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Misra, S.; Colomo-Palacios, R.; Pusatli, T.; Soto-Acosta, P.

A discussion on the role of people in global software development


Sanjay Misra, Ricardo Colomo-Palacios, Tolga Pusatli, Pedro Soto-Acosta

Literature is producing a considerable amount of papers which focus on the risks, challenges and solutions of global software development (GSD).
However, the influence of human factors on the success of GSD projects requires further. The aim of our paper is twofold. First, to identify the challenges
related to the human factors in GSD and, second, to propose the solution(s), which could help in solving or reducing the overall impact of these
challenges. The main conclusions of this research can be valuable to organizations that are willing to achieve the quality objectives regarding GSD

Keywords: Global software development, people management, software industry, People CMM

1 development centers could adopt it.

Introduction The importance of GSD management has led to a huge
effort in the art and science of organizing and managing
Software development from A to Z is rarely the result globally distributed software development. However,
of one person’s work only. Today, software development there is still a need for further research regarding the
is a team work. Furthermore, with the booming of the development of methods, techniques and practices before
Internet and the adoption of electronic communication that GSD can be considered a mature discipline [10],
systems, the semantic of this team work has become more since the globalization of software development
and more important. As defined by Sangwan et al. [1], introduces a great deal of complexity in an already
global software development (GSD) is the development
complex process [11].
of software through teams, from multiple geographic
Human resources management is a key issue in any
locations, that may pertain to the same organization or to
software development project, including GSD projects
other collaborating companies.
GSD teams have evolved from a single site to a [12]. The importance of human resources in software
multiple localization working environment [2]. As a engineering was confirmed more than a decade ago, when
result, firms developing and/or maintaining software Software Engineering Institute (SEI) developed a separate
products cannot ignore the impact of GSD [3], since it is model for personnel management: the people
driving a deep transformation in the way that products are management capability maturity model (PM-CMM) [13].
conceived, designed, constructed, tested, and delivered to More recently, several studies have been devoted to shed
customers [4]. The final result of this process is that some light into people management aspects and GSD
software development is becoming a multi-site, environments [14–21]. In this complex scenario, the aim
multicultural as well as globally distributed undertaking of this paper is double. Firstly, it is aimed to identify the
(e.g. [5], [6]). Although GSD is a de facto tendency in challenges related to the human factors in GSD and,
today’s IT industry, sometimes it is criticized for being secondly, to propose the solution(s), which could help in
slow and hindering. In spite of this, nowadays software solving or reducing the overall impact of these challenges.
products are developed collaboratively in multiple The remainder of the paper is organized as follows.
locations around the world. Projects are being contracted The next section introduces personnel issues in software
in whole or in part [7] with several motivations, including development projects. In section 3, challenges are
the desire of being close to local markets. However, this identified. Following that, observations and solutions
motivation is not enough to enable GSD to work as fast as related to personnel management in GSD projects are
traditional team work, where everyone is in the same discussed in section 4. Then, section 5 describes
building. One of the most recognized benefits with regard recommendations for human resources management
to the adoption of e-communications is that, as long as within GSD projects and, finally, conclusions are drawn
employees are connected, they can work no matter where in section 6.
they are. However, an empirical study by Herbsleb and
Mocus [8] reported that a distributed setting can take 2.5 2
The Personnel Issues in Software Projects
times longer to do similar tasks when compared to a non-
distributed setting. It is so because GSD may be
Software project management is a relatively recent
contradictory to agile development, a widely accepted discipline that emerged during the second half of the 20th
practice in software developments. One of the reasons for century. The task of managing a software project can be
the success of agile developments that people are placed extremely complex and the reasons for such complexity
closer together, so that teams can be more effective. This may arise from personal, team and organizational
practice reduces the cost of moving information, resources [22]. Software project management involves
employees can talk, discuss and solve problems scheduling, planning, monitoring, and controlling
immediately [9]. In contrast, GSD places people around personnel, processes, and resources to achieve specific
the globe and, therefore, the agility goal is hardly objectives, whilst at the same time satisfying a variety of
achieved. Although, agile development cannot be set up constraints [23], such as limited resources. Erdogmus [24]
along the entire project the nodes of software suggested that software processes can be placed inside a

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A discussion on the role of people in global software development Misra, S.; Colomo-Palacios, R.; Pusatli, T.; Soto-Acosta, P.

triangular map according to their emphasis with regard to a) Lack of common understanding of goals and
three aspects: people, technology and rigor. The human requirements assigned.
dimension is key in software engineering and software b) Difficulties in communication (members are
development is an intense human capital activity, more geographically separated).
intense in intellectual capital [25]. Consequently, the c) Bottlenecks and problems in project execution
human and social aspect of software engineering has (Variety of processes, management mechanisms, and
turned into an important topic to investigate for both associated skills/competencies).
scholars and practitioners who strive to improve d) Ineffective management of knowledge sharing.
organizational efficiency [26]. Although the importance All these challenges are related mainly to people and
of human resources has been widely recognized as key for their influence on software development. Prikladnicki et
software engineering, there is wide acknowledgment that al. [6] through a case study identified seven aspects
suggests researchers should put a larger focus on humans related to GSD projects, where difficulties may arise:
factors involved in software engineering [27]. requirements engineering; software development process;
In global software development environments, software configuration; knowledge management;
literature reported some interactions with agile communication and language; culture; and context
methodologies and successful implementations. In such sharing and trust. According to the authors, requirements
methodologies, the individual competence is the main engineering is the main challenge for the software
success factor. In other words, agile methods put more development process point of view.
emphasis on the people factors [9]. Thus, agile More recently, Jiménez et al. [39] conducted a
development focuses on individuals’ talents and skills, systematic literature review and synthesized ten main
adapting the process to specific people and teams. Several challenges regarding GSD: communication; group
important and recent studies are devoted to analyze the awareness; software configuration management;
interactions among agile teams and people factors [28], knowledge management; coordination; collaboration;
[29] along with its evolution over time [30]. project and process management; process support; quality
However, agile methods are not alone in people and measurement; and risk management.
factors research. Other important topics in software Communication bears great importance in software
development research, related to the importance of people projects in general and in GSD in particular. However,
in software development/maintenance are: assigning when it comes to discuss communication, it should not be
people to specific roles [31], [32], productivity issues in confined and/or generalized as the exchange of
software engineering and IT projects [26], [33], [34], data/information or knowledge. Communication is
skills identification [25], relationship issues [35] and beyond the transmission of messages. Saray et al. [40]
emotions[36] citing the most important and recent studies. reported the communication challenges encountered in a
case study that led to the structuring of the business
3 model, the project management practices and the
Personnel Related Challenges in GSD Projects development of social relationships.
Cultural complexities play a crucial role in GSD
As mentioned in the introduction, GSD may cause a teams. Not in vain, disperse teams pertaining different
profound impact on the product generation from the countries and with different backgrounds are meant to
planning phase to its deployment. In this sense, ignoring work together. The operation of globally distributed
the management of such teams might bear risks. software development projects require a level of
Additionally, software development in a GSD context cooperation and coordination that cannot ignore the
may increase this complexity significantly with respect to impact cultural diversity plays and the barriers and
communication, coordination and control issues [37]. In misunderstandings it can and does create [41]. GSD poses
this work, authors suggested that a major challenge within a challenge to work practices in the form of
GSD teams is the lack of informal communication. In this miscommunication and misinterpretation of shared tasks.
same line, Herbsleb [38] asseverated that the key This conflicts and misunderstanding arise unless people
phenomenon in GSD teams is the coordination over learn how to interact in a harmonic way with persons
distance. from different cultures [16]. Given that, organizations
To address the critical success factors in GSD, quasi must develop workers intercultural skills in order to adapt
descriptive/explanatory models have been developed. For their workforce to this new scenario.
instance, Sangwan et al. [1] introduced a framework to Finally, temporal distance is another barrier to
coordinate requirement engineering, architecture design, collaboration and communication. GSD teams are placed
project planning and product development, itemizing in different time zones and the main problem with having
critical success factors such as ambiguity reduction, developers working in different time zones is that there
stability maximization, dependencies understanding, are fewer hours in the work day when multiple sites can
coordination and balance between flexibility and rigidity. participate in synchronous meeting [42].
However, even though these factors are important for all Table 1 summarizes the main challenges of GSD with
software projects whether GSD is adopted or not, respect to its human dimension in the literature.
mentioned factors gain more importance with distance
among teams. Table 1 GSD Challenges related to personnel
Other researchers (e.g [17]) suggest that the added
complexity of GSD over traditional software development Challenge Literature support
comes from:

Misra, S.; Colomo-Palacios, R.; Pusatli, T.; Soto-Acosta, P. A discussion on the role of people in global software development

misunderstandings, political barriers and currency

Challenge Literature support differences should be considered.
Taking into account the challenges identified and
Communication [6], [37], [39], [43], [44] previous observations observed by the authors who
were/are involved in different GSD projects in EU,
Knowledge Management [6], [37], [39], [45] Turkey and Argentina, the following solutions to these
Coordination [37–39], [43], [46] issues can be drawn:
1. To Improve Communication. The problem of
Collaboration [3], [39], [43], [47–49] communication arises due to differences in language.
Socio-Cultural distance [6], [50–54] This is a very common problem among the software
(Lack of group awareness) developers especially in those countries where
Lack of trust [2], [55–57] English is not an official and common language.
Possible solutions to this problem are:
a. Written communication means should be the
preferred way of communication in comparison
Observations, Discussions and Suggestions
with verbal communication. Authors personal
experience is that most of software developers
Taking into account the literature review, three main
(especially in non-English speaking countries
observations can be drawn:
e.g. Turkey, Spain) can better understand the
1. Challenges related to people are important in GSD as
problem if it is written. This mean gives the
stated above. However, in spite of its importance,
opportunity to think or read twice, a chance that
neither practitioners nor researchers have given
verbal communication does not provide. Given
enough attention to this phenomenon. Majority of
that differences in language proficiency among
the organization in software industry give more distributed team members create barriers to
emphasis on tools and technology and little on effective communication [42], [62] and that
people [58]. Fernandez and Misra [59] stated that it because of linguistic barriers software engineers
is strange that human and social factors, which are prefer asynchronous mode of communication
related to people, affecting development teams have such as emails [1], a more formal
been attracted little attention. communication would lead to a better common
2. Most of the companies involved in GSD hire understanding. For instance, Email was the
personnel at low costs for fast output/delivery of recommended means of communication between
projects/sub projects. Fast delivery at low cost, one of central and remote teams [63].
the main advantages of GSD, is however responsible b. There should be experts at each node of
for most of challenges related to people in this new development centers, who can understand both
working environment. Staff turnover in Asian languages, i.e. English and the local language.
countries and attrition in west Europe is Certainly, these people can be used to help with
comparatively higher [60]. These authors listed communication problems.
insufficient competence, wage and staff turnover are a. When selecting GSD members, a good command
among top ten risk of global software engineering. of English by software developers should be
3. People are the most important component in software preferable. It is important to note here that
development. However, especially in small and adopting this practice does not necessarily mean
medium-sized software companies that employ GSD, that if an non English speaker expert person
an employee-care culture is almost nonexistent and, needs to be included in the team, he/she will be
thus, temporary contracts, low personal development dismissed just because of the lack of English
perspectives, low salaries and so on are very speaking skills.
frequent… In such scenario, talented personnel will 2. Knowledge management, competence management
not stay long and the personnel continuity has been and performance appraisal. According to Ball and
suggested as a factor that increases quality and Harris [64] IT personnel evaluation is the second
effectiveness of software development. In fact staff most critical issue in IT management. GSD scenarios
turnover is a generic risk and occurs when global make this problem even worse. A possible solution to
software engineering (GSE) has no clear integration this problem could be to set up contracts with
with an organization’s strategy and carrier paths [60]. companies certified in both CMMI and People-
Ebert et al. [60] identified talent as a one of driver of CMM. In [12], authors investigated the applicability
success for GSE. However, talents may move other of different process areas from the People-CMM
places due to several factors such as level of job within the GSD context; this investigation leads to
satisfaction, retaining and encouragement policy of the conclusion that competence management and
employees, working conditions & workload [61]. The performance appraisals are feasible objectives when
result will be the high risk of failure of GSE [60]. dealing with People-CMM And GSD joint.
Table 1 provides a good starting point to setup a research 3. To improve coordination and collaboration. The
strategy to itemize factors to facilitate people related communication problem stated previously also has a
challenges. These factors are the preliminary challenges negative impact on coordination and collaboration
that should be tested empirically. In addition to them, [65]. Moreover, cultural differences may negatively
other factors such as cultural and language influence coordination and collaboration [66]. Taking

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A discussion on the role of people in global software development Misra, S.; Colomo-Palacios, R.; Pusatli, T.; Soto-Acosta, P.

this into account, solutions suggested for “third culture”. This will lead to higher trust
communication problems may be also applicable to and a better work package allocation [5].
reduce this problem. Apart from that those, other d. To promote continuity in software
possible solutions are: personnel. Collaborative software
a. Work division. That is, distributing the work development projects need more resource
among individuals instead of a group. Before continuity than outsourcing projects [72].
task allocation, it should be fully confirmed that One of the traditional assumptions in
the proper knowledge is available on the site and software industry is that software personnel
the person is capable to perform the task. continuity leads to smaller costs [73]. Given
Although this solution is more effective at small- that, authors suggest to adopt policies to
scale GSD projects, it could be also adopted in ensure higher continuity for software
larger projects. Atomizing the work provides practitioners also in GSD projects.
good traceability for the person-software artifact
couple, a key issue in software engineering. 5
Coordination is lower due to the distribution of Recommendations
loosely coupled work packages to different sites
and workers but, in the other hand task Based on the above discussion, experience and
architecture can be fixated in advance and that literature review, three main recommendations are drawn
uncertainty is limited [67]. in order to improve the quality of the product produced
b. Verbal communication should be standardized through a GSD environment.
and if it becomes a necessity, video conferencing 1. Invest on people
instead of phone calls should be used [68]. a. Select talented staff
Nonetheless, these discussions should be b. Provide good job conditions
documented and sent to the proper person(s) for c. Pay employees according to market salaries
avoiding any ambiguity, that, in any case arises d. Promote a rewarding strategy for personnel
when dealing with multicultural teams [41]. (recognition, reward…)
4. To reduce Socio-Cultural distance (Lack of group e. Promote a transparent financial status
awareness). Socio-cultural differences are a very f. Finance employee development programs
common problem in GSD. It may occur in different including mentoring, coaching…
sites of the same countries or different sites in other 2. Promote the mobility of software development team
countries. However, if all the workers are using members
English, the effect of socio-cultural difference is less a. Design a long term mobility program
important, however, team members with more b. Design a project-scope mobility program
proficient language skills may lack confident in their c. Promote the study of foreign languages and
remote counterparts’ understanding of cultures
communication [42]. Some tools devoted to build 3. Improve GSD processes
group awareness are presented in [39]. Authors e. Adopt software and process improvement
believe that, given that the lack of group awareness initiatives and models (CMMI).
leads to coordination breakdowns [69] and lack of f. Adopt people improvement initiatives and
trust, these two issues must be faced in a joint effort. models (People-CMM)
5. To increase trust. Trust is especially vital in GSD
teams due to the lack of face-to-face interactions. The 6
lack of trust between team members may affect their Conclusion
contribution and reduce the transfer of information
between members. Also, it may move individuals to One of the major drawbacks of global software
pursue personal goals rather than group goals, make development is that can produce low quality software.
them feel the need to double check work performed Many factors lead to this problem, i.e. communication,
by others and the quality and productivity of their knowledge management, coordination, collaboration,
work could decrease to lower levels. To avoid the group awareness trust… Many of these factors are related
negative consequences of this factor, authors suggest to people. This is not surprising since people perform
the following actions: software projects and are responsible of the overall
a. To design and implant a formal trust quality of software artifacts. Considering this, it is
building process (i.e. [2]). undeniable that GSD must be aware of people issues. As a
b. To organize workshops, joint trainings or consequence result, investing in people has become a
just invest in several face-to-face meetings major issue for GSD players, contractors and service
especially at the beginning of the project. suppliers.
This event can give the opportunity to This paper proposes some suggestions and
discuss relevant aspects of the project, teach recommendations in order to reduce the negative impact
necessary technologies and develop personal of people issues on GSD. However, future work will try
relationships [42], [70], [71]. to cover several other existing research gaps in the
c. To promote continuity in partnerships. Long literature. First, the impact of competence management
term partnerships encourage trust and programs on GSD environments and, more precisely, on
common knowledge and the building of the the overall quality of software products will be measured.

Misra, S.; Colomo-Palacios, R.; Pusatli, T.; Soto-Acosta, P. A discussion on the role of people in global software development

Second, specific personnel performance metrics for GSD software requirements analysis in multinational
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and team awareness will be assessed. Finally, the impact competency maturity model and its application in global
of personnel mobility on GSD projects will be evaluated. software outsourcing,” International Journal of Computer
Applications in Technology, vol. 40, no. 3, pp. 170–180,
9 Jan. 2011.
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