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Topic: Last holiday

A: Hello! Nice to meet you

B: Hi, nice to meet u too. It’s likely my first time talking to you and I’m very happy
about that . What’s your name?
A: I’m Hoa. What’s your name?
B:My name is Hoa
A:Oh! The topic that we will discuss today is about your last holiday so I will share
with you my last holiday and I will ask you some question about your last holiday.
Isn’t OK?
B: Oh yes. Where did you go on last holiday ?
A: 6 months ago, I took a vacation to Da Nang city. It’s was a holiday of a lifetime!
How about you?
B: Last summer, I went on a vacation to Vung Tau city, this place was a beautiful and
wonderful coastal city. How long have you been in Da Nang?
A: Actually my vacation was quite short, it only lasted 4 days because I had to go
back to school. And you?
B: Oh, I'm just like you, my vacation wasn't long and only lasted 3 days, then I had to
go to school because I have summer semester registration. Who did you go with?
A: When I finished my graduation exam last year, me and my friends planned this
trip. How about you?
B: I have been to Vung Tau city with my family, consists of my parents and brother.
A: Oh! So can you tell me what did you do on that holiday?
B: I did a lot of interesting things. During the day, I got around the islands by boat,
which was an amazing experience. Then I visited Binh Chau National Forest, Vung
Tau lighthouse and Long Hai beach. In addition, I also enjoyed a lot of delicious
seafood. How abou you?
A:Well… Let me remember… First we went scuba diving, boating, evening outing.
Then we went to visit famous tourists sites and enjoyed lots of local specialties. It’s
was really a new experience.
B: What's the weather like there?
A: Quite lucky because the weather was very nice: It’s cool, windy and dry. And you,
why did you choose Vung Tau for your last holiday?
B: I choose that place because there are a lot of beautiful scenery, nice weather,
hospitable people, especially the seafood here is delicious and cheap. How do you
feel about that trip ?
A: It’s was a memorable trip, I had a good time with my best friends at a beautiful
tourist destination. How about you?
B: I feel very happy, fantastic and I really enjoy this vacation. In my opinion, Vung
Tau is a worth-living city with friendly people.
A: Do you want to come back this place next year?
B: Yes, if I have a chance I will still go there .And you, do you want to come back Da
A: Of course, if there is a chance I will definitely go back there too.
B: Oh, thanks for your interesting sharing. I'm a bit busy right now, I have to go now.
see you again!
A:Ok See you soon.

Topic: Famous person you know

A: Hello! How are you today?
B: I’m good! Nice to meet you.
A: Nice too meet you too. I just bought 2 movie tickets. Do you want to go see it with
B: Okay. Who is the main actor of that movie?
A: The main actor is Tran Thanh who is known to everyone as a multi-talented artist
in MC, actor and comedian. Do you like any famous people?
B:Oh, I really like My Tam, she is a talented singer How did you know about Tran
A: After watching the movie Bo Gia I was very impressed with him. He is a very
talented actor. And you, how did you know about My Tam?
B: I knew My Tam after meeting her at a concert. I feel that she is a very friendly
person and she sings very well. Can you tell me what does he looks like?
A: He is quite tall, full body, has a charming smiles. Besides, he can also sing and
compose. The one who wrote his own music for this movie. How about singer My
B: Listening to you, he seems to be wonderful. As for the singer My Tam, she is a girl
with a tall body, she has a long brown hair, she has a very funny personalities and
always makes laughs for everyone around.
A: So do you know what she has achieved?
B: I know. She has received awards such as: the singer of the year award, the Green
Wave Award, the Top 10 Favorite Singers and Musicians of 2011,…. What kind of
awards has your favorite actor received?
A: After more than 10 years ,he.has received many awards, including some awards
such as: best actor award, most successful movie award,…. So many in his career
B: So if you met him, what would you do?
A: If I met him I was very happy, I would ask for some pictures to keep this moment.
How about you?
B: Really? So we are very similar. If I meet my idol, I will also be very happy.
A: It's almost movie time, let's go see a movie.
B: Ok let's go.

Topic: The weather in your town

A: Hello, nice to meet you!
B: Hi, nice to meet you too!
A:I've never met you before. So have you just moved here?
B: I just moved here for a few days to study
A: Oh welcome here. So where have you been before?
B: Previously I lived in Ninh Thuan. It's a very wonderful place and the people there
have a very friendly way of life.
A: So can you tell me the weather in there?
B: The weather in Ninh Thuan is dry, sunny, with little rain, the temperature
fluctuates between 27 - 35 degrees Celcius. However, there are years when there
will be a drought, when it rains in this season, there is often dangerous thunder and
lightning. Can you tell me what the weather is like in Nha Trang?
A: The weather in Nha Trang is divided into two seasons: the dry season and the
rainy season. In the dry season in NT usually lasts from January to August. It’s very
hot, the average temperature is from 28 to 35 degrees Celsius. In the rainy season
lasts from September to December, it’s rains a lot and there can be floods. What's
your favorite weather in Ninh Thuan?
B: I really like the dry season. Because in the dry season I will be able to go to the
beach, eat cool food, and in the dry season fun activities will be easier than in the
rainy season. How about you?
A: I like the weather in the rainy season. Because in the rainy season, the
temperature is low at about 23 to 27 degrees Celsius, the air is more pleasant and
cooler than in the dry season. However, one thing no one wants is that the rain
lasted for many days making effect the life of the people.
B: So does the weather there affect people's lives?
A: Yes of course. But in my opinion, they've adapted to it and made it a part of life.
B: I think so too. Although the weather in the dry season is hot, but people can
operate easily and can do many things. In the rainy season, the weather is gloomy,
and travel is difficult, so working is also very inconvenient.
A: In my opinion, your Ninh Thuan is great.
B: i think NT is great too. If I have a chance, I will go there once.
A: It's sounds interesting. Sorry but I have work to do now. See you later.
B: OK bye.

Topic: Past habit

A: Hello! Nice to meet you
B: Hi, nice to meet u too. It’s likely my first time talking to you and I’m very happy
about that . What’s your name?
A: I’m Hoa. What’s your name?
B:My name is Hoa
A:Oh! The topic that we will discuss today is about your past habit so I will share
with you my past habit and I will ask you some question about your past habit. Are
you OK?
B: OK.Can you tell me what your past habits ?
A: Of course. In the past, I used to sleep very late and often skip breakfast. It’s really
bad. How about you?
B: For me, previously, I didn't like to eat green vegetables even though it's good for
the body and I often play games. Are these habits affecting you?
A: Yes. it makes me tired and lose strength, can't concentrate on studying, it even
makes me have stomach ache because of skipping breakfast. How about you?
B: It affects my health and my studies. Playing a lot of games seriously affects my
studies, making my studies not good. How have you changed those habits?
A: I tried to do my homework early so I could go to bed early and I tried to get up
early to eat breakfast because skipping breakfast affects my health and weight. And
B: I started to eat green vegetables gradually, play sports and focus on studying
more to forget about playing games. How long did it take you to change that habit?
A: It took me a week to get used to doing my homework early, going to bed early and
trying to get up early. At first, I wasn't used to it, so I couldn't get up early. And you?
B: It took me more than 2 weeks to be able to give up the game to focus on studying.
How have those things changed you?
A: After practicing going to bed early and getting up early, I can now eat breakfast
on time, improve my health, feel more relaxed, more focused and full of energy for
the new day. How about you?
B: Since eating a lot of green vegetables, now my skin is better, quitting games also
helps me study better and have time to play sports.
A: Oh, thanks for your interesting sharing. I'm a bit busy right now, I have to go now.
see you again!
B:Ok See you soon.
1. What is your major? Why do you like it?
My major is automotive engineering. Currently, it's a very hot major. When I was a kid, I
really love cars, until now I still love cars, so I like to study automotive engineering
because this major will help me approach and learn more about the cars.
2) Part time job
No, I don’t have time to work part time. Because currently I’m a third year student so I
need a lot of time to study and do projects.
3) Low paid job & wel paid job
4) What can a robot do? What are the diffetences between a robot and a human?
In my opinion, a robot can do housework, such as cleaning the floor, cooking meals,
washing clothes, and especially it doesn't get tired and hungry. In my opinion, the
difference between a robot and human is emotions. Human know happiness, sadness and
anger, but robot do not
5) Can you live without your cell-phone?
Yes, I can live without cell-phone, but it would be boring and inconvenient. If without a
cell-phone, I cannot entertain, contacts, study and read news, ..
6) What do you often prepare before travelling?
Before traveling, I often prepare some things for my trip such as clothes, towels,
sunscreen, and some snacks. Especially have to prepare money, because without money,
it is impossible to travel.
7) What is your favorite destination?
My favorite destination is Hokkaido, this place is a very wonderful place with a lot of
beautiful scenery, the atmosphere here is very pleasant. In addition there is famous food
that is sushi, it's so delicious.

In my opinion, the benefits of traveling such as helps you relax, go to places that you like
and understand more about the world around

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