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There is a well-known and old saying is “health is wealth.” We have all heard this
statement since our childhood, which means health is more important than wealth.
Because a healthy man is more effective in life and he/she can do whatever task;
moreover, a rich man who is ill is unable to work, and he/she can never afford good
health. A healthy body is one that is physically, emotionally, and mentally in good
condition. Our health is more valuable than anything else we have. It is a secret of a
happy man. Maintaining a safe and disciplined lifestyle is critical because there is no
happiness or success without fitness. Good health brings joy to our life. A healthy man
doesn’t need to burn their wealth on medications and however, a man who has terrible
health has to spend more cash to fix it. Peoples work very hard to earn money, but they
neglect their health, and that is a huge mistake because once they fall ill, they don’t do
their work with the same focus and dedication.

A physically unfit person has a lot of problems in their personal and professional life.
They cannot do work for long hours, and they are also dependent on others to meet their
requirements. Daily exercise is very important for good health. It enhances the blood
circulation in our body. Good sleep is also important for health. It can improve our
concentration and productivity. A proper diet is very important to have a healthy life. A
person must be in good bodily and mental health. For example, if any person is
constantly eating junk food yet does not have any disease, it does not make you healthy.
He/she is not consuming healthy food, which means you are not beneficial, just
surviving. Therefore, to live a life, we need to have the bare essentials that make our
lifestyle healthy. Fresh fruits and vegetables are excellent for our health. Junk food
destroys our life. It is the root cause of many diseases. Good health is a matter of concern.
We have to avoid unhygienically, and junk food also maintains our health to be a wealthy
person in real meaning.

  Good health keeps us always happy and give us fitness in our body.
 Good health also gives us social, mental, physical fitness.
 Good health helps us to good, happy and healthy life.
 Good health helps to easily and actively do our work.
 Good health saves our time and life.
 Good health helps to develop our decision power making skill.


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