Handout 2

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-Sore of personality---->depressione/ malumore/ essere giù di corda

-Swollen mood----> malumore/essere imbronciati

-Inflamed temper----> irritabilità

-Pizzazz---> eccitazione

-Experiencing a case of the Mondays? ----> Soffrite di un caso di Lunedì? (Stare male al pensiero che
sia lunedì)

-Smash trough the start of the week----> Sfondare all’ inizio della settimana (Superare con successo l’
inizio della settimana)



1) According to Ann Curzan’s talk there’s a difference between “real” words, that are included in
dictionaries and are officially recognized) and the words that are not considered as “real” since they
are only used in social interactions of ordinary life.

2) Since it is difficult to apply theoretical principles to the social reality these two realities can relate
to the distinction between grammar and use.

3) Ann Curazn also talks about the sometimes-negative attitude of people towards dictionaries. She
reminds the audience that dictionaries are made by people and that they can be wrong but they are
trying to keep up with language evolution.

4) This talk suggests that the nature of language is always changing because new words are
continuously created and changed. Some of them may last for years, while others might be
forgotten, but all this contributes in changing language’s nature.


Defriend – Rimuovere/Terminare un’amicizia

Hangry – Nervoso per la fame

Adorkable- Adorabile pasticcione

Lol- Muoio dal ridere/ Tante risate

Yolo- Nessuna preoccupazione

Tweet- Esiste in italiano

Hashtag- Esiste in italiano

Chad- Avanzo di carta tagliata o bucata

WDM- Armi di distruzione di massa

Recombabulation Area- Zona dislocamento bagagli

Multi-Slacking- Perdere tempo oziando facendo varie attività senza risultati.


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