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I /; VARISPEED-626M5 INSTRUCTION MANUAL VECTOR-CONTROLLED INVERTER FOR MACHINE TOOLS (VS-626M5) MODEL: CIMR-MBA (:"" 200V CLASS 5 to SOHP (3.7 to 37kW) 400V CLASS 7.5 to 60HP (5.5 to 45kW) CONVERTER WITH POWER REGENERATIVE FUNCTION (VS-656MR5) MODEL: CIMR-MR5A 200V CLASS 5 to SOHP (3.7 to 37kW) (7 to 60KVA) 400V CLASS 7.5 to 6OHP (5.5 to 45kW) (9 to 70KVA) Upon receipt of the product and prior to initial operation, read these instructions thoroughly, and retain for future reference, YASKAWA MANUAL NO. TOE-S626-7.2D PREFACE This instruction manual describes installation, maintenance and inspection, troubleshooting, and specifications of the VS-626MS and the VS-656MRS. Read this, instruction manual thoroughly before operation, ‘YASKAWA ELECTRIC CORPORATION General Precautions Some drawings in this manual are shown with the protective cover or shields removed, in order to deseribe detail with more cliriy, Make sure all covers and shields are replaced before operating this product. | ‘This manual may be modified when necessary because of improvement ofthe produet, modifica tion. or changes in specifications Such modifications are denoted by a revised manual No, Toorder acopy ofthis representative. ity copy has been damaged or lost. contact your YASKAWA, YASKAWA is not responsible for any modification of the produet made by the user, since that will | void your guarantee. NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION Read this instruction manual thoroughly before installation, operation, maintenance or inspection of the VS-626MS, In this manual, NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION are classified as “WARNING” or =CAUTION ‘ AWARNING ly hazardous situation which, if not avoided. could result in death or serious injury Indieates a potent to personnel. A\ CAUTION Indicatesa potentially hazardous situation which, ifnot avoided, may result in minor of moderate inju ty to personnel and damage to equipment. Tt may also be used to alert against unsafe practices, Even items described in[A\ CAUTION | may result in a vital aceident in some situations. In either case, follow these important notes @ These ate steps to be taken 1 insure proper operation RECEIVING A\ CAUTION (Ref. page) + Do not install or operate an is damaged or has missing pars. [__ allure to observe this caution may result in personal injury or equipment damage. 13 NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION INSTALLATION ; A\ CAUTION (Ref. page) + Liftthe mounting base. When moving the unt, never lif by the frontcover. Otherwise. the main unit may be dropped causing damage to the unit 7 + Mount the inverter and the converter on nonflammabie material (Le. met- al. Failure to observe this caution ean result in afte ee era Install a fan or other cooling device to keep the ambient temperature of inverter and converter below 55°C (131°F) and the intake air tempera: ture to heatsink below 45°C (113°F}. Overheating may cause a fre or damage 10tRE UN. eee eevee eee gate Buildan external emergency stop circuit thatimmediately stops operation and shuts down power in an emergency. Failure observe this caution may resu n personal injury eae + Install the inverter and the converter in pollusion degree 2 environment. ‘The inverter and converter may be damaged 7 WIRING A\ WARNING ‘+ Onlycommence wiring after verifying that the power supply isturned OFF. Failure 1 observe this warning ean result in an electric shack or a fire, 20 + Wiring should be performed only-by qualified persénnel Failure o observe this warning’ can'result in an electric shock or a fire, {Wher cara be emorgncy slop cacu l chece thy sviring thoroughly.” before sroral en Be nanan eg Failure een. 5 alesse 6 te tos Wann, we “ 2 Make 90° quent hs spon een [QOOV chuis Grown te 100 orks. JOY cliss Grour Fila.“ SCM a bee 2B A\ CAUTION eae tigate este te desetiedc tors tay a eae ede eee ine eee tscenieae It may cause semi-conductor elements to be damaged. 20 | + Make sure to connect the inverter and the converter as shown in the con- «Toe omval scorn seo he re ie Never connectthe ACmaincirul pawersupplylooutputterminals U1 le cowrs OPERATION A\ WARNING i + Only turn ON the input power supply after closing the upper and lower Senate ecccrn aeteinee | » Install a separate emergency stop switch. The stop button can be en- facta ene ae i A\ CAUTION | (Ref: page) | So ine aret erp | Failure to observe this caution can result-in harmful burns to the body 4 tl | starting operation. Se ne ‘The machine or the unit may be damaged. 46 | Osetia ele cbp aa tetia Donk change the settings unnecessarily, iu NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION OPERATION OF DIGITAL OPERATOR A\ WARNING A\ CAUTION 9g8 CMOS ICs. De nol :ouch be They we casi We vutekerid + Dont connect or disconnect wires or connectors while power is applied to the circuit Failure to observe this caution can result in personal injury: (Ref. page) * Disconnect all power before removing digital operator (JVOP-132). Then i wal rte lime doused on warring labo aor main Grout power ‘supply and control power supply are disconnected and all LEDs of the MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION | A\ WARNING ; nals carry high voltages and are extremely dangerous. * Close upper and lower covers before powering up the inverter or the con- crt beaker |» Perform maintenance or inspection only after verifying that the CHARGE | [eb and7 segmon'LED goOFF, ater hemanencuspowersuppy and i contol power Supply ere turned OFF ‘The capacitors are still charged and can be dangerous. 60) | Criyauttrtzed personnel aout be penitedo pert mainenance \ inaperons or pats replacemen ; [Remove all metal objects (watches, bracelets, etc.) before opcration.| (Use tools which are insulated against electric shock.) ' 60 OTHERS: A WARNING + Never modify the product. Failufe toobserve this warning can} Janelectrie shock or personal injury and will invalidate WARNING LABEL. ‘Warning labels are displayed on the upper cover and the front cover of the inverter and the converter, as shown below, Follow these instructions when handling the inverter and the converter. Converter Inverter waning {Ss tee tae IY Tey: i aig eS NE N Model CIMR-MRSA27P5 [200V TOHP (7.SkW)] Model CIMA-MSA27P5 [200V 10HP (7.5K) NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION \ Warning Label D Warning Labe! @) AR fe : WARNING. WARNING I A SBOBnY GM BRORNAHUET. BES. alee, aeoncusrnanna| tA. OMRER OTC HEL, BRAUER RRORNKHVST. ace eeeE ee. BRORORHA IES ACAI, MH MFBCM SR KARRI EU TK EEL. eae PRIMM ET OTK SU eee May cause injury or | t | electric shook. |, Disconnectall power and “Please follow the insiuc- wait § min. before serving, tions in the manual before Pees instalation or operation \ Warning Label @ “Disconnect all power before | opening tront cover of unit. | A % Wait 5 minutes unt DC | WARNING. | Bus capacitors i discharge, BH, BEORNAHVET. “Use proper grounding “BAY, TOMO TMABMMERAT, TORRE T< techniques | RaW, BEOBAKHVET. . MRPAURES 7a 5 UU, REED EMIBETK EEO, RRC PIOEH ITC EEU, + Please follow the instructions in the manual before installation or operation. + Disconnect all power before opening front cover of unit. Wait 5 minutes until OC Bus capacitors discharge. + Use proper grounding techniques. ~ Make sure to ground the supply neutral a |, (TOV approval i | May cause injury or electric shock. 10 Related Manuals: Refer to the following manuals as necessary. Manual Name VARISPEED-656MR5i626MS CONNECTION BUS BAR’ CABLE INSTRUCTIONS VARISPEED-26MS JCONTROL SIGNAL. CON- NECTOR INSTRUCTIONS ‘Manual Number TOE-C736-40.20 Contents ~ DDeserbes information of VARISPEED- J6S6MRS/626M5 Connection Bus Bur/Cable. Describes information of VARISPEED- 626M Conuel Signal Connecter i VARISPEED-675H5/626M5 DIGITAL OPERATOR EXTEN. SION CABLE INSTRUCTIONS TOR-C736-10.18 Deseribesinformatin of VARISPEED- (676H5/626M5 Digital Operator Extension Cable N CONTENTS NOTES FOR SAFE OPERATION . 1 RECEIVING 1.4 INSPECTION CHECKPOINTS. 1.2 IDENTIFYING THE PARTS . 2 INSTALLATION .......000000eereee . 21 CHOOSING A LOCATION TO MOUNT THE CONVERTER 22 CLEARANCES: 3 WIRING _ : 3.1 CONNECTION WITH PERIPHERAL UNITS 32 CONNECTION DIAGRAM . 3.3 WIRING THE MAIN CIRCUIT 34 — WIRING THE CONTROL CIRCUIT 3.5 WIRING INSPECTION 4 OPERATION 44 TESTRUN 42 CONTENTS OF 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY 5 OPERATION OF DIGITAL OPERATOR ..... 5.1 MOUNTING OF DIGITAL OPERATOR 52 FUNCTIONS OF DIGITAL OPERATOR 5:3 KEY OPERATIONS AND DISPLAY 6 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION . 61 PERIODIC INSPECTION 62 PARTS REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE (GUIDELINES) 7 TROUBLESHOOTING .. 7.1 LIST OF CONVERTER FAULTS. 72 LIST OF INVERTER FAULTS: 73 MOTOR FAULTS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS. APPENDIX 1 SPECIFICATIONS APPENDIX 2 DIMENSIONS . at 22 23 I. CRTES 5 ear APPENDIX 3 PERIPHERAL UNITS ......... 3.1. SPECIFICATIONS OF AC REACTOR (Model: UZBA-8 for 50/60H2) 3.2 SPECIFICATIONS OF MCCBAND MC ...... 3.3 MAGNETIC CONTACTOR SPECIFICATIONS FOR WINDING SELECTION aeee 2 APPENDIX 4 TYPICAL CONNECTION DIAGRAM ......... 4.1. WINDING SELECTION TYPE suet 4.2 STOP AT ARBITRARY POSITION BY LOAD SHAFT ENCODER 4.3. STOP AT HOME/ARBITRARY POSITION BY MAGNETIC SENSOR APPENDIX 5 OPERATION STATUS DISPLAY Sere APPENDIX 6 CONTROL CONSTANTS 3_ RECEIVING 1. RECEIVING A, CAUTION : | | [7 De nist or operat ary invertor onverorwhah is damagedorhas missing pans Pate osere histo ay oa peel nay eaten damage ‘This chapter describes how to verify the inverter after delivery to the user. 1.1. INSPECTION CHECKPOINTS (1) Receiving Checkpoints Table 1 Checkpoints: ‘Gheckpants Description SC ‘Docs the invencr model number corespond with | Open the upper cover ofthe WS-A26MS and check he Tol TD? | the purchase sede onthe nameplte, (Rete to page Ly) ‘Ac any pats damages? Tesi isons a ese ana og Are any erews or aiber compuncnis loose? Use ascrewd vero her 00l to check Tor ighine Ifany of the above checkpoints are not satisfactory contact your YASKAWA representative. (2) Checking the Nameplate Data (a) Nameplate Data Example of model of 200VAC, ISHP (11kW) Inver Moget—e (MODEL CMR - 582011 teput Spec —e | INPUT 0 ofa - a5 Vee ouput Sexe. —> | OUTPUT aC aPH 0-200 12 oWA Irverie Sooe.—e | SPEC 2OTTSE T PROWNo,—» [PRG = come Seral Noe [SER NO = NYZDIGEOOONERTT ASST a) + Mass © YASKAWA ELECTRIC RPORATION 3 1“ (b) Model Designation IMR - M5 ‘A 2_7P5_ —_T \VS-626Ms Series Inverter ‘A__1 FoF stand alone sysiern ‘Syinbot | Specications—__— | No For NC eysiem, Syma Votage 2 _7_Sophave 200 V dass 4 | S-phase 400 class (©) Specicaton Designation 275 pena eres le ‘2 | ephase 200 Vass 4) S-phase 400V cass Symtol Wax applicable moter oupat | . ‘3P7 SEP 7K) SPs 1 7SHP @SkW) a. Cs 045 OHP (ask) (CPrindeates a desinal point) | Syrtar T appteabie mat pit oer} SHG 55 7SHP (5k) © © oss eonPrasiey | (CP ndiaies a decimal pit) SE | Seca ae ——[symbo—srecture imo ‘Open chassis ype] = Heatsink exemaly cooing ype For special specications. a epes. sheet No appears on the namenile 1_RecaivING 1.2. IDENTIFYING THE PARTS (1) Converter Maurin 2ase eae ea TTT (Upoer ana Lamer Covers Opened — = ee Contre Power -~ py aI es i. = aS — S Orang Fig. 1 Parts Name of VS-656MR5 (Model CIMR-MR5A27P5) 2) Inverter 7 , {Upper and ever Covers Oped Main Creut at Pome Sipe no Le ’ sich nee _ Control Power — fae Supovinpa Nt 1x 1 SopnertED 20% een ton) soy —_|__ s0106% Opn : uy vara wire Irwverter Output cower: Fig. 2 Parts Name of VS-626M5 (Model CIMR-MSA27P5) 2_ INSTALLATION 2 INSTALLATION Z\ CAUTION * Liftthe mounting base. When moving the unit, never lift by the front cover. Otherwise, the main unit may be dropped causing damage to the unit Mount the inverter and the converter on nontlammable material (Le. metal). Failure to observe this caution ean result in a fire. Install a fan or other cooling device to keep the ambient temperature of inverter and con- | verter below 55°C (131°F) and the intake air temperature to heatsink below 45°C. (13°F), Overheating may cause a fire or damage 10 the unit, Build an external emergency stop circuit that immediately stops operation and shuts down power in an emergency. Failure to observe this caution may result in personal injury: | Install the inverter and the converter in pollusion degree 2 environment. ‘The inverter and the converter may be damaged “This chapter describes the configuration, location and space when mounting the VS-626MS and the VS-656MRS. 2.1. CHOOSING A LOCATION TO MOUNT THE CONVERTER To ensure proper performance and long operating life, follow the recommendations below when ‘choosing a location for installing the VS-626MS and the VS-656MRS. Make sure the inverter and the converter are protected from the Following conditions: =I Extreme cold and heat Use only within ambient temperature range: 0°C 10 +55°C (32°F wo 11°F) Rain, moisture. ate 1 Oil sprays, splashes © Salt spray. © Direct sunlight. (Avoid using outdoors.) © Corrosive gases or liquids. © Dust or metallic particles in the ait © Physical shock, vibration, © Magnetic noise. (Example: welding machines, power devices, ete:) C1 High humidity © Radioactive materials © Combustibles: thinners, solvents, etc 2.2 CLEARANCES Install the VS-626MS and the VS-656MRS vertically and allow sufficient clearances for effective cooling as shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4 . 2. Allowable intake air temperature to the inverter and the converter: Openchasistype # C10 145°C 2 WNP) “eatin extra coating ype Inside easink = O*CW 945°C G2°F to 13°F) Insdeafunt : OCI 458°C G2 Ft0 13°F ‘Near the heatsink, cooling air speed should be externally cooling type). 's for effective cooling (for heatsink (1), Heatsink Externally Cooling Type UMiilillldde, ill, 4 Z Z Jiu GC oniiare nines g ey ae Z an ai | Z iy j 7rileby YZ cl : a WZ a Z b Z y <2 Wea Zymnn PH ,— sormurenons GRY Arupgremig das Beta “zara” 4 (2) Front View (©) Side View Fig.3 Clearances (Heatsink externally cooling type) (@) Open Chassis Type EE, Y 4 ssonm(set nes wa 4 TITTIES (©) Side View VTTTOUITTILA, (@) Front View Fig. 4 Clearances (Open chassis type) When usi ‘r 1e58), follow installation procedure as shown below. in open chassis type converter (J KW or more) in combination with an inverter (7:SkW 28em(0 mene a Z Z qZ Z Z ¢ ‘Comester a |r reno TTTTETEA TTT Fig. 5 Clearances when combining a converter (11kW or more) with an inverter (7-5KW or less) 0 20 3. WIRING A WARNING + Only commence wiring after verifying that the power supply is turned OFF. Failure to observe this warning can result in an electric shack or a fire. ‘+ Wiring should be performed only by qualified personnel. Failure to observe this warning can result in an electric shock or a fire + When wiring the emergency stop circuit, check the wiring thoroughly before operation. Failure to observe this warning can result in personal injury A, CAUTION * Verify that the converter rated voltage coincides with the AC power supply voltage. Failure to observe this caution can result in personal injury or a fire. + Do not perform a withstand voltage test of the inverter and the converter Tt may cause semi-conductor elements to be damaged. + Make sure to connect the inverter and the converter as shown in the connection diagram. “The inverter or the converter may be damaged. + Tighten terminal screws to the specified tightening toraue, Failure to observe this caution can result in a fire. This chapter describes the connection with peripheral units, the main circuit wiri circuit wiring of the VS-626MS and the VS:656MRS, and the control N 3.1. CONNECTION WITH PERIPHERAL UNITS ‘The following shows standard connection of the VS-626MS with peripheral units. Power Suppy Power Supply 2O0VAC. 2O0VAC. 2phiase(200V class) or Single-phase 400VAC, 8:phase (400V class) eC (— ZL, aot aed poseeee mares ee \ MagneticContacict & U] Inout Noise Fier band ta Magnetic Contactor “* a) awe oo Molded-case rcuitBreakor GMCCB) or Ground Fault a ae Interupter ont Tia Vs-es0MRS (Converter) Connection Bus Bar Tey = Grouncing £ “1 Connect sug suppressor in paral! wih el tthe rragnatc contactor prevent conal sal matinction. +2 Mako sure oInsal AG reacir wo prtet agate covers ae 21, 22,23 SIL ite lrg Fn MN Power Step . ey) Fig. 6 Connection with Peripheral Units (Heatsink Externally Cooling Type) 3.2 CONNECTION DIAGRAM jon diagram of the VS-626MS and the. VS-656MRS. Below is a standard com Sepatouoe ++ Consasion whan the sequence put conan: ‘se edema connen. +2 EXTCOM of CON and EXTCOM of 10N a internal iat. 3. For A00V cise, phase 400VAC i used. 6 TEE natcates wetet-pakr stioloo win. = a Fig. 7 Connection Diagram (200V class, Heatsink externally cooling type) 3.3. WIRING THE MAIN CIRCUIT A\ WARNING | + Make sure to ground the ground terminal (200V class: Ground to 10022 or less, 400V class: Ground to 10@ or less) Failure to observe this warning can result in an electsic shack or a fire. ZA\ CAUTION + Never connect the AC main circuit power supply to outputterminals U/T1, V/T2 and WIT3. I voltage is applied tothe output terminals, the internal circuits ofthe inverter will be damaged. (1), Wiring Precautions for Main Circuit Input (a) Installation of Moided-case Circuit Breaker (MCCB) Make sure to connect MCCB between the main circuit power supply input and VS-656MRS input terminals R/L1. S/L2 and T/L3 ( protect wii (b) Installation of Ground Fault interrupter Inverter outputs use high-speed switching, so high-frequency leakage current is generated, Therefore. atthe converter primary side, use a ground fault interrupter that detects waly the leakage current inthe frequency range that is hazardous to humans and excludes big! queney leakage current. + For the special-purpose ground fault interrupter for Inverters, choose a ground fault n= terrupter with a sensitivity amperage of atleast 30 mA per converter, jeneral ground fault interrupter, choose a ground fault interrupter with amperage of 200 mA or more per converter and with an operating time of + When using 0.1 sor more {c) Installation of Magnetic Contactor ‘When the man circuit power suppysshut OFF inthe sequence, a magnticcomtactor(MC) canbeused instead ied However when magnetic is JOH. ‘side, regenerative braking stop: CAtthisine. protective funetionatvaten Frequem op ei <6 te eantabior at the main circuit power supply input terana.the:converter-to'malf side may cause the inv: (2) Terminal Block Connection Sequence Main circuit power supply input phases can be connected to any terminal regardless of the order of R/LI, $/L2 and TA.3 on the terminal block (e) Installation of AC Reactor ‘Since the VS-656MR5 performs power regeneration, make sure to installan ACreactorcor- responding to converter capacity. Installation of AC reactor is effective For improvement ‘of power factor on the power supply side. (Installation of Surge Absorber For inductive loads (magnetic contactors, magnetic relays, magnetic valves, solenoids, ‘magnetic brakes, te.) connected near the inverter, use a surge absorber or a diode. ‘The surge absorber will absorb the enezgy stored in the coll of the inductive loads and thus ‘must have a capacity suited to the coil Never connect surge absorbers to the output terminals U/T1, V/P2, W/T3 of the controller. If there is no surge absorber, making or breaking of the magnetic contactor generates surge ‘Yollage from the winding, disrupting the signal on the inverter control signal line. (@)_ Prohibition of instalation of Phase Advancing Capacitor Do not connect a phase advancing capacitor ors ply input side (R/L1,S/L2, T/L). Itmay become overheated ie components of the inverter. Also. the inverter may malfuns suppressor to main circuit power sup: damaged by high harmon- jon because of overcurrent. {h)_ Using Input Noise Fitters Noise filters can eliminate a noise leaking from power Tine to the drive unit, and reduce a noise leaking from the drive unit to the power line Use the correct noise filter specified for inverter use as indicated in example 1 + Example 1 Use an gclusive noise fitor ZB specitid forthe inverter. omer coe Doves Fig. 8 Correct Input Noise Filter Installation @ @ a) 3_waing © Example? Supe et ‘A general-purpose noise “ Sax/9 Za maoe mows cee oo ere 7 Sand Bae 3a ‘omar Conese Fig. 9 Incorrect Input Noise Filter Installation ‘Wiring Precautions for Converter Control Power Supply Input ‘Make sure to connect MCCB with the converter control power supply input terminals Al/r and Ajo protect wiring. Wiring Precautions for Main Circuit between Converter and Inverter (@) Connection of Main Circuit DC Power Supply Connect converter main circuit DC output terminals PAD and N/S to inverter main circuit power supply input terminals P/€® and N/S using exclusive-use connection busbar. Secure bs bar using all the power terminal serews and tighten to torque value of 4 to 5 Nem. (b) Connection of Converter Control Power Supply Output Connect converter control power supply output terminals PL and NI to inverter left-side cconirol power supply input terminals Pl and NI using exclusive-use power cable Wiring Precautions for inverter Main Circuit Output | (a) Connection of Inverter and Motor Connect output erminals UTI, V-T2 and W/T3 o mor lad wires U, Vand W, Connee- tion method is indicated on the back of the terminal epver. Verity that the motor rotates in the forward direction (CCWcounterclockwise when lfewed fromthe motor lond side) with the forward run command.” © 2s 28 (b) Strict Prohibition of Connection of Voltage to Output Terminals Never connect the AC main circuit power supply to output terminals U/T1, V/T2 and W/T3. ‘minal the internal circuits ofthe inverter will be dam- 2c isapplied to the output (©). Strict Prohibition of Short Circutting or Grounding of Output Terminal Never touch the output terminal directly or put the output line in contact with the inverter ‘case, Otherwise. it may cause an electric shock or grounding. In addition, never short ci ‘cuit the output ine (@) Prohibition of Connection of Phase Advancing Capacitor or LC/RC Noise Filter ‘Never connect a phase advancing capacitor or LC/RC noise filter to the outpui circuit. The inverter ean be damaged or internal part burat if these devices are onnected. {e)_ Prohibition of Installation of Magnetic Starter Do not connect a magnetic starter or magnetic contactor to the output circuit, Ifthe load isconnected while the inverter is running. the inverter overcurrent protective circuit is acti- vated because of inru {f) Dealing with Emission Noise ‘Toreduce the emission noise from ourput side, cover the wirings with a metallic shield other than installing a output noise filter. Make the wiring distance between the power Tine and signal Tine 30 cm or longer. and the emission noise will be reduced, Power moce Fig. 10 Dealing with Emission Noise (@) Wiring Distance between Inverter and Motor ‘The signal and power cables between the inverter and the motor must be separated and the ccable extension must be as short as possible (20 m or less), 3_WIRING (8) Grounding Fig. 11 Fig. 12 Make sure fo ground the ground verminal 200V class: Groung to 1002 or less 400V class: Ground to 100 or less Never ground the inverteror the converter in conmon with welding machines, motors, or other large-current electrical equipment. Wiring for grounding cable must be sepa rated from the large-current electrical equipment Use ground lead listed in technical standards of electric installation and make the Tength as short as possible. Leakage current flows through the inverter. Therefore. if the distance between the ground electrode and the ground terminal istoo long, potential on the ground terminal of the inverter will become unstable. Always ground converters, inverters and motors using a ground terminal even when equipment is grounded through sill channcl or stecl plate. Ground the units as shown in Fig. 11 (a). Do not loop the ground wires as shown in (). Fig. 12 (a) shows correct grounding from ground terminals of inverter and motor. Avoid making 2 lines together as shown in (b) x (0) Accoptable (0) Not Acceptable Grounding Oo x KO FRA (a) Acceptable (0) Not Acceptable Grounding of Motor and Inverter ar 8 (6) Functions of Main Circuit Terminals “The following tables outline the functions of the main circuit terminals Table 2 Converter Main Circuit Terminals Main ie DC outpe {or inverter mi cu power supp) Symbol ‘Synbol Nare [ Functions Ra "Sone si ee eee ee san = 220VAC Sie : 2a -230NAC ti Trae pe Aur ‘Conta posi sup in ete ; Ap eeed|es 200 = 280VAC ite | Shaie-phow a0 Pons up inpt for Sho e22INAC autte 200V else eatin cooling fan eee ae 200 = VAC ite 70 = SENDC Contol power sips 0x 2s? RVC Forepen chassis type verte of TTKW or more. mat {For inverter conto poner sot Ground ermal eee (Ground resistance : 10812 06 less) mu comes | siz Main eu powers 400 AWWAC sue TAs eae 400 460VAC 6H ; Aur ‘Contol power supply ia ee : i : | 00-250VAC ute aad le 20 = 230VAC 6H: faeces 7 Sins-pase 400V ats ieee 208) SOVAC tz 2o9- 220vAC a ed “Main circuit DC output pau xo (For incr inset power saps) ¥ Convo ower apps ou- | 285 - BEVDC 1 x om (For inverter conto power st) rs z Trou rina S Grounding {Ground revistnes «108 oe ess) fesse esas PC eee eRe eee 3_WIRING Table 3. Inverter Main Circuit Terminals ‘Symbol Name Functions | vonage case | Main cncut power supply 270 325VDG inpat ‘Supplied rom convene) ! Pr (Control power supply n= 282 - 325VDE St pu | Supplied fom convene) see $PSL EEE gEsEEE Soe ae Single-phase Power supply input for ee ce fea cog an ove 200. 28WVAC_ 7 | } vm Ince ap wens | Giada ® mcg (Ground resistance: 1009 orton) ‘Main cicuit powersupply 540 - 650VDC leper | (Supptiea trom cometer Pr ‘Coatol power supply ine | 282 -328VDC : NI pet Sapptied from coneerter) ‘Single-phase | | Av ets Powersupply ipl for beatin cooling fan Gand iaabenstabarnnt nd oF opan chasis np inverters of IAW or ror, 2 (7) Main Circuit Configuration (@) 200V class Heatsink Externally Cooling Type Converter (VS-856MR5) Ivers (VS-626m5) CIMB-MASAZSP75 to 2755 (GIMR-MSAZSP75 fo 27P55 ah ees [ ae (b) 200V class Open Chassis Type Convertor (VS-856MR5) Inverter (VS-6266s) (CiMRaMiR5A25°70 to 2750 (CIAR5AZ3P70 to 27F50 Comr-sacost0 to 20000 pee i sum ao | 1 cae peed se | ae (0) 400V class Heatsink Externalty Cooling Type. Converter VS-@56MRS) GIMR-MASAASPSS to 4755 bes 1 Se eae — act 5 == Ise pe EEE esTEED ore sais) CciMmaRs40118 to 40465 CMR atsA4o118 wo 045 3 — es} eae EEE EEE aa ele Pee ae : | [ganas 8 val ra 9 ee gl wee _ = ee eels ed 1 SEE eee cee eece eee teatecs aj (@) 400V class Open Chassis Type Convorier vg-e5aMn5) GIM-MIASAASP50 to 4750 CCIMF- SAAD 10 to 40220 = oe a ee (8) Parts Required tor Witing Select wires or closed-loop connectors to be used from Tables 4 or 7, Table 4 200V class Converter Power Cable Specifications 7 Wiese : ca TC aniorea [enV vi [enV omre | BO we a Teena SymbotTgeinal_ Tftang Trace Caer rien, | semninscasd | tod peyeayt | seats ead Poa row inWem) | eartyerand | wronayeo | rome | cane cr) oe coperace | Cray | SCHON CHO" seer) we a TENS Me] oH Musi | wt siRea) z 3 z ee ALA, AZA 7 ms 28 235) 2 z 3 Ta aaa ay 2 z = SNOW i) aps [CRERSt2 Tiss z a fi SIAR SEP ae eas) z z = Mi |W rapa z z TENE 36 zee es CREESTR TESS 255) z A A NE} sis) Teh z 2 a i aaa sy Ts ERS [we] sesh 0 gm REESE TTP We Ta a ¥ I ibeera ‘Ale Ate Me 20] en ere ay I é Te [aaa gaa | Seay "aan TeseeeaaeeLaa) : TENS reer] so on Fagg CRS ne a ST ATT io aT 1S eae ig iodaS-Zo Ty ea I 3 We wa ARAN 8H) 8 j (Lorex econ TH | ons RES i aT aa : ATRAR Bes { eT \ s Mee] ea t ree Pres | aon 7 AAR ihn sy ue z 3 Z Ne aa EAT as) eS a = x ip TET eH Mi aR aw [| x = 3 aie Ma 103-742-320) wen z z 2 | Seo me non] ae ir z — ' FERS WT wa Ty j misaus wo" RE mes wT age Rime WET (3-55 Sosa eae — ig [owt mS (TRV w Emr TOIT wRW ANAND twa [as 178123 2 24 Connect using exclusve-ne connection hus hit Foropeachasisispeinvenersof11kWormore, No providedfor heatsink exeraly colin spe (Model 2057 under developnent) Noles: 1, Wiresize selected ascumingenernal wypended wing of single Score cables st an ambient temperature of 30 (86°F) 2 ambient emportare exceeds SC (86°F) the allonable caren of wire may be lowered 3. Temperature foreach w indicstesmasimumallonsblecoaducoremperatur Table 5 400V class Converter Power Cable Specifications \ T T Wire Size ett | sommieyna [tenet Tyne GEES OT, Sata, [Sane | Hansa crew vin (N=) prrure-ates | we enero iG) eadioCTPEOT * | Tamra /eniene | atngee atte i iis, | Sage | Rae ge ae AZ, ME PaCS) Ten 2 a.) -€nsat we Bu aiatse | en T = | ! = Te Me [aida gacee | ee 5 z ani roauan | ALS Ma tw 1724412-20) 2 2 ee +1 Conn sing excise we comeson Ds a “2 Forocichasstpe nent RV 61: Beef etka oa yp {nfodin stants oe one destopnens) Gedung eral aspen ingot single Scar cabls ‘at an ambien! temperature of 30°C (86°F), 2. ambien empermure exces A/C (R67 he alonobecurent of wie may telomere 3. Temper fv eachwiteinkatesmaximumallonahl conus empenture Rae —_—_—— Table 6 ° 200V class Inverter Power Cable Specifications Wie Si 1 Capproed 7S | toot ot eoes | SOV tere ae Tevmina symsoi |inal | Tyrongowe |'Ciereven: [aeaneasans wiecnarent | sumecaine ieee races “en” | seven ren | (6S me rm (ome yim ENS No sea cD UAW. WSN na 235) wea 3S ass L S Mex? 208 e3) &3) = TNS We Tes) ch aes UAW ws [is Beas) Ta 5 Lol > fise2 [308 235) Wisp aS eae TENS Me 7629, cn yes COTW WMS 23a) Tea x ae > MERE] Bean ee) ag seca percissicell PENS [wera [— 6e5i ao SOTRva Wi NS oa Tay = = ° Wxs Wa aaeaH] eH = as] TENG] Mexd 2602079) 0 ans Famavmws_ [a sez Tas Loe s Mord [Aaa OSS) a I PENS Mex 261294) ch owe Fama was 3am w = = MoxE 033) mye 7 TENG Mae? en a2 owe Tem. x = 3 MEXE dR) uf 1 FENG [Maa sagen acy [RLWW | we [oaomses oH) THT wT sw e Tnx? [pod-aage-anl er zB « i TENS wexa | eon oh nor TAWA | mio) ERZ-TSS ans) 0 ow ‘ ° Me fos canaga an | 3667 = ee 2011 w 2030 Ma Wa4- 174224 14 (21) et = : 1 Conner using exlasive-se ooanction busbar +2 Foropenchasisiypeinsenerso 11kWor more, Noeprosiduforestsnkesternallcooingype. (Model 2037 owes: fvelopmes Wire sizes selected asaming ester suspended witing of ingle 3 ore cables aan ambieet emperature of 30 (86°F. ambient temperature exsceds UC (86°F) the allowable cre! of wire may be lowered Ternpeaturs fr J wie indicates maximumallowable conduct tempera. 3_winiNG Table7 400V class Inverter Power Cable Specifications Wie Sie Model Grapes | tov coovewe eave CMR Tormina symoar Temi] TghningTorwe | ier-ftem | shan nue | shed oye | evans cattye oat Nem) | peranecrsod | wowed | anewre tc) | saber) OC : ropsewre |C nao | semen | tor i 2Nve ey | dome ome ‘re TERS we Teo eo ses [UML WAR WAS] Re eH z . Wee rey 10653) z TENS Me %e95) =D ans tvawas | ws Sus (235) ah 3 ° eee NETTIE) THs Ba z PENS Ma xs 0a oo any SALW Mea a Ga | OTT a z cg s Ta t7eT-29) | yg, ae : Be Mid 4-49) ahi a Ba PENS _hwexd eae ro ans STW Ww M6 Wa Ga aa ¥ aT a: BSD 17 aa Ae M6 404-49) ne ait FENG ae Ep ee to on STW eR = a is . MExa, |i7a- 371-23) 5 z Bee M6 |304- 4344-49) ae = i _ TENS |Maxd swan eh TVW Me Wada AH [ASD i = aw (MR fms 217 er e Mo [sod - 43.4 G4-49) dead = Pe = rane | wexo > enn eh ago COTW WAS |_| nis G87) —SBTEY a MoS fine BI Ga-49) " . o M6 [304 -43.4(3.4-49) “ f REN [Ners| Seon vy an | LL | se] AS = a En : IM <3 we Raga] f 7 = M6 4-4 GA 49) ee fe st : FENG Wexd sean a aus UTNE WIS) M8 [odo TARA a a wa Hee Mae” Heacasagacan | 63) i : 7 woo | PERE we) wa-raaa-20] wen eee "1 Coonet wing enlane-ineconnction sha 2 Forupenchasssipe neni 1kWor mow. Not ponies forentsiokextemllycotng pe (Modes 0300 HS we under vclopmen) Notes; “7 1.. Wie siz inset assuming external suspended wiiag of sing Sore cables a ap mbit empstre of 37C- (86°F ambien temperature eieceds X7C (86°F) the alloablecutenof wie may Ie towered “Tenet ffoeach wie indicates masimum llosabie onto temperate, —— Table 8 JST Closed-Loop Connectors (For 200V/400V Classes) Wee se Terminal Se | crosed 1009 com = awe Terminal Sctew. | Closed-Loop Connectors Te a Tas os » Mas Das : Me zt 2 i cs ey 0) 5 s Me He uw 6 I Mi t ra a Me oar a Eg 28 + cE sa Me Hi 38 t on 0 vw ono i To 0 To (8) Control Signal Connectors ‘Table 9 Control Signal Connectors WaING Connacior Tyne oes ‘comacor | Apptcabte | Comacior Tener Side ] Wang Sido) PintNos. | Max. Wie Size | Manufacturer Toa 7 sien | come th E somereroat | gna ¥] YR | wscsseceun eeu | it KEL Coy Conratsigeat—] 170LD32 wazeaeriD | 1) UT | tte . seen | Somcoarin ; tthe ie ai vosesaove | >] Cami He ren | comotsgns | inasessacn, | “anessanon | 41 |] | wait | Semone ton ‘exes wt} irene \ aoe aa et ae j xx | Ea vsms202n tC simi | Sets | nie} 10114 0VE fe ; Use wpe | Sano ex | bist cpentr kava | 4 Ct Ugo Sumi aaa a sU. roisoaaave | >) Loca sane Sorstome iy | GEN | comersnmme Y imsrscann, | amsossanans | f q * Seto i Ey 1 Lint stat vorznawoove [2] sen | encoder 0n20 t cl 2mm | Sumitomo Eine Method inn tee) Wy Onenten Cd a sev z woos sassy Lost ronan Saino ven | Sreacrsigat wareszanms | #{{ | | o2mne | Siew or too Ny Naga Some : weve [Bf]? ated orem | suey | coaotsip fe ao eh tem: | Sumitomo Meine mex | coat tasnaan | MRSS Lt | ee ie (ssa0usy roth: Gomer ssipae BPR | casei sex | someurvin | SIE! — qe te eae cL Com. aire sinc | | Bours iaererail (vss voneawowe [1 sumiorn EN | ferry Nt] - | aus ior co siprnem) sli ‘Some of the connectors attached with control PC board and option cards are of the same type. Th refore, make Sure to mount the cards to the cortect connectors each of which is identified by device symbol. I connection is wrong. it may cause damage to the inverter. a 3.4 WIRING THE CONTROL CIRCUIT ‘The following tables outline the functions of the control circuit signals, (1) Control Signals Table 10 Control Circuit Signals (1, 2CN) ([Gamnacior [Sonal Re. Funion Sigal Level i zat 7 = xr 2 = = xz = = Esp = = ESP abe [76 ‘atx [7 = = ale [= = 7 bar [9 = = Barr} 0 = = Encoder phase A signal ott RS-A22A speciticaion Ga Encoder phase B signa utp Line iver “sv Encoder phase C signal oupot Sa OVD = wr = Tes agra efeenees 1 12-bit igal eommon 2avoc ; TD i digi ira power apply +247] Current when ched: Smid i igi ial poner wpa OV RTs = : = ce = = SV [3.5.05 power sop for oer og ww Enctd pone suppl common Lad cate: 38m or ess | a cir hs A Sain i 7 RS 22a spec x Ener pase Higa inp Line rsee n “ FE nwo pase € signa input xx asa HSA LS oto neemisorsizrd SS [7 Sine we cometion Vy = 1 Tae | | Be sl rnd ce wn dies 2 ce iin sca ae poner ; CAL) Wg ; av CAE [is 1 Winding stems ia Load eurent 10mA or ess Table 11 Control Circuit Signals (CN) ([Gainesior*Sipat_T Funeton Signaler Foaied Corsiants Ts TV aaa TEV Lad ec Homa OE : ite ae ona, = C126, 10. C138 bits : scoM Analog speed reference input ae asta sk) chal, : i w F__ Anog speed veievence 0 | Dass Dittamloessd eu? == (Setar cr ENG Seleed when MGT 7 = WD = REV] 9 Tes sae eben stun | 20 Tenge timitt ban 1-26, C1382 a a Sette when CLIC ine Thee Saeed whe : 33 CHW TS Wining selection ‘Cases wen cena: Sma PPL 1 con secon [Seca unen Cree Ia = ee Seid whe CTO cus ivo [Room [re aramman Seed when CATE FT LOR 17 [ig sckecin MGR 118 _[M geur selection 7 xtcoMe [rym ax [Semen at Seal rower | = : ence op Tea jo Pee Sere apa Sa so : = a > Sega apa a caer rrre enero saedl aly uv = mc Fal ow FCI SF Poult coe ro Fo 3S Faulkeode? 30 Taub ode 3 x Tau Open cleo ouptt Exclusive use for 22D Lend cutee: mA oF ts TOMS [3 Faui ooo sigma common Zp 133 —|zermpeed ‘AGR | 3! Speed ace SDET__! 38 Speed deioenon [rer 4 Tongue detetion ——__} 7 Toraus Ht 38 Lead origin 39 Ovenation compton [Winding ieeion competion 2 = [Sequence utp vgs common Oper cllector oui Fxclusseane for 28D ‘Lood curent: Stina or bss Foul conus utp. FLICOM 44 |ctosedbencea 43 and 45 fale Opin betcen nd 45 fle Relay echo ouput lutea fir 24VDC oad mem: 1A oF ess Minimo Permissible ond: 1a cL seb ee “(stelerons tale) SM) 7 Spastister ounpar (1g =10V Lo cavieni mA orlese_ CT, OV | 38 [nV forspeedimeter eet = iM 50°! Load catia meter ourpue (10 ¥10V Loud current: Ima or lew | CIT. TS. CLOGS + euseha 0 w 39 [Vor ont ratio meter = 29 40 6CNS to 1S sequence i pt signals can be input with OV common. +24V common or external ‘common. Wiring differs according to input method. Refer to Para, 3.4 (3) for correct wiring, Table 12 Control Circuit Signals (8, 9, 10CN) Connector | Signal_[ NO Function Signal coal =5V_ 45.6 | BV poner supply for encoder av OW 113 | Encoder power appl OV once 3508 oe ss ca = “cra [ 224 spsitication cease - tierce vera i crc 17 2 i ea >Re x = oe Encoder phise A sig inp a { 1 RS-22A specification Pa coder phase B sina input Lin wsciver SPC “VY ' a Encoder hse C sina inp 3s Sma = SPA | FT cot phase A sign outer rsmno_ tS S228 sesticaton | ocx | 320) Encoder pine signal out Lin river ‘onion Sot 45v SOL 2 ence phe Cie cpa 35 SW = Tice 15 Mets sms ana + = si 1 Magness inal = wes eV P2415 ¥ power supe formagneticsemor |_=T5V Lond eure Wma oles (option) rato 1120 power supply formance senor [FIV Lead eurenrSmnA ores OV 3. Magats verso poner supp OY = 38] Shetovy f Table 13 Control Circuit Signals (61, 52. SCN) # (Connector [ Signa No (SiN) Neo. GCN SGN) ——__‘Fureton w ka 1a we ar 3 = Bate 5 z s 4 x es it Ww Tor w Tay is0z = “ASRUN Toner eno mn 1 SN —~cownsr Foust SCN “conv Concer aly i ‘CONFLT Conver ak ALAEE = AINE i jesse secre ans srteveocetesencaa seennLat Esse ere ser genoa Jeng dLIEE ALI ex 7 fexTI = : Ey = (2) Terminal Arrangement of Control Signal Connector SCN. S2CN = = =D 3 awe = ESP 32 | ESro ExT! = aime 30 | aLM= Toy} ext? 35 ALME [es | Atwe— 27) espr 3 TEONRDY 0 Teonnpy >= | CoNFor 2a SAXRUN 24 [ANRUN “33 CONRST = aw Boosey [aa FD av ao ev [av ier “av : im aa Oe, av i 1 av rH iv " wt 2 Ww B w i Ww uw 7 a WW * my (eps st mare i © ss ies ar om ial ow wy =rew rw} 40N 6CN MTR | po Ee Towra [a7 | ss |S avcON, vec 16 | "PRO. ews Paavconr =| wvcont PHO Tsu [22 aavcom 32 avCOM Tre | _-PAO. a6 TaLM EXTCOMA 3H [ Extcom + 13 | “PAO 35 FLICOM | 20 ‘EXTCOM® wi] pe Ft FCO. FLING ‘com [oll Pco LINO MGR =x [pm Bary Cont TOR 27] 9 ar, FLL ‘ORT, 36 Ds |_| AINC cuwe [is [pr ae a a ORE [enw aa [pee | ALM ong 3 [RST a TLE 12) Was) ee cS DEF HP THANG) | 21s [3 ex ss sper [wt mH] Ge ae So AGR 9 [REV Deer evn 53 [paseo pe | FWD. 2 — {7 ae} 2cN m= [«RDy alo | ce Ts aS | aL 9 THs [rats ow. spa | s a [FO 3 S0oM cea [7 T a [rear bss ies A | 6 Bl — «| or 3 [Feo tf tiv sy Pots Bp Fp av mea nt ay PRN, cn 1 w= [sw ee 9 av pf? ie] uf ett eof | wv "Nove: Terminaf arrangement ca when th coectors.on the PC board ake viewed eo the engaged part ant of he unt a a el '8CN (Option) ee a - Ss 0 — sx | a 1 SPC a av mg pep) / pea | ‘B =p Tetra > Sais : é : spe see ‘Note: Terminal arangement ss whe the canner onthe PC hoot are viewed fom the engaged pr font a he uit wining es (8) Input Method Selection Inverter 1CN 12-bit digital reference and @CN sequence input signal can be input with OV com- ‘mon, +24V common or external common. Wiring differs according to input method used. Refer to Fig. 13 forcorrect wiring. Forexternal common, use +24V (20t0 26V) power supply for input signal Since ICN and 6CN common lines are insulated, common connec are possible respectively (@) 0V. Common (b) 424 Common (6) External Common +24 (or OV) 2avoow Gea is oo Sees J dl ae Signal Namo a EXTCOW Fig. 13 _ Input Method Selection (4) Precautions on Wiring of Power Lines and Control Signal Lines For proper wiring between devices. pay attention to the following points in the design stage. + Design the wiring route of control signal lines (1,2, 6CN) in such @ way that they will be separated form the main citcuit wiring (R/L1, S/L2. T/L3) or other power lines. +The lengih of the control signal Fines (including motor encoder signal lines) must be Jess than 20 m. 2. Excessively long motor encoder signal lines reduce the encoder power supply volt cause of voltage drop in the signal lines which may cause the inverter to malfunction. sminatethem asshown + When twisted shielded wires are used forconttol signal lines, in Fig. 14, Shielded Sean APO Teimvonerstded Never connect. sheath terminal Inswate these pans ‘wth ensulatng tape. Fig. 14 Shielded Wire Termination al Fines znd connect both ends as “+ Use twisted shielded wires for motor encoder shown in Fig. 15. Shielzos Sheath) AO" t¢ ‘To encoder shielded Toinverter steed sean nine sheath terminal Insulate these pans with inswating tape. Fig. 18 Shielded Wire Termination (Shielded at Both Ends) 4a 3.5 WIRING INSPECTION After completing of installation and wiring, check for the following items. Never use control circuit buzzer check. = Wiring is proper. A Wire clippings or screws are not left inthe unit Screws are securely tighnened, D Bare wire in the terminal does not contact other terminals, 45 4 OPERATION ZA\ WARNING ‘+ Onlyturn ON the input power supply after closing the upper and lower cover. Donot open the covers while current is flowing, Failure 1o observe this warning can result in an electric shock. + Install a separate emergency stop switch. The stop button can be enabled only by a func- Z\ CAUTION + Never touch the heatsink since the temperature is very high. Failure to observe this caution can result in harmful butns to the body’ + Besure that the motor and machine is within the applicable ranges before starting opera- | tion. i Failure to observe this caution can result in personal injury. + Do not check signals during operation 7 The machine or the unit may be damaged. ' i All the constants of the inverter have been preset at the factory. Do not change the set- tings unnecessarily. ‘The machine or the unit may be damaged. 4.1 TEST RUN Before turning power ON. do the following: ‘+ Verify there is no physical obstacle to operation + Notify people in the adjacent area before starting. ‘Turn ON power to the drive system after confirming security around the machines, | (or turn OFF simultancously). [f not, a breakdown may occur in the converter or the inverter. 48 a Q @) ‘Turning ON Control Power Suppiy ‘When the control power supply is turned ON, ~ &F * is displayed in the converter 7-segment LED csply section and" = is dsplayed inthe inverter 7-segment LED display section. IF no, seach for he cause following the Hist ful spay in Tabs 20 and 21 For the details of LED displays. refer 10 Table 14. Turning ON Main Circuit Power Supply When the main circuit power supply is turned ON. the converter 7-seument LED display is changed to* ~ 8 Atthe same time, the inverter and the converter CHARGE LEDs light, ined, [Fany fault is displayed, search for the cause following the list of fault display in Tables 20 and 21 When * ~ & *is displayed continuously on the 7-sezment LED of the converter, main circuit input voltage may be low or open-phase occurs. Check the input supply voltage ‘Checking Motor Cooling Fan When the main-circuit power supply is turned ON, the motor cool fan starts rotating. Verify that cooling air for the motor flows in the direction shown in Fig. 16. According to the standard specifica hhausted from opposite the drive end. a Aft ns, cooling air is taken in from the drive end and ex- (a) Flange-mounted Type (©) Footsmounted Type Fig. 16 Motor Gooing Air Passage a7 SS (4) Operation ‘Afier checki al. the converter and inverter 7-segment LED displays are changed to" ~ F .” Gradually raise speed reference from0%. The motor stats rotating, input a run signal to start the drive unit operation. By inputting a run that the motor turns inthe proper direction. When forward run is commanded (by FWD) and speed reference is positive. the motor shaft turns counterclockwise (CCW) when viewed from the load machine. If the rotation n is reversed. of if the motor does not turn but only buzzes or vibrates after the run signal is input, phases of the power cable or encoder signal wire may be connected wrong, Tum OFF power, and make sure that CHARGE LED and T.seyment LEDs are OFF. Then, check the wiring. When the motor turns in the proper direction, switch forward and reverse run and verify that acceleration and deceleration are smooth in both Forward and reverse directions. [At the same time, check for excessive motor vibration or nose. Stationary sound at several KHlz is due to the control method and do nor indicate any abnormality cow ow ew | cow cow! Fig. 17 Motor Rotation Direction 4.2 CONTENTS OF 7-SEGMENT LED DISPLAY “The following describes the contents of the 7-scgment LED display of the converter and the inverts Table 14 Contents of 7-segment LED Display Converter Deplay Description -y Tpaiswesthe Wares where the rain cout power sappy not ume’ ON or apa | | ar es ‘When he fault aceatrene is only one. displays the Flt coment ols 4__ OPERATION Inverter Display z Description ~6 Teletext sas where ran commrnd snot np (ane HDS) ior ~_tndicates the converters eunping. et ee Fat aul occurence No.) gxample indicates the second occurrence 42 ster fans, fete te Table 2) Who the fault occurens is only ome, dopa the fault canes om pay, Displays te fa oeurrence No. sl oul conten iternately. (Te Us moor thermisir disconnection. For Fault comtentsy a Q Display when Turning ON Converter Control Power Supply ‘When control power supply is tuned ON, converter control PC board software version No. will be displayed on the 2 sgment LED, (Software version No. displayed from 020.) Example: Software version No.0020 Turning ON Control Power Supply ‘ ea \Whon the contol power spp is taped ON. "88" pla fr 6 | ' ao “The fit 2 lees ofthe software versa are displayed fi soe version are dsp for ee. loners oft Ini ‘sree for operation. Fault Display When more than two faulis are detected by converter or inverter, up to four fault contents are recorded in converter and up 10 six in inverter tw check the order of the Fault occurrence, (The display automatically changes.) Example: When overcurrent (fault No. O1) and output overvoltage (fault No, 11) ovewrred tye Indicates he fies fault, (Displayed for 1568) Indien the second Fault. (Displayed fo 80) id Incates he output overvoltage fat. (Diaper 2 se.) “9 5 OPERATION OF DIGITAL OPERATOR ; AX WARNING + Disconnect all power before removing digital operator (JVOP-132). Then waitfor the time Bh 7664 32 10 Fig. 21 Display of Bit Selection Signal — 5.3. KEY OPERATIONS AND DISPLAY ‘This paragraph describes how fo operate the digital operator keys and display (1) Indication at Power-ON Digital operator display at control power supply ON is shown below. Description Digital Operator Display Remarks Tara ON contral power spl A LEDS High Bebb |Peeises PROM No, dispaved SF | Disphyed for sxe BEGG _tretowersaigisor Rom Xo arediplayed | The cule wes PROM Ne “VSB” Fe | Bent the motor ds nex rtte when power a supply tuned ON. “0” i splased = Utd emouor speed) data ise played Tre cuie auigines Bi Fay ray aly ALR inte mor emer dicomeces loved en aprmetive tines (APL = 42" |) sien moterenote signa Ci dco tin saci 2) Switching Display Functions Depress [DSPL] key on the digital operator to change the mode of display aa erator Disp Remarks: Oneion | utleg_ Bt OPO Deny EB Norges unas | = Shoes a) Mxrsyucd ta No indy am Convo igutstosoteacuican sed Opto abs bemmee. ‘isplay hasbeen selected) | Conotcumiensdigtiy's | gon | | =i 7 Cool comtans se apes soe | Ci-ot I Di peo: co wen | TTT | wsestenopemtingty dhs oper sate ote J (efarye Displays shen bits and of conte costs S108) “The faut No. dsp ise _ FL Ge |) Smamsteuens asin a leced, (Displaed when's ne displayed, otectisefetion ate AL-2 indices motor thermistor | wed) “isconnecton is detected * comnts of past fats ae dsplsed TALSO indicates he lst fa 2n- cer signal disconnecin. sentence | om |e ioe, | aut record isp 1 5¢- ected (3) Operation Status Display Mode 5_OPERATION OF DIGITAL OPERATOR To check data in operation status display mode, do as follows. The following shows the exam- ple where U1-09 (Sequence input signal status) is to be changed. omen | Sequence Digital Operator Display Ur apap Move blinking cure 10 the dita Ra Seles U1, Display UL its comtens. | pata J ANN) Ul-Gi Depo okey ace me oa | the binig case j the aispay example isthe states shen [RD¥] and [EMG] signals re Retr to operation status No, display loved For explanations of operation status display, refer to APPENDIX 5. (4) Control Constant Display Mode To check data or set/change a constant in control constant display mode, do as follow. The following shows the example where C1-10 (soft-start time) isto be changed | detect 2 Ct-8/] amen 1 pipe C10 da coment ea as : ‘Write-in set valve. SS | End. He [ Displayed for 5 sec. * ; Ceaeee gestae eee | * When dca nurse the iopaange ae set, Endl ot pac on the ply nal dates willcontoue blinking ven Aepres ]DSPL kee eturing to the iho DATAVENTER| isheld down, Toconccbisciton a number display and covet the tings Refer 1o APPENDIX 6 for contents of control constants. ‘The following are constants that cannot be changed during operation: C1-25 to 59, C2-09 10 27, C3-09 to 25: Cannot be changed during operation. Change when stopped. C1-01 to 24, C2-01 10 08, C3-01 t0 08: Can be changed during operation or when stopped. (6) Digital Operator Operation Mode In digital operator operation mode, operation is enabled by commands from the digital opera: tor. The following table shows the operation. Change the lower 2 bits of C1-37 from “1+” 10°F” to turn ON the operation mode, Description Sonlace | Dieta! Operator Dept Remarks CraTisceced | g uy 2 Display C37 data com Scat te dit i Stopbestonerpi | abe) Cngesevabi THON Ze | Spe omer two is) ze [einer wal End Dsnaveliorusses Rewens 10 previous dpay [tener ttt Erteive for digital operator operation mode Reture to contcl constants | psp F “spl € aT 5_OPERATION OF DIGITAL OPERATOR, Table 16 shows the reference list in digital eperator operat uence input) and speed references displayed among reference display are handled si co setup. Table 16 Parameters for Digital Operator Operations Constaris No. Operation control signals (se- iar 60 : Unit Contorts oy | f= gg | Sreation sina | '-G3 Binary a Sequence input) ‘Speed reference % Displayed in © for rated speed seting (C120) ‘Set the speed reference in digital operator operation to dl-02 eee [_ sequence Key | pigtat Operator Ospiay Remarks ' “mean peeT]p $-Gi Seer at-2 xz 2a ANN) Dinply A192 ds comes. Set peed ference 25%) ‘Write serve | Sadetoeneisdigtaredasaper | tel apd a eect boo | bisplyed torus se Returns to presious display before Eo The following table shows the keys used in the digital operator operation mode. Rotating. erection is selected by [FWD/REV] key and rurvstop by [RUN] or [STOP] key: Table 17 Key Operations in Digital Operator Operation Mode vey fame Fan J e erence of rated speed seting (C1-26).] in key is depresed. (FWOTREN =o { FWDIREV nun is nice wh ta REV antes xz Ee LED lights alternately.) " Depuesste Bey tostop operation. (ReULED on the let ights during + stop. E Stop command key ‘To return to operation made using a regular external run command, change the lower 2 bits of C1-37 from FF" to"70" (6) Fault Display Mode If a protective function is activated because of a fault, the fault code is displayed. Up to six faults are recorded 10 view the order of a series of faults. Display Example Tine ——_t- 4- Fault Reset 1 occurs 31 occurred 2 occured (Overcurrent) (Motor Overspeed) (CPU Dulin AD eon, | ' + Displays ho frst faut No, Displays the socond fault No. Displays the thie faut No. id ther modes, [RESET] key cannot reset the fault. in fault display mode. In Before resetting, turn OFF the run command signals (FWD, REV. ORT) that are ex ternally input 5_ OPERATION OF DIGITAL OPERATOR (7) Fault Record Display Mode Up to six faults can be displayed in order from most recent 0 oldest fALGT q = Faut No. Fault Occurrence No. (1106) ‘The larger tne sumer, the older the fault data Display Example a ‘2 occured 90 occurred EA occurred EO occured EI occured 01 occured (Ay Aaa) GALA) TAL. 1 + Digplays the last faut No, Displays the second mest racant faut No. b + Displays the third most recent fault No. PEPPP + Displays the forth most racent fault No. Displays the ith most recent faut No. Displays the shxtn most reoant fault No, | + Fault record data are not erased by fault reset or tu not affect the operation.) 1g OFF power supply. (The data will To erase fault record data, turn ON bit 0 of C1-57 (right end) and turn OFF the control power supply. When power is turned ON again, data will be ‘matically be turned OFF. 6 MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION fren A. WARNING ‘+ Do not touch the inverter and the converter terminals. Some of the terminals carry volt: | ages and are extremely dangerous. Failure wo observe this warning cam result in an elec shock. + Close upper and lower covers before powering up the inverter or the converter. To open the covers, make sure to shut OFF the molded-case circuit breaker. Failure to observe this warning can result in an electric shock. + Perform maintenance or inspection only after verifying that the CHARGE LED and 7-seg- ment LED go OFF, after the main circuit power supply and control power supply are tumed OFF. : The capa ate still charged and can be dangerous | + Only authorized personnel should be permitted to perform maintenance, inspections or parts replacernent. [Remove all metal objects (watches, bracelets, ete) before operation, (Use tools which ae insulated against electric shock.) | Failure to observe this warning can result in an electric shock A\ CAUTION + The control PC board employs CMOS ICs. Do not touch the CMOS elements. | They are easily damaged by static electricity. + Do not connect or disconnect wires or connectors while power is applied to the circuit. | Failure to observe this caution can result ia personal injury ‘This chapter describes basic mai VS-656MRS. nance and inspection procedures for the VS-626MS and the 6_ MAINTENANCE AND INSPECTION. 6.1 PERIODIC INSPECTION id the VS-656MR5 will function longer are kept clean, cool and dry, while ‘observing the precautions listed in Par. 2.1. Check for tightness of electrical connections. discoloration or other signs of overheating or aging. Use Table 18 as your inspection guide. Before servicing, tum. OFF AC main cireuit power and be sure that the CHARGE LED and 7-segment LED are OFF. Table 18 Periodic Inspection [Component Check T Carraive hain 1 Exital Teingly Lame ans Tiehen Une Mong Bg, pee Tie | Eometon Tae eda Tipton Ratertierel laiucara irae low wih ds compressed We oF DRI ve fo wikap of das andi ssa re stomp) pose i Blow with dey compres air of SacI eT Inverter | Printed Cieuit Board Accomoltion of ondusive dist oreit_ [S8R>RESET] key or shut OFF the main circuit power ‘supply once to reset the stop statu. oe + To reset a fault by the digital operator fier removing the cause, press [RESET] key in Zault display mode. In other modes, [RESET] key cannot reset the fault. + Before resetting, tun OFF run command signals (FWD. REV, ORT) that are externally inp 7_TROUBLESHOOTING 7.1 LIST OF CONVERTER FAULTS a fault occurs during operation, protective functions are activated depending on the fault and opera- tion is stopped. ‘The contents of the faults are displayed on the 7-segment LED in numbers. Table 20 Converter Fault Diagnosis and Corrective Actions Fauk No, Name Contents Gorrecive Aaions ; Check the wing, | Cheek the input suppl volags: + Check the AC react. Cossids sen i expaci Output eateeexcsede overcurrent Bf ovcrcanent ection lee Cheek Tor damage ans oud side som cre, groin. ete Reduce the oad BY | main course blows | Main sitet fine was Bown, 85 Jorcnous up caren encoded vera | «Cece ie ond hf (ven evo) ences Ouiporvokageerscded oven olage eset 5 Check ie 1-4 jOmpuenerohage —‘Deeton evel: ~ heck the ! Sou el Approx 1007 sreci Son elas: Apps. SHV ‘ale Ghoul sept volage became lower than undervoltge detection Check the input supply voliage | evel 12. Melo coca anerel tage ‘Conta rent pow spy bee 1.7 “Comet seat unter [ier handle deen : ket eck e cata soply vhage 7 Savona | el py a ae 715 |Rnsrses ensy Excess ver sols ene te exition he or elt S| “Charging of min ceut capaci : ‘ea a cpl within set ins (Check ah input power waveform, 1G | iis charging tate tae Replace the ui | 27 Ba MC open Fin Magnetic eoaetor did nt function, Teatsinkiempuawccnmekdupger SS mine fy. {Chock the ambient temperate ree | Tank emperaureonerapporlimi ive colin, 1 AF Heatsink overheat YY | Hémsink overneat 2 umtoued for ene minute or hanger, “Thermivior for Reusing tmpeesune 1 Replace the uit ‘etiam ton as dco # eonneston Ths ambient empertore ow | Rave We ambien temperature fw above [-200 (Fy belo NCCPA, | Y [Came RE Het [et PE bod iemparirs x 1 pete fete | eceded HC (176°F mine Fal) Check the ambient emperatre for flee ty 7 | Sento PC Heard om !ontrol PC board temperate ex- HE coting F [perature tut> seeded #88 (85°F) a |CPU ram AD er akin AD coerce FO WON emery (PROM eer Ff eeroxt no [emo (FEFROM evr Repl theconel Chow LFS crucnor [CPU ero i ono! PC hoard faut [WDT ime exceeded 7.2 LIST OF INVERTER FAULTS Ita occurs daring operation protective functions are activated depending onthe ful and opera tion stopped. The contents ofthe ful are displayed on the digital operator (opin) i AL codes and onthe segment LEDs in aunbers. Fault codes are outpt as sgnalsto pins 261029 of 6CNas shown nig 22. Inthe igure, © indicates ON and @ indicates OFF. eo | —= sonin 2a 00) ew rn a7 Fo SeNPaz7 FC commons 9920) SEN Pa 20 FCs} Fig, 22 Fautt Code Output Table21_ Inverter Fault agnosis and Corrective Actions {__FautiNo__| Name Contents Corrective Actions |ae -ai ‘Guipatcurcar exssodeaveeurenT | detection salve. oF verter ouput oad) wa shone, overcurent ‘Cheek the wiring for looseness. | Inverter ouput side ground eurent Ground ule exceeded grounding detection evel ‘Check the oir Tor drertion oT salon CChech the wiring bewecn iverer and -o4 Main eu FN | De eu fue was blows, : Check for damage to vas sore 1 ‘cuits onload side, gsound fault, At ak | ; 1-015 ene uae FYE 130M | Cee a veer sec AL -86 ‘Motor overload | Motor overload capacity exceeded Reduce the hd Ab -a7 Motor Overont (Whe the mewor inlooked) {APN motor only) The motor exceeded the overt level tow speed i os). ‘Check thatthe fad Shes oF tT jammed ‘Mate sue thar the motor shaft oats. (Check ifs marr faa ora contet be {see he rtor andthe stor cuts. oF if a bearing is damaged.) | | ‘Comventer fault A fault ecutted in conven Main circuit over- | Main eicuit DC bus volage exceed heck tak contents by sing Convener te i “Chek te inp Supply volage (Chock the lsd shaft aver servo) AIL — FF ots ed the overvltage set val, expats Chek the como constants Faag. Miia Seco DC pas vob AL - ta Mrs lower than undersohagr detection Check the input supply volage. = erations | level ding rn | ! Contato CORTON pONE Rp Became FIL =~ £3) Comets Toner than utderoltage detection | Chek he cue! suplyvolage. undervotnge Hesel 6 ‘Windingselectionwasnotcompleied : remncine Wiring selection fault ‘Ghesk he conta) soma CHE ‘Check magnetic contactor wiring for TROUBLESHOOTING _——— res Table 21 Inverter Fault Diagnosis and Corrective Actions (Cont'd) Fea No. Name onions ‘Covieatve Asians | Fat Gace : Chesk cont constant CFS lnyerer did nok sop within 10 se AL - 2 1 i |e ae me | EN Sgnals TLL nd TLH ate op Encoder signal JPL — FG, cattedsconnee. | etd occoneced improper, CPSC tB tng of encode signal ies, ~ Check that cacoaer a ies a pa a Fae oe | Geet anmmcianaas oe AL ~ FA] sowroenes OES ins, = Chek ne coma nas i Cheat hal ao TS 1 1 jee ! : Excewsive speed | Speed falst les than SU of rete * Check whether exeralxgu Lint i FL ~ FE" cesiaion noe value, sale TLL and TL ae inp. Check the conta corte Check the wing of encoder signa Fines. AL ~ FF) tontian enero ‘Cc nvr opt wr — : Ch thatthe Toad RS hewsy ova Wool i | Motor Lock eee ee ne Ee ‘ramnor. - . Al - 344) me Sein drag car “Osten of es ‘Check if motor ful oF a contact be teen ear an Salor cou. oF a eae ing ic damages ‘Chock he wiring, , Noor emperiae exceeded mner | FIL, — 1G7| Moor overnen 1 Motorman eck that moor coogi ama Sit in a. sh power OF — — —— check thar nef snot ctoggs with dost 7 hear2 | MEtortemperatre over vpper limit oF FAL ~F F Mororverieat2 | tina for aves one innate, Check the wiring of motor theumisr sig al ln, ‘Check the ovo eristor gna wing 72 ng.2 Mover thermistor | Motor temperature detection therm | = Check he motor ambien tempera. Pe LE snccnnssting itor nan dsconneced {Raise the temperature vo shove : EIN (For mare AL, = | Rs | RR eS RIT Teasnk temperature ove upper Heasiok overheat voting AL 8 Tint eoxinued for ane minate or . ; longer Theumistor Tor neat emperaare ‘Chock he ambien temperate for effective Tee ot east hens | aroun x dnconarsed FL 15 |erdicsnnction The wnbeatengrauc ton ‘Rabe He nbn enpet 1se [-20 (-1°F) or below ‘Gonvol PC board Control PChoard tempest Check the aie pate For eTSave FAL = FE scp fut cseded 4800 17°F)yminr tl. | sone Fy Contel PC rd | Confol FC Board remperane st | Check te ambien temperate fr efectne AL -47 : At - 4B) een, ir Tepe ene sigan ———— ee Table 21. Inverter Fault Diagnosis and Corrective Actions (Cont'd) Fake Nave Contents TL Coneetive Aatons Fan Code siecanscnaaal y|teorice | oxlenaionconandw2sop © ato teninion ure ae VAL ~ EO) reser menos | fre tningspraner tas) | Petemovenon nea. ecco ‘venaton) hase C signal could not be d= |» Chea he wieing af encoder signal ines AL-67/ ring suming wp. * Check shat encode signal lines are sep “S| Pass Csignat | Phase Cigna wit eeeeded Dated nmin cca or ther poser AL ~ BE" wish cos pl lines Fast at nani + Sty hat otra inser a pues perroation Number of pebespersoutonex- | stootdd a FL ~ BA fencoserrcinos ceeds 6 + | Gningtoning vp. | © Replace se ovenation cc eoce evieaion) | Replace the ence eck wiring of Tod sa casder Position detection | Poston deection eneoderseral "Spt nee i JAIL ~ Gey] suntease | bie wasaoomecsder eee. yee al shut encode. Aisconrection | nected improper ee Replace the ovination card INCaigaal ever | cErcoder method ‘venation INC signing err Alter carving out absolute positioning. (esinor fal) change circuit command INC signal FAL, ~ VF ioaricnres | cng oi a Perform eviontion ne up > ! wre en i Magnetic SeRS0F ncorrect magnetic senror signal foal lines. H Ait. - 7 Ciiriedantigioatgce. "Reine tempelesenorormopi- | CO Eanor ee | eprops | - Chew ostins C127 24.2 jrre, — 1g meer | eae pear! | “chen wing otter se snceeded 265 during ning up. | tine tmaod oiemation) “eet <0 Serng wring wm | ‘Check the wiring of magnate remorT al bcs Mugnatic sensor | Magnetic sensor signal eale was IAL — Pey| semasconnee. | aicomecedor connected improp- | ~ Rep ion oil. fr s the magnstie ver or magnet estou sane agin TSC signal ror Attr carving out absolute postoning TRESBSTSTS Ne ipa igre Jere, - 75] tc roe ot Sire cc tonmed Rep rs 1 © Sheek The wiring tae Cophane vga of When the power is turned ON. theencoder LAL - 6G! Desstion Err | apie. signal cannot te detec Iatal gin nr nots ee a ie desing healers | opie al ca I 1 cpa sng ee a ST i ime Check ite ene sig ee ; aed ome ma cet wing ad rca Faberge numeric | srrover re —& z [Somerton [nSteciaccwra ets | Chere moran iene 0 pulses, propels grounded ‘Check the encoder cable specifications (Check ita ss iespir seed wie is sed) Replace the encoer (Conta) 6 TROUBLESHOOTING ——$$ rte sis007 Table 21 Inverter Fault Diagnosis and Corrective Actions (Cont'd) Fain sem ict aoe conahe io | ! Speed ima WCRI I ese AD ALAA TF Novomerer sme sener cr "PRE = Ae) EO SP | cou uivin AD convener enor " peice he 10 cn. I Replace the estol PC boar FAL = ofa! END [Fine Tanner Ruan AD —* alas FL ~o1b | Sg RATO Das arsision ser vrecen faut? Pts. Replace the cont PC board Fl oT IO favs aaa ocd ctor cae (CL2Sy does HE IGT OGL oI Cade OTST FRE EO Sscction —|memacnomerercmscy (chs. TE! Mel and ver eapscy ee tion (1-56, r ~ Check moter mndsl and motor code Al -€ 4] Serene Mororeodeserin C128 knatse- | 4C125p. eee a 4) ervecordes conde * Check sein ist for corer PROM vers | POP sion of metor code (C125) ‘Check iar ied speed (C136) within j Constant seting | Memory (EEPROM) dats excesded tng range AL EP ince ener Uupperlower limi. Cheek control constants. Replace de contol PC bar | ‘Check orton card ode nd ois 1 37 Overton card | Setecederematon hit does m ee ae AL - EF Orsi eet rereeee tion sektioa gral ORIN CIII | COC I Replace the evieatin cat Trverercapiciy " Seletedravonar capacity (C135) Cheek verse and inverer Spy selection vor docs not mulch the uni. section (C156) ! ROM enor Memory (PROM) eto | EEPROM enor | EEPROM enor Replce me cunzl PC hoard =o | emory (EEPROM) eror EEPROM error GOs EEPROM error | e008 Transmission Petwesn the iver Cont cicuit_ sand he aia operator cannot be fault operator" exablished uni $ seconds ser rieeeeeeasuan transmission enor) sopping per, Balin nem faa WD" sotivted Insert he dig operat connector again. | i “Tras Fetmcen theme” Pel HE mE OF Rone seply sign ————— line of ICN, Conia circait__ | and te die eect sexta Rept the con PC hoard I ! |LPED tin stowene | tee oe ping po, _ ! oe but Inter ansision fi contnes Fasmistom CTP) gue than 2 sccm, WOT | ime eecodes eo ee 7.3 MOTOR FAULTS AND CORRECTIVE ACTIONS any of the following faults occur actions. in the motor, check the cause-and provide the relevant corrective Table 22. Motor Faults and Corrective Actions Faut Cause. Corrective Action Protesive furcion hasbeen acivaneg, | Cheek fault No, and cerry om appropriate steps. ‘Converter man est power ae urn Tarn ON power upp ox. Chock suppts votige, Tovener oupa disconnection, improper | Check he wihing between iver and mo ~ Cheol sequence apa signal o operation Sats display (01-09) (RDN EMG, FWD {Conta sign des po funtion and REV), + Check if speed etree inp or not on Motor doos not ote operatin tus display (U1), ‘Check whether extemal org imi signals “Torque liming TLL or TLH Is input on operation san ds play (1-00, “Check eases bercen moor terminals ‘Motor winding wive disconnection | Gaciveuit reser necessary) Replace the met. J Motor fo oir and nator robogeer |» Check motors orion manually broken Bearing) Replace the motor. ‘Contr PC boar Took Replace the eon PC boat Tiverer outpur disconnection. improper | Check the wiring between inverter apd mo= “Encoder signal fre disconnection. improper eee Check the wiring of encoder signa ln ‘Check for abnor changes in maior | foto encoer fa poss on speedometer oF operation stats Mocormmtes slowly | Motor ence au ‘pedonamet Se Replace the encoder or the maw Speed reference signal dsconnection i= ‘Chock the wiring of speed eferece signal proper somzcon see ie f “Check whether external tongue Ti signals Torque Hating TLL ov TLA is inpat on operation sats dis pla (U1-09, Control PC hoard fault Replace te coawol PC board [ae ‘Maorroresin | Improper connec cfinvenerouipot or Check he wiring according othe comnecion | reverse direction motor coder signal be lage (Cont'a) Table 22 Motor Faults and Corrective Actions (Cont'd) Fait | Movor does no rors 4 commanded sped, Cause ‘Speed reference sigaaleror 7_TROUBLESHOOTING Carecive Asin ~ Check spond reference on operation tae sisplay (W102), Readjant master sped reteroneefuneion Theoret sting of motor rated eed ‘Cheek He sein of sonia consant C136 Movor speed adjusiment eer Speed is conulled hy # cote, Torque tinting ‘Cheek mor speed on operation sats d= play (L-01) and adjos fhe speed wing com ‘Check iF PPI signal ein or nov on ope tion satus display (C1), 7 Check whether extra forque it Signals TLL or TLH is input on operation status d- play (1-09, Conial PC bord fa Replace the sonrol PC bath Enended accelocet sie Sofrstaner ime seting oer {Set time x19 tong Check the Sting af convo constant C10 Motor code salsston eor org liming ‘Check whether exetal worque Ti TLL or TLis input on operations play (ULM, [Eecess Ina on Ind machine machine i ‘Check load saree ow the oad ctor meer Faces and inertia moment of the fad ie the capacity of invest and a= ‘Conia PCT fle Replace th cone PC hoard Heaey motor noe, sition Contol PC bond faut ‘Repos ihe control AC hoard Taser dupa dnconnestion ‘Chock wiving hsiwcen vere and moo Grounding ero: of mow or iavener [alfenction dete noise (Poor encoder characteris) ‘Cheek comnly of motor ad iverer wo sos ifthay see sours ground, ‘Check at encoder signal Uns ae separ rated rom inverter cup wiring oF ether over Fine. (Check enter sable positions (etter tbe eable sa wised pt Shielded wiry ‘Conia constant ening err especialy pet ent propoons gain) | Uamatanced motor ‘Chock nol eomsans oe Sting eee eee ‘Moor inalaion emo ‘Check Tor oose mounting Bas ‘Cheak 0 Balance + Replace the moto. Motor ft {Motor bearing ful stor al) "Run a motor abe to check noe and sre within specications. Replace the toe Defestvelasd machine coupingorcentering Insuticiem strength of Ind machine Loose Fountition bots *Gonfin aha coupling and eenering ve ap proprinte accoeding othe connetion with Toad machine ‘Check he load machine Tov deformations or | ‘Check Toe loose Toundtion Fats ons machine (Conta) —— Table 22 Motor Faults and Corrective Actions (Cont'd) Fait T Cause Corrective Action : Saree Teak hat opraon sige FWD or REN) Ferg ante ae bcenesicaatnionter isopen on action snes dap (C10 Conirt PC beard ah Replace the comvol PC bord “Check tat ocoavon signal ORT Ws closed ‘on operation state spay (U1). ‘Ovintton signal ORT isnt input Ecole igl ke GRSOETON IPO ya he wig ese sgl ies + Mowor does aor stop _cOBRECon oose connector steeiton ‘Geck Gor abnormal changes in motor {encoder me a speed onthe speedotete or operation st brienationt ee asp (UL), Repl the ene rhe motor t Repos the wintaon ano ie contol Favltof vention cadorcontel PC board ' ] Check ha orieniaton signal ORT is closed Ovicotton signal ORT is inp ‘on epsaton tates deploy (1-9), ‘Verify tbe machine dala for wansmision| Incorres ransminsion rt sting ae ovaries ot sop ees ‘Magnetic emo signal line disconsestion. Check the wi iyo nati emo signal aonenaon, [igre comin seco | ie tmehod oeaton) Roe he ood sa and eis at ORG | Tau of magni amor ormagneizer | signa ighs ence fe oben on eran stats pay ' Replace he oie Fru orenton andor contol PChears_ REP 1 ‘Check whether he poson reference is cor referee | ern operation status digas (UH). Incorrect seting of stop posit Tacorrect lection of binary HCD veerence orincoreet seing af BCD teference reso oa Check the setting of control constants C2-22 " 1 yn age212 Income alesionotiekerencepoitatinoe= Cheek the seting of conta constant C222 positioning is eee ge form postoning a 251 pain vo mes ee cea | orientation) ‘Encoder sigaal line discenoection, improper i rene aaa (Choo the wiring of encoder sana fines. “Cheek ha encoder signal Hes are sep ‘ated fem iaverter output wiring or other Matfunction de to nose powerlines. (Poor encoder characters) | - Check encoder able specitiatons (goheber ie eal 64 Wed pie shielded wit ! Conol PC hoard fault Replace the cool PC board (Cont'd) 70 7_TROUSLESHOOTING. Table 22 Motor Faults and Corrective Actions (Cont'd) Fe aera ese [Feat Cause Conestve Acton ‘Stop poston Wifes Magnetic sensor signal fine URonnection. | Check the wiring of magnetic sensor Signal from comminded loose connector ins. tong a Replace ih Forte contol fimgnetic sensor paupororieation end orcomvol PChoard _, RERIGE ie erlentation end ote cate mt orentation) PC ound ‘Check tat orientation signal ORT belo 1 Oriemation signal ORT not ina See ae cr Tacorect sting of alesion signal {Completion signal not tpt tuning of I scing) Set tune-up operation skction ign (C222 oF 3.22. bH NOL ‘Wl te machine data for tansiision Incowreet speed charging ratio sewing cena eerie sn F ‘Check wo vieation occurs he for ward and reverse ditetions neat the op n conta peoporsons gain high. | postion | Orientation comple | Hon signa sot ouput omer position cant proponional gun to seduce vibration, I [> Check that he lsssha on washed ne i | sop positon on operation sats spay Position contol proposonal gain slow. | (ULOSor U3). Increase position control proportional gin reach he commanded postion, Replace ie oveniation ead or te conta PC hoard i ul of orientation ind or sontrol Pours ” EEE APPENDIX 1 SPECIFICATIONS Table A Standard 200V Series Model UAASK —) FZ ‘A-08 | A-06 | A-O8 | A-Tt AAS A-22 Tad Sopa Rang 75] FT opioa [esos én, 68 [eo ah Lg + Continuous Rating - i bi ea) Rating | er es | an assy Rand |e Sped i 50 secs sd 7 Spel Cominco at bos ase a7 | tin tes Motor | ing jikgtmy (1-43 as7y | as | on | e740 earn DA oa Harr aa] rant 1am | 2326 nas diam (as | dines, and | Ginny tw go" 70st 22 Toe} oa dias tw | ates was | aan | aaa | dey | eo Oe 10 1 me of Se ag Vinion ira = Vit Nob Leva Tsavralorw Ta A ‘en Tempera oni TC WTOC GF w OF ERT aes oT nap Mss erage i) 0 ser] 1 a] 3 to | 6a ir | ey, oH | con Lain | ce | [eset cnmcwsa 237 ares | gant | 2018 | 2018 [ee | ass TontaasRamerpC | 7g} ep = aearal = os ve | 6 na | [oes 18 Caton Rag Capra, } yw ; sa ce Ee | conearnar Sea FN nr (War cS 2B [pe conver Ringe “Hinin i manna motor pe | Speca Reguiation "Uh maximum speed or ess Orla Capes TVET mine oF 0 ina ag Tnprox Mis aa ne a a5 Fw, Sais Tas ‘Dimensions in inches. eee hee aoe 20) 300) com tg" i Deo Baa, 2 | Trea omens wer mre [ame pwn] mors "moe, meee | amo aaa f| femme Op ° sting Input Current Cena ng ip wa [ma ) er p ces gos | ss0 | ot | me na ContnoaagGupaCome® sq, 2a Poa ar | ee | a vote aa Y ve [ass | sea | na om, me ' Tr pane TOVAC Dy 2BHVAC aD: SONA TRY [Power snp | Canowat sage acon. s10% to 13 allowable fegueney Mucuaton | z inne wage uae. oe l? Sage ae, BOI (S608 y F2OVAC OTN): OVAC 8 | conor Power Supply {Allowable voltage Mactuation 10% to =i. allowable frequency fuctaton: 5 7 eyed power apt INA a WE Fone Tee one (Fen conan Decind Capaciy st 20%, acon a Foner Mie i Appr ase nae Te T Fos) ee : ers wath my a3 floes | eae 75M Den [e) ___Ficrasar coat ns — N[HrORieaT | xionar NORE NTE TATE NIT (Cont'd) n APPENDIX SPECIFICATIONS iis Table A-1 Standard 200V Series(Cont'd) ous oun A CS ae Sune | are [ars T eots | 2 T axze | ano | =r aaa Ea TET Fe ie Som TeesieceeTe Sor ener SCE TPCCTF Tar Si Rae ons DT Tye ray Common ‘Contr Hirisy Toeation Tad rece rom Soros gases and dst, levation: TON GORDA) OFS ‘Vibration c 8 mA UG) 100 ese than 20 Hz, upto 2 mIS (2G) at Ae 50 He ln TEC IP) oteted vo that pats the human boy anol reach letra charged prs fom the fron) “1 Raed output power is guacaneed when input voltage is teephase. MV (SNH), 220 (S062) 230V eee) input vokage stoner hin 2X, redouut power enc uarieed {minute rating S0'2ED yeontinuous rating formovel UAASKACISFZ 83H (07 13 Dimensions of Heatsink excnals cooling type. Referto APPENDIX 2 for Open cha 14 An AC rextoris required between cncerter and main circu power supply *5 Temperature during shipping,

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