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Course Credit
Course Title
Code Hrs.
BIT-301 Cell Biology 3(2-1)
BIT-303 Fundamentals of Genetics 4(3-1)
CHM-305 General Chemistry 3(3-0)
CSI-321 Introduction to Computing Applications 3(2-1)
ENG-321 Functional English 3(3-0)
MTH-321 Algebra and Trigonometry 3(3-0)
Semester Credit Hours 19
BIT-302 Molecular Biology 4(3-1)
BIT-304 Biophysics 3(3-0)
BIT-306 Biodiversity and Systematics 3(3-0)
BCH-322 Elementary Biochemistry 3(2-1)
ENG-322 English Comprehensive and Composition 3(3-0)
ISL-321 Islamic Studies 2(2-0)
ISL-322 Ethics (For Non-Muslim Only) 2(2-0)
Semester Credit Hours 18
MIC-301 Introductory Microbiology 3(2-1)
BIT-403 Molecular Genetics 4(3-1)
BIT-405 Introduction to Biotechnology 3(2-1)
BIT-407 Essentials of Immunology 3(3-0)
BCH-421 Advanced Biochemistry 3(2-1)
PST-321 Pakistan Studies 2(2-0)
Semester Credit Hours 18

BIN-402 Introduction to Biological Data Retrieval 4(3-1)
BIT-404 Molecular Evolution 3(3-0)
STA-507 Biostatistics 4(3-1)
BIT-408 Biosafety 2(2-0)
BIT-410 Cell and Tissue Culture 3(2-1)
BIT-412 Microbial Biotechnology 3(2-1)
Semester Credit Hours 19
BIN-501 Essentials of Biological Data Analysis 4(3-1)
BIT-503 Recombinant DNA Technology 4(3-1)
BIT-505 General Virology 3(3-0)
BIT-507 Techniques in Biotechnology 3(2-1)
BIT-509 Health Biotechnology 3(3-0)
BIT-511 Forensic Serology and DNA Typing 3(3-0)
Semester Credit Hours 20
BIT-502 Proteomics 3(2-1)
BIT-504 Genomics 3(3-0)
BIT-506 Nanobiotechnology 3(3-0)
BIT-508 Agriculture Biotechnology 3(2-1)
BIT-510 Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects of Biotechnology 3(3-0)
BIT-512 Animal Biotechnology 3(3-0)
Semester Credit Hours 18
BIT-601 Cell Signaling 3(3-0)
BIT-603 Industrial Biotechnology 4(3-1)
BIT-605 Food and Bioprocess Technology 3(2-1)
BIT-607 Literature Survey and Research Project Management 2(2-0)
BIT-609 Environmental Biotechnology 3(3-0)
BIT-611 Molecular Pathology 3(3-0)
Semester Credit Hours 18
BIT-602 Research Methodologies in Biotechnology 3(0-3)
BIT-604 Recent Trends in Biotechnology 3(3-0)
BIT-631 Project / Internship 6(0-6)
Semester Credit Hours 06

Total Credit Hours = 136

BIT-301 Cell Biology 3(2-1)

Course Outline
Introduction to cell theory, Cell structure and functions, Cell chemistry, Types of
prokaryotic cell, Viruses, Bacteria, Prions & viroids, Cell organelles, Cell membrane; its
molecular organization and functional role, Cell to cell communications, Endoplasmic
Reticulum, Lysosome, Mitochondria, Chloroplast, Cell movements, Structure and
function of cytoskeleton, Microtubules, Centriole, Cilia and flagella, The mitotic
apparatus, The nucleus, Structure and function of chromosomes, The cell cycle, Mitosis,
Meiosis, Mechanisms of cell signaling, Protein folding, Protein aggregation & protein
Study of different parts/working of compound microscope. Study of animal cells (human
cheek cells, epithelial cells of buccal cavity of frog, squamous epithelium of frog). Study
of plant cells (cells of onion epidroms). Study of prokaryotic cells (identification and
staining bacteria in curd). Measurements of microscopic objects (micrometry).
Demonstration of osmosis. Demonstration of plasmolsis and depplasmolsis. Preparation
of human blood smear and study of different types of blood cells. Study of mitosis in
onion root tips. Study of different stages of meiosis in fowl/goat/grasshopper testis. Study
blood cells using haemocytometer.
Recommended Books
1. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Bruce Alberts and Alexander Johnson, 4th
Edition, 2006. Garland Sciences. Academic Internet Publishers.
2. Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish, Berk and Zipursky, 4th Edition. 2000. W.H.
3. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and experiments by Gerald Karp, 6th
Edition. 2004. John Wiley and Sons. Cell Biology, Gerald Karp, 6th Edition,
Wiley Desktop, 2010.

BIT-303 Fundamentals of Genetics 4(3-1)

Course Outline
The basic principles of inheritance (Mendelism): Monohybrid and dihybrid crosses;
Multiple alleles: ABO blood system and RH factor; Gene interactions: Epistasis, Lethality
and pleiotropism; Sex determination in animals and plants, Sex linked inheritance, Sex
influenced and sex limited traits, Linkage and crossing over, Chromosome mapping;
Extra nuclear inheritance; Kappa particles, Maternal effects and maternal inheritance
through mitochondrial and plastid genes, Variation in chromosome number and structure,
Genetic disorders and diseases.
Detection of blood groups in Humans. Study of Monohybrid and dihybrid ratio. Pedigree
analysis. Solving of genetic problem. Study of polytene chromosomes of Drosophila.
Recommended Books
1. Principles of Genetics by Snustad, D.P. and Simmon, M.J., 2003. 3rd edition. John
Wiley and sons, New York.
2. Principles of Genetics by Tammarin, R.M., 1999. 6th edition, WCB McGraw Hill,
New York.
3. Concepts of Genetics by Klug, W.S. and Cummings, M.R., 1994. 4th edition.
Macmillan College publishing company, New York.
4. Genetics by Strickberger, M.W. 1999. 3rd edition. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.

CHM-305 General Chemistry 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Introduction to Organic Chemistry; Localized and delocalized chemical bonding; dipole
moment; inductive and resonance effect, aromaticity, stereoisomerism, hyperconjugation,
hydrogen bonding; Classification and development of systematic nomenclature of organic
compounds. Concepts of acids and bases, relative strength of acids and bases,
significance of pH, pKa, pKb and buffer solutions factors affecting the strengths of acids
and bases; Theory of Indicators, solubility, solubility product, common ion effect.
Physical properties of liquids: surface tension, viscosity, refractive index, dipole moment
etc. and their applications. Laws of thermodynamics and their applications,
Thermodynamic functions, Fundamental thermodynamic equations, Effect of temperature
and pressure on the Gibbs free energy, Relations of entropy and Gibbs free energy with
equilibrium constant. Heat capacities and their dependence on temperature, pressure and
volume. Concentration units and their inter-conversion.
Recommended Books
1. Clayden, J., Greeves, N., Warren, S. and Wothers, P., “Organic Chemistry”,
Oxford University Press, New York.
2. Loudon, G. M., “Organic Chemistry”, Oxford University Press, New York
3. Sorrell, T. N., “Organic Chemistry”, Viva Books Private Ltd., New Delhi.
4. Cotton, F. A., Wilkinson, G. and Gaus, P. L., “Basic Inorganic Chemistry”, 3rd
Ed., Wiley, New York, 1995.
5. Shriver, D. F., Atkins, P. W. and Langford, C. H., “Inorganic Chemistry”, Oxford
University Press, 2 Edition, 1994.
6. Lee, J.D., “Concise Inorganic Chemistry”, Chapman and Hall, 5 Edition,1996.
7. Physical Chemistry by R. Silbey, R. Alberty and M. Bawendi. ISBN-13: 978-
0471215042 (2004).
8. Physical Chemistry – A Molecular Approach, D. A. McQuarrie and J. D. Simon,
9. Laidler K.J., John H.M. and Bryan C.S. “Physical Chemistry” 4th ed., Houghton
Mifflin Publishing Company Inc. (2003).

CSI-321 Introduction to Computing Applications 3(2-1)

Course Outline
Introduction to computer, Components of computers, Categories of computers, Personal
computers, Hand-held computers. Input, The Keyboard, Pointing devices, Voice inputs,
Scanners, Video input, Digital cameras. Forms of output, Display, Printers, Working of
different printers, Speakers. System unit, Central processing unit (CPU). Data
representation, Memory, Virtual memory, Expansion slots and cards, Ports, Buses, Bays,
Power supply, registers. E-Commerce. System development life cycle, What initiates the
system development life cycle, Planning phase, Analysis phase, design phase,
Implementation phase.
Elements of an information system. User as Web Publisher. Networks and Internet,
History of internet, How internet works? Word wide web. Internet Services, Netiquettes.
Introduction to Web authoring languages. Communication, Sending and receiving
devices, Uses of communication, Networks Communication Softwares, Communication
devices, Physical and wireless. Email, chat rooms, Internet Messaging. Application
Software, Business Software. Graphics and Multimedia, Software for Home Personal and
Educational use. Software for Communication.
Application Software, Types of softwares, Categories of softwares. Operating system,
system software, Operating system functions, Types of operating system, Network
operating systems, and Utility programmes.
Introduction to important programming languages, Categories of programming languages,
Object oriented programme development, Web page programme, Development, Selection
Programme. Data and information, The hierarchy of data, Maintaining data, File
processing vs database, Database management. Organizing and Maintain Digital Data.
System development life cycle, What initiates the system development life cycle,
Planning phase, Analysis phase, design phase, Implementation phase. Programme
development life cycle, Computer security, risk and safe guards, Internet and network
security, Information privacy, Careers in computer industry. Ethics: Privacy, Security.
1. Study of computer components, Booting of computer and its shut down.
2. Using the computer by practicing mouse/keyboard skills.

3. Introduction to Microsoft Office tools.
4. Installation of different types of application softwares.
5. Windows Explorer-Creating folders, COPY and PASTE functions.
6. Creating, editing, retrieving, saving and printing a basic document using Word.
7. Creating, editing, retrieving, saving and printing worksheets using Excel.
8. Creating, editing, retrieving, saving and printing slides using PowerPoint.
9. Practice of some fundamental DOS commands
10. Internet Browsing-Use of Internet Explorer, browsing a Web Page through search
11. How to communicate online via email; creating e-mail ID, attaching and sending
12. Computation of Number system, Implementation of Boolean Functions.

Recommended Books
1. A. Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni and D. Mehta “Discovering Computer 2004 By
Shelly Cashman Series”.
2. Sarah E. Hutchinson and Stacey C. Sawyer “Computers, Communications,
Information”, 7th Ed., McGraw Hill, ISBN 0-07-229744-1.
3. Sarah E. Hutchinson and Stacey C. Sawyer “Computers an Information System”
1994-1995 Ed., ISBN 0-256-14595-4.
4. “Introduction to Computer Science”, P.K Sinha
5. “Computer Science- An Overview”, by Glenn Brooks Hear, 3rd Edition.

ENG-321 Functional English 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Introducing ourselves, Describing things, Getting and giving information, Recounting
past events, Talking about facts and opinions, Agreeing and disagreeing, Compare and
contrast, Cause and effect, Using your imagination, Reporting, Writing essays,
Presentation skills, Assessment.
Recommended Books
1. Practical English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet. 3rd edition.
Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0194313492
2. Writing. Intermediate by Marie-Christine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Francoise
Grellet. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 0 19
435405 7.
3. Reading. Upper Intermediate. Brain Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1992. ISBN 0 19 453402 2.

MTH-321 Algebra and Trigonometry 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Rational and irrational numbers, Real numbers, Real number system, Properties of
equalities and inequalities of real numbers. Algebra of complex numbers, Geometrical
representation of complex numbers, Modulus of complex numbers, Argument of complex
numbers, Conjugate of complex number, Polar form of complex number. Basic concepts
of definitions, Different methods of solution of quadratic equations, Remainder theorem,
Factor theorem, Synthetic division, Nature of roots of quadratic equations, Relationship
between roots and coefficients of quadratic equation, Cubic roots of unity, Simultaneous
equations and their solutions. Basic concepts and definitions, Arithmetic progression,
General term of an A.P, Sum of arithmetic series, Geometric progression, Sum of
geometric series, Relationship between arithmetic and geometric. Introduction, Rational
fraction, Proper rational fraction, Improper rational fraction, Resolution of rational
fraction into partial fraction. Introduction to trigonometry, Trigonometric function,
Fundamental identities, Values of trigonometric functions, Trigonometric identities of
sum and difference of angles, Introduction to inverse trigonometric functions,
Introduction to hyperbolic functions.
Recommended Books
1. Algebra 2 and Trigonometry, 1978. By Dolciani MP, Wooton W, Sharron S.
2. College Algebra and Trigonometry, 1987. By Kaufmann JE.

BIT-302 Molecular Biology 4(3-1)

Course Outline
Overview of molecular biology, Advances in molecular biology, Central dogma of
molecular biology, Important definitions related to central dogma, Chemical structures of
the major classes of macromolecules. DNA replication, Transcription, RNA processing,
Genetic code, Translation, Post translational modifications. Gene regulation in
prokaryotes, Gene regulation in eukaryotes. Phages. Transposable elements and its
mechanism, DNA damage (Mutations) and DNA repair mechanisms (Nucleotide and
base excision repair, mismatch repair, double strand break repair, Translesion DNA
synthesis). Genetic engineering.
Isolation and purification of DNA, Detection and quantitative determination of
chromosomal DNA and RNA. Simple cloning experiments using Escherichia coli as a
host, Isolation and qualitative and quantitative detection of plasmid DNA (mini prep).
Digestion of DNA with restriction enzymes and separation of different sized fragments on
agarose gel, Study of transformed bacteria on the basis of antibiotic resistance.
Recommended Books
1. Molecular Biology of the Cell by Alberts, 2002. Garland Science, New York.
2. Molecular Biology by David Clark, 2005. ELSEVIER Academic Press.
3. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by Nelson and Cox, Freeman Publishers.
4. Molecular Biology of Gene by Watson, Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press.
5. Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction by T.A. Brown, Blackwell
Science Publishers.
6. Molecular Cloning: A laboratory manual, Cold Spring Harbor Lab Press.
7. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, Wiley Publishers.
8. Cell and Molecular Biology: Concepts and Experiments by Gerald Karp, 2010. 6th
Edition, John Wiley and Sons. Molecular Cell Biology by Lodish et al., 5 th
edition, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.

BIT-304 Biophysics 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Essentials of biochemical thermodynamics; Concept of work, heat capacity, internal
energy, entropy, enthalpy and Gibb‟s free energy; Physical and chemical changes,
Transport across biological membranes, Fick‟s law, Enzymes, The motion of fluids,
Reynold‟s number; Macromolecules and self-assembly; ultracentrifugation,
sedimentation, methods of studying macromolecules; interactions of molecules in 3-D
Recommended Books
1. Nelson P, 2004. Biological Physics, Energy, Information and Life. First Edition;
WH Freeman & Company.
2. Kirsten et al., 2010. Introduction to Biological Physics for the Health and Life
Sciences. Second Edition; John Wiley & Sons.
3. Davidovits P, 2013. Physics for Biology & Medicine. Fourth Edition; Academic
4. Newman, 2008. Physics of the Life Sciences. Springer.
5. Duncan, 1975. Physics for Biologist. Blackwell Science.

BIT-306 Biodiversity and Systematics 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Microbes, plants and animal species; comparative study of life forms; features and
characteristics of bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes; phylogenetic relationships between
the three kingdoms; evolution of different members belonging to each of the three
domains of life (with specific examples); models of speciation; causes and consequences
of extinction.
Introduction to animal kingdom: features of protists, protozoa, annelids, arthropods,
myriapods, echinoderms, chordates, amphibians, reptiles and birds. Plant biodiversity –
history, importance, usefulness and evolution; importance of plants, their conservation
and domestication; improvement of crops; impact of environment on loss of genetic
diversity and speciation; in situ and ex situ conservation; evolution of microbes, plants
and animals; origin of life; methods of studying evolution; construction of phylogenetic
trees on basis of morphology and molecular markers; environmental ethics.
Recommended Books
1. Davet P, 2004. Microbial ecology of soil and plant growth. Science Publishers.
2. Nico et al., 2006. An Introduction to Ecological Genomics. 1st Edition; Oxford
University Press.
3. Aston et al., 2004. Ecological Genetics: Planning and Application. Blackwell
Science (UK).
4. Costa LG, and Eaton DL, 2006. Gene-Environment Interactions: Fundamentals of
Ecogenetics. 1st Edition; John Wiley and Sons.
5. Freeland JR, 2005. Molecular Ecology. 1st Edition; John Wiley and Sons.
6. Wenz PS, 2001. Environmental Ethics Today. Oxford University Press.
7. Louis P and Pojman LP, 2007. Environmental Ethics: Readings in Theory and
Application. 5th Edition; Wadsworth Publishing.
8. Light A, and Rolston III H, 2002. Environmental Ethics. 1st Edition; Wiley
Blacwell Publishing.
9. Raven PH, and Berg LR, 2005. Environment. 5th Edition; John Wiley and Sons.

BCH-322 Elementary Biochemistry 3(2-1)

Course Outline
Carbohydrates: Classification of carbohydrates; Types, structure, confirmation and
important properties of Monosaccharides, Oligosaccharides and Polysaccharides
(Structural and Storage polysaccharides-Starch, Glycogen, Cellulose, Chitin); Isomerism
in carbohydrates.
Proteins: Classification and structure of standard amino acids; Primary structure of
proteins; Three dimensional structure of proteins (Secondary, Tertiary and quaternary
with examples); Acid/Base properties of amino acids; Handerson-Hasselbalch equation to
predict ionic form of amino acids.
Enzymes: Classification, Nomenclature, Units; Properties and factors affecting the rate of
enzymatic reaction; Enzyme precursors and associates.
Lipids: Fatty acids structure; Types of Acylglycerols, Phospholipids, Sphingolipids,
Steroids and their importance; Mobilization, Activation and transport of fatty acids to
Nucleic acids: Structure and types of nucleotides, nucleosides, purine and pyrimidine
bases; Double helical structure of DNA; Structure of RNA.
Qualitative tests for-carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids and lipids, Titration curve for
amino acids and determination of pK value, Estimation of glucose in blood and normal
urine, Extraction and estimation of Proteins from biological materials.
Recommended Books
1. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry, by A.L. Nelson and Cox.
2. Outlines of Biochemistry by Conn. E.E., Stumph, P.K., Brunning, G. and Doi,
R.H. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
3. Harper‟s Biochemistry by Murray, R.K., Granner, D.K., Mayes, P.A. and
Rodwells, V.W. 2000. McGraw Hill, New York.
4. Biochemistry by Voet, D., Voet, J.G. and Pratt, C.W. 1999.
5. Cole‟s Practical Physiological Chemistry by Balwin, E. and Bell, D.J. W. Haffer
& Sons Ltd. Cambridge.
6. Introduction to Practical Biochemistry by Plummer, D.T. McGraw Hill Book

ENG-322 English Comprehensive and 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Introducing ourselves, Describing things, Getting and giving information, Recounting
past events, Talking about facts and opinions, Agreeing and disagreeing, Compare and
contrast, Cause and effect, Using your imagination, Reporting, Writing essays,
Presentation skills, Assessment.
Recommended Books
1. Practical English Grammar by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet. 3rd edition.
Oxford University Press. 1997. ISBN 0194313492
2. Writing. Intermediate by Marie-Christine Boutin, Suzanne Brinand and Francoise
Grellet. Oxford Supplementary Skills. Fourth Impression 1993. ISBN 0 19
435405 7.
3. Reading. Upper Intermediate. Brain Tomlinson and Rod Ellis. Oxford
Supplementary Skills. Third Impression 1992. ISBN 0 19 453402 2.

ISL-321 Islamic Studies 2(2-0)

Course Outline
Introduction to Basic Concepts and History of holy Quran, Uloom-ul –Quran; Study of
Selected Text of Holy Quran; Life of Muhammad Bin Abdullah (Before Prophet Hood);
Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Makkah; Important Lessons Derived from the life of
Holy Prophet in Makkah; Life of Holy Prophet (S.A.W) in Madina, Important Events of
Life of Holy Prophet in Madina; Important Lessons Derived from the life of Holy Prophet
in Madina; Basic Concepts, History and Kinds of Hadith, Uloom-ul-Hadith, Sunnah &
Hadith, Legal Position of Sunnah; Selected Study from Text of Hadith; Islamic Law &
Jurisprudence, Islam and Sectarianism; Islamic Culture & Civilization; Islam & Science,
Islamic Economic System, Political System of Islam; Islamic History (Period of Khlaft-E-
Rashida, Period of Ummayyads, Period of Abbasids); Social System of Islam.
Recommended Books
1. Meari (Standard) Islamiat by Hafiz Mehmood Akhter, Allied Book Center,
2. Tafheem-e-Islamiat by Dr Nawaz Chaudhry, Qureshi Brothers, Lahore.
3. Islami Nazrya Hayat by Prof Khurshid Ahmed, Karachi University, Karachi.
4. Emergence of Islam by Hameed ullah Muhammad, IRI, Islamabad.
5. Muslim Conduct of State by Hameed ullah Muhammad.
6. Introduction to Islam. By Hameed ullah Muhammad.
7. An Introduction to the Study of Islamic Law by Hussain Hamid Hassan, Leaf
Publication Islamabad, Pakistan.
8. Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence by Ahmad Hasan, Islamic Research Institute,
International Islamic University, Islamabad (1993).
9. Muslim Jurisprudence and the Quranic Law of Crimes by Mir Waliullah, Islamic
Book Service (1982).
10. Studies in Islamic Law, Religion and Society by H. S. Bhatia, Deep & Deep
Publications New Delhi (1989).
11. Introduction to Al Sharia Al Islamia by Dr. Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq, Allama Iqbal
Open University, Islamabad (2001).

ISL-322 Ethics (For Non-Muslims Only) 2(2-0)

Course Outline

Definition and Scope of Ethics: Relation of ethics to psychology, metaphysics and
religion, A brief review of major theories of the moral standard, The standard as law, The
standard as Happiness, The standard as Perfection.
Promotion of Moral Values: Promotion of moral values in society through family &
various educational and cultural institutions, Concept of good and evil, freedom and
responsibility, Various theories of punishment.
Ethical Teachings: Ethical teachings of world religions with special reference to
Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam.
Ethical Percepts from Quranic Sayings: Ethical percepts from Quranic sayings of the
Holy Prophet (Peace Be Upon Him), Islam‟s attitude towards minorities.
Recommended Books
1. J.S Mackenenzio! A Manual of Ethics.
2. Herol H. Titus! Ethics for Today.
3. B.A Dar! Quranic Ethics.
4. Proceeding of to Islamic Colloquium, Lahore 1957.
5. Abu-ul-Ala Madudi! Islamic state.

MIC-301 Introductory Microbiology 3(2-1)

Course Outline
What is Microorganism, Microbial Diversities, Discoveries of Microorganism and
development of Microbiology, Careers in Microbiology today. Prokaryotic Cells: Size,
Shape and arrangement of bacterial cells. (Glycocalyx, Flagella, Axial Filaments,
Fimbriae and Pili). Composition and characteristics, Cell walls and the Gram Stain
Mechanism, Atypical Cell walls, Damage to the Cell wall. Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm,
the Nuclear Area, Ribosomes, Inclusions and Endospores. The Eukaryotic Cell: Flagella
and Cilia, the Cell wall and Glycolyx, Plasma membrane, Cytoplasm and organelles.
Position of Microorganisms in living world, Traits used to classify Microorganisms. The
Bacteria: Classification of Bacteria, Gram-negative and Gram-positive Eubacteria,
Eubacteria lacking Cell walls, The Archaebacteria. Protists and Fungi. Structure of
viruses, Classification of viruses, persistence of viruses in cells, viruses and Cancer, the
concept of a virus (Subviral Agents: Viroids, Prions, Satellites and Deltavirus.
Simple staining, Negative staining, Smear preparation, Capsular staining, Gram staining,
Culture Media preparation, Study of bacteria in Stale Milk, Study of Protozoa, Algae and
Recommended Books
1. Microbiology: An Introduction by Batzing, B.L. 2001. Books/Cole Thomson
Learning, USA.
2. Microbiology: An Introduction by Tortora, G.J., Funke, B.R. and Case, C.L.,
2001. 7th Edition. Benjamin Cummins, New York.
3. Microbiology: A human perspective by Nester, E.W., Anderson, D.G., Roberts,
C.E., Pearsall, N.N. and Nester, M.T, 2004. McGraw Hill, Higher Education, New
York. Microbiological Applications: Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology.
By Benson, H.J., 1998. 7th Edition. WCB McGraw Hill.

BIT-403 Molecular Genetics 4(3-1)

Course Outline
Hereditary Material: Structure and type of nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), The genetic
system: Chromosomes (Human chromosomes, Characterizing human chromosomes,
Chromosome abnormality), Loss of Heterozygosity, Mutation: Types and molecular
basis, criteria for pathogenecity of variant, DNA Repair Mechanism. Recombination
mechanism in Bacteria: Conjugation, Transformation and Transduction, Analysis of
human pedigree. Gene Therapy. DNA finger prints: Paternity tests and Forensic
applications. Genomic imprinting (Parent-off origin effect, gene silencing, genomic
imprinting and human diseases. X- Chromosome inactivation. Cancer genetics. Inborn
errors of metabolism (Amino acid metabolism (Phenyl ketonuria, Alkaptonuria and
Oculocutaneous albinism); carbohydrate metabolism (Galactosaemia), Lipid metabolism
(Familial hyper cholesterolaemia, Tay-Sachi disease); Purine/pyrimidine metabolism).
Molecular genetics of mitochondrial disorders.
Lab Biosafety, Using micropippets and microcentrifuge, Preparation of Drosophila
culture. Study of morphology and karyotype. Pedigree drawing and Analysis.
Construction of Chromosome linkage maps analysis of genotype data and haplotype
formation. Bacteriological culture media preparation, autoclave handling, inoculation and
handling of bacteria cultures. Induction of mutation in bacteria. Problem relating to
Recommended Books
1. Principles of Genetics by Snustad, D.P. and Simmon, M.J., 2003. 3rd edition. John
Wiley and sons, New York.
2. Principles of Genetics by Tammarin, R.M., 1999. 6th edition, WCB McGraw Hill,
New York.
3. Concepts of Genetics by Klug, W.S. and Cummings, M.R., 1994. 4th edition.
Macmillan College publishing company, New York.
4. Genetics by Strickberger, M.W. 1999. 3rd edition. Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi.
5. Emery‟s Elements of Medical Genetics by Muller, R.F. and Young, I.D., 2002.
11th Edition. Churchill Livingstone, Elsevier Science, Limited, UK.

BIT-405 Introduction to Biotechnology 3(2-1)

Course Outline
Introduction to biotechnology, Molecular biotechnology revolution, Characteristics and
industrial importance of algae, fungi and bacteria, Nutrient requirement for growth media,
Biotechnological importance of enzymes, Primary and secondary metabolites,
Fermentative ethanol production, Biomass and Single-Cell Protein production,
Introduction to: Gene cloning, Gene transfer, Protein engineering, Transgenic animals
and plants, Animal cell and tissue culture, Role of biotechnology in different fields.
Media preparation and sterilization, Preservation and maintenance of microorganisms
(Slant and plate preparations), Development and maintenance of pure cultures (Streaking
plate methods), Inoculum preparation, Microbial growth under submerged and solid state
conditions, Microbial cell mass determination, Protein determination, Assays for bio-
products determination.
Recommended Books
1. Biotechnology: An Introduction by Sangita Malvee, 2007, 1st Ed. SVS Pub. &
Dist. Pvt. Ltd, India.
2. Introduction to Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, by A. J. Nair, Infinity
Science Press LLC, New Delhi, India.
3. Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology by Nduka Okafor, 2007,
Science Publishers, USA.
4. Biotechnology in 21st century, Ayyana, C., Mcgraw Hill. Bioprocess Engineering
by Shuler, M. L. and F. Kargi, 1992, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

BIT-407 Essentials of Immunology 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Introduction, Cells involved in immunity, Natural immunity, Cellular and molecular basis
of adaptive immunity. The adaptive immune response, Regulation of immune responses.
An overview of Immunity to viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoans. Allergy and
anaphylaxis, Cell mediated immunity, Autoimmunity. Immuno-suppression and immune-
Recommended Books
1. Immunology, 2001. 6th edition. I. Roitt, J. Brostoff, D. Male. Attarcourt Health
Science Company, London.
2. Essential Immunology, 1988. 6th edition. Ivanin, Roitt. English Language Book
Society, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Hong Kong.
3. Microbiology, 1986. Pelezar, M.J., Chan, E.C.S. and Krieg, N.R. McGraw Hill
Book Company.
4. Nester, M.T., 2004 Microbiology: A human perspective McGraw Hill Higher
Education, New York.
5. Playfair, J.H.L., 1996. Immunology at glance. Blackwell Science.
6. Essential Immunology. 2000. Roitt. I. Blackwell Scientific Publication Oxford.
Immunology. 1996. Kuby. J.W.H. Freeman and Company, New York

BCH-421 Advanced Biochemistry 3(2-1)

Course Outline
Carbohydrate Metabolism: Pentose phosphate pathway; Glycolytic pathway and its
significance; Citric acid cycle and its regulation; Glycogen breakdown and synthesis
pathways. Gluconeogenesis.
Amino acid Metabolism: Disposal of nitrogen; Amino acid deamination mechanisms;
Biosynthesis and degradation of essential and non-essential amino acids; Degradation of
purine and pyrimidine nucleotides; Urea cycle and its regulation.
Lipid Metabolism: Metabolism of dietary lipids, Fatty acid and Triacylglycerol
metabolism, Phospholipid and Glycolipid metabolism, Cholesterol metabolism, Ketone
Vitamins: Water soluble vitamins; Fat soluble vitamins; Metabolism of Vitamin A, D
and K.
Bioenergetics: Oxidative phosphorylation and regulation of ATP production; Electron
transport chain.
Numeracy, Laboratory measurements (percent and molar solution preparations),
Separation of protein and lipid contents through paper chromatography, Separation of
blood plasma and serum, Serum enzyme analysis (Amylase, GOT, GPT, acid and alkaline
Recommended Books
1. Biochemistry by D. Voet and J.G. Voet, 2004. 3rd, John Wiley and Sons Inc.
2. Principles of Biochemistry by A.L. Lehninger, D.L. Nelson, 2000. 3rd edition,
Worth Publishers.
3. Lippincott‟s Biochemistry by P.C. Champe, R.A. Harvey, D.R. Ferrier, 2008. 4 th
Edition, J.B. Lippincott Company.
4. An Introduction to Practical Biochemistry by D. T. Plummer, 1987. 3rd Edition,
5. Modern Experimental Biochemistry by R.F. Boyer, 2000. 3rd Edition, Pearson
Education Inc.

PST-321 Pakistan Studies 2(2-0)

Course Outline
Historical Perspective: Ideological rationale with special reference to Sir Syed Ahmed
Khan, Allama Muhammad Iqbal and Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah; Factors
leading to Muslim separatism; People and Land; Indus Civilization; Muslim advent;
Location and geo-physical features.
Government and Politics in Pakistan: Political and constitutional phases: 1947-58; 1958-
71; 1971-77; 1977-88; 1988-99; 1999 onward
Contemporary Pakistan: Economic institutions and issues; Society and social structure;
Ethnicity; Foreign policy of Pakistan and challenges; Futuristic outlook of Pakistan.
Recommended Books
1. State & Society in Pakistan, by Burki, Shahid Javed, The Macmillan Press Ltd
2. Issue in Pakistan‟s Economy by Akbar, S. Zaidi. Karachi: Oxford University
Press, 2000.
3. Pakistan‟s Foreign policy: An Historical analysis by S. M. Burke and Lawrence
Ziring. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1993.
4. Pakistan Political Roots & Development by Mehmood, Safdar. Lahore, 1994.
5. The Emergence of Bangladesh., by Wilcox, Wayne. Washington: American
Enterprise, Institute of Public Policy Research, 1972.
6. Pakistan Kayyun Toota, by Mehmood, Safdar. Lahore: Idara-e-Saqafat-e-Islamia,
Club Road, nd.
7. Ethno - National Movement in Pakistan, by Amin, Tahir. Islamabad: Institute of
Policy Studies, Islamabad.
8. Enigma of Political Development by Ziring, Lawrence. Kent England:
WmDawson & sons Ltd, 1980.
9. History & Culture of Sindh by Zahid, Ansar. Karachi: Royal Book Company,
10. Political Parties in Pakistan, Vol. I, II & III. By Afzal, M. Rafique. Islamabad:
National Institute of Historical and cultural Research, 1998.
11. The Political System of Pakistan by Sayeed, Khalid Bin. Boston: Houghton
Mifflin, 1967.
12. Party, Politics in Pakistan, by Aziz, K. K. Islamabad: National Commission on
Historical and Cultural Research, 1976.
13. Pakistan under Martial Law, by Muhammad Waseem, Lahore: Vanguard, 1987.
14. Making of Pakistan: The Military Perspective by Haq, Noor ul. Islamabad:
National Commission on Historical and Cultural Research, 1993.

Introduction to Biological Data
BIN-402 4(3-1)

Course Outline
Introduction and Importance of Bioinformatics; Internet Basics; World Wide Web and
Web Browsers; Important Glossary of Bioinformatics; Biological Databases; Data
Annotation and Redundancy; Entrez; Introduction to National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI); GENBANK Sequence Database; European Bioinformatics Institute
(EBI); DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ); Protein Sequence Primary Databases;
Secondary Databases; Protein Pattern Databases; Structure Classification Databases;
Analysis of Protein Sequences; Genome Organization and Resources; Genome Maps;
Genome Projects; Human Genome Project.
Internet browsers and bioinformatics, Primary databases for literature survey, Primary
databases for DNA and Protein sequences, Searching and retrieval of DNA and Protein
sequences, Navigating genome browsers for assessing and interpreting the data,
Databases of online tools for DNA and Protein sequence analysis, DNA and Protein
sequence analysis using online tools, Primer designing and calculation of primer
Recommended Books
1. Baxevanis, A. D. and Ouellette, B.F.F. (2004) Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide
to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins. A John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Publication,
New York.
2. Baxevanis, A. D. et al., (2013) Current Protocols in Bioinformatics. Wiley
Publishers (Online Library).
3. Claverie, J.M. and Notredame, C. (2007) Bioinformatics for Dummies. Wiley
Publishing Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana.
4. Ye, S.Q. (2008) Bioinformatics: A practical Approach. Chapman and Hall/CRC
Publishers, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK.
5. Xiong, J. (2006) Essential Bioinformatics. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK.
6. Orengo, C.A., Jones, D.T. and Thornton, J.M. (2007) Bioinformatics: Genes,
Proteins, and Computers. BIOS Scientific Publishers Ltd, Oxford, UK.
7. Ignacimuthu, S. (2005) Basic Bioinformatics. Narosa Publishing House, New
Delhi, India.
8. Srinivas, V.R. (2005) Bioinformatics - A Modern Approach. Pentice Hall of India
(PHI), New Delhi, India.
BIT-404 Molecular Evolution 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Molecular Evolution Introduction, Biological diversity of animals and plants, Taxonomy
of animals & plants by evolutionary relationship, Major evolutionary divergences among
animals & plants, The revolution in biological information and molecular evolution,
Molecular Evolution & Population genetics, Models of sequence evolution, Phylogenetic
methods, Application of molecular phylogenetics, Patterns in protein families, Evolution
of genomes, Comparative genomics of Eukaryotes, homology & similarity, orthologs,
paraalogs, xenologs.
Recommended Books
1. Bioinformatics and Molecular evolution, by Paul G.H. and Teresa K.H., 2005.
Backwell Publication, USA
2. Bioinformatics Genes. Proteins and Computers, by Orengo C.A., Jones D.T.,
Thornton J.M., 2003, Bio Scientifics Publications, UK.
3. Instant Notes Bioinformatics, by Westhead D.R., Parish J. Hend Twyman M.R.
2003, Bio Scientific Publications UK.
4. Bioinformatics Concepts, Skills & Applications, by Rastogi SG, Namita M.,
Parag R., 2004, CSB Publications India.
5. Introduction to Bioinformatics, by Arthru M.C., 2002, Oxford University Press,
New York.
6. Introduction Bioinformatics: A theoretical and practical approach, by Stephen
A.K., David D. Wombley, 2003, Humana Press, Totowa New Jersey.
7. Genomics Fundamentals and Applications (2009) Supratim Choudhuri and David
B. Carlson. Informa Healthcare USA, Inc. 52 Vanderbilt Avenue New York, NY,

STA-507 Biostatistics 4(3-1)

Course Outline
Introduction and scope, use of statistics in biology. Population and sample, Stages of
research, types of data and methods of data collection. Data arrangement and
presentation, formation of tables and charts. Measures of central tendency computation of
mean, median and mode from grouped and ungrouped data. Measures of dispersion,
computation of variance, standard deviation, standard error and their coefficients.
Probability rules and distribution. Binomial, poisson and normal distributions. Hypothesis
testing, student‟s „t‟ test. Chi-square test. Analysis of variance and LSD. Correlation and
regression. Survey Sampling. Experimental designing, planning of an experiment
replication and randomization.
Introduction of SPSS, How to enter the data set in SPSS. How to find the Histogram, Bar
Chart, Pie Diagram in SPSS. How to find the Measure of Central Tendency in SPSS.
How to find the Measure of Dispersion in SPSS. How to find the Correlation, Multiple
Correlation and Regression Models in SPSS. How to perform the t-test for single mean
and for the double mean in SPSS. How to perform the z-test for single mean and for the
double mean in SPSS. How to perform the Chi – Square -test for the independence of
qualitative variables in SPSS. How to perform the ANVOA in SPSS. How to perform the
paired comparison test in SPSS.
Recommended Books
1. Quantitative Zoology by Simpson, G.G., Roe, A. and Lewontin R.C. 1960.
Harcourt, Brace & World Inc. New York.
2. Principels and procedures of statistics by Steel, R.G.D. and Torrie,J. H.,1980.
McGraw Hill International Editions.
3. Practical statistics for field biology by Fowler, J., Cohen, L. and Jarris, P., 1998.
John Wiley and Sons.
4. Biostatistics Analysis by Zar, 1998.
5. Statistics for Biologists by Campbell, R.C. Cambridge University Press.
6. An Introduction to Biostatistics by Sokal, R.R. and Rohlf, F.J., 1973. Troppan.
7. Statistics Methods in Biology by Bailey, N.T.J., 1981. English University Press.
8. Statistics methods in agriculture and experimental biology by Mead, R., Currow,
R.N. and Hastod, A.M., 1993. 2nd Edition. Chapman & Hall.

BIT-408 Biosafety 2(2-0)

Course Outline
Introduction to Biosafety, Do‟s and do not‟s in the laboratory, Levels of Biosafety,
Biosafety for routine Lab Protocols, Biosafety protocols for specific experiments, MSDS
(Material Safety Data Sheet), Biosafety for radioactive materials, International and
National Biosafey Guide Lines, Organization and Function of National Biosatey
Comission of Pakistan, Rules and Regulations for development and field analysis of
GMOs, Cartagena Protocol, Gene flow, Non target effects of gene, Marker free selection,
GMO detection methods, GM metabolites, Social and Legal aspects of GM individuals
GM Foods and GM crop plants, Biosecurity and Bioterrorism.
Recommended Books
1. Laboratory Biosafety Mannual Third Edition, World Health Organization Geneva,
2. National Biosafety Committee (NBC). Biosafety guidelines in genetic engineering
and biotechnology. Ministry of Environment Local Government, Rural
Development, Government of Pakistan, 2005.
3. Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms: Basics concepts, methods and
issues. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2009.
4. Laboratory Biosafety Manual (3rd Edition). World Health Organization, 2004.
5. Biosafety in the Laboratory: Prudent Practices for Handling and Disposal of
Infectious Materials (1989).

BIT-410 Cell and Tissue Culture 3(2-1)

Course Outline
History of plant tissue culture; different basic media and their components; totipotancy;
callus culture; haploid production; organogenesis; embryogensis; somaclonal variation, in
vitro multiplication, cell and protoplast culture; cryopreservation; germ plasm
preservation. Plant genetic engineering; delivery system (electroparation, agrobacterim
and particle gun); transgenic plant production and molecular analysis; GM crops and their
assessment; biosafety guidelines; molecular markers and marker assisted selection
Seed culture; embryo culture; anther culture, microspore culture for double, haploid,
micro propagation by auxiliary buds; adventitious shoot proliferation; plant regeneration
by organgenisis; somatic embryogenesis from callus culture; meristems culture for virus
elimination; in vitro fertilization; protoplast isolation and culture; agrobacterium mediated
transformation; ELISA to certify pathogen free plants.
Recommended Books
1. Setlow J.K. , Genetic Engineering: Principles and Methods. Kluwer Academic
Publishers. 2000
2. Nicholl D. S. T. An Introduction to Genetic Engineering, Cambridge University
Press, 2002
3. Yount L. , Genetic Engineering, Gale Group, 2002
4. Razdan, M. K. (Ed) 2003. Introduction to Plant Tissue Culture. (2nd ed.)
Intercept, New York, USA

BIT-412 Microbial Biotechnology 3(2-1)

Course Outline
Issues and scope of microbial biotechnology, genetically modified microorganisms,
microbes as tools for microbiological research, Biotechnological potential of microbes,
significance of microorganisms in food production and fermentation, pharmaceutical and
other industrial products, Vaccine development and production, biofertilizers,
composting, microbiological mining, biofuels, use of microbes in petroleum industry,
Microbial role in regulatory mechanism of plant, Significance of microbial biotechnology
in economic development of Pakistan.
Isolation and screening of potential microbes from different environmental sources; lab
scale production of bacterial enzymes; lab-scale production of alcohol by yeast; the use of
microbes in bioleaching; use of microbes in microbial enhanced oil recovery.
Recommended Books
1. Klefenz, H., 2002. Industrial Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Wiley-VCH Verlag
nd .
2. Mukhopadhyay, S. N, 2004. Process Biotechnology Fundamentals, 2 Edition
Viva Books Pvt. Limited, New Delhi.
3. Glick, B. R., and Pasternak, J., 2002. Molecular Biotechnology: Principles and
Applications of Recombinant DNA. ASM Press.

BIN-501 Essentials of Biological Data 4(3-1)

Course Outline
Basics of Sequence Analysis, Introduction and Applications of Pairwise Sequence
Alignment, Sequence Homology, Similarity and Identity, Global VS Local Alignment,
Alignment Algorithms, Database Similarity Searching using BLAST and FASTA,
Introduction and Applications of Multiple Sequence Alignment, Multiple Sequence
Alignment Methods and Algorithms, Multiple Sequence Alignment Scoring Matrices,
Molecular Phylogenetics, Phylogenetic Tree Terminologies, Gene Phylogeny VS Species
Phylogeny, Phylogenetic Tree Representations and Construction Methods/Programs,
Phylogenetic Tree Evaluation and Visualization.
Global Sequence Alignment, Local Sequence Alignment, Dot Plots/Graphs, Database
Similarity Searching using BLAST, Database Similarity Searching using FASTA,
Multiple Sequence Alignment Methods, On-line Tools for Multiple Sequence Alignment,
Phylogenetic Tree Construction using Neighbor Joining (NJ), Phylogenetic Tree
Construction using Unweighted Pair Group Method with Arithmetic Mean (UPGMA).
Recommended Books
1. Xiong, J. (2006) Essential Bioinformatics. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge, UK.
2. Ye, S.Q. (2008) Bioinformatics: A practical Approach. Chapman and Hall/CRC
Publishers, Taylor and Francis Group, London, UK.
3. Durbin, R., Eddy. S., Krogh, A. and Mitchison. G. (2002) Biological Sequence
Analysis: Probabilistic Models of Proteins and Nucleic Acids. Cambridge
University Press. Cambridge, UK.
4. Baxevanis, A. D. et al., (2013) Current Protocols in Bioinformatics. Wiley
Publishers (Online Library).
5. Baxevanis, A. D. and Ouellette, B.F.F. (2004) Bioinformatics: A Practical Guide
to the Analysis of Genes and Proteins. A John Wiley and Sons, Inc. Publication,
New York.
6. Srinivas, V.R. (2005). Bioinformatics - A Modern Approach. Pentice Hall of India
(PHI), New Delhi, India.
7. Claverie, J.M. and Notredame, C. (2007) Bioinformatics for Dummies. Wiley
Publishing Inc., Indianapolis, Indiana.
8. Hall, B.G. (2004) Phylogenetic Trees Made Easy: A How To Manual. Sinauer
Associates, Inc., Massachusetts, USA.

BIT-503 Recombinant DNA Technology 4(3-1)

Course Outline
Introduction and History of Recombinant DNA technology, Basic techniques, gel
electrophoresis, Blotting techniques (southern, northern and western blotting), restriction
endonucleases, restriction mapping, vectors and their types, cloning vectors,
transformations, Polymerase Chain reaction, Cloning strategies, Site-directed
mutagenesis. Sequencing strategies (Sanger and Maxam Gilbert method), Application of
recombinant DNA Technology (agriculture, health, industry, environment and basic
DNA and plasmid isolation and agarose gel electrophoresis, restriction analysis
transformation, PCR.
Recommended Books
1. Molecular Biology by Robert F.W., 2005. McGraw-Hill.
2. From Genes to Genomes: Concepts and Applications of DNA Technology by
Dale, J.W. and von Schantz, M. 2002. John-Wiley and Son Limited.
3. Genomics and Genetics by Meyers, R.A., 2006. John-Wiley and Son Limited.
4. Gene Manipulation and Genomics by Primrose, S.B., and Twyman, R.M. 2006.
6th Edition. Blackwell Publishing.
5. Recombinant DNA. Gene and genomes by Watson, J.M., Caudy, A.A., Meyers,
R.A., and Witkowski, J.A., 2007. 3rd Edition. W.H. Freeman and Company, New

BIT-505 General Virology 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Introduction to virology, chemical and physical properties of viruses, virus classification,
cultivation and assay of viruses, molecular events during viral replication and
morphogenesis. Persistent infections and viruses as the cause of disease and neoplasma.
The laboratory diagnosis of viral infections. Hepatitis viruses, Retroviruses and AIDS,
Orthomyxovirues and influenza, The herpes viruses, Prion diseases, Bacteriophages.
Plant viruses and their nomenclature and classification, Disease symptoms and host range
of plant viruses, Genome organization of plant viruses, Transmission of viruses, Virus
movements and interaction, Resistance strategies against plant viruses, Pathogen derived
resistance, Non pathogen derived resistance.
Recommended Books
1. Human Virology, Second Edition 2002. by Collier, L and Oxford, J Publisher:
Oxford University Press.
2. Plant Pathology by George N. Agrios, 5th Edition, 2005.
3. Methew‟s Plant Virology by Roger Hull, 4th Edition 2002.
4. Principles of Molecular Virology by Alan J. Cann, 4th Edition 2005.

BIT-507 Techniques in Biotechnology 3(2-1)

Course Outline
Buffers and pH. Titration. Fractionation of biological tissues. Centrifugation. Planar
chromatography (Paper and thin layer chromatography). Gas chromatography. Column
chromatography (Ion-Exchange, Gel-Filtration). HPLC and FPLC. Affinity
chromatography. Electrophoresis and types. RIA (Radio Immune Assay). ELISA
(Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay). In-situ hybridization and bio-assays.
Preparation of buffers and pH measurement, Titration, Fractionation and centrifugation of
biological tissues, Paper and/or thin layer chromatography, Ion-exchange
chromatography, Gel filtration chromatography, Separation of bio-molecules through
HPLC and FPLC systems, Gel electrophoresis for the separation of DNA and protein
molecules, RIA (Radioimmunoassay) and ELISA (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent
Assay), In situ-hybridization (ISH) and Bioassays.
Recommended Books
1. Modern Experimental Biochemistry by Rodney Boyer, Benjamin Cummings
2. Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry by Nelson and Cox, Freeman Publishers.
3. Molecular Biomethods Handbook by Walker and Rapley, Humana Press.
4. Current Protocols in Protein Science, Wiley Publishers.
5. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, Wiley Publishers.

BIT-509 Health Biotechnology 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Introduction to health biotechnology; social acceptance of medical biotechnology;
molecular basis of disease; molecular and genetic markers; detection of mutations and
infectious agents; active and passive immunization; vaccines (live, killed, recombinant
DNA vaccines, subunit vaccines, DNA vaccines, edible vaccines); organ transplantation;
applications of transgenic animals (animal models of diseases, farming and enhancement
of farm animals); drug delivery systems; blood transfusion and grafting techniques;
pharmacogenetics; gene therapy; biopharmaceuticals from plants; stem cell technology
Recommended Books
1. Pongracz J. and Keen M. 2009. Medical Biotechnology. 1 st Edition; Elsevier
Health Sciences.
2. Schacter B. Z. 2005. Biotechnology and Your Health: Pharmaceutical
Applications. Chelsea House Publishers,
3. Chetan DM and Dinesh KP, 2006. Health and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology.
Firewall Media.
4. Bustillo LGT and Pena IG, 2012. Biotechnology: Health, Food, Energy and
Environment Applications (Biotechnology in Agriculture, Industry and Medicine).
Nova Science Publication.
5. Dogramatzis, 2010. Health care Biotechnology. 1 st Edition; CRC Press

BIT-511 Forensic Serology and DNA Typing 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Overview of Forensic Sciences, Types of forensic evidence, Types of forensic
investigations, History of DNA typing, Comparisons of DNA typing methods , biological
evidence at the crime scene, preservation and collection of biological evidence, Steps in
DNA sample processing, collection of reference DNA samples, Storage and transport of
DNA evidence, Presumptive tests for blood, semen and saliva, Detection of blood ,
semen and saliva stains, Direct observation of sperm, DNA extraction (Organic, chelex,
FTATM Paper, Differential extraction, Solid –phase extraction) , DNA Quantification
(Slot Blot Quantitation, PicoGreen MicroTiter Plate Assay AluquantTM Human DNA
quantitation System, Real Time PCR approaches to DNA Quantification), DNA
amplification , General organization of human genome, Genome copy number variation
in human cells, The limited autonomy of mitochondrial genome, Genetic Polymorphism,
genetic markers, Biology of SNPs and STRs, genotyping and human identification,
result interpretation, paternity tests, Forensic issues: Unique nature of forensic samples,
Degraded DNA, PCR Inhibition, Solutions to PCR inhibition, contamination and its
impact on casework, Mixed samples and Low Copy Number (LCN), issues with LCN
Recommended Books
1. Forensic DNA Typing, Second Edition By John M. Butler
2. An Introduction to Forensic DNA by Norah Rudin, Keith Inman
3. An Introduction to Forensic Genetics by William Goodwin , Adrian
Linacre, Sibte- Hadi
4. Human Molecular Genetics by Tom Strachan and Andrew Read

BIT-502 Proteomics 3(2-1)

Course Outline

Introduction & Applications of Proteomics, Protein Structure Classification (Introduction

and Biological Function of Amino acids, Primary, Secondary, Tertiary and Quaternary
structures of proteins), Protein folding and denaturation, Post Translational Modifications
of Proteins, Classification of Proteins (Fibrous, Globular and Membrane), Purification of
Proteins (Homogenization, Fractionization and Precipitation Methods), Chromatography
of Proteins (ion-exchange, hydrophobic interaction, size exclusion, affinity),
Electrophoresis of proteins (Native, SDS, Isoelectric Focusing and 2D-Electrophoresis),
Protein Sequencing by Edman Degradation, Proteome Analysis (Western blotting, Mass
Spectrometry, Protein-Chips), Protein Structure Determination Techniques (X-ray
Crystallography, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, Cryo-electron microscopy).


Protein Quantification Methods (Bradford, Lowry, Spectrophotometric etc), Salting out

and dialysis, Enzyme assays, Protein molecular weight determination by SDS PAGE.
Recommended Books
1. Nelson, D.L. and Cox, M.M. (2008) Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry. W. H.
Freeman, USA.
2. Voet, D. and Voet, J.G. (2011) Biochemistry, Wiley, USA.
3. Liebler, D.C. (2002) Introduction to Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology.
Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, USA.
4. Engelbert, B. (2007) Fundamentals of Protein Structure and Function. Springer
Science Business Media, LLC.
5. Rehm, H. (2006) Protein Biochemistry and Proteomics, Elsevier Academic Press,
Burlington, MA, USA.
6. Branden, C. and Tooze, J. (1999) Introduction to Protein Structure. Garland
Publishing, Taylor and Francis Group. New York, USA.
7. Naven, T. (2002) Proteomics in Practice - A Laboratory Manual of Proteome
Analysis. Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH.
8. Coligan, J.E. et al., (2015) Current Protocols in Protein Science. Wiley Publishers
(Online Library).

BIT-504 Genomics 3(3-0)

Course Outline
The areas related to Genomics will include: A brief introduction about Genome and its
types: structural, functional and comparative genomics; It will also include the various
techniques to study the genome; Genome sequencing and sequence assembly; Different
molecular and bioinformatics techniques to understand how a genome function and
express itself; An overview of organization of nuclear, various organelles‟ genomes and
parasites‟ genomes; Genome evolution; Molecular phylogenetics.

The areas covered in transcriptomics part of the course will include: Introduction;
Methods in transcriptomics; Data gathering (Isolation of RNA, expressed sequence tags,
serial and cap analysis of gene expression, microarrays, RNA-Seq); Data analysis (Image
processing, RNA-Seq data analysis, validation); Applications of Transcriptomics;
Transcriptome Databases.
Recommended Books

1. Introduction to Proteomics: Tools for the New Biology (Second Edition), Liebler,
D.C. Humana Press. 2007.
2. Principles of Gene Manipulation and Genomics, (Seventh Edition). Richard M.T.
and Primrose S.B. Blackwell Publishing. USA. 2006.
3. Functional Genomics in Methods in Molecular Biology. Brownstein, M.J. and
Khodursky, A. Humana Press. 2003.
4. Genomes (Second Edition). Brown, T.A. BIOS Scientific Publisher Ltd. USA.

BIT-506 Nanobiotechnology 3(3-0)

Course Outline

A brief introduction to Nanotechnology, Interface between Nanotechnology and

Bionanotechnology, Manipulating molecules, Carbon Fullerene, Carbon Nanotubes,
Non- Carbon Nanotubes and Fullerene like materials, Quantum Dots and other Nano-
particles, Nano-wires, Nano rods and other Nanomaterials, Magnetic Nanoparticles.
Natural Biological assembly at Nano-Scale, Nanometric biological assemblies
(complexes), Nanobionics and Bio-Inspired Nanotechnology, Applications of biological
assemblies in Nanotechnology, Medical, Cosmetics, Agriculture, water and other
applications of Nanobiotechnology, Future prospect of Nanobiotechnology.
Recommended Books
1. Plenty of room for biology at the bottom: an introduction to Bionanotechnology,
Ehud Gazit, Imperial College Press, 2007
2. Bionanotechnology: proteins to nanodevices, Vencatesan Renugopalakrishnan,
Randolph V. Lewis, Springer, 2006
3. Nanoscale technology in biological systems, Ralph S. Greco, F. B. Prinz, Robert
Lane Smith, CRC Press, 2004
4. Nanobiotechnology II: More Concepts and Applications, Chad A. Mirkin,
Christof M. Niemeyer, John Wiley & Sons, 2007

BIT-508 Agriculture Biotechnology 3(2-1)

Course Outline
Introduction to Agricultural Biotechnology, History of Plant improvement/conventional
breeding, Role of Phyto-hormones in somatic embryogenesis, Tissue Culture, Types of
Cultures: Tissue culture and regeneration, Cell culture, Haploid Culture, Protoplast
culture. Somaclonal variations as breeding tool, Somatic Hybridization, Mutation
Breeding, Plant Tansformation; Gene Gun Method of Transformation, Agrobacterium-
Mediated transformation, Chloroplast Transformation, PEG mediated transformation etc,
Transgene analysis, Field Evaluation and Commercialization of transgenic crops,
Transgenic crops for Herbicide, Biotic and Abiotic stress resistance, Biosafety Concerns
and Bioethics on GM crops, The concepts of Plant Molecular Markers and Biofertilizers.
Selection of ex-plant, Medium Preparation and Callus Induction, Culturing
Agrobacterium and Infection to plant callus, Plant DNA extraction and PCR for
Recommended Books
1. Recent Advances in Plant Biotechnology by Ara Kirakosyan and Peter B.
Kaufman. Springer Books, 2009.
2. Plant Molecular Biology, by Mahesh, S. New Age Science, 2009.
3. Plant Biotechnology: The Genetic Manipulation of Plants by Adrian Slater, Nigel
W. Scot, Mark R. Fowler. Oxford University Press, 2008.
4. Plant Biotechnology and Molecular Markers by Sheela Srivastava, Alka Narula,
S. S. Bhojwani, Inc NetLibrary, 2004 publishers Springer link
5. Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Reviews: V. 24 by S Harding, 2007.
Nottingham University Press
6. National Biosafety Committee (NBC). Biosafety guidelines in genetic engineering
and biotechnology. Ministry of Environment Local Government, Rural
Development, Government of Pakistan, 2005.

BIT-510 Social, Ethical and Legal Aspects of 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Legal, ethical and bio-safety aspects of genetic engineering/Biotechnology: Institutional,
National and International legal framework for biotechnology, ethical concerns of genetic
engineering (culture, religion and trade), safety and risks of genetically engineered
products to human health and environment.
Genetic privacy, Patent of genes, Human races, Tradiry human life, Human cloning, Stem
cells, Eugenics. Ethical dielemonasim, a wider context, Biotechnology and Islamic faith,
Human genome and religious considerations, Final consideration.
Recommended Books
1. Emergy‟s elements of medical genetics. Muller, R.F. and Young, J.D. 2002. 11th
edition. Churchil Livingstone, London.
2. Understanding Biotechnology, Borem Aluizio, Santos, F.R. and Bowen, D.E.,
2004. Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte, Ltd. Patparganj, India.
3. Biotechnology application and careers, 2004. Munshi, M., Sopory, S.K. Viva
books Pvt. New Delhi.

BIT-512 Animal Biotechnology 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Introduction and history of transgenic animals; role of synthetic peptides/proteins in
animal health; use of monoclonal antibodies as a diagnostic/therapeutic agents; cytokines
and their potential therapeutic value as applicable to the diagnosis of microbial infections;
micromanipulations of farm animal embryos; use of biotechnological techniques in
animal breeding strategies; gene transfer through embryo microinjection; ethical and
social issues in animal biotechnology.
Recommended Books
1. Freshney IR, 2010. Culture of animal cells: A manual of basic techniques and
specialized application. 6th Edition; Wiley-Blackwell
2. Masters JR, 2000. Animal cell culture. 3rd Edition; Oxford University Press. 3.
Lanza et al., 2001. Methods of tissue engineering Academic Press Inc.
4. Doyle et al., 1998. Cells and tissue culture: Laboratory procedures in
biotechnology. Wiley, John and Sons.
5. Barnum S, 2004. Biotechnology: An Introduction (with Infotrac) Brooks /Cole.
6. Tourte Y and Catherine TC, 2005. Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology:
Concepts, Methods, and Agronomic Applications. Science Publishers.
7. Houdebine LM, 2003. Animal Transgenesis and Cloning. 1 st Edition; John Wiley
and Sons.

BIT-601 Cell Signaling 3(3-0)

Course Outline
General principles of Cell Signaling. Cell-cell communication involving
hormones/Growth factors. Signaling through G-protein linked cell surface receptors. Role
of secondary messengers in cell signaling. Signaling through enzyme linked cell surface
receptors. Signaling pathways that depend on regulated proteolysis. Molecular Aspects of
signaling Transcription factors and gene regulations. Signaling in plants.
Recommended Books
1. Molecular Biology of THE CELL, 6th edition by Bruce Alberts, Alexander
Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, Peter Walter. Published by
Garland Science.
2. World of the Cell, 2004. 5th edition by Wayne M. Becker, Lewis Kleinsmith, Jeff
Hardin. Published by Pearson Education Singapore.
3. The Cell - A Molecular Approach second edition, by Geoffrey M. Cooper (2000)
published by Sinauer Associates.
4. Molecular Cell Biology, fourth edition, edited by Harvey Lodish (2000) published
by W. H. Freeman.

BIT-603 Industrial Biotechnology 4(3-1)

Course Outline

Industrial biotechnology – introduction and scope; microorganisms commonly used in
industry; media and nutritional requirements of industrial organisms; screening for
productive strains and strain improvement; culture collections; fermentation and
fermenters; extraction of fermented products; production of beer, wines, spirits and
vinegar; use of single cell proteins as food products; biocatalysts; microbial insecticides;
production of metabolites: organic acids and amino acids; vaccines and antibiotic
Isolation of lactobacillus from dairy products, fruit juices, etc.; fermentation of different
sugars by bacteria (or other microorganisms); identification of proteases/ amylases
producing bacteria; extraction of hydrolytic crude enzymes from microbes; effect of
environmental factors (e.g., pH, temperature, salt, etc.) on activity of crude enzymes.
Recommended Books
1. Okafor N, 2007. Modern Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology. 1 st Edition;
Science Publishers, USA.
2. Waites et al., 2001. Industrial Microbiology: An Introduction. Blackwell
Science Ltd.
3. Shara et al., 2009. Industrial Biotechnology. 1 st Edition; Nova Science Publishers
4. Abhilasha MS, 2009. Industrial Biotechnology. ANE Books
5. Singh R and Ghosh S, 2004. Industrial Biotechnology. Global Vision Publishing

BIT-605 Food and Bioprocess Technology 3(2-1)

Course Outline

Bioreactors, Types and Mechanical operations of bioreactors, Fermentation, Productions
of metabolites and enzymes, Filtration, centrifugation, Flocculation, evaporation
crystallization, drying. Membrane processes, Solvent extraction, Electrophoresis and
electro dialysis, Operations and applications of Chromatography techniques in
biotechnology), Planer, Gas, Column, Ion exchange, Gel exclusion, Affinity Perfusion
chromatography, Fast performance Liquid Chromatography (FPLC).
Estimation of moisture, ash, carbohydrates, protein, fat, crude fiber in food, Detection of
proteases, amylases in milk. Determination of iodine number of fats. Determination of
specific gravity of sugar. Separation of gluten from wheat flour. Detection of E. coli in
drinking water. Detection of yeast and mould in dairy and bakery products. Production
of cheese.
Recommended Books
1. Bioseparation science and engineering by Roger .G. Harrison., Paul Todd ., Scott
R. Rudge and Demeteri P. Petrides. 2003, Oxford University Press.New York.
2. Protein purification protocols, 2nd Edition by Paul Culter( 2004), Humana Press,
Totowa, New Jersey.

BIT-607 Literature Survey and Research Project 2(2-0)

Course Outline
Processes and procedures of managing research facilities in a department, managing
microbial, plant and animal resources, maintenance of stem cell and tissue culture
facility. Topics include biosafety standards, record keeping, database organization,
personnel management, inventory administration, storage of laboratory reagents and
supplies, maintenance of standard solutions, buffers, PCR tubes, pipepptors, glassware
maintenance and record keeping, record of stock use, selection of proper equipment,
maintenance of equipment, standardization of equipment, log book maintenance, cell line
banking and maintenance, essential concepts for troubleshooting in microbial culture
maintenance, cell line maintenance, common cell culture problems.
Recommended Books
1. Text Books: Essential guide to doing research by Zina O Leary 2004 Sage
Publications Limited.
2. Review of Bioinformatics: A computing Approach. 2009 Edited by Shuba Gopal,
Anne Haake, Rhys Price Jones and Paul Tymann, McGraw-Hill.
3. Applied Health Research 14-25 November 2005, Mahidol University, Thailand.

Suggested readings: Study Journal articles on: Infectious Disease Modeling and Survival
Analysis. Statistical methods for analyzing microarray data. Modeling gene expression
profiles through partial least squares regression, validation of clustering algorithms for
grouping genes and developing various statistical tools for detection of differential gene
expression. Actively read use of proteomic data (MALDI-TOF, SELDI) analysis to
understand disease etiology (colon, lung cancer etc.), as well as collaborative research

BIT-609 Environmental Biotechnology 3(3-0)

Course Outline

Introduction to Environmental biotechnology, Fundamentals of Biological Intervention,
Genetic manipulation strategies in environmental biotechnology, Pollution indicators,
Pollution control strategies, Biology of waste water and its treatment, Sludge treatment,
Contaminated land and bioremediation, Phytotechnology (Terrestrial Phyto-systems,
Metal Phytoremediation, Rhizofilteration etc) Hyper accumulation, Solid Waste
treatments, Concept of integrated Environmental biotechnology, Detoxification of
hazardous chemicals: biodegradation, Biotransformation, Products of environmental
Recommended Books
1. Christon Hurst, Ronald Crawford, Jay Garland, David Lipson, Aaron Mills and
Linda Stetzenbach (2007) Manual of Environmental Microbiology. 3rd Ed.
Blackwell Publishers.
2. Christopher F. Faster and D. A John Wase, John Wase (2004) Environmental
Biotechnology. John Willey & Sons.
3. Derek R. Lovley (2000) Environmental Microb-Metal Interactions. ASM Press.
4. Environmental Biotechnology Theory and application, 2003. Gareth M Evans and
Judith C. Furlong. Wiley Publishers.
5. Environmental Biotechnology, 2008. T, Srinivas New Age international
6. Laqrence P. Wackett (2001) Biocatalysis and Biodegradations: Microbial
Transformation of Organic Compounds. ASM Press.

BIT-611 Molecular Pathology 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Introduction to Molecular Pathology, Handling of pathological specimens, Overview of
Cellular Responses to Stress and Noxious Stimuli, Cellular Adaptations to Stress,
Hypertrophy , Hyperplasia, Atrophy, Metaplasia, Cell injury and cell death, Mechanism
of cell injury, apoptosis, inflammation( acute and chronic), chemical mediators of acute
inflammation, Concept of diseases in plants, Effects of pathogens on plants physiological
functions, Direct genome sequencing in diagnostic pathology, Loss of Heterozygosity,
Overview of molecular diagnostic techniques, Prenatal diagnosis, Pathology of inherited
disorders, Direct genome sequencing in diagnostic pathology, Detection of carriers, Gene
mapping and disease gene identification, pathology of developmental and birth defects,
Molecular pathology: from gene to disease, Molecular pathology: from disease to gene,
Genomics in pathology
Recommended Books
1. Robbins & Cotran Pathologic Basis of Disease, Seventh Edition by Stanley L.
2. Essential Concepts in Molecular Pathology by William B. Coleman and Gregory
J. Tsongalis
3. Plant Pathology, Fifth Edition by George N. Agrios
4. Cell and Tissue Based Molecular Pathology: A Volume in the Foundations in
Diagnostic Pathology Series by Raymond R. Tubbs DO and Mark H. Stoler MD

Research Methodologies in
BIT-602 3(0-3)

Course Outline
Isolation, screening and characterization of microbes from soil, waste water, plant
rhizosphere etc for industrially important products. AFB (Acid-Fast Bacilli) smear
staining and microscopy for detection/isolation of acid-fast bacteria. Determination of
sensitivity of bacterial isolates against different drugs using antimicrobial susceptibility
testing. DNA extraction from bacteria/yeast/fungi/plants/animals (blood). Estimation of
quality and quantity of extracted DNA. Plasmid Isolation by Alkaline Lysis Method
(Mini-Prep), Polymerase Chain Reaction, Codon optimization for exotic gene transfer,
Prokaryotic promoter prediction, Human cell culture for in-vitro wound healing, Stem
Cell Isolation from Bone Marrow of mice/ rat, Immunoinformatics approach for vaccine
development against infectious diseases, Protein isolation and characterization by SDS-
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, Total RNA extraction and RT-PCR, Pedigree
analysis, Contig formation using DNA dragon and phylogenetic analysis, Pathway
analysis using KEGG, Field visit.
Recommended Books
1. Gene Cloning and DNA Analysis: An Introduction by T.A. Brown, Blackwell
Science Publishers.
2. Molecular Cloning-A Laboratory Manual by Sambrook and Russel, CSHL Press.
3. Modern Experimental Biochemistry by Rodney Boyer, Benjamin Cummings
4. Molecular Biomethods Handbook by Walker and Rapley, Humana Press.
5. Current Protocols in Bioinformatics, Wiley Publishers.
6. Current Protocols in Molecular Biology, Wiley Publishers.

BIT-604 Recent Trends in Biotechnology 3(3-0)

Course Outline
Presentations by the students on recently published research articles (within last two
years) from internationally reputed and recognized journals. Recent trends in research
methodologies. Data presentation. Poster preparation and presentation. How to write
research paper and review article. How to prepare and submit research proposals
(projects) to different donor agencies. Career counseling/guidance. Scholarship hunting.
Resume writing.
Recommended Books
1. Current Periodicals.
2. International Journals.
3. Instructions for research proposal preparation and submission by different donor
4. Rug, G. and Petre, M. 2007. A gentle guide to research methods. Open University
Press, McGraw Hill Education, UK.
5. Ratlidge, C. and Kristiansen, B. 2006. Basic Biotechnology. Cambridge
University Press.


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