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Final Jury

Subject - DS Branded Entertainment

Under the guidance of:

Prof. Bharti Moitra
Dr. Anannya Deb Roy
NIFT Kolkata

Submitted by:
Aman Susan Kujur
Ashi Adhikari
Monica Raju
Sakshi Chourasia

Master in Fashion Management

Batch of ‘23 | Semester II

National Institute of Fashion Management

Ministry of Textile, Government of India
[Plot – 3B, SH 1, LA Block, Sector III, Bidhannagar, Kolkata, West Bengal 700098]
Table of Contents
Introduction 5
Background Discussion 5
Traditional Marketing 5
Experiential Marketing 6
Branded Entertainment 7
Benefits 8
Environmental Factors affecting Branded Entertainment 9
How to create best Branded Content? 11
Challenges 11

Objectives 12

Brand Analysis - Carvaan 12

About Saregama India Ltd 12
Saregama Carvaan 13
STP 14
Segmentation 14
Targeting 14
Positioning 15
Marketing Strategies 16
Branded Entertainment of Sa Re Ga Ma Carvaan 17
Mind Mapping 18
Emotional Aspects 19
Building Relationship 19
Musical aspect 20
Theme 20
Other Campaigns 20

Achelois 25
Background 25

About our brand 25
Why Achelois 26
STP - Achelois 27
Achelois - Product Design 27
Pricing 28
Competitors 28
Branded Entertainment 29
Elements 29
Story Line 30
Hero’s Journey 31
Social Media Posts 34
Campaigns 36
Bold campaigns 36
Influencer Marketing 36
#MyFirst Campaign - Customer Engagement 36

Conclusion 38

References 39

1. Introduction
1.1. Background Discussion
1.1.1. Traditional Marketing
Traditional marketing views consumers as rational decision-makers who care about
functional features and benefits. Schmitt suggests that traditional marketing was developed
for an industrial age economy, where products not experiences were important. This type of
marketing is no longer suitable for today’s information economy where information, branding
and communications have evolved.

The above figure shows the four key characteristics of traditional marketing according to
● Focused on features and benefits by brands who assume that customers are rational
and select products based on highest overall product utility.
● Product categories and competition are narrowly defined e.g. cereal brand A competes
with cereal brand B only and not with other breakfast meal alternatives for example.
● Customers are viewed as rational decision makers who undertake rational reasoned
action in order to satisfy needs.
● Marketing methods and tools are analytical, quantitative and verbal.

Traditional advertising and media is defined as marketing communication that is

predominantly one-way, persuasive in an intrusive manner in the sense that it appears within
editorial content in the media in which it is brought. Examples of traditional advertising in the
traditional media are TV commercials, advertisements in print media, radio advertisements,

pop‐up and banner advertisements on websites and overlays and mouse‐over effects on web
pages. (Musson, 2014)

1.1.2. Experiential Marketing

Experiential marketing is defined as marketing which focuses on consumer experiences,
treating consumption as a holistic experience and recognising both the rational and emotional
drivers of consumption.

Experiential marketing as having four key characteristics, seen in figure above:

● Customers experience as a customer encountering, undergoing or living through
things and providing sensory, emotional cognitive a, behavioral and relational values
that replace functional product values. This is the key characteristic of experiential
● The second key characteristic is the holistic experience of consumption, where brands
need to ask themselves which products will fit into a consumption situation, then
design products, packages and communication to enhance this experience.
● A third characteristic describes relational and emotional consumers (not just rational)
that are driven by emotions and cognitive processes.
● The final characteristic of experiential marketing is that methods and tools are eclectic
and not bound to one methodological ideology; some are highly analytical and
quantitative while others intuitive and qualitative or even ideographic (customized to
the situation), but not nomothetic (same standard format for all) (Musson, 2014)

1.2. Branded Entertainment
New communication tools are emerging within the new marketing paradigm. One of these
tools is branded entertainment, a kind of hybrid message used by brands to produce
entertainment content. (Musson, 2014)

Branded entertainment is the insertion of a brand within an entertainment property in such a

way that the line between entertainment and advertising becomes blurred. Branded
entertainment is gaining momentum as a promising marketing communications tool in an
increasingly convergent media environment in which editorial content and advertising
content are blended. Through branded entertainment brands aim to engage consumers with
their brand messages in a more compelling and effective way. Brands are using branded
entertainment strategies to achieve their marketing communication goals within an
entertaining experience in a new media context where both media changes and consumer
behavior changes are transforming in a radical way how brands communicate with their
audiences. Advertising clutter, consumer empowerment, information technologies, and new
technological developments (e.g., smartphones and tablets) are not only changing the way
consumers access and interact with brand information but also the way they want to engage
with brand communications. In this context, the need for value is a must have in today's
marketing communications and branded entertainment is a good way to provide value to
consumers within brand communications. (Parreño et al., 2017)

Branded Entertainment: the convergence of Advertising and Entertainment (Musson, 2014)

Academic research on Branded Entertainment is pithily summarized by Chan into five
research categories:
● Analysis of the nature of brand appearances in movies or television programmes;
● Empirical studies of Branded Entertainment effectiveness;
● General discussion on the development and trends in Branded Entertainment;
● Examination of marketing practitioners’ views on Branded Entertainment; and
● Cross-cultural comparisons of the interpretation and ethical acceptability of product
placement. (Musson, 2014)

The term “branded content” originally emerged in 2001. While typical marketing campaigns
are all about choosing a USP and then finding a way to convey that selling point to your
customer, branded content takes a new approach. Rather than focusing on the product’s story,
the content focuses on the consumer, their needs, and how the product can solve their
problems. This strategy allows companies to connect with their audience on a deeper level.

1.2.1. Benefits
Though branded content strategies aren’t exactly a new concept, they’ve been getting a lot
more attention lately. According to some experts, the idea of branded content first emerged
way back in the 1940s – even if marketers didn’t have a name for it then. Today, branded
content is back in the spotlight because companies have begun to realize just how ineffective
traditional marketing strategies are. In fact, according to one study:
● Brand recall is 59% better for branded content than display ads.
● Brand favorability is 7% higher than for display ads.
● Purchase consideration is 9% higher than with display ads.

Branded content gets more recognition from your audience and creates brand recognition.
Because these videos and articles aren’t explicitly designed to sell products, customers
believe that they’re more personal and tailor-made for their needs. Eventually, branded
content can build trust, and lead to long-term customers. Some of the biggest benefits of a
brand content strategy include:
● Better audience reach - Today’s impatient customers are more likely to ignore a
banner advertisement or obvious piece of promotional content than share it with their
friends. People simply don’t engage with content that they can’t resonate with on an

emotional level. Branded content creates an exciting story for customers to enjoy and
gives it to them on their preferred channel. The result is a better chance of word of
mouth marketing and brand advocacy.
● Greater loyalty - Branded content doesn’t just give you a chance to connect with new
customers; it also helps you to strengthen your relationship with existing consumers
too. Thanks to the emotive and meaningful messages that go into brand content,
companies have a chance to really show their clients what they’re all about,
improving affinity and setting the stage for loyalty.
● More authenticity and trust - Today, content has become a critical part of our
day-to-day lives. We use it for everything from entertainment, to news updates.
However, as consumers, we don’t just want to see any old content posted on the web.
We want a chance to learn more about brands that are authentic and trustworthy. By
showing your customers that you’re willing to put them first, instead of focusing
exclusively on your profits, you can begin to develop a stronger sense of trust.
(fabrikbrands, n.d.) (Fellow, 2021)

1.2.2. Environmental Factors affecting Branded Entertainment

1. Media Fragmentation
A significant increase in the demand by brands for advertising space across media platforms
has resulted in a significant increase in advertisement messages presented to the individual
consumer per day. Confronted with more than 15 attributes at once, individuals may
experience information overload, which will have an adverse effect on processing of
information and decision making. Koch and Anderson report that increasing competition has
led to a significant increase in the number of advertisement messages presented to the
individual consumer per day. Due to media fragmentation, media proliferation and the
declining relative impact of advertising efficacy, product placement has therefore become an
effective way to reach consumers.

2. Competitive Landscape
Koch and Andersen advise that marketing practitioners globally be faced with increasing
challenges to communicate effectively with their prospective customers due to increased
competition, as the time to copy products and features has reduced and because there are

limited differentiation factors between products (commodities). The result is that marketers
have to focus on creating a unique position in the customers mind. According to Strazdina,
experiential elements added to the brand experience are consistent with existing brand
communication and it can be said it will strengthen the overall message, and thus provide a
competitive advantage to the company and brand. Strazdina (2009) also expects that
experiential marketing will increase over time, with the increasing pressure from customers
demanding it and the increased competition between brands, which will become even more
prominent over time.

3. Authenticity
As suggested by Koch and Andersen, the use of Branded Entertainment is a means of
building or maintaining authenticity due to their unobtrusive and slightly experiential nature.
They state that it is essential that the target group for experiential marketing perceives
coherence between the brand and the content of the experiential campaign, for example an
event. This coherence is termed authenticity state that viewers enjoy Branded Entertainment
provided realism is added to the scene. Snoddy has found that viewer enjoyment of product
placements increases for Branded Entertainment, where products are an integral part of the
script. Peoples’ lives are so saturated with brands that the inclusion of identifiable products
adds to the sense of reality and he goes so far as to say even, validates the individual’s reality.

4. Budget and Effective Marketing Spending

Koch and Andersen state that marketing practitioners all over the world are faced with
ever-increasing challenges in their attempts to effectively communicate with their prospective
customers within financial constraints. Globalization has increased the scope of competition
and brands must compete on share‐of‐voice and devote extra effort to differentiation in the
consumers’ minds. This has led to increased demand for media in terms of time (radio and
TV) and space (print, outdoor and online), which also perpetuates issues relating to media
fragmentation. Production budgets in entertainment have shrunk and companies are looking
at alternative funding and one of these alternatives is Branded Entertainment.

5. Technology
Technology has enabled viewers to pause and rewind live TV, record pre-set programmes,
and skip through advertising to bypass television commercials. It is estimated that two-thirds

of TV viewers cut the sound during commercials, channel-surf, or skip them altogether
because they are annoying or irrelevant. It was also found that the industry considers brand
placement and brand-integrated programs as the future of television advertising. The possible
distractions and tools for avoidance are common, as technological development presents tools
such as digital video recorders (PVR), broadband access and mobile subscriptions, which are
readily available for web surfing even while performing another activity. This allows for
multi-product use and eases the act of ad‐avoidance so that even if a marketer succeeds in
presenting his or her message in the right medium at the right time, success is not guaranteed
as many consumers actively seek to avoid exposure to advertisement messages rendering the
communication effort irrelevant. The rise of Internet television such as YouTube is eroding
the traditional TV market, and advertisers are turning to Branded Entertainment to recapture
the attention of its audience.

1.2.3. How to create best Branded Content?

Well-known analytics company ‘Nielsen’ discovered that brand recall was as high as 86% for
branded content – and it was only 65% for regular ads.

Of course, there are different types of branded content and different levels of success that you
can achieve. The question is, how do you create something that’s going to attract and engage
your target audience?
● Show your story
● Make sure you get emotional
● Use characters that audiences can resonate with
● Create stories that showcase your brand
● Be credible and authentic
● Don’t interrupt, delight (fabrikbrands, n.d.)

1.2.4. Challenges
Some of the challenges around using Branded Entertainment including:
● Brand clutter, the value of any one brand may be limited if too much product is
placed, this can annoy viewers and be viewed as unacceptable commercialism;
● Lack of control;

● Entertainment vehicle may not be successful;
● Possibility of negative character / event / vehicle association;
● Difficulty in pricing product placements: and
● Product placement ethics (Musson, 2014)
2. Objectives
The objectives of this report are :
● To understand Brand's motive behind Branded Entertainment.
● To understand Reflection of the BE on its viewers.
● To understand and Apply the Learnings on our Brand
● To develop our own Branded Entertainment

3. Brand Analysis - Carvaan

3.1. About Saregama India Ltd
Saregama India Ltd., a RP Sanjiv Goenka Group company, is India's oldest music label,
youngest film studio and a multi-language TV content producer.

In 1902, Saregama released India's first ever studio recorded song. In the years that followed,
the company continued to expand its catalog to become the largest in-perpetuity global owner
of both sound recording and publishing copyrights of Indian music across 14 different
languages. Steadily, the company expanded its portfolio to include intellectual property rights
of over 4000 hours of TV content produced for channels in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada,
Malayalam and Bengali. Over the last few decades, the company forayed into retailing music
through physical and digital mediums such as CDs, iOS & Android based apps and usb based
thematic music cards.

Since 2017, Saregama has been making headlines again owing to the launch of two unique
initiatives, Saregama Carvaan and Yoodlee Films.

Yoodlee Films, Saregama's film production venture, believes in the mantra of fearless
filmmaking. The films produced under this banner are driven by powerful stories that are
realistic, provocative and seldom touched upon in the mainstream space. The films will be
made available on a variety of platforms including theater, satellite and VOD.

Saregama's head office is located in Kolkata, with other offices in Mumbai, Delhi and
Chennai. It is listed on the National Stock Exchange of India Limited and BSE Limited.
(SaReGaMa, n.d.)

3.2. Saregama Carvaan

Televisions, iPods, and Radio have made it super easy for one to listen to their favorite music.
That’s what the older people from the 1950's and 1980’s had to do until a medium of their
choice- Saregama Carvaan took off. Now, they get to relish and relive the music of their
choice the first thing in the morning.

Saregama Carvaan is a portable digital music player with in-built stereo speakers that comes
with 5000 evergreen Hindi songs inside, classified on the basis of singers, lyricists, music
composers and moods. The unique proposition of this product is that even today in the times
when digital music consumption is the order of the day, Carvaan attempts to give the older
generation a lean-back, uncomplicated aka 70s Vividh Bharti music listening experience.
Carvaan is a perfect blend of digital technology and a retro form factor. In less than a year,
from launch its unprecedented sales have made it Saregama's flagship product.

Carvaan is a product one can use with ease by changing the songs according to one’s
preference. The best strategy chosen by Saregama Carvaan was that they didn’t focus on
making it a product for all. Carvaan was targeted at people above 40 years of age who love
music but find it too cumbersome to download their favorite songs.

To their surprise, even though the target audience were the elder people, most of the
customers were youngsters. It even proved to be the most gifted product for festivals that

It was the work of Saregama and The Womb, done together, which made it such a success in
the market. With no marketing budgets, the company went forward with the product,
depending on The Word- Of- Mouth.

After getting the Product Right, the brand went ahead in launching campaigns for the same.
The Music Industry was shaken as the product sold 4 lakh units alone in its launch.
Saregama has recently launched a premium version of Carvaan and users can control/access
music on Carvaan Premium from a mobile app for Android or iOS. The next growth of
Saregama Carvaan is expected from Tier 2 cities. Carvaan’s regional variants will further add
to its relevance in the diversified choices and music taste of Indian markets.

Extensive Consumer Research

Narrowing down on a list of 5,000 songs from even one era of Bollywood music is no mean
feat. The team studied data from 134 partners to understand the kind of content that was
being consumed. 1.1 billion consumption points were identified and analyzed before the list
of 5,000 songs was curated.

3.3. STP
3.3.1. Segmentation

Sa Re Ga Ma Carvaan had two segments, the buyer and the consumer. As of 2020, India has
become the youngest country in the world. To not make a product which has no relevance to
one third of India’s population and almost 46% of its workforce would be a strategy
nightmare to start with. 70% of total household incomes are contributed by millennials —
those born after 1982.

3.3.2. Targeting

Sa Re Ga Ma focused its strategy on a niche market. A niche market focuses exclusively on a

group that stands to benefit most from a product. This kind of marketing strategy allows their

brand to stand out from the crowd, establish a dominant presence, make itself appear more
valuable, and establish longer, deeper connections with its customers.

3.3.3. Positioning

Saregama Carvaan is being positioned as a gifting item. As mentioned above, the buyer and
the user are two different segments for Saregama Carvaan. Priced at a little over Rs. 5900, to
have conservative price sensitive,middle class parents in India indulge in this device would
have been a tough ask. As people retire the tendency to spend purely on themselves goes
down, which is why, Sa Re Ga Ma Carvaan’s team added a Bluetooth feature in the mix to
increase the utility once it is brought home. To position it as a gifting item was the last nail in
the coffin by Saregama. The product was made for someone else, but it had to talk to
someone who will buy it. Saregama couldn’t ignore the increasing purchasing power and
disposable income of the millennials.

Made for old, sold to young

Made for offline, sold online (Galpani, 2018)

Target People who have parents in 40 and 60 years of age and stay
away in nuclear families.

Unmet Needs People who want to do something meaningful for their


Competitive Set A device that has a library of 5000 evergreen songs to be

played with certain minimum controls.

Unique point of A thoughtful gift from young adults to their parents.


Reasons to believe Evergreen songs loved by most of the parents in india

Doesn’t require parents to cope up with technology

2000+ sales in the last 5 years (Syal, 2022)

3.4. Marketing Strategies

Marketers use hope as an important element in getting any product across to their target
audience and along with hope, emotions too play an important role in driving marketing
campaigns. Infact, once the product’s emotional appeal is felt by a customer, rarely will a
customer not make a purchase. Utilizing this concept brilliantly, is ‘Saregama Carvaan’ that
adopted a niche marketing strategy to get to their target audience.
1. Targeting a niche audience - Saregama explored the opportunity available in the
form of the older generation, as most of the new age music apps were focusing on the
youth and its preferences. The older generation, though not very tech-savvy, loved
their kind of music, which was available through only a select few mediums, mostly
YouTube. With radios gone, and cassettes no longer in the market, Carvaan helped
them relive their love for their kind of music.
2. Old look with new features - Also, its design made an impact. With the nostalgic
transistor look, with the tuner button placed in the right, the familiarity made the
product well-accepted.Along with the old songs and design offered by the product, the
USB and Bluetooth options offered benefits for the young generation as well.
3. Diversifying their product portfolio - Saregama diversified by adding Carvaan
Tamil, Carvaan Kidz, Carvaan Bhakti and Carvaan Go. These helped the product
become more inclusive and accepted, becoming a good gifting option for kids and
regional music lovers as well.
4. Word-Of-Mouth Marketing - The product was launched in 2017, as a music player
that had around 5000 songs, curated from Saregama’s archives and assorted on the
basis of singers, music composers, lyricists and even moods. The makers relied
heavily on word-of-mouth marketing, which paid off, with their niche target audience
doing all for it. In fact, on the launch itself, 4 lakh units of the product were sold.
5. Positioning - According to research, millennials contributed to a large extent to a
large number of Indian households. And so, keeping them out would only prove
pointless. Their purchasing power and disposable income too were considered, as they
were the ones who could afford to spend. Hence, the Carvaan was positioned as a
gifting item. Though created for a different audience, it was imperative to be

appealing to the ones who could buy it. Also, by incorporating the emotional appeal
concept, Saregama Carvaan conveyed that no price is too much for, while gifting your
parents or grandparents, and it is the emotion that matters. The brand through some
heart-touching ads conveyed the same.
6. Special Content - - Radio shows have been something the older generation grew up
with. And thus, incorporating a special radio show, in the eternal voice of the
legendary Ameen Sayani, was something that drew audiences to the product.

The product has done well, and staying true to its core, ease and simplicity, the product has
managed to make a place for itself in a lot of households where music from the olden times is
loved and valued. (Kantawala, 2022)

3.5. Branded Entertainment of Sa Re Ga Ma Carvaan

During the festive season of November 2017, for the first of its kind, Saregama rolled out a
brand film 5 minutes long narrating the life story of a couple who decide to walk every step
together while the songs witness them grow old.

Refer the link -

The campaign, conceptualized by The Womb, affirmed that nothing can compare to the
experience of owning a Saregama Carvaan and walking down the memory lane with these
evergreen songs. It served as a reflection of the strong emotions that people have been
connecting with this unique and perfect gift – Saregama Carvaan.

The commercial for Saregama Carvaan, a digital audio player, shows the beautiful journey of
a couple’s married life through a lovely song – Lag Jaa Gale from the movie Woh Kaun Thi?,
sung by the iconic Lata Mangeshkar, created by an independent agency. She calls up her
husband and sings the next two lines of the song since he’s having a bad day at work. He
immediately smiles while listening to his wife’s voice on the phone. The son is a grown up
college-goer now. The father listens through a closed door as his wife croons the next two
lines of Lag Jaa Gale while getting ready for a wedding. The song ends when she breathes her
last and the father-son float her ashes in the river.

The now-old man misses his wife, his constant companion, his pillar of support and her
magical voice. We can see him walking around the bench, their usual sitting place and also
looking forlornly at the empty side of the bed while sleeping at night. The son is worried for
his father. And then one day, he finally sleeps peacefully while listening to Lata Mangeshkar
singing his favorite song Lag Jaa Gale. We see that the son has put a new Saregama Carvaan
on his mother’s side of the bed. The audio player has 5000 evergreen preloaded Hindi songs
along with FM radio.

3.5.1. Mind Mapping

3.5.2. Emotional Aspects
The Womb, the commercial shows various stages of the couple’s life where music plays a
pivotal part. It starts with the wife putting their young son to sleep while the husband requests
her to sing two lines from their favorite song. As she croons, he blissfully falls off to sleep. A
few years later, the son is grown up and is busy with a school science project. She calls up her
husband and sings the next two lines of the song since he’s having a bad day at work. He
immediately smiles while listening to his wife’s voice on the phone. Which evokes emotions
of love, care, warmth, empathy amongst the viewer.

3.5.3. Building Relationship

The son is a grown up college-goer now. The father listens through a closed door as his wife
croons the next two lines of Lag Jaa Gale while getting ready for a wedding. The song ends
when she breathes her last and the father-son float her ashes in the river. Which portrays the
feeling of growing old. The now-old man misses his wife, his constant companion, his pillar
of support and her magical voice. We can see him walking around the bench, their usual
sitting place and also looking forlornly at the empty side of the bed while sleeping at night.
The son is worried for his father. And then one day, he finally sleeps peacefully while
listening to Lata Mangeshkar singing his favorite song Lag Jaa Gale. We see that the son has
put a new Saregama Carvaan on his mother’s side of the bed. The audio player has 5000

evergreen preloaded Hindi songs along with FM radio. Which depicts the feeling of slowly
moving on and how saregama carvaan is playing a vital role in filling the digital gap between
the two generations.

3.5.4. Musical aspect

A lovely song – Lag Jaa Gale from the movie Woh Kaun Thi?, sung by the iconic Lata
Mangeshkar gives a sense of relief, and makes its viewer nostalgic about the days when their
mother or grandmother used to sing lullabies for them and make their heart melt.

3.5.5. Theme
Styling and location selection goes well with the whole retro theme they have tried to create
which represents all sorts of emotion and especially winter season selection as it depicts a
somber mood which aligns with the death of the male protagonist’s beloved companion. And
the retro product design, vintage color selection all goes with the target consumer they are
trying to cater with a modern touch.
3.6. Other Campaigns
In May 2018, Saregama in collaboration with The Womb launched the first TV campaign for
the portable digital audio player. The campaign featured different mother-child relationships
across three television spots and a common theme where all of them bring alive the joy the
elderly recipients feel when they receive Carvaan as a gift from their children.

Refer this link -

Refer this link -

The brand objective through the campaign was to target the young as essential buyers who
will purchase the product as a gift for their parents and seniors, who are its primary users. On
occasions such as Diwali, New Year, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day – the company placed it as
an essential gift for your loved ones that also evoked several emotions.
The brand roped in celebrities to showcase their love for Carvaan and reach a wider
consumer base through its marketing and on-ground promotions. On occasions like
Valentine’s Day and festivities, Saregama rolled out TVCs to celebrate the happenings and
urged the followers to deliver a perfect gift ‘Carvaan’ to their elderly.

Refer to this link -

During Diwali in October 2018, came one of the several gems created by the company – ‘Is
Diwali- Shor Ya Sangeet’. Having The Womb by its side and Prakash Varma of Nirvana
Films directing the ad film, Saregama Carvaan hit the right notes with the digital campaign
by presenting a story often untold.

Refer this link -

Carvaan is about music and Diwali has been associated with noise- that ends up hurting or
causing harm to many innocent souls. The commercial presented two conflicting points of
view and attached human sentiments to the happenings which made it an instant hit among
the viewers.

Leveraging young and veteran popular personalities as endorsers for its product, Saregama
Carvaan went on to launch many variants as Carvaan Gold, Saregama Carvaan Go, Carvaan
Mini, and Saregama 2.0 on its way, each variant upgraded with suitable features received
through consumer feedback, research, and insights.

Citing regional influence and the impact of vernacular languages, the brand also launched a
variant catering to the main languages of India including Tamil, Punjabi, Telugu, Malayalam,
and more.

The Saregama Carvaan advertising journey positioned it as a precious gift that will take your
mother, father or elderly loved one on a nostalgic trip to their heydays, youth, and the pure
joy of rediscovering the same through music. It was also about realizing that the next
generation won’t grow up alien to the experience of enjoying music the good old way, as per
the company.

After high on emotion and tear-jerker campaigns like ‘Aap ke Pehle Pyaar ke Liye, Aap ki Ma
ke Liye’, ‘Is Diwali Aap Kya Sunnena Chahenge Shor ya Sangeet’, ‘Jinhe Aap Kabhi Keh
Nahi Paaye Unhe Kahiye Thank You’, in August 2019, the company roped in actor Gajraj
Rao to launch a series of 7 films that focused particularly on the product and the magical
moments it can create every day with its music. This campaign talked about the different
features of the product.

When the pandemic-induced lockdown grappled the country in 2020, Saregama Carvaan
collaborated with celebrity influencers on the occasion of Father’s Day who grooved to the
tunes of Carvaan while staying back at home and enjoying the little moments of life with
their loved ones.

Refer to this link -

It also rolled out a digital campaign focused on the elderly titled Jo Abhi Bahar Nahi Ja Sakte
Unke Liye Ghar Le Aaye – Saregama Carvaan. Amid the unprecedented COVID-19
challenges, the Saregama campaign highlighted the importance of entertainment in the life of
elderly persons and how powerful the music can be for them to sail through the crisis. (Brand
Saga, 2021)

4. Achelois
4.1. Background
Menstruation – A part of every woman's life cycle. It is a natural fact of life and a monthly
occurrence for the 1.8 billion girls, women, transgender men, and non-binary persons of
reproductive age. Yet millions of menstruators worldwide are denied the right to manage their
monthly menstrual cycle in a dignified, healthy way. A normal menstrual cycle is when the
lining of a woman's uterus sheds. This cycle is part of a woman's reproductive system and
prepares the body for a possible pregnancy. It is also called a period, menses, or cycle.
Menstruation is a natural process but it is still a taboo in Indian society as it is considered
unclean and dirty. Women have developed their own personal strategies to handle this period
of time. These strategies vary greatly due to personal preferences, availability of resources,
economic status, cultural traditions and beliefs, education status, and knowledge about
menstruation. Practices related to menstruation hygiene are of major concern as it has a
health impact; if neglected, it leads to toxic shock syndrome, reproductive tract infections
(RTI), and other vaginal diseases

4.2. About our brand

Menstruation has historically been a taboo subject in India. The word ‘Period’ is usually
uttered in hushed voices and years of social conditioning has built a culture of silence around
what is a normal biological process. Women are used to buying sanitary pads off the shelf,
covered in black plastic, without having a chance to read the packaging and decide whether
that particular pack of pads actually caters to their needs or not. In the advertising and
marketing world, menstruation has always meant a cis-gendered woman in white pants
conquering the world with blue liquid dripping on her cotton strips.

Need of our Brand - Therefore, there was an urgent need for a brand that could actively
change this narrative, include non-binary people in their campaigns to help minimise
dysphoria among AFAB (Assigned Female At Birth) people who are not women, challenge
existing superstitions around menstruation and encourage menstruators to talk about their
sexual wellness openly. Enter Achelois , a wellness brand that targets to carve a niche for
itself by simply having an open, candid conversation with menstruators.

When it’s time to comfort your beloved daughter, mother, sister, friend or your wife, Achelois
menstrual kit is the first opportunity to make good on all those roller coaster mood swings.
But more importantly, it’s a creative way to make them feel at home.

Starting a new job, handling home seems like too much on a plate on those days . They have
to navigate through a rollercoaster ride of emotions, facing a world where you're unprepared
for a sudden outburst.

It’s important to make them feel comfortable, to ensure they’re well-equipped to take on a
new day. It doesn’t take extravagant perks or some expensive gifts to get them to feel this
way. Sometimes it can be as simple as a well-thought-out menstrual kit, and that’s exactly
what we're trying to cater to. Introducing a whole new way to take on that time of the month,
Achelois introducing fully customizable packs, just the way the customers need it. Not only
are the pads wider, soft, leakage-proofed, rash-free, and comfortable, they smell great and are
packed in an individual packing so they are easy to dispose of.

The best part about achelois is that the customers can customize their own box according to
their flow days. So, if two out of their five days are heavy flow, one is medium and two are
light,we customize accordingly and have a pack that will make their periods hassle-free. Our
packet will be home delivered.

All the customers have to do is choose their assortment of pads, pick the number of pads they
would require and if they want, select a subscription period (once every month, once every
two months, etc.). They can even modify their order if they find out that they need fewer pads
next time.

Our mission is to build holistic solutions in solving real problems and focus on being
customer-first. The market for women’s wellness is massive as several large opportunities
remain unsolved.

4.3. Why Achelois

Achelois is a minor moon goddess whose name means “she who washes away pain”. She’s
surrounded by the flowers of Antheia, a Greek goddess of Flowers, unlocking the medicinal

power of nature. She is part of the series washing away sorrows, a spin off, with mythical
healing creatures.

4.4. STP - Achelois

Segmentation of Product - It is a premium product, which targets the urban class of the
society and gratifies their respective needs. It also caters to the aspirational young female
segment which is another section of demographics. The direct-to-consumer (D2C) business
model also allows Achelois to connect directly with its customers and maintain control over
product development, marketing and distribution.

Targeting - Achelois caters to a specific age group that is ranging between 15 years to 40
years majorly from Tier 1 and Tier 2 cities.

Positioning - Our brand positions itself as a personalized brand because one box doesn’t fit
all. Kits are customized for your unique needs and goals via our proprietary algorithm and
freshly made by our team of experts. Asking the women in its community to tell them what
they were looking for before launching new products and our ability to co-create solutions
with our community is what sets us apart. Our brand normalizes fathers to be involved in
period conversations with their daughters, which brings to light the discomfort fathers feel in
having a conversatisations of her growing-up years. Small behavior changes which can be
passed down from generation to generation is what sets us apart.

4.5. Achelois - Product Design

The packaging of female hygiene products is given high importance due to various reasons
like the ability to maintain the cleanliness of products, easy and safe to carry, etc. However,
due to the sudden boom and high competition one can now see unique packaging styles and
creative packaging designs to attract potential consumers. Unlike the usual blue or pink
colors, our brand will now consider earthy cool colors such as mint blue, lilac, brown etc to
connect with young consumers. One of the important aspects of Sanitary Pads Packaging
Design is to effectively place critical information about the product, its size, and type,
number of items in the pack and more such information, including special instructions to
guide the young generation using the products. The packaging aspect of female hygiene

products will be transformed as brands as we are trying to make it more personal to connect
with girls and women alike.

The products can be customized, with even change in color palettes, food items, pad sizes etc.

4.6. Pricing
Prices start at INR 199 for a one-month subscription (15 pads) and a 3-month subscription
will cost the customers INR 399 (45 pads) which works out a lot more cost-effective.

4.7. Competitors

(Soni, 2019)

4.8. Branded Entertainment
On developing a Branded Entertainment for Achelois, we are targeting the emotional aspect
of our customer, helping them connect to our brand and build relationships. The stories
conveyed through our brand are focusing on real life stories of real people.

4.8.1. Elements
Emotions -
● Acknowledging the pain
● Breaking the stereotype - Genders such as transgender men, non-binary and gender
fluid people can all be born with a womb and therefore can experience menstruation.
Some people are actually born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn't fit
traditional sex binaries of male and female.
● Encouraging men to open and talk about it, building a relationship, emoting love, care
towards the female in their life
● Change the narrative by including non-binary people
● Encourage menstruators to talk about their sexual wellness openly

Social -
● To normalize conversation around periods
● To create awareness and acceptance towards menstrual hygiene, inculcate radical
behavioral changes in the society
● Perfect gift for the woman in your life

Music Connect -
● Dedicate a song to your favorite person with the kit itself
● Help build connection, and help the menstruator feel special
● Dedicate a customized song cover to your special

Achelois Plague - These plaques are custom-made acrylic music covers that look like what
you see on Spotify every time you play a song. It includes the song or album cover of your
choice. It can be your favorite song, your theme song, songs that remind you of your friends
or songs you like to dedicate to someone. Additionally you can scan the barcode along with
the product and listen to the song.

4.8.2. Story Line
The story is about a newly wed couple, who are deeply in love with each other. They have a
girl child who they deeply love, care and support. They create their whole new world which
they share together and call it their own.

A few years pass by and the wife starts getting sicker day by day. One day she passes away
and the husband is all shattered and he doesn't know how he is going to raise a girl and how
he is going to fulfill the role of a mother. A girl needs a mother. It's difficult to share
everything with a father. He has a void in his heart and this grief is overshadowing his
relationship, and bonding with his daughter. The two grow a bit apart during this time.

However, as a few years pass by, the girl is admitted to a new school. One day, when the
father was working in his study, his daughter comes by to get a signature for her school
purpose and she makes a gesture which immediately makes him remember of his wife, he
realizes how similar his daughter is to his wife, he realizes that she never actually left, pieces
of her resides in his daughter. That is when he decides to finally take up the role of being her
mother as well.

Father and daughter’s relationship gradually improves, they become much closer than they
used to but still not that close. Father realizes that his daughter has grown and now is ready to
take up new challenges, so he decides to switch her school. She was reluctant at first but she
agreed later on.

Once she is at school, and she starts feeling nauseous and dizzy and she doesn’t know what to
do about it. Her teacher notices the stains on her skirt and explains to her about the period.
She goes back home and is uncomfortable discussing it or asking him to get her pads. She
goes to her room crying, missing her mother and hoping she could have been there for her.

Father notices the stain on her bed and immediately realizes that his daughter has got her first
period. He understood the uneasiness his daughter was feeling. First thing he does is to get
her pads from the supermarket nearby. He approaches her in a very friendly manner so that
she would open up about her doubts. He understood that she had tried to comprehend but
social stigma makes a woman feel uneasy and uncomfortable to discuss such things with the
opposite gender. And it's similar with men. Not all men are accepting of periods which is
quite normal.

After listening to her father, she realized that her father is a very nice man and understanding
and also a very good listener, he is not what she used to think about him and starts opening up
to him about everything. This happens gradually and father takes the role of being a mother
and father both.

The story line is about building relationship and normalizing discussing periods with the
opposite gender be it father, partners, brothers etc. and in return it is important to educate the
boys about periods too and make them understand the importance of periods and how it is not
fair to treat a women differently during her periods or sidelane her.

4.8.3. Hero’s Journey

The hero’s journey is a common narrative archetype, or story template, that involves a hero
who goes on an adventure, learns a lesson, wins a victory with that newfound knowledge, and

then returns home transformed. The story of the advertisement is narrated as the “Hero’s

1. Ordinary World - A newly married couple , normal beautiful life, having a kid.
The story starts with a man and a woman who have decided to get married, their love
blossoms and they create their whole new world which they share together and call it their
own. In a few years’ time, they are blessed with a little baby girl and by her birth, they get a
new additional member to their small family.

2. Call to Adventure - The mother dies.

A few years pass by, the small family has everything they could ask for but everything has a
price, the mother gets ill and, in a few months, passes away leaving her daughter and husband

3. Refusal of the Call - Reluctance to live the role of mother, hesitation.

The father knows his duties toward his child but due to the trauma of losing his wife who he
had loved unconditionally till the day of her passing had created a void in his heart and he
could not pay attention to anything that matters to him anymore, the grief was overshadowing
the relationship of a father and daughter. With time, the two grow apart and know less and
less of each other’s life.

4. Meeting With the Mentor - Remembering the wife and that he is releasing that filling
the void of mother and encouraging himself to take the role of his wife.

One day, when the father was working in his study, his daughter comes by to get a signature
for her school purpose and she makes a gesture which immediately makes him remember of
his wife, he realizes how similar his daughter is to his wife, he realizes that she never actually
left, pieces of her resides in his daughter. That is when he decides to finally take up the role
of being her mother as well.

5. Crossing the First Threshold - Gets her pad on her periods, doing her wife’s job.
Father and daughter’s relationship gradually improves, they become much closer than they
used to but still not that close. Father realizes that his daughter has grown and now is ready to

take up new challenges, so he decides to switch her school. She was reluctant at first but she
agreed later on. She goes to the new school, meets new people, gets overwhelmed by the
sudden change of environment and comes back home with an indifferent face. Next day,
while getting ready for school she realized that her bed sheet had blood stains. She rushed to
the bathroom to see what was happening but she couldn’t understand. Her period started. She
grabs a few paper towels and starts getting ready for school. When she reached school, her
teacher noticed the blood stain on her skirt and she was sent home. When her father came
back home, he saw her curled up in her bed. He asked her what was wrong but she didn’t
reply, that is when he saw the blood stains on her skirt. He understood that his daughter is in
need of her mother right now, whose role he has to play because she is his daughter too. He
grabbed his wallet, went out for a few minutes and came back with black poly bag with
Sanitary napkins inside and gave it to his daughter.

6. Tests, Allies, Enemies -.Societal conditioning, superstitions surrounding menstruation

Being just a teenager, his daughter had a lot of questions which she was shy to ask her father
directly so she searched on the internet, asked a few different people. She realized that not a
lot of people talk about periods and somehow, she felt that it is a topic which should be
discussed in hushed voice and there were lots of restrictions a girl had to follow during their
time of the month.

7. Approach - approaching the daughter and talks to her

Father understood the uneasiness his daughter was feeling, he approached her in a very
friendly manner so that she opens up about her doubts. He understood that she had tried to
comprehend what was going on with her by asking different people and had gotten stuck in a
web of superstitions. He clears all the misunderstandings which were there in her mind and
explains what a period actually means and how to deal with it.

8. Reward - daughter opening up, building bond

After listening to her father, she realized that her father is a very nice man, he is not what she
used to think about him and starts opening up to him about everything.

9. The Road Back - Starts building connection with the daughter, opening and

After getting the recognition needed from his daughter, he starts sharing about his life, how
he met her mother etc and starts building a complete new connection with his daughter.

10. Resurrection Hero - Takes the role of the mother and father both
Finally, father takes the role of being a mother and father both

11. Return With Elixir - Transformed man, a man who is not shy to accept the natural
The father has become more open to different kinds of conversations with his daughter
without being shy and has completely transformed into a new man.

4.8.4. Social Media Posts

Our social media posts are focusing on subtly asking people to stop shushing about it, in a
sarcastic way and as well encouraging people to come together and stop the superstitiousness
surrounding menstruation.

Below are some examples of our social contents.

4.9. Campaigns
4.9.1. Bold campaigns
Being bold is what it takes to promote a topic which is not much talked about in the society at
such a great level. But, goes far and beyond when it comes to marketing.

Achelois is not only promoting its customized feature but also how it can be a perfect gift for
your beloved . We advertise our products by breaking the stigmas and talking about
underrepresented subjects. The brand has created some advertisements around how dads can
also be a part of this conversation, which is a topic that no one talks about and breaks the
stigmas around it.

4.9.2. Influencer Marketing

There are multiple levels of help we will expect from influencers. The amount and types of
assistance we expect depends on the kind of relationship our brand has with influencers.
Clearly we can expect more from somebody with whom you have a paid working relationship
than you can from somebody who is helping you as a favor.
● Creating an article/blog post or video about your product or service
● Sharing information promoting you on their social media accounts,
● for example, publicizing an article you have written on your blog
● Giving you access to their site so you can write a guest post
● Posting pictures on Instagram or videos on YouTube showing them using your
● Writing or filming promotional items for your brand

4.9.3. #MyFirst Campaign - Customer Engagement

On the occasion on Menstrual Hygiene Day on 28th May 2022, Achelois has come up with a
campaign #MyFirst encouraging women, non binary, men of the society, to come and talk
about menstruation, their feelings. It is a no shame game for everyone.

5. Conclusion
In the same vein, Branded Entertainment is used increasingly as a marketing tool to target
consumers in the midst of the changing environmental factors such as technology, media
fragmentation, the internet and social media, budget constraints and the demand for
authenticity from consumers. The purpose of branded entertainment is to leave a mark and
touch all the emotional aspects of its viewer. Branded Entertainment is more transparent than
many other forms of marketing. By nature, it only works if the audience is fully aware of the
fact that the content has been produced by a brand. Branded Entertainment builds trust
between brand and audience. They two come together around a genuine shared interest in a
story or a topic.

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