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Week 4 – Artificial Intelligence

The impact of Artificial Intelligence to mankind has opened limitless possibilities with
regards to the capabilities of modern technology. From a simple chatbot to the most
advanced computer systems, the potential of artificial intelligence systems oversee
operations in the world grows increasingly more realistic. Watch the assigned movie
(TAU – Netflix or streaming websites) and share your thoughts by answering the guide
questions provided.

1. How is Artificial Intelligence portrayed in the movie? (5pts)

It is portrayed with how Artificial Intelligence can be a benefit in terms of a
household setting.

2. Based on the movie, site 3 advantages and disadvantages of Artificial

Intelligence. Elaborate on each one. (5pts)

Advantages Disadvantages

● It can improve the welfare of ● Humans can become an easy

humans target to hacking
● It is customizable to your needs ● Can only follow one program/flow
● It is available everytime that you of work
need it ● It is very costly

3. Do you think that it is feasible to install Tau in every household in the world?
Justify your answer. (5pts)
Yes, but it should have valid purposes and safety measures. Though it’s benefits
may be promising, it also comes with its own disadvantages (as explained in number 2).
Therefore, it should be up to the person/people who wish to implement such a system in
their household(s).

4. Aside from the one presented in the movie, site other real-life applications of
Artificial Intelligence that are found in the world today. Give 5 examples and
provide an overview on each one. (make sure to include your sources) (5pts)
A. Auto-correct
When you wish to message another person or to write your own passage,
the auto-correct feature can be used for spelling errors and grammar.
B. Online Shopping
Applications such as Shopee and Lazada have become popular during
this pandemic. It recommends similar items to buyers based on their
C. Navigation
This is used through applications like GrabFood and Waze either for
deliveries on both ends or transportations towards your desired location.
D. Unlock recognition
Cell Phones have options to unlock either through thumb print or facial
recognition. They don't have to be used simultaneously, however they're
recommended to provide much more security for your device.
E. Streaming sites (Netflix, HBO Go, etc.)
Similar to online shopping, streaming sites will recommend forms to media
for people to consume based on their similar interests.

5. Are you amenable to having mechanized robots replace humans? In what way
do you/do you not agree? (5pts)
I would agree to having mechanized robots to be utilized rather for them to
replace human beings. An example would be work to be done in factories, wherein
humans still handle the products itself and robots are there to create products more
efficiently. If humans were to be replaced by mechanized humans, this would result in

6. Is Artificial Intelligence a bane or a boon in your future career field? Explain.

Having artificial intelligence in my future career field would be a boon. For
example, Canva (a design website) provides templates in different designs for different
purposes that are catered to your desired output. Thus, it would be helpful in terms of
efficiency when it comes to creating an output.

● What is artificial intelligence and how is it used? | News. (2020, September 4).
European Parliament. Retrieved from

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