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From the Realities of Mawlana Shaykh (Q) as taught by Shaykh Nurjan

A’udhu Billahi Minash Shaitanir Rajeem
Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem
I seek refuge in Allah from Satan, the rejected one
In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.
Alhamdulillahi rabbil aalameen as-salaatu was-salaamu alaa ashraf al-
mursaleen Sayyidina wa Mawlana Muhammad al-Mustafa  ‫ﷺ‬. Madad yaa
Sayyidi yaa Rasul al-Kareem, yaa Habeeb al-Azheem, unzur halana wa
ishfalana abina bi madadakum wa nazarakum, madad yaa Sayyidi Sultan
al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Abd Allah Fa’iz ad-Daghestani, madad yaa
Sayyidi Sultan al-Awliya Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim Adil al-
Haqqani, madad ya Shaykh al-Quloobina Mawlana Shaykh Hisham
Kabbani. Madad al-haqq hujjat-Allahi al-mukhlis
Audhu billahi min-ash shaytani rajeem. Bismillah ar-Rahmaan ar-
Raheem, “Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum“.
﴾…٥٩﴿ …‫َأطِ يعُوهَّللا َوَأطِ يعُوٱلرَّ سُو َل َوُأ ْولِي اَأْلم ِْر ِم ْن ُك ْم‬
4:59 – “…Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil amre minkum…” (Surat An-
“… Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger, and those in authority among you…”
(The Women, 4:59)
Plant the Seed of Faith in Rajab
Alhamdulilah, always a reminder for myself and wa ana abdukal ‘ajeez,
wa dayeef, wa miskin, wa zhalim, wa jahl. If not by the Grace of Allah
(AJ), we are non-existent. Then who can claim to be anything in the Might
and Majesty of Allah (AJ)? And always a reminder for myself and only to
talk to myself, to remind myself of Mawlana Shaykh’s teaching for us and
if anybody find a benefit, alhamdulilah, that our life in this holy month
opening up.
They give the analogy of
Rajab, subhana huwa man khalaq an-nur, is a month of Allah (AJ) in
which there’s a seed, the seed of life, the seed of faith. And the holy
month of Shaban, they say is like the soil and the watering. That that
seed that Allah (AJ) brought from Rajab, places it within the month of
Shaban and begin to water it with the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
And its manifestation is the month of Ramadan. With that seed, now
begins to manifest. 
ْ‫ان َمنْ ه َُو ْال َخال َِق ال ُّنور‬
َ ‫ُسب َْح‬
Subhana man huwal Khaliq an Nur.
Glory to Him who is the Creator, the Light.
We Are Seeds With Immense Potential  

Ahlul haqaiq and the people of

realities, their focus is on the world of light, the eternal reality, not so
much that which is temporary and is passing, but Allah’s (AJ) Haq (truth),
Allah’s (AJ) Oceans of Light and Realities. And they want for us to
remember that our life is like a seed. And this is the month to remember
before what is going to be opening, inshaAllah, by Friday, by Saturday,
the holy month of Ramadan in which the day is to fast and the nights to
pray and to be dressed by Holy Qur’an. It’s that they want us to
understand it’s a deep reality in which we hope can be conveyed a bit of
its understanding. That our existence here is not the prize only and that
we are sort of content with this meager existence, this material world and
our material possessions.
But they want to remind us, you are but yet a seed, just a seed. And the
potential of what we have and what Allah (AJ) has given to us is immense.
And if we look at

the  seeds, s
ubhanAllah, that there are so many different seeds and so many of them,
you look alike. You can take handfuls of seeds and they all look alike, but
its product is immensely different. You can have a seed this big [Shaykh
makes a small circle with his thumb and index finger] and it can mature
into a tree that is immense and can produce millions of fruits through its
lifetime. Some may be 100, 150 years old, the tree, and continuously
producing fruits from one seed. 
Did We Accomplish What Allah (AJ) Wants For Us?
And awliya (saints) come into our life and begin to make a teaching from
Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬teachings always; that’s why “Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa
Ulil amre minkum.“
﴾٥٩﴿…‫ِين آ َم ُنوا َأطِ يعُوهَّللا َوَأطِ يعُوٱلرَّ سُو َل َوُأ ْولِي اَأْلم ِْر ِم ْن ُك ْم‬
َ ‫ياَأ ُّي َها الَّذ‬
4:59 – “Ya ayyu hal latheena amanoo Atiullaha wa atiur Rasula wa Ulil
amre minkum…” (Surat An-Nisa)
“O You who have believed, Obey Allah, Obey the Messenger, and those in
authority among you…” (The Women, 4:59)

They put it in a way

that’s so easy for people to understand. That they, if they are confused
think, ‘I’ve never heard this in Islam.’ Ah, because it’s coming as ayat al-
Qur’an and holy hadith all packaged in something easy for you to
understand, where we are just a seed. And this life of ours is still just a
seed. We have many variations and this seed is not reached its potential.
And we said many times, some seeds can be very big and they only cause
harm because if you throw that seed, an avocado seed, it’s like a baseball
– solid wood. And we’re going about our life thinking that we
accomplished something. That ‘MashAllah, you know, I came to Islam’ or
‘I’m something’ or ‘I’m something’. They are coming into our lives and
reminding, ‘Yet, but you are just a seed. You didn’t accomplish what Allah
(AJ) wants us to accomplish.’
The Secret is in the Teen
“Khalaq al-insana min teen“

ٍ ِ‫ان مِن ُساَل لَ ٍة مِّن ط‬

﴾١٢﴿ ‫ين‬ َ ‫َولَ َق ْد َخلَ ْق َنا اِإْل‬
َ ‫نس‬
23:12 – “Wal laqad khalaqna al Insana min sulalatin min Teen.”  (Surat
“And certainly did We create man from an extract of clay (water and
dirt).” (The Believers, 23:12)

That there is a secret

in min – meem noon – this is a Muhammadan nur noon. Teen – it has
from Tahir ul-Hadi, has the toi, is the purified soul, purified soil. It has a
deep reality, the reality of soil. Because now if you want to understand the
ocean of annihilation, which is a deep tariqa (spiritual path) reality, the
ocean of a black hole is a deep scientific reality, and something so simple
right in front of us is the soil.
And then tariqa (spiritual path) comes and teaches us that if we live our
life as a seed, all our life will be a seed and merely never anything
blossoms from a seed. You can hold a seed all you want. It never becomes
the tree and never produces any fruit and most people we meet are like
that. They are like a seed. They are very dry. Their understanding is very
dry. Their character is very dry. There’s no fruit in them and then you
question yourself, ‘Is this what Allah (AJ) created the purpose of that
person? It’s impossible!’ Every seed has a purpose, whether it’s to bloom
as a beautiful flower or as a beautiful tree, or as a tree with immense
fruits, immense blessings and benefits for people. 
The Soil is the Great Annihilator

They come into our life

and teach us the great annihilator is the soil. The soil is the great
annihilator. It’s for us to understand a deep reality. Whether you’re
scientific and trying to understand the black hole, whether you’re spiritual
trying to understand, ‘Do I need to make seclusion? Do I have to seclude
my life? Do I have to train myself to always do what the nawaytul
arbaeen, nawaytul itikaf, nuwaytul khalwa, is continuous reminding of
ِ ‫ص َيا ْم هَّلِل‬
ِّ ‫ْت ْال ُسلُوكْ َوال‬ َ ‫ْت ْال ِر َي‬
ُ ‫ ُن َوي‬،‫اضة‬ ُ ‫ ُن َوي‬،‫ْت ْالع ُْزلَة‬
ُ ‫ ُن َوي‬،‫ْت ْال َخ َلوة‬
ُ ‫ ُن َوي‬، ْ‫ْت ااْل ِعْ ِت َكاف‬
ُ ‫ ُن َوي‬، ْ‫ْت ااْل َرْ َبعِين‬
ُ ‫ُن َوي‬
‫ َت َعالَى فِيْ َه َذ ْال َمسْ ِج ْد‬.
“Nawaytul arbaeen, nawaytul itikaf, nuwaytul khalwa, nuwaytul uzla,
nuwaytul riyada, nuwaytus sulook wal siyam, lillahi ta’ala fi hadhal masjid.
“I intend the forty (days of seclusion), I intend seclusion in the mosque, I
intend seclusion, I intend isolation, I intend discipline (of the ego), I
intend to travel in God’s Path, I intend to fast for the sake of God in this
I have to seclude myself because they are going to explain now that if
that seed understands its reality and its purpose, it will begin to seek out
the soil. And the soil is the great ocean of annihilation.
We Were Created From the Soil of Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬Light
Whatever you put into that soil, its
nature and its reality is to begin to break down the seed. It annihilates
and crushes the seed. One of the realities and understanding of Prophet
‫ ﷺ‬is that – that soil. The soil in which we were created is from the light of
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The soil that’s all around us as an understanding is if you put
that seed into the soil, that is the ocean of annihilation. That is the ocean
of annihilation.
As soon as that seed goes into the soil, the soil, its reality is to break
down that seed. It begins to crush that seed. It begins to destroy that
seed. It begins to send an energy to that seed that make a plant to begin
to appear. It means there’s a process. If that seed is visible and
continuously out in life and out and about, it never took a path in which to
know itself and Prophet’s ‫ﷺ‬ hadith is, ‘Who knows himself will know his
Lord’. How would you know yourself in the mall?

َ ‫ف َن ْف َسهْ َف َق ْد َع َر‬
 ‫ف َر َّب ُه‬ َ ‫َمنْ َع َر‬
“Man ‘arafa nafsahu faqad ‘arafa Rabbahu” 
“Who knows himself, knows his Lord.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
We Will Return to Allah’s (AJ) Ocean of Annihilation
It means these are ithikaf. These are
the khalwa and seclusion of Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬teaching; seclude yourself, for
the name that people call you is of no relevance. What they know of you is
a walking dead. What Allah (AJ) want from you is a completely different
reality. So, it means that hadith is an isharat (sign) for us. Take a path in
which to know yourself, not by asking other people, but isolating yourself
and finding your own soil because there’s a soil coming for all of us. You
take your last breath, you walk out the door. That may be your last breath
and Allah (AJ) throw you into the Ocean of Annihilation which is
the qabr (grave), which is the dirt.
They throw you into the dirt and put the shovels of dirt upon you and now
you’re in Allah’s (AJ) Oceans of Annihilation. That earth will eat you.
Everything inside that earth will be sent to eat you and to destroy you and
from sifat al-Qahar, to make nothing of you to be in existence anymore.
This is the oceans of understanding of fana. When you want to
understand, ‘Why, ya Rabbi, why are, from ahlul haqaiq (people of
realities) are talking about annihilation, annihilation?’ And Allah (AJ) says,
‘Don’t you see it all around you? Don’t you see that every beauty you
have on this earth was from a seed that was thrown into an ocean of
The Soil Brings Out the True Reality of the Seed
As soon as it went into
the dirt and isolated itself from people and began to water it with
a rahmahand a mercy. What power that dirt has? What power does it
have that it breaks down and brings out the reality of the seed? It’s Allah’s
(AJ) Izzahand Allah’s (AJ) Miracle in our life.
And a deeper understanding is that when that seed begins to be crushed
and be crushed and be crushed, and you come back 30 days, 40 days,
however it takes, you see something growing from the dirt. But if you dig,
there’s no more seed. Allah (AJ) transposed and changed something. The
seed that was before, once it annihilated into the oceans of annihilation,
something new came out. That which appears now is a manifestation from
the soil. That which is appearing is a manifestation from what was
annihilated in the soil. The seed is no more.
We Can Crack Our Seed in This Life or in the Grave
This means that, that is a very deep reality because they are teaching us
that all these beautiful flowers, they are not from the seed. They are
manifesting from that soil. They are a manifestations of Allah’s (AJ)
Annihilations. That He annihilated them, that, ‘You are no longer a seed
and I’ll bring out a completely different reality. And for everything, I
created in pairs. The first one went into the dirt, the second one is now
appearing from this teen‘.
If ahlul haqaiq (people of realities) and ahlul tafakkur (people of
contemplation) understand that when they go into seclusion, there’s no
different for insan (human being) or for a seed. Allah (AJ) said, ‘Which one
is harder – the seed or your insan? No difference, that what I created you
for is not what you’re running for’. But as soon as you take a path of
seclusion, of khalwa and isolation; and that can even be 10 minutes every
day, that as soon as you make your salah, put your Qur’an and say, ‘Ya
Rabbi, before my grave, I’m intending to seclude myself’. Because the
grave can be very harsh if that seed is very hard. If the seed
accomplished nothing in this world from what Allah (AJ) wants, it has a lot
of cracking to do.
And why Allah (AJ)
inspired people towards ‘build yourself.’ Why? So that you can do most of
that cracking in your physical world. Every day, just a few minutes of
cracking the seed, cracking, ‘Who knows himself will know his Lord.’
َ ‫ف َن ْف َس ْه َف َق ْد َع َر‬
 ‫ف َر َّب ُه‬ َ ‫َمنْ َع َر‬
“Man ‘arafa nafsahu faqad ‘arafa Rabbahu” 
“Who knows himself, knows his Lord.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
You’re now cracking the seed. All the layers of this seed are its bad
characteristics. But there’s a flower within the heart that Allah (AJ) wants
to bloom, says, ‘Get rid of the outside. Get rid of all that garbage’. There’s
something special, the kernel, the precious force inside that Allah (AJ)
wanted to grow. If that grows in that ocean of annihilation, it now is a
manifestation of that soil. Manifestation of that soil – so when you see the
tree with all its fruits, it’s no longer a seed. You can’t say, ‘Oh, this was a
seed’. Say, ‘No, that seed. It died a long time ago. What you are seeing is
a tree manifesting from this soil and giving you fruits’.
Through Seclusion Awliya Become Manifestations of Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬ 

imagine insan (human being). Insan, if they live a life in which they
continuously secluding themselves. And the greatest soil is the light of
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬because this dirt, this whole creation is all from the light
of Muhammadun RasulAllah ‫ﷺ‬. It can never be from la ilaha illallah. There
is no sharik; there is no partnership with Allah (AJ). All of this is a
manifestation of Muhammadun RasulAllah ‫ﷺ‬. 
So when you go for seclusion and khalwah, and say, ‘Ya Rabbi, I don’t
want to be a seed. I’m not waiting for the qabr (grave) to rip everything
apart. I want now to seclude myself.’ And as soon as you go into that
isolation and they begin to train you; keep making durood sharif, keep
praising upon Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. When awliyaullah (saints) go into seclusion, 40
days, 40 days, 40 days, their seed died in that seclusion. Just like Allah
(AJ) put you 40 days a seed in this soil; if you look, there is no more seed.
If that one goes into seclusion and is taught and trained in an authorized
seclusion, their seed died and what you see of them is a manifestation of
Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. You understand?
Be Like the Tree Whose Seed No Longer Exists

The tree is not there. There is

no seed there. If you dig under and keep looking for a seed, you will never
find the seed. Mawt al-qabl al-mawt, all of Prophet’s teaching; if you want
to be like this and just a seed, you didn’t achieve what Allah (AJ) wanted
you to achieve. The great ocean of annihilation, the oceans of fana is
everything is running to the love of Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. He’s the
great Ocean of Annihilation.
When you take your being and you go into that ocean, the Haq an-
Nabi  ‫ﷺ‬, you take yourself into that ocean and become nothing, and
become nothing and become nothing. Allah (AJ) make you to be a
manifestation from that Ocean of Light. So, whatever’s manifesting in that
reality is a manifestation from that Ocean of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. That is the reality
of the akhfa. That is the reality of the fana, that which you fana and
annihilate yourself in, it will begin to make a manifestation. It means your
new appearance is going to appear from that reality and that’s why Allah
(AJ) describes the Qur’an, “Feekum“, that the light of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬is
amongst you. 
َ ‫َك َما َأرْ‌ َس ْل َنا فِي ُك ْم َر‌سُواًل مِّن ُك ْم َي ْتلُو َعلَ ْي ُك ْم آ َيا ِت َنا َوي َُز ِّكي ُك ْم َوي َُعلِّ ُم ُك ُم ْال ِك َت‬
﴾ ‫اب َو ْال ِح ْك َم َة َوي َُعلِّ ُم ُكم مَّا لَ ْم َت ُكو ُنوا‬
١٥١﴿ ‫ُون‬ َ ‫َتعْ لَم‬
2:151 – “Kama arsalna feekum Rasulan minkum yatlo ‘Alaykum ayatina
wa yuzakkeekum wa yu’Allimukumul kitaba walhikmata wa yu’Allimukum
ma lam takono ta’Alamon.” (Surat Al-Baqarah) 
“Just as We have sent among (within) you a messenger of your own,
reciting to you Our Signs, and purifying you, and teaching you the
Book/Scripture (Quran) and Wisdom, and teaching you New Knowledge,
that which you did not know.” (The Cow, 2:151)
To Reach Annhiliation Requires An Open Heart

In one understanding of that

‘amongst you’, are that all those awliya (saints) and all those Ahbab an-
Nabi, lovers of Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, ‘You will be with
whom you love’. 

 ‫ ْال َمرْ ُء َم َع َمنْ َأ َحب‬ :‫َقا َل َرسُول هَّللا ِ صلى هللا عليه و سلم‬
Qala Rasulullah (saws): “Almar o, ma’a man ahab.”
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said: “One is with those whom he loves.” 
If they annihilated themselves in the light of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, in the love of
Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, because you cannot be annihilated with Allah
(AJ). Don’t confuse yourself thinking shirk (polytheism). There is no shirk.
The mind is not even capable of understanding. This has to do not with
worshipness and worshipping Allah (AJ). This has to do with annihilating.
And many times we taught, but you have to have an open heart to
We Are Just Drops in the Ocean of Light
If I take an ocean of
water and come to me and said but, ‘Here, I’m, this is me [holds up a
glass of tea] and this is my form and this is who I am’. And they come and
teach you, no, no, this glass is nothing to do with you. It’s merely a body
Allah (AJ) gave to you. Why, why Allah (AJ) want you to be buried? Why
do we have death? It’s the great annihilation. Those who didn’t want to
annihilate themself willfully will be forcefully annihilated by throwing them
in the qabr (grave).
So what happens if this body is lost and you go into the qabr? Where does
your light go? Your drop of light, it goes back as a drop [takes drops of tea
and puts in a glass of water]. 1 drop, 2 drops, 3 drops, 5 drops – how
many oceans do you have? One. There is no two. In malakut (heavenly
realm), there is only tawhid, oneness. Multiplicity is in the world of form.
Singularity is with Allah (AJ). Multiple is the world of form. When a drop of
water goes into a drop of water into a drop of water, it’s but one drop of
Seclusion Trains Us to Focus on Our Soul, Not Our Body

The seclusion and khalwa is

that we’re taking a path to lose our form. ‘I’m not coming to you with this
body, ya Rabbi. I’m coming with my soul.’ Says, ‘Then dump your body.
Get rid of it. Don’t put your importance upon it.’ Mawt al-qabl al-mawt,
where Sahabi(companions) were trained by Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. You want to see
somebody who died before he died? Look at the great Siddiq, Sayyidina
Abu Bakr as-Siddiq (as). That they were the symbols of, ‘We’re not
operating from our body. Our body died a long time ago. Our body desire
died a long time ago.’
Allah (AJ) brought, when Allah (AJ) describes in Surat al-Zalzalah, what’s
a zalzalah? Earthquake. But what Allah (AJ) describes an earthquake,
‘That which is hidden and We will bring it out. That which is hidden within
you, your true reality, I will crush everything and bring your reality out’.
As soon as we take a path in which to be nothing, our soil, our way of
entering into nothingness is in the light of Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, the
love of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. 
﴾٢﴿ ‫ت اَأْلرْ ضُ َأ ْث َقالَ َها‬
ِ ‫﴾ َوَأ ْخ َر َج‬١﴿ ‫ت اَأْلرْ ضُ ِز ْل َزالَ َها‬
ِ َ‫ِإ َذا ُز ْل ِزل‬
99:1-2 – “Izaa zul zilatil ardu zil zaalaha (1) Wa akh rajatil ardu
athqaalaha (2)” (Surat Az-Zalzalah)
“When the earth is shaken with her (final) earthquake. (1) And the earth
discharges its burdens (from within) (2)” (The Earthquake, 99:1-2)
The Light of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬Destroys Everything Incorrect Within Us

If you take yourself back into that ocean,

he is the great Annihilation, he is the great Annihilator which crushes and
destroys all form. Everything incorrect will be destroyed by the light of
Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, to perfect you, to bring you to true tawhidand oneness and
present you to Allah’s (AJ) Divinely Presence. As a result, if you achieve
that and lose everything and be ashiqeen (lovers), your manifestation is
from where then? You are manifesting from the Nurul Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
So like, they’re like flowers. Why are they so fragrant? Why are they, why
are they have so much juzba and attraction? Because they are
manifestations of the light of Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and Allah (AJ) says
at all times, “Feekum” (Holy Qur’an, 2:151). That light is amongst you,
purifying you, teaching you, cleaning you, guiding you. Why? Because
they are manifestations of the oceans of Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.
The Black Hole is the Reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
And only now they understand
at the higher levels of the akhfa (most hidden), the black hole. They say,
‘What is a black hole?’ And only now they are getting an understanding
that these suns that you see; you saw the diagram of the lataif (subtle
energy points) of the heart. There is a yellow sun, there is a red sun,
there is a white dwarf sun, there is a pistol star – and the center of
the lataif is the black hole. It means the black hole and the ocean of
annihilation is the reality of Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬, the great
annihilator. That anything is coming for its final completion, that the black
hole destroys and crushes everything. We’re not talking about destroying
and crushing as in a violent act, but not allowing anything to manifest in
the presence of Allah (AJ), to bring it to be khashi’a, to be dust.
That in which Sayyidina Musa (as) asked, ‘Ya Rabbi, let me see You.’ ‘How
you’re going to see Me? Look to the mountain. I’m going to send you the
light of My Annihilator.’ This means that light of Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬appeared and
Nabi Musa (as) was out, then came back. 
ُ ‫ِن‬
﴾ ‫انظرْ ِإلَى ْال َج َب ِل َفِإ ِن‬ ِ ‫ْك ۚ َقا َل لَن َت َرانِي َولَ ٰـك‬ ُ ‫َولَمَّا َجا َء مُو َس ٰى لِمِي َقا ِت َنا َو َكلَّ َم ُه َر ُّب ُه َقا َل َربِّ َأرنِي َأ‬
َ ‫نظرْ ِإلَي‬ ِ
ُ ‫ك ُتب‬
‫ْت‬ َ ‫ص ِع ًقا ۚ َفلَمَّا َأ َف‬
َ ‫اق َقا َل ُسب َْحا َن‬ َ ‫اسْ َت َقرَّ َم َكا َن ُه َف َس ْوفَ َت َرانِي ۚ َفلَمَّا َت َجلَّ ٰى َر ُّب ُه ل ِْل َج َب ِل َج َعلَ ُه دَ ًّكا َو َخرَّ م‬
َ ‫ُوس ٰى‬
١٤٣﴿ ‫ِين‬ َ ‫ْك َوَأ َنا َأوَّ ُل ْالمُْؤ ِمن‬
َ ‫ِإلَي‬
7:143 – “Wa lamma jaa Musa limeeqatina wa kallamahu Rabbuhu, qala
rabbi arinee anzhur ilayka, Qala lan taranee wa lakini onzhur ilal jabali fa
inistaqarra makanahu, fasawfa taranee, falamma tajalla Rabbuhu lil jabali
ja`alahu, dakkan wa kharra Musa sa`iqan, falamma afaqa qala subhanaka
tubtu ilayka wa ana awwalul Mumineen.” (Surat Al-A’raf)
“And when Moses arrived at Our appointed time and his Lord spoke to
him, he said, “My Lord, show me [Yourself] that I may look at You.”
[Allah] said, “you will not see Me, but look at the mountain; if it should
remain in its place, then you will see Me.” But when his Lord manifested
His glory on the mountain, He made it as dust, and Moses fell
unconscious. And when he awoke/recovered his senses, he said, “Glory be
to You! to You I turn in repentance, and I am the first of the believers.”
(The Heights. 7:143) 
Companions Are Manifestations in the Garden of Prophet
Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

It means that light of

that reality is the akhfareality and only now, they are getting an

understanding that that sun that is 

appearing to you, what if it’s a manifestation from the black hole? And
that which came into the black hole and that which you’re seeing, you call
is a star because Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬described his companions, they are all
manifestations of his garden.
So, the black hole is a symbol, for us, is the garden of Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. The
garden like the min teen, that anything that comes into that will be
completely annihilated. The stars that manifest, they are a manifestation
of nurul anwar wa sirratul asrar (light of every secret and secret of every
light), and all his Companions, they are manifesting from his akhfa reality,
the great Annihilator, that all his Companions became stars. He said, ‘All
my Companions are stars; any one of them you follow, you will be
guided’. And only now they are understanding, that sun, if they look, you
can enter into it. Its manifestation is from where, that is appearing to you
as a star? 
‫َأصْ َح ِابيْ َكال ُّنجُـــو ْم ِبَأي ِْه ْم اَ ْق َتدَ ْي ِت ْم اَهْ َت َد ْي ِت ْم‬
“Ashabi kan Nujoom, bi ayyihim aqta daytum ahta daytum.”
“My companions are like stars. Follow any one of them and you will be
guided.” Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Subhana rabbika rabbal ‘izzati ‘amma yasifoon, wa salaamun ‘alal
mursaleen, walhamdulillahi rabbil ‘aalameen. Bi hurmati Muhammad al-
Mustafa wa bi siri Surat al-Fatiha.

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