Individual Inventory Forms-Student PDS-Family BG

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Name Age
Birthday Birthplace
Address Contact No.
Year/Section Sex No. of Years in school


a. Father Mother
Age Age
Occupation Occupation

b. Educational Status
Elementary Elementary
High School High School
Undergraduate Undergraduate
Graduate Graduate
College College
High Education High Education

c. Financial Status
Total Annual Income (Single/Combined)
Below P 60, 000 a year
P 60, 001 to P 100, 000 a year
P 100, 001 to P 150, 000 a year
Above P 150, 000

d. Marital Status of Parents

Living together and here in the Philippines
Living together but one working abroad
Who Where
Living together but bopth working abroad
Separated without having each a family
Separated with other families
Living with other than parents
With whom

e. Rank or Order of Birth

1st ( ) Middle ( ) Last ( ) Only ( )

f. No. of Siblings
Brothers Sisters

Adopted from: Decal-Mendoza, E. (2003). Guidance and Counseling Today. pp. 32-35. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
g. The person in the family you are very close and confident with:
Father ( ) Mother ( ) Sister ( ) Brother ( )

h. How would you describe your relation with:

very close just ok better than not
(father) ____________ ____________ ____________
(mother) ____________ ____________ ____________
(sisters) ____________ ____________ ____________
(brother) ____________ ____________ ____________


Favorite Subject Most Difficult Subject

Inclinations/performing arts Sports
Class leadership
religious groupinigs
creative arts
acting singing
Want to be a

1st choice 2nd Choice 3rd Choice

III - On Tests taken

1. NEAT ___ ENTRANCE EXAM (MAT) ___ Instructional Reading Level ___ Rating ___
2. DT Year ___ English___ Math___ Science___ PACT___ CSAT___
3. Do you fear to take tests? YES ( ) NO ( )
4. Have you taken study skill test? YES ( ) NO ( )
5. Do you want to visit the guidance office for counseling? YES ( ) NO ( )
6. Do you welcome home visitation? YES ( ) NO ( )

Adopted from: Decal-Mendoza, E. (2003). Guidance and Counseling Today. pp. 32-35. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

(Surname) (First name) (M.I.)

(Age - previous Birthday) Birthday Birthplace

Father's Name: ___________________________ Mother's maiden Name: ___________________________

No. of children in the family: _____________________________ Order of Birth: ___________________________
(including yourself)

Part I - School
School: How long have you been here? ___________________________________________________________
In what other school did you study? _____________________________________________________
School clubs: You are a member of: _________________, _________________, _________________,
_________________, _________________, _________________, _________________, _________________,
Favorite Subject: _________________, _________________, _________________,_________________,
_________________, _________________, _________________, _________________,
Name of friends: _________________, _________________,_________________, _________________,
_________________, _________________, _________________, _________________,
Names of Brothers/Sisters who studies in here and date:
Brother Sister Date
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________
__________________ __________________ __________________

Part II - Family
Best like (father) ______ or (mother) _______
Favorite (brother) ________ or (sister) ________
Father's dream for you ___________________ Mother's dream for you ____________________

Part III - Self

Use 5 adjectives to describe your self? _________________, _________________, _________________,
_________________, _________________,
Favorite hobby _________________, _________________,_________________, _________________,
Ambition _________________, _________________,_________________, _________________,
Likes _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Dislikes ___________________________________________________________________________________________
Studying in ___________________________________________ School Year _______________________________

Adopted from: Decal-Mendoza, E. (2003). Guidance and Counseling Today. pp. 32-35. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Name : _______________________________________________________ Age: _____________________

Birthday: ___________________________________________Birthplace: _________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________Tel/ No.: ___________________________

A. Paste your family picture including all the members and describe each.

B. My father is __________________________________ who works in _____________________________

and my mother is _______________________________________ who works in __________________________
They a. live together ___________ b. separated ______________
c. deceased (mother or ftaher) ______________ d. remarried (mother or father) ______________
e. working abroad (mother alone, father alone, or both) ___________________________________

I wish my father is
I wish my mother is
I wish our family is
I wish my family is

C. 1. My happiest moment with my family is when _________________________________________________

2. Our saddest moment as a family is when _______________________________________________________
3. If luck will turn to my favor, I wish my Father and my Mother will be _______________________________
4. My greatest fear of our family is _______________________________________________________________

Adopted from: Decal-Mendoza, E. (2003). Guidance and Counseling Today. pp. 32-35. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.




Adopted from: Decal-Mendoza, E. (2003). Guidance and Counseling Today. pp. 32-35. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.






Adopted from: Decal-Mendoza, E. (2003). Guidance and Counseling Today. pp. 32-35. Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

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