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Control Systems 10ES43


Subject Code:10ES43 IA Marks: 25

 No. of Lecture Hrs./Week : 04 Exam Hours : 03
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.:52 Exam Marks : 100


Modeling of Systems: Introduction to Control Systems,
Systems, Types of control systems,
systems, Effect of
feedback systems, Differential equations of physical systems – 
systems –  Mechanical
 Mechanical systems-
Friction, Translational systems (Mechanical accelerometer, Levered systems excluded),
Rotational systems, Gear trains. Electrical systems, Analogous systems. 6 Hours

Block diagrams and signal flow graphs: Transfer functions, Block diagrams, Signal Flow
graphs (Statevariable formulation excluded). 7 Hours

Time Response of feed back control
control systems: Standard test signals, Unit step response of
First and second order systems, Time response specifications, Time response specifications
of second order systems, steady – 
steady – state
state errors and error constants. 7Hours

Stability analysis: Concepts of stability, Necessary conditions for Stability, Routh-Hurwitz
stability criterion, Relative stability analysis; Special cases of RH criterion. 6 Hours


Root – 
 – Locus
Locus Techniques: Introduction, basic properties of root loci, Construction of root
loci. 6 Hours

Stability analysis in frequency domain: Introduction, Mathematical preliminaries, Nyquist
Stability criterion, (Inverse polar plots excluded ), Assessment of relative stability using
 Nyquist criterion, (Systems with transportation
transportation lag excluded). 7Hours
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Control Systems 10ES43

Control Systems 10ES43

Frequency domain analysis: Correlation between time and frequency response, Bode plots,
All pass and minimum phase systems, Experimental determination of transfer functions,
Assessment of relative stability using Bode Plots. 7 Hours

Introduction to State variable analysis: Concepts of state, state variable and state models for
electrical systems, Solution of state equations. 6 Hours


1. Control Systems Engineering, I. J. Nagarath and M.Gopal, New Age International (P)
Limited, 4 Edition – 
Edition –  2005

2 Modern Control Engineering,

Engineering, K. Ogata, PHI, 5th Edition, 2010.

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Control Systems 10ES43

Control Systems 10ES43

Frequency domain analysis: Correlation between time and frequency response, Bode plots,
All pass and minimum phase systems, Experimental determination of transfer functions,
Assessment of relative stability using Bode Plots. 7 Hours

Introduction to State variable analysis: Concepts of state, state variable and state models for
electrical systems, Solution of state equations. 6 Hours


1. Control Systems Engineering, I. J. Nagarath and M.Gopal, New Age International (P)
Limited, 4 Edition – 
Edition –  2005

2 Modern Control Engineering,

Engineering, K. Ogata, PHI, 5th Edition, 2010.

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Control Systems 10ES43

Control Systems 10ES43

Table of contents
Sl .no Contents Page number
UNIT 1:Modeling of Systems:
 Introduction to Control Systems

 Types of control systems, Effect of feedback systems,

 Differential equations of physical systems – 

systems –  Mechanical
systems- Friction
1 5 to 12
 Translational systems (Mechanical accelerometer,
Levered systems excluded)

 Rotational systems, Gear trains. Electrical systems,

Analogous systems.

UNIT 2: Block diagrams and signal flow graphs

 Transfer functions

2  Block diagram 13 to 23

 Signal Flow graphs (Statevariable formulation excluded).

UNIT 3: Time Response of feed back control systems:

 Standard test signals

 Unit step response of First and second order systems,

 Time response specifications

3 24 to 46
 Time response specifications of second order systems,

 state errors and error constants.

UNIT 4: Stability analysis:

 Concepts of stability

  Necessary conditions for Stability

4 47 to 65
 Routh-Hurwitz stability criterion

 Relative stability analysis

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Control Systems 10ES43

 Special cases of RH criterion.

UNIT 5: Root – Locus Techniques:

 Introduction

5   basic properties of root loci 66 to 84

 Construction of root loci.

UNIT 6: Stability analysis in frequency domain:

 Introduction

 Mathematical preliminaries
6 85 to 102
  Nyquist Stability criterion, (Inverse polar plots excluded)

 Assessment of relative stability using Nyquist criterion,

UNIT 7: Frequency domain analysis:

 Correlation between time and frequency response

 Bode plots

7  All pass and minimum phase systems 103 to 118

 Experimental determination of transfer functions

 Assessment of relative stability using Bode Plots.

UNIT 8: Introduction to State variable analysis:

 Concepts of state
8  state variable and state models for electrical systems 119 to 127

 Solution of state equations

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Control Systems 10ES43

Control Systems 10ES43

Modeling of Systems

Introduction to control systems

A system is an arrangement of or a combination of different physical components connected

or related in such a manner so as to form an entire unit to attain a certain objective

Control system is an arrangement of different physical elements connected in such a

manner so as to regulate, director command itself to achieve a certain objective

Requirements of good control system are accuracy, sensitivity, noise, stability, bandwidth,
speed, oscillations

Types of control systems

A system in which the control action is totally independent of the output of the system is
called as open loop system

Example:  Automatic hand driver, automatic washing machine, bread toaster, electric lift,
traffic signals, coffee server, theatre lamp etc.

A system in which the control action is somehow dependent on the output is called as
closed loop system

The elements of closed loop system are command, reference input, error detector, control
element controlled system and feedback element

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Control Systems 10ES43

Control Systems 10ES43

Elements of closed loop system are:

1. Command : The command is the externally produced input and independent of the
feedback control system.
2. Reference Input Element:  It is used to produce the standard signals proportional to the
3. Error Detector :   The error detector receives the measured signal and compare it with
reference input. The difference of two signals produces error signal.
4. Control Element :  This regulates the output according to the signal obtained from error
5. Controlled System :  This represents what we are controlling by feedback loop.
6. Feedback Element : This element feedback the output to the error detector for
comparison with the reference input.

Example: Automatic electric iron, servo voltage stabilizer, sun-seeker solar system, water
level controller, human perspiration system.

Feedback system is that in which part of output is feeded back to input

In feedback system corrective action starts only after the output has been affected

Advantages of closed loop system:

1. Accuracy is very high as any error arising is corrected.
2. It senses changes -in output due to environmental or parametric change, internal
disturbance etc. and corrects the same.
3. Reduce effect of non-linearities.
4. High bandwidth.
5. Facilitates automation.
1. Complicated in design and maintenance costlier.
2. System may become unstable.

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Control Systems 10ES43

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