Logcat 1658756160493

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--------- beginning of system

07-25 10:34:04.993 4268 4752 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 210
ms, interface=android.app.job.IJobScheduler, code=6 oneway=false
07-25 10:34:05.121 4268 4582 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 465
ms, interface=android.content.IContentProvider, code=1 oneway=false
07-25 10:34:06.194 4268 4268 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 204
ms, interface=android.net.IConnectivityManager, code=3 oneway=false
07-25 10:34:06.208 4268 4268 W Looper : PerfMonitor longMsg : seq=2
plan=10:34:04.152 late=1ms wall=2053ms running=169ms runnable=310ms io=227ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=110 procState=8
07-25 10:34:07.009 4268 4533 W FileUtils: Slow Operation: fsync took 114ms
07-25 10:34:07.802 4268 4828 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 520
ms, interface=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.internal.IAdvertisingIdService,
code=1 oneway=false
07-25 10:34:07.803 4268 4398 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 521
ms, interface=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.internal.IAdvertisingIdService,
code=1 oneway=false
07-25 10:34:07.805 4268 4823 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 520
ms, interface=com.google.android.gms.ads.identifier.internal.IAdvertisingIdService,
code=1 oneway=false
07-25 10:34:11.975 4268 4582 W BpBinder: Slow Binder: BpBinder transact took 4114
ms, interface=com.google.android.gms.measurement.internal.IMeasurementService,
code=11 oneway=false
--------- beginning of main
07-25 19:05:59.570 28206 28206 E am.thinkrightm: Not starting debugger since
process cannot load the jdwp agent.
07-25 19:05:59.720 28206 28206 W am.thinkrightm: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-25 19:05:59.720 28206 28206 I chatty : uid=10327(in.publicam.thinkrightme)
identical 1 line
07-25 19:05:59.720 28206 28206 W am.thinkrightm: JIT profile information will not
be recorded: profile file does not exist.
07-25 19:05:59.794 28206 28206 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security
Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
07-25 19:05:59.796 28206 28206 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security
Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
07-25 19:05:59.814 28206 28206 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-25 19:05:59.899 28206 28206 I FirebaseApp: Device unlocked: initializing all
Firebase APIs for app [DEFAULT]
07-25 19:05:59.937 28206 28206 I FirebaseCrashlytics: Initializing Firebase
Crashlytics 18.2.4 for in.publicam.thinkrightme
07-25 19:05:59.953 28206 28285 I DynamiteModule: Considering local module
com.google.android.gms.measurement.dynamite:17 and remote module
07-25 19:05:59.953 28206 28285 I DynamiteModule: Selected local version of
07-25 19:05:59.956 28206 28297 I FirebaseAuth: [FirebaseAuth:] Preparing to create
service connection to fallback implementation
07-25 19:05:59.978 28206 28206 I FirebaseInitProvider: FirebaseApp initialization
07-25 19:05:59.988 28206 28206 D WM-WrkMgrInitializer: Initializing WorkManager
with default configuration.
07-25 19:05:59.989 28206 28300 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:05:59.996 28206 28206 I TetheringManager:
07-25 19:06:00.003 28206 28300 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
07-25 19:06:00.003 28206 28300 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
07-25 19:06:00.040 28206 28206 W com.facebook.w: Please set a value for
AutoLogAppEventsEnabled. Set the flag to TRUE if you want to collect app install,
app launch and in-app purchase events automatically. To request user consent before
collecting data, set the flag value to FALSE, then change to TRUE once user consent
is received. Learn more: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/app-events/getting-
07-25 19:06:00.040 28206 28206 W com.facebook.w: You haven't set a value for
AdvertiserIDCollectionEnabled. Set the flag to TRUE if you want to collect
Advertiser ID for better advertising and analytics results. To request user consent
before collecting data, set the flag value to FALSE, then change to TRUE once user
consent is received. Learn more:
07-25 19:06:00.066 28206 28300 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.080 28206 28268 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.080 28206 28268 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
07-25 19:06:00.080 28206 28268 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
07-25 19:06:00.127 28206 28206 D SoLoader: init start
07-25 19:06:00.127 28206 28206 D SoLoader: adding system library source:
07-25 19:06:00.127 28206 28206 D SoLoader: adding system library source:
07-25 19:06:00.132 28206 28206 D SoLoader: adding application source:
com.facebook.soloader.c[root =
bkN5kL1sA8iu3gSBRiKo1Q==/lib/arm64 flags = 0]
07-25 19:06:00.143 28206 28206 D SoLoader: adding backup source from :
com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/in.publicam.thinkrightme/lib-main flags =
07-25 19:06:00.143 28206 28206 D SoLoader: adding backup sources from split apks
07-25 19:06:00.146 28206 28206 D SoLoader: adding backup source:
com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/in.publicam.thinkrightme/lib-0 flags = 1]
07-25 19:06:00.148 28206 28206 D SoLoader: adding backup source:
com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/in.publicam.thinkrightme/lib-1 flags = 1]
07-25 19:06:00.152 28206 28206 D SoLoader: adding backup source:
com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/in.publicam.thinkrightme/lib-2 flags = 1]
07-25 19:06:00.152 28206 28206 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source:
com.facebook.soloader.c[root = /system/lib64 flags = 2]
07-25 19:06:00.152 28206 28206 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source:
com.facebook.soloader.c[root = /vendor/lib64 flags = 2]
07-25 19:06:00.152 28206 28206 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source:
com.facebook.soloader.c[root =
bkN5kL1sA8iu3gSBRiKo1Q==/lib/arm64 flags = 0]
07-25 19:06:00.152 28206 28206 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source:
com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/in.publicam.thinkrightme/lib-2 flags = 1]
07-25 19:06:00.154 28206 28321 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.154 28206 28321 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
07-25 19:06:00.154 28206 28321 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
07-25 19:06:00.158 28206 28206 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-25 19:06:00.165 28206 28206 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-25 19:06:00.166 28206 28206 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-25 19:06:00.166 28206 28206 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source:
com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/in.publicam.thinkrightme/lib-1 flags = 1]
07-25 19:06:00.169 28206 28206 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-25 19:06:00.173 28206 28206 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-25 19:06:00.173 28206 28206 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-25 19:06:00.173 28206 28206 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source:
com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/in.publicam.thinkrightme/lib-0 flags = 1]
07-25 19:06:00.175 28206 28206 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-25 19:06:00.178 28206 28206 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-25 19:06:00.178 28206 28206 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-25 19:06:00.178 28206 28206 D SoLoader: Preparing SO source:
com.facebook.soloader.a[root = /data/data/in.publicam.thinkrightme/lib-main flags =
07-25 19:06:00.180 28206 28206 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: locked dso store
07-25 19:06:00.184 28206 28206 I fb-UnpackingSoSource: dso store is up-to-date:
07-25 19:06:00.184 28206 28206 V fb-UnpackingSoSource: releasing dso store lock for
07-25 19:06:00.184 28206 28206 D SoLoader: init finish: 7 SO sources prepared
07-25 19:06:00.184 28206 28206 D SoLoader: init exiting
07-25 19:06:00.186 28206 28268 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.186 28206 28321 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.286 28206 28268 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
07-25 19:06:00.287 28206 28268 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
07-25 19:06:00.289 28206 28302 I FA : App measurement initialized, version:
07-25 19:06:00.289 28206 28302 I FA : To enable debug logging run: adb shell
setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
07-25 19:06:00.297 28206 28321 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
07-25 19:06:00.297 28206 28302 I FA : To enable faster debug mode event
logging run:
07-25 19:06:00.297 28206 28302 I FA : adb shell setprop
debug.firebase.analytics.app in.publicam.thinkrightme
07-25 19:06:00.301 28206 28321 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
07-25 19:06:00.460 28206 28206 E JetAnalytics: setGAAdId
07-25 19:06:00.467 28206 28206 E JetAnalytics: setGAAdId advid: 56145cff-9fc6-493f-
07-25 19:06:00.521 28206 28390 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.521 28206 28390 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
07-25 19:06:00.521 28206 28390 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
07-25 19:06:00.569 28206 28324 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.569 28206 28324 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
07-25 19:06:00.570 28206 28324 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
07-25 19:06:00.570 28206 28324 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.583 28206 28390 I System.out: [socket]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.630 28206 28324 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
07-25 19:06:00.670 28206 28300 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
07-25 19:06:00.670 28206 28300 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
07-25 19:06:00.715 28206 28321 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:00.715 28206 28321 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
07-25 19:06:00.715 28206 28321 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
07-25 19:06:00.715 28206 28321 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
07-25 19:06:00.716 28206 28321 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
07-25 19:06:00.880 28206 28390 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
07-25 19:06:00.880 28206 28390 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<
07-25 19:06:01.035 28206 28388 I System.out: [okhttp]:check permission begin!
07-25 19:06:01.035 28206 28388 I System.out: [okhttp]:not MMS!
07-25 19:06:01.035 28206 28388 I System.out: [okhttp]:not Email!
07-25 19:06:01.075 28206 28388 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest>>
07-25 19:06:01.075 28206 28388 I System.out: [OkHttp] sendRequest<<

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