5:9, 77-86, DOI:

To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1016/S0968-8080(97)90008-2

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Published online: 01 May 1997.

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Manisha Gupte, Sunita Bandewar and Hemlata Pisal

The Indian Medical Termination of Pregnancy (MTP) Act came into force in 1972, in response
to the high mortality and morbidity associated with illegal abortion. However, 25 years on, both
restrictions in the law and the way it is implemented through service delivery have failed to meet
the abortion needs of large numbers of women. Using data from a larger qualitative study in rural
Maharashtra, this paper explores women’s perceptions of their rights and needs in relation to
abortion. The women were ambivalent about abortion, based on their roles and identity as
mothers, but they saw the necessity for abortion and supported each other to have abortions.
They had conflicting feelings with regard to abortion on grounds offetal sex, and problematic
issues of sexuality, especially for single women in relation to abortion, also arose. Provided with
the details oflndia’s aborh’on legislation, which theyknewlittle about, the women had
suggestions for making the law more women-sensitive. Their expen’ences make it clear that vast
improvements in abortion policy and service delivery are needed in India.

ROMPTED by the widespread problem may contribute to the exploitation of women’s

P of unsafe abortion endangering the health

and life of women, the Government of India
set up a Committee in 1966 to examine
abortion legislation. The Committee recommen-
ded the liberalisation of the Indian Penal Code of
sexuality under patriarchy, even by progressive
women.l,z Unlike in many countries, the libera-
lisation of the law was not driven by the women’s
movement in India, which was not well esta-
blished at the time, but by the government. There
1860, which treated abortion as a criminal offence, have also been concerns that the MTP Act was
to permit abortion under medical supervision. In meant as a tool for population control. The report
1971, the Medical Termination of Pregnancy IlKI?) of the 1966 Committee refers to this pos~ibility,~
Act was passed by the Indian Parliament and and at the time the focus of family planning,
came into force in 1972. introduced in 1951-56, had shifted from the
The Act allows the termination of a pregnancy welfare of the family to reduction of the birth rate.
by a registered medical practitioner with experi- It would appear that women’s right to control
ence and training in obstetrics-gynaecology, and their sexuality, fertility and reproduction were
training in performing induced abortions from not the basis on which the Act was formulated or

either a government hospital or institution, or at a
training centre approved by the government. The
Act permits abortion the doctor believes in good
faith that ’. ..the continuance of the pregnancy
would involve a risk to the life of the pregnant
interpreted. Rather women are required to fit the
categories in the Act: single women have to say
the pregnancy resulted from rape, while married
women must blame failure of contraception,
since only a doctor can decide if there is a risk of
woman or of grave injury to her physical or mental physical or mental injury to health.
health; or there is a substantial risk that if the child The situation is rendered even more complex
were born, it would suffer from such physical or as a consequence of the widespread practice of
mental abnormalities as to be seriously handi- sex-selective abortion of female fetuses in India.
capped. The Act also permits abortion on grounds Opinion among feminists and health advocates is
of rape or contraceptive failure. divided as to whether it would be appropriate to
Various concerns about the implications of the restrict the availability of abortion following a
MT’P Act have been voiced, for example, that it sex determination test.4

Gupte, Bandewar and Pisal

The ideology of male control sometimes were selected from among the villages we have
governs the issue of abortion. For example, a worked with over the past eight years. Selection
High Court in the state of Punjab allowed a man was on the basis of access to health services:
to divorce his wife on grounds of cruelty because three villages have relatively good access and
she underwent an abortion twice against his three have poor access to any health facility.
wishes.5 Furthermore, the public health services Population size ranging from 1500 to 3500
may ask for a husbands signature of consent to people, and ease of access by road to neigh-
an abortion, which is not required under the Act. bouring towns, were also considerations.
There is a skewed concentration of MTP Interviews were carried out with 67 women
centres in the cities, in spite of the fact that 74 per who had participated in eight focus group dis-
cent of the Indian people still live in villages.” cussions during monthly meetings, over a period
The public health services provide abortion of eight months. These discussions covered
free, but put pressure on women to adopt a topics such as women’s reproductive health
contraceptive method after the abortion. On the problems, abortion needs, and perceptions and
other hand, the private sector provides abortion expectations of health services. Women with and
at a cost. Often, women are charged unreason- without a current, steady sexual partner from
ably, especially if the abortion is ‘illegal’, ie. among various caste, class and age groups were
outside the provisions of the Act. Women, included. The majority were 20-40 years of age,
caught in a web of shame and secrecy, are also ranging from ages 17 to 60.
unable to demand good quality care in the The semi-structured interview schedule was
existing abortion services, either in the private based on data obtained from these discussions,
or the public sector.7 As a consequence of these and covered perceptions of abortion and whether
barriers to accessing either type of service, it is a right of women irrespective of age and
abortion complications contributed to as high as marital status; selective abortion of female
12 per cent of maternal deaths in India in 1991.* fetuses and those at risk of serious anomaly;
The skills of local abortionists have been knowledge of the MTP Act; what kind of abor-
totally ignored or criminalised, in spite of the tion law they would formulate; and access to
fact that they are more accessible and affordable and experiences of abortion in the public and
for women. Safety is a highly-debated issue in private health sector. Through this process, the
such abortions and it may be worthwhile to women revealed their fears, opinions, grievances
consider some formal training in menstrual and aspirations. Representative examples of
regulation for them, as licensed practitioners are their views are presented here. Care was taken
not easily available in remote villages. to preserve the idiom of women’s language
Most studies of abortion in India have been during translation.
hospital-based and conducted mainly from the Local people acted as contact and support
standpoint of providers, policymakers and the persons for the study as well as serving on an
state.g Quantitative surveys have helped draw ethics committee for the study to examine our
attention to the high prevalence of illegal abortion methodology and interactions with respondents.
in India. Yet women’s abortion needs and what Informed consent was obtained from all the
they feel and want witb respect to abortion women participating, and they had the option to
services, their knowledge of the law and their leave the study at any point. The information
perceptions about women’s rights in relation to collected, as well as the preliminary analysis of
abortion have remained largely unexplored. findings, have been (and are being) presented
This paper presents some of the findings of a to them for their comments and correctionslo
qualitative study in rural Maharashtra in India,
whose aim was to explore these issues and
understand women’s perceptions and needs Abortion as a woman’s right
regarding abortion. The majority of women - a resounding 70 per
cent - supported abortion as a woman’s right
over her body and her right to control her
Methodology fertility, and said that it was not just a means to
Six villages in Pune district, Maharashtra state, help her avoid loss of face. While a quarter of
Reproductive Health Matters, No 9, May 1997

the women did not think abortion should become overwhelming support as a reason for abortion.
a woman’s right, most of them did support When asked whether women should undergo
abortion as a face-saving solution for women. abortions if there was a failure of sterillsation, 33
per cent said yes, 42 per cent said no, and 25 per
‘Lf I’m a widow, then abortion can help me save cent said the decision would depend on the
face. Within marriage you have the choice to keep situation of the woman concerned. As regards
it or drop [abort1 it .’ failure of reversible methods of contraception, 40
per cent thought abortion was justified, 48 per
‘it should be available at least in dii%cult moments. cent were against it, and 12 percent said it
me law shouldn’t make things difficult.. . . ’ depended on the situation.

When husbands refuse lwomenl sterilisation, it is ‘If the husband is sterilised and he is a suspicious
good to have abortion as a right for women. ‘ man, then she will have to abort it. If it is her own
sterilisation that failed, then she may keep it,
Most of the women felt that abortions were because her husband will trust that it’s his own.’
especially needed by women who become preg-
‘Since she got sterilised because she didn’t want
nant outside marriage, without having to make
anymore children, she should abortit’
false claims that the pregnancy resulted from
rape. All but four of the 67 women said that ‘Mistakes happen. Let it be born. Why torture a
widows, divorcees and deserted women should womanS body with abortion? It costs money, too.’
be permitted to have abortions by law. The four
who did not mainly intended to challenge the Seventy-five per cent of the women believed
double standard of morality for men and women. that abortion was different and more difficult
They believed that every woman, irrespective of than delivery.
her marital status, had the right to continue a
pregnancy to term. ‘Is there no difference between squeezing the pulp
out of a ripe mango and a raw mango?’
‘Of course they will have to! It’s the woman’s
virtue that will be mud, not the man’s. As if the Delivery was a natural process whereas an
man loses his virtue!’ induced abortion was an artificial way of ending
a pregnancy. Unlike delivery, which takes place
‘Naturally she will have to drop the thing. at home without doctors or medicines, abortion
People will ask her how she got pregnant even was seen to involve medical intervention. Some
when her husband is dead. The whole village said that post-abortion weakness was more
will be croaking with gossip. Won’t the child ask severe than post-delivery weakness, and the fact
embarrassing questions later on?’ that women hardly get any chance to recuperate
after an abortion does not help either.
Similarly, 90 per cent of the women said that
unmarried girls should abort their pregnancies,
while the rest felt that continuing the pregnancy Selective abortion for female sex
might lead to a marriage. However, most of the Strong sex preference exists in India and modern
women were cynical about this sentiment. technology is utilised for prenatal sex determ-
ination, after which almost exclusively female
‘It is better to have an abortion because she fetuses are aborted. The law that prohibits
has to get married later on. Her whole life will testing for fetal sex is a direct result of a decade-
change if no one marries her.’ long campaign conducted by women’s groups all
over India. In Maharashtra, sex determination
‘Even if she marries the same boy, she should first tests have been banned by law since January
drop the thing. Her in-laws might start wondering 1988. However, women continue to have abor-
about the child’s paternity.’ tions after prenatal sex determination tests
even today.
Interestingly, contraceptive failure did not get Most of those in the study (73 per cent) were

Gupte, Bandewar and Pisal

aware of ultrasonography (39 women) and/or family want a son, then even the educated wife
amniocentesis (10 women) as a method of sex fears that her husband wiJJ remarry as soon as
determination. she gets sterilised. So she undergoes the test
under pressure. In this case, one can’t say that
‘It’s a TV. Only doctors can understand what they she is wrong. ’
see. ’
‘People do it. It may be right or wrong. I may feel
‘They take out water from the fetus and check it.’
terriblyagainstit. But what can I do ifmyhusband
Forty-five per cent approved of abortion of
female fetuses following prenatal sex determin-
Those who were against it said:
ation, whereas 55 per cent did not approve. Of
those who did approve, 27 of the 30 women
‘It’s not right. Let whatever it is be born. why
said the main reason was to ‘hasten the birth of
should we commit a sin? Daughters and sons
a son.’ Economic reasons were given by eight
come from the same source, don‘t they?
women, while dowry was mentioned by five and
reduction of population by five others. Fear of
‘Why should one cause destruction? Maybe
domestic violence and social pressure were
there’s an hdira Gandhi in there, who knows!
mentioned by two women and saving a woman
Out to destroy even before we can iind out for
from repeated deliveries by one.
ourselves! A millionaire’s son can also become a
drunkard and squander the wealth away. Let
‘Not right, but what can people do? No rains,
whatever there is be born.’
drought! Girls cost theirparents so much money.
Boys are cheaper to bring up. You have to keep
‘A girl has the right to be born.’
dropping girls until you get a boy.‘

*On the one hand, it’s wrong. If the couple is What did they think would be the conse-
educated, they sometimes get operated on [steril- quences if more and more couples selectively
isedl after two daughters. But if the husband orhis aborted female fetuses?

ReproductiveHealthMatters, No 9, May 1997

‘Each girl will have to marry two or three men.’ not make up their minds and 22 felt there should
be a law permitting abortion.
‘Girls will lose all value, they will become trash.
Those who did not support the legalisation of
Women have at least some respect today.’
abortion had many reasons for their disapproval,
ranging from the belief that abortion constitutes
Abortion on grounds of fetal anomaly murder and that selective abortion would
my four women were aware that ultrasono- increase, to a concern for women’s health. A few
graphy and amniocentesis were intended for the thought that women would become promiscu-
detection of congenital anomaly. Sixty-seven per ous, that abortion could lead to sterility or that it
cent approved of abortions in these cases while could hamper population growth.
25 per cent did not; the rest said it depended on The most important reason why those who
the social situation of the pregnant woman. supported legal abortion did so was as a means
of protecting women from the stigma attached to
‘my nurture such a thing? Who wants to bear a abortion. They also wanted abortion to be avail-
lame-blind thing. So much trouble to raise it, and able to enable women to space their pregnancies
it still won’t understand anything. Why bring it and to avoid deterioration of their health from
forth? Is it of any use? Better to reduce their repeated and unwanted pregnancies and births.
numbers.’ All but one of the 20 women who described
the abortion law they would like to have said that
‘We should keep him. Later on we can ii%artificial abortion should be permitted up to the fourth or
limbs. We can increase his intelligence too. If he at most the fifth month of gestation. After that,
can’t think at least he can work in the fields. As if they were concerned about the increased risk to
we are going to get him mam’ed, so let him be! If the woman, increased pain with a later abortion,
it’s a disabled girl, we shouldn’t let her be born. increased cost, and the fact that once the preg-
When we get her married, she’ll devastate some- nancy was visible social stigma would not be
one else’s household.’ prevented and this would defeat the very pur-
pose of the abortion. In addition, they felt that the
We shouldn’t drop it. Only see if treatment is fetus gains life in the latter part of pregnancy,
possible. Hall children born to us are disabled, are and that it may not be morally correct to have an
we going to abort all of them? Why should we abortion once movement can be felt.
abuse and destroy our bodies w&h our own hands? Almost all women who favoured legalisation
felt that doctors, especially lady doctors (women
gynaecologists), should be performing the
The law on abortion procedure. Hospital-based abortions provided
Only 18 per cent of the 67 women knew that legally was their first choice.
abortion was legal in India while 64 per cent Opinion was divided on whether the hus-
said abortion was not legal and 16 per cent were bands approval should be required, with 13 for
not sure. Only one woman knew that abortion approval and 9 against it. The former felt that
was allowed but not on grounds of fetal sex this would make the husband feel more respon-
determination. sible for his wife’s health, encourage mutual
Even those who knew abortion was legal had consent, avoid domestic conflict and keep
inadequate, and at times incorrect, information women’s sexuality under some control. Those
about the contents of the law. The eligibility who categorically opposed the need for the
for abortion and the time limits within which husbands signature said that often the husband
it is permitted were not well known. Nine of is not available at the time of the abortion, that
the women believed (incorrectly) that the law men were likely to seduce or cheat a woman
required the service provider to obtain the and then deny paternity, and because abortion
husbands consent for the abortion. should solely be a woman’s decision. They
What kind of abortion law would the women expressed frustration that doctors’ insistence on
like to have? Of the 55 women who thought a husbands written approval reduced women to
abortion was not legal, just over half did not begging their husbands to sign and grant
think abortion should be legalised, three could permission for them to have an abortion.
Gupte, Bandewar and Pisal

We described the contents of the MTP Act to performed third trimester abortions too.
all the women, and asked them to suggest any Half the women did not know how much an
modifications and recommendations to it. How- abortion cost. Among those who responded,
ever, it was our impression that the women most said the cost ranged from Rs 100 to Rs 1200,
felt overwhelmed by the legalities and the but some mentioned amounts as high as Rs 5000
complexity of the Act and inadequate to reply to (especially after sex determination). Costs were
most of our questions. higher when the procedure had to be con-
Sixty-nine per cent of the women felt that ducted in utmost secrecy - usually involving an
abortions should be legally available at any time unmarried girl. Doctors sometimes charged
and under all circumstances, whereas 16 per cent according to the number of months pregnant, ie.
said that abortion should be allowed only under the more advanced the pregnancy the more the
specific conditions. Suggestions for modifica- abortion cost.
tions in the present law included extension of the A husband’s signature is considered a means
legal period for abortion from three months of guaranteeing legal immunity for the doctors.
to four and making legal all abortions of extra- Thirty-seven women reported that, in their
marital pregnancies. One woman said that experience, doctors providing abortions had
the law should make abortions following sex insisted on the husband’s permission prior to the
determination legal. procedure, and 28 of them said that this was true
in both the public and private sector hospitals. In
the case of abortions performed by village
Experiences with abortion services abortionists, 13 women said that the abortionist
Though very few women knew about the MTP and the woman having the abortion take the
Act or whether abortion was legal in India, most responsibility themselves.
knew that abortions were routinely provided
by doctors in government hospitals and by
private practitioners, as well as by local village Increasing women’s access to abortion
abortionists. Most said that abortions were services
usually provided in ‘big hospitals’, whether The women identified a number of constraints
private or public. against getting a legal abortion, even if the
Most women did not know how to describe woman knew what was permitted under the law.
the abortion procedure. Of the rest, induction of The two most important reasons were when the
labour was most frequently mentioned, followed pregnancy was outside marriage and when
by D&C, which was referred to as ‘washing the abortion was being used for birth spacing.
bag’ or ‘emptying the bag’. Most did not know Often, Indian women are unable to use a
how long these procedures took but three hours contraceptive because of family pressure.
was the guess of many of them and a few thought Abortion therefore becomes a means of birth
up to 24 hours or more. control until the woman has a sterilisation. On
A few woman also mentioned local methods, the other hand, pressure to accept sterilisation or
such as inserting the roots of certain plants, still provider-controlled and long-acting contracep-
wet with sap, inside the cervix. In their tives after an abortion also reduces women’s
perception, the root eventually ‘comes out with willingness to use the free services that the state
the whole thing‘, which may take between a few offers. In Maharashtra, another very important
hours to a day or more. Many women, however, reason is that abortion following a sex deter-
said that abortions were no longer conducted in mination test is illegal. Women who seek
their villages. abortion on grounds of fetal sex would therefore
Almost half the women thought abortions tend to look for a private practitioner, because
were performed up to five months of pregnancy the abortion would not fall within the purview of
in public hospitals, 11 said only during the first the MTP Act.
trimester, while six women said that even Fifty-four women felt that more women would
third trimester abortions were available in utilise public services for abortion if they knew
public hospitals. About a third (20) did not know. about the Act. An equal number believed that
Fourteen women said that private hospitals women’s access to abortion services would

Reproductive Health Matters, No 9, May 1997

greatly increase if services were available at the Discussion

village level. On the other hand, 11 women The women we interviewed in this study had
pointed out that those who would like to much to say on the subject of abortion, some of it
preserve confidentiality would not make use of contradictory. For example, at one moment they
services in their own village. said that abortion should not be legalised or that
the husbands consent should be sought, and at
‘Even if you go outside the village for reasons of another moment that abortion should be a
confidentiality, people do get to know anyway. If woman’s right. This is easily explained.
women started getting abortions in the village it In the focus groups, the women tended to
might actually reduce the number of unwanted provide ‘morally or socially correct’ answers as
pregnancies. Men would be frightened that their far as possible. Yet if a woman is faced with the
names would become public if the women openly possibility that an abortion may not be allowed
aborted the pregnancy in the village. ’ for social or legal reasons, she begins to speak
more assertively in favour of abortion. Knowing
Women would benefit, though a lot of them,
that the husband may not always give his
especially the widows and deserted women,
signature willingly, a woman says that she would
might not be able to use the facility. They would
like to have the abortion ‘as a right’.
have to go to distant places where they were not
Even though women see a number of
recognised. People would have to trust the quality
abortions being performed for the sake of family
of services in the local facility before they started
honour, especially in the case of single women,
usingit. It would save a lot of travel expenses.’
they also know that as cohabiting women, many
‘Nobody would use the facility, not even married a time they or their friends have had abortions
women. In the village you have to behave with without their in-laws’ or husbands’ knowledge.
decorum. Even drunkards hesitate to walk in front Depending entirely on family support to get an
of the village temple. Then how could women abortion is a tricky affair. Even when a natal
abort in the village itself? Most would go out [of family ‘helps’ an unmarried daughter to have an
the village1 to hide the abortion from family abortion, the girl faces violence, humiliation and
members.’ rejection. Family honour may come as a support
to women, but at a terrible cost. For a married
Two-thirds of the women interviewed thought woman, on the other hand, family interference
abortion services should be made available may well work against her when she needs an
exclusively through public health facilities, while abortion. Thus, the issue of ‘rights’ emerges
a quarter thought both public and private where saving face for the household is not the
services would be better; only six women driving force in seeking an abortion.
expressed a preference exclusively for private Women are often confronted on the one
sector facilities. hand with a family that may not allow them to exer-
cise birth control, and on the other hand with
‘A good clinic is a must. They shouldn’t speak
government services pushing contraceptives.
obscenely to a pregnant woman when she goes
Whereas they are frightened of the family, they
there. At our PHC [Primary Health Centre] they
are suspicious of the health services. It is in this
say horrible things to women during delivery.’
context that women want the right to abortion.
‘Ztshould be available in both places [public and While they are uneasy with the legalisation of
privatel. Zn private practice they charge too much abortion (as though they are frightened of their
and in the public services they ask you to come own feelings and sexuality), they also know that
back so many times. They ask for the husband’s they and perhaps their daughters may need to
signature and they force you to put in a Copper- undergo an abortion at some point in their lives.
7’. A woman cannot afford to wait because her Contempt for extra-marital relationships and
Pregnancy advances by the day. Quick service is a fear of women’s sexuality also featured in their
available in private practice. The poor go to the responses and the uneasiness of purposely
Public services. The rich throw money around and ending a pregnancy through abortion. The fact
get attention in a private hospital; who cares if the that one has destroyed an embryo/fetus was
poor live or die? distressing to some of the women, especially as

Gupte, Bandewarand Pisal

pregnancy and motherhood are cherished goals. others said that they would approach abortion
Aborting one pregnancy often does not mean more positively and would have no qualms in
that a woman’s reproductive responsibility is helping other women to access an abortion to0.l’
reduced; it may merely be postponed to a later It would therefore be wise to differentiate
date. In the case of abortions after sex deter- between the ‘right to have an abortion’ that the
mination, the load may actually be increased women in this study speak about from the right
because a woman may have to undergo repeated that the women’s movement articulates. The
abortions until she bears the requisite number of women we interviewed approached the issue
sons for the family. of abortion tentatively, with some guilt and as
Abortions often fill the gap in time between something that is necessary to bail them out of a
the decision to undergo sterilisation and the no-choice situation. For them, abortion is neither
actual operation. This happens especially if the desirable nor dispensable. They speak about
youngest child is a son and the family are not the personal reality of abortion, whereas the
ready to risk a permanent method for a couple of women’s movement articulates women’s human
years until the son’s survival is more assured. and political rights. Each position complements
There was considerable ambiguity in the the other.
women’s approach to the question of fetal sex Women’s needs and aspirations are at cross
determination and an abortion following the test purposes with the MTP Act in many ways.
when the fetus is female. Although 45 per cent of The Act is far from accommodating women’s
the women said they approved of the test, we abortion needs; rather, women have to disguise
could also see the helplessness and the fear of their needs to fit within the conditions of the Act.
violence and bigamy, which added to the Hence, many of their abortions are rendered
expressed desire/need to bear a son at any cost. technically illegal. For example, if a woman says
The ‘unwantedness’ of pregnancies that would she needs an abortion because of failure of
bring a girl child into the world are contextual- contraception, she can hardly resist if a doctor
ised by many of the women‘s feelings against insists that she must now use a so-called fool-
bringing children with physical or mental handi- proof contraceptive method. Nor can she argue
cap into the world. The discomforting eugenic that she is capable of handling her contraceptive
feelings of not wanting disabled children are needs effectively. Hence, she is more vulner-
related to the sexism of not wanting daughters - able to the already existing pressures to use a
in both cases, the children are expensive to bring permanent or long-acting method. In the Indian
up, they need more supervision and attention, context, where women have limited access to
they bring stigma and shame, and they are not good quality primary health and reproductive
‘useful’to the family. health care and where the state has a strong bias
Confronted with the chilling fact that she is in favour of population control, their bargaining
herself dispensable in her husbands household, power while accessing abortion services is
a woman feels she has no choice if she is significantly lowered, in spite of their own need
expected to go through a sex determination test. for abortion and safe contraceptives.
However, the women in this study were more There is also very little space for a woman to
articulate in expressing their reasons for acknowledge her sexuality overtly when she
opposing testing for fetal sex as compared to needs an abortion, especially if she is single.
their uneasiness about abortion. The women in Either she has to say that the pregnancy is a
our larger study sample who had an abortion ‘husbands’ or that the pregnancy resulted from
after a sex determination test were traumatised coercion or rape. Being forced to tell lies - in
compared to those who had an abortion for addition to being seen as ‘immoral’ and ‘heart-
other reasons. When asked about their feelings less’ - makes women feel even worse than
after abortion and whether they would undergo they already do about having an unwanted
it again if required (or suggest it as a possibility pregnancy. All this turmoil occurs at a time when
to other women), all the women who had a woman needs care, support and reassurance.
undergone abortions because they were carry- Instead, the law, the biases of health professionals
ing female fetuses categorically said that they as well as socio-cultural norms act against her.
would never repeat the experience, whereas the In addition, a woman is distinctly disadvan-

Reproductive Health Matters, No 9, May 1997

taged when a doctor insists upon the husband’s sexuality, the decision to abort will be over-
signature at the time of abortion. Husbands are shadowed by shame, fear and stigma, at the cost
sometimes away or absent for long periods of women’s physical and emotional health.
of time. Requiring a husband’s signature may Placing abortion in the overall context of a
ensure legal immunity for doctors, but it also comprehensive public health infrastructure,
reflects the patriarchal values of Indian society. and providing good quality services which are
Children belong to the husband; hence, a woman physically and financially accessible to all
must get his permission to abort a pregnancy. women, should be the priority of the Indian state,
The rights of the father overrule the rights of the irrespective of women’s marital status and with-
woman to regulate her fertility. On the other out precipitating guilt. Aborting a pregnancy is
hand, if a man denies paternity, neither a single in itself a difficult and painful decision for most
or even a married woman can get an abortion women; the law and the health services need not
unconditionally. Some of the women in our study add insult to injury.
said their husbands would not practice contra- The women’s movement in India needs to
ception themselves, nor allow their wives to do debate the issue of abortion beyond the limited
so. The women undergo repeated abortions as context of selective abortion of female fetuses. To
a consequence, while the husbands say the make the State answerable to the needs of
pregnancies must be illegitimate. women, their collective and organised voices
These problems point to important ethical have to be heard, taking up advocacy, lobbying
considerations related to the decision to have an and campaigns to make safe abortion a women’s
abortion, which are rarely taken into account, eg. rights issue.
that sex should be safe and non-coercive, that Finally, research documenting women’s
men should take responsibility if they contribute opinions, experiences and aspirations, with wide-
to starting a pregnancy, and that women and spread dissemination of the findings to ordinary
their offspring should have recognised legal rights. women and men, as well as lobbying of
Whereas women feel able to express their policymakers, NGOs and health care providers,
demands for quality of care in general health are all urgent tasks at this juncture. Such
care, they are willing to trade off quality of care efforts, however modest, are essential in order to
for their single-most overriding concern when empower women to make the demand for safe
it comes to abortion - confidentiality. Women abortion services a woman’s right.
tended to accept poor quality abortion services
because they were in a fix. Single women are the Acknowledgements
worst sufferers in this respect.7 We would like to thank MASUM’s activists from
The Indian state has to make abortion law and the study villages who helped us to organise focus
policy more answerable to the needs and social groups and give feedback on data, as well as the
conditions of women. The MTP Act was hardly Ford Foundation for supporting the larger study.
formulated to give women autonomy over
decisions concerning their bodies. As long as it Correspondence
retains moralistic, paternalistic and population Sunita Bandewar, CEHAT, Z/10, Swanand, Aapli
control overtones and as long as women are Sahakari Society, Parvati Darshan, Pune 4.41 009,
victims of society’s double standards regarding India. Fax: c/o 91212 611749.

References and Notes

1. Karkal M, 1991. Abortion law Legislation of Abortion, Ministry used as a means to control family
and the abortion situationin of Health and Family Welfare, size, as is being done currently in
India. Issues in Reproductive and Government of India (1966) several countries, in which case
Genetic Engineering. 4(3):223-30. states that: ‘It must be made family planning or contraception
2. Dutta N, 1988. Law relating to quite clear-that the words and abortion are in parallel
pre-natal diagnosis. The “family planning” connote the categories, both of which can
Lawyers. August:35-37. control of conception which lead to population control.’
3. The Report of the Committee to does not include abortion. 4. Jesani A, 1988. Hands off the
Study the Question of However, abortion also can be MTP Act. The Lawyers.

Gupte, Bandewar and Pisal

October:22-23. perceptions from rural organisation MASUM, which

Dhanda A, 1984. Bodily integrity Maharashtra. Quality of offers social awareness
of women - a reflection on Reproductive Health Care in programmes, credit
judicial and legislative attitudes India. Ford Foundation, New programmes, and income
with special reference to the Delhi. (forthcoming) generation and health activities.
MTP Act and SlTA. Paper 8. Family Welfare Year Book. The ethics committee included a
presented at the Second Department of Family Welfare, health activist, a feminist and a
National Conference on Government of India Ministry of woman from MASUM.
Women’s Studies, Kerala Health and Family Welfare. New 11. Gupte M, Bandewar S and
University, Trivandrum, 9-12 Delhi, 1991. Hemlata P, 1996. Women’s role
April. 9. Research proposal on women in decision making in abortion:
Jesani A and Iyer A, 1993. and abortion. Centre for Health profiles from rural Maharashtra.
Women and abortion. Economic and Allied Themes, Bombay, Paper tabled at XV International
and Political Weekly. 27 1993. (unpublished) Conference of Social Science
November: 2591-94. 10. One of the authors of this paper and Medicine. Peebles, Scotland,
Gupte M et al. Quality of health has been living and working 2-6 September.
care and choice of providers in locally since 1987. She founded
abortion services: women’s the locally based women’s

RCsumtS Resumen
En Inde, la loi sur l’interruption m&male de El Acta de Termination Medica de1 Embarazo
grossesse (IMG), adopt&e en raison de la mor- entro en vigor en la India en 1972, corn0
bidit et de la mortalite Blevees condcutives aux respuesta al alto nivel de mortalidad y morbili-
avortements illicites, est entree en vigueur en dad asociado con el abort0 ilegal. Sin embargo,
1972. Pourtant, 25 ans plus tard, de nombreuses 25 adios despub, las restricciones de la ley y la
femmes ne peuvent se faire avorter, aussi bien en forma en la que es cumplida a traves de la
raison des restrictions prevues par la loi que de entrega de servicios han hecho que la ley fracase
son application par les services. Se fondant sur a la hora de cubrir las necesidades de una gran
les donnees dune large etude qualitative menee cantidad de mujeres con respect0 al aborto.
dans le Maharashtra rural, l’auteur examine Utilizando 10s datos de un estudio cualitativo en
comment les femmes percoivent leurs droits et Maharashtra rural, este ensayo explora las
leurs besoins en mat&e d’avortement. Les percepciones de un grupo de mujeres, sobre sus
femmes ont a cet Cgard une position ambivalente derechos y necesidades en relation al aborto.
bake sur leur role et leur identite de meres, mais Por su papel e identidad de madres, estas
elles se rendent compte de la necessite de mujeres se sentian ambivalentes en cuanto al
I’avortement et se soutiennent quand l’une ou aborto. A pesar de ello veian la necesidad de1
l’autre en a besoin. Elles sont souvent en proie a mismo y se daban apoyo mutuo cuando estos
des sentiments contradictoires et des dilemmes abortos eran necesarios. Las mujeres tenian
face aux avortements demand& en raison dune sentimientos conflictivos y se setian en un dilema
anomalie du foetus, ou de son sexe, et il se pose cuando el abort0 era necesario en base al sexo
egalement des questions difficiles pour la de1feto o a malformaciones congenitas. Tambien
sexualite des femmes tant mariees que celiba- surgian problemas sobre la sexualidad tanto
taires. Informees des details de la legislation para mujeres casadas coma solteras. Una vez
indienne sur I’avortement, qu’elles connaissaient que recibieron information sobre la ley de
mal, les femmes avancent des suggestions pour abort0 en la India, las mujeres propusieron
rendre la loi plus sensible a leur Bgard. Leur cambios que sensibilizaria la ley con respect0 a la
experience montre a l’evidence qu’il serait mujer. En base a las experiencias de estas
necessaire en Inde d’apporter de larges ameli- mujeres resulta claro que se necesitan amplias
orations tant a la politique concernant l’avorte- mejoras en la politica de abort0 yen la entrega de
ment qu’aux services d’IMG. servicios en la India.

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