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Six basic concepts of TQM 1. A committed and involved management to provide long-term top-to-bottom organizational support 2.

An unweaving focus on the customer, both internally and externally 3. Effective involvement and utilization of the entire work force 4. Continuous improvement of the business and production process. 5. Treating suppliers as partners. 6. Establish performance measures for the processes. TQM requires a cultural change. Table below compares the previous state with the new TQM states for typical quality elements Quality element Definition Priorities Decisions Emphasis Errors Responsibility Problem Solving Procurement Mangers Role Previous State Product-oriented Second to service and cost Short-term Detection Operations Quality Control Managers Price Plan, assign, control, and enforce TQM Customer-oriented Fist among equals of service and cost Long-term Prevention System Everyone Teams Lift-cycle costs, partnership Delegate, coach, facilitate, and mentor

Leader should understand the following:People, paradoxically, need security and independence at the same time People are sensitive to external rewards and punishments and yet are also strongly self-motivated People like to hear a kind of word of praise People can process only a few facts at a time; thus, a leader needs to keep things simple People trust their gut reaction more than statistical data People distrust a leaders rhetoric if the words are inconsistent with the leaders actions.

Quality Statements These statements include the vision statement, mission statement, and quality policy statement. Once developed, they are only occasionally reviewed and updated. They are part of the strategic planning processing, which includes goals and objectives. Vision Statement It is a declaration of what an organization should look like five to ten years in the future. It is a realistic picture of what it wants to become and what is possible. The statement is short and consists of a few sentences. Mission Statement It answers the following questions: who we are, who are the customers, what we do, and how we do it. This statement is usually one paragraph or less in length, is easy to understand, and describes the function of the organization. It provides a clear statement of purpose for the employees, customers, and suppliers. Quality Policy Statement It is a guide for everyone in the organization as to how they should provide products and service to the customers. It should be written by the management with feedback from the work force and be approved by the quality council. Common characterizes are: Quality is first among equals Meet the needs of the internal and external customers Equal or exceed the competition Continually improve the quality Include business and production practices

Utilize the entire work force A quality policy is a requirement of ISO 9000 A simple quality policy is Xerox is a quality company. Quality is the basic business principle of Xerox. Quality means providing our external and internal customers with innovative products and services that fully satisfy their requirements. Quality is the job of every employee. -Xerox Corporation

Key Points of Deming Deming is probably the most quoted of all the quality gurus. In his early years, he worked on product variation in industry. During this time, he developed many theories about how to improve production quality, but his ideas were not immediately accepted in the US. Demings 14 Points Education Translation Demings 14 points Create constancy of purpose Adopt the philosophy Cease dependence on mass inspection Cease doing business on price tag alone Continual improvement of process Institute training on the job Institute leadership Drive out fear; build trust Break down barriers between departments Eliminate slogans, exhortations, and targets Eliminate numerical quotas Allow pride in workmanship Institute a program of selfimprovement Mobilize all workers to transform the system do it Education Translation Create constancy of purpose toward the mission of the school system Use quality premises to focus the management and leadership of the school system Crease dependence on summative measures of students and staff Develop long-lasting relationships with suppliers and base dependence on lowest cost in resources Improve constantly and forever the processes in the school system Provide staff development opportunities to meet job expectations Leaders must initiate and model paradigm shifts Remove those structures that create fear in students and staff Work in interdependent ways break down barriers between groups in schools and between schools and district office Eliminate the use of targets, slogans to encourage performance Work on the process and do not reward staff based on student achievement gains Remove barriers that rob staff of pride in their work and students of the ability to concentrate on the job of learning Have everyone in the school system help in its ongoing transformation Empower all employees and other stakeholders to transform the school system

Deming developed what he calls four interactive areas of profound knowledge. These are listed below with a brief description Area Appreciation of a system Description A system is a network of function within an organisation that works for the aim of the organisation. Management of the system requires knowledge of ht interrelationships among all of ht components with the system and of the people who work in it. People are born with a natural desire to be creative and to acquire knowledge. Intrinsic, not extrinsic, motivators are what bring joy to the workplace. Managers must understand psychology and people

Knowledge of psychology

Knowledge of variation Theory of knowledge

Optimization of the system and improvements in productivity depend on an understanding of variability in processes Managers must understand the work and make predictions regarding work. Study of these predictions brings new knowledge

Philip Crosby is a national figure who consults in quality. He is most well-known for his 14 steps (1979) of quality management: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Make it clear where management stands on quality Establish a Quality Improvement Team to run the program Display nonconformance as a quality measurement Use cost of quality as a management tool Raise the level of employees quality awareness Provide a systemic way of addressing problems Prepare to launch a zero-defects program Define supervisors training requirements Conduct a Zero-Defects Day. Encourage individuals and groups to set goals Establish an Error Cause Removal reporting system Appreciate and recognize those who participate Bring together quality champions, and network in quality councils Do it over again

Mission of a Staff Development It shall be the mission of Staff Development to ensure the growth and the development of individuals and groups throughout the organisation to improve the quality of student learning. We accomplish this by providing quality learning opport

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